Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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We are currently under a freezing rain warning. The weather report says: A low pressure system over the North Carolina coast is spreading an area of snow and freezing rain. So Heidi, unless you've moved to North Carolina, I can't blame you for this one!

Should be a treacherous time to pick up the grandies a little later. Hopefully it will still be mild enough that it won't be too slippery.
19/Jan/11 6:08 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Gekko everyone!
Theresa, do the youngungs wear long johns to school? I'm guessing it would be too hot in the classrooms if they did but the rest of the time - brrrr.

Broni, we're thinking of you and Poss.

MizT, I hope you are feeling better today and the CCR monster stays away. Gail as usual is very wise.

Wish I hadn't turned the page before I started posting...
19/Jan/11 7:50 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Home from the bus stop safe and sound. It's too mild out right now to be too slippery.

Suzy, the kids wear snowpants, which are like down filled splash pants. They are bundled up nice and warm.
19/Jan/11 7:56 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I can't even go back to read the posts now as I've just remembered I'm supposed to be volunteering at the uniform shop in half an hour - I can shower and dress in 15 minutes, I know I can!
19/Jan/11 8:03 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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RUN FOR IT, Suzy!!!!!!!
19/Jan/11 9:17 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Gekko everyone. I just had a strange dream during my nap. I was a kidnap victim, and was being held in a small underground chamber. Just as my rescuers could be heard calling my name in the distance, one of my collies (Angel) stuck her nose in my face and licked me awake.
19/Jan/11 9:26 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Heidi, maybe you were tossing and turning in your sleep during the dream, so Angel was worried about you.
19/Jan/11 10:29 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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maEn friends. some strange hapenings here today. No, did not gfall asleep in my food again, judt almost fell asleep driving home! Cold ir in face did not help, other silly things, till I tried singing out loud! Made it home , left everything in car, even frozen foods, fell in bed nd was asleep fore my feet left the floor. Deep dark asleep untill this noise. I could not climb out of the hole I was in. OH, it is cell phone, but text message. From Joy, reminder to water my plants!She got the rudest of rude messsages back, ladies nd smll children canot look , , , F U!

when AL found out what I did, he ws belly laughing.

I have now had a sip of omething stronger than cola, then a 2 hour nap.

More goings on, there was NO raiation once again. His chemo, which was to start at 9 am, started at 12. He did NOT have doc appointment as we were told. aaaaaaaaaaaaggggggggggh, at noon I came home, Joy ran errands, then brought her Dad home.

Time for din din, but one good thing, another doctor bill has disappeared, it shall be converted to 100% charity. How have we been so blessed to have these people make a doc bill vanish just cause we have asked.
19/Jan/11 12:00 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Pretty Boy came to visit ME again, begging for food. He was putting front paws into my lap, and talking to me. He has a large vocabulary, I love to hear him " talk". Yes, at times he will call to the girl kitties, and they will go to him to play, ie sit on the deck and look at each other. I think it is mating season again, and I know at least 2 of the 3 do not have any idea what that is all about. Pretty Boy is getting accustomed to me, but not yet enough for a check of his equipment hehehe
19/Jan/11 12:06 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I hope you're not getting Mono, MizT. It sounds suspicious. There is a blood test for it, if you feel like losing more.
19/Jan/11 2:17 PM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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Hi everyone.
Suzi, some info for you.
Prosperous and substantial wheatbelt service town.
Warracknabeal is a prosperous country town in the heart of Victoria's wheat-belt. In fact it is the largest receival centre in Victoria with an enormous storage area at the northern end of town which was originally part of a power alcohol distillery that operated in World War II. Recent diversification has led to the cultivation of peas, canola, lupins and beans and the establishment of emu, ostrich and deer farms.

Warracknabeal is situated on the Henty Highway, by the gum-lined banks of Yarriambiack Creek. It is 113 m above sea-level and 331 km north-west of Melbourne via Stawell which is 98 km to the south. The current population is about 2500. The town's name derives from an Aboriginal expression relating to the large redgums by the watercourse.

19/Jan/11 3:58 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings, Friends and World Neighbors!

Hi, Broni, Suzy, MizTricia, Theresa, Tami, June, Gail, Heidi,

Broni, your stress management story is great - and so appropriate for so many of us! Thank you! I also liked all of your tidbits of information! I don't know where all of you are finding these, but I certainly am enjoying them!

Broni, I'm also wondering how it took them 6 hours to discover that Possum had a chest infection and couldn't have his operation! If they didn't offer to feed him, I hope you asked them to! I can't imagine having to go home after waiting that long without food and water! Has he been rescheduled? If not, how long will he need to wait for rescheduling? All the best to both of you as you deal with this setback! {{{HUGS}}}

MizT, I hope you are feeling better! I sure wish I could send you the tools for a good night's sleep - for both you and Al. Your niece sounds very practical - always a big help when you're feeling overwhelmed! Gail's advice is also good - to let her know right away how pleased you are that she has come to help, but that you and Al need to feel free to let her know when her services are no longer needed and/or wanted - and with no hard feelings for anyone!

Tami, we are all eagerly waiting to find out if there is a true connection between you and the "Aussie cousin." Keeping fingers crossed and thinking positive thoughts for a good result!

June, I'm so glad to hear that you are beginning to feel better and that they sent you home from the hospital with antibiotics! Get as much sleep, rest and relaxation as you can and follow doctors orders! Be sure to set down some of what you are carrying so that you can pick it up again later when you are refreshed! {{{{HUGS}}}} to you and to your friend!

Gail, I think it counts if you went from one disorderly and randomly packed large box to 5 smaller, well-sorted and manageable boxes. It's helping you get more organized! Keep up the good work! (Did you go to the pictures or to the baby hammerhead exhibit at the aquarium?)

June, I agree with Gail and Heidi! Hospitals are for sick people. If your roommate is making things worse for you and you are well enough to go home and have someone who can help look after you, home is the place to be! I was fortunate after my knee replacements. My last week of rehab was the week of our Thanksgiving and people tend to NOT schedule surgeries and rehab then if possible. I didn't have a roommate and got much better sleep - and resting between therapy sessions - without a roommate's loud TV and visitors.

MizT, you seem to be totally exhausted and "running on fumes," as they say. I am so glad you were able to get home and to your bed! But not completely coherent when Joy texted you. It must be SO frustrating that the radiation still hasn't started, that there was NO doctor appointment as you had been told, that Al's chemo started 3 hours late. But it's all just "stuff" and not directed
19/Jan/11 4:08 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Here's part 2:

MizT, you seem to be totally exhausted and "running on fumes," as they say. I am so glad you were able to get home and to your bed! But not completely coherent when Joy texted you. It must be SO frustrating that the radiation still hasn't started, that there was NO doctor appointment as you had been told, that Al's chemo started 3 hours late. But it's all just "stuff" and not directed at you and Al. Remember to set down your stress so that you can pick it up again later and with renewed energy.

Thanks again, Broni, for the stress management story!

MizT, there are reasons why things happen that we often can't figure out but just accept. Who knows why Pretty Boy has suddenly come into your life? I bet he's as good a listener as he is a talker. Sometimes it helps to share things with an animal, just like venting here can ease some of our worries! In the meantime, we are all thankful that another doctor bill has disappeared! Wonderful news!

Hi, Viv! Thanks for the info about Warracknabeal. How are you! How is your car! We hope all is well with you!

I think I'm going to call it a night and try to get to bed by 11:30 pm. Sending lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts and prayers to all!

P.S. Thanks, Suzy, for asking Nola for follow-up! I've been wondering as well!
19/Jan/11 4:13 PM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Hi everyone or should I say Gekko. Sending all my positive thoughts to those in need.

It's raining again. This is our 2nd heavy shower today. Hopefully it will make it cooler and wash some of the swamp smell out of the air. I think I had my worst ever trip home from work yesterday. One and a quarter hours for a 35 minute trip. It took nearly half an hour to go the first 3kms and then I got caught up in the peak hour traffic.

MizT, please take care of yourself. You are no use to Al if you get sick. Take advantage of Joy while she's there to have as much rest as possible.

Broni, I'm sorry to hear that Poss' operation was delayed. Bugger! Double Bugger about the boat.
19/Jan/11 5:14 PM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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June, sorry I missed wishing you especially on a 0 birthday. I hope you are taking it easy as well. You always seem so busy and on the go.
19/Jan/11 5:17 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Gekko all,
I just lost a super long post, which I will try to reconstruct..

I'm back from working in the uniform shop for the day. It was great - no lines, but a constant stream of people so the day went quickly. We sold about $5000 worth of uniforms and I earned $160 toward uniform stuff for my girls.

MizT, your sleep bouts are a little worrying, strike that, a LOT worrying. I hope it's just over tiredness and a good sleep cures you.

Gail, that definitely counts! From small, organised boxes comes use of the items - and that's what counts.

June, I'm glad to hear you are feeling a little better! I know what you mean about noisy hospital rooms. I shared the stroke unit with a snorer and a man who lost some of his health points (can't remember what they were actually called) in the middle of the night and caused a mild, very noisy, panic.

Viv, thank you! It's also further away from Mum that that other weird place name I mentioned yesterday...

Broni, how is Poss today?

June, how is our friend?

19/Jan/11 5:21 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I came home to some terrible news today - Alie has decided that her friend won't like the composition of her jaguar painting so she has decided to give it to me!

Vicki, that would be so frustrating.. glad you are home now.
19/Jan/11 5:25 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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What elbow grease and a can-do attitude can do!

I've just posted a photo of Alie's latest painting.
19/Jan/11 5:58 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Julie, we went to the pictures to see Tron...that's 1 1/2 hours of my life I will never get back...
19/Jan/11 6:05 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I want to go see "Green Lantern". I have a weakness for cheesy superhero/ comic book movies. Few are any good, but all are entertaining. Especially if you're like me and grew up with a comic book fixation.
19/Jan/11 6:10 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Wow, Gekko to you all.
About to have din dins, back later.
19/Jan/11 8:42 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Gail, who in their right mind would go to see Tron?

We asked the girls if they wanted to see Gullivers Travels - they asked what it was about! I'm a failure as a parent! Though they did say 'oh the one with Jack Black in it' so I've passed that part of the parenting test.
19/Jan/11 8:57 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Julie, yes, it is most frustrating about radiation not started, but we try to remember, it is for a reason unknown to us. The machine they are working on is state of the art, probably the best in the nation. The doc is brilliant, so is the oncologist, snd many of the nursing personel. A very high energy place.

Pretty Boy was just on the back deck. He heard me in the kitchen. It is nice to have him come around since the job as outside boy cat has been vacant, Do not see Phantom now.

This afternoon, AL came home from treatment. NOT CCR monster, or CCR man, or AL the cancer patient, but AL, my AL who was laughing and joking an playing music for Joy and me, telling stories, being ON!
19/Jan/11 8:59 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Seem I have missed our new secrete greeting. Gekko. can someone fill me in??

Suzy, condolences and envy about your terrible news. Loved it from the first. You are a lucky Mom. Suzy, it is "what AUSSIES can do", Love all the stories coming out,

id anyone see Michael Douglas on the golden globes awards? he ws looking GOOD and is Cancer free. People say of course he is cancer free, liik at the money he has to buy the best. The treatment AL is getting is best in USA, so he says he ill be cancer free also!

Back to bed, hugs to all.

19/Jan/11 9:15 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all - NOT a good night's sleep for me. My largest cat (Snowball) jumped on my head around 1:30 AM - I have a large scratch (about 3 inches long) to the right of my right eye, and a smaller one below. Then at 2:30 the powers that be decided to clear snow from the parking lot across from our house. They just finished now.

It is definitely time for coffee and reading!!!
19/Jan/11 9:24 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Nice for you to have 'your Al' back Mizt. But I do hope they get the treatment regime underway on a regular basis. And could you get the sleeping problem fixed as I do not like the thought of you driving and going to sleep. So pleased you both have someone to care for you.
Suzy, you asked about my friend. She had last Chemo last Tuesday and tablet on Monday. A PET scan in another month and then we will have a better idea. She overdid things for my party when I was in hospital and was in a lot of pain on the night. She gets very tired and the chemo attacks any scar tissue and also her veins so her legs are swollen and sore. That will start to improve now she no longer takes the drugs. She is actually starting to be able to drive the car more now.(because of the pain in her legs)
Thanks for asking. I know you all think of her.
19/Jan/11 9:40 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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MizT, sounds like you are going through a bout of exhaustion. I think we all wish we could take some of your burden from you, but distance is definitely a factor. Hugs to you, my friend.

Suzy, that is TERRIBLE news about the jaguar painting. I like the panda, but he looks so sad!

I too was wondering about Gekko, must have missed something.

MizT, I saw a picture of Michael Douglas on the news one night and he does look good. Gives you a good feeling, doesn't it? Positive thoughts are what is needed on this page.

Coffee is ready Tami - I know you like it black, so help yourself.
19/Jan/11 9:53 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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June, fingers crossed for your friend. Both of you take care, please.
19/Jan/11 9:54 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Thanks Theresa, I need it.
I was up late last night talking to Aussie "cousin" via skype. We spoke for almost an hour. Still trying to find the one piece of info that will truly confirm that this is not a bunch of coincidences. If this is true I will learn a lot of my family. Her father has been doing research for years. I now have the name of my great,great,great,great grandfather. (if family is connected) I never thought I would be able to find out information like this. I am going to scan some of my old family photos and send to them. I even have pictures of tombstones that are written in Hebrew. They are going to translate those also.
19/Jan/11 10:13 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I know I have been a little caught up in my family tree and I apologize for not acknowledge everyone. Please know that I read and I am keeping everyone in my thoughts and prayers. I am just finding it hard to believe that I may have family that we did not know about. People we thought perished, survived and that is amazing. I found out a lot of Jewish people fled to Australia after WWII as it was as far from Europe that they could get.
19/Jan/11 10:57 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Theresa, sorry for your not good night. Did you wash that cut/scratch really good with soap and water? did you put some antiseptic cream? Cat scratches can carry some nasty germs. wishing you a speedy recovery.

JUNE, thanks for the hgood wishes. I too hope they get this treatment under way, but for this machine we can wait. IF the cancer was getting larger we might seek a sub, but since it is shrinking if not already shrunk, this waiting seems the thing to do.

OH, think I know why hubby is so ON today. He gets corticosteroid shot before chemo. That makes anyone feel better instantly.

Yes Ma'am, June, will work harder on the sleeping problem. last night was better. With this and my body, about best I can hope for. If doc slammed me with sleep meds, tranquilizers, well, it would send me in a tail spin, crash and burn. I just cannot do 3 hours and more in his waiting room at the moment. would probably do more harm than good.

Teresa, I like mine with half and half, sweet and low. thanks, my pot takes too long to work. Gekko, must be an Aussie thing. I gonna tell mom if they do not let us know.

TAMI, hope that one piece that links families comes to you soon. Must be so exciting.

19/Jan/11 11:07 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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MizT, I washed the cut and put Polysporin on it. I was thinking if I actually get called for a job interview, won't I look cute?

I only have Splenda, will that do MizT?
19/Jan/11 11:16 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Soon off to get the girls ready for school. The oldest grandie was in such a foul mood yesterday ... wouldn't eat, wouldn't get dressed, wouldn't brush her hair, wouldn't brush her teeth, wouldn't put her snowpants on - the list of "wouldn'ts" went on and on. At one point she was watching a 15 minute cartoon that they are allowed to watch before school, and I shut the TV off. I told her if she listened and did everything she was supposed to do, the TV would go back on ... it never went back on! Sometimes I have to be a mean grandma!
19/Jan/11 11:18 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Tami, as far away as they could go without starting back?

I have 2 good news storied. As AL and I came into the cancer clinic, a lady and man were aproching at an angle, They intersected up just outside the door, and she spoke. "are you getting treatment today?" I told her my husband was, and she said she would be starting today. She kept asking questions, said, I brought a sandwish, did not know what else to do. I told her about the patient kitchen with snack crackers, Boost, coffee, colas, and often a patient brings a desert to share. Told her she would have a nice recliner, there was a TV they could watch, she could bring a book or anything she liked, music with earpieces, She said she needed to start a baby blanket, and woujld you blieve, we used same pattern to crochet ours, she finishing hers in a faster way. She lives just south of me.

I did not get her number cause they called me to the business office. We must now find $20 a month for this state of the art treatment. But here schedule should coincide with AL's, and he can passs a note to her. Her name is Babs, please add her in your prayers.

Other feel good story, I now have my wedding rings back on hand. If you remember, they came off in April, when the surgeon forced them off after I was under anesthesia. They almost fit on my ring finger, but do nicely on my pinkey. SOOOO nice to have them again.

Hugs to all, I have things to do todday, unfortunately. Please forgive if my osts are so one sided, I do read about each of you and try to comment some. Hugs and loves, with extras.
19/Jan/11 11:25 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Splenda will do in a pinch hehehe,

earlier this week, I invited myself over to coffee with Mrs Neighbor, remember her? she is grandmother of young man who helps me here. Asked if now would be a good time to drop in for coffee, I would even bring my own. she says, Now I have coffee, Decaff??? Bring your own then , I need some REAL TIME friends, set about making them. Hope it works.
19/Jan/11 11:29 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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MizT, will put Babs in my thoughts as well. Congrats on the wedding rings. I haven't worn mine in many years -- the arthritis in the knuckles makes it hard to get the rings on. Maybe some day when I am making money I will buy a nice sturdy gold chain to put them on. I miss them too.
19/Jan/11 11:31 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Babs is added to the list! Great news about your rings, I feel quite nekkid without mine!

Theresa, even those those girls are having a very confused time in their lives, you be as strict as you need to be, they can't get around thinking they can be as naughty and ornery as they like!

June, mya your friend's future be positively rosy ♥
19/Jan/11 11:39 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Theresa, I never took mine off, that is why my finger had grown around them!can still see tier imprint in my finger.
19/Jan/11 11:39 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Spare a thought for an old Sudoku firend who has not visited regularly for some time...Mickey from Melbourne is going to be induced tomorrow with her 6th child! Best wishes Mickey.
19/Jan/11 11:40 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Is NOBODY going to tell MizT???? GEKKO is Fat Fingered Spelling for HELLO. I think Gail is to blame for it, if I remember right.
20/Jan/11 3:41 AM
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