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from Alabama, USA
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Sorry you got so wet Suzy, but the rain was very welcome!. Good morning to everyone else. Will make more comments when I get the time!!.
05/Oct/09 6:07 AM
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Morning all!
June, the rain has been welcome here too, it's just really bad timing. We're heading off in about half an hour to watch the baseball final. Hopefully Ebob will be playing as she has hurt her arm.
Heidi, the float sounds fantastic. I hope you are able to get photos. It's funny that we have Lions in common. Two people are thinking of joining after yesterday too.
Vici, my connection is so slow today that I will have to wait to look at your photos, but I've written myself a note so I don't forget.
Now crafts has set in and it would take ages to go back to see what I've missed so I will apologise to those I've missed and send thoughts and wishes...
05/Oct/09 6:24 AM
Qld, Australia
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Good Morning SA8.
Great to see you back Heidi, now all we need is MizT to poke her head in. Viv great to see you too.
We had some lovely rain overnight, hope it washed my dusty car. Had a good night sleep and did not even hear the rain. Busy day today, going to a business meeting with Teresa then off to see the whatsypath then to a Nutrimetics launch with Teresa tonight.
Hope everyone is well or improving.
05/Oct/09 8:37 AM
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Greetings, Gals!
Oh, dear! I had some wonderful comments - but lost them when I went to Vici's page to check out her addition! Let's see if I can remember?
Suzy, great news (additional bookings for Ally's singing group), but not so great for the driver, methinks.
Judy, your spa day sounds delicious and relaxing! Great way to treat yourself and other women in the wedding! Now just 6 days until The Big Day!
CynB, your lunch sounds like a great weekend treat!
Bean, great idea from the vet to remind yourself to take things easy!
Brenda, you're down to a little over 3 weeks before your departure? So almost the end of the month for your trip.
Oh, dear, Vici, Mike had to replace the water heater on his birthday! What a bummer - as was the Yankees' baseball loss!
Tami, hope Mitchell's projects come along nicely so you can pop in again later this evening!
WooHoo!!! I see Heidi has posted. Congratulations on the great float for the parade! (Good idea to start a bit earlier next year!) I can't wait to see the pictures, especially Ralph and the cub! What a great idea to remove things that can be used for next year's float!
05/Oct/09 8:58 AM
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Good Morning to you, June! Yes, the rain sounds like a welcome bit of weather!
Broni, it sounds like you have a busy day planned!
Suzanne, hope your migraine has improved!
It's great to see Heidi and Viv posting. We're still looking forward to more posts from MizT, eaa, vdV, Becky, and other Missing-in-Action friends!
05/Oct/09 9:01 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Loved hearing about the float Heidi, congrats to the team for a very successful first-time effort.
Great to see you back here too, take care of yourself.
05/Oct/09 9:54 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Good morning all.
Heidi - great to see you back again. Pleased the float went well and was popular. Hope those painkillers keep your back pain at bay and it eases up quickly.
Vici - looked at you pics on FB - wonderful! I'd be itching to move in there too.
To all of you who got rain - send some to us - it's so dry here the grass is grey.
Hello to Gail, Julie, Broni, Suzy, June, Brenda, Tami, Bean, Suzanne, Viv - oh dear, who else was on the previous page? And MizT - hope your back is feeling better.
05/Oct/09 10:43 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Heidi, so glad your float came out wonderful. I hope you post pictures on your page. I would love to see it.
Suzy, don't you just love being a taxi service for your kids. Luckily, everything my kids do is not far from home. Except for Mitchell's school.
Vici, I love the pictures of the addition.
I am in a wonderful mood. My Dolphins won. I will be wearing my Dolphin's jersey to school tomorrow. There is a teacher who is a fanatical Buffalo fan. She wears hers on every victory and makes sure to rub it in our faces. My turn for a little revenge.
05/Oct/09 12:08 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Good night everyone. I will be back tomorrow. Hope everyone has a wonderful day/night.
05/Oct/09 12:22 PM
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Good Night, Tami!!
05/Oct/09 12:34 PM
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I need to take some time to read the Sunday paper. Hope to be back later, if possible.
05/Oct/09 12:34 PM
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I need to call it quits for tonight and drag myself to bed. I hope everyone has a wonderful day/night! Take care of yourselves!
05/Oct/09 2:09 PM
Vivacious Viv
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Hi everyone, thanks for the welcome back from everyone. Not at the Timbertown job anymore.
What with one thing and another it was too much on my plate so am sticking with the Avon.
Just logged in an order for $1,301. Have 6 boxes arriving Wednesday afternoon.
Ethan still going strong at the fish and chip shop. School hols here so he is working 6 shifts every arvo from tomorrow.
In between he gets up at 6am to bodyboard and has taken up tennis again so we do not see him much.
Hubby still working hard in his mechanics job so the two of my boys are more than keeping me busy with just the washing.
Heidi, Hi. Hope you are feeling better and same goes to MizT.
Broni, is that Nutrimetics Launch you are going to the Christmas one ?
Tami, congrats on your team winning.
Love the revenge. Heheh
My team the Geelong Cats won the final so I am pretty happy about that, being my old home town.
05/Oct/09 3:39 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Hiya Viv, sounds like things are looking up for you. Sorry about the Timbertown job, but we can only stretch ourselves so thin!
05/Oct/09 3:53 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Viv - you must have read my mind - I read your post on Easy, wondered about the Timbertown job and came across to SA to ask you and - voila - answered already. You should be using less fuel now without having to drive to Wauchope to work.
Hi Julie, Tami and Gail. Home from grocery shopping - why is that such a chore?
05/Oct/09 4:01 PM
Vivacious Viv
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Hi Gail and CynB.
Yes it is a bit of an involved story but I am better off out of there.
Pity, I did love it, but that's how the cookie crumbles.
Not as much fuel, but I have picked up a few customers from Wauchope.
I have a girlfriend who lives there and she was going to do a skin care/make up talk for a ladies group who meet every Tuesday at the Community Health Centre.
She was being paid $25 for the hour.
Anyhow she got a job here in Port and she referred me to them.
It went down a treat.
It lasted an hour and a half and I had to finish up.
I gave the 9 that attended a sample bag of Avon products.
A couple of ladies ordered on the day and then in the end 5 of the 8 ordered $246.
I am going back in November to show them how to apply make up etc.
I will get some samples etc. and they can do their own.
05/Oct/09 4:11 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Excellent Viv, it all seems to be falling into place.
You are the entrepreneur of our group!
I remember you saying a while ago about the Timbertown job that it was getting a bit more difficult, sales being down, politics and work cover I think (if I remember correctly).
05/Oct/09 4:28 PM
Vivacious Viv
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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No not work cover Gail. It was a cash in hand job but the two other women in the shop here in Port were running interference.
I went to the manager about it but that was a mistake.
Never mind, I am much happier.
I am also doing an Avon Christmas Open Day type thingy in November.
I can get stock from my manager and use it as a display and I will put out the latest couple of brochures around that time that they can order from etc.
I am also going to have a stand and try and sell my leftover Undercoverwear I have.
The clothing is all new.
Also I have quite a bit of Nutrimetics and Avon in my shed and will sell that at discounted prices.
Should be a good afternoon.
I have 3 or 4 customers that live in a lot of units not far from me and one of the ladies has got permission for me to use the community room they have in the middle of the block.
05/Oct/09 4:37 PM
Vivacious Viv
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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I stand corrected Gail.
Yes there is an issue with the whole of Timbertown about Occupational Health and Safety Issues.
They are still deciding what to do, whether to keep it open or close it.
05/Oct/09 4:44 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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That was it, OH&S.
05/Oct/09 5:04 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Best of luck with all these ventures Viv, you are exactly the right sort of person for retail and marketing.
05/Oct/09 5:05 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Hey Viv, do you realise it is a year since we met (tomorrow)!
05/Oct/09 5:08 PM
Vivacious Viv
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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You are right Gail.
Aaarrggghhh the time has flown.
I have just updated my photo album.
We have the outdoor wood stove going, the weather has turned cooler here.
Having pie and veges, steamed of course, nothing changes here and am just making a lemon self saucing pudding.
05/Oct/09 5:56 PM
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Afternoon all!
Broni, you do have a busy day. I hope the whatsypath can help you.
Tami, congrats to the Dolphins! Most of the things I drive to are close to home - it's just baseball that sends us off so far away.
Viv, someone used the word entrepeneur - so true! Wishing you continued luck, even though I think you are successful because of hard work.
05/Oct/09 6:03 PM
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Ebob's team won! She has played for 2 years without even winning a game, this time they won 4, lost 1, then won the final. And it was a nail biter, went down to the last ball of the last inning (dig I've learned Aussies call it). Loaded bases and got 3 home! Of course that meant we had to stay for the presentations. I'll try to load some photos later.
05/Oct/09 6:08 PM
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Half way through the game it started to pour. Not just rain, pour! Spectators ran for cover, well, the sensible ones anyway. The men's game was called off. The women, on the other hand, kept playing until the game was over. Men are whimps!!!!
05/Oct/09 6:12 PM
Vivacious Viv
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Hi Suzy.
Yes you got it, hard work.
But I do love the Avon and all that comes with it.
You sound like you are getting a nice lot of rain there.
It is very black here and there is a severe thunderstorm warning out for the mid and far north coast.
Apparently it has hailed up at Grafton which is North of me.
05/Oct/09 6:31 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Great photos Viv. Love the birthday pressie.
05/Oct/09 6:47 PM
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Vici, love the pics of your extension.
Viv, love the pic of your birthday cake the most!
05/Oct/09 7:02 PM
Dizzy Lizzy
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Hi all just flying through, hope your all well and having a great whatever ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
05/Oct/09 7:11 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Girls - I just had to come here to tell you something funny. I persuaded Hubby to join Facebook because he was always trying to hijack my laptop to play the games. Well he has gone into a near meltdown because it's 'too confusing' and I was explaining it all too fast.
As Suzy said above - Men are whimps!!!!!
Hi Lizzy, Suzy, Gail and Viv!
05/Oct/09 11:34 PM
Qld, Australia
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Hello All, finally home what an exhausting day!
06/Oct/09 12:39 AM
Stevenage UK
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Broni, get yourself a nice drink and sit and relax for a while I'm sure you deserve it.
06/Oct/09 1:12 AM
Stevenage UK
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Cyn wish I could say my husband doesn't understand or gets confused over anything to do with computers, he has been working with them since the 70's.
Maybe now we will get to see your own scores on the games. BTW those were nice photos of your grand daughter your son put on FB
06/Oct/09 1:16 AM
Vibrant Vici
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Hello gang!
VV - had a great time looking at your new pictures. Left a message on your page - hoping you can make one of the meets while I am in Oz.
So good reading all your updates, Viv - sounds like things are going great for you and yours.
Suzy - the pictures of the team on FB are wonderful! I love that medal - it is very impressive!
Cyn - I have to say that I was very confused when I first got onto FB, too...I think I am a bit of a computer whimp myself!
Thanks everyone for all the compliments on the addition. Can't wait to move in! Our solar panels are suppose to arrive this week (at long last) - I'm hoping it doesn't deter Mike from getting the cable for the satelite out to the addition. That is all that is keeping me from moving out!
06/Oct/09 1:28 AM
Vibrant Vici
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Good Morning Brenda! How are things across the pond? We are having some very low temps overnight...almost freezing. I really need to get those poor lemon and lime trees closer to the house so I can protect them.
06/Oct/09 1:29 AM
Vibrant Vici
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Hi Lizzie, Gail, Broni, June, Julie and Tami!
Wishing wonderful days to the topsiders and peaceful nights' rest to the DUGs.
06/Oct/09 1:31 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hello everyone.
It was lovely to see Viv and Heidi calling in.
Sounds like the Avon is your cup of tea Viv.Lets hope it goes extremely well for you.
Heidi..glad the back is doing ok.The float sounded really good,lots of hard work I'm sure.
Suzy...Yay for Ebob's win!Hope you got a decent amount of rain..enough to water the garden at least.
Vici...can you design a new bathroom for me,yours looks absolutely beautiful.I could hardly wait to move in either.
Hi also to,Cyn,Gail,Brenda,Broni,Lizzy,June,Tami and Julie and those on the previous page.
I'm having knee problems again,well it never stops really for long but this time it was that painful I almost came home from work.Talk about throb.After 12 hours of having my leg up and arthritis meds,I managed to get some relief and sleep,so now it feels much better thank goodness.
06/Oct/09 3:45 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Suzy..I meant to congratulate Ally on her 3 bookings with the singing group.You must be rightfully proud.
06/Oct/09 3:55 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Enjoy whatever you do today/night and I'll catch you later.
06/Oct/09 5:21 AM
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