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from Alabama, USA
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Good Maen everyone! I feel MUCH better from my migraine yesterday. Going out with Darrell today.
TTT: Happy birthday!! Love ya lots!!!
Heidi & Gail: I sent you both pm's yesterday. Hope all is well with everyone.
Woke up today ad it is 33 degrees out!! Too early to be this cold!! Yikes!! Out come the sweaters & jackets!!
Have a great day everyone. TTFN
03/Oct/09 12:09 AM
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Warning: Memories
Vici, you're talk about babies crying made me think of the times we brought the girls out to visit before we moved back here. Each time the people around us would look daggers, and each time one man would make a comment about what we were planning to do to keep the kids in hand. And each time we were congratulated at the end of the flight about how wonderful our children were. Since then all sorts of rules about what you can take on a flight have been introduced and I know that we wouldn't have the same result because we wouldn't have been allowed to take the juice boxes etc that we used to keep the kids busy and calm...
03/Oct/09 12:12 AM
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Suzanne, 33 degrees!!!! That's obscene!
03/Oct/09 12:13 AM
Vibrant Vici
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OK Suzy - now I'm knocked out cold reading your schedule. Good thing you are heaps younger than me!
Suzanne - our temp was 39F yesterday morning. I just love when it feels like Autumn has arrived. I'm wearing fuzzy warm jammies now and sockies on my feet! Bundle up!
03/Oct/09 12:32 AM
Perth W Aust
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Sleep on a Plane ?????
03/Oct/09 12:51 AM
Alabama, USA
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MORNING friends! It has been cook, here, but none of that 39 stuff, too cold! I have puled out my sweat pants, they are baggy! I need to spend some time at the sewing machine, sweat pants can be taken up!
I am here checking in without reading more than this page. I hope to get back to reading all the posts soon. Many thanks for the Private messages, and Vici, yes, your doctor is enough to cheer up anyone! My doc for the procedure was not bad! Tall, broad shouldered, blondish hair, old enough to look like he knew what he was doing, but not too old!
I slept my life away Wednesday evening and Thursday, I guess my body needed it. I hope it is caught up now. I think I shall go out for a walk and test drive this " new back" see if it really has worked for me. Fall is a lovely time for walking!
I will check back with all again soon, and I have missed all of you. HUGS and love to all.
03/Oct/09 12:51 AM
Perth W Aust
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I for one cannot!!!
03/Oct/09 12:52 AM
Perth W Aust
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Hey Tricia.. sending you Hugs and xxxx
03/Oct/09 12:53 AM
Perth W Aust
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speaking of sleeping..
Bedtime for Moi..
03/Oct/09 12:54 AM
Trouble's Mom
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Tami, wishing you a Very Happy Birthday, and hope you get everything you wish for. YOUR CARD IS IN THE MAIL. Also wishing your hubby a Very Happy Birthday.
03/Oct/09 1:06 AM
Alabama, USA
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAMI, hope today is special.
03/Oct/09 1:16 AM
Alabama, USA
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03/Oct/09 1:18 AM
Stevenage UK
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Bobbi am I right in thinking that Tami's husband's birthday is the same day as Tami's?
If so Happy Birthday Mr. Tami.
03/Oct/09 2:45 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Morning/evening all.
Oh my, Suzy,your busy schedule,sometimes things just pile on top of each other don't they.
Enjoy the concert. cold already.Glad your feeling better after allergies and migraine. did the back go on your walk?The extra rest should help it recover quicker.
My last 5 shifts begin this morning then its 2 weeks holidays..hippee.
The temps there have been around 12c tops during the day..imagine going from 30c here to that when you aren't used to it.Brrrrrr.
OK,see you later.
03/Oct/09 3:42 AM
Stevenage UK
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Nola, I must have missed where you are going. Must be somewhere colder than the Uk as we have been having temps of around 16C recently.
03/Oct/09 3:47 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi Brenda,we are going to the Bathurst car races in NSW,it is inland a bit and much colder than here.We have lots of winter clothes as it has been known to even snow during the race.Friends have been there when it was sleeting at 3 in the arvo.I don't want it to rain though,can rug up but probably not stay dry.
03/Oct/09 3:51 AM
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Morning all!
Rolanda, I can sleep almost anywhere. Back at the bicentennary celebrations (1988) a group of friends and I camped out on a gun emplacement below Taronga Zoo to watch the tall ships come in to the harbour. I slept. On a rock.
Nola, I went to a 40th birthday party in Bathurst in June one year. It was so cold outside that the drinks were sitting on a table - it was as cold as it would have been inside an esky. The party had a Scottish theme so a lot of the guys were wearing kilts...
03/Oct/09 6:26 AM
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Bobbi, is there a check in that card?
MizT, here's hoping your test drive went really well! Mum's shot didn't work again.
Vici, having seen what you have done in your garden I think you could keep up with my schedule standing on your head.
03/Oct/09 6:29 AM
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Sigh. A tsunami in Samoa, an earthquake in Sumatra, and typhoons in the Philippines. So much sadness.
03/Oct/09 6:36 AM
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Good morning. Just dropping in as I have to go and get the girl this morning. Had some time to myself yesterday so went and saw the movie "Mao's last dancer". Loved it. I had read the book.
Some lovely heavy rain overnight to water the garden and wash the dust away.
Have a great time at baseball over the weekend Suzie. Did you get Ebob's bag back? If we were closer we could probably have helped with equipment!
Nola have a great time at Bathust. I have been to the races there but about 50 years ago!
Heidi and MizT hope you are both much better soon. We misss you both.
03/Oct/09 6:52 AM
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We went to the travel agent yesterday and made plans to book a trip to Egypt and Jordan at the end of January next year. I now have to get myself fit!!
(and yes I can sleep on a plane)
03/Oct/09 6:55 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes. Hubby's birthday is the day after me, Oct 3. We are the same age for 1 day.
A bigger thanks to my mom. Without her I wouldn't have a birthday to celebrate.
03/Oct/09 7:13 AM
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June, how exciting! I would love to go to Egypt. I can't wait to see your photos when you return.
I'm supposed to meet a groundskeeper at the school at 10 this morning to pick up the bag. She has borrowed gear until then. It poured rain overnight so they are off checking the fields.
I've never been to the Bathurst races, but I have driven the circuit. They have speed cameras on it!
03/Oct/09 7:24 AM
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Tami, hubby is 10 years older than me for almost 2 months... Happy Birthday to Mr Tami!
03/Oct/09 7:25 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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I have read the pages but don't remember everything.
Suzy, sounds like you have a busy weekend coming up. Hope you find a few minutes for yourself.
June, have a wonderful trip.
Happy birthday to someone, I think the name was Mike.
Crafts has definitely set in.
03/Oct/09 7:31 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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I was given a compliment at school today. I was asked to come in tomorrow to run the Saturday Detention. It is for all the troublemakers who did not serve their detentions when they were supposed to. I will be stuck in a room with them for 4 hours. It is considered a compliment because they feel I can handle it. With compliments like this, who needs insults.
03/Oct/09 7:33 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Everyone. I just did something stupid.
Tomorrow is our big Lincoln Days parade. I'm the one driving the Lion's Club float, built on my trailer in my barn. We just finished putting it together. It looks quite nice, actually, for our first attempt at a float. But while working on it today, I hurt my back. I cannot stand up straight and am taking the maximum allowed methadone for the pain.
03/Oct/09 8:16 AM
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Some compliment! Are you sure that isn't a scam to con teachers into running detentions?
I forgot to mention in my description of the events of last night that I had also left my phone in the coffee shop earlier in the night...
03/Oct/09 8:18 AM
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Oh no Heidi! And you've not long had your shot so can't have another for ages! I hope there is something you can do....
03/Oct/09 8:21 AM
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Sigh. I've put it off as long as I can and now I will be rushing. Have a great day everyone!
03/Oct/09 8:41 AM
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Hello, G'Day, etc. to all of SA8!
Hooray for Vici and Mike with carpeting installed and Mike saving the day! Enjoy Melissa's visit!
Mike, I hope you have a great day, including yummy cake
and lots of presents!
OMG, Suzy! WHAT A DAY! Oh, the complications when offspring are involved in multiple types of activities. I thought we used to have it crazy, and both of our D's were involved in music. For about 13 years (younger D in Kindergarten through High School) lessons, chamber music, orchestra, etc., etc. were a minimum of 30 (on a good day) to 60 minutes away. We used to go down the list: Do you have your instrument, your bow, your music, your music stand, your homework, your "dinner" (whatever got packed - not alway warm)?? They hated "the list" but we started it after arriving at a lesson without the violin.
03/Oct/09 10:36 AM
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We're looking forward to your new glasses, Nola!
Brenda, I hope your internet connection remains stable!
Suzy, I hope you can enjoy your weekend - or at least all of the driving! (Have you had luck finding/choosing a replacement car?) Good luck to Ebob for her baseball games and Ally for her concerts! Are you counting the minutes until Wednesday?
03/Oct/09 10:40 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Heidi, I am sorry about your back and hope it feels better soon.
Suzy, It was not said it is a compliment. They just implied that I am strong enough to handle it. At least it is overtime. That will come in handy with Mitchell's big party in January.
03/Oct/09 10:44 AM
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Suzanne, so glad your migraine has abated! That's one of the things D2 inherited from me - a predisposition to migraines. We talked for a few minutes yesterday - could tell she was in pain. She says it has lasted nearly a week. Neurologist wants to use some Botox, but not enough testing & could harm muscles needed for making music (her livelihood/career).
Hi, Rolanda! I agree - it's difficult to sleep (for long) on a plane. I'm grateful for catnaps, though! Sleep well!
We have had temperatures in the 40's * F, so warm pajamas & socks are in order here, as well. By evening, I have been wearing a fleece jacket over my clothes. But up to a point, being cold is somewhat better than being too hot, as you can always add another garment.
Hooray, MizT is back! We have missed you and hope you are feeling MUCH better!
Hi, Bobbi! Thanks for letting us know that Tami's hubby also has a birthday!
to Tami the T's hubby! We hope you have a great day with lots of yummy cake
and presents! Will you get to share in the brownies she made for school?
Nola, how great that you're beginning your last 5 shifts before holiday! We'll be thinking of you as you do the count-down!
Suzy, enjoy the concert - is it tomorrow night?
03/Oct/09 10:50 AM
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Suzy, so sorry to hear that your Mum's shot didn't work!
MizT, I hope you were able to go on your walk and "test-drive" your back!
Ooh, June! A trip to Egypt and Jordan in January! Sounds fun! Will you let Wagdy know? I understand he can be a great travel host - unless he's in the U.S. visiting his son, DIL and grandson.
Tami, a questionable "compliment" for sure! How does overseeing detention for those who didn't go when they were supposed to get looked on as a compliment? I hope you are paid extra for working on Saturday! (Said with tongue in cheek by a retired teacher)
03/Oct/09 10:56 AM
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How nice to see you here, Heidi! How awful that you injured your back while working on the float! It just doesn't seem right that you should have to deal with so much pain! Crossing fingers and entreating higher beings that you will soon feel better!
03/Oct/09 10:58 AM
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Here's a different avatar with less motion. I was hoping the other (since it was going the opposite direction from Tami's) would not make everyone dizzy. Unfortunately, Vici let us know that was not the case. I hope this one will be better!
03/Oct/09 11:01 AM
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For those tiring of the tie-dye avatars, I think I'm nearing the end of them. Then I guess it will be time for autumn/Halloween avatars once again.
03/Oct/09 11:02 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Julie, I get paid at my hourly rate. It is considered a "compliment" in that I am deemed strong enough to handle the problem students. The only good thing is that if they misbehave in saturday detention, the next stop is suspension. I can hold that over their heads.
03/Oct/09 11:07 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Good morning lovely people. Goodness, what a lot has happened since last night.
MizT - hope your walk proved that your back treatment was successful. Nice too see you back and posting.
Oh Heidi - not your back! Everyone I know with back problems seems to find that some slight movement can cause havoc occasionally. I do hope the medication helps. {{{{hugs}}}}
Happy Birthday to Vici's Mike and Mr Tami - whose name I may have heard but escapes me now.
Suzy - your evening sounds like a bad dream - especially chasing after someone to unlock at school. Hopefully your weekend will be calmer.
Rolanda - I'm with you. I usually can't sleep on planes. But when we went to Europe we had an action packed 7 weeks and on the retuen trip, I fell asleep while still on the tarmac at Singapore and woke up in the air. I never trust the pilot to take off on his own - he needs my will-power to keep the plane aloft!!!!
June - I hope to see Mao's last Dancer this week - happy to know you liked it. I haven't read the book - it's in the piles I have here to read.
Suzanne - glad the migraine has gone.
Julie - I love the tie-dye avatars - I'm not complaining.
Nola - my BIL is going to Bathurst - depending on my sis's op and how it goes and when it's done. He's been going every year since he was young.
Brenda - glad you got your broadband sorted. BTW - those score on thse FB games are all Col's not mine - I keep telling him not to publish.
Oh dear I hope I haven't forgotten anyone - I've already written a book in this post.
Hi also to Broni, Gail, Bean and anyone I've forgotten.
03/Oct/09 11:22 AM
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