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from Alabama, USA
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Magnolia, KY
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We have another group of Muslims here today. Nearly 20 of them. I just taught them to use a gambrel to restrain sheep quickly and safely. They were impressed. A gambrel is a gizmo that fits on top of the sheep's neck, with a hook on each side to hold the front legs next to the face. It takes maybe 3 seconds to put on, and restrains the animal very well, in relative comfort.
28/Nov/09 4:10 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Good morning.
Just dropping in briefly without reading.
All ok here...but busy.
Going to a b'day party tonight so will call in Sun morning.
Catch you then.
28/Nov/09 5:13 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Tami, that was funny. You told the story do well I felt I was in the stockroom with you both.
Were there tears streaming down your face?
Good morning everyone. Have a great day/night.
28/Nov/09 6:57 AM
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Morning all!
Tami, I loved your story!
Heidi, I'm trying to imagine you jumping a fence with your back problems - ouch comes to mind. And I learned something new again.
Nola, have a great time at the birthday party.
I remember how I learned about the separation of meat and milk. I was about 19 and went along with my boyfriend to babysit some relatives of his. I was very confused by the need for 2 sinks, 2 drainers, 2 dishwashers, 2 refrigerators and 2 ovens and was in awe of the gigantic kitchen.
28/Nov/09 7:01 AM
Magnolia, KY
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came to my mind, too. But adrenaline helps. It was either that or spend hours trying to catch them as they ran around the neighborhood (I've done that). My problem is almost no sense of self preservation. I do what I have to do. At least this time I didn't hurt myself. And the horses didn't escape.
28/Nov/09 9:16 AM
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News headline of the day: In sagging economy man donates bras.
28/Nov/09 9:24 AM
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Thank goodness you didn't hurt yourself Heidi!
I'm off to have coffee with friends for the first time in weeks! Ally's performances seem to be clashing with our standing coffee date way too often! And last night I discovered a new one clashes with the social club C party, which is always a blast... sigh.
28/Nov/09 9:26 AM
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If you haven't already seen it, check out the Muppets do Bohemian Rhapsody on Youtube. Who would have thought you could do a G rated version of that song!?
28/Nov/09 9:34 AM
Mamacita 2
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Hi you wonderful group of folks...
I had the most wonderful Thanksgiving knowing that in this big, beautiful world, I knew folks that were of many colors, creeds, educational backgrounds, financial status and different se xual orientation, yet ALL were knowledgeable about the most important thing about them was that they had more in common than they had different.
I am so thankful for tolerant, funny , sharing, caring people like you. I'm thankful to have met a small group of you, and hope to one day meet more...I'm thankful to be able to come to a site where much can be shared with the knowledge that it will be respected and treated thoughtfully, or seriously by those who are regulars here.
Thanks for making this a great year folks.
Love ya all...and really enjoyed all of the stories shared by Heidi, Tami and Suzy...great lessons were given.
Good news about the success of Judy's op...expect the news to be just as good for Rolanda's mum.
Susanne...glad you Finally took yourself to the doctor and are feeling better too.
Martha...Welcome...don't be a stranger to this page...look forward to seeing you in these parts more often...Peace.
28/Nov/09 10:21 AM
Mamacita 2
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Warning..Zoo folks request!!!
My daughter, Michella and her hubby, Gilbert have joined us at the zoo...they didn't escape...I talked them into it and Gil needs some friends...several Sudoku folks have befriended by daughter...she uses the same last name as I, but my dear S.I.L isn't connected in a way you'd know...If you are willing...please send a friends request to me and I'll let them know..or directly to them via my page...thanks much...I'm off again...
28/Nov/09 10:27 AM
Magnolia, KY
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As a lover of Queen, Freddie Mercury
and Bohemian Rhapsody, I have to admit that that video is great. Usually, attempts to do that song stink, but the Muppets didn't do it seriously. Smart of them.
28/Nov/09 10:41 AM
Magnolia, KY
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BTW.... I have an idea about what to do with this pony that I have. My Vet has 2 adorable little girls. I'm thinking of giving them the pony as a present. They live on a farm and love animals. And this is a beautiful pony.
28/Nov/09 10:45 AM
Ditzy Dizzy Lizzy
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Morning everyone --- WOW just morning too.
Had an appointment at with the surgeon yesterday, all going ok except for a little swelling and redness, so he wants me to take some antibiotics just incase something is brewing, and another 2 weeks off work, the pathology results were fine, just a multi nodular goiter, no cancer cells found, so thats a big plus, do need to rest a little more than I have been, and suggests I dont drive just yet,
and keep the pain meds up so I am comfortable...but thats the problem, if I am too comfortable I want to do things, GRRRRRR to hard for me hahahaha
28/Nov/09 11:49 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Gail, it took us 20 minutes to stop laughing. We were not friends before that day. In fact, I was not looking forward to working with him based on stories I had heard. It ended up being a great day and we laughed about it for years.
Suzy, my SIL keeps a kosher house. When she changed her kitchen over, I got a lot of the hand-me-downs. She spent a lot of money on her kitchen stuff and I was more than happy to take it. I got rid of all my junk. She is a fabulous cook.
28/Nov/09 1:19 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Lizzy, listen to your doctor about driving. If you are on medication and have an accident, it could be a bigger problem for you.
28/Nov/09 1:19 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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I have already friended Mamacita's daughter and son-in-law. I am looking for more zookeepers. If you have any friends with zoo's let me know. I don't want to spend my hard earned money on zookeepers. I would rather buy animals. Dylan loves the zoo and he is the one that goes on the treasure hunts.
28/Nov/09 1:21 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Lizzy - that's good news but do follow the doctor's orders. OK?
28/Nov/09 1:21 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Tami - I'll ask my daughter - she agreed to Mo and Ouima and became friends with Vici on her return to US. I don't think she'll have a problem with it. Or just ask her, she's listed on my profile as my daughter - Karin (won't put her surname up here, but you've probably seen her post before).
Does Dylan want to come here and do my treasure hunts? I haven't finished them today for the first time ever (I think) and I won't get the chance.
28/Nov/09 1:26 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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I wish I could have him help you. He does a few of the zoos and then runs away. He likes helping me spend my money. We have a baby whale due to be born sometime tomorrow.
28/Nov/09 1:40 PM
Magnolia, KY
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You forget... I was one, and am nearly one now.
28/Nov/09 1:59 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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I LOVE the weekend..
Rained last night so I didn't have to even think guiltily that I should be getting up early to water...
I hope to spend the weekend in the garden... final attack at planting out before the seriously hot weather hits us...
It is time to attack all my roses as well Rola...they have been beautiful...
28/Nov/09 2:14 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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I had an entertaining afternoon yesterday.
Went shopping with Lachie ... and surprisingly it was fun.
He HATES shopping for clothes but yesterday it worked well...
We came home with a hat, 2 button up shirts, 3 polo shirts,4 or 5 'T' shirts, 2 pairs cargo pants, 2 pairs of Lee jeans and 12 pairs of undies. He charmed the pants of the shop assistant. She found me a chair and proceeded bringing over everything in his size that she thought he might like. [she has a son his age] She was very curious as to how I managed to get him shopping...simple really... [negative supply = positive demand]
He said NO to the socks and now that he is home he can't find his socks... All he needs now is shoes.. I'm wondering if that is the last time I will be taking him out on a big spending spree... Now he has finished growing this lot should last him for years... the only things he wears out are the running shoes and clothes.
End of an era... but then again if he doesn't get a job it may not be and that would be worse!!
We finished the splurge with a 'gail'...
28/Nov/09 2:20 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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...and now my coffee is finished it is off to work..ciao
28/Nov/09 2:22 PM
Perth W Aust
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Hey Beanie.. not long been in from Gardening.. 2 1/2 hours in the Garden this morning is long enough..
My Roses have been deadheaded, most of the weeds gone, most of the prunning has been done.
More tomorrow morning.. another couple of hours of weeding, prunning, and lawn mowing should see P and I finished with the Front..
28/Nov/09 2:23 PM
Perth W Aust
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I stopped buying clothes for the boys when they finished with High School, even before that really, once they started to earn $$ with their Casual Jobs, they bought their own.
And dragging them to the shops .. Oh MY!!
Same with their Father, dragging him to the Shop to do clothes shopping..... Sigh!!!!!!
28/Nov/09 2:36 PM
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Afternoon all!
Mamacita, what a wonderful mouthful!
Clothes shopping - just yesterday Ally and I saw a cute cardigan on sale, she refused to try it on so I refused to buy it, and no I'm not stubborn she said as she walked away without it rather than give in and try it on.
28/Nov/09 6:34 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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This, of course, is the same child you are giving up the Chrissy party for???
28/Nov/09 6:39 PM
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Heidi, I would ask your friend about the pony first. I have had certain prerequisites that must be met before my girls can have certain things and then had someone come in and give it to them... kind of undermines my parenting thing... And how could the muppets do anything seriously!
Tami, your comment about your muslim friend fits very noicely with Mamacita's post.
28/Nov/09 6:44 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Suzy that sounds very familiar which is why we had reached the stage where the wardrobe was pretty threadbare... Clothes do not maketh the man in this household! I have never known anyone SO indifferent to clothing and general apparel... if anything I think at times he has gone out of his way to and assess the mettle of his associates and friends...just to see WHO would look beneath the surface. It is really nice to see him looking like a well adjusted young man about town and not a somewhat scruffy school leaver... LOL
28/Nov/09 6:50 PM
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Liz, good news from your surgeon, and I hope you were listening! Take care of yourself.
Bean, you're too late. The hot weather has already hit!
Cyn, Karin Smith wasn't it?
28/Nov/09 6:53 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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I was obviously referring to your previous post Suzy...
Have had that undermining thing happening all of Lachies life with grandparents and some friends... it isn't always good for the child let alone the undermining of the parents ...
28/Nov/09 6:53 PM
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Bean, lol! I still feel that way when my kids dress themselves! No matter what I buy them, even when they choose it, they will often pick old hand-me-downs over the new clothes to wear! Ally for instance has a new favourite pair of pants - a pair of my tracky dacks that are probably 10 years old and that I wouldn't wear outside of the house when they were new!
Mamacita, I friended Michella, but not Gil. Please tell him he is welcome to take my name off your friends list...
28/Nov/09 6:58 PM
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You sudoku guys are really really good at sending out positive vibes and I have a friend who could do with some right now. Actually her daughter could do with them most. About a year ago who daughter was put on medication for seizures. She's right at that 'finally legal to drink' age so that was tough. Then one of her eyes started blacking out every now and then. Now she has started hearing voices. They call her, they tell her she doesn't like people she knows she does. She is frightened. It will be a while before the doctors work out what is going on. I figure vibes for 'something diagnosable and curable' would be very good right now....
28/Nov/09 7:04 PM
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Missed you in their Gail - yes, the same annoying child!
28/Nov/09 7:06 PM
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'Scuse my spelling there
Gail, that child also just told me that she has worked out that we do more driving for Ebob than we do for her so can she take up gym next year...
28/Nov/09 7:09 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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She paying for it Suzy?
Adding my 'something diagnosable, curable or treatable' vibes for your friend's daughter. At least she is able to acknowledge that it is a something, and not her.
28/Nov/09 8:24 PM
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She keeps talking about this job she is going to get as soon as she is legally old enough Gail. I quietly wonder how she's going to feel about giving all the other stuff up to fit the job in...
28/Nov/09 8:31 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Suzy... Of course I would ask first. I have too much respect for my Vet and his wife. But the 2 girls already have 1 pony, a second would let them ride together.
29/Nov/09 2:45 AM
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Hi everyone. Just popping in and out real quick to let you know I'm still kicking. Sorry I've been gone so long, but will be back later to give you an update from my neck of the woods. Take care.
29/Nov/09 2:46 AM
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Forgot to say, I've missed you all bunches. Now must head out for another "fun-filled" day. Talk to you all later.
29/Nov/09 2:49 AM
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