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from Alabama, USA
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And now, my bed beckons.
11/Aug/09 1:18 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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No guarantees about not hurting tomorrow Julie, we moved some more mulch today and finished the area we were working on. Each shovel load felt heavier!
Wonderful to be able to stand back and see the results.
I will get hubby out there this arvo, after I get back from picking up Hannah.
11/Aug/09 2:51 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Heidi, so sorry to hear you are feeling like manure. At least you have something to look forward to when Debby visits. She is yet another person I would love to meet.
Broni, welcome home. Hope you read Julie's rundown straight after your post!
11/Aug/09 2:53 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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The steady drizzle and rain has given me a good excuse to rest again today...
Gail have you been working in the rain or hasn't it reached the hills?
Good to have you back Broni... sorry the time went so quickly... it always does!
Bye for now.
11/Aug/09 4:11 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Only a minor sprinkling while we were working, and a heavier fall after I got home from the pickup. Those clouds looked mighty ominous though!
11/Aug/09 4:19 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Yes, I'm up at nearly 3 am. I had to wait for the thunderstorms to pass to feed the dogs.
Gail.... Debby is definitely worth meeting. She's one of the sweetest, kindest people I've ever met. And she has a brain. I wish I could have spent another week in Florida just to talk with her.
back to bed now. My clothes are soaking wet with sweat from the fever.
11/Aug/09 4:56 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Glad to see that Broni and Heidi have checked in.
Heidi - happy to hear you're going to see Debby again. Is she actually going to visit Surreal Farm or are you just meeting elsewhere? I'd love to visit S Farm. And, once again, look after yourself.
Gail/Bean - is the rain enough to be hopeful of a break in the drought? Or just minor showers?
I'm off to fling Sausages and mash - hubby says it's ages since I made that (it must only be 3-4 weeks but it's his fave - I'd just prefer to give him something higher in nutrition).
Cheers all - have a nice day/night.
11/Aug/09 5:43 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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No Cyn, sadly this is not the rain that will break the drought. This is the first 'real' rain we have had in ages. Just looking at the total dam capacity for Victoria- 27.4%.
11/Aug/09 6:32 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Gail, I think the dam capacity for Brisbane came down to 21% before our drought broke - it started to get scary especially since the Govt had no infrastructure in place for such an occasion. They have now. They've put in pipelines where they can take the water from the Redlands and Gold Coast where we always get more rainfall.
11/Aug/09 7:00 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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It stopped raining not long after I posted!
11/Aug/09 8:07 PM
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Quick post. Our game got washed out so will have to finish it at another date. We did need the rain though.
Seems to be a few sick people about so please all get well quick.
11/Aug/09 11:09 PM
Stevenage UK
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Sorry to hear that you game was washed Out June, but as the water is needed then I'm sure re-arranging it will be no problem.
Heidi hope you are feeling better soon.
Broni, pleased you had a good break, it must have been good as it flew past so quickly.
Crafts have struck me now so hope everyone else are fit and well
12/Aug/09 12:04 AM
Alabama, USA
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Checking in to say HERE I IS. I did read, do not remember much though. CRAFTs, not the content to blame.
Today I must take Al up to Birmingham to catch a train. Even though he did repaor this vehicle, we thought leaving it in an unattended parking deck for a week, in an area that is not the best after dark, night not be a good thing. His brother offered to be back up in case I do not feel like gong to get him when he returns. that was the clincher. I only have to drive one way each trip I think I can do that easy enough.
Grocery shopping yesterday, hubby " got lost" as I headed on to the grocery section of super wal mart. I figured he took a right turn into electronics. A bit later he came up behind me and handed me a bottle of ketchup. Is this the kind you have been looking for? A no sugar ketchup, one I can have on my food plan, and best of all HE REMEMBERED!
Back did soo good during our shopping until on the way to check out, one step and it was suddenly all bad. I had to leave Al to check out while I found somewhere to sit. It is only mildly complaining now, and I think I willhave a lie down fore hubby has to come in and finish getting ready.
Hope to catch you all tnight,
Heidi, get well, That fever sounds nasty, think you might have flu instead of a cold?
Broni, good to have you back, sorry the holiday was too short.
Bean enjoy your rain induced rest.
Gail, your garden will look marvelous, hope the sore muscles are better.
June, sorry your bowls got rained out.
VICI, test over yet?
Cyn, hope your hubby was appreciative of his sausages last night.
12/Aug/09 12:05 AM
Vibrant Vici
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Good Maen good friends!
All's well that "ends" well - and so it went.
Don't have to go back (unless I have trouble) for 10 years - so happy to report that as I could barely get that prep down.
MizT - so glad your back held up fairly well and that Al was into his end of the shopping!
Cyn - loved your pooter smilie.
Broni - welcome home (even though you don't want to be)...good to have you back.
Heidi - how cool that Debby get's to visit your farm - what a wonderful opportunity.
Well, just realized I need to be out the door in 30 minutes - better run since I'm still in my jammies!
12/Aug/09 2:31 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Hi, just stopping in for a minute.
Heidi, I do hope you are feeling better real soon. I also enjoyed meeting Debby and might see when she is down here. She will be about 2 hours away from me.
Tricia, glad your back held up for most of the shopping trip.
Broni, welcome back, glad you had a good trip.
My room is starting to take shape. I am actually cleaning out the closet. I threw a bunch of stuff away today, and found stuff I forgot about.
12/Aug/09 8:37 AM
Qld, Australia
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Good Morning SA8.
Heidi, hope you are feeling better soon.
Gail, you had me worried that you had hurt yourself, have a few ouchies myself. Out on the boat every muscle is constantly in use, even sleeping the body is still moving.
MizT, seems you have not been well either, sounds like you are feeling better.
Vici, glad the tests were clear.
Brenda, think I read that there is a slight improvement with your friend, you are a great friend.
Julie, thanks for the summary but have already forgotten most of it.
Zusy, how is the job hunting going?
Lots of futts to do today and have to help my friend this afternoon whose boat ran aground on the way back on Monday, was a very slow trip back making sure he made it.
Hi to Bean, Cyn, June, Rolanda, Stella, Suzanne,Tami and any others I have missed.
12/Aug/09 8:51 AM
Canuk Greg
Ottawa, Canada
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Heidi, in case you haven't checked, you are featured in the picture on Easy Sudoku today. Cheers!
12/Aug/09 9:02 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Broni, it sounds like you are also a good friend, making sure your friend got back safely also. I am glad you had a good trip.
12/Aug/09 9:04 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Greg, welcome. Glad you stopped by for a visit.
12/Aug/09 9:04 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Despite appearances, that's not me in that picture.
12/Aug/09 9:44 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Now back to bed. My fever hasn't broken yet. And I can't stop coughing. And my head is completely stuffed despite cold meds.
12/Aug/09 9:47 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Heidi, get thee to a doctor. Or at least call your doctor. It sounds like it is not a cold but could be the flu.
12/Aug/09 10:16 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Hi everyone. Not so sore today and no work in the garden. It is nearly 11am and it is still foggy and very cold outside.
Hubby needs to pop his head into work today just to make sure they remember who is boss, then we are going out for a 'gail' (it's been a while!)
12/Aug/09 10:51 AM
Perth W Aust
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Morning everyone..
Gail.. What days does your Hubby work ??
12/Aug/09 10:53 AM
Perth W Aust
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Raining here.. thankfully not so cold.
About to go off to do some Grocery Shopping ~ wish they the tribe would stop eating !!!
Mum didnt come yesterday, with Hubby having a nasty cold,I didnt think she needed to be around him and catch it.
12/Aug/09 10:55 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Morning Gail and Rolanda, Hope you both have a great day.
I am going to say good night now. Hope everyone has a great day/night where ever you are.
12/Aug/09 10:55 AM
Perth W Aust
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Tootle Pip
Later Aligater
12/Aug/09 10:56 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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About two days of every month Rolanda!
He goes in once or twice a week to show his face, but he is usually home within an hour or two.
12/Aug/09 11:15 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Good morning lovely SA people - I might have joined Facebook but I this is my comfort zone!
Heidi - I agree with Tami. It might be time to go to the doctor.
Vici - so glad the tests were clear.
MizT - sorry your back gave out while you were shopping, pleased it's improved now.
Broni - you had good weather for your week in the bay.
Hello also to Rolanda, Tami, Gail, Brenda and June and a special hello to Greg. Heidi - I thought it was you too in the Wonder Woman pic.
12/Aug/09 11:22 AM
Melbourne Vic AU
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I'd better say hello quickly...don't know how long I will have a connection for. ON off ON off off OFF
It is really driving us demented at the moment... it is enough to almost make me want to sell up and move!!! We have been unable to find the cause of the problem. Seems to be something different everytime. I HOPE TO BE BACK.
12/Aug/09 12:15 PM
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Hello, All! It has been a long & crazy day after very little sleep. I'm about to head to bed - no time for reading or even glancing. I have another early get-up tomorrow. Stay well or get well, and have a great day/night!
12/Aug/09 1:15 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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You are one busy lady, Julie!
12/Aug/09 1:37 PM
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Good maEn everyone!
Heidi: Feel better!! Colds are miserable, but my dad says that they take 7-10 days no matter what you do. Lots of sleep & the "Jewish Penecillin" aka Chicken Soup. I also recommend hot tea with lemon & honey.
12/Aug/09 1:44 PM
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Weather update: In the 90's today, supposed to last thru Saturday, then weather that was like earlier this week (70's & 80's)...Looking forward to the cooler weather. Gotta get outside & trim back my roses before it gets too cold...(before October--we usually have SNOW by the last week in October)
12/Aug/09 1:48 PM
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Going nite nite after America's Got Talent. Tigger (my 15 year old, 18 pound cat) decided to snuggle at 4:15 this MORNING!!! TTFN!! Will check in tomorrow. Have a good night/day/evening everyone.
12/Aug/09 1:50 PM
Perth W Aust
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mmm Gail !!!
12/Aug/09 2:49 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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What is the world coming too?? html
12/Aug/09 6:32 PM
Stevenage UK
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Bean I've had a look at your link but the article has been removed from the site
12/Aug/09 7:28 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Yep, I couldn't find it either, Brenda.
I posted this link on Easy (and got reprimanded by Rayray for referring to it as a heffalump when it is a pachyderm) - I'll post it again here for anyone who hasn't looked at Easy.,,25912931-952,00.html
12/Aug/09 7:44 PM
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Hi all, I got asked to umpire the men's bowls today so have not caught up on what you have all been doing.
12/Aug/09 9:35 PM
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