Sudokuaholics Anonymous 8

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

It seems that SA7 is getting old and slow. It is time for a new page. Welcome to SA8.
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   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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Not long now VV. You are on the countdown for your big trip Down Under.
Hope your foot recovers by then Bean.
Hi Suzy,Tami,Nola,Suzanne,Broni,CynB & Gail,Roland and anyone else I have left out.

04/Oct/09 11:01 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi Viv, haven't seen you in a while. Hope all is going well. SA9 was set up by someone else. True SA'ers are not posting on it. SA8 is going strong and I think we are going to set a new record. Glad to here the dust has settled in your area.
04/Oct/09 11:49 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Warm hello to Everyone!

So glad to see you hear Vivacious Viv! It has been too long! So glad you're getting some rain!

Bean, I'm so relieved to hear that you have nothing currently broken in your foot. Please take care of yourself so you can heal!

Suzanne, glad to hear that the migraine has improved! Now, if you can avoid bonking yourself on the head, you might have a good day!

Tami, I'm glad the detention day went reasonably well!

Suzy, your evening with David sounds wonderful! So sorry you had to watch baseball in wet clothes! Hope Ally's singing goes well today!
04/Oct/09 11:52 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Tami, are you back from your Chinese dinner with your parents, hubby (and I assume Beastie Boys)? Do you or your hubby prefer Chinese for a birthday celebration?
04/Oct/09 11:54 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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We often get take-away Chinese food for birthday celebrations. It costs too much to have often and it is an easy way to cater for many tastes. There are too many of us to go out any more!

fellow SA8ers

Just past midday on a slightly chilly but pleasant Sunday arvo. No plans for the day. Hannah has gone out with her mates and other than picking them up at 5 I don't have a lot to do. Might potter in the garden till then.
Tonight we are having a make-do barby, taking out random meat from the freezer and after determining what the unlabelled ones are, we shall cook it and eat it! Time for a freezer clean out.
04/Oct/09 12:06 PM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Good morning everyone!
Hi Viv, haven't seen you for a while. Yes we watched Hey Hey and really enjoyed it - Rob wonders if it would lose it's "nostalgia" appeal very quickly, but I thought it was fun!
Belated Happy Birthday to Tami and everyone else I missed. :)
June, Egypt sounds exciting! We have another week before I have to start getting ready for Italy - can't seem to panic over more than one thing at a time!
Heidi, you poor thing, again! Hope you are better very soon - take care!
Bean, good news from he doctor - now, for heaven's sake don't go crazy! I'll repeat what others have already said - TAKE IT EASY!!
Vici, glad you're all ready for your trip Down Under - I'm sorry I won't be here to meet you.
Suzy, yeah, I've had days like that! Best thing to do is just crawl back into bed and hope it all goes away. Or you could write a book about it... :D

04/Oct/09 12:08 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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We are back Julie. My parents suggested Chinese. There is a restaurant near their house that they said is good. The dinner was very good. We usually just do take-out for Chinese. When it comes to birthdays, we don't go to the same restaurant. We tend to rotate among a few different ones.
04/Oct/09 12:16 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Good night everyone. I hope everyone has a great day/night. I will be back tomorrow.
04/Oct/09 12:48 PM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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Tami thanks for letting me know about SA9.
04/Oct/09 12:51 PM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Just recovering from Rachel's "Hen's Night". We went out to a "day spa" - an interesting experience... Got massaged and rubbed with sand (?) and all kinds of strange things. I don't know if it did me any good, but I nearly fell asleep with the soothing music and dim lights ... Afterwards went back home and had pizzas and movies, etc. I'd made a cheesecake, and chocolate eclairs, and Laura brought her famous brownies (yum!) We watched mostly sci-fi movies, starting with Galaxy Quest (which I still find hilarious) and they ended with Pan's Labyrinth, which may be good, but is way too traumatic for me! We went off to bed fairly early and left the girls to it.
Today we're going to watch Adam in his kids' show, in the afternoon, then in the evening to see him dance in his non-kids' show - it's all go here! :)
04/Oct/09 1:06 PM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Good Afternoon SA8.
Gath was quick with the time change.
Hi Viv, good to see you, only saw the last half of Hey Hey (forgot about it) but I enjoyed it and will be watching this week if I remember.
Another warm one here but the cloud cover is taking the sting out of it.
When is the wedding Judy?
No plans for today either just pottering around with my hound following me from room to room.
TV will be taken over later today for footy final...Oh joy, still do not understand why they throw the ball backwards in a forward playing game.
04/Oct/09 1:06 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Good Morning everyone.

Gorgeous Spring Day here. Temp still a tad cold though.
Hubby and I are in the Fernery today, fixing up the Retric to the garden and the hangers.
04/Oct/09 1:21 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Viv.. no to Hey Hey, cant stand that show or Daryl.

Suzy.. David Campbell

Vici and Tami.. Happy Birthday to your Hubbys
04/Oct/09 1:23 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Gail, your random barby sounds like a good way to clean out the freezer! How do those unidentified frozen objects get in there?
04/Oct/09 1:37 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Rolanda, enjoy your day in the Fernery!

I'm feeling quite tired, so think I'll head to bed early tonight. Enjoy the rest of your day, Everyone! Sleep well, when the time comes!

04/Oct/09 1:41 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I'm home - finally, and I'm going to have a nap.

Ally's singing group did so well they have 3 more bookings. People complimented them all day long and said how wonderful it was to have something so cheery on such a dreary day. I am, of course, wet through again, as it rained almost the whole time we were there.

After my nap I will come back and catch up on my reading and commenting. I might make more sense then...
04/Oct/09 1:44 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Judy, the day spa treatment sounds interesting. It must have worked if it made you that relaxed.
The after party sounds fun too...yummy brownies.
04/Oct/09 1:48 PM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hi again!
Back from Adam's show - only 3 small kids in the audience, plus parents and miscellaneous adults who seemed to enjoy it more! Well we found it very entertaining, AND we met our son's new girlfriend!
Gail, the day spa was kind of nice - wine and chockies included! I was not really looking forward to it, but it was well-done and not scary at all. The hot rocks were interesting, though the scrub was a bit painful - but now my skin is as soft as ... a very soft thing!
Broni, the wedding is in six days!!
04/Oct/09 3:08 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good afternoon lovely people. Just back from a nice lunch with sis, cousin and aunt. Nice and cool with the bay breezes.
Viv - nice to see you around. I saw most of Hey Hey and enjoyed it, even joined a fan site on FB but I think it would get stale quickly once a week - maybe once a month would be nice.
Suzy - glad the singing went well for Ally.
Gail - we have those kind of BBQ's!
Oh gosh - I can't remember anything else - hello to Judy, Julie, Rolanda, Broni, Tami and anyone on the previous page.
04/Oct/09 4:45 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi folks.
Gail it is a beautiful afternoon down here... not at all chilly.

Fell asleep in bed with the Sunday paper over coffee and am only JUST getting on here to check out my other family. Sounds like you have all been having a wonderful weekend.

Good to see you Viv.
Cyn... I agree with you re Hey Hey...

Judy a day like that sounds like heaven to me! I love being pampered and pummeled... I am curios as to which spa you went to.

Suzy do you ever watch 'Life at the Basement'? It is probably on too late for you. I can never remember which night it is on but never the less still manage to fluke catching it pretty often. Recently David C. was on and it was fantastic. He is such a card and is there anything he cannot sing? I enjoyed his personality in It Takes Two but it wasn't until I saw this that I really developed a taste for him...

I am now about to empty the spinning thing and decorate the line and then no one will see me until dusk.... foot is strapped and I am going to be VERY careful in the garden. The pain is a good reminder to watch it...

The vet told us not to give the give a lot of analgesics to the dog when her leg was broken except to help her sleep... the idea was that the pain would stop her from overusing it and would be more effective than any splint. It worked and so I am using the same principle of my self.

Catch you all later....
04/Oct/09 5:22 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I'm back and awake...
Bean, I could only do Bathurst at 80 - soooo wanted to let go! Ouch - I'm imagining Lachie nearly losing an eye, I think I would have given up knitting for a while too. Ouch - your foot. It sounds like you are being terribly sensible.

Viv, I always preferred Hey, Hey It's Saturday to Hey, Hey It's Saturday night. Guess I'm a cartoon freak!
04/Oct/09 7:14 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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MizT, thinking of you and hoping your test walk went well.

Heidi, thinking of you and hoping your back has improved. When is the parade thingy that the float is for?

Gail, did you do much garden pottering or did you slaughter some scores in Mindjolt instead?

Judy, isn't that what SA is for? Writing the books of our mixed up lives? The day spa sounds wonderful! How did Adam go in his shows? Oops, there it is - it went well...

Broni, I forgot about the final. I'll have to go and check who won - or is still being played?

Bean, nope haven't seen those shows. I might look for them if they are still on though. I was running late this morning so of course I got stopped for RBT. He saw my poster signed by David on the back seat and had a noice long chat about him and Jimmy and how much his wife likes David. He thinks Jimmy might do a drop-in when they play in Mittagong.
04/Oct/09 7:32 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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It would seem, Suzy, that I am only playing against myself in the Mindjolt games, so there is hardly any point. Not enough pottering was done, but I pulled up a few weeds so it's not as though I did nothing!
04/Oct/09 8:36 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Never mind Gail, I'll have a look on mindjolt a little later once I have sorted the krow out.
Nice sunny day here, but not hot, got stuff to do in the garden too.
24 days till we go away, going a day early to stay in a hotel near the airport, don't fancy the journet there on the morning we fly as it would be rush hour when we needed to leave.
CRAFT has set in. Hope everyone with aches and pains feel better soon.
04/Oct/09 9:55 PM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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Hi Brenda & Gail.
Can you guys bring me up to speed on MizT and Heidi? Are they both sick?
04/Oct/09 10:31 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Hi Viv, MizT has had a bad back which needed an epidural. She had this last week and is just recovering and trying out what her back will stand her doing. I think she also had meds problems.
Heidi is also having meds problems on top of depression and she has since hurt her back not long after her last epidural.
Hopefully both will be back soon as we all miss them.
04/Oct/09 11:04 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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How is life treating you just now?
04/Oct/09 11:05 PM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Hi all! Just finished reading everyone's weekend fun (well, maybe sitting in the rain at the ball game wasn't particularly "fun")
Judy - the day with the girls sounded like so much fun to me...but I would have hit the hay early after a day like that.
Suzy - your second row seats sounded perfect! The sweat sprayed first row reminded me of the first time I saw Phantom of the Opera in SF. We had front row center seats (BTW - absolutely SOBBED at the end) - I was worried about getting spit on me when the Phantom was singing right above us. But it was awesome!
05/Oct/09 12:17 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Viv - so great to hear from you again. Everyone has missed your mischief so!
Bean - taking advice from Jessie - nothing surprises me with you - hahaha! Actually, I'm so pleased you are doing well and taking a cue from the pain. I am a big proponent of the vet's advice.
05/Oct/09 12:20 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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We had a lovely, relaxing b'day for Mike - but at the end of the day our water heater went kaput and the Yankees lost their game. Poor Mike has to scramble to get our new water heater hooked up - something he was hoping to put off for a couple of weeks.
05/Oct/09 12:22 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Came up on SA this morning to give a shout-out that I uploaded new pictures of the addition (carpet in and Master bath complete)
Wishing everyone a great day/night!
05/Oct/09 12:23 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Thanks Gail and Beanie for viewing and commenting on the pictures! We are pretty excited about it. I'm moving into my new bedroom as soon as Mike gets the TV cable hooked up!
05/Oct/09 1:24 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good Maen everyone! I was awake VERY early this morning (it was still DARK out!!). Ran the sucky thing, as well as the sloshy/spinny things this morning.
Vici: congrats on the addition to the house.
Hello to Vici, Brenda, Judy, Suzy, Bean, Gail, CynB, and anyone else I missed...Hope everyone is well today...Have a great day everyone, TTFN.
05/Oct/09 2:33 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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BTW - Suzy...just think of the fun you'll have riding around in limos when Ally's group makes it big! You'll have to fly us all in to attend her concert - and back-stage passes, too!
05/Oct/09 2:33 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Oops, missed TTT and Julie!! Hi to both of you too!
05/Oct/09 2:34 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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OH Suzanne(a) - Just missed you. Hope your head feels better today!
05/Oct/09 2:34 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Good afternoon all. I had has been a busy weekend. Mitchell has 2 projects due tomorrow so he is going to be on my pooter for a while. I am going to supervise, of course. I will be back later. Hope everyone is having a great day.
05/Oct/09 3:40 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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everybody. I hope to read all the pages I missed recently, and get up to date on all the news.

I am recovering from the Parade yesterday. Our float was a major success! It got lots of ooohs and aaaahs from the crowds, especially the children, and a lot of applause. We all believe that it was one of the best floats in the parade, and this was only our first time ever making a float! Next year, we're going to start a couple of months in advance and really do ourselves proud. The centerpiece of the float was a 6 1/2 foot long (2 meters) lifelike stuffed lion, since this was a Lions Club float. A lot of the kids thought that Ralph (we named him after a fantastic member who passed away 2 months ago) was a real lion trained to stay on the float! I hope to get some pictures, since I saw the editor of the local newspaper taking a lot of photos of the float, and Ralph in particular, as we were nearing the reviewing stand during the parade.
05/Oct/09 4:11 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The back is still hurting, but not as much. Painkillers are a wonderful thing! I need to go outside now, and finish taking the float apart. We took all the flags, pennants, signs and balloons off yesterday after the parade, as well as the 2 lions (besides Ralph, we had a little stuffed lion cub on the float). I need to remove all the fabric and bunting used, and store them away for next year.
05/Oct/09 4:18 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Lovely to have you back Heidi, and the float sounds great. Looking forward to the photos.
05/Oct/09 6:05 AM
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