Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   June  From Epping.NSW
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Miracles surround us on every hand. Life itself is the miracle of miracles. (George Bernard Shaw)
24/Feb/15 3:12 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings! Well, I made it to bed earlier 1 day in a row. Guess it's not going to happen today.

MizT, so sorry for the lost post, which is so frustrating. Fortunately, it wasn't book-length!

Heidi, seems like you have had a good calving season so far. How many more before it is finished? So glad the calf with pneumonia has recovered and is doing so well! I hope the 3 you take next week fetch a good price!

MizT, hopefully your BIL will be able to get everything fixed on the computer! Also, I'm crossing fingers and toes that the weather cooperates and you can have the biopsy tomorrow and get it over with!

June, sure hope the swelling will go down and you'll be able to finish a game of bowls! Do you have other therapy to do, or just the exercise you get at bowls? Perhaps a cooler and less humid day will make it more comfortable. Thanks for the great TOPP!

I need to head to bed, so will send the usual positive thoughts, healing energy, prayers, , and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
24/Feb/15 7:24 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Gekko my friends.
Still busy.
For those who asked why I have decided to travel around Australia?
1. This is something I always dreamed of doing.
2. I am not getting any younger and want to enjoy this why I still have my health.
3. This is a chance that may never be offered again and it is far more enjoyable to share it.

Not sure if I told you Bella had a lump removed from her butt. Well the tests came back that it is a malignant Hepatiod Gland Carcinoma. Will know more when I see the Vet on Friday but have almost decided will not put her thru Chemo or Radiation and let her enjoy the time we have together.
Have read most and sending healing, loving vibes to you all.
Luv and Jugs,
Broni and Bella.
24/Feb/15 7:38 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Broin, I am so osrry to hear that Bella's mass was cancer. I think you are doing the wise thing, let her enjoy the time you have left with her.

My sister is on the way to get me, I will be going down to meet here as soon as I sign off here, so it looks like the biopsy is a go. I will try to get back this afternoon, but depends on how the anesthesia affects me. Hugs to each of you, with extras. Be sure to get your hugs, cause I get one when I give you one, and could use them today
24/Feb/15 9:31 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The 3 I'm delivering next week are NOT going to a sale barn. They have been purchased at an above sale barn price ($500 more each) as breeding stock. We're hoping to sell the other 2 at the same price, once the Vet who bought the 3 see them. He maintains a bull herd in Tennessee for local cattlemen to get good quality, healthy bulls.
25/Feb/15 5:24 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Broni.... Awful news about Bella, but you made the kindest decision for her. Animals don't understand that chemo and radiation might make them better, and that the sickness they cause will end. With their shorter lifespans, it's cruelty to put an animal through chemo. Enjoy the time she has left, and she'll tell you when she's ready to go. Years ago, my Misty was diagnosed with bone cancer, and I was told that she had less than 6 months to go.I made the decision you made. Misty lived comfortably for another 3 1/2 years (to 14 years old) and told me clearly when it became to much, and it was time. ((Misty is the blue merle Smooth Collie pictured in ''Harper's Illustrated Handbook of Dogs''.))
25/Feb/15 5:33 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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with ehr biopsy, Tricia.
25/Feb/15 5:34 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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ehr = the ..... dyslexia reared it's ugly head.
25/Feb/15 5:35 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Just got back from town. I had to stop at Feeder's Supply (for the birds) and Tractor Supply (for cattle and farm stuff). In an hour I have a Lions Club meeting.
25/Feb/15 9:03 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Back from the Lions Club meeting. My friend Debbie is now a member.

In a few, I need to bring in the 160 pounds of bird seed I bought today, so I can feed the birds. Then I need to fill the horse's water tank, then do a cow check. And I'm so tired now that I want to go to bed early. Oh well. The critters have to be taken care of, and IH is out of town.
25/Feb/15 12:03 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends, I survived the biopsy. the two things I was most concerned about, hurting from lying on a cold hard operating table, flat on my back, and the wire insertion thing were both a piece of cake. I was kept toasty warm every where i went except into OR itself, with a new 'bear hugger', new warming blanket that is a person sized plastic bag, it tucks under your chin, has two arms to wrap around neck, and then is inflated with very warm air that gently covers your entire body, heaven. I WANT ONE, for achey bone days! The back problem was easily solved by keeping my knees bent, in the past, not bent enough and supported enough, but they got it right this time, TWO pillows under knees, and back was/is fine.

surgery itself was a breeze, do not even remember going to sleep. waking up was not good, I woke in severe pain, (I asked the nurse if the doc had shot me with his pistol hehehe) and the pain meds the nurse was giving me (it was what was ordered, but I think the lowest of a range of doses) was not doing the job. I know In all I got a lot of meds, but for over an hour it did not relieve pain, bummer. Then anesthesiologist tried valium, to help me relax, and that let the meds work, yeah! Incision was longer and deeper than surgeon thought it would be, he apologized later, but he had to follow the wire. Perhaps the wire could have been placed better.

Tanya stayed with me when we got home, to let sis get home after her 10 hour day, and get some rest. Tay made me first coffee (who is surprised abut that?) then a big ham, egg with cheese and toast breakfast. Later she made a great new skillet dinner, fresh frozen veggies and really good beef, in a tasty sauce, yummy.

Now home alone, which is good, cause all the meds today made me want to talk talk talk. Now I am just running off at the fingers, instead of at the mouth hehehe.

Glad it is over, should know something by end of the wek. Hugs to each of you, with extras.
25/Feb/15 12:43 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Glad it went well, except for the pain afterwards, Tricia. Now I hope that the biopsy results come out negative and boring.
25/Feb/15 2:00 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Finally got the outdoor chores done. I bought a new 25 gallon water tub for the 2 bull calves, that haven't been sold yet, today. It's heated, so they can finally have free access to water at all times. IH was leaving out 5 gallon buckets once a day that would freeze solid in an hour. Poor things weren't happy. And I wasn't happy with my horse barn being filled with frozen, ruined, plastic buckets. All of them have split bottoms now, and will have to be tossed out.
There were no new calves born today. There should be 8 or 9 more born in the next couple of weeks. Then we should have 7 summer calves born. I think.
Now it's time to feed and water my birds. Then I can crash. IH was in Indiana giving a talk, and may decide to spend the night there, if I'm lucky. He hates night driving. If he does try to drive home tonight, I should see him in a little over half an hour. It's 11:51 pm.
25/Feb/15 3:51 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I hope all are well!

Broni, your trip sounds wonderful - truly a bucket-list kind of adventure! So sorry to hear about Bella, but seems your decision is the best choice. Hopefully the news from the vet on Friday is what you want to hear.

MizT, so glad you were able to have the biopsy today. The 'bear hugger' blanket sounds wonderful and so glad they found the right number of pillows to put under your knees. At least you were comfortable until you woke up after the biopsy. That part is not good news, but glad you were finally able to get some relief! Hooray for your sister, who was able to come, and also for Tanya who seems to have been a lot of help and knew when to leave so you could get some rest.

Heidi, what a busy day. I think it would have been better if help had been available, but you always seem to accomplish what needs to be done. The heated water tub should be a big help for the calves. I hope the vet who is buying the 3 is thrilled and comes back for 2 more next time! In the meantime, I hope you were finally able to get a good night's sleep.

Time for me to get some sleep, so I'm off. Sending lots of , {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, positive thoughts, and prayers for everyone!
25/Feb/15 6:41 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Well Bella is full of vigor and bounce, just a few more weeks before I finish work and head off into the wild blue yonder. Looks good with catching up with Mo before we leave. Life is good.
25/Feb/15 8:58 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Amazing that I will have all the time in the world to spend with Bella.
25/Feb/15 9:00 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That excursion of a lifetime with Bella is a real blessing, Broni. I hope the 2 of you have a blast.

IH just got home, and immediately expected me to stop what I was doing and wait on him. He was told where to get off.

I've got to bundle up and go tag a newborn calf. At least I've been led to believe there's a newborn calf out there. IH didn't actually go out into the pasture.
26/Feb/15 4:54 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Hope you found a newborn in good condition, Heidi.

I slept so good last night, kept faling asleep watching TV so went to bed about 9 pm, spept till 6, very good for me.

I fell asleep in my chair this morning, and about 8:30 am a knock at my door woke me. It was Tanya, 'I had to come check on you'> It seems she had phoned me and I was so sound asleep in the chair, I did not hear the phone ring, and it sits on table beside my chair, that is really sleeping! she made my breakfast for me, cleaned u[ the kitchen, and went out to pick up an item at pharmacy I just might need before our promised snow melts. Tanya saw a few snowflakes, and some sleet falling (temps still abobe freezing) and decided to just go home hehehe. Much better for her to be home if we get snow and cannot get out (city does not have snow removal equipment), but I thought it funny. Our snow accumulation forecast to start about 2 pm, we should get about 2 inches.

Back to my chair, and perhaps a nap, I have done enough for today.

Hugs to each of you, with extras.
26/Feb/15 5:34 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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IH's powers of observation never cease to amaze me. There are NO new calves out there. I walked the fields where the cows have access, and every single calf has a tag in it.
26/Feb/15 5:40 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I have found that it usually takes me a week to get over the effects of anaesthesia, MizT. Expect to be extra sleepy for a while.
26/Feb/15 5:42 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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We had snow! I took a 3 hour nap and missed the entire thing hehehe. There is a bit of snow left on grassy areas, on trees and on autos, but our parking lot and roadway is clear of snow. Temps are hovering just above freezing, forecast to drop just below freezing tonight. We will see what the morning brings, in the way of ice covered streets.

My sis just 35 miles north got a LOT of snow. She took photos of her deck every 15 minuets, from time it started, found they had 2 inches in just an hour and a half. the news tonight is nothing but coverage of snow in areas around Birmingham, yep, it is that big a news event hehehe. Her latest FB post says they got 7 inches as measured on their deck, wow!

Not much going on here tonight, so I will close and talk again later. Huge hugs to each of you, with extras.

26/Feb/15 4:02 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Belinda's plane is running late so it looks like I will have to drive one car to the airport instead of picking her up and coming back here for her car and the dog. it will mean she gets home an hour earlier. The thing is I really do not like driving through the city (under through tunnels) traffic at night.
Sorry you had to trudge around in the cold Heidi. That would have made me very unhappy!
Tricia, pleased it is all over and you have been sleeping it off. Sorry that you missed the falling snow.
26/Feb/15 7:16 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Talked to Sue from OK for half an hour today. It will be nice to have her here in about three weeks.
we also went shopping and I bought a cashmere jumper for $100 made in Cambodia. Probably not as fine as the one bought for me in China but will be good for travelling. A really good on costs about $300.
26/Feb/15 7:19 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I did not have to drive to the airport. Belinda wanted to come back here, or I should say she wanted to unload her days away coaching softball with her father. They were regional games fro the NSW championship. Her girls came in third. That is the problem with living alone, nobody to talk to except a deaf dog! I am pleased the dog has gone home . I am not used to having a dog curled up against my back.
26/Feb/15 10:56 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Hello Everyone...I'm back and feeling fairly well. My visit to the doctor's yesterday was good and the cat scan showed nothing to be overly concerned about. I was directed to a few changes in my meds that will hopefully help and to speak to my pulmonologist on Monday aboutreactions to the sinus and pulmonary infections this year. After I see him, a consult between the two,family doctor and pulmologist will be done to chart out the better way of dealing with the flares of infection, etc.
June, glad you no longer have to care for the dog with Belinda's return. It's hard to make certain changes in our lifestyles when we help out, after being away from them for a while. Also glad the cast is off and on the way to once again being fully useful.BTW...I'm with you with driving in the city traffic at night...doable, yet uncomfortable. I do hope you and Sue will have a great time, it seems everyone who has ever been a guest of yours has been on the receiving end of a great time. Sue is lots of fun and please give her a big hug from me...You two will have lots of garden talk to share...and I know a great time will take place.
Hey Tricia, glad things are look ing up for you too and that your body is recovering. That body warmer you described does sound inviting and made me want one Continue to recover quickly and sleep through the snows...even when they are big news down your way. :-). Heidi, glad to see that the caving is going so well for you, and despite all of your involvement, you haven't mentioned having too much trouble with either your back or the weather...hope it stays that way. Broni...Love the fact that you and Bella will have real quality time together as you does work out for good folks often...this is one of them. Sending a shout out to all not mentioned by name, but thought of often...Have a great day/night whereever you hang your hats...Peace.
27/Feb/15 7:40 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I had a quiet day. I had a bad night and morning with my gout, so I slept away the afternoon. Tomorrow I have to feed hay to everybody, but today was quiet.
27/Feb/15 11:15 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The house has a ''bit'' of an aroma again. Sandy got loose again today and had a tussle with her buddy the skunk. Poor Gil kept trying to separate them, but Sandy wouldn't listen. I think she thinks it's a smelly cat. It's almost solid white, according to Gil. I haven't seen it yet, just smelled it. Gil has seen it repeatedly. Yesterday he was trying to drive down the driveway, and the skunk was waddling slowly down the middle of it, without a care in the world. Skunks don't move for anybody. That's why it won't run from Sandy. But Sandy is quick, and got no direct hits, so the smell will wear off in a day or two. In time for her to encounter it again.
27/Feb/15 12:59 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just a quick visit to say hello! Sending much , {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, positive thoughts and prayers.

Heidi, Just looked up & saw the skunk and was shocked that you wrote it was almost solid white. That explains what our 'grand puppy' saw this fall one night when hubby took her out.
27/Feb/15 6:33 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends. Our snow is gone, just cold. I have not checked in with my sister to see if their snow was melting or if my nephew got to work. The state highway, about a mile from their house and the interstate had been plowed, but the county road they live on has not. Nephew said he drove up the road in his 'mud truck', the not street legal vehicle he rides the dirt roads and trails in their area. He said no way his work car could drive in the 7 to 9 inches of snow, with deeper drifts. If it thawed , and then froze again it would be even worse. I am so glad I do not have to go anywhere.

Did not hear from doc yesterday or yet this AM, but not surprised, with the weather labs would be short staffed. I will phone later today, I have another matter need to check with him about.

Tanya was here yesterday, she took laundry home to do for me, changed my bed so I had a nice clean place to sleep last night, and I slept great.

June, glad you did not have to drive to airport. I understand not wanting to drive downtown, tunnels, and at night. I hope you had a good night's sleep without a doggie curled at your back

Mama, good to hear from you, and that the doctor's appointment went well. It seems the two doctors having a consult will be most beneficial to you, good deal. Yes, it is a huge news event when we have snow here. It was so funny, the news had reporters in all parts of the coverage area all day, waiting for the snow to start. they would even go to reporters in areas where it was NOT YET snowing, for a report of same hehehe.

After you say 'we have 2 inches of snow here' what more to say to take up their allotted time? such silly things as 'not much traffic here, but what is out is moving well' and one reporter even was down on the snow making a snow angle. Is that news??? so silly. Of course they got photos of any children or adults who were out playing in the snow, snowmen, sleds, or just walking. Not much news in that.

Heidi, Sandy is an escape artist, and her fascination with the skunk is very smelly for all of you, yuck. Hope she can stay in the fenced yard and leave the skunk alone. could you trap and relocate the skunk? Or is that just too smelly a job to want to do.

June, enjoy your visit with Sue, I hope you both enjoy it tremendously.

Hugs to each of you, with extras.
28/Feb/15 3:49 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Yes, Sandy is an escape artist, and very proud of her skills. I can usually outwit her with a downright order to stay back from the gate, but Gil stands no chance against her. I am about to go outside to feed hay, and plan to carry my gun. The skunk is presently among the hay rolls that I'll be moving.

SO glad you had a good night's sleep, MizT. That works wonders on your day, doesn't it?
28/Feb/15 6:13 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The whole problem with that skunk is now a moot point. I discovered that Sandy killed the skunk yesterday. I found the remains. IH had walked past it repeatedly and hadn't seen it. The white was a good camouflage in the snow. I'm glad that she's up to date on her rabies shots, though.
28/Feb/15 7:49 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Good news my friends, took Bella back for her check up and they are happy with the op and no mention of chemo or radiation, just need to keep any eye on her for any changes.
Two weeks before I finish work, then we will be off after another week. Which means I will get to meet Mo before we leave.
28/Feb/15 8:12 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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GREAT news about Bella, Broni. It will make your travels with her that much more fun.
28/Feb/15 8:59 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, glad that skunk is gone. You must have very keen eyesight, seeing the remains, white on white, when Gil was not able to see it.

HI Julie, good to see you drop in for a quick one.

Broni, once again, so very happy that the news on Bella is so good. AND that you are just working 2 more weeks. Hope they are uneventful weeks and go by quickly. So glad you will be there for the Mo visit, too. Meeting internet friends has always worked out great fun for me, know this one will be for you also.

Talked with the surgeon's nurse today. the new bruise I see under my breast, (incision is on to-p of it) is of no concern, just watch it this weekend, he will check it out on Monday. No results this week, the lab was closed down on Wednesday and Thursday. Will perhaps have it for my appointment Monday.

Hugs to each of you till next time.
28/Feb/15 12:47 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Haven't felt well today, so have spent the day mostly in bed. I hope I'm better by Monday morning, because I don't want to be driving those bulls down to Tennessee with the Aztec Two-Step.
01/Mar/15 10:00 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! No time to read or comment, just send greetings, positive thoughts, healing energy, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and . Take care of yourselves. I hope to find a bit of time in a few days to get caught up.
01/Mar/15 4:47 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It's raining here, so it's finally above freezing. Tomorrow will be a little warmer with no rain, so I'll be taking the young bulls to their new home. Tuesday is supposed to be really warm (~60˚F!!!) but with thunderstorms all day. Same with Wednesday.
02/Mar/15 7:26 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Time I came here and updated my doings.
Today Ken was off to a men's lunch so another wife and I went and saw 'Second Best Marigold Hotel' with Judy Dench and Maggie Smith. A good morning out and lots of laughs.
Friday it was drinks and nibbles with ex work mates of over 50 years for me and 15 for Ken.
Saturday night was the big Baseball dinner and awards night. It was a formal night and Ken's suit has 'shrunk'. I was poking around in Vinnies Op shop and they had dinner suits for $35 and they had one that fitted him.
We went to town by train, easier than driving and trying to park! It was a good night and Australian born (and who once played for our club) Grant Balfour who now plays for Tampa Bay Rays was inducted into the Australian Hall of Fame. His father was to collect the award for him but he is dying of cancer so Grants mother collected the award. it was nice to catch up with many people we have known over the years and get hugs from these 50 year old men who played baseball with our son during their teenage years. Also Ken has coached many juniors. Some who have even gone to play 'ball in America.
It was a late night and we managed to catch the last train from the City to Epping. I was still on a high when we got home so could not get to sleep. We did however manage to have several 'nanny naps' during the day yesterday. Getting too old to take all this gadding about at night.
02/Mar/15 3:43 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'll be leaving in 10 hours to deliver the 3 young bulls. This will be the first time I'll be selling bulls as breeding stock. I've sold quite a few heifers as breeders before (with VERY happy buyers), but this will be different. You see, a bull contributes half of the genes for an entire calf crop. A cow contributes half of the genes for one calf.
So off to bed now. I want to get plenty of sleep before the drive, tho' it's only 100 miles each way. I always drive slowly and extra carefully when hauling livestock. I love it when I unload an animal into a new environment, and they step calmly out of the trailer, look around, then immediately start eating. And the buyers are happy that they've just bought a critter with a calm disposition. A rough ride in a trailer can undo all that.
02/Mar/15 3:45 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It sounds like you had good fun, tho', June. What luck finding that suit for Ken!!!!
02/Mar/15 3:47 PM
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