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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
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qld, australia
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Gekko my friends.
Midge, my parents were my greatest assets. They taught me my values.
Dad although independent relied on me until the end but Mum became very bitter, was hard to cope with looking after two parents, holding down a full time job, sleeping on a two seater couch and having the ambulance out at least three times a week. Still very mixed feelings.
12/May/14 11:34 PM
Mamacita 2
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Happy Monday here, and Tuesday or nearing that in matter the day, hope you will find good in it. The weather is very summery today...temps nearing 90°, but not expected to stay that is a foretaste of what is yet to come. My garden however is so very spring like and pretty...the irises and azaleas are blooming, the colors are spectacular and my scattered container flowers are all so pretty that my heart is full of the beauty even knowing it will last just a short's so worth it.
I had a lovely Mother's day and am happy for all that enjoyed their day too. For those who find this not a particularly fun day to celebrate due to circumstances beyond your control, I hope you were able to enjoy the weather or something that made it less onerous for you.Hugs for all coming your way..share as few or as many as you'd like. Thinking of you. Peace.
13/May/14 6:39 AM
Magnolia, KY
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It was a lovely day outside, today. Warm and sunny. But the thunderstorms are supposed to return tomorrow.
It's been a while since I've had a dental problem..... so the root of one of my molars just broke. The tooth is wobbling all over the place. Fortunately, I've already had a root canal in that tooth so it doesn't hurt. That means there's no rush to get in and get it fixed.
13/May/14 11:12 AM
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Morning all
Don't feel bad for me. Yes, when people post about wonderful memories of their fathers I get a weird empty feeling, but it's only for a moment. I have so many wonderful things in my life it's impossible to feel empty for too long!
13/May/14 11:26 AM
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Love and {{{{HUG}}}} to Everyone!
Take care of yourselves!
13/May/14 3:06 PM
qld, australia
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Gekko my friends.
Just got the results back for Bella and the tumours are benign and she is bouncing off the walls like a puppy. Go to see the Vet that operated on her tomorrow night but pretty sure she will be happy with her recovery, just her mum who needs to recover now.
13/May/14 6:24 PM
Magnolia, KY
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GREAT NEWS, Broni!!!!
13/May/14 11:48 PM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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That is great news as Heidi said, Broni.
Heidi, hope you are feeling OK, Any news on the 'Baby' yet?
Suzy...most of us are really lucky to have had wonderful parents and memories.
14/May/14 6:45 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Greg had the abscess drained yesterday after a big drama with many Drs, and a few complications.
At last, all is good now. Relief from his pain has been amazing. He still needs surgery to remove the fissures or sinus tracts. Could wait 6mths for this surgery on the waiting list.
I am so relieved, so you can imagine how Greg feels after putting up with this for weeks.
I hugged and cried on the Dr who actually did something.
14/May/14 7:08 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Getting my hair coloured and cut today which is very overdue. Working at the clinic tomorrow,so I am happily getting a little work and having a social life also.
Take care all.
14/May/14 7:13 AM
Magnolia, KY
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14/May/14 7:43 AM
Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends, thought I should check in before anyone misses me. I have been busy getting paperwork done for recertification. I got it postponed cause today is housekeeper day, almost exact same time, and I cannot be in 2 places at once. I installed my soaker hose, that is working nicely, soaked deeply down under plants, they should be very happy for about a week with that deep a soak. I do need to take a photo, I keep forgetting.
I found the neatest bookmark in the book I am reading, I got the book at a book giveaway one of the churches held for us. The mark is one of the clip type, fits over the page, but it has both a sharp point on one end, and a cut out, that can be places over the sentence you last read. Very nice to know not only which of 2 pages you were on, with traditional flat bookmark, but down to the sentence, no more rereading a page or a few paragraphs to find where you were.
Did I say I received flowers from Joy for Mother's Day? she came over Saturday night. Better gift, she helped me check my receipts, I had already been through the bank statements and wrote down anything medical. she found receipts for all but one entry. today I found one more receipt in the folder I kept them in, I failed to pick up all.
14/May/14 8:14 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi Tricia.. a second set of eyes can make a difference to picking up errors or solve problems.
Nice to hear you received some flowers.
Hope you are enjoying your garden work with limited
pain for your efforts.
What is re-certification?
14/May/14 10:46 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Back from our County Cattlemen's meeting. The program was fascinating.... it was all about the many benefits of feeding natural cider vinegar to livestock. It really opened my eyes.
Of to bed early. I didn't get a nap today.
14/May/14 12:39 PM
Alabama, USA
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Nola, I live in government subsidized housing for disabled or senior adults. It is overseen by HUD, or The Department of Housing and Urban Development. Each year HUD requires residents to prove our income has not gone up, the number living in out unit has not changed. Since our rent is based on a percentage of Income, after income is adjusted for medical expenses, I was having to gather all my medical receipts for them. It is very time consuming, and I do not think recertification in our building has ever found anyone hiding either income or people in their apartment, but there are locations in high crime areas where this does happen. So rules apply to everyone and we go through this once a year, to see if we are worthy of paying to live here
14/May/14 1:07 PM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Tricia...we have a similar system but I dont know many of the fine details. I doubt if they have to prove yearly if they are still eligible.
Just doing all of the proving each year,must be awful but as you said, probably warranted for those needing it legitimately.
14/May/14 4:23 PM
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Wonderful news, Broni! Now you can relax a bit!
Great news for Greg, too, Nola! Will there be photos of the 'new' you?
MizT, your Mother's Day (Eve) sounds great - flowers AND help with paperwork!
Heidi, hope you're feeling better! They say apple cider vinegar is good for quite a number of ailments in humans. Why not for cattle, as well? Hopefully it will be a benefit to you and your cattle-raising endeavors!
I played last week and again tonight on my cello teacher's performance class - an opportunity to play/rehearse with the accompanist for the Friday night recital. I have been practicing nearly 4 hours (or more) a day for the past few weeks. I really want to play well for the recital. And now, time to head to bed.
Healing vibes, {{{{{HUGS & JUGS}}}}},
, positive thoughts, and prayers for everyone!
14/May/14 5:04 PM
qld, australia
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Gekko my friends.
Went back to the Vets tonight, clean bill of health for Bella. The stitches on her neck were starting to flare up but they were removed as well as the ones on her back. Still have 2 days of antibiotics so sure it will settle. She is back on solid foods, and the stitches in her mouth will dissolve soon.
Luv and Jugs to you all.
14/May/14 9:48 PM
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Having a great time away. Good food, scenery and friends. Neck not overly happy but at night as usual. I am getting enough sleep as we go to bed early. Weather good and we have seen rice, wheat, cotton, grapes, stone fruit, sheep etc all produced from this area. Having trouble with this laptop. Unable to raed all but could see Bella is ok.
14/May/14 10:25 PM
Magnolia, KY
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What amazed me is all the benefits for pregnant animals, cattle, horses, sheep, etc. It improves the blood flow in and to the placenta, bringing more oxygen to the fetus. I know a (hopefully) pregnant mare who will be getting raw apple cider vinegar mixed in her water.
15/May/14 4:11 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm loving the upbeat posts here.
Keep it up, everybody!
Just 3 days until we go to Churchill Downs, on our annual trip to Millionaire's Row. I'm looking forward to being able to bet on the Preakness Stakes, the second jewel in the Triple Crown.
15/May/14 4:14 AM
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to Everyone! Take care and be safe!
15/May/14 4:05 PM
qld, australia
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Gekko my friends.
So glad this week is over and I can spend time with my puppy. She has actually put on weight.
Still no real news about the work lady from hell, Workcover have still not made a decision after a month and a half!
Apart from that all good.
Luv and Jugs.
15/May/14 6:53 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Bad night and morning with back. I'm not a happy camper.
Has Workcover interviewed anybody from the office yet? Or do they intend on making a decision from hearing one side only?
16/May/14 3:55 AM
Mamacita 2
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Good Morning all...Just a few words to say hello and to hope all is well with everyone. I'm good and reading a lot of good to great books as I enjoy my spring flowers. They last such a short time and yet fill the eye with their wonderful colors and the nose with their fragrance that I am awed.
Roland...Have a great time enjoying your special day in a special way. Happy Birthday.
16/May/14 4:03 AM
Mamacita 2
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Forgot to send this post early on, so here tiz...Lol
16/May/14 4:05 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Just 36 hours until we leave for Churchill Downs!
16/May/14 11:49 AM
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Hi, All! I hope you're all feeling well and chipper - or working toward feeling better!
Broni, good news about Bella. Hopefully there will soon be good news about the worker from 7734. ( I just remembered that from middle school days.)
Heidi, feel better soon and enjoy the trip to Churchill Downs!
I need to make a quick trip to dreamland. Sending wishes for nothing but the very best to everyone! Positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
16/May/14 4:12 PM
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We're home. It was a six hour drive today and I am tired and hurting a bit. Will catch up properly over the next couple of days.
16/May/14 5:28 PM
Magnolia, KY
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A cold front has moved in. It's 46˚F / 7.8˚C right now, at 9:38 am..... after a long time of temps in the 80's˚F. At least the storms have ended.
16/May/14 11:44 PM
Alabama, USA
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Here I sit, waiting for a visit from the sand man. Why can I be sleeping so very nicely in my recliner, but a trip to the necessary room, and I am wide awake!
Not a lot going on. I did laundry and worked in garden yesterday, my back complained, so only thing I did today was go downstairs for a sing along, and after, a visit with the veggie man. I cane upstairs and made a squash casserole and baked some sweet potatoes using my newly purchased produce.
Heidi, our cold front was after the t storms we had on Thursday. My sister and I both had a major case of the achies as the barometric pressure fell. Not at the same time, cause those storm fronts hit her a few hours before they hit here, cause of the angle they come across. Her hubby found a weather station record of the hourly pressure, and the faster it fell, the worse she hurt. Interesting, one of the reasons we hurt with Fibro. OH, hope you enjoy the horse race tomorrow!
June, glad you are home safe, and hope you soon recover from that 6 hour bus ride. I do understand how a trip like that can do you in.
Julie, I hope you had a good night's sleep. Do drop in for a nice long newsy post when you can, we would love to know about your comings and goings.
Mama, I know you are enjoying the spring flowers. Of course ours have come and gone, but a lot of things are blooming now. the native hydrangeas, the oak leaf white hydrangeas are blooming. We have one out front and another in the back garden. the daisies are about the open fully, I saw one opened yesterday, the others will follow soon!
Time is called, I have just had my meds and bedtime snack, it is bed for me now. Hope to see you again tomorrow. Hugs to each of you, with extras.
17/May/14 2:01 PM
Alabama, USA
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I cannot believe, 17 hours between posts. busy weekend for everyone down under?
17/May/14 2:02 PM
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Greetings to all! My cello teacher's students all played on a recital tonight - one of the reasons I've been here so minimally lately. I've been practicing around 4 hours a day. Tomorrow I will give myself a day off - other than having to do my homework for Sunday's musicianship class. Oh, by the way, we had SNOW today!
Time to head to bed. Sending lots of positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayed, {{{{{HUGS & JUGS}}}}}, and
for everyone!
17/May/14 5:13 PM
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A lovely sunny day. Did some washing, spent time talking to neighbours. All in all a bit of a lazy day. I am feeling a lot better tonight than when we got back yesterday.
17/May/14 5:31 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I didn't sleep well last night. I'm too excited about race day today. We leave here in 2 hours exactly. We'll have 8 people traveling in the RV. The other 4 are meeting us there. By me driving the RV, I can be the designated driver, and the rest can enjoy mint Juleps, etc.
17/May/14 10:28 PM
Magnolia, KY
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SNOW???!!!????? Poor Julie!
17/May/14 10:38 PM
Mamacita 2
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Happy Saturday here...Hello and hope your weather is not like Julie's....and I hope by now the snow is gone for good Julie...Middle of May and still snowing is not good.
June, sounds as if you had just the kind of day you needed...a few more like that should soon find you in really good shape...and that would be a good thing. Hoping Heidi and her group will have a great time at Churchill Downs and a few of them winning on the horse would be icing on the cake.Good luck and safe travels.
Tricia, hope you were able to get enough good sleep and rest so that the weather related aches are gone and your back feels better. I liked those zero pain days, but we do know that we have to take the bad to really appreciate our good days.
Broni...I sure do wish your work related problem would get settled sooner rather than later...What are they thinking???? If I feel this way I can only imagine how you and those who may also be bothered by folks like her could feel. I'm so happy that everything else seems to be going well and overjoyed with Bella's recovery. Nola, would love to see a photo of the new hairdo and color...why not have Greg take a picture for us and post it? Please let him know first though how happy we are that he too is on the mend. That has got to be such a relief for both of you.
I am now hoping that some of you who are missing in action can find a bit of time to let us know that all is well or just to say hello...They say no news is good news so I'll keep believing in that adage, but do look forward to 'seeing' you guys from time to time. While I'm not going to Churchill Downs like Heidi, I am off to the races for now...places to go and folks to see...take care and know that I care. Peace.
18/May/14 12:38 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi all.
I am having a sleepless night,so thought I would join you.
Heidi..have a great time away and a safe trip.
Mama..all you said, I reciprocate.You are a darling.
June..glad you enjoyed the bus trip and your pain is bearable.
MizT..nice to hear that you are getting out in the garden and enjoying cooking.
Julie...busy as usual! 4 hours of practice must take a lot out of you. Goodness, more snow,that is getting late in the season.
18/May/14 2:40 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Sunday morning here. Greg and I went to the twin boys 11th B/day celebration last night. Their b/day is next Fri so they will probably have 2 celebrations, 1 with Mum last night, and 1 with Dad next week-end. Hard to believe they are that age already. It was a really nice evening.
Sorry, I have to make short posts so I dont lose them.
18/May/14 2:46 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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By pass the next post if you have a weak tummy.
Gregs abscess healed over and stopped draining. He had it re lanced but this time it is to be packed with a wick daily.
Back to the Dr on Tues and until then, I hose it out, try to get as much pus out and re-pack it.
Unbelievable, how much is STILL coming out.
There is also another part that is building up,that is not draining at all. This looks like being multiple abscess's. His pain has decreased,but still not good.
18/May/14 3:01 AM
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