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from Alabama, USA
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Redlands Qld Aus
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Good morning lovely people.
As I read down the page, I realised I'd missed Bean's important and sad news - and, as per usual, Mama has said what we would all like to say. And Bean, I'm so sorry that I skiiped over it and didn't read it yesterday. Thinking of you and your brother and your families. {{{{hugs}}}}
24/Nov/09 9:35 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Wow, there's a surprise.
Broni - welcome back. You would have been cooler than we were on the weekend out in the bay.
Hi MizT - nice to see you posting.
Lizzy - no towel flicking in my direction, please.
Now that we're over the page, I can't remember anything except - was Suzy around? Hope she's not feeling worse today.
24/Nov/09 9:38 AM
Perth W Aust
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Morning everyone.
I think I have a migrane on the way.
Guess I am getting my self a wee bit on the stressful side of life.. My flutterbys in the tummy are starting to flutter, a week till Mum goes into hospital. Not sure what time the op is, other than she has to be at the hospital at 6.30am.
Nola, will be thinking of your sister tomorrow, hope all goes well.
Unlike you, I together with my sister, will be waiting at the hospital while Mum is undergoing surgery.
24/Nov/09 11:55 AM
Perth W Aust
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Yesterday I reduced the Washing Mountain Range into rubble, unfortunately a Ironing/Folding Mountain Range grew in its place.
Today's Challenge is to climb to the top and work my way down, hopefully reducing it to an ant hill, before picking up Mum this afternoon.
24/Nov/09 11:57 AM
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Morning all! (Just)
I have read all of the posts but cannot comment just now - the posts deserve more than I can give right now - my brain is a useless thing between my ears at the moment. All is well here other than that.
24/Nov/09 11:57 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Hi all. I am just stopping in for a minute. I am trying to finish the work for the online class I am taking. The final is Dec. 1. Five of us at my school are taking the class and 3 of us have been sharing the work load. It makes it a lot easier
I will try to be back later.
24/Nov/09 12:40 PM
Perth W Aust
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Empty House.. the boy has been called into work..
instead of starting at 4.00pm, he is starting in a couple of minutes at 10.00am.
Which makes him happy, as he was only given total of 9 hours for the week!!!
More hours = more $$$ in the pocket on Pay Day!!!
24/Nov/09 12:59 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Poor Rolanda.... I hope you don't get that migraine.
24/Nov/09 1:11 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Facebook is broken - boo hoo!!
24/Nov/09 1:46 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm being a B-A-D girl. I'm trying to buy a pair of Peach Faced Love Birds on eggbid. Who needs a Face Book zoo when you can have a real one?
24/Nov/09 1:57 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm beginning to think that I need to build an addition on the house to house all my birds, though.
I'm up to 27 Gouldian Finches now.
24/Nov/09 1:59 PM
Mamacita 2
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That's why I use the fB zoo...I can enjoy it and build with virtual on the other hand spend real big money for the animals And then additions to the house, vet bills as well as feed....on the bright side of this is that you get to hear the chatter and songs, as well as see the beauty live...that's priceless...Enjoy!
Rola....your mum will be fine, you on the other hand are pushing too hard....take a deep breath...breathe slowly...relax a bit...the ironing will be around forever....listen to Mama and take care of yourself...nuf said....Suze...The same goes for you!
24/Nov/09 2:18 PM
Perth W Aust
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yes Mama ..
(if only the real Mam would listen!!!!
She ( the Ironing Lady) is the one that pushes me to get the Ironing up to date!!!)
24/Nov/09 2:39 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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You just haven't learnt how to hide it properly!
24/Nov/09 2:48 PM
Perth W Aust
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hehehe Gail..
24/Nov/09 3:04 PM
Magnolia, KY
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You can do what I did. I hid my iron very well. I threw it away. VOILA! No ironing!
24/Nov/09 3:08 PM
Perth W Aust
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the problem with that Heidi... I inherited some of Mum's Ironing Genes.
I like my clothes ironed, strange I know, but hey you are stuck with me as I am !!!
24/Nov/09 3:43 PM
Magnolia, KY
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24/Nov/09 3:52 PM
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Good maEn everyone! I posted earlier today and it never showed!!! Did it go to the twilight zone??????
Prayers for Rolanda's mum and anyone else ailing or sad (due to passage of loved ones, etc.) I read this morning, but the sinuses are a mess (i understand the sinusitis Broni--I'm prone to the sinus infections too). This time it's dragging on for over a week, might be a cold...supposed to go out with my buddy Janet Wednesday........
24/Nov/09 4:09 PM
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Yay!! My post showed up!! Regarding the ironing, I don't have ANY clothes that require that (or dry cleaning) anymore!! I got either lazy (or smart)--your choice!!!
24/Nov/09 4:10 PM
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Getting ready to call it a night, be back tomorrow, TTFN everyone!
24/Nov/09 4:18 PM
Dizzy Lizzy
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Hi everyone
Am having a very rough day so not gonna read or comment on anything --- about to take some pain killers and go to bed for a bit.
neck seems to be swelling a bit and feeling quite tight and uncomfortable.
WOW Heidi and Rolanda I wish I could VOILA and turf the iron in the bin like you Heidi, but Rolanda I think its the dutch coming through, fussy buggers we are hey
cheers for now off to bed ---- bye
24/Nov/09 5:01 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Lizzy. Pain killers are a great thing. Use 'em when you need 'em.
24/Nov/09 5:08 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Wish me luck.
The Lovebird auction ends just after noon tomorrow.
24/Nov/09 5:55 PM
Dizzy Lizzy
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The real thing is nicer than the facebook ones, Heidi thats for sure - was watching Bluey and Georgia this morning having their bath, you can almost see that Georgia is trying to teach Bluey, Georgia will get right in the bird bath, and dunk herself, while Bluey the big whimp that he is gets a tip of his wing in there and shakes himself as though he is also drenched, very funny to watch, GOOD LUCK with the auction Heidi.
24/Nov/09 6:49 PM
Dizzy Lizzy
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Yes also agree that pain killers are good but making me so ditzy, might need to change my name from dizzy lizzy to get ready for it Ditzy Lizzy.
gave Gizmo my dinner last night, as I was going out, and then tried hard to work out, why his plate was still there when I came home, yikes nearly fed him again.....
24/Nov/09 6:53 PM
Stevenage UK
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I'm with the smooth gang, I like my clothes ironed, but I have cut down a lot on what actually does get done now. Dress clothes get done, slobing around the house don't and neither does my cotton sheets.
Fingers crossed for anyone facing surgical proceedures soon and get well soon to those recuperating from illnesses/surgery
24/Nov/09 7:53 PM
Dizzy Lizzy
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Hey Brenda
Might be a bit of dutch blood
in your veins..........
24/Nov/09 8:55 PM
Ditzy Dizzy Lizzy
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Name change what do you think
24/Nov/09 8:59 PM
Qld, Australia
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Liz, hope you are resting girl!
24/Nov/09 10:22 PM
Qld, Australia
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Tired, so gunna say nite. Luv ya all!
24/Nov/09 10:23 PM
Ditzy Dizzy Lizzy
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Hey broni
hows things
but of course Im resting
what were you thinking I was doing ??????
24/Nov/09 10:25 PM
Qld, Australia
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YeaH Dag, bored as hell I guess.
24/Nov/09 10:34 PM
Qld, Australia
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Hey Liz, just got a call from 'comb over!'
Going to bed now.
24/Nov/09 11:09 PM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I got a good chuckle at your REAL zoo comment, how true! How many of the 27 finches are your hatchlings? Good luck on the bidding, not long now!
Rolanda, can you just HIDE part of the ironing mountain? Till Mom goes back home? Be sure to let us know when Mom goes to surgery, it is one week from today? or yesterday? this difference in time, Oh dear. Will keep you and her in my thoughts and prayers. You must take care of you dear, so you can take care of your Mom. HUGS to both of you.
Ahhhh, Gail, we do thing alike, ROFLOL!
Lizzie, hope you get better soon. what is with the neck swelling? Hope that gets better soon.
Most of my clothes are knit, and they need no ironing. I LOVE the new cotton spandex knits, they hold their shape and need no ironing, they just do not get wrinkled. Now my linen for spring/fall need an iron. I did my share of ironing back when my ex word oxford cloth shirts, and refused to send them to the laundry. His mother had the ironing gene, he thought I should have it also! MIL actually ENJOYED ironing, and I sent daughters frilly fussy ruffled starched cotton dresses down to her to iron!
24/Nov/09 11:44 PM
Alabama, USA
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Yesterday we got the back lights up! I had them on when hubby came in for dinner, and he walked in saying, What?? You are not sitting on the back porch looking at your lights? after I put them up there for you? hehehe. Now just how do I sit on back porch and make the man his dinner? but I could look out back and see/ enjoy them!
I hope today we get the outside tree up and the front porch decorated. Looking for the lights, we found a long string of the icicle lights, someone gave them to AL, people are always giving him stuff. I think we will try those on the front deck rails this year, be different for a change. I think they are about the right length to fo around. Did I say I love the holiday lights? Helps so much these dark days and early nights.
Must shop for my T day menu items today. I want the salad things fresh. I need to go to bank and library also, boy I should make a list!
I should be away and get my day started. Hugs to all and much love being sent.
24/Nov/09 11:58 PM
Vibrant Vici
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AHHHHHHH! Too much "C" activity! I'm way behind because of my trip...but wouldn't trade it for anything.
I'm very impressed MzT! You must take a picture and let us see when your lights are complete.
Lizzy and Rola - take good care...and feel better soon.
I was just running my hand under the couch trying to get one of Panda's play mice and got stung by a cheeky yellow jacket that was hiding there. They come in on the wood sometimes (they are comotose because of the cold) and the warm house snaps them out of it. Of course the are dieing, but they usually show up on a window were I can easily dispose of them.
The trouble is now I can't find the thing and I don't want to run into it unexpectedly again!
25/Nov/09 3:14 AM
Vibrant Vici
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Off to chair my Al-Anon meeting - will be talking about the wonderful meeting I got to attend in Lilydale, Victoria.
Then I'm off to pick up whatever else I need for our T-dinner.
Good luck Heidi with your bids (and birds!)
Good luck Tami with your final.
Hugs to all - thinking of Judy's sister today - hope all goes well.
25/Nov/09 3:18 AM
Vibrant Vici
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DOH! Not Judy's sister! Nola's sister, JUDY!
Either way - keeping her in my prayers.
Speaking of Judy...does your skin itch like crazy under the cast? Wire coathangers work well!
25/Nov/09 3:21 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I HATE it when it itches so much under a cast. It can drive you crazy. The last time I broke my leg, I didn't have that problem. I went through 5 or 6 casts, and each time the nurse scrubbed my leg thoroughly before putting the new cast on. It really helped. No dead skin underneath the cast.
25/Nov/09 3:57 AM
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