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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 8
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from Alabama, USA
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With that I might as weel turn the page.
01/Aug/09 4:12 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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And why not, June. Congrats on another TOPP.
Even in my weakened state, I must go out to a business function tonight - get this - a Polynesian Evening. Who ever heard of choosing a Polynesian theme in mid-winter. The restaurant overlooks the bay - in summer it would be beautiful, tonight it will be freezing with the wind in from the sea.
I have been sick, it's cold at night, I am going nowhere dressed in a sarong and sandals. I am wearing warm dark clothes but somewhere I do have a lei from a discount shop - that's my Polynesian contribution - don't think I'll win best costume, do you?
01/Aug/09 4:51 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Cyn, just tell everybody you just came back from Hawaii and got sick on the airplane home. The airline lost your luggage and the only thing that survived was the lei you are wearing. Tell them you bought a beautiful outfit to wear but it was in the luggage. Hope that helps.
01/Aug/09 9:52 PM
Dizzy Lizzy
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Hello sudokuists
just a G'day message from a blast from the past..
Hope you are all well !!!!!!!
01/Aug/09 10:19 PM
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Hi Liz, great to see you here. Hope everything is going well with you.
Cyn, just try to enjoy the evening and make sure you keep warm!
01/Aug/09 10:44 PM
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Evening all!
June, not the sudoku egg! Ebob batted really well today. Her coach said 'Dana, you exploded, where you been girl?!', the other teams coach told her she had outbatted her whole team. Here's the thing - she did bat extremely well today, but not really better than some of the others. She is just a 16 year old girl playing with grown men so when she does well they all think it is wonderful.
01/Aug/09 11:13 PM
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Hi Liz! Love blasts from the past!
Cyn, hope you made it through the dinner okay.
Now everything has blown out of my head and I can't remember the other things I wanted to comment on. Sigh. My connection is too iffy tonight to risk going back a page, but rest assured I laughed, sighed and felt sad as I read the posts and thought many thoughts of all you wonderful people.
01/Aug/09 11:18 PM
Stevenage UK
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Haven't had time to read anything today. Richard suprised me by booking a night away in a Bournemouth to celebrate our 10th wedding anniversay.
Weather terrible but hotel lovely
02/Aug/09 12:56 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Have a great time, Brenda.
I need to go out and sort out some young sheep for sale.
02/Aug/09 2:04 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi there everyone.
Brenda..Happy 10th anniversary,enjoy your dinner out.How thoughtful of Richard.
Cyn...I agree that it is much too cold for a sarong,good idea about the lei.
Hi Liz,bye Liz,I have missed you by a mile.
Has Broni already left for a week on the boat?
02/Aug/09 3:33 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Welcome back Lizzy, good to see you again. Hope you drop back in again. Did most of my errands this morning. Still have a few more to do later.
02/Aug/09 5:30 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Where have you been, Dizzy Lizzy??????
02/Aug/09 5:31 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Farron has gotten my tractor fixed!
02/Aug/09 5:35 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Heidi, what was wrong with your tractor??
02/Aug/09 5:41 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Good news Heidi,hope you don't have any more trouble with it.
02/Aug/09 6:11 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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I might pop back later after some more knitting.
02/Aug/09 6:17 AM
Alabama, USA
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Popping in reading just this page, I think I have skipped one or 2. Greetings to everyone and to LIZZIE, so glad you came for a visit. Do drop in again and soon.
busy Thursday and Friday here. Doc on Thursday, always takes a big hunk out of the day. Did I tell you, he is going to do an MRI of the back to see cause of the backaches. Might have, vague recollection of Suzy making a comment. Also scheduled end of the month to thave this little thingy on my back removed, cause something feels like it is sticking me! Otherwise doc was pleased with my progress and really pleased that I am doing so well after having my blood sugar meds reduced!
Today I did the
Trying to take advantage of the one day no rain forecast. It has rained for a week, enough each day to keep the grass too wet to mow.
I bought peaches to freeze, and for AL to eat. I was not even tempted to eat them, this eating plan haas cured me of all my cravings for carbs, totally. Not one little slip up in 18 days! I have lost inches , and found a new wardrobe in my own closet hehehe.
HEIDI, yes, what was wrong with tractor? Hope the sheep cooperate with the sorting.
Tami, glad your errands are run, and school starts back when? Camp is out when? do you even get a week off between?
Brenda, hope the overnight is/was wonderful. You have a keeper of a hubby.
CYN, a sensible thing to do, your health is more important than the dress up party. A sarong and sandals would not look so spiff over your long woolies!
REminds me of something I did once. I had made a long skirt from this thin, reflective fabric that reminded me in look of a mylar balloon. it was that shiny and metallic. Lovely colors in it, had a beaded top to go with. Put the skirt on, and it was a bit airish feeling, but decided it wold be ok. Come the night of the dance, it was FREEZING out and rainy with sleep blowing about. I found my insulated underwear, removed the cuff, tucked the rest into my opeque knee high black stockings and off we went, Heck, comfort before fashion, I say and noone but hubby knew !
02/Aug/09 6:39 AM
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Morning all!
Brenda, what a lovely romantic thing for Richard to do. When is your anniversary?
Nola, how are the jumpers going? There is still some winter left!
Tami, you don't really get a vacation do you. How do you store up energy to face the year ahead?
02/Aug/09 7:02 AM
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MizTricia, will they do the MRI on Thursday or is that about other things? What wonderful news about your new eating plan! I'm all amazed at you not being able to eat peaches though - I would assume fruit would be a great snack, even with the carbs. And inches lost - ALREADY! That's some eating plan!!!
02/Aug/09 7:05 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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This is the last week of camp. Usually I go back right after camp ends but I have a week off between camp and school. I go back on August 17 and the kids come back on August 24. I will go in on the 10th to move my stuff into one classroom. Right now it is stored in two different rooms. Hubby will come with me on the 11th, if there is time, so I can start setting up. That is going to be a busy week. Mitchell gets his braces off on the 11th and Dylan gets his on. I go to the dentist on the 13th for my checkup and cleaning. Friday the 14th we are going out with my SIL and niece. She is starting college in a few weeks. It will just be the 5 of us, hubby has to work.
02/Aug/09 8:33 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Suzy, I have always been a little on the hyper side. I don't seem to have a problem getting energy. My problem is not finding the energy, it is just remaining focused long enough to get things done. I get sidetracked very easily.
02/Aug/09 8:34 AM
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Hmm Tami, I have that problem every time I start to do house krow! You do have a busy week ahead of you...
02/Aug/09 8:58 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Suzy, I have a busy three weeks. Gotta go fling food. Try to come back later.
02/Aug/09 9:07 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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I think I scared all my friends away. I promise, I showered today. If you smell anything, it is not me, it is the beastie boys.
02/Aug/09 11:22 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Hope everyone is having a good day/night. I will be back tomorrow.
02/Aug/09 11:23 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Good morning lovely SA people.
Hello Lizzy - where you been? We missed you.
Brenda - Happy 10th Anniversary to you and Richard - how romantic - a night away.
Heidi's got her tractor working again - WooHoo!
Still no Suzanne - hope she's feeling calmer.
Hi to MizT, Tami, Nola, Suzy, June etc.
I survived the Polynesian night and my illness excuse was accepted for lack of costume. We actually had a nice night and won a free photographic sitting and 1 free 8 x 10 portrait - great, we'll have a professional family portrait done - just what I've always wanted!
02/Aug/09 11:37 AM
Magnolia, KY
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OK... here's the lowdown on the tractor. It begs more questions than it answers, but it does explain why I call this place Surreal Farm..... There were dried chunks of black paint wedged in the fuel lines!!!! I have no idea how it got there.
It was preventing fuel from getting to the engine.
02/Aug/09 11:46 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I just had to make a very tough decision. I'm still having major problems with the Coy-dog killing my sheep. I just lost my good ram and one of my favorite ewes. I've decided to sell all the sheep to keep them from being killed by the
Coy-dog. They are all leaving in the morning. This breaks my heart, but the predators are even too cunning for the trapper.
02/Aug/09 11:50 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Oh, that's sad, Heidi, to have to get rid of your sheep, we love hearing about your new-born lambs - however we don't like hearing about them being killed by the Coy-dog.
Black paint in the fuel line - Bad workmanship at manufacture? Sabotage? (You don't have major rivals, do you?)
02/Aug/09 11:58 AM
Alabama, USA
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SUZY, doc was last Thursday, routine 3 month check up, he keeps a close check on me. While I was there we talked about my back pain and he said that was long enough, and with it getting worse instead of better, time to see if we could see anything in there. I do not yet know when the MRI will be, hospital where it will be done has not phoned with appointment time.
Paint chips in the fuel lines, yep, that will do it! Glad they got it running for you again. I am so sorry to hear you have to sell your sheep. I can understand though. Is that a particularity bad cross breed, dog and coyote? I think I read that once, did you tell us that? They keep all the hunter instincts of the coyote but no fear of man like the dog? Means they will come closer to where people live and do their hunting? Do they kill for sport like a dog gone feral will, instead of only for food and eat what they kill? I do remember hearing about a pack of dogs, pets, that roamed and were into killing calves around the county a few years ago. It was harder to catch them than it ever was coyotes.
02/Aug/09 12:52 PM
Alabama, USA
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BEAN, would you believe me when I tell you I am eating chocolate that does not affect the blood sugar? this sounds unusual, but it works and tastes pretty good too. about a half cup of low fat cottage cheese in a bowl, add 100% cacao cocoa powder, here Hershey's Special Dark Cocoa. Add some vanilla, and some Splenda ( artificial sweetener that tastes like sugar, do you have that?) I have for desert now on my eating plan.
OH Suzy, not only no peaches, but for first 8 weeks NO FRUIT OF ANY KIND! this first 8 weeks very restricted and very scheduled when you must eat. but it is not hard to stay on it once past the first 3 days and my doc is very happy with what it is doing for me health wise and i am proud of what it is doing to make Tricia shrink! Well, feeling good is a plus also.
02/Aug/09 1:16 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Wow! This is amazing stuff!! For hubby's birthday last month, I gave him (at his request) the software to transfer videos to DVD's. He has just transferred a video of a house-boat holiday we had on the Noosa River with our best friends in 1991. We had the absolute best holiday ever and it was so great to watch it again after all these years in video limbo.
Now to transfer the videos of the births and early birthdays of our older 4 grandies. Youngest one not videoed - don't know why. Also the kid's 21st parties, their engagement parties and their weddings - plus other family occasions - I think I have Mum & Dad's 50th anniversary and Dad's 80th.
We already have (done by Hubby's BIL) 4 x DVD's of Hubby's childhood originally taken on Super8 film.
02/Aug/09 2:14 PM
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Hello, Everyone! Gosh, I made it here before 11:30 p.m. These crazy days need to end! Thinking good thoughts for everyone!
02/Aug/09 2:21 PM
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Hi, CynB! That software sounds great! How nice to be able to share wonderful memories!
02/Aug/09 2:29 PM
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June, continued good luck with bowls - and your salads you take to share & dinner. (Darn CRAFTs - was it your sister or SIL?)
CynB, I'm glad the Polynesian dinner went well - and no repercussions about dressing appropriately for the weather, rather than the theme!
Oh, Heidi! I'm so sorry you had to eliminate your sheep flock. They were a special breed, too, weren't they? Does your hubby also have sheep?
02/Aug/09 2:33 PM
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I'm so glad Dizzy Lizzy was able to pop in - but wish it could be more often.
Tami, you don't get much of a break between camp & school, but at least there is a break! I hope it won't be too much work to consolidate your materials into 1 classroom. I'm glad you were able to get so many errands done today!
Suzy, congrats to Ebob from us on a well-played game.
Brenda, your hubby sounds like a keeper! Enjoy your night away!
Heidi, I'm glad your mechanic was able to repair the tractor! How could black paint get in the fuel line?
Nola, I hope the knitting is going well! So sorry the pattern was lost, but I'm sure they will be lovely, snuggley and warm when done!
MizT, good on you for losing weight & inches! Are you using a published diet - or one you figured out for yourself? I hope they can find whatever is bothering your back - and hope it is something truly minor!
02/Aug/09 2:45 PM
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Time for a new avatar - a peacock to hopefully cheer up Heidi! Do you have any finch eggs waiting to be hatched?
02/Aug/09 2:48 PM
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Heidi, have you already fed the dogs? I'm going to read some more comments, maybe do the jigsaws, then check back here before I call it a night.
02/Aug/09 2:56 PM
Magnolia, KY
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have just finished
, so I'm heading off to
02/Aug/09 3:36 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Well, maybe a BOPP, and a.......
02/Aug/09 3:36 PM
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