Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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We are having a spell of lovely sunshine at present. I've just finished painting a new tool shed which now needs to be put together. That will have to wait until the weekend when Richard is around.
12/Jun/14 7:50 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Morning friends. I slept in, might have slept later but power went out and some electronic something here beeped to let me know. Sunny at the moment, but that might just heat up the air for stronger t-storms later today.

I looked at one of my petunia plants yesterday, and found it almost swimming. The water absorbing granules were all up top and so 'juicy' there was water being held outside the granules, a bit soupy there. I might have to move that one under cover if this rain persists, to let it dry out a bit.

I need to get a photo taken and sent to BIL, he wants to see the rose bush he is making trellis for. Taking photo is not hard, getting it to him is, not sure sis has her photo receiving mode on cell phone set up correctly.

time to shower and dress for doc appointment, not sure what time Tanya is arriving today, but would like to be ready for my day fore she gets here. she is planning to make fajitas while I am gone, for a late lunch. .

Said she had 2 more apartments to see. Uncle might not have been happy with price of last one, it was at the very top of price range given her, and if she asked for ground floor, so I could get in and out to visit, would be about $10 over budget. but it is a gated complex, she would feel safer there and the apartment is larger too. we will see what happens.

Hugs to each of you, with extras.
13/Jun/14 12:41 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Back here for a while anyway. Able to get Internet service again after several days without due to some problem Verizon was having. No phone, T.V or computer, so I was able to read w/o, we've been having lots of rain here too. The storms have been everyday for a week and the weather guessers think it will continue for a bit more. Like you and several others, the rain and humidity play havoc with my body and today I am one big ache from top to bottom. I also seem to have somehow hurt my foot or something. My whole leg gets shooting pains when I try to walk normally,starting from my heel when my weight comes down as I step. My ankle is slightly swollen at the end of the day. My other leg hurts along the shin bone and itches a lot. I was looking forward to sharing my 'new' pains with my doctor, but missed an appointment due to the lack of getting the reminder call...and of all times I hadn't put the appointment on any of my calendars...sigh. I couldn't get another appointment until July 9th...hopefully these strange 'new' pains will leave before then. Okay...enough of my complaints...they don't seem to be helping me much, but I do hope hearing of my hurts may have helped some of you forget your own pains for a minute or two. We'll all feel better somewhere or somehow the old folks say...I can feel it in my Really thought I was sorry to hear so many were hurting and hope some ease has come. Julie, that was quite some surgery, I hope your trip to the surgeon resulted in a great report and more comfort. Heidi, I was so disappointed with the news that your back was once again giving you grief. I had hoped for a much longer period of time w/o out undue pain. I'm sure you were too.Tricia, your post have been the bright spot on this page for the last few days, I do hope the rain will ease up and allow your garden reports and daily comings and goings to once again bring us all joy. I know that you will out last the apartment hunting trips, breakfasts far too early and other helpful
measures you are currently undergoing.
Posting now so I won't lose. Take care all...I care. Peace.
13/Jun/14 6:27 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! Commenting without reading page 110 . . .

Heidi, I hope things are better today! I think we were all hoping this epidural would be a great one that would last a long time.

Broni, I hope you were able to nurse your computer along long enough to save important things to a laptop or another computer!

MizT, only a few sutures were removed. Quite a few (probably at least 20 - 30 remain. The dressing and packing have been removed. I'm supposed to put Bacitracin (antibiotic ointment) on it (and behind my ear) twice a day for 5 days, then use Vaseline after the 5th day to keep it moist. Right now, it ranges between uncomfortable to painful to touch. I'll see the doctor again in 5 days. I had 1 black eye that is nearly back to normal. The most bruising was behind and in my ear where they 'harvested' cartilage for a graft. I really have no complaints.

Time to head to bed, so sending the usual {{{{{HUGS & JUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, and . Take care, Everyone!
13/Jun/14 3:51 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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I am back,...just! Still getting used to windows 8 !
13/Jun/14 5:00 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Welcome back Broni :-)
13/Jun/14 6:29 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Mama, yes, I think I will survive daughter's visit, one more day. she leaves at 6 am tomorrow, while I am still snoozing, hopefully.

We had a day without rain yesterday, but my fear that storms would pop up kept me from taking my power chair to the pain doc office. Drove the one block down, parked right beside the door, so not a lot of walking. but oh my, the chairs in his waiting room are TERRIBLE. As I mentioned that to his staff, when they asked how I was doing, I was told, oh, I hear that a lot, or the patient just before you said the same thing. I wonder if they are drumming up more business by having those chairs? Next time I will wrap my electronic parts of chair in plastic and take an umbrella , and take my chair rain or shine. At least I would have a comfy place to wait hehehe.

I was up early, and although cloudy, it was not raining. I got dressed, made coffee to go and went downstairs. I needed to take a photo of the rose bush to send to BIL who is making us a bamboo trellis for it. I tried in afternoon, but with sun behind the wall, it left rose in shadow while all else was full sun, therefore the rose did not photograph well. I needed a morning shot.

By the time I went across the cross over between buildings (windows on both sides), it was raining! I sat around, drinking coffee and chatting till it stopped, and got the photos I needed at last. Now to get out of the camera and to BIL, not sure if he gets photo texts or not. (Well, I sent them to sister's phone, but she is at Exercise BIL told me)

I have a LOT of photos on my phone, photos of the garden. Maybe when Joy next visits, she can download them to my puter for me and more important, teach me how! Would love to share them with you.

Yesterday I did a lot of deadheading, it was dry all day, and cooler, so pansies, geraniums, petunias and daisies all had old blooms pinched off. Later, while I was downstairs, I saw Miss Edith. She was holding the spent blossoms of the geraniums, on the stems, you know how you take those back to where stem joins plant? I had just left them on pavement beside the bed, knowing next rain wold wash them away, down storm drains. Edith asked if I needed those. Nope, was throwing them away. Well, could she have them? she wants to see if they will root! Do not think they will, but it gives her pleasure to try.

Edith grew up in a very rural area, and if you wanted to plant a flower, you got a cutting from a friend or neighbor and rooted them. There were no garden shops to buy flowers, and no money for ordering flower seeds. She is remembering those days, and wants to root everything. I think I told you she took fern fronds that she lehped me cut back, mostly dead but a few green leaflets on them, and tried to root those.

I have a couple of begonia cuttings, pieces that fell off when I transplanted, I need to take those up to her. She would have much more success with those hehehe. While I am at it, might give her cuttings o
14/Jun/14 12:44 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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While I am at it, might give her cuttings of my house plants, too. It is so easy to make some people happy. More people here ought to try it. It brings me great pleasure.

I did a bit of weed pulling today, too. Grass coming up in the nice rich dirt we added for the impatiens. Mixed in with the violets. some people think violets are weeds, but I love them. We lost hundreds of violets I was letting grow as a living mulch/ground cover, lost from the round-up spray the lawn care people used. I am letting the violets mixed in with the impatiens grow, so they will come back spring and reseed the bed.

OH JULIE, you keep adding bits about your surgery, and it gets more and more serious. I do not think any of us knew just how involved that surgery was! To have to graft cartilage to your nose, sounds as if he built you a new one! Goodness, hurts to think about it, you poor dear. I had forgotten, yes, docs are using Vaseline to keep scars moist, instead of weeks of antibiotic cream. I hope your doc using the antibiotic cream does not mean he saw start of infection there! So sorry it hurts when you have to apply the medicine. Hope that gets better fast. Mighty glad the black eye is getting better. The bruising at behind your ear will not be as noticeable, but that black eye most likely was. Get lots better, and soon sweetie.

I need to get back downstairs, meeting about some type benefits, huumm, do I qualify? Will take cleome seeds and see if I can plant a few of those also. Soil should be easy enough to work, after all this rain.
14/Jun/14 12:50 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings to all!

It's good to see you back, Broni! Enjoy your weekend!

MizT, you fit so much into your days! I'm impressed at all you accomplish! It's wonderful that you share your green thumb and gardening skills with the other residents. I imagine the beauty you are adding to your surroundings is greatly appreciated by most. Hopefully some will think to tell you that!

I hope Heidi is OK. Her brief comment a day or so ago indicated she may have overdone. I hope the effects of the epidural are helping!

Last week I missed our first quartet coaching, as it was the day after my BCC procedure and I was under 'house arrest.' Today I was able to go, even though yesterday was the first day I had practiced in just over a week. It was a little scary, but fun and exciting to be making music together. I was amazed how tired I was after 45 minutes. And now, it's time to head to bed.

Sending along many positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{{HUGS & JUGS}}}}}, healing vibes, and !
14/Jun/14 2:25 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Julie, I hope you are soon feeling much better. So pleased that you enjoyed making music. MizT, love all your garden stories. My garden needs so much work at the moment. I have some plants to put in but have to get the weeds out first. I raked up some autumn leaves and fallen camellia flowers yesterday as they were making the path dangerous to walk on (after some rain).
Enjoy your new computer Broni, once you master all the new things.
I was feeling so much better last week. Drove the car to do a small amount of shopping, to meetings etc. Very little pain when in bed etc. I still had numbness in my left hand and could not lift anything very heavy. However yesterday I took a big step backwards, which was so disappointing. Slowly picking up again. Even the physio said last Thursday that one more visit and we would then wait and see how things were.
15/Jun/14 4:28 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Lets hope Heidi is getting lots of rest and soon feels better.
15/Jun/14 4:31 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Gekko my friends,
Beautiful sunshine today after a cold drizzly day yesterday.
New computer half set up but the old one is hanging in there..
Have my cousin driving up from Adelaide this week so must away to getting his bedroom set up....after I walk Bella Basset.
Luv and Jugs.
15/Jun/14 8:34 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, we need a 'Here I is' from you. Just want to know that you are OK.

I survived the visit. she got very busy the last few days and was here only briefly. Friday she cooked fajitas for our lunch, oh my how wonderful. there are some left over and I shall have shortly, as soon as this med starts to take effect. I have too much produce, we bought thinking she would eat here more often than she did. She did eat several lunches, but mostly sandwiches. I may have to share so it is all used before it goes bad. that or cook it up and freeze. I bought everything to make vegetable lasagna, everything but the egg plant needed. Might have to make it without. that would use up the mushrooms, zucchini and the spinach in the fridge.

Did I tell you about the music we had Thursday night here at EP? ? A jazz combo came and played for us. We were asked to 'dress up' so everyone put on something sparkly. Joy posted a photo of me in my outfit, on FB. We had so much fun, The refreshments were the best ever, and our activities director brought trays of food around to tables, offering seconds and in some cases, third helpings of meatballs, chicken, cheese cubes, veggies and dip. there were some of the best multi-grain crackers I have had, or maybe it had been so long since I had a cranker, any ole stale thing would have been good heheh. Cracker, sort of a savory biscuit for the Aussies, very thin and crisp.

Today we had a bus trip down to Homewood to a mini farmers market. Only room for one wheel chair, so I took my walker that has a seat, was able to walk it and see everything and then sit in the shade until everyone finished shopping. I think there were 12 or 14 'stalls' is all. I went for Chilton County Peaches, and found them. No clear seed varieties, yet, but farmer said perhaps in 2 weeks. They are late coming in this year, cause winter just kept on and on.

I did not get out of bed till 8 am, and bus left at 8:30, so I had a cup of warmed over coffee and threw on some clothes, grabbed my sun hat and off we went. When I got home, had one of the peaches with cottage cheese for my breakfast, it was yummy.

Friday I dug a patch about 3 feet x 5 feet, mixed in topsoil and composted manure, and planted some cleome seed. We had so much rain lately the clay soip was easy to dig with my garden hoe. Later than I would have liked to plant seed, but we still have months of summer left here, 4 or 5 months, they should have time to mature and bloom bloom bloom. Today it was water everything under cover and a few things near the edge of cover. some really big rains, those containers get watered, but if wind is from the east, it blows the water away from the opening and those containers stay dry. Watered in the seed, too. I sectioned off the seed area with stakes and string, and posted a 'do not weed this area' sign, cause the lawn care people will be back just about the time those sprout. I do not want them pulling my seedlings you know.

Just back fro
15/Jun/14 9:53 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Just back from Myra's, we had a nice visit. I took her the last fajita, and some left over chips and salsa. Also carried some soup that I had made for our lunches here, have more in freezer, so 3 containers out of fridge.

Myra has at last got some of the things she needs. Her pain is under control, with pain medication and lidocane patches. she has a house cleaner once a week, for 2 hours, she can do laundry, cook, as well as clean, anything Myra needs. She is being checked out for a program that will send out someone to go with her to grocery, (or to doctor)come home and put them away for her, that will bring her 14 frozen meals a week, plus ensure cause she has lost so much weight. No more cooking needed for breakfast and dinner, she will just need to lunch, and can just drink the ensure if she wants. The days the cleaning lady or other attendants come, she can cook for her. So many other services, it is really good. Things are looking up for her. This is a program to keep elderly in their own homes as long as possible, if you qualify, instead of in nursing homes. Cross fingers and send good wishes that nothing will keep her from qualifying, she really needs this. Oh, they said they could get her a power chair, too, yeah! Myra was actually smiling today.

OK, I need a rest, I think my book and recliner are in order. Hugs to each of you, with extras. Till later.
15/Jun/14 9:57 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Hi All. It's very late here, but I haven't posted for a couple of days and didn't want to forget everything. Glad you are halfway done getting the new computer up to speed Broni...good for you. Enjoy visiting with your cousin and look forward to seeing you soon. Julie, good that things are looking up for you and you were able to enjoy your music again. The way you are going, it won't be long until you are back in full swing. June, sorry you had a set back, but I know you will work hard getting back up to speed. When lifting something heavy , please use both hands to lift and slowly build your know the drill...but we will remind ya since we know too well how easy it is to forget and hurt ourselves....we've most likely all done go girl, I knew you'd How did the apartment hunt end? Let us know when you do.Glad things are looking up for Myra too...I do hope it continues. I saw the fancy dress picture...really nice, and wondered the occasion, so glad you filled us in on the jazz group. I just came back from an evening outing at a jazz clue and heard some wonderful music...its been awhile and I really enjoyed it but had to leave earlier than I'd have liked because of the bum foot pain and driving in the rainy darkness. The club is an hour away from my house. I wasn't in the mood to go but since the ticket was paid for by my sister and she has ended up in Intensive Care at the hospital due to some infection playing havoc with her heart, she asked me to use it. My sister's birthday was on the 10th and she turned 87, so they didn't want to play around with this stuff. She's been ill now for awhile and is rather frail...but keeps on going. While she's not out of danger, they are fairly confident that all will be well. Any prayers you guys can share for her will be most appreciated. My sister has never acted her age, but she's now realizing that it's time to slow things down just a tad...but we both agree that we are going to enjoy whatever time we have as best we can. We do pretty good for a couple of old My brother turned 84 on the 12th. I haven't hit the 80's yet, and still have a few years to go so I try to keep up with them. Wish me well...Lol.
Okay folks...have to check a couple of other things and then hit the be good to others and better to yourselves. Peace.
15/Jun/14 2:11 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Mama, googled jaz clue nup reckon it must be jaz club hehe! Hope you sister is out of danger by now, healing vibes and love winging there way to you both.
Well they say it come in 3's, microwave, computer and now the front loader, oh well just throw more money at it.
15/Jun/14 3:07 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Ok Broni....I'll take that from you...but really I just blame it on the big glass of zinfandel I was drinking...and I don't mind a bit... Made my run and just checked back to see if Heidi had posted anything and found the cheeky grammar cop.
15/Jun/14 3:32 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Good morning everyone.
Happy Fathers Day.
I haven't read yet, but wish you all a good day.
Greg and I are still spreading mulch. A slow process
with a wheelbarrow and shovel. Getting there with about 1/3 done now.
Catch you later.
16/Jun/14 9:39 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Hi all ... I'm worried about Heidi.

Well, I took in another cat today. Some people down the street have several cats and this one female they keep allowing to have kittens. So I brought her in and she's currently in our bathroom. Yesterday I put flea treatment on her and today I caught her. She is very pregnant. I want the cycle to stop. I am not telling her owners because I don't think they're fit to keep her. She is such a tiny little tortoise shell and very friendly. Hopefully I can find a home for her and her babies. Wish me luck. She deserves a happy life without more kittens.

Hope everyone is well on the road to recovery. Perhaps someone should call Heidi if they have her number? Unfortunately I don't have it. It's not like her to be gone so long .....
16/Jun/14 10:58 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I sent Heidi an Email. I have been checking Skype and her computer was turned off, although she has been available on Skype for the last 3-4 hours.
16/Jun/14 12:49 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hopefully, Heidi is resting up and our concern is not warranted. With her being a very regular poster, her absence is really noticed.
Thinking of you Heidi!.
Theresa, long time, no see. Oh, the poor mummy cat about to have another litter when you rescued her. Are you going to pay for de-sexing too?
June, how is your shoulders and hands. Great to hear you are driving again.
Mama..sending your sister a 'GET WELL' prayer for a speedy recovery. I loved your newsy post!
MizT..that is great that Myra will get some home help. Edith sounds like a real sweetie. My Mum, would also take cuttings to strike, even if they were hanging over the fence as we walked down the street. Embarrassing sometimes but funny now.
16/Jun/14 3:18 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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today was a lovely day outside. after spending the entire morning making a pan of vegetable lasagna, I got dressed and downstairs by 3 pm. Our activities director, Jan, had phoned Friday asking if I could be available Sunday to be photographed for some promotional thing for EP. There were several of us so invited, and after the photography session in the garden, we sat on the back porch and chatted. Temps were not so hot, humidity was down a nice breeze, a good day to be outside. It was kind of funny, but 5 of the 8 down there all had birthdays within a week of each other! The photographer got one group photo of 4 of us 'Geminis'. I do not think that was planned, cause Jan seemed surprised when we mentioned the birthdays. It was cooler and les humid than usual. I chatted with another new to me resident. I have been living here for almost 2 years and I am still meeting people I have not seen before. Margie admitted she does not come down often, spends her time in her apartment. Was nice to sit and chat with a congenial group of people.

I am certainly glad I halved the recipe for lasagna. I think I have about 8 servings or more from this reduced recipe! My baking dish is not deep enough, I filled the dish and had ingredients left over and baked a 2 serving size container. This I intend to share with a couple of friends who are not up to cooking something this time consuming for themselves at the moment.

After my dinner, about 6 pm, I fell asleep in my recliner, and I mostly slept until 10:30 pm. after going to bathroom, getting my meds and getting into bed, I found I could not sleep, so here I am. I have my cuppa, camomile and sleepy time tea, mixed. It should help me get back to sleep soon.

I did ask a friend to accompany me to my procedure on Tuesday, and she thanked ME for asking her to go with! So many here do not get along with Nolena, she has this dry sense of humor that some do not understand and think she is 'mean'. She made some remark to me early on, and when I gave as good as I got, I saw this twinkle in her eye and a tiny little smile. We have got along very well ever since. We spent a lot of time talking and walking in the water, when I was going to Lakeshore pool. We both had a good laugh about how far we have to travel, just the one block down the street and I have to have a driver for that. hehehe I am glad I did not have to ask my sister, who would have to drive about 45 minuets in morning rush hour traffic to get me to the doc by 8 am.

OK, need to drink up on the tea, cannot drink and type hehehe. I shall look tomorrow to see if I still have Heidi's phone number. I am thinking I only have her cell, and she does not keep that on when at home. somewhere I once had home number, will have to find it. I hate that her back has been bothering her so, and sometimes Heidi just gets a bit down and seeks her own company at such times.

OH, if you could spare a prayer or thought for a friend of mine, Sue, who lives in Iowa
16/Jun/14 4:13 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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OH, if you could spare a prayer or thought for a friend of mine, Sue, who lives in Iowa, I am sure she would appreciate it. She has had some terrible health problems to overcome in the last 10 years and did, but recently she was in hospital in a coma for 6 weeks. They put in a trach, and she cannot talk. She is back home but very down and has repeatedly stated she does not want to live like this. I am concerned about her.

I did read, but somehow forgot to comment. I shall catch the posts next visit here. Sending hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
16/Jun/14 4:14 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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I saw she was logged on Skype this at some point this weekend.
We have had a busy weekend building a new syorage shed. Somewhere to store the gardening equipment so it isn't cluttering up the cabin. Now I have to give it a second coat of paint.
Richard is going to see The Eagles tonight at the O2 arena. One of the clients he has at work invited the team to go to their box. The client happens to be the building society we use for our banking. It's going to be a late night for me as I will have to pick Richard up from the station, probably in the early hours of tomorrow.
16/Jun/14 6:00 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Sorry.... Just very busy. I've been busy with both farm work and Lions Club work. This Saturday is a festival in Crestwood (west side of Louisville) being run by the Lions Club there. I got talked into running a booth there for the Lions Camp Crescendo. I'll be handing out brochures and selling jewelry that I've been making, proceeds going to the camp. I think every waking moment that's free has been devoted to making necklaces. No 2 are alike. All are made from hand carved stones that I've purchased from sellers around the world.
17/Jun/14 12:10 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Just pleased that you are OK Heidi. Your last post you mentioned back problems so we thought you were taking care of your back. We should have known you were just working hard. On the farm and also some for charity.
17/Jun/14 12:20 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Oh was good to hear that you were Ok, just busy and nothing was wrong. We missed you.
Brenda, always something to do at home, isn't there.
I must get to bed.
17/Jun/14 2:49 AM
aussie  From NSW
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Hi Nola. Glad you enjoyed my photos. And Somersby Falls is all fenced off now. I rather liked that there was not a lot of water coming down as it let you see the mosses, ferns and the colours in the rock.
17/Jun/14 11:20 AM
   vdV  From Melbourne
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17/Jun/14 12:48 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, vdV! Hope all is well for you and family! Seems you have a bit more time for fly-bys since becoming Dr. vdV! Good to see you!

Heidi, I hope all your jewelry making didn't contribute to a sore back!

June, I'm glad to hear that you were able to drive yourself a bit, and that things had been improving. So sorry for the setback, which I'm sure will be temporary!

Mama, it is always such a pleasure to read your posts! So glad you were able to go to the jazz club!

MizT, you certainly keep busy! It's good to hear that things are looking up for Myra! Sending additional prayers for Myra and for your friend Sue in Iowa.

Nola, you and Greg are certainly keeping busy with yard work. Do you have a lot or area to cover in mulch? I'm sure everything is looking wonderful! Do you have a lot of clean-up in the fall and preparing for winter?

Broni, enjoy your cousin's visit and have fun learning your new computer and programs!

Theresa, it's good to see you. I hope the little calico cat is healthy and has healthy kittens so it's easier to find them a good home. Do any vets in your area have low-cost neutering programs?

Brenda, I hope the shed-painting goes quickly and the yard tools will soon have a new home! Did Richard enjoy the concert?

I hope I haven't missed anyone. I'm dragging and need to get to bed to be up by 5, then off for annual squishing, doctor visit, and return to plastic surgeon.

Prayers, positive thoughts, healing vibes, {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and for everyone!
17/Jun/14 1:46 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Hi everyone.
Shed is full now :-) where does all the stuff come from?
Richard thoroughly enjoyed the Eagles concert. They were on stage for three hours with only a 15 minute break. What he missed out on was some of the food and drink on offer in the private box he was in. He had some fasting blood tests scheduled for this morning so could have nothing to eat or drink, apart from water, after 8:30 last night. Never mind the concert took his mind off that.
17/Jun/14 9:42 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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So much I want to say. Let's Siri if my pad will let me! Gonna leave that autocorrect....

Midge, still finding it interesting that you used to work for Rupert...

Julie, your removal sounds horrible. At least he didn't leave you with different size nostrils! I hope you're feeling a bit better.

MizT, she's probably gone by now, but I've been groaning over your daughter's behaviour. Hubby thinks you can just tell them when they're doing stuff like that. Yeah right, I'd feel the fall out over here. Same as I don't tell Dana that I dread her name coming up on my phone because it means she wants something. If she does move close and keeps doing it, you might have to give her a flyer on fibromyalgia and have a chat.
17/Jun/14 10:16 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Morning friends. Heidi, good to see you check in. I also am glad you were just busy and no time to drop in, we were worried about you. You were missed. good luck with the Lions Club booth. Is anyone helping to provide items for sale or available to help man the booth?

Brenda, I honestly believe our possessions expand to fill the available space . I know it happened with hubby and everything he brought home. At least you know things in that shed are gardening items. Enjoy having a space for them.

Julie, OUCH, I do not like being squished. I hope the visit with plastic surgeon goes well, and more stitches come out today.

I am off in 10 minuets for my epidural pain block. I might not be back on today, I know I slept the day away before.

Hugs to each f you, with extras, till later.

17/Jun/14 10:19 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, not being able to grasp things would have been scary as well as impossible to live with for very long. I'm glad it was sorted and hope it stays that way! The photo of you with the tiny puppy was gorgeous! I wondered if she'd eaten rat bait when Belinda mentioned vitamin k.
17/Jun/14 10:25 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Broni, thinking of you missing your cousin... Hugs.
17/Jun/14 10:26 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Nola, how is your gardening going? I bet it looks great when it's finished!

Brenda, your trip away sounds wonderful! It is great that you are able to go away so often!

17/Jun/14 10:32 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Julie, I had to use betadeine on my incisions. It makes them nice and orange...

Brenda, hubby and I thought it was pretty rough that you didn't get to see the Eagles. That would have been a great concert! Richard posted about Jethro Tull on the other page. I'd love that but hubby was never a fan (what do I see in him?!)

What is the shed made of? Most sheds here seem to be tin these days...

17/Jun/14 10:44 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, I would love to see photos of the necklaces you've made. Another talent I didn't know you had.

I really should set up a heater in the office so I can use notepad and flip around the posts so I can consolidate better and miss less. A job for Thursday I think because I'm helping Dana tomorrow.
17/Jun/14 10:47 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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So what has been happening here?

Alie is happier with her new doctor, a woman. She is finally getting some things dealt with that she wouldn't even talk to the guy about.

I finally made my appointment with my doc about my shoulder. He wants me to have an ultrasound as he thinks I may have torn something. I'm over not being able to undress myself so I hope they are able to help me.
17/Jun/14 10:54 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Suzy, I have two shoulders like that. I have to make sure I am showered and dressed before Ken leaves the house! Luckily I am not having as much pain with them at night.
Umpired at bowls today. It was nice sitting in the sun. I got called twice to do measurements. One was length of Jack from mat (21 metres) and the other was for shot bowl. On my knees with callipers as they were both about 4 cm from the Jack.
17/Jun/14 11:09 PM
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