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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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Hi, Everyone! Just enough time to share a few quotes.
“Be the change you want to see in this world.” ~ Gandhi
“You can be too rich and too thin, but you can never be too well read or too curious about the world.” ― Tim Gunn
Waking up this morning, I smile. Twenty-four brand new hours are before me. I vow to live fully in each moment and to look at all beings with eyes of compassion. ~ Thích Nhất Hạnh
22/May/14 3:14 PM
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So 6 attempted and another suicide since the one I told you about.
22/May/14 9:33 PM
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Suzy, how awful for all the students. Why can't they realise what it does to all their family and class mates.
I had physio and traction on my neck today. Feels easier at the moment. he said I might need a cortisone injection in my neck. Most of the problems is coming from my neck but their is also issues with my shoulders. In the daytime I am OK as long as I am careful what I do.
22/May/14 9:57 PM
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Tomorrow we have a big day at the bowling club with other clubs playing and money prises. I have just cut up all the vegies for the pasta salad and will cook the pasta when I get up in the morning. We will have about 80 for lunch. I cannot play but I have said I will umpire. That means sitting in the sun unless I am called to do a measurement. I might only get called three or four times all day. one of the men will also be there if I have any problems.
22/May/14 10:00 PM
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I was awake at 5am so I have made the pasta salad. Not easy when I could not lift a pot of water.
It is going to be a nice sunny day, probably about 26*c. Not bad for a week before winter. My neck is a bit tender today after the physio. I slept off and on last night but with a bit less pain in the shoulders.
23/May/14 6:28 AM
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June, chopping veges is not easy on your neck and shoulders! I hope you are okay tonight!
Alie is doing okay, she's upset about the number of kids who have come to school after 'cutting' yesterday, but seems to be okay about the other.
23/May/14 4:24 PM
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Anecdote: warning, ladies stuff...
I was bra sized this week - first time in my life. It was horrible! I've always known that one is bigger than the other and it hasn't bothered me. This woman was so disturbed by it she told me I absolutely had to have a bra filled with mineral oil to hide the gross difference between them. So now something that hadn't bothered me is sooo bad I have to wear padding? AND the bra made me look lopsided, I think one side much higher than the other is far worse than size differences..
23/May/14 6:33 PM
Stevenage UK
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Suzy, if you aren't happy with the bra tell them. You should be happy and comfortable in your bra especially when you have had a fitting. Not many people are exactly the same on both sides so you are not alone in your shape.
23/May/14 8:18 PM
Stevenage UK
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What is going on in Alie's school to have so many kids attempt suicide... I hope they can get to the bottom of this problem.
23/May/14 8:25 PM
Stevenage UK
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Happy birthday Mama, hope you have a wonderful day.
23/May/14 8:25 PM
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It's copy cat stuff now Brenda, same method too. One did it and had hundreds of students meet, release balloons, and celebrate her life. Others who are struggling see that and think how much their death could be celebrated. The stupid, idiot Principal said today that bad things come in threes!....Alie said she walked intl school today to silence. Kids everywhere not talking, not moving, just sitting. I told Alie that if Sarah knew what would happen she would not have done it. She wouldn't want this to be happening. And the number of kids who have been cutting! So many cries for help! There are counsellors at the school and I hope they keep them there for a long time. With all the budget cuts, who knows....
I didn't buy a bra after all that...
23/May/14 8:36 PM
Stevenage UK
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Emily works in a school as a teaching assistant at the moment and she has said how shocked she was at the number of kids self harming. It has always happened, though never really talked about, but there seems to be so many unhappy kids around. I sometimes wonder if it has anything to do with social media and the fact that these kids spend so much time on the internet and on their phones texting etc that they have forgotten how to go out and enjoy themselves..
I know we can talk, we spend quite a lot of time on line too but we know how to enjoy ourselves off line too.
23/May/14 8:55 PM
qld, australia
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Mama, enjoy your two day celebration.
23/May/14 10:58 PM
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Had a great day. Lovely and sunny. About 25*c. It will be winter in a week. Every one loves my pasta salad. I got asked to do measurements about 6 times. I may have done a bit much as my left hand is all pins and needles and aching. Took some panadol and just waiting for them to kick in.
24/May/14 1:11 AM
qld, australia
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June, hope you can get some sleep.
Been up since 2am going to try and get some zzzzzzzzzzz's now.
24/May/14 4:06 AM
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I actually got about 5 hours sleep. Looks like another nice sunny day. I need to go to the shops and print some photos.
Broni, I hope you were able to get some sleep.
24/May/14 7:20 AM
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Sending pleasant, positive thoughts for everyone!
and {{{{{HUGS & JUGS}}}}}, healing vibes and prayers included!
24/May/14 3:17 PM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Happy Birthday Mamacita!!
24/May/14 3:26 PM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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The twin boys turned 11 yesterday, same day as Mama.
We all had a lamb roast lunch today. Quite warm here for almost winter. 30 deg.
All the grandies got into the mulberries, so some funny pix of their purple faces. Even Sonny (dog) is eating the fallen ones. He better not have issues with that later tonight,when I am asleep.
Greg is doing well, almost pain free.
Sorry you are still having problems June.
24/May/14 3:33 PM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Suzy...I can't imagine, the devastation caused to Family and friends when someone takes their life.
I can believe though, how they can feel so much pain, without knowing a way out.
If only they would reach out and we could see the signs.
24/May/14 3:47 PM
Stevenage UK
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Well the new bed has been tested and found to be very comfortable. My brother and sister in law are down for the weekend. Brother actually slept later than he normally does and was surprised. Not too bad for a bed which cost less than £110.
24/May/14 11:22 PM
Alabama, USA
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I read, I commented, I lost. . a post that is.
No time to retype it now, thinking of all of you, Suzy and Alli, June and her neck, everyone else.
Another busy day today so I am off and running.
Hugs to each of you with extras.
25/May/14 12:29 AM
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I would just like to be able to curl up in bed without all the aches starting. It is two months till I go back to the specialist. I can sit at the computer but not in the recliner to watch TV.
This afternoon (late) we are going to see a local production of Phantom of the Opera. I think this will be about the forth or fifth time I have seen this show.
MizT, now you have your pain better under control you are living a very busy life. I think it is wonderful.
I hope Heidi is busy as she was not here yesterday.
Nola,So pleased Greg is getting better.
25/May/14 3:33 AM
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Suzy, I think we all have things that are lopsided but very seldom anyone else notices. Just be comfortable.
Brenda, I am glad that bed is comfortable. You never know, Ken keeps listing all the things he still wants to do in UK. We have a comfortable bed here for when you visit down under.
25/May/14 3:37 AM
Stevenage UK
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Hope you managed to see Phantom of the Opera without too much pain June. Hope you do get to try the new bed here sometime as I hope Richard and I get to visit you someday too.
We are off on holiday next Sunday (1st June) for a week. We are goimg to Babbacombe again. Hoping the weather is as good as last year, we have rain at the moment. This isn't surprising as it is a long weekend in England.
25/May/14 9:47 AM
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Hi, Everyone! Seems like everyone has had a busy day today! Trying to learn the music for a Mozart quartet here - first rehearsal tomorrow. I'm the least advanced player, but they needed someone to play cello, so we'll see how it goes.
Broni, I hope you slept better! Hopefully the days when you need to continue putting up with the witch-woman are soon to be ended.
MizT, so sorry you lost a long post!
Happy Birthday
, Mama!
Nola, it sounds like the birthday celebration went well! Glad to hear that Greg is feeling better!
Brenda, seems like your new bed is a comfortable bargain!
June, it's good to know that there are at least 1 or 2 positions that are bearable. Luckily sitting at the computer is bearable.
Suzy, thinking of Alie and hoping the counselors at the school start getting through to the students!
My apologies to those I have missed May everyone have an exceptional day today/tomorrow! Sending {{{{{HUGS & JUGS}}}}}, prayers,
, and healing vibes for everyone!
25/May/14 4:05 PM
Mamacita 2
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Happy Sunday here folks...Just a quick stop by to say hello and thanks for the birthday wishes,I've had a wonderful time celebrating getting older still and am still enjoying the many benefits of knowing such wonderful folks. Nola, I do hope the twins have had a great time celebrating their special day with all of you. Good to know Greg is not in as much pain. June and MzT, hope you too are feeling much better and hoping for some pain free days to soon come your way. Missing Heidi, her trip is coming up soon so hope that's whats keeping her busy...not her back.. Julie, wishing you well in learning the Mozart piece to your satisfaction, but I know you will do well.
On my way to do some puzzles...see you later folks...Enjoy the holiday in a fun but safe way. Peace.
26/May/14 2:17 AM
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Good Evening, Fellow Sudokuaholics! I hope everyone is well and has had/is having a wonderful day!
We had our first quartet rehearsal this afternoon. I was relieved to find out that my playing was on a similar level as the others, at least on the basis of one rehearsal. One of the members also brought some additional music for us to sight-read. I'm not sure what his motive was. Luckily, it wasn't much harder than the quartet that had been chosen, so not an awful experience.
A quiet day here today. I am hoping to get to bed earlier tonight, so will say good night. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts,
, and healing vibes for everyone!
26/May/14 2:27 PM
Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends. Would you believe that yesterday I forgot this was a long holiday weekend and set off to Wal mart, that 'lost list' trip I put off for over a week. Store was busy so I had to walk to get my few grocery items. I was dreading the walk to the far end of the store, tired by then, so I stopped to ask if an electric cart was available, and someone returned one just as I got there, what luck. I would have just forgotten the item and left without it, but was for Myra, who is getting worse by the day. I had phoned to see if she needed anything, her kitty needed food, she had only enough for that night's feeding.
Since the pet food was so very near the plant department, and since I was riding, I went to see what they had. I know the pansies are not gonna last through this heat, it is taking almost daily watering to keep them going, but no one has told them yet they are in their final days. I also knew bedding plants would not be available for long. I found the nice sized 9 packs of begonias on sale for 50% off, picked up 4 packs of those. Then spotted gorgeous 'fire and Ice' Hostas, striking long sward shaped leaves bright green and white. Usually those perennials are only available in the large gallon containers, and pricy, but these lovelies were in 4 inch pots, and less than $3 each, I found 5 of them. I had just received reimbursement for last flowers we planted, so an easy decision, put it right back into the garden :). Patty, Lorain's daughter, is coming Wednesday to dig the holes. I must get back to store and get soil amendments we need before then.
Posting fore I loose this again.
26/May/14 2:49 PM
Alabama, USA
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I also found a nice sleep shirt for me, cute enough covers enough to wear as a summer dress, something I think about ever since that spell of hives and not able to wear anything that touched.
Myra gave me a caftan that was 'to big' for her now. Now just how is a caftan ever too big? I fear she realizes she is in a precarious place now, if they do not find what is causing her speedy decline, and as some people do when they realize they are possibly going to die, she is giving away her things. I accepted with a big thank you and I will think of you each time I wear it, and she gave me a huge hug. she was not even able to get off her sofa to go get it, I went for her. she could use some healing vibes, prayers and sudoku magic if you have time.
Julie, good to hear the quartet rehearsal went well and you did not feel out of your element. You have made such progress with your lessons, I do hope you are getting a lot of enjoyment from playing.
Oh fudge, tomorrow is residents meeting, so I will NOT get to pick up the soil stuff then, as I must not be late. I have to give a garden report and make a plea that people help to leave an unobstructed pathway through Commons to the patio door, for those of us in chairs or using walkers. they get up and leave from meetings with the chairs left wherever they unseated them. Luckily I can move them if I need, but there are some who cannot. That leaves Tuesday only available day, and I need to pick up a new cell phone then also. I miss having mine. That 2 hours of a morning watering is taking a hunk out of my day. We need rain! Two weeks of nary a drop and higher temps with a steady breeze just sucks water right out of the plants.
June, I do wish you could get comfortable at night so you could sleep. Sleep is so needed to get you better. Are you taking any pain relievers before bedtime? I hope you have something that works for you.
Brenda, sending wishes for great weather for your holiday. Will you be able to drop a note to us while away?
Suzy, June made a correct observation, we do not see the differences that are so glaring to us. Gee, I do not make it a habit of compairing friends boobs for size
. that bra fitter was using people's insecurities to try to sell merchandise, that is her job, to sell, but I do not like her methods. Women are made to feel insecure by companies trying to sell to us, are you SURE your water is safe for your family? (newest local advertisement) Are you plaged with cellulite? Nope, had not thought about it till you brought it up, oh quick, let me buy this and fix this (nonexistant) problem. I am glad you did not buy a bra from her.
26/May/14 3:14 PM
Alabama, USA
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*others do not see the differences
I need to get to bed, have been sleeping better of late, that is a welcomed relief. Mornings relative cooler temps will see me out doing garden stuff again. OH, I saw a new product for keeping cool in the heat. It is getting good reviews, some new way of weaving polyester so it lets water evaporate quickly, keeping you cool. Wet it, snap it three times and wear it. It is worth the price for me to try it, they have been flying off the shelves, used by athletes and outdoor workers. I have it ready to preorder along with the soil amendments, guess I can callit my birthday present to me.
Mama, I had forgotten your birthday was this close to mine, about a month apart? Probably said the same last year hehehe.
good night friends, I hope all are improving, you have something to look forward to, and life is good. Huge gentle hugs to each of you, with extras just for the taking.
26/May/14 3:26 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Sorry I haven't been around lately. I've been massively busy doing farm and lawn work, and getting ready for the trip to Wisconsin in 4 days.
I need to get to bed, so I'll read tomorrow.
Jugs to all.
26/May/14 3:34 PM
qld, australia
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Gekko my friends.
All is good here. Got to mow my lawns and do my friends book work on the weekend Yay!
Heidi, glad you could drop by, hope you are NOT overdoing it.
Sounds like a great night June. Sometimes laughter is the best medicine.
MizT, you sound very busy and very happy.
Julie, we didn't doubt your rehearsal would be better than expected.
Luv and Jugs to you all.
26/May/14 6:01 PM
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Physio and traction again today. He did a lot of very hard pressing around my neck. Feels good at the moment. I just want to be able to sleep. I go to pain management on Thursday. I will go to bowls tomorrow . The singles championship starts so I will be umpire. Have a morning sitting in the sun.
Julie I am sure the quartet will be a success. You would not be there otherwise.
Broni, pleased you had a good weekend.
26/May/14 7:48 PM
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Have a great trip to Wisconsin Heidi. Thanks for letting us know you were OK.
So pleased that you are keeping busy MizT. You are really enjoying doing the garden. I am sure everyone appreciates it. Prayers for your friend.
Mamacita, glad that your enjoyed your birthday.
26/May/14 7:52 PM
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Greetings from here!
June, I hope the physio & traction were helpful. Most of all, I hope you will soon be able to get a good night's sleep! How awful that you can't count on a relaxing, refreshing, and rejuvenating sleep to help you deal with the pain and discomfort during the day.
Brenda, enjoy your holidays. Hoping for good weather for you!
Am I remembering correctly, or did I dream, that Judy also has holidays approaching? May you also experience lovely weather for your holidays, Judy!
Suzy, I am still in shock over the treatment you received from the 'bra-fitter.' It doesn't sound like she was trying to be helpful - only that she was trying to boost her sales. What a bully! Pay no attention to her! More than likely none of your friends or acquaintances have noticed any minor differences/imbalances.
MizT, I really enjoyed your newsy posts! Hopefully most of the residents appreciate all of your gardening efforts! I think you have certainly brightened up the areas surrounding the buildings! Sending prayers and positive thoughts for your friend Myra. Hoping her doctor can soon determine what the symptoms are saying so she can be properly diagnosed and treated!
Heidi, I assumed you were busy around the farm. Getting ready to be away for a few days, plus getting everything you need to take with you, is a full time job! How is Whimsey doing?
Broni, you have had another busy weekend. I hope you find time to do things for yourself and Bella! Is her recovery progressing well?
June, hopefully pain management will be helpful. Enjoy the bowls singles championship!
Time to say goodnight! Please share the enclosed prayers, positive thoughts,
, healing vibes, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
27/May/14 3:55 PM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Gooday everyone. will have to explain to me about the traction. The vision of this unseen treatment in my head,is not too pleasant. Hope it improves the pain and sleep problem.
Brenda...enjoy your upcoming holiday and wishing you great weather. sure are busy in the garden as well as cooking,and shopping. New nightie and caftan!you are doing well.
Mama...glad you had a great Birthday!. proud of you cello learning and recital. Above all,have fun.
27/May/14 4:18 PM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Suzy...most people have different sizes on each side of the body. Feet,b**bs,ears, and this is all normal. Very unprofessional of her to make you feel
uncomfortable. I have pointed out my size difference during a mammogram,and was never made to feel embarrassed, just that it is very common.
I hope Alie is coping with the atmosphere at school.
Hugs to you all.
27/May/14 4:33 PM
Alabama, USA
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Morning friends. I have spent my hour and a half in the garden already, and it is only 9:30 am. I was up and moving early today. OK, I did go before breakfast hehehe. It was pleasantly cool and overcast this morning. Nice breeze, a great morning to be outside.
OH, today Miss Nancy the Nasty was nice to me, even remarked how well everything in the garden was looking. I was shocked, but I did manage to say 'thank you'.
I got permission to plant the flowers I bought already hehehe. It is mostly just a courtesy thing, ask the director before I do it, only one thing he has said he would not prefer to have. Now I am about to order the soil amendments we need for tomorrow and go pick those up. It is so nice, at our garden and home improvement store, I can now order online, a clerk will gather my order and have it ready at the pick up desk, already paid for and everything. They load the heavier things for me, easy enough.
Heidi, hope you are managing all your chores with a minimum of pain. How long will you be away on your trip?
Nola, I was wondering just how June was getting traction myself. I remember about 50 years ago, neck traction required a head gear with chin strap with ropes attached, through pulleys over head of the bed, and weights hanging down behind the bead. One of my chores as a unit secretary when just out of high school was to go to central supply and pick up all those torture implements.
June, I get some traction effect when I go to the pool. I get into deep water and feet straight down, float, position like treading water, but I am so buoyant I do not have to tread
My own body weight acts to stretch spine, and it usually feels so good. I hope your traction, however applied, helps the neck. Also hope pain management is able to help you. Do you have a topical anti-inflammatory there, here it is called Voltaren. It helps me with my aches and my pain management doc continues to prescribe it for me. Some must use it for a couple weeks before it begins to help, some it does not help, but I am fortunate, works immediately for me, at least giving some relief. One of the things in my bag of tricks.
Suzy, how are you and your BOobs doing?
Did you find another store to buy bras? I still cannot get over the rudeness of that clerk. OH, that reminds me of a quilting friend. she had breast cancer, she talks about finding a bra for BO_B now, bad Tricia, going straight to the naughty corner.
I have finished my breakfast here with you, and must be up and about again. I shall shop for my cell phone while out also. I do miss having one.
hugs to each of you, with extras.
28/May/14 12:56 AM
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I think the last lot of physio has taken some of the night pain from the left shoulder and put it in the right one. I think I might have so sleep sitting up (and not in the recliner as that is no better than my bed)
For the traction I am on a massage bed and my head goes back into a grip at the back of my neck. The grip has three movements up, stops for a few seconds, then goes back and relaxes, that is repeated for 15 minutes. It does not feel unpleasant. Before that he has done a lot of pressure pushing with his hands which did hurt. I am feeling much easier in the daytime and I am getting more sleep than some weeks ago. I have had about 2 1/2 hours already and will go back again soon. Also I am not taking much pain relief. A Naprisan and Lyrica in the morning and one Lyrica at night. A couple of panadol osteo when needed.
28/May/14 2:01 AM
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