Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Broni, thinking of you as you await Bella's surgery. I think you made a wise decision, that infection in the abscess could slowly drag her down without the surgery. HUGE HUGS to you sweetie!
07/May/14 2:09 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hello all....Broni, a special shout out to you and Bella as you await the up coming surgery. I add my voice to the rest of them in wishing for full and quick healing and the knowledge that you have made the best choice possible under these conditions. Hugs to you both. To everyone else. I've enclosed extra to be shared as wanted. Peace.
07/May/14 8:50 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Broni, thinking of you and Bella - and the vet & assistants!
07/May/14 4:58 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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, {{{{{HUGS & JUGS}}}}} and all the best for all of you!
07/May/14 4:59 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Broni, sending more hugs tonight as you worry about tomorrow. Sending wishes that all of your worry will have been for nothing!
07/May/14 6:33 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I wish I was more like MizT right now. I don't know if I told you , when I got the bad blood test results I signed up for the weight loss program at the gym. Up until then I was only aiming to have the logs on my left side to feel more normal. Going there I found out that I also can't coordinate my hands and feet anymore.. I practice that when I'm home alone. I digress. I'm finding sticking to the diet hard work. It has mass quantities of protein (which I've read is also good for my brain) and I'm a veges and carbs kind of girl. Discipline with food is tough for me, but I'm being a good girl with a lot of help from Hubby.
07/May/14 9:01 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Gekko my friends.
Thank you all for your wishes for Bella.
Luv and Jugs
07/May/14 9:44 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Zusy, practice with Tahlia.
07/May/14 9:46 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Shhhh Broni, when nobody is home I practice to one of Tahli's wiggles movies... They work hard!
07/May/14 10:07 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Broni, I am sure all will go well tomorrow.
Ken got the stint out today so that is the end of his fortnightly visits to hospital
Tomorrow I have an 8.30am dental appointment (clean and fluoride) the 9.65 for the next cortisone injection. My arms are sore at the moment but I think it is from the physio I am doing. I seem to keep putting off going to bed although I know I am tired.
Suzy, just keep working hard. Not easy but the end results will be worth it. The wiggles will keep you on your toes. Good exercise for the arms as well.
07/May/14 11:17 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Please do what you're told, Suzy. Eat more meat. It DOES feed and fuel the brain cells.
08/May/14 1:04 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hi all.
Broni...all the best for Bellas surgery today. I know you cant help worrying, but think positive that all will be fine.
Heidi.. hoping you have a pregnant horse.Has the weather started to warm up yet? both would be pleased that hospital visits for Ken are completed. Hope your injections and physio are giving you pain relief and sleeping is easier.
08/May/14 4:12 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Suzy..good onya for going to the gym and dieting. It must help,that Don is supportive. How are the beautiful Grandies. Daniel must be getting quite big by now.
Tricia.. I love reading about your garden and social life. Never seems to be a dull moment there. The warmer weather must be so enjoyable.
Cyn, Midge,Julie, Brenda, Mama etc.. keep posting as not all are on TOS.
08/May/14 4:20 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Except for Greg, everything is OK here.
Greg has an abscess on his neck and has a specialist appointment 12th May. It is growing and very painful so will need surgery to remove it.
If he had had it removed a few years ago, this would now not be a problem. It subsided by itself, and I cannot remember if Greg or the Dr, cancelled the removal. One Dr said,remove it while it is infected, another wanted ABs before surgery.All water under the bridge now but I hope something can be done soon.
I have the clinic today and then a 2 hr workshop on immunization. This has been my 1 day of work this week. I was called in the the Nursing Home, but had made plans that day, so declined. It is a bit hard to juggle casual work, but Greg is working at the moment so we are fine.
08/May/14 4:34 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Nola, nice to see you here. pleased things seem to be working out with your casual work. Hope Greg gets that abscess fixed soon. My right arm has been aching a bit again. Just hope it is from the physio exercises. I get the injection in the left arm today, after a visit to the dentist at 8.30am. We are going on a bus trip next week and I want to be able to sleep at night so that I can enjoy the days!
08/May/14 4:48 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Renae and all the family, are going to the beach on Sunday for a picnic. It is Mothers Day and Joshs B/day. It will be lovely to catch up with them all.

This is my favorite time of year,where the day temperatures are mild and the nights are cool and better for sleeping. Doing jobs around home, without being too hot is wonderful. For the topsiders, my climate is probably similar to Florida, or slightly cooler.
In July,Greg and I are going to Rockhampton,(Nth of us) where I will attend an all day workshop on Wound Management. Continuous improvement is mandatory for Nurses registration.
08/May/14 4:50 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Good morning June.
Sorry to hear you are still having pain, causing you to wake early. Hope the injection today,gives much relief and that the bus trip isn't spoilt by being too tired. Where are you going?
08/May/14 4:55 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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My neighbor has gone away for 6 days, and we have her Jack Russell to mind. 2 J/Rs together are full of energy. The 'Doggy Door' is getting a work out.
Enough from me for today.
Take Care
08/May/14 5:11 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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It is now Wednesday evening here, so I am wondering if Bella has had her surgery yet? Let us know when you can Broni, we care about the both of you.
08/May/14 10:09 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Guess it is too early Thursday Morning there to expect to hear, I could not figure the time change at the moment, Had to post to see the time, but know we were thinking of you,
08/May/14 10:12 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Broni {{{HUGS}}}

I haven't been around much because my eyes are giving me problems. Being on the computer doesn't help.

FIL is at home again and has home care for 8 hours a day. I don't believe he will be there long.
08/May/14 10:26 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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need distraction, pain med has not worked, and I just discovered that my SKIN hurts, along with lower ribs in back around to side. What will be next?

Funny from today at Scrabble. Mary was talking about her daughter who had been looking for her Mom a Mother's day gift. One of the things she knew her Mom needed was a couple pair of knit Pants (trousers?). She said to Mary, Mom I cannot find any pants at (name of store), they did not have any 24 Wide.

ooops, need to make dinner, forgot I had to cook ton8ght, later friends
08/May/14 11:30 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Any news for us, Broni? How are you holding up?
08/May/14 3:01 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings to Everyone!

I hope Bella's surgery went well today!

June, I hope you are feeling better and the injection helps. Great news for Ken!

Theresa, we have missed you. Hope your eyes improve. It's nice your FIL could get back home briefly, but hope he accepts that it is only for a short time.

Nola, enjoy your family & Mother's Day at the beach! Will you still have the neighbor's Jack Russell terrier then? Sounds like the dogs get along well, but can be a handful when they're together.

MizT, hope you're not working too hard on the gardening projects. You still need to take care of yourself!

Suzy, good for you, and good that hubby is supportive!

Heidi, keeping fingers crossed that Whimsey is pregnant! How are you feeling?

Time for me to call it a night! Take care, Everyone! Positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS & JUGS}}}}}, healing vibes, and for Everyone! Good Night!
08/May/14 3:45 PM
Sentimental 'ol F@rt  From BetweenLost&Found
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Sorry to intrude ladies. Just was notified, this evening, my 'ex' passed away Monday. We were married for 17 years and have been divorced for over 30. I still care... RIP, Wanda.
08/May/14 4:40 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Not intruding Sentimental.. I'm sorry to hear about your loss. Sending thoughts and wishes as you grieve for someone you loved
08/May/14 5:02 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Sentimental 'ol F@rt, I am pleased that you could come here and share your sorrow. It is nice that you can grieve for someone that you once loved and still cared about.
08/May/14 5:41 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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This injection is slow to respond and the other shoulder is starting to play up again. MizT said to ice it so I am sitting here with a bag of frozen corn kernels on my shoulder!
I just tried to ring Broni at home but I just got the answering machine. Left a message that we care about them both. I do not feel like cooking tonight. Will see if Ken will get something when he comes home. Feel like Fish and Chips but he might not get home before that shop closes. I did cook big hamburgers for lunch.
08/May/14 5:46 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Gekko my friends,

Just picked up Bella from the Vet, she was ecstatic to see me and is now sleeping by my side exhausted.
08/May/14 6:23 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Dear Sentimental 'ol F@rt, thinking of you and yours, it is never easy to lose ones you love.
08/May/14 6:26 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I'm so glad she is okay Broni!

Sorry the shoulder is already playing up June.
08/May/14 6:36 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Grrr just lost a long post.
Thanks for the call June, was out picking up Bella.
She looks like a Frankenstein monster with all the stitches, they also took out a lump they were never worried about before on her neck and a few teeth.
08/May/14 6:59 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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The reason I lost my post is that Bella started bleeding from the mouth and was waiting for a call back from the vet, nothing serious I hope but knocked out my internet connection.
Should be calm enough soon to try and eat something.
08/May/14 7:06 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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You will have all weekend to pamper Bella. So pleased all went well Broni.
08/May/14 8:35 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm glad Bella came through it all with only a little bleeding from the extractions. I see the Vet wanted to take advantage of her being under, and got everything done one time. Smart Vet. You'll recover, Broni. I know. Been there, done that. My dogs are my children. too.
09/May/14 1:38 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Thank you for coming here, Sentimental 'ol F@rt, and letting us know. Wanda was a major part of your life, and you loved her enough to marry her.
Rest in Peace, Wanda.
09/May/14 1:41 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I relented and took a 'Lyrica' before I went to bed. Pain reduced but I cannot walk straight.
09/May/14 3:54 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hello everyone, and condolences to Sentimental...the heart remembers those it cares for...your continued caring for someone who is an 'ex' shows goodness from both...may Wanda R.I.P. Broni, please calm down and get something to eat and some rest...Bella will do just well knowing she's home with her 'mommie'. I too am glad the vet took advantage of her being under to clear up the other things...Once she regains her momentum, you are going to have a much healthier and happier fur baby on your hands..Lol.
Good to see Nola's many comments...Enjoy the upcoming beach trip. Theresa, also so good to see your post. Hope the eyes improve to where you are more comfortable,even if you can't use /read from the computer as often. Your well-being is more important.I also hope the weather there is warming up by now. June, and Miz T, sending out gentle massages to you both in the hopes that they will ease your discomfort and dislodge the archies that are bothering you.If any one else is in need or want, just know that there are plenty available. Julie, to you I send a wish for a good couple of nights rest. Heidi, I too hope Whimsey is pregnant. Suzy...Many of us find it so hard to lose weight and trying to follow a plan is difficult, but keep doing your best and wiggle away...time will help you reach your goal, if not all the weight loss you want, you will be better toned and co-ordinated...and that will make a big difference. For many years I tried to lose weight after getting sick and needing meds regularly, I found it to be a big battle, but just the extra movement expended made me feel better. Now, after this past year's illnesses, I have lost all of the weight I wanted, even while taking additional medicine, and am again at the weight I was when I was 3o years old, but look wrinkly and old because I'm no longer 30.... and it really doesn't matter as I also am not able to do the extra moves so am not in as good a shape...but problem. We've just got to love ourselves wherever we are and keep pushing when we are so inclined. Good you have support...that means a lot...Well I have wished myself out for now and need to I will take my leave...Peace, Love and Joy.
09/May/14 4:00 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Sentimental old f@rt, I am glad you felt comfortable coming here to share the loss of someone who once was a big part of your life. I hope you are able to do what you need to come to grips with this, as sometimes an 'ex' is not thought of as family makes arrangements. I will be thinking of you and sending wishes that you remember the good times to help you though your grief.
09/May/14 11:54 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Well, I have done it again, I do not think I will ever learn! Today I was feeling so much better, best I had in a few days, and I did not limit myself to necessary errands, I went 'shopping'. A lot of walking and looking through racks required at first store, where I bought not a thing. Riding cart at grocery, but it pulled to the right, required a LOT of effort with hands, arms and shoulders to steer it straight. then I went to a big box store to buy a soaker hose. Found it, and the WAVE petunias I wanted, found a 4 way splitter for garden hoses, it is called a manifold. I bought a simple little fitting that will allow me to adjust flow of water and even turn it off from end of my hose, too. This will enable me to connect my watering hose closer to the flowers, give me another hose I need, and decrease walking. I got a repair kit to repair the hose EP has at maintenance door, for $3, much less expensive than buying another hose, and I will not get wet using it hehehe.

Tonight I am paying for my fun today, and I did enjoy every minute of being out and about. I found everything on my list except the bras I was looking for and a new pair of pants, but think I have found what I want online now. The weather was wonderful again today, sunny with wonderful blue skies, not humid, warmer but with a wonderful breeze. I bought a huge salad with a bit of everything I like in it, came home and had that for a very late lunch. A day worth living today .

BRONI, so happy that Bella came through anesthesia OK today. I hope vet returned your call and gave you instructions to deal with the bleeding from tooth extractions. Take care of you and Bella today, you first, so you are able to take care of her.

Now I must go hold down my recliner a bit before bedtime. I did read, but learning from today, fingers say I have typed enough for now. Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
09/May/14 12:11 PM
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