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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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Broni - agree with Heidi - had a similar thing happen many years ago when I worked for Rupert Murdoch - when the proverbial hit the fan we were safe as we documented everything. Suzy, Mizt, Broni, Mama and June - hope you are all feeling better. Allie certainly has had her share as well. Hopefully the cyst will subside. Safe trip Heidi - you certainly keep yourself busy. Sorry to hear about Izzy - it is always hard when our babies get old. My poor puss died a few weeks ago (in the bl--dy pool again). She was nearly 19yrs and think she just misplaced where she wanted to go. Had a fire in my dialysis unit last week so being shunted all over the place - unfortunately got the evening time (6-11.30pm)at another unit. No. 2 son flew to Thailand yesterday - I am sure he enjoys freaking me out. Arrived at 9.20pm, no place to stay and a 10pm military curfew. He was thinking of going on to Japan (to get parts for his car!!!!) so waiting anxiously to hear he is o.k. Good advice Mizt - pear juice is also a good quick fix. Love it when the terrible twos take hold - Suzy at least you know she is trying her independence and becoming an individual. I don't like to see 2yr olds behaving themselves all the time - I think their personalities are being squashed. Just a bit hard to take at times.
02/Jun/14 12:51 PM
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just flying through.
02/Jun/14 1:50 PM
Fernlands Qld
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Nola, I hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy your celebrations.
02/Jun/14 1:58 PM
Fernlands Qld
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Hi all, I'm still here and just as busy doing my usual stuff.
I'm waiting for winter to arrive - 25-28C all last week and this week as well. It's crazy... I have all these new winter clothes that I can't wear as it's too hot. I'm wearing a summer dress and sandals today!
Hubby, sons and I are heading to Tasmania in a couple of weeks - hubby and boys are going on 27th but I can't leave until after the end of the financial year so I won't leave until July 2nd. It will be very cold so I'm knitting a new scarf to take with me. My tradie son spends his life in shorts and t-shirts so he has had to buy new jeans and coats.
We are going mid-winter as the oldest son has taken school holidays from Kindy and wanted to go to either New Zealand or Tasmania. I told him that hubby would go to Tassie with him and then decided that I would join them. The youngest son then decided to join us. Now the dog has to go to the kennel for a couple of weeks.....poor thing but he'll survive.
02/Jun/14 2:11 PM
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You lucky thing Victoria. Tassie is my favourite place. I just love Hobart and the east coast from Hobart to Freycinet. The Salamanca market on Saturday in Hobart is not to be missed. Wish I was going with you.
02/Jun/14 5:02 PM
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Happy Birthday Nola, hope it's a good one!
Have a fantastic time Vicki!
Midge, that dialysis time sounds like it couldn't be more inconvenient if it tried! Your no. 2 son must not watch or read the news. I would be worried if I were you too! Everything crossed that he is safe!
Vroom vdV...
I have spent today going through cupboards and drawers. I'm mostly done and have 4 bags of stuff to donate. I'll probably be able to add another bag to that before I'm done. Kitchen type bags these are. I have a whole bunch of empty coat hangers too. I always seem to be short coat hangers so this is a good thing.
02/Jun/14 5:17 PM
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I'm going to print off the advice about Tahli so I can show Dana. She isn't given much junk food that I'm aware of so I'll leave that assessment up to Dana. Thank you for that!
02/Jun/14 5:18 PM
qld, australia
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Nola, hope this year brings you every joy you could imagine and more.
02/Jun/14 6:14 PM
qld, australia
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Gekko my friends.
Hope you are all improving each day.
Well some good news for a change.....
Karma it is. Someone's claim for Workers Compensation got rejected this afternoon.
02/Jun/14 6:49 PM
qld, australia
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Been thinking about what to have for dinner but had nothing out and lunch was enormous from the leftovers I had..
I am my mother and grandmothers daughter, decide on a crispy bacon and Hot English mustard sandwich. Shame I had run out of eggs. Mum used to make this egg, milk and I think brandy drink for Nan as well, she sure didn't complain.
02/Jun/14 7:01 PM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Thanks to you all, and the family, I had a lovely 60th birthday. Very full of chocolate cheesecake.
I hope to post tomorrow.
02/Jun/14 7:21 PM
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I decided it was time to start on the new medication. I was told to take it several hours before going to bed. There is a big warning on the box 'This medication may cause drowsiness' I have been awake for hours, still waiting for that drowsiness.
03/Jun/14 3:26 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm home. I pulled in at 3:30 am and hit the sheets. Now I have to clean out the RV and deliver it to a friend that's borrowing it. More later.
03/Jun/14 3:50 AM
Stevenage UK
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Sorry I missed your birthday Nola. Pleased to hear you enjoyed it.
Vicki hope you enjoy your holiday when it comes.
Broni hope this news gives your stress levels a rest. Hope she gets everything she deserves. Bet she can't ask for a reference for a new job from your boss now.
03/Jun/14 5:58 AM
Stevenage UK
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We are in Babbacombe again on holiday. Weather forecast for today got it wrong I'm pleased to say. We have been on the beach and had a drive round to other places of beauty and interest, eith the top down on the car....perfect.
03/Jun/14 6:01 AM
Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends. It is now 6:30 local, and I spent over 6 hours doing garden things today! It was cool, windy with lower humidity, decided to take advantage of that. I meant to snap photos, Joy got my phone to charge, I must add minuets now, but the camera does work.
It is so funny, people are coming to me, sick plant in hand, asking my advice. I helped Mary Ann today to pot up a Irish potato vine she has started from a grocery store potato. Mary Ann has damage from a stroke, limited use of one hand and arm, and somehow she broke her good arm, so she definitely needed help to pot this up. We had the best time working together. I managed to let her do everything she could, assisting only when she obviously needed help, and she seemed to enjoy it a lot! Was most proud of herself, and I was proud of me not just doing it for her
I got the white begonias into temporary pots, and Kim helped me move them out to the sun. they were so dry when I brought them home, but now they are waterlogged, they got tooo much rain and no sun where I had them. Pieces of plant fell off, I gathered them and took to Edith. she remembers that was the only way she and neighbors got new plants, a cutting from someone's plant, and enjoys trying to root things. I do not know if she has been successful, but I would much rather give these pieces to her than toss into trash. Sometimes such little things can make another's day, and I am happy when I can be a part of that.
Lynn who plays scrabble with us had a lovely container garden she had received, and had killed one of the plants. she asked if I would take the others before she killed them also. Easy fix, they were in small individual containers in a nice metal square container, under a layer of moss. She had over-watered, of course the metal container did not drain. I need to phone her to see if she wants them back now with proper care instructions. I have them in my apartment for time being to let them dry out. Her kitty was enjoying nibbling on the 'helicopter plant', forgot the correct name of it, variegated grass that has insignificant flowers on a long stem that, if in a hanging pot, drapes over. New babies come from the blooms. What is it's name? The best plant of all was a double angel wing begonia in a lovely salmon color. The other was a sweet potato vine in a bright golden green. I would really like to keep the begonia for me, wonder how long folks will believe it is in intensive care in my window?? hehehe
I had a wonderful day, good chats with some of our older residents, answering the same questions, telling them again today same thing I told them yesterday, but I do not mind. Brookie is 96, if I live that long, I hope I am doing as well as she does, but I have no desire to live that long otherwise. Margaret is in her eighties, still wants to know how I got my power chair, what she has to do to get one. If I had not got mine when I did, if I had not had a doctor who knew how to do the pap
03/Jun/14 9:59 AM
Alabama, USA
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If I had not got mine when I did, if I had not had a doctor who knew how to do the paperwork, if our social worker had not kept up with all the follow up, I would not have it. How thankful I am for all them, it lets me do what I most enjoy, be out in the breeze, with dirt under my fingernails, and talking to people about plants.
Send good thoughts and healing vibes that, come morning, I do not regret my activity today.
OH, someone had left a small wood table in very bad repair at the dumpster. I 'rescued' it to use as a plant stand for that grouping of plants beside the driveway. It adds some nice height in the middle and shows off my 'mixed greens' planting; purple and green variegated wandering Jew, helicopter plant, dusty miller and the above potato vine will go in too. these were all 'can you find a place for this?' plants and is beginning to look very nice.
More later, I have rambled on too long. I did read, I enjoyed your comments, but will have to send replies later. Hugs to each of you, with extras
03/Jun/14 10:10 AM
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JUst a quick visit to say Hello and hope everyone is well. Life is crazy, but at least it's not boring! All good, just busy . . .
Sending positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
03/Jun/14 5:28 PM
Alabama, USA
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I survived! slept well and a bit tired today, but so far so good with pain levels. Did I tell you how much I enjoyed yesterday?
Julie, thank you for checking in, just busy is OK as long as all is good.
Brenda, so happy for you that weather is cooperating on your holiday. I enjoyed the photos on TOS, it is like you are taking us along on your trip, thanks for sharing.
NOLA, so sorry I too missed your birthday. So here is a belated greeting, and wishing you a very happy UNbirthday today
Hope you did something really enjoyable on your actual day. June birthday, makes you a Gemini also?
Heidi, thanks for letting us know you made it home safely. Would love to hear about your trip when you catch up on everything. How is your old friend, was it Izzy? did you take her in to vet and say your good byes? What about Whimsy (I am terrible on names and would probably loose this post if I went back to look). Is she with child?
Broni, I was very happy for you, hearing that the witchy woman did not win her case. Sometimes things turn out as they should. Hope you cannow enjoy your job a lot more.
June, so sorry to hear the new medication did not have the drowsy effect for you. Did you ever get to sleep? I hope it soon works as desired.
Suzy, I am glad you are showing my post to Dana. I do hope it can lead to some improvement with children's behavior. I can only imagine how stressed she is with two 'noisy' children. Even more, I really hope her children are not feeling that rage mine did, due to things manufacturers put into foods. Mine is mid 40's now and she still remembers.
Vicki, your trip sounds wonderful. To bad you could not travel with the family, but hope everything goes well for all of you.
Midge, don't we often wish we could go along with friends in their baggage? I do enjoy hearing about and seeing holiday photos, next best thing. Any estimate how long it will take to get 'your' dialysis unit repaired and treating patients again? Your time really is the pits, I am sure it is most inconvient not only to you but to the staff having to work terrible hours too.
time to get outside again, fore it gets too hot. Just a check up to see how things are faring today. AND I hope to get photos today too.
Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
04/Jun/14 12:14 AM
Alabama, USA
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Checking to see if the Gemini avatar is working, that is all.
04/Jun/14 12:16 AM
Mamacita 2
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Greetings one and all. Touching base to say howdy and let you all know that all is well. I've been reading but just didn't feel like posting. Suzy, glad you and the family are feeling better, and happy that you've gotten some helpful tips to help quiet things a bit perhaps. Hope they work. Dana has her hands full but you all are doing so well helping. . Nola, apologies for not posting birthday greetings earlier..I meant to but never got back to do so...but a heart filled wish non the less for a great year and beyond.June and Tricia, good to hear both of you are feeling less pain and are able to keep moving...good onya. Hey Broni...Things come to those who happy that the itchy one didn't get the reward she sought. I do hope that helps to draw things to a close.Midge, it seems you get the short end of the dialysis stick with that lousy time. Hope your regular place is soon up and running again so that things can go a little easier. Brenda, I've been following your trip via the photos on the other site...glad the weather has cooperated . Continue to enjoy.Julie, hope you are having fun too...sometimes these very busy times are the best of times when we get to look back. Glad to see VDV is still flying high and has a chance to drop in every now and then...always good to see company.Victoria, it was great to see you also. Hope you have a great family trip. MizT...that's a great avatar...wish I had seen it first...I'm a tad green Okay folks...I'm off to new sites then must feed the dog and fix my dinner...take care until we meet again. Peace
04/Jun/14 6:56 AM
Magnolia, KY
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The epidural went well. It was a bad one. I'm heading back to bed for more sleep now. I think I lived through the past 5 days.
04/Jun/14 8:15 AM
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Dropping by for a quick visit and to say Hello! We have an early morning for dental hygiene visits, then lots to do during the day, then to Chicago for quintet concert D is playing in. Second trip to Chicago this week, as Monday evening we went to see cellist Yo-Yo Ma teach a 'master class.' There were 3 young people (probably between age 8 or 9 and 16 or 17) who played, then were given suggestions for things they might try to improve upon what they first played. There were probably 100 or 150 in the 'audience.' On Thursday I'm scheduled for a Mohs procedure to deal with a basal cell carcinoma on my nose (sort of near where nostril meets face). I don't remember every having a sunburn there, but I know the effects of the sun are cumulative, so maybe didn't need to have a sunburn. The dermatologist said about 1 in 4 people have a BCC during their lifetime.
Looks like I won't be able to go to the outdoor pool this summer.
I just really like the sky over my head and the leaves on trees gently moving in the breeze. Occasionally we might see a deer in the field or a heron in the adjacent pond.
Sending lots and lots of positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS & JUGS}}}}}, healing vibes, and
for all!! I hope to get here to read in the next few days, but no guarantees. Take care, Everyone! Good Night!
04/Jun/14 3:49 PM
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What a lovely post by MizT of her day in the garden. So glad you are enjoying yourself. Good luck Julie with the BCC. Will that stop you from enjoying your pool if you wear LOTS of sunscreen? Glad your epidural was a rotten one Heidi - hope it lasts well. No 2 son enjoying himself in Thailand (fingers crossed) and now No 1 son told me he is off to South America for a holiday after his exams next week. No wonder I am going grey! No 3 son is going to Florence for 2 weeks shortly but that place just seems more civilized and he is with his partner, which is just as well as his he is having a few hypos in his sleep and needs to be with someone all of the time until his diabetes stabilizes. Good luck Suzy with the clearing out of cupboards - I have been trying to do the same but just end up in a bigger mess. I can't believe the junk I have accumulated and never use - does anybody want a waffle maker, doughnut maker, crepe maker, coffee percolators,Schlemertoff casseroles? All to the op shop.
04/Jun/14 5:11 PM
qld, australia
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Gekko my friends.
MizT, I enjoyed your day in the garden, it put a big smile on my face. We can tell how much you are enjoying yourself.
Heidi, glad the epidural was a bad one. Rest well my friend.
Julie, happy if you are happy.
Midge, thanks for the support. Hope the dialysis is back to reasonable times, also hope the kids stay safe and well.
Grandma Zusy....snigger to all of the above.
Another vent coming, don't expect you to read, it is just good to put it down on paper so it is out of my head.
Have to wonder how many Chinamen I killed?
Still got the unfair dismissal claim and the theft of company documents from the itchy one to deal with and now my unethical child of a boss was abusive, threatening, bullied and tried to accuse me of things I have no control over and should have been dealt with by him years ago. Talk about throwing tantrums.
Sadly I think it is time to move on.
04/Jun/14 5:57 PM
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MizT, I enjoyed hearing about your time in the garden too! And the part where you were not in agony the next day.
Julie, that was a full day! Sounded like fun too, except for the first bit. I've lost count, but I think I'm at 7 BCCs and 2 SCCs. I think hubby had a MOHs removal. Mine have all been scrapes or cut out. I hope it goes well.
04/Jun/14 8:12 PM
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June, I hope you eventually got some sleep!
Heidi, I'm glad it was a doozy!
Mamacita, it's lovely to hear you sounding so much like yourself. Yourself is kind of special you see
Oh Broni, I think you might be right, especially if it means you get to vent at the childish boss before you leave. Big hugs..
04/Jun/14 8:18 PM
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We now have a cold in the house. If that's as bad as things get we're doing pretty well. Alie has her boobs ultra sounded today and all is good there too!
04/Jun/14 8:21 PM
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I am persisting with these tablets but I feel very alert instead of drowsy. I did get a bit of sleep this afternoon and off to bed shortly.
Suzy, you do not need a cold with all the other things going on in your home.
Broni, Hope you can find something to move onto and soon. You do not need that stress in your life.
MizT, you remind me that I have some primulas to plant out in the garden. I must remember to plant them tomorrow.
Brenda, enjoy your holiday. Must check with Ken to see if we have been on the South Devon railway. I lose track of the ones we have been on or at least visited. I am sure we have not visited that Abby though.
Ken's Mother would have been 100 today. I bumped into his sister at the shops so we had lunch together.
Hair dresser tomorrow.
Midge, take care. My aches and pains are nothing compared to what you go through.
Nice to see you Mamacita. Pleased you are back home OK Heidi.
04/Jun/14 11:03 PM
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SA land
05/Jun/14 8:14 AM
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Broni you don't have to put up with that c--p.Abusive behaviour cannot be tolerated at any time. Take some sick leave, smell the roses for a while and good luck with finding somewhere to work where you will be appreciated. I am a great believer in one door closes and a better one opens.
05/Jun/14 8:45 AM
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Hi vdV, I see you are flying around the pages.
05/Jun/14 8:45 AM
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Hubby back from Sydney today so my peaceful time at home on my own is over. He is off to Brisbane in a couple of weeks and I am trying to organize dialysis there so I can go with him and visit our old neighbours from the '70's who now live on Bribie Island. Was awake at 4am today - the possums were fighting outside my bedroom window. I must not have put enough food out on the roof for the little sods. Am trying to get some boxes for nests made so they will stay in our trees rather than clomping over the roof half the night.
05/Jun/14 8:53 AM
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Hope you are feeling better soon June - not getting enough rest cannot be good.
05/Jun/14 8:58 AM
Alabama, USA
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June, could you be having a paradoxical reaction to the new pills? that is when they do the opposite of what is intended, and this is often dose related. If it were me, I would call the doc or pharmacist and tell them what is happening, see if they have suggestions. a different time of day to take it might help, or a lower dose to start with, but it is a real legitimate reason to phone them. How will they know what is going on if you do not let them know?
Heidi, rest well dear, I hope this epidural lasts and is still doing well when the next one is due. Good to hear you are sleeping after this one.
Midge, I do hope you can arrange dialysis so you can make your trip. You are a role model for all of us, get in as much as you can, every day, even if it is difficult.
Mama, I will share the avatar with you, if you can capture it from mine, would not bother me one bit. I am glad you felt like posting, and sound so chipper. We all love to hear from you, but are so happy for you when you are doing well.
Broni, what the others have said. Life is too short to live with abuse. Take some mental health days, look for another spot. There has to be someone out there who would appreciate you for what you are capable of doing, just have to find them. I would also document, document document, in case it is ever needed in the future. Can you explain about the China-men remark? It has to be something Australian, I think. Come back and vent as often as needed, you have had a rough patch lately. And yes, I read it
, every word.
Julie, glad to hear about what is keeping you so busy. tomorrow sounds like a fun day except for the dentist. enjoy hearing your daughter play, even if it is a hard trip into Chicago, I think it will be worth it for you and hubby.
Today was the day I got payback for my wonderful Monday in the garden. It was the combination of over use Monday and a weather system. My nephew, age 40, was wishing for a weather change, he was tired of the all over achies. This, whatever it is, we call it fibro, runs throughout our family. I do not know anyone who has totally missed it. Different manifestations for different folks, but the older the younger generation gets, the more it shows. How I hate that we have passed this on to them, and that the oldest and youngest of the 'cousins' may be passing it on down to the next and the next generation, my grand children and grand niece and 2 nephews, and one great grand child. The other 4 of the cousins have chosen not to have children, this being a major factor in that decision.
Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
05/Jun/14 9:38 AM
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The saying (as my gran told me) was 'step on a China-man's grave' or 'you must have killed a China-man'. It goes back to the goldrush days in Aust. when the Chinese came in huge numbers and crossing them meant really bad luck.Our forebears were not tolerant people.
05/Jun/14 9:56 AM
Alabama, USA
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OK, it is later and I need to talk. Most of you will remember my friend Eddie, from Montevallo. He did so very much for me and Al after Al got sick. I could not have stayed in Montevallo as long as I did after Al died without his help.
Eddie phoned me today, basically to say goodbye, and to thank me for being his friend, 'in case we do not get to talk again'. He is getting so much worse. He did get disability so he has good medical care now, but said his world has shrunk to a 50 foot circle, where he can go while tethered to his oxygen generator. He said breathing sucks, and he is very tired. I think he believes he will not last long, or else he is planning on checking out, not staying for the end. Just some of the things he said lead me to that conclusion.
I need to go down there tomorrow, and have a long and serious talk with him. I will phone him in the morning, to be sure he will be at home tomorrow, if there is any way possible I can make that trip. Hope I can say the right thing to give him some comfort and some support. He really is a good guy. I think tonight is going to be a long night for me.
05/Jun/14 11:25 AM
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MizT, I hope you're wrong and he was just having a bad day. My thought will be with you ...
05/Jun/14 9:50 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I hope you can do something to help Eddie, MizTricia. Emotional and moral support are critical for him right now.
I just talked to Maxine!!! She and the abusive boyfriend have parted! Finally! Right now they're fighting for custody of the 2 kids. I really don't think he wants either of them, but he's being as poisonous as he can be, just to hurt her. And she's fighting hard to get him to pay child support. Which he isn't doing yet. At least I now have her address, and can send her some financial help.
06/Jun/14 1:30 AM
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MizT, hope you are able to see Eddie and give him your support. Travel carefully.
Help Maxine carefully Heidi, so that the BF does not find out. I had a nice day yesterday. I had my hair cut and then lunch with a friend. We had the most tender salt and pepper calamari. I had to get Ken to drive as my hands were so swollen I could not have held the steering wheel. I think it was a combination of the trapped nerve and a change in the weather. Forgot my new tablet last night but I still woke up after a few hours. I will try that tablet for a few more days and if I am still not happy I will contact that Doctor. I see the physio again this afternoon.
06/Jun/14 1:52 AM
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