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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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We determine our destination, what kind of road we will take to get there, and how happy we are when we arrive.
21/Jul/14 10:54 PM
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I feel a bit worried about Heidi, she has not checked in for 6 days.
22/Jul/14 6:00 AM
Small Town Canada
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The weather is stinking hot here and I am wilting ......
22/Jul/14 7:56 AM
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Hello all - wish we had your weather Theresa - it is so cold here 5 degrees this morning and very foggy. It will be lovely when the sun starts peeping through - magical. Hope you finally find out what is wrong with your hands June - it must be so hard to not be able to use them properly. Thanks for the recipe MizT - tried it with lots of basil (and no meat) - it was a real success with my lot. I too hope Heidi is ok she has certainly been in the wars of late. Glad to see you are feeling better Mamacita.
22/Jul/14 10:47 AM
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Tami - an exciting time for you with picking out a campus. Julie - best wishes for your pal - our puss was that age with kidney failure for the last 5 years (used to joke who was going to go first!)It was hard going with all of her meds but well worth it. Broni - still trying to come to Brisbane - will let you know if and when. So looking forward to it - also hope to go to Bribie Island to see my old friend from when I lived in Jindalee. Would love to meet your Bella. Bye for now.
22/Jul/14 11:01 AM
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Hi, Everyone!
Great TOPP, June! So sorry your hands kept you from bowling. I hope you had a lovely day in spite of your discomfort!
Theresa, do you have air conditioning? Our temperature is steadily rising. Going for 99* F with 'feels like' over 100 tomorrow. Wouldn't leave the house, but must take the cat to the vet again for more laser and fluids. 'Raging' cystitis is the diagnosis. Hope we can get it controlled.
So glad to see you here Midge. I'll have to post the comment to see how close we came to posting together.
22/Jul/14 2:00 PM
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A mere 3 hours. Oh, well, have a wonderful day, Midge!
By the way, our 99 - 100* F is just about 38* C.
I hope Heidi is doing well - maybe just really taking care of herself until here next epidural. Be well, Heidi!
I think it has been a couple of days since MizT posted. Take care, MIzT!
Sending positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
for Everyone!
22/Jul/14 2:05 PM
Small Town Canada
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Hubby and I are celebrating our 39th anniversary today. Well, we're not actually celebrating ... I am looking after the grandkids and he is painting.
Our feels-like temperature today is 40C. Needless to say, I am staying indoors as much as possible.
The kittens are just over 4 weeks old and they are so cute. When I go into the bathroom (their temporary home), they come tumbling out of the box and head straight for my feet. I have tried them on canned food, but they are not ready yet. They just sniff it and walk away.
23/Jul/14 1:21 AM
Alabama, USA
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Not a lot going on here to write about. I am back to sleeping too much, so probably it was the B 12 that helped for a few days. I am having bladder spasms, no infection, I got results of the urinalysis. Everything looked A OK at the docs, I am just having a couple of off days.
We had the July birthday party. I stirred myself to get a shower and get dressed in my 'going out' duds, and went down. Lovely snacks, I ate the chicken fingers and the cake, the cake was a no no, but occasionally . . . I took a plate of goodies up to Myra, and visited with her for a while. she said her BP is still up and down, shoots up every time she gets up and moves around. My take on that is, her body is starving for oxygen, so it speeds up the heart and shoots up the pressure, trying to get oxygenated blood to the brain. Even on oxygen, she is just not getting enough. I am wondering just how much longer she can remain independent, I hope a nursing home and complete bed rest is not in her near future. But I do think she is in end stage COPD, I think I should read up on that a bit. I need to get to Aldi's today, there were a couple things she needs from there and I really need to go to grocery myself.
I add my voice to others here, I hope Heidi is OK. If you are reading, HEIDI, and not up to chatting, please type in a 'here I is' message. We will know you are able to be up and about getting to computer, that you have electricity and your computer is working hehehehe. We miss you and I am sending get better soon message your way.
JULIE, thanks for reminding me I had not posted in 2 days. I have been reading, usually at my 'intermissions' at night. It is wonderful to be able to hear from all of you in the middle of a night, when nothing is going on here.
Theresa, when we had 4 kittens, their home was also the second bathroom, Al's bathroom. They lived in the bathtub until they got old enough to escape, and that did not take long! Poor Mama kitty was getting so run down trying to nurse those 4, I wanted them on some kind of food as soon as possible. I did supplemental bottle feedings at least once a day to help her out, but those babies had a huge appetite! Put Momma on Kitten chow for the extra nutrition. So, to try to get kittens to eating canned food, I mixed it with their formula to make it soup like, and put on my finger and into their mouth to give them a taste, then gently touched their mouth to the mix. They had to lick it off hehehe, and soon got the idea, well sort of. At first it was sooo funny. They would dunk their face into the soup, then lick it off, instead of eating from the dish, but it was getting some food into them. Momma kitty began to put on some weight as they demanded less of her. OH, she would show the kittens how to eat this, too, each time calling them to the dish then lapping up just a bit trying to teach them. she was such a great mother, and this her first and only litter. Thanks for bringing such memories b
23/Jul/14 3:33 AM
Alabama, USA
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I knew my post ws getting long, but am surprised it was THAT long. Here is the remainder:
Thanks for bringing such memories back, with telling about your kitties. When are you taking them back to the youth center?
This is getting long, need to post before I loose it. Hugs to each of you, and I hope to be back later.
23/Jul/14 3:35 AM
Small Town Canada
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MizT, I go back to the Youth Centre tomorrow.
I have no energy today because of the extreme mugginess. One of the grandkids has gone swimming with a friend until 5:30 ... wonder if I can sneak a nap in on the couch ?????
23/Jul/14 3:57 AM
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Congratulations on 39 years Theresa. hope you got that nap before the Grandie came back. So pleased to see you are OK Tricia. I keep checking Skype and I do not think Heidi has turned the computer on the last couple of days.
It is always fun playing with kittens and puppies. I do hope you find homes for the kittens.
23/Jul/14 4:44 AM
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Greetings, Fellow Sudokuaholics!
Congratulations on 39 years, Theresa. We 'celebrate' anniversaries in much the same way - doing what needs to be done. I hope you were able to get a nana nap! It was a good day for a trip to the pool. I hope your grandee enjoyed it!
I hope your visit to the Youth Centre with the kittens tomorrow goes well, Theresa!
I enjoyed your post, MizT! So glad you could enjoy the July birthday celebration and take some treats up to Myra! I also enjoyed your description of teaching kittens to eat solid food! Made for some good visuals!
Hi, June! I hope your hands are feeling better! Take care!! Thanks for letting us know that you haven't seen evidence of Heidi on Skype!
Thinking positive thoughts, sending healing vibes, and saying prayers for all! Here are some {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and
to share!
23/Jul/14 3:29 PM
Fernlands Qld
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Congratulations on your 39th Anniversary Theresa.
I'm like Cyn - I got logged out and then had to remember my password to get back in.
I'm back from the cold of Tasmania. We had a lovely time. I've decided that I don't like central heating. I had so many awful nights sleep because the room was too warm for me. One night (at Cradle Mountain) the boys lit the fire and it was so hot that I was sleeping in next to nothing and had to open the outside door to cool the room down. I think it took until the early hours of the morning before it was cool enough!
I quite enjoyed the cool days though.
23/Jul/14 4:23 PM
Mamacita 2
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Happy Wednesday from here...I've begun using the days to jog my mind as to when I last posted and see its been several days now. Nothing much going on so I just have been enjoying everyone else's life...Back from grocery shopping and have put everything away so now I'm free to roam about at will. Also had a doctor's visit regarding my leg and lab results. It seems that I have just gained another unexplainable thing that will possibly show up and bedevil me from time to time, but otherwise is not going to affect my life or lifestyle to any great degree. It will be treated with prednisone and Naproxen seemingly with good, fast all is good on that front. Weather is very hot and humid outside, but comfortable inside so I will have a good day. No real pains to mess it up. I'm blessed and hope many of you will soon be able to join me in feeling good w/o the annoying pains. Happy belated anniversary Theresa...I'm so happy things went well at the youth center and you get to go back. It's such a great thing to be able to share the love of animals and to instill love and trust of them to the young folks. Enjoy your time even with all of the heat... don't worry, it'll soon be stinking cold...LOL. ray... you are not going to be running around in all of your heated weather...enjoy your home for a bit...good onya. BTW...loving your colorful.
Wasn't Heidi suppose to be taking a trip someplace? I haven't seen her on Skype either, but thought we hadn't heard from her b/c of travel. I too hope all is okay and she'll be up to checking in with us to let us know things are ok but she doesn't feel up to dealing with much else...
Midge and good to read your post.Midge, I do hope you are able to get together with Broni and also see your other friend...always a treat to meet and enjoy the company of others when possible. Victoria.... ..I'm so glad to know that you and Cyn keep me company in the 'forgotten password/can't get in club'. These passwords can be a real pain in the butt!...I have started to write them down...but then I forget where I've written them and it becomes a vicious cycle and I just change my mind about a site. When I finally remember, it seems soooo simple Hah! Well I'll close this down before I lose the post and get annoyed and mess up my day. Take care one and at Peace.
24/Jul/14 3:53 AM
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Hi, Everyone!
Welcome back, Victoria! I'm glad you were able to enjoy the cool days! Too bad about your difficulties sleeping because of too much heat.
Mama, what a good idea to use the days to help keep track! So glad you got grocery shopping done and everything put away. (Sometimes I think that's the worst part.) I guess that is good news from your doctor. Seems you have had a full day.
Heidi may have mentioned going somewhere, but I don't remember. I've also been wondering about Whimsy - and if she is pregnant. Maybe Heidi is taking a little time for herself and resting her back. Hopefully Heidi will have the opportunity to drop by soon with an update.
I remembered tonight that I had forgotten to give the cat her medicine this morning. Yikes! Her medicine is for hyperactive thyroid, but we're so focused on her cystitis and whether she's eating or drinking that I forgot. On Tuesday at the vet we weighed her. She's dropped from 5.2 pounds to 4.7 pounds. I'm worried about what will happen if we can't get the cystitis under control. (It's a good thing I don't have a lesson or quartet this week, as I'm not focusing very well.)
Sending positive thoughts, much
, healing vibes, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for everyone!
24/Jul/14 4:21 PM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hello lovely people.
All good here. Greg had his operation and doing well. I am really tired and need to get to bed early tonight.
Wishing everyone all the best with heaps of hugs and love.
24/Jul/14 8:26 PM
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Hi Nola, I cannot remember what Greg was operated for. I went back several pages and could not find anything. Pleased he is OK. How did you get on with your 'heart' problem?
All Ok here. I have just been busy shopping, cooking etc.
Still no word from Heidi. I have found her phone number so may try to ring her on the weekend. In the afternoon, her time.
I will have Laura for the weekend so I will have to find something interesting for us to do.
24/Jul/14 9:24 PM
Alabama, USA
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June, I too have forgotten what Greg's operation was about, but it was something he had to wait a long time to get scheduled, so it will not be in the last few pages, I do not think Nola mentioned when it was time for his surgery. Hope it comes to me later.
I am so glad NOLA, that Greg came though the unnamed surgery just fine, hope his recovery is speedy. I hope you can get some rest yourself now, but if you have a recovering hubby at home, fat chance of that
Julie, so sorry to hear your cat has lost weight, that is not good. I too hope the cyctitis can be cleared up soonest. Kitties can get healing vibes, so sending those and all good wishes kitty is soon recovered. I can understand your being unfocused at the moment.
Mama, loved hearing from you again, as always. Sorry to hear the leg thing is a chronic thing that will rear it's head from time to time. boy, getting old is sure not for sissies!
Vickie, central heating is not so bad, once you learn how to set the thermostat! I turned mine down at night. Now, not really central heating in apartment. I have one of those through the wall under the window heat and AC units that are often used in motels. Everyone is able to adjust heat in individual units that way. My bedroom is always cooler in winter, which is good sleeping, but it is warmer in summer, which is not! So I understand how not being able to get the temp right can make for poor sleeping. Enjoy being back home in your own bed and catch up on your sleep now.
Yesterday was a huge flare, perhaps a number of reasons, who knows? I had got damp watering flowers, then asked by staff to come join a group in commons, listening to a local sports caster, female, because not many had come down to hear. I went, and the combination of being damp and the
AC blowing on me, I started to ache. Meds were not working, then a pop up t storm started building just south of us, and we got thunder and a bit of rain. So all together, Ihad a huge flare lasting about 8 hours before meds began to calm it. Today I just feel bruised all over, and that is a huge improvement. I even missed Scrabble, I think for the first time.
I enjoyed hearing the young lady speak, we just sat in a circe around her and she answered questions and talked to us about her job. It was very interesting, but NOT worth the hurt I had later. I should have left when I started getting cold, but was to [polite to make a disturbance getting out of there.
I need to post fore I run over, if I have not already. Hugs to each of you, with extras.
25/Jul/14 12:28 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi all,
Theresa. Belated 39th Wedding Anniversary congrats. The heat you are experiencing might be a pleasant change unless you love the cold. It must have come on quickly.
MizT..Sorry that the cool temps and getting wet gave you some curry.Do hope, you are much better now.
Mama..same with you, with the problem of leg pain. Not nice getting old.
Julie..Your poor cat has a few hurdles to get over. Aren't they a worry but we love them dearly. Hope all turns out ok.
June...not good news that you are still having hand and shoulder trouble. You must be really missing the bowls also. Do you go along to watch for the social outing?
Thanks for letting me know that Cyn is doing well. Wish Heidi would call in too.Greg's op was to remove what I thought was a carbunkle, but was a subacious cyst. He has a few stitches to be removed next week and is very good. No pain. A tree that was being cut down in the neighborhood, just came down over their fence. Quite a noise which frightened me. Apart from a bit of a sore back,and a recall after the heart tests, I am quite ok.
Take care of yourselves.
25/Jul/14 3:09 PM
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Greetings! It's late here and we have an early morning.
Nola, I'm so glad Greg's surgery went well. (I also forgot the cause.) I hope you can get some quiet time during his recuperation time.
June, I hope you can think of some fun things for Laura to do during her weekend with you! Does she play with dolls? Make paper dolls? Like to write & illustrate a story? (Just thinking of our grandies.)
MizT, I'm so sorry you have had a flare. Hopefully you can get lots of rest and give the meds a chance to work during the coming weekend!
We have an exceptionally busy time coming in the next few days. I may not even get a chance to drop by for a visit. I'll be thinking of everyone, though! Take care!
Sending lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts, healing vibes, and
25/Jul/14 3:11 PM
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OOPS! Just missed you, Nola! Thanks for reminding us about Greg's surgery. I'm glad to hear it went well - and that you are doing well too! Sorry about the scare from the tree falling! That would surely have made me jump, which would be quite a sight to see!
25/Jul/14 3:13 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Hi all.
Theresa, Happy Anniversary, even if I am a day or so late. 39 years together is awesome.
Nola, glad that surgery went well for Greg. Wishing him a speedy recovery.
Miz T, hope you are feeling better soon.
26/Jul/14 1:23 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Had an interesting trip to look at colleges. Left Wednesday morning and dropped Harley off at Sis-in-law's office. She is a vet. He was well taken care of. Got to Tampa about when we expected. Took a dip in pool and then drove around the campus so hubby could see the changes (that is where he went to school). As we were walking to the door to exit, there was a snake by the door. I took a picture put can't send it. Told hotel and they called maintenance to remove it. We went out a different door. Hubby's friend came to hotel and we hung out and then went out to dinner with him. Very nice evening. Checked out Thursday morning and went on camupus tour. Tour started at 10 am. Sky looked clear. By 11 we were drenched. Typical Flordia Bi-polar weather. Sudden storm came up. Ducked out of tour a little early and went to car and changed. Imagine four adults trying to change inside a minivan (one at a time). Drove to St. Pete to see other campus. Got there about 1, tour started at 2. Looked around campus and Mitchell said it was not for him. Skipped tour and started driving home instead. Made it home by 6 instead of the anticipated 9. That was a good thing as the last 100 miles or so is on a road with no lights and not the best to drive on at night. One of the only roads to cross the Everglades so not much choice. Picked up Harley this morning and he was very happy to see us. He was a good boy at SIL's office but he missed his mommy. Being with Auntie just wasn't the same.
26/Jul/14 1:30 AM
Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends. Thanks for the well wishes, I think they have helped. Well, I got one problem down, and another pops up, but isn't that life? The fibro flare is subsiding, and the day after 'just sore all over' feeling too.
I had to phone doc today, been putting it off cause I knew he would send me to a specialist. Last doc appointment a week and half ago, I talked to him about urinary problems I was having, standard symptoms of a urinary tract infection. Tests showed all clear, so we dropped it. this past week, the symptoms have got worse. So I must see a urologist next Wednesday. The nurse OKed OTC urinary analgesic, the pharmacy got it to me first thing and things are better since the first dose of med, thankfully, so I am overall doing pretty good!
Tami, your trip sounds like it went well, except for getting drenched on the tour. Mitchell must be very decisive, one look at the campus and it was not for him. Saved you going through another tour and got you home earlier, too. You drove through the everglades? Can you see much from the road, or just swamp and more swamp? How long is the drive through?
NOLA, thanks for telling us once again why greg had surgery. You would think we were a bunch of old, forgetful ladies here, if you did not know better
. I hope he heals quickly, and good to know both of you are better.
Decisions, decisions, do I stay up and go downstairs at one when some children are coming to visit, bringing cookies and juice I cannot have? Or should I take my nap now and miss that activity. Really do not want to sit under the cold AC once again. OK, good enough excuse for staying home. See? You helped me made that decision hehehe.
Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
JULI, I hope you can get the rest you need with your busy schedule this next week. All that activity keeps you young? or just tired?
Get back to us when you can, we understand.
26/Jul/14 3:21 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Tricia, it was not so much that Mitchell is decisive, we all knew it was not the place for him. It is a small campus, only about 5-6 buildings. It was in the middle of the city but not much to do around. He is looking for a school that has something to offer off campus as well. He does not want to feel like he is in the middle of nowhere.
Yes, we drove through the everglades. The worst of the drive is about 60-80 minutes depending on traffic. You can not see much. One time hubby was driving and I was aimlessly looking out the window. I saw a piece of tire laying in the road. When we got next to it, I realized it was an alligator. That was cool but I could not pull over to take a picture. I only live about 1 mile from the Everglades, I see it all the time.
26/Jul/14 6:06 AM
Stevenage UK
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Was that Alligator Alley you drove on through the Everglades?
Richard and I drove that the first trip over to Florida. We saw a few Alligators and a couple of snakes o the side of the road.
26/Jul/14 9:37 AM
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Sorry it's been so long, I've been busy and tired. I read most days though.
Broni, I hope the harassment from Maz's children has stopped. That would be horrible!
You've been getting a lot done! I hope you patted yourself on the back. Good news about your washing machine! I wouldn't manage 3 weeks, I'd have to go to a laundromat. I don't like hand washing as the clothes don't feel as clean. Spoiled I guess!
June, my pain is nothing on yours. I can carry things and dress myself, I may swear while I'm doing it, but I can do it. I remember dropping coffee cups when my carpel tunnel was really bad. They'd kind of swing down and spill everywhere as I'd keep a hold of the handle, I just couldn't hold the cup straight. I know they say they don't think that's what it is, but it can also affect your neck and shoulders so maybe... I was happy to read about your dinner with Neil and Belinda! I know you miss Neil. I loved your story about the prescription and the 'found' money! Very lucky, and well deserved luck too!
MizT, I am allergic to lantana. One of the few things that I am actually allergic to. Luckily it's a pest here so I only come across it if I'm out in the bush where it is growing wild. My landlady bought some for our house in Garden Grove. Dana picked some just before we went shopping and sat in the cart with them right under my nose. I had to open a packet of tissues in the shop! That's when I discovered my allergy.
Mamacita, I hope I read the new meds have made a big difference (I'm way behind). You are very lucky to have both a caring doctor and a caring daughter! As always your posts are inspiring and make me think!
Tami, I have to stop and remind myself about how different the school systems are when you post that you don't know what grade you will be teaching. When I taught math for a while I taught 5 different grades! I think I missed year 12 on that block, but caught all of the others. I'm sure you're 29 too, every year you get younger when you had your kids!! 12 is a bit young might have to become 36 or so. Roads without lights here are a problem because of all the wildlife you can hit - kangaroos, foxes, wombats, rabbits. The kangaroos and wombats can write off/total a car. I would love to see an alligator on the side of the road though.
MizT, the birthday tea sounds like a lot of fun! I don't think you complain very much, in fact you're a lot like Mamacita! I think a lot after your posts about things I could do and I wish that I was as good about controlling my eating as you are! I loved your memory of the kittens being taught to eat by their mother. Very special.
Theresa, Happy Anniversary! I really hope something happens soon to help your eyesight and headaches! Your frustration levels must be very high! Big hugs!! I loved reading about your visit to the youth centre with the kitties. How exciting for them, and educational too. I agree about the sleep over. I t
26/Jul/14 4:45 PM
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I think kids are missing something if they don't have the hand holding/stuff you are limited to because there are other people around. I love the kitten stories!
Brenda, You should have your new glasses by now. Hope they are working well! I won't tell Richard...
Heidi, I hope I read your pain levels have stayed down a bit as I go along... not seeing anything! I hope you are okay.
Julie, you are very busy, but I think you are mostly doing things you enjoy so that isn't a bad thing. I hope you are getting enough rest though. I'm glad they were able to do something for your kitty. It will be hard for you when she goes.
Nola, it's good to see you posting! We need rain too. Way below average for July... I'm glad Greg is okay.
Midge, I too don't like cold mornings. It's alright when I can stay in bed, but showering for work at 6.30 in cold weather is not my idea of fun!
26/Jul/14 4:46 PM
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I got to work 3 more days last week!!! I was happy with that. I didn't mention it as it was happening as this week Alie was home alone and I didn't want to advertise that. Last week hubby was still on holidays so was home with her.
I still haven't called my doc and told him that the shot didn't work. I think I'll do that next week. My shoulder throbbed like mad after working, but I was able to work, so I can handle that. I even got up early today and helped at a sausage sizzle to raise money for the alpacas at the high school. Then I picked up Dana and the kids and took them to visit the alpacas. Then took them shopping. I got home and put on a load of washing and vacuumed the inside of my car. I also did some seat scrubbing where the grandies have been sitting. I have to go and take out the washing now.
I'm aching, but mostly glad that although it hurts, I can still do most things..
26/Jul/14 4:50 PM
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Lovely to hear from you Suzy and pleased you got some work. I have Laura this weekend and couldn't get her to sleep last night. In the end I just went to bed at 12.30am and left her playing 'farms on the back room floor. (She had been in bed, I had read her stories etc) She finally came and got into bed with us but I got locked in the middle and my shoulders ached etc. I got myself out and into her bed but it was not a good night! We have been shopping this morning and I have had a bit of a nap in front of the TV.
We have had some nice rain which is good for the garden. Suzy, I am not in pain, It just hurts or aches but if I change position etc I am OK.
Reminds me I must go and do my exercises.
I will try and phone Heidi our tomorrow morning as I do not think she has turned her computer on for over a week.(I keep checking Skype)
26/Jul/14 5:05 PM
Mamacita 2
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Hi all, Happy Saturday from here. The weather is very dreary today, but seeing such a nice long post from Suszi makes me happy. June, like you, I didn't have a great night last night. Jazz has a seizure that really had a hard effect on him...poor doggie was stumbling around and very confused for hours afterward and this morning he's very clingy...I can't move w/o him being under foot. He needs to be stroked and to know I'm close... I'm fine...just tired and really concerned with what he has had to go through with this episode. He won't be able to take a lot of this I feel...but as long as he can be happy and not in pain..I'm good. It's sure hard getting old no matter if one is human or animal..sigh. June, I too have been watching out hoping to see heidi on Skype, and will look forward to any word you might get. Tami, glad to see that you and the family had a good time as you start the search for schools...this will also allow both of the boys to better understand how to go about choosing their schools...or not...but life lessons are surely there. Enjoy the experiences. There was much more I thought about while reading the different post, but the lack of sleep had addled my poor brain and I can't remember what I had hoped to I'll stop putting pressure on myself and simply send you all love and appreciation for being who you are...a great bunch of folk. Take care...I care.
27/Jul/14 1:26 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Sorry I've been missing. Major computer troubles. I'm using a Dell at the Library right now, then on my way to Louisville to the Apple Store to either get my dead computer fixed, or to buy a new one. All evidence points to IH breaking my 'pooter, believe it or not. I'll explain later.
Healthwise, I'm doing GREAT. Who'd a thunk it that getting a broken tooth and an abcess removed from the mouth could make the back feel so much better. The mouth has healed well. I was back at the dentist's 2 days ago for a recheck and exam.
I'll be back once I'm back in operation at home.
27/Jul/14 3:04 AM
qld, australia
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My friends my computer is about to crash and did not want to lose this.
Healthy Chocolate Pudding.
1 Avocado
1 Banana
3 Tablespoons of cocoa powder
2-3 Tablespoons of coconut milk
1/2 Teaspoon Vanilla
Pinch of stevia (optional)
Blend all ingredients in food processor until creamy and smooth.
Refrigerate for one hour and serve.
Yields approximately 2 cups.
27/Jul/14 5:10 AM
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Heidi, so pleased it was your computer. I was getting quite worried and was going to try to phone you to check that you were OK.
27/Jul/14 7:22 AM
Alabama, USA
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HEIDI, if your puter breaks again, stays down that long and you do not phone one of us, I am gonna be upset with you! That is a sudoku rule, you know? We were about to send out a search party!
Really glad to hear from you, hope the puter is back functioning or pronounced dead and replaced, and soon. I do not doubt for one minuet Gil had a lot to do with it's problems, it would be a surprise if he used it or even came near it and did not break it, somehow. Will be looking for your explanation soon, this could be good
Yep, I am not a bit surprised your back is so much better once the tooth and abscess taken care of. It is about the total pain load, your meds were not strong enough to handle pain from all that. Abcesses can really hurt. Enjoy the better days, friend.
I read, Hi to Suzy and June, mama and Broni, Brenda and Tami. I am taking me to bed early tonight. Hating taking this urinary analgesic, and knowing I will need it 3 more days. The nausea and sick feeling are better than feeling the symptoms though, so I keep taking it and try to take a LOT of liquids.
Hugs to each of you, with extras. I hope to get back tomorrow.
27/Jul/14 12:01 PM
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Conversation between my girls. I hope Daniel is gay because I'd love to do his makeup when he's older. I'd loveto havea Garycold. Tahli might be the gay one. If Tahli is Gary then Daniel had to be too because I really want to teach one of them how to do makeup. Listen to me talk in stereotypes.
27/Jul/14 6:28 PM
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Garycold = gay child
27/Jul/14 6:29 PM
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My phone really doesn't like the word gay. It keeps changing it
27/Jul/14 6:31 PM
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Suzy. I think I was in my 20's before I knew that there was anything but heterosexual. Laura listens to people of the TV and tells us they are gay.(She is almost 9). Yesterday she told me 'He is Scottish Grandma, can't you tell by his accent.' A bit different but very observant.
Today we went to Featherdale. Laura had a great time. Lots of Australian birds. Also lots of Australian animals and reptiles.
27/Jul/14 10:57 PM
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