Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Broni, I hope Bella does well having the surgery required to drain that abscess. Even better would be the antibiotics can clear it up and she does not need the surgery. Let us know what has to be done, you know we all care about her almost as if she were our own!

I think it is time for a lie down with heating pad, my back is getting worse here on computer instead of better. but shopping was so much easier and even fun, now that pain levels are so much better. I was thinking as I drove over how great it was pain was only a one or 2, upper arms were a bit achey, and I had to stop and pay attention to even notice that! What a big difference this pain clinic has made for me.

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
28/Apr/14 6:39 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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While cleaning out the trailer, I noticed one of the cows acting agitated, and making short dashes towards the woods. I pointed it out to IH, and we both went down to the woods along the creek to investigate. Her calf (the second youngest), apparently was hit by lightning in the last storm. The time it had been dead coincides with the last thunderstorm, and the calf was on the edge of the creek behind some shrubbery, so we wouldn't have noticed it for a long time if the mom hadn't been so upset. So now I have to bury one of my calves.

Tricia... the reason I buried the calf of IH's is because IH won't. He just throws them in the dumpster and piles other trash on top of them so the garbage men don't notice. Which is illegal. But he refuses to dispose of them legally. So I do it.
28/Apr/14 8:05 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm SO glad that you're having the same success with the pain clinic that I am, Tricia. They really make a huge difference.
28/Apr/14 8:07 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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All outside chores (except mowing the lawn) are done. I really want to take a shower, but another thunderstorm just started. So I guess I'll just have to lounge around on the 'pooter until it passes.
28/Apr/14 9:05 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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So, you got some of our t storms, Heidi, but just later than we got them. A look at radar shows another big t storm headed your way. This one will miss us, staying North of Alabama.

That steak was yummy and I could only eat half and am stuffed. Means I eat steak three more times. OH, if anyone asks, the sides of a Foreman grill get really hot. I needed to move mine while it was heating, and grabbed it without hot pads or ove-gloves. Let it go rather fast also. hehehe No blisters, just red skin that is tender to touch. It might hurt once my meds wear off.

Meds did a good job on the worse flare since the pain block. Weather I think, cause my shopping left me with no big problems. Long nap until time for second meds helped. sometimes it takes that second dose to really work on a big flare.

We have 3 more storms forecast Monday and Tuesday. Guess we will see if it was the combination of shopping and weather, or mostly weather. Not looking forward to two more stormy days. I have flowers to plant! I bought white zinnias and white with pink centers vinca for the sunny spot out back, to go with all the red and only white now being the daisies and petunias. I think these will work well there. I am having so much fun with planting. Oh did I tell you we were shopping for flowers with umbrellas? some of the area has clear plastic roof that protect from rain, others just has shade cloth and rain comes right through that. It was funny, cause it appears to be inside and we were shopping 'inside' with umbrellas hehehe.

Heidi, so sorry to hear you lost a calf to lightning. that does not happen often does it? Poor Momma cow, wanting her calf and not understanding.

More hugs and I am out of here.
28/Apr/14 11:46 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Tricia, I read somewhere that egg white was good on burns. (I generally brake off a bit of aloe vera plant) Last time I burnt my finger when cooking I had just used some eggs so I used some of the white left in the shell and next day I could not see or feel anything.
I have jus bought some yellow pansies for out near my letterbox. I might have to cover them so the cockies do not pull them out.
We have been shopping for groceries and also had lunch out. I cannot lift the shopping bags at the moment. I have great faith in the cortisone injection tomorrow!
28/Apr/14 3:12 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hi all.
June hope your injection tomorrow, works wonders.
Good luck Heidi, that you travel back with a pregnant horse.
Tricia...I haven't read your post but will shortly.
Blessings to you all.
28/Apr/14 3:25 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings to all of you! I'm here later than last night and quite tired, so will just wish all the best to everyone with lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts, , and healing vibes!
28/Apr/14 4:10 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Gekko my friends.
Julie, sleep well.
June, hope the cortisone is a good one, just don't overdue it afterwards. Glad you and Ken could 'do lunch' as well as shop.
Heidi, that is why I was waiting for your advice. I trust you. Still not happy with the Vet's happy go lucky attitude to an old puppy being put under. They have it on file I would not let them do it for her teeth, and yes Heidi I did ask about a local but no.. with the area they have to cut (you could fit another dog into the loose skin she has!) which I think would be less stressful for Bella having me with her. OK off my soap box.
MizT, sounds like you are having so much fun with pain, so happy for you.
Hi Nola, how are you?
Luv and Jugs to you all.
28/Apr/14 6:15 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hello folks...stop a word or two to let you know all is well here. Nothing of real interest and nothing really lucky I am. Headaches continue, but are manageable. All of the other things are quiet for now. I'm doing lots of reading, currently reading The Goldfinch and enjoying it a about to go shopping soon and take the little one to school so will not take time to write any comments , just know I always enjoy reading the post. Peace.
29/Apr/14 2:39 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Big day for me today. The bowls team I was in went through and won the Pennants Flag. As I had played half the games (and had been the manager of the team) they have organised that I can also be presented with a badge and be in the team photo (to be Published in the NSW bowls magazine) The presentation has been organised early this morning as I have the Cortisone injection at 10 am. I am hoping this will give me some relief from the pain I have at night as I could not get an appointment to the pain management specialist till 29 May.
Mamacita. It is nice to see your post. I do hope the headaches go away. Your reading would then give you much more pleasure.
safe riving when you take off Heidi. I do hope your trip will not be interrupted with the storms.
29/Apr/14 6:34 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The Vet was here this afternoon. I will be leaving for Florida in the early morning hours.... when exactly depends on the storms. I'm about to go check the hourly and regional forecasts.
29/Apr/14 9:31 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, there are a LOT of storms between you and Florida! Hopefully they will be out of the area by morning. they are just now coming into Alabama's north west corner. A big line of t storms capable of producing tornadoes. Just a bit ago, there were 6 separate tornado warnings in NW Alabama. That line of storms is slowly dropping south and east, as the individual storms in the system moving from SW to NE. It is just like a train track, tornadoes and severe t storms running up the same track, but the track is slowly moving south. It will hit up about 10-11 PM. Hopefully by then they will have lessened severity, as they lose the daytime energy. I heard reports of 2 fatalities north of us, up near Tennessee border, this afternoon. Please wait till all the storms are out of the area, a high profile RV pulling a trailer is not a place to be when even straight line winds come across.

How has the weather been up there? I have not heard any reports of tornadoes for Ky, forecasters have been too busy with Mississippi, Alabama here.

Wishing you a safe trip, with a pregnant horse when you get her back home.

JUNE, I am not surprised you had such wait for pain management. My wait was 6 weeks to get appointment. I hope the cortisone helps you as much as it has me in the past. thinking about you as you go through your day. Congrats on the badge for your bowls, and hope we can see the group photo later.

Hugs to each of you, with extras.

29/Apr/14 10:45 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It looks like if I postpone my departure to 4-5 am, I'll miss all the bad storms. I will NOT be missing the rain. That'll be following me to Florida and staying with me down there. I still need to load up the perishable foods and the horse hay and grain.
29/Apr/14 10:46 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I do worry about you traveling, even waiting untill 5 am to leave. Do be careful, and I hope you have some way of monitoring weather as you go. I know that is difficult, not being aware of county names you will be traveling through, and most warnings are by county. Do check in by cell phone when you arrive, please, so I do not worry . thank you! Hugs
29/Apr/14 1:34 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Tornadoes are now passed my area, and no damage here. I did go out to the hall when the last one went over cause it was gonna be close. As it turned out, it was not on the ground and had begun to be disorganized, but I could 'feel' it when it passed, so it had to be close. Headed for bed now. Hugs to each of you and good night.
29/Apr/14 3:20 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just dropping by for a quick hello and good night! {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and for everyone!
29/Apr/14 4:52 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Yes, MizT, I'm watching the weather channel on line closely. I think the longer I delay, the better. I'm leaning towards closer to 5 am now, too. The rain and storms have passed here, so I can start loading up everything but the horse and dog. Those will be last minute.

I hope everyone will feel better, VERY soon. I will be thinking of you all, and I will call Tricia on my cell when I arrive.

JUGS to all!
29/Apr/14 5:45 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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BTW... this avatar is Whimsey... taken when she was 10 months old. She's now 4 years old, and about to get bred.
29/Apr/14 5:49 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Love the avatar Heidi, nothing better than seeing someone at play.
Safe travels my friend.
29/Apr/14 6:27 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I had the cortisone this morning and it does feel much better. I have booked the next jab for the left shoulder for Thursday 8 May. I will be taking things very carefully.
I got my Pennants pin and Ken took lots of photos. I will post one on my page in the next couple of days.
Safe travels Heidi.
29/Apr/14 7:54 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Pleased to hear that the injection has given you some relief from pain, June. Well done on getting your winners pin in the bowls, even though you couldn't play in the final you played and got the team there.
To all who are suffering from aches and pains I hope they are relieved soon.
29/Apr/14 8:38 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Safe journey Heidi.
I think someone else asked before, but I can't remember if you commented. Wouldn't it be possible to use AI for Whimsey rather than travel all that distance to take her to stud.
29/Apr/14 8:40 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I went to bed very early so I knew I would wake during the night. I have a small cricket in the house that has moved closer to the bedroom. He goes quiet when I move around so will be hard to find. I find I have a reaction to the injection. I got out of bed and nearly fell over. I am very dizzy. Some more sleep and hopefully it will go away.
Nice to see you Brenda. I love the spring flowers of UK. My deciduous trees are slowly losing their leaves but the camellias are starting to flower.
30/Apr/14 1:43 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, just phoned me. she made the trip with no problems, in between weather systems. Dropped off the horse and is now at a RV park where she will stay while Whimsy is being bred. she has movies, books and some crafts to do to keep her occupied, and Angel with her to keep her company. she said she would phone again before she starts home.
30/Apr/14 9:25 AM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Glad you arrived safely Heidi. Have heard of the dreadful storms and loss of life in Mississippi. Good idea to not do too much with those injections June - I had them years ago in my left shoulder and did the wrong thing - ended up having to have an operation due to my stupidity. Hope you are feeling better Mamacita - headaches are horrible and you just can't ignore them like some other types of pain. I am going ok - having my perma catheter removed soon from my chest so that is my next lot of joy! Have had my washing machine walk over the laundry floor for the past six months and finally getting that fixed - small job but will make life a lot easier. No. 1 son has moved to a new apartment in Melb. It has a lovely view of the Melb. city lights. A bit of a way to go to see him but I will still be making the weekly trip to watch Game of Thrones with him. We have had a weekly get-together for the past year or so and I really enjoy the excuse to visit and spend time with my boys and daughter. Hubby never comes as he won't watch any show with swearing in it - so hard to find nowadays.
30/Apr/14 9:45 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Midge, you are sounding more positive. I do hope that you are improving.
I will be taking it easy for some time as I do not want to have a neck/spine operation if it can be avoided. I decided not to take the Lyrica nerve pain medication today as I think that is making me dizzy. It can be a side effect and I think the cortisone has made it more so.
So pleased to hear that Heidi has arrived OK.
30/Apr/14 11:40 AM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Cortisone is nasty enough on its own - it can make your skin so fragile. My sister has been on Lyrica for shingles and she had the same side-effect but didnt know if was the meds or condition.
30/Apr/14 4:46 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just pipping in to say hello and hope all are well! Hi, Midge, June, MizT, Brenda, Broni, Heidi, and anyone else who slipped in when I wash't looking!

Positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, {{{{{HUGS & JUGS}}}}}, and for everyone!
30/Apr/14 4:53 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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June, yes, sometimes dizziness is a side effect of Lyrica, and starting with a reduced dose and gradually working up to the prescribed dose can help. It is one of those side effects that dissipates as your body adjusts to the medication. I take Gabapenten, another nerve pain medication. Mine makes me sleepy, and my doc ordered it, start 2 at bedtime for one to 2 weeks, add one mid day for one to two weeks, then add one in morning. It took me a bit longer to be able to up the dosage, and never could get the morning one, not if I wanted to accomplish anything except nap hehe. When I saw doc, he said since I was having good pain relief with the 3 a day, let's keep it that way.

Midge, good to hear from you again. Seems you are soldering on in spite of all your problems, you are an inspiration. I hope your next procedure goes well with no complications. Come visit when you can, and let us know hot it goes, we care.

Up for intermission, since i went to bed at 7 pm for a little rest fore time to take meds. Little rest lasted about 3 hours and then went right back to bed. all the storms went past while I was asleep. No severe weather for my area, my phone is again sending me storm alerts, and it did not go off while I slept. Since now I only get report if we are in the polygon marking the suspected path, and not the entire county, many less alerts, Modern technology! they entered my home address, and I only tet relegent txt messages. Smart phones are even better! They use GPS tracking and can follow you as you travel abut town or long distance travel and adjust your messages to suit. These are FREE apps, too, provided by a local company as a public service.

here is a bit about this :
30/Apr/14 6:05 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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You pip away Julie, just good to see you.
30/Apr/14 10:57 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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June, when I had my cortisone injections, doc told me to ice it every 3 to 4 hours. did your doc suggest icing?
01/May/14 2:36 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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No Tricia, just to take it easy and not lift anything. I had been taking the Lyrica for about three weeks but stopped yesterday when I became dizzy. That also made me sleepy so tonight I have had trouble sleeping. I was even able to do a bit of ironing yesterday and this morning I was able to get my arms into my dressing gown. I also cooked some rum bananas last night. That gave me a bit of indigestion and hat has kept me awake as well.
01/May/14 4:43 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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June, I do hope you get some much needed sleep. I would share some of mine if I could get it to you! Been sleepy for some reason and not enough intestinal fortitude to keep me up and moving, keep pushing. The bed is too near and too tempting and no reason big enough to keep me up . I do try to get out of the apartment at least once a day, preferably outside for fresh air and sunshine.

Last night overnight I clenched my teeth while asleep and I have bruised my lower right gum. It hurts to keep my lower denture in. I went to play scrabble without it, and usually I will not leave apartment without my teeth. It was only me and Mary today, so comfortable among friends and I did not fret about no bottom teeth. If the gum was cut, I have medicine to help heal, but just a bruise, it is just going to take time. I am alternating rinsing with hot and then cold liquids, sometimes just holding whatever beverage I am drinking over the area before swallowing. It is making entire side of my head sore, jaw, ear and temples. Heating pad has helped that, but if it does not relent soon I might phone doctor. I cannot think of anything more he could do, will be like last time I telephoned, when I had that miss step and hurt my hip. David, his nurse told me that time, you are already doing everything he would tell you to do. Only thing I have not done is try ice to side of face and neck, think that might be next, but I hate icing, makes me shiver just thinking of it.

Two playing at Scrabble is a different game. We both got many more high value letters than we usually do, our scores were much higher, but Mary still beat me, badly today.

Did a typo and got an entirely new screen, whew, thought I had lost this post. I shall post now before i do loose it, and come back again. I think I shall just go to bed early, since last pain meds did not seem to work, bed is the best place for me. tomorrow I really need to go to grocery. Last Sunday Walmart was out of Half and half, I hate when that happens, and tonight I used the last I had, just plain milk for tomorrow till I get to grocery, and that is a hardship, now I am accustomed to half and half hehehe.

I just realized when proof reading this, both my doctors have male nurses. rick at the pain clinic is a nurse practitioner and who I saw last time, probably who I will see unless we need to make big changes. David I am not sure if he is a nurse practitioner or not, but I do like both of them very much, very professional and do not let things fall between the cracks.

My nephew is one week past surgery to remove a kidney stone, a tiny one in comparison to kens, but it was lodged and would not move. After surgery they had to insert a stint over weekend, even getting that out has not relieved his pain. He was complaining today, not something he has done. He has strong enough pain meds, but the dose large enough to relieve his pain leaves him 'gorky', in his words, and at times he prefers the pain to the g
01/May/14 1:09 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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He has strong enough pain meds, but the dose large enough to relieve his pain leaves him 'gorky', in his words, and at times he prefers the pain to the gorked feeling. Today I suggested him taking half that tablet but more often, I think it was ordered every 6 hours. He could take 1/2 the tablet every 3 to 4 hours and still be taking same total dosage or less. Last I heard he was sending daughter, who has drivers' license, to pharmacy to get a pill cutter. I need to check back to see if this has worked better for him.

OK. I am out of here. Hugs to each of you, with extras for anyone hurting, and wishes your hurt is MUCH better soonest.
01/May/14 1:10 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Top 10 Worst Cities For Tornadoes in the United States

1. Huntsville, Alabama
2. Jackson, Mississippi
3. Birmingham, Alabama
4. Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Just saw this online, Alabama has 3 of the top 4 of worst cities for tornadoes. Why am I not surprised?
01/May/14 3:04 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! We have another early morning. Hoping to sleep tonight, instead of sitting up and coughing most of the night.

Thinking of everyone and sending lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and , prayers, healing vibes, and positive thoughts!
01/May/14 3:16 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Omg cronyism is in Sydney until June! Wonder if I can get up there.
01/May/14 5:27 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Oh Suzy...look at how your auto-correct app changed Chonyi to cronyism of all things...that should bring a smile to anyone who knows or knows of, glad your shoulder seems to be easing up a bit after the shot, but do hope the side effects become less bothersome and you are better able to sleep at night. Trica, have you tried warm salted water in the mouth as a gargle or hydrogen peroxide? They are both healing items for cuts and bruises. Hope the gums heal sooner rather than later...I would guess it would not help trying to eat chewy foods with the pain. Glad Heidi had a safe trip and that Wimsey's breeding results in a pregnancy.Julie, hope your coughing eases enough so that you are able to get some rest...with the busy schedule you keep, you need all of the sleep you can get.Our weather today is so very different from the last two days where heavy winter coats and boots were needed to combat the cold, wind and heavy it's 77°'s here and fairly wind, and a very light jacket or sweater may feel warm...oy vey...Mother Nature just won't make up her mind and it's playing havoc with my sinus condition that leads to infection and more headaches....I will be so glad when the weather is more consistent no matter the temps..I say that now, but when it gets hot I'll most likely holler then too Lol. Broni, hope my prayers are helping to keep some of your work stress at bay...time will be needed to solve all, but a little peace in between will help I'm sure. Good to see your post Midge and I hope things are improving for you too.Brenda, you have asked the same question I have about A.I for Heidi's horse...hope we get an answer since Heidi may not get to see this once she's able to get back to the didn't get to say much in your post...still losing them? You take care and hope you are feeling alright...we care. Well, time I traveled around...must remember to stop over Bean's page with a birthday message since she hasn't dropped by here for awhile...hint-hint...Lol.Have the best possible day one could hope for...Peace!
02/May/14 4:23 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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June, not sleeping is a side effect of cortisone for me. It is more noticeable when taken orally than when injected into points, but at times it still keeps me awake. for me it is one of those strange 'not awake, not asleep and I really do not care' kind of feelings, other times it is a jittery, hear every noise within 2 miles kind of no sleep. but for me, the pain relief it brings is good enough to ofset any side effects. I do hope you get some sleep soon. Have you tried any of the sleepy time teas? Chamomile and others do help even when it is meds keeping me awake. I bought one recently, no caffeine green tea with pomegranate and camomile, lots of healthy things and it is like a lullaby for me.

Remember thw storms the other night? Well, I saw today the trees it knocked over just next door in the park! Huge oaks, one of them is blocking the sidewalk up at the corner. Some of our residents use that sidewalk to take power chair or walk to grocery. We might have to get Shannon to call the city about getting it cleared sooner rather than later.

Mama, sounds like your weather simialr to mine today, mid 60's, beautiful blue sky, but still windy here and a bit of a cool bite to the wind. I did enjoy being out with car windows down, enjoying the breeze. LOVE that blue sky, means we have low humidity which is the best of all.

I may be imagining things, but sun patters seem different than last year. I am seeing shadow of building differently than I remember, and I would have noticed cause it affects area where my planters are. I am seeing more sun, longer and in a larger area. Don't think the building moved hehehe.

Mama, thanks for the reminder of hot sallt water, I had not used it this time. I use it for cuts and ulcers, but did not think of it for bruise. It is some better today, I can keep toofies in long enough to eat a meal, if I chew on t=other side.

Suzy and Mama, What I remember from when we asked Heidi about AI for her cattle, is she likes for it to be the natural way. I am not sure if she gave a reason why she likes it better, though.

OH, did you hear about flooding on Gulf Coast? My sister , BIL and several of his sisters and brothers were vacationing together at one of the state parks. they rented one of the 'cabins', but it looked more like a luxury condo inside, with a huge open great room, dining and kitchen area in center of several bedrooms. They were overlooking the bay, lovely water view. NOW? they are IN the bay! Water up under the house, covering the boardwalks. From the deck it looks as if they are at the railing of a ship. Water water everywhere. I have not heard if their autos were parked on high ground, but I think she would have said if any of them had water damage. If I can get back to her post on FB, I will share so any of you interested can see.

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
02/May/14 7:13 AM
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