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from Alabama, USA
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With that I will go back and see if I can get to sleep this time.
Suzy, enjoy your last day of prac. teaching.
19/Jun/09 2:16 AM
Mamacita 2
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Hi Everybody...
Rena, that sounds like you did indeed learn a few things during your tour, but never worry...I won't tell....
MizT sounds as if you are continuing the birthday celebrating...way to go...Have fun.
Bean....Wishing you a successful potty search....and having it done before Vici arrives....It would be such a shame to have one of the partying Halloween guest have an
Safe traveling Stella and Heidi.
CynB...Glad you were able to vent and release all of that stress...well at least some of it here....not good to keep it bottled up inside....and we have enough hot air to clear all of the bad vibes away...
I have been having a blast playing Bloxorz...wish I knew how to put it on my page so all of you who wanted to play could enjoy it easily...Its very is most of the stuff here....I couldn't get past stage five...but I'll keep trying. Another cool, rainy day here and this is a fun way to stay dry and happy. I took a spill on my scooter yesterday, and I feel it today...this helps me forget the aches lol.
See you all when I see you...Be good or be careful!!!
19/Jun/09 2:28 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm back .... sans Lady!
As I was getting ready to go out the door, a NASTY storm arrived. I quickly tossed some tranks in Dennis, and shoved him into my strongest crate. I had to drive thru' 70 MPH winds and thunderboomers. There are power lines down around the county, and this neighborhood, but we were spared this time.
19/Jun/09 3:11 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Lady was ecstatic to see her owner. And vice versa. Lady had her own way of saying goodbye.... she bit me in the face as I loaded her into her owners car. Fortunately, the owner didn't notice.
19/Jun/09 3:13 AM
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Morning all!
Cyn, what a terrible day! Glad it is over now.
Mamacita, I hope your aches and pains aren't too bad. I'm so glad people were helpful.
Heidi, did she break the skin?
June, thank you! I will be teaching the 2 classes I have been with most regularly so it should be good. I am just searching the internet to find something interesting for a physics class to do in a computer room. No luck so far! Lots of good info, nothing interesting.
19/Jun/09 5:39 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Nah.... she just left red marks.
19/Jun/09 5:45 AM
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A feel good yesterday - my senior support students want me to come back, and they want me to do bus duty today so they can talk to me while they wait for the bus. Everyone in the staff room is talking about today being my last day - but I'm not sure if they are celebrating me leaving... Today soup, cheesecake and bread rolls are being supplied for the farewell lunch. I'd be flattered except they do this kind of thing all the time...
19/Jun/09 5:46 AM
Magnolia, KY
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That means they liked you.
19/Jun/09 5:51 AM
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Good Heidi, at least she didn't leave you with stitches as a farewell present...
19/Jun/09 5:51 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Suzy... from experience, I can tell you that they don't stitch dog bites... no matter how serious. I once had my left hand shredded by a neighbors German Shepherd. I had punctures going completely through, and tears between the fingers 2 inches long. I had to unwrap it twice a day and soak it in a warm betadine solution... for a month. It was kept splinted to hold everything together the rest of the time. I also had to go to PT daily. But NO stitches.
19/Jun/09 5:59 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Heidi, sounds like you have had your share of injuries. I have had a few bad ones, luckily the worst injury I don't remember.
CynB, you can always vent here. We are willing to listen and offer a shoulder. Hope the day is getting better.
19/Jun/09 7:53 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Did my gory story scare everyone away?
19/Jun/09 8:53 AM
Perth W Aust
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Morning everyone
Just passing, not staying long, a wild storm is heading towards Perth should be here presently.
Countdown: 7 days.
19/Jun/09 10:02 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Are you packed yet, Rolanda?
19/Jun/09 10:05 AM
Perth W Aust
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Bean: our toilet and cistern Peter put in our new Ensuite over a year ago.:
19/Jun/09 10:07 AM
Perth W Aust
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No Heidi, am not packed..
did start yesterday.... did not get very far..
As I was saying to Gail yesterday afternoon on the MSN.. wish someone would do it for me..
19/Jun/09 10:08 AM
Perth W Aust
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Rena. I remember Amber thoroughly enjoying the touch pool at the Aquarium last November.
19/Jun/09 10:09 AM
Perth W Aust
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Suzy: YEA !!! Last day !!!
19/Jun/09 10:10 AM
Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends, Home from shopping and lunch, and I enjoyed the lunch as much as I had anticipated. OH it was hot today, I saw one thermometer, hopefully broken, that said 116 F. It was hot, but not that hot! We got caught in rush hour traffic and took almost 2 hours of stop and go driving to get home, that was not fun. Al has decided maybe next time we should leave earlier. Anyone want to wager on his actually doing that?
I found cards and pressies in my mailbox when I got home, such fun. thank you TAMI and BOBBIE for the cards, they arrived on the correct day!
19/Jun/09 10:37 AM
Alabama, USA
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SUZY, hope the last day goes well for you. Now what is next for you after this? Will you be hunting a full time dob, or do what we call substitute teaching for teachers who are ill or need time off?
ROLANDA, I am a good packer, just come on over and bring all your stuff, we can get it packed in no time hehe.
HEIDI, Lady was not acting like a Lady today. I do hope she does not now bite visitors to thier home. Some people would not be as stoic about a dog bite as you are.
OH Please do not soeak of cheese cake, not after that key lime pip today, was too rich and Hubby did not eat his fair share of it. I had to eat the larger part, no way I was letting that go to waste, know what I mean? Al had ordered too much food for lunch, and once it was delivered, he said, OH I forgot how large thier servings are. He managed to eat it all though. My "small" BBQ sandwich was HUGE and full of e=meat, I could have easily made 2 or 3 sandwiches from it!
19/Jun/09 10:43 AM
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Hi everyone! Interesting chit-chat over the last few days (of course!)
Re the grandparents' names - I had Nanna and Pa, on my Dad's side, (and we didn't like either of them very much) and Grandpa and Millie on Mum's (Millie was Mum's stepmother - they lived in Sydney, so we only saw them occasionally). Rob's parents were Granny and Grandpa (sometimes Grandpa J.) and mine were Grandpa/Grandpa Y. and - well, my Mum announced that she wished to be known as Grandma-dearest! She was called Grandma. My Mum doesn't like small children particularly, she finds older kids more "interesting". Strangely enough my kids always liked Granny a lot better!
Personally, I think I'd much rather be "Granny" when the time comes.
19/Jun/09 10:43 AM
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Hi MizT! Glad you enjoyed your birthday lunch! I can't imagine 116 F!
Hang on, I just found a conversion scale - ok, on our horrendous bushfire day the Melbourne temperatures hit 45.4C or 115.52F. These were absolutely record temperatures for our neck of the woods, so I really hope that thermometer was wrong!
Talking of serving sizes, we were stunned by the size of the meals we got in Canada and Alaska - here if you order a sandwich you get ... a sandwich! There they asked, every time, if we wanted soup or fries with it, and these were BIG sandwiches! Well, at least we got our money's worth! ;)
19/Jun/09 11:01 AM
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Heidi, sounds like you are well rid of "Lady". Doesn't sound like she was one! I'm so glad she didn't do you too much damage.
19/Jun/09 11:03 AM
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Well, Rob has taken a day off today, so we can pack things up and empty the garage for the "hard rubbish collection". This time we have way more than usual - it seems half the kids have left half their junk in our garage! Including two mattresses that one person can't shift alone. So we'll be working hard today! Catch you all later! :)
19/Jun/09 11:07 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I don't really blame Lady too much. She was obviously a one person dog. She wanted to be back with her owner, she wasn't happy, and for some reason she blamed me. When she saw her owner today, she was elated. She wiggled all over and started kissing her. Then I got hold of her and started picking her up to put her in her owners car. Lady must have thought that I was going to take her away from her owner again. Sh she let me know that it wasn't going to happen.
19/Jun/09 11:10 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Sh = So
19/Jun/09 11:10 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Have fun, Judy.
19/Jun/09 11:14 AM
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Thanks Heidi! Glad Lady has gone back to a loving home, anyway.
But I don't think "fun" will enter into it! (emptying the garage, I mean)
Have a greart day everyone!
19/Jun/09 11:18 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I heard later that Lady's owner is ecstatic to have her back. That was a match made in heaven.
19/Jun/09 11:22 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Tricia, glad you had a good birthday.
Heidi, I know you are happy with Lady out of the house.
Rolanda, I can't believe it is only 7 days until you leave. Hope we get a chance to chat on MSN before you go.
Forgot what else I wanted to say, so I will just say goodnight.
19/Jun/09 11:31 AM
Alabama, USA
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Judy, I checked with weather service, today's high was 95, much more reasonable than that 116 I saw! But at the moment, I had been sitting with shoulder in the sun for over an hour, through the auto glass, and it felt mighty hot to me. I cannot imagine that hot a temp either. I do think the hottest I have ever experienced was 109, when hubby and i were visiting in Texas during a heat wave. Here one year, we had 10 days with highs over 105, now that was the hottest I ever been. Hubby was working construction, and I had to go out mid day to take more ice, Ice water, and cold Gatorade. They could not take enough with them or keep it cold enough, even in igloo coolers.
19/Jun/09 12:01 PM
Magnolia, KY
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MizT... If it was humid out, it would have felt much hotter. The thermometer that you saw may have been situated near some metal or concrete. That tends to throw them off.
19/Jun/09 12:03 PM
Alabama, USA
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Yes, Heidi, it was very humid and did feel much hotter than it was. Plus, the AC in the car is not the best, needs recharging, but Al has not got around to it yet. I think it is on his list now, he got hot today.
I am off to bed, perhaps a bit earlier than usual, but I am tired. Catch you all tomorrow.
19/Jun/09 12:51 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Glad you have had a good day Tricia...sleep well.
Rola thanks for posting that link.
I really like your toilet and that was one of the ones on the list for if we decide to dig through the concrete.
Friends have one and it is very comfy...LOL
19/Jun/09 1:15 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Where IS everyone today???
19/Jun/09 3:05 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Good afternoon lovely people.
Rolanda - can't believe your trip to China has come up this fast.
Heidi - I had thought that was why Lady had a go at you, she thought you weren't going to relinquish her. Glad she's back with her family.
MizT - 116 deg - wouldn't like to cope with that - hope it was wrong. 95 sounds comfy by comparison.
19/Jun/09 3:09 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Judy - had to laugh at the grandparent who chose Grandma-dearest!
When my first grandchild was born, my ex-hubby's 2nd wife decided she wanted to be called Grandmama-dearest, a ridiculous name none of our grandchildren could get their head around and never used it. When they arrived at the eldest's 5th birthday party (6 yrs ago) and he noticed them arriving, he yelled out loudly - 'Oh here's Grandad and L**** (her real name). She was not impressed and neither of them has spoken to my kids or grandies ever again - there were other factors on the horizon but this must have been the straw that broke the camel's back to her. Never mind she was the step-mother from h#ll. And if ex-hubby doesn't want his kids and grandies - his loss - they have Colin!!
19/Jun/09 3:19 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Better day today - managed to get to see Mum, had a good visit and got home safely. When I got to the home I was followed in by a woman and her 4yo son who were visiting her father. The Diversional Therapist had the patients/clients playing ball games. Most were staring into space and completely uninterested until the little boy got in their midst. Once he started engaging with them they came to life, smiling, trying to kick or hit the ball back to him. He came around and shook hands with everyone. It was lovely seeing them get so much joy out of one little boy.
19/Jun/09 3:24 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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I think your grandies are on a winner with Colin, Cyn.
19/Jun/09 3:32 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Sorry, another nursing home story - when we sat Mum down for lunch today, a male patient named Norm sat with us. There's always something about this man that reminds me of my late father. During the converstaion with Mum, I told her I had to go soon to put some money into the bank. Norm came to life, looked at me and, as if he were channeling my father said - 'Money! Get some for me, will you?' My Dad would have said the same thing!
19/Jun/09 3:33 PM
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