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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 8
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from Alabama, USA
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Mamacita 2
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Well since you did that Heidi....let me see if I can get my second ....Can I?
26/Jun/09 3:16 PM
Mamacita 2
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Seems rather fitting that I get my second Topp on the day that we have lost two wonderful celebrities..Farrah and Michael.
Farrah left a legacy of strength and courage in the face of death by showing others how to be a public figure fighting a rare cancer with dignity...Michael was a brilliant performer,composer and all around entertainer who put his stamp on some mighty good music, and dance moves that have been copied world wide. Unfortunately,not being allowed to have a real childhood, he was never able to grow or find himself, thereby becoming a laughing stock to many and a rich man-child open to far too many people willing to take advantage of him....May they both find peace as there final reward.
26/Jun/09 3:41 PM
Mamacita 2
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The hour is late but I cannot allow the wrong 'there' instead of 'their' remain in my last comment, without correction. Nor can I not correct my poor manners. I have failed to use the life lessons learned at my mother's side...'Speak when you enter a room' good people...good morning, afternoon or evening in your time zone.
May all who share these pages be well, safe and thankful for all that life gives them. Joy and challenge should be welcomed and used as the life lessons that they are.
Now I'm getting off of the pulpit and getting back to earth..Peace and good night!
26/Jun/09 3:54 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Bless you Mama, I think you are the sweetest soul I 'know'.
26/Jun/09 4:27 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Mama you grace that pulpit with style and panache... it suits you well. I'll be happy to find you there and hear what you have to say any old day
26/Jun/09 4:29 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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hiya chookums...fancy meeting you here...
Here's one for girl power...fixed the leaks no more...
26/Jun/09 4:35 PM
Qld, Australia
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Sooooo what did you do Bean???? enquiring minds want to know?
26/Jun/09 6:42 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Hello lovely SA people - finally able to catch up on reading posts now that my little scared guest has left.
Emily has a very real fear of death and when news reached us this morning of the passing of Michael and Farrah, although she has no idea who either of them were, she got really scared and wanted to go home to Mummy there and then. I kept her with me all day as planned and didn't disturb her Mum from her 'free' day but at times it was difficult. If I couldn't keep her busy she went back to worrying. I don't know why she is like this as the only death close to her was my Dad which was over 3 years ago when she was 4 and probably wouldn't remember.
26/Jun/09 7:35 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Mama - I couldn't have said it better about Michael and Farrah.
I am concerned for Michael's children now, during an extended news bulletin tonight there was no real mention of them. They have lived such a surreal life. I guess only time will tell. I feel like we have 3 Tiger-Lily's here and they may have to suffer being fought over or separated.
Happy too that it was a only a rumour about Jeff Goldblum.
26/Jun/09 7:41 PM
Qld, Australia
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Hope their Mum might come back now Cyn.
26/Jun/09 7:52 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Yes Broni but only 2 of them have the same Mum, the third's Mum has never been identified. They should not be separated.
26/Jun/09 7:55 PM
Qld, Australia
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Agree Cyn, have not followed all the media hype over the years but as Mama said.....I enjoyed his music contribution and really hope they all find some peace now.
26/Jun/09 8:04 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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I rang up the manufacturers and spoke to a very nice WOMEN who explained things to me in PLAIN English [not the condescending tone men use when they are talking about 'mens business' to a female] She went through the possible causes of the problem and explained what the taps and controls where for and MOST IMPORTANTLY how to turn the water off to the system...I should have known that that was what a 'Non Return Isolating Valve' was for!!! She stayed on line while I went outside to recheck the heater and talked me thru a few attempts at relighting the pilot and low and behold [I had adjusted a few of the dials]. Low and behold when I checked after turning the water back on at the mains it no longer leaked....
26/Jun/09 8:04 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I just hope they can have "normal" lives now. Poor things.
I was woken up by the dogs.... a thunderstorm AGAIN!
I'm REALLY tired of them. Of course, my truck window is wide open. I refuse to go out in a lightning storm, so I'm gonna have a wet seat to sit in.
26/Jun/09 8:08 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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hello arrived while I was writing my reply to Broni ...
It probably seemed a bit out of wack after your discussion
26/Jun/09 8:09 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Bean.... ain't it nice to talk to a sensible woman? Congrats!
26/Jun/09 8:10 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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One never knows what a childs concept on death is. I was that age when my grandfather died. I missed him terribly and can actually still visualise him very clearly... more so than a lot of other departed family and friends.
26/Jun/09 8:14 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Is Rolanda leaving in just under 4 hours?
I can't believe she'll be gone for 3 weeks.
YOU will have a LOT of stories to tell, Rolanda!!!!!
26/Jun/09 8:19 PM
Qld, Australia
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Yep Heidi, pretty sure it is just after midnight, but not sure if it is Sudoku time or Perth time.
26/Jun/09 8:37 PM
Qld, Australia
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Women/Woman and I should ask with my spellin'
26/Jun/09 8:38 PM
Magnolia, KY
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The storm has passed, so I'm going back to bed in a minute or two.
26/Jun/09 8:39 PM
Qld, Australia
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Just checked, it is Perth time she will be leaving Sudoku time 2:05am I hope.
26/Jun/09 8:40 PM
Qld, Australia
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Big towel for your truck Heidi, how are the dogs with the T storms now?
26/Jun/09 8:41 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Heidi it is wonderful to speak and do business with another women. I remember when I was getting quotes for my first kitchen one place would NOT discuss things with me unless I brought my husband in. I was VERY UNIMPRESSED because I was the higher wage earner and it was for a house I bought before we got married!!
26/Jun/09 8:44 PM
Qld, Australia
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Yeah Bean, I know what you mean and I really HATE being called DEAR by men.
26/Jun/09 8:47 PM
Qld, Australia
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BTW well done on the HWS, when it is explained to you a 'Non Return Isolating Valve' is simply the release of the steam/water valve and may seize up. Gotta go dinner is ready.
26/Jun/09 8:51 PM
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Evening all!
Finally home for the night...
Bean, so glad your hot water service is fine. That understanding woman saved you a lot of chasing around!
Broni, did your wonderful boarder cook you dinner?
Heidi, hope you got back to sleep.
26/Jun/09 9:30 PM
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Cyn, I went through that with Ally. The fear of death thing I mean. I actually think it had more to do with not being able to see my mother and hubby's mother (who died before Ebob was born) than the death of hubby's father when she was 3. She suffered dreadfully with it, but it eventually just faded away. Lots of reassurance, though it didn't seem to help at the time, was all we could do.
26/Jun/09 9:33 PM
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Actually, thinking about it, that's not quite true. We had photos of my mother around, we told her how much older hubby's mother was than my mother (um, let me think, when she died in 1991 she was 7 years older than my mother is now), and lots of other little things like that. Whatever seemed to work was repeated.
26/Jun/09 9:56 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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ah Broni...I didn't explain it very well at all...LOL
The 'Non Return Isolating Valve' was the water inlet to the system.
The 'release of the steam/water valve' is actually called the PTR valve...can't imagine what that stands for...that is the one Gail had a fiddle with a prompted an even bigger gush of water... obviously she didn't see me do it or she wouldn't ahve done it...gave us quite a shock to have even MORE scalding hot water gushing everywhere...
26/Jun/09 10:35 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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dobber Bean!
26/Jun/09 10:55 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Cyn, hearing you talk about your grandie's death fear reminded me that one of mine went through it too. I know this sounds awful, but I can't even remember which one it was, other than to know it was one of the girls.
*Having just spoken to my hubby, I, uh hum, now remember clearly, uh hum, it was our only son who had said fear!*
He came to us one morning and was mortified because the concept of death had suddenly dawned on him. He was terrified firstly that both of us would die and that he would also. I have no idea where it came from, but apparently we talked to him openly about it and he must have been alright about it, because it doesn't seem to have scarred ME too much.
26/Jun/09 11:10 PM
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Hi all, well Rolanda is probably at the airport or close to it. Hope she gets some sleep on the plane.
Glad you got the hot water sorted Bean. Nice to have someone to take the time to explain, especially being able to contact a woman.
Wonderful words Mamacita, as always.
Hi Broni, hope you are feeling better.
Heidi, hope you had a nice rest today and the back is starting to feel better.
26/Jun/09 11:12 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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hehe...we BOTH did it...we fiddled with everything that we could have to stop the water except the right knob... I mean to say...who would have expected the 'Non Return Isolating Valve' to shut off the water...didn't look like a 'tap'...LOL
26/Jun/09 11:16 PM
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Cyn, Death is certainly hard to explain to the littlies. Laura wants to know if an animal or person has died and why did they die. I was saying it was because they got old. Then one day I told her I was too old to do something and she got upset because if I was old I was going to die. I try not to say anything about sickness.
26/Jun/09 11:17 PM
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Laura did find a dead bird in the back yard one day. When I told her it was dead she told me to put a battery in it!
26/Jun/09 11:25 PM
Saratoga, NY/USA
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Good morning all! Just about comatose this morning! A rough night! The phone rang at 11:45am. I had just fallen asleep and I thought, oh no, Brendan is stuck at work or something happened to Meghan since she was supposed to contact us 7 hours early when she got to Hungary, but my attempts to contact her failed. I picked up the phone and I could hear hysterical is Bryana, DOWNSTAIRS in her room. I could hardly understand her, but apparently an animal had gotten into her room and she was reading on her bed(which is on the floor) with a little reading light and saw a movement and then a little furry animal tried to hop onto her bed. Her scream scared it under her desk. She was afraid to get out of her bed. I woke Jerry and went down to see. I turned the room light on and the animal was heading right for me, I screamed and it ran back under the desk. For the next 1 1/2 hours, Jerry tried to find it with no luck. It ran so fast, I couldn't even tell what it was. Bryana put on boots and ski pants in case it ran into her! We closed up her room and I block the outside of the door with boxes so that if it did make it under the door, it would be caught in the box. I thought they were tight up against the door. Bryana went to sleep on the couch and it took me an hour to fall back to sleep. At 3:30am I find Bryana standing next to my bed. She's terrified again and whispering that she thinks it's trying to get out. After 10 minutes of reassuring her that the way is blocked with boxes, she leaves and immediately screams. She sees it next to the couch and her scream sends it scurrying up the outside of the fireplace. Jerry gets up again and we stay in the room with the door closed. For 1/2 hour or so we could hear banging and running. Jerry comes back and says that it was a chipmunk and he opened the front door and eventually chased it out.(not sure if that is true, but that's the story he's sticking to.) Bryana is too upset to go back down stairs, so she gets in my side of the bed. No sleep for me or Jerry and I'm stiff as a board not being able to move off my various bad parts. Bryana is still asleep!
27/Jun/09 12:32 AM
Saratoga, NY/USA
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So sad about Farrah and Michael. If you ever get a chance to see Farrah's documentary on her experience, I would recommend it. I gained new respect and admiration for her after I saw it. I wasn't going to watch it but I was very glad I did!
27/Jun/09 12:36 AM
Stevenage UK
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Sorry to say this Stella but thanks for the laugh. Your tale of furry critter really was so funny, I know it wouldn't have been at the time for Bryana.
27/Jun/09 12:49 AM
Stevenage UK
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June your comment about Laura asking you to put batteries into the dead bird made me remember when I had to tell my two kids (4 & 7 at the time) that their father had died. Andrew (youngest) asked me when he would come back to life. I think he watched too many cartoons where the characters seemed to die and then come back to life.
27/Jun/09 12:52 AM
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