Sudokuaholics Anonymous 8

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

It seems that SA7 is getting old and slow. It is time for a new page. Welcome to SA8.
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   Julie  From IL, USA
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G'Day, Friends!
06/Oct/09 6:14 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Sorry I missed you, Nola! Ow, ow, ow, your knees sound painful! I'm glad you could get them up & get some arthritis meds working!

Suzy, Ebob and her team must be rightfully proud! Great wins AND didn't wimp out, like the men! How is her arm?

Viv, so nice to see your newsy postings. Avon sounds like your "cup of tea." Seems you're quite successful at it!

Hi, Nola, Vici, Brenda, Broni, CynB, Liz, Suzy, Gail, Viv, Tami, Suzanne, Rolanda, Bean, Heidi, MizT, Mamacita, and others I've missed!
06/Oct/09 6:28 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all!
Hey Liz - we'll have to call you vdLizzy...

Broni, I hope your day was productive if exhausting.

Cyn, my hubby knows way more about computers than I will ever know too. He's a bit frustrated at the moment as he feels like he's losing touch.

Vici, I don't have to protect our lemon tree from the cold, just the lawn mowers!

Nola, we've had PLENTY of rain. There are huge puddles everywhere. I have to walk through them to feed the lawn mowers too.
06/Oct/09 6:36 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hi Julie!
I will have to make her an appointment with the physio to see how bad her arm is. Right now she's having a panic attack as I have said she might have to skip the junior season to give it a chance to heal. I had to change to 'we'll see what the doc says' so I didn't spoil her weekend.
06/Oct/09 6:38 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Nola, I'm glad your knee feels a little bit better. Does this happen a lot? Ouch!

06/Oct/09 6:41 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good mAen everyone! Just got our new sofa & loveseat delivered. They are seafoam green leather!!! SO pretty... Spent the last couple of days gninaelc the house...ran the sucky thing under the old sofa/loveseat yesterday...Just HOW does cat hair get UNDER stuff??? Yikes!! I have a clean house (and a sore back--just a bit, not bad). VERY cold here today, supposed to get rain mixed with snow (in the higher elevations, not here). That's about all from here.
Hello to everyone (too many names in 3 pages to remember)
Suzy: Congrats to Ebob's team! That's all for now, TTFN everyone.
06/Oct/09 6:45 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Suzy, tell Ebob how happy I am that her team won. I think that is fabulous. Also, tell Ally I wish her luck on the singing gigs. I know you are a proud mama. And you should be.
I have decided that I am going to take friday off for mental health reasons. I am getting stressed and I don't want to take it out on any of my kids, at home or at school.
06/Oct/09 11:46 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I am supposed to be doing some of my homework. I am taking an online class for 8 weeks. I am going to be a good girl and shut down my computer so I can actually read one of my assignments. If I leave the pooter on, I will play games. I will be back tomorrow.
06/Oct/09 11:47 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Morning everyone.

I have a headache the size of a migrane, since yesterday afternoon.

06/Oct/09 12:17 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Will be doing some running around with Mum this afternoon, take her grocery shopping, amongst other things.

Later Aligaters
06/Oct/09 12:23 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Tami, good luck with your homework reading!

Rolanda, sorry to hear about your headache! I saw a video on msn yesterday about giving yourself a massage to lessen the impact of a headache.

Suzanne, seafoam green leather sounds restful! Will you post pictures?
06/Oct/09 12:28 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Things have been unusually quiet! I hope all is well with everyone everywhere! Sending positive thoughts to friends around the world! And now, I'm off to bed! Enjoy what's left of your day, everyone!
06/Oct/09 2:04 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Afternoon lovely people.
Suzy - congratulate Ebob on her team's win.
Rolanda - hope that headache clears up soon.
Hi Suzanne, Tami and Julie.
Saw 'Mao's Last Dancer' this morning and I liked it too, June.
06/Oct/09 5:17 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Where's my post? Lucky I control C'd it so I can try again....

Evening all!
I just lost a really long post so I'm going to remember to save this one before I try to post again...

Thank you for all the congrats for Ebob's baseball team - I will pass them on to her tomorrow when her brain is working again. She is exhausted.

Tami, I hope Friday helps. You have had a lot on and a day at home alone may be just what the doctor ordered. What are you studying online?

Rolanda, ouch! I hope your head feels better by the time you read this. You had a busy day considering how bad you must have felt. Wishes that tomorrow is a quiet day of R&R.

Suzanne, looking forward to seeing the pics...

Hey Julie! Hope things are good for you.

Hi Cyn, sounds like a nice relaxing morning. I hope the rest of your day was just as nice.
06/Oct/09 7:00 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Phew, three tries for that last post.

We have had another big day in Wollongong. I am going to know that place better than I know home soon! A friend took us shopping in Wollongong and we have come home with a formal dress and shoes for Ebob, shoes for Ally for Carols in the park, a pair of shorts each, and a few other bits and pieces. It is so nice to have all that off my to-do list!!
06/Oct/09 7:05 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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no such luck for R & R tomorrow. Still to do grocery shopping with Mum, taken mum to have xrays, ultrasound and Mammogram, just walked in the door.
Tomorrow Morn take mum home so she can go to her Wednesday Club, when she gets home from that, I will take her shopping, meanwhile I will do my Shopping in the morning.
Now time to fling..........
The Headache, dont ask!!!!
06/Oct/09 8:40 PM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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Evening everyone.
Oh Rolanda, feel for you with the headache.
I hope it does not turn into a migraine.
I am like you, I keep on going and going, and in the end am in bed for 3 days.
Cross fingers I do not get another one in the near future.
Formal time in your house too Suzi.
Ethan has his year 10 one in November I think so I spose I better check out a suit for him.
I have no idea of how much to hire one.
But at least I do not have a girl.
I am not sure I could cope.
06/Oct/09 9:24 PM
   Dizzy Lizzy  From Melbourne-Australia
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Hi everyone, hope your all well and happy,
Hey Cyn - I think I may have an idea how your hubby feels,reminds me of when my nephews were attempting to teach me, but with them at the key board going at 1,000 miles per hour, I had buckleys keeping up ha ha
Nola - Im sorry you are having a flair up with your arthritis, knees too must be very painful, hope they feel better soon.
Suzy - VD Lizzy keh you've lost me ??????
Rolanda - Hate headaches --- hope it goes soon for you ! ! ! ! ! !
06/Oct/09 10:30 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Rolanda, don't think I could have managed even half of that with my last headache. Sending thoughts and wishes and cool, soothing cloths...

Viv, I have no idea about the cost of hiring suits. I wonder which will be more expensive - don't forget shoes! They cost almost as much as the clothes.

Liz, vdV does fly bys, you did one too so it was a vdLizzy...
06/Oct/09 11:03 PM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Good Morning all!
Lots of Owies out there...hugs for your knees, Nola, your headache, Rola, your stress, Tami, and your back, Suzanne. BTW - would love to see a picture of your new loveseat...I adore Seafoam green!
Busy day ahead of me as our solar panels and inverters are finally in. Busier day for Mike as he has to install the 20 panel system. At least we have some clear weather for him to be up on the roof.
I believe this will delay our move-in as getting the solar up and running is a priority over the satelite cable to my bedroom in the addition!
Hope everyone has a great day/night. Hugs!
06/Oct/09 11:22 PM
   Dizzy Lizzy  From Melbourne-Australia
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WOW Suzy thats not what I thought hehe
Get ready for it ---- I thought you were reffering to dizzy Lizzy - but changing it to vdLizzy meaning very dizzy lizzy haha
how easily things can be taken the wrong way hey
makes me think of chinese whispers and how wrong that can go.
off to bed for me, need my beauty sleep you know ! ! ! ! ! ! !
06/Oct/09 11:43 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Good Morning Sudokuland! I am up and about today, lots of things I must do today. I am sorting my closet. Bigger job than usual, as I must try on every piece of fall winter clothing before putting it into closet from storage. Many things too large, more just enough to big I need to take up. I have a HUGE pile to work on, just from the tops. today it is bottoms I must sort.

The strangest thihng, I have about 6 shirts that fit last year, now the SLEEVES are too long! Down covereing im thumb. I am not into that NO HANDS fashion of a few years ago. I had to get out my note pad and stapeler, and attach notes to the clothing needing altered. Shorten sleeves or take up down the sides, I would never remember it all. Do not want to have to try them on again BEFIRE I alter.

I did the red and cranberry shirts yesterday evening. I did f=have fore thought to sort them by color, so I do not have to keep changing thread colors hehehe.

I am walking 15 minutes at a time now, twice a day. Hip is what is bothering me now, back is happy. I can't seem to win this pain thing, but hip seems to recover quickly once I stop and rest time is minimal .

I read and read and did not catch up.

Is there an SA9? Who started it and who is posting there? If we need to start another, guess we can skip right over 9 and go for 10?

Hugs to all and I will try checking in daily now, maybe I can catch up,

Hugs to all

07/Oct/09 1:20 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Hi Mizt, sorry you have so much work to do on your wardrobe... but doesn't it feel good that you have to take things in and up rather than buy a bigger size... well done you for the weight loss. Please that your back is a lot better but not so good about the hip.
My friend's sister had an emergency C section yesterday, today both are doing ok though baby is still in special care. I am knitting like mad to get things finished, looks like she will be in hospital until at least Thursday. She had a little boy, no idea on name yet, weighing in at 7lb 9oz.
07/Oct/09 1:34 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Nola, I have just been reading on the BBC news site that people going to Bathurst are having limit on how much alcohol they can take in with them. One slab of tinnies and for the wine drinkers 4 litres A DAY.
If everyone takes that amount in with them and consumes it all they must provide huge bathroom facilities
07/Oct/09 3:28 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hi everyone.
This will probably be the last post until we get back next Tuesday evening.
Having a bbq next door to meet the few people going that we don't know yet.Still have a bit of the last minute packing to go which I will do this afternoon and take over to load in the bus.
We leave at about 7am Thurs morning.
Brenda..I was under the impression that no alcohol was allowed to be taken in but you could buy it there...who knows. doesn't sound like fun altering all your clothes but good on you for the weight loss.
Sending hugs to Rola,Tami,Tricia and Suzanne and anyone else not the best.
Well,I will miss the computer and you all when I wake very early.Enjoy your week as I am sure I will.Bye.
07/Oct/09 5:35 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Enjoy your trip Nola
07/Oct/09 6:08 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all!
Liz, oops, didn't occur to me that it could be read THAT way. Lucky you asked and didn't just let me sound very rude.

MizT, how wonderful that your clothes are so much too big for you! I am super impressed. Sorry about the work altering them though. Good news that the shot worked for your back too. Not so good news about your hip. That's where Mum gets her shots.

Brenda, when I heard what the alcohol limits were I wondered how much more than that one person could drink. It seems ridiculous that people usually plan to drink more than that!

Nola, have a fantastic time! Though it sounds like you'll get that message when you get back...
07/Oct/09 6:47 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Brenda, thoughts and wishes to your friend's sister and the new little one. Hugs to them!
07/Oct/09 6:49 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I hope you are all well!
07/Oct/09 10:04 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Where did my hello post go?
07/Oct/09 10:05 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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That was strange.
07/Oct/09 10:06 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I'm sure I pressed "Submit Comment." Maybe I bumped something while I was answering the phone. Hubby just called. They are down to the last 5 boards that they had ordered for the deck - may need to get a few more. They put down 15 boards today, but only fastened them with about 6 screws so they could get them down fast. If it's not raining tomorrow (as predicted), they will go back and get the boards completely fastened down. They have just one more section of railing to install. It is almost safe for the dogs and grandies to go back out on their deck (in time for colder temperatures, then snow).
07/Oct/09 10:14 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Better do some food flinging, then get back here in a bit.
07/Oct/09 10:33 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hope it's a great day. Your card is in the mail. Like usual, I forgot to mail it.
07/Oct/09 12:55 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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October 7 is Suzanne's birthday. I helped her update her profile. The box to show birthday was not checked but I guess it won't show until next year. Now I can really annoy her and tell everyone that she is 48 years old.
07/Oct/09 12:57 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Tami! Thanks for the update! Is Suzanne's sea green leather furniture a birthday present?

Suzanne! I hope you have a yummy cake and lots of lovely fresh flowers (and NO migraine) for your birthday! Happy Birthday!
07/Oct/09 1:14 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Happy Birthday to Suzanne

October 7th is also my Baby Brother's Birthday. 51 today.

07/Oct/09 1:16 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello to V Viv, Gail, Suzy, Dizzy Lizzy, Broni, Brenda, V Vici, Nola, MizT, Tami, etc., etc.
07/Oct/09 1:17 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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OMG, Rolanda, what a couple of days you have had - and verging on a migraine on top of it. I hope you make it through today and have a chance to put your feet up and grab a nana nap!
07/Oct/09 1:18 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Suzy, I hope Ebob's arm is feeling better! Nola, I hope your knees are feeling better! Rolanda, I hope your head is feeling better! MizT, I hope your hip is feeling better! (I'm glad your back is already feeling better!) Heidi, I hope your back is feeling better! Suzanne, I hope your head and back are feeling better!

Brenda, congrats to your friend's sister on the birth of a son! I hope mother and baby are doing well!
07/Oct/09 1:24 PM
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