Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Ah, Broni - what bad luck with the cars and boat - hope the cars are easily fixed. How did the boat sink?
Didn't see my bro on the news but my sis-in-law was interviewed and her BIL (married to her sis) was too. So I did see some familiar faces.
I sent her a text and told her I'd witnessed her 15 seconds of fame!!
They're celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary today - yes, married on my birthday, I went into labour after the wedding but it stopped and started until A was born 2 days later.
16/Jan/11 11:45 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Oh bugger, I did it again!
Had a nice day today - a family BBQ at Karin's tonight. We had such a nice time. Lisa, A's new girlfriend was there and she can give as good as she gets so it was fun to relax and not have to worry about someone (like his ex) getting sensitive and sulky!
16/Jan/11 11:47 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning everyone. Just here for a quickie. Need to start grading papers soon. Thanks for all the advice on translating Hungarian. I am actually not sure what the alphabet looks like, I think it is similar to English. The "cousin" in Australia lives in Sidney. Her dad is still fluent in Hungarian and will translate if we can scan and send. Not sure if my cousin in Texas wants to do that. I am still not sure if they are related but it looks promising. We are trying to find any one key piece of information that would confirm, or deny, the relationship.
17/Jan/11 1:51 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm up after a good long sleep. I believe that we're leaving in an hour or so to load up the yearling calves, and to try to find that missing heifer. She HAS to be in that group! She isn't anywhere else. And I didn't imagine her!
17/Jan/11 3:58 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Good Morning to my friends.
May the floods subside in Victoria soon. Weather is crazy!
17/Jan/11 7:56 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Damp and cooler here this morning.

Cyn, I'm glad the new girlfriend is fitting in so well. That makes it easier on everyone!

Broni, I hope today is a good day for you.

Heidi, I hope you find the heifer - and that she hasn't escaped somewhere.

Theresa, 5 hours without fighting with each other? That's not just amazing, I think it falls into the category of miracle with sisters!
17/Jan/11 8:38 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm back. I found the missing heifer. It seems that she had lost her ear tag (*569) and I'd replaced it with another number (*597). Fortunately, I not only recognized her but knew that the tag I was looking at wasn't original issue.
17/Jan/11 9:04 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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All the yearling calves behaved themselves. They stepped calmly out of the trailers (we hired guys to haul them for us) and strolled down the aisle to their pen. There was a roll of hay waiting for them, and a tank of fresh water, and they quickly started eating and drinking. And they look GOOOOOD!
17/Jan/11 9:11 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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CynB.... Don't let Lisa get away. She's a keeper!
17/Jan/11 9:13 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. I am getting more convinced that I have found family in Sidney. We have connected a few more dots but are trying to connect a few more.
17/Jan/11 9:47 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That is SO wonderful, Tami. It sounds like they're nice people, too.
17/Jan/11 10:03 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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They do sound nice. I have 4 female cousins who are working with me trying to get stories straight. They are all older than me (13-23 years older) and grew up with the older generation. I was in Florida, they were all in NY. We are all excited, but being cautious. I will keep you all posted when we confirm, or deny, the connection. Anyone know a cheap place for a DNA test???
17/Jan/11 10:13 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Greetings, friends, I did read a few posts, but am too sleepy to reply. Al had been doing so much better, really my Al back, but CCR is creeping in again.grouchy, irritable when I had to ask him, he has a lot to do fore bedtime, things to get ready for tomorrow and the week.

He really needs more water, gotta drink, drink, drink.

beyound tired, later, hugs
17/Jan/11 11:21 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning all
MizT - I can understand you being so tired and Al being grouchy from his medication. Renewed hugs to you both.
Tami - it's so exciting tracing your family tree. Hope you do have Aussie relatives - maybe you'll hen have to come for a visit. My Mum did all our family tree for us as far back as she could in all directions.
Heidi - pleased you found the heifer and that the yearling calves behaved.
17/Jan/11 11:41 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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MizT... I spotted a note from IH that you called earlier. Was the note from today?
17/Jan/11 11:42 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Yes Broni - thinking of those in Victoria and other states with major flooding - this is one massive natural disaster.
My niece posted last night that she felt teary and depressed. I went through that on Friday morning when I kept bursting into tears. My sister said the same. I think we are all just realising the magnitude of what happened and the heartache of the victim's families and those displaced by the floods. Lots of work for us all to do - roll up our sleeves and get on with it!
17/Jan/11 11:45 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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I posted thank-yous on Easy but can't find where I've done it here.
So, thank you, my dear, dear SA friends for the wonderful birthday wishes yesterday. I enjoyed my day, got waited on, saw my family, got some nice pressies. All good! Thanks!
17/Jan/11 11:49 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Off to bed in a few. I'm still so hyped about getting the calves to the best sale barn around. The sale is actually tomorrow, but we avoided the long lines to drop off cattle by taking them today.
17/Jan/11 3:28 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, yes, call was from today. I wondered if he would tell you. Just wanted a chat, boring when just me and AL here. weekends free on my cell, so why not phone????

phone me about anytime, phone will be with me for next 6 weeks. I needed some way to attach phone to me when I have no pockets, It is a flip phone, so I close it over my shirt, a if it were a clip itself.

Cyn, belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

Heidi, I can understand your being hyped about the sale barn. You like to plan ahead, be prepared.

Anyone know of a program where people donated heirloom treasures to those who lost all of theirs? I have something that can return to Australia or maybe Tassie,they get flooded too?? Was it here I read about that ?

Past bedtime, but I feel good, I got most of what I need for the week. I was abl to pull together 7 more outfits, cause tem- has changed I am into my fall, not winter clothes.

Hugs to all, wish I could come clean a house

17/Jan/11 4:40 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening, Everyone! I'm hoping the day has been a good one for everyone and any illnesses and complaints have improved!

Hi, Heidi, Broni, Suzy, Gail, MizTricia and Theresa (page 510)!

Heidi, that is quite a mystery with the missing registered heifer! Hopefully it's only a missing or overlooked tag! I would hate to think she wasn't rounded up when she should have been - or even worse - rustled. With the economy as bad as it has been, I've read that all sorts of things are being stolen. One orange grower had all of the brass fittings on his irrigation system stolen. It's a weird world! Good luck finding the wayward girl!

Broni, it's so reassuring to hear about the wonderful attitude and willingness to help others that's being seen in Australia! I regretfully admit that it would most likely not be the same case here in the U.S. Good on ya!

It's wonderful that nearly all of Brisbane city will be reopened for business tomorrow! I guess that's today by now! It's also very reassuring that the insurance companies have now decided they will honor flood insurance claims! Kudos to Suncorp which shamed the others into doing the right thing!

Broni, it looks like you have had the string of 3 events with your car, interior handle of Poss' car and the sinking of his boat. As you said, it's possessions; all you need is money. I hope the repairs cost far less than you expect and are done quickly and expertly and you can concentrate your strength on the important things! Here's hoping all goes well with his surgery! (Aren't you glad the string of events didn't end at 2?) Crossing everything and thinking positive thoughts and prayers for both of you and the doctors involved! All will be well!{{{{{HUGS}}}}}

MIzT, it's wonderful to hear that you and Al are sleeping better and his temp is staying in the normal range! Sending positive thoughts and prayers and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to both of you - and especially to Joy! The turn of events must be very difficult for her to deal with. Thank goodness she has you as a sounding board! Here's hoping there will soon be some joy in her life!

MizT, I think it's pretty apparent that good and helpful people come into your life because you and Al so willingly help those around you when they can use a hand - without being asked or expecting accolades! It's kind of the same spirit we're seeing in Australia! May all good things come back to you seven-fold!

Theresa, good for your grandies for playing well together. I'm sure the time went much faster for you that way! And as a bargain, they cured your insomnia! That is fantastic! You'll feel so much better when you aren't exhausted! I hope you had a wonderful day today!

Theresa, another idea about iron. They told me raisins and peanut butter have relatively high iron content. Rather than buy the Total Raisin Bran, I just bought regular Total and sometimes added a handful of raisins. Other times, I had a handful of raisins mid-afternoon as a snack. Sardines are a
17/Jan/11 4:45 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Julie, sardines are a what???

Cause for celebration today, hubby and I actually did something! Finished off the pebble path out the front, and constructed a netting structure over our potted tomatoes...haha, get in there now birds!
17/Jan/11 5:15 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Darn, I thought it was shorter. Here's the rest:

Sardines are also high in iron, but I don't really like them, so only forced myself to eat them once every couple of weeks.

Well, that's it for page 510. On to page 511. Hi, CynB, Tami, Heidi, Broni, Suzy and MizTricia!

Cyn, Happy Anniversary to your SisIL's Sis and her husband! (Do I have that right?) It must have been an auspicious day with your birthday, a wedding and starting labor. Good thing A waited a couple of days so he didn't need to share a special day! Lisa, his new special friend sounds delightful! What wonderful news!

Tami, good luck getting the Hungarian translated - and crossing fingers that there is a happy connection! It certainly sounds promising! Hubby and I were also cautiously optimistic when we were doing our search - and carefully didn't divulge too much information initially, wanting to be certain that there was indeed a family connection. Good luck!

Broni, I hope you have a great day!

Heidi, I'm glad you had a good night's sleep and are feeling refreshed. Maybe that's all it took to realize that the "missing heifer's" ear tag had been replaced and you could recognize her! Mystery solved! Woohoo! All of the calves behaved well as they were loaded and unloaded!

MizT, does Al have a certain amount of water he must drink? If so, it may be helpful to pour that amount into a container and then pour from that container into his glass so he can keep track. Does he drink coffee or tea? That counts! Does he like any of the flavored waters or adding powdered mixes (like Crystal Light) to water? I have some lemon and orange flavored that I could send to you. They're individually measured to be added to a 16 ounce bottle, but would work equally well in a glass! Let me know! (Getting enough water may help dilute some of the CCR tendencies?) Keeping you both in my thoughts and hoping he can keep the CCR monster at bay! Good luck to both of you!

Heidi, what a fantastic plan to get your calves to the best sale barn a day early. I imagine it's less stressful for the calves, as well! I hope you get a terrific price for them!

I have a favor or 2 to ask. Nena, a friend since grade school who has had and beat brain cancer and bone cancer now has a few lesions in her lungs. She also had some problems with the rod in her femur. She had surgery last week to replace the rod and do a partial hip replacement. Surgery went well and she is now in rehab. Please include her in your prayers.

Jan, a friend and treasurer of our wood club, had a heart attack Friday night. Her hubby (past president and former award-winning newsletter editor) just let us (board members) know today. She had bypass surgery and is now sedated until sometime tomorrow, apparently. We'd appreciate your prayers for her as well!

I'm hoping for positive outcomes for all problems, illnesses, etc. for all of you! You are in my thoughts and prayers! and {{{{{HU
17/Jan/11 5:16 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Honey I'm Home !!
17/Jan/11 5:17 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Gail, sardines are also high in iron!

Sorry about the {{{{{HUGS}}}}} being cut off on my next post! Please take as much as you need, whether you were mentioned or not in the past few days - and even if you haven't shared your difficulties, problems or ills with us!

Gail, good for you and your hubby! Sounds like you have had a very productive day and your tomatoes will be safe! (Really? Are there birds that eat tomatoes? We never had that problem when we used to grow them here, but I HATED the bugs/larva that ate all of the leaves and stalks.)

As it's past midnight, I'm going to head off to bed! Enjoy the rest of your afternoon and evening! Sleep tight and sweet dreams to everyone!
17/Jan/11 5:24 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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WooHoo! Rolanda is home! Welcome back, Rolanda! And now, it's Good Night from here!
17/Jan/11 5:25 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi Rolanda, sloshy thing going yet!!!

Julie, I am adding Nena and Jan to my 'well wish' list. I hope they are feeling much better very soon xoxo

When my tiny cherry tree had fruited, it had about a dozen cherries which would have ripened just in time for very own cherries! But then I heard the kurrawongs outside and they sounded quite close, so I went out to investigate, and sure enough, they had found my pathetic crop of cherries...kurrawongs 12 Gail 0 :(((
So when I noticed the king parrots hanging around our back verandah, I happened to catch one happily munching on the largest of the still green roma tomatoes! Not this time birds!!!
17/Jan/11 5:56 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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17/Jan/11 5:57 PM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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Hello everyone.
17/Jan/11 6:10 PM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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The auto transmission went in the car last Thursday so have had no wheels since then.
Looking forward to getting it back maybe Wednesday.
17/Jan/11 6:11 PM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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Nice to read Al's temp is down again MizT.
17/Jan/11 6:11 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Yes sloshing machine going..
17/Jan/11 6:31 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Intermission here. Was up to go potty, saw AL get up for same, so wanted to take his temp. He resisted, but he complied. Barely kept CCR Man away.

Julie, we were thinking alike, hoping Heidi's heffer was not rustled. As food prices soar, there will be more of that. Glad it was not so this time.

Strange zlitch here. our ussie theme song came on, started playing by itself, after I signe on. Wonder what typo I did to turn it on.

Julie? 7 fold? I was thankful for the promise of 3hree fold!

Gail, if Rolndas sloshy thing is not going, we best call the DOC. Of course the sloshy thing goiing hehehe

Rolanda, What took you so long? None of this 3 week holiday excuse is gonnamake it. hehehe hope you enjoyed your trip!
17/Jan/11 9:19 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Do we know our friend Rolanda or what? did you rest up on trip? If so, do you have any energy to spare?

Hugs to all, see you after my second half of sleepy time!

17/Jan/11 9:22 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Thinking of Nena and Jan, Julie, and sending healing vibes from up north!

Gail, just checked on the internet to see what a currawong is -- looks like our crows or ravens, but the beak is a bit different.

Oops - morning everyone! It is currently -27C, but with the wind it feels like -30 (-22F). I stuck my head outside and then pulled it right back in. Brrrr. Not looking forward to waiting at the bus stop today.

We didn't get home from the outlaws until 9:00 last night. As I said before, how can I get so tired from just sitting around talking all day? Off to get a coffee and finish the reading here.
17/Jan/11 9:37 PM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hi everyone, hope you're all well and happy. :)
Not much happening here today, but did eat our first tiny red tomatoes - yum!
Did a lot of clean-up work in the garden on the week-end - we're both a wee bit tired now! But hopefully WHEN the repairmen finally come to fix the air-conditioner they'll be able to reach it without taking a machete and a packed lunch ...
That's about it from me, so hope you all have a good day/night. :)
17/Jan/11 9:55 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Good morning all. Not up as early as usual. I have a day off in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Harley was a good boy and woke me up with a little whine to take him out. It is nice that he is trained so quickly, no accidents, yet.
Keeping everyone in my thoughts and prayers for speedy recoveries.
Need to make coffee, will be back later.
17/Jan/11 11:14 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all,
Thoughts and wishes from this part of town for Nena and Jan, please pass them on...

Judy, my garden could use some work. feel like dropping down this way to give it a go?

Tami, our kitty door has rid us of a litter box, I'd go for a doggy door if it got me more sleep...

I think Rolanda has an illness! You need a break after a holiday, not work!!

MizT, good on Al for keeping the CCR man away, it has to be hard for him to go from independence to doing what is good for him. Hugs!

Hugs to everyone, whether you need them or not, but especially if you need them!
17/Jan/11 11:24 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Julie - very remiss of me, read it earlier and didn't post.
My cyber thoughts and best wishes also on their way to Nena and Jan.
17/Jan/11 11:36 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Julie, no certain amount other than " enough to keep away the symptoms" Amount changes daily. So does what he likes to drink, and he does not like to make decisions. I have had to learn a whole new way og offering him food. No more, do you want tea or cola, but would you like cola. It gets better between treatments. Thank you much, orange yes please. he tried lemon last night, and went YUCK. his taste changes daily. making it even MORE interesting.

OH JUDY, enjoy a couple tomatoes for me.

Suzy, you are right. We have given him some responsibility and control. HE puts the thermometer in and out his mouth (sounds small, but . . .) Joy got him to do it, " here, put this in your mouth, I assume you know where it is" hehehe. he does his own dressing changes, but has to show me. He even irrigates his own PEG tube, It does help since he started.

OH, his voice is back to normal, and he has not taken any pain meds for his throat in a LONG time. Pain meds for his stomach, another matter.

Pretty Boy is fickle. It seems now that he is not in danger of freezing, needing calories to survive, he comes to meow for the girls to come play.

18/Jan/11 12:04 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Tricia, it will be a long haul but at least he is being proactive, with you and Joy, encouraging him.
18/Jan/11 2:04 AM
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