Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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''The easiest way to keep a secret is without help.''

author unknown
02/Mar/15 3:48 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! Another quick visit with no time to read. Perhaps tomorrow?

Drive safely, Heidi!

Sending prayers, healing energy, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and for each of you!
02/Mar/15 4:26 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Sorry for the delay in thanking people for their birthday greetings. Richard and I went away for a few days with my brother and SIL (who was over from Canada) We were between Folkstone and Canterbury. Neither my brother or SIL had ever travelled through the Channel Tunnel to France so we had a day trip. Went up into Belgium too. SIL was excited to get another countries stamp on her passport, but was disappointed that there was no stamp from Belgium as there is no boarder controls. We had a lovely day ending up with Richard and I stocking up our wine cellar (cupboard) with 114 bottles of wine and 60 bottles of beer. Bought lots of lovely cheese too.
Friday was another funeral this time the father of one of our friends. He was Italian so the funeral was multi lingual as a lot of relative came over from Italy. Thank goodness February is over... too many funerals this year. It was my son's birthday yesterday so we were out for an meal. He wanted to go to the pub/restaurant he works at, so he booked the table under my maiden name so none of his colleagues would know it was for him. We had a good time and a nice meal.
Now trying to catch up on those chore which didn't get done last week.
02/Mar/15 11:30 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm glad you had a fun time with your brother and SIL, Brenda. That's quite a wine haul!
I'm gladf February is over, too.
to your son! Clever way for him to book that table.
03/Mar/15 12:55 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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03/Mar/15 12:57 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Morning friends, just a fast check in this morning, as I am getting ready to catch my bus to the surgeon this morning. I HOPE he has the results of biopsy to share with me this morning. this is just regular follow up after the surgery, no special 'call in' to get results, so not to worry.

It is warmer here, 53 as I type, but damp and rainy. will have to get out my rain jacket for today's trip.

Heidi, safe trip today!

June, your evening out sounds fun, but a bit long and tiring for you. Rest and sleep well tonight.

Hugs to each of you, with extras.
03/Mar/15 1:35 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Happy Monday All, Today started out really cold and ice covered. It warmed up a bit over the weekend, then snowed yesterday a little and the temps fell quickly, thus everything that had melted and the new snow combined and turned into an icy mess for the morning commute.
This was a busy weekend for me, lots of running around early Saturday, Jazz had four seizures over the period, and several accidents in the house, My daughter had gifted me with a new television,smart tv and that necessitated my cabinet being adjusted to accommodate the new television...a couple of my son's friends helped out with that and now I have a great new television to enjoy and a different look in my living room since the cabinet was so large, now I have more openness...a nice addition.
Today, after the ice melted, I went to my pulmonlogist and we went over everything. Now, he will be in touch with my family doctor and I will hopefully have a new, more stabilizing method of using meds to help with my breathing.So, a very busy time has now past and I now get to relax a bit.
June, loved hearing about your sounds wonderful and yes, tiring...but in the best way possible.
Heidi, I love the fact that you have now entered the new world that has your well raised bulls sharing such an extensive value to the breeders and their products. It is through this type of breeding that allows our meat products to be improved.
Julie...boy, you are busier than ever and still stop by and send your love..thanks girl...
Tricia, hope all turned out as expected, and I'm glad the weather is a bit warmer for all of us here..hope the cool is approaching a bit more for those down under without more of the heavy rains or fire threats.
Brenda.....a nice way to enjoy family and to get to restock wine and cheese is to have time to travel a bit and explore this world...glad you had both to enjoy.It sure beats all of the funerals that you've dealt with recently. I join with you and Heidi in being glad to see February closed out for this year and do hope the rest of the year is more balanced in all ways for all of us.
Peace good to others and better to yourselves.
03/Mar/15 8:02 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm home. It took longer than I expected because IH hadn't told me the straight truth. I said that I would deliver the bulls to the buyer. IH told me he wanted to come along. Then he told me that a mutual friend of his and the bull buyer lived only 2 miles away from where we were unloading the bulls, so he asked me if we could quickly swing by there after unloading the bulls, and pick up a few goats to bring back. I said that since they were so close, of course we could. Well, it was a half hour drive extra to his friend's farm to get the goats, and he had to sit and chat about parasitology for a long time. THEN, we had to stop and pick up a load of cattle mineral to save him a drive to get it. All-in-all, he added 2 hours to the trip. It would have been longer, but I refused to stop at a restaurant for a leasurely meal. Fast food, and eating while I drove was all I'd consider. I am tired and VERY stressed out.
03/Mar/15 10:04 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Checking in without reading to say I am all clear, biopsy showed no cancer. the doc read off a long list of what they did see, only one I remember was fibro cystic tissue. I should have asked for a copy of that. doc said he had to take out a lot of tissue to get to the end of the wire, that is why I have had more hurting than expected, and more 'oozing' causing the multicolored boob.

Only instructions were no lifting for another week, and to get my regular mammograms. So glad that is over!!

Hugs to each of you, with extras
03/Mar/15 10:38 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Best news possible, MizT!!!!
03/Mar/15 11:12 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The weather here is about to deteriorate. Today was lovely.... dry and sunny in the mid-40's. Tomorrow it's supposed to hit 60˚F /15.5˚C, but with thunderstorms and massive downpours. That'll continue until Wednesday afternoon, then the temperature is supposed to plummet! The rain will change to snow again. In just a few hours it's supposed to go down to 18˚F / -7.8˚C!!!!!!! The following day, it's supposed to get down to -1˚F / -18.3˚C with a high only of 25˚F / -3.9˚C!!! Hard to believe that it'll go from 60˚F to -1˚F in just over 24 hours. I'm praying that we lose no calves.

Well, off to bed. I have to clean out the trailer tomorrow, since it'll be the only day warm enough to do it before Saturday, when I go to the KY Beef Expo to buy a new bull. I need an unrelated bull to breed to Rede's daughters. And Rede is getting up in years. He's already 10, which is older than most bulls remain fertile.
03/Mar/15 4:59 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The avatar change is for tomorrow's basketball game. Kentucky is playing Georgia, at Georgia. Kentucky is undefeated and going for their 30th straight win. After this one, they finish the regular season against Florida at home. Kentucky has already clinched the #1 seed in the NCAA tournament, affectionately refered to as March Madness or The Big Dance. Kentucky is expected to win it all.
03/Mar/15 5:03 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings to all! We had a long day, though not as much driving as I think Heidi had. It's good to be back home. I have lots of practicing to do tomorrow after missing a couple of days. Thinking of all of you and sending good health, positive thoughts, healing energy, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and ! Good night.
03/Mar/15 6:53 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I got all my errands and chores done except clean out the trailer. I'm taking a short break, then going to it. Those 3 bulls made a hideous mess. It's nearly 4 inches deep in bull-sh1t.
04/Mar/15 7:11 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I am exhausted. The trailer is now clean, but it was a LOT of hard work. At least I won't be humiliated taking a dirty trailer to a nice, clean, show.
In case anybody is interested, you can look up the show on the internet. It's the KY Beef Expo. Go to show catalogs, and click on Red Angus. My first choice bull so far is ''Duke''. But I haven't seen him in person yet.
04/Mar/15 10:02 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Great news! Antoine and BooBoo, my Sun Conures, are starting to nest!!!
04/Mar/15 10:44 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Today has been wet and warm here, not as wet as Heidi was expecting, just a drizzle most of the day. We shall reach the spring like 70's tomorrow, Wednesday, then to 18 by Friday morning, yuck, with ice pellets falling Thursday afternoon. Friday morning is my appointment with the pain doc, the one I usually travel the one bock in my power chair. I am not sure I would be much longer outside in the chair, than getting to and from my car to drive that one block. we will have to wait and see how much ice there is, there is a slight hill from the street/sidewalk, up to the parking lot at pain clinic.

Good news bad news kind of thing, my fibro is behaving itself. but having pain in the breast and that shoulder and arm. Do not think it is radiated pain, but something is making that whole side hurt and pain meds take forever to work, then do not last till time for more. that leaves almost 2 hours of ouch, bummer. Been making it through with either ice or heat to that area, it helps some.

since typing is not comfortable, I shall get my ice pack and go back to watching TV, even holding a book is not as comfy as it should be.

Heidi, congrats on the birds nesting. Hope your trip to the expo is fun and profitable.

HI JULIE, hope you get time for a real post soon.

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
04/Mar/15 12:15 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Kentucky beat Georgia! They're now 30-0.... unheard of!!
04/Mar/15 3:28 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I am SO excited about the possibility of Sun Conure babies!
04/Mar/15 3:33 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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That is a strange catalogue Heidi. There are a lot of beasts that are obviously bulls that are described as heifers! Duke looks good. A very long body which I think you like.
wonderful news Tricia. Just hope all the hurties go away. Especially when they stop you communicating with us.
04/Mar/15 6:29 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I am trying to cure some of my hording tendencies. Every year I keep my Christmas cards till the following year so I can reread he letters in them. So often they then just get put back in a cupboard or drawer. I have spent the last couple of days taking stamps off envelopes, cutting the cards in half, for someone who can use the pictures, and generally getting rid of the rest in the recycle bin. I think I have about 5/6 years worth and about 80 cards per year. I think there will be more turn up as I clear up some other boxes and cupboards.
04/Mar/15 6:37 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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We sorted out some of the problem of the water coming down the kitchen window with heavy rain. We found a gutter that was blocked with a 12inch disintegrating plastic ball.
My arm is still swollen and sometimes hurts to use it. I have never had a broken bone before so I guess I just thought it would be weak but otherwise no other problem. I also have arthritis so that is also causing some of the problem. I will just keep up with the exercises and it should be OK.
04/Mar/15 6:42 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Gekko my friends.
June, still laughing when you said Ken's suit had shrunk!
Still very warm up here, so sitting on the side deck with a small breeze flowing through. Still too warm in the house.
Only 7 working days to go and they have done nothing about replacing me, their problem not mine. I am still trying to finish off the books for my friend as well. All total chaos around me but it is strange I am calm.
Take care my friends.
04/Mar/15 8:11 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The catalog frequently shows pictures of the animal's sire, dam or grandsire. It'll say so under the photograph. The picture for Duke is his sire. My second choice is Bruno. That isn't his picture, either. That's his sire. I will see the actual animals up for auction at the show the day before the sale, and make my decisions then. I need to have a serious talk with Bruno's owner, if I decide I want him. I once bought a bull from that same person, and he turned out to be sterile (the bull, that is. Pronouns can be tricky.).
05/Mar/15 5:25 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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June.... That IS normal for a broken bone coming out of a cast. The muscles have been atrophied after 6 weeks or more of imobilization, and they vigorously protest. And the bone will hurt for some time. Every time I get out of a cast, I end up wishing I had it back on after a few days. What someone needs to do is invent some sort of intermediate support to minimize the swelling and pain while you're recovering use of the limb. Something that can be taken on and off so the limb gets plenty of fresh air. I'm a veteran at this. I think I've broken every bone in my body at some point.
05/Mar/15 5:32 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The weather is getting mighty ugly here. Freezing rain, sleet, and snow all right now! It's just at the freezing mark, but falling. Within 2 hours, they say it's gonna be a massive blizzard. I'm glad we're well stocked up on food for everybody.
05/Mar/15 10:50 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, it is still 70 degrees here, down from a high of 76 today, a wet spring day. the temp will continue to drop for the next 36 hours or more, till mid day Friday (it is Wednesday night, 7:30 PM), and continuing precipitation. What that wet stuff falls as depends on the temp and a few other unpredictable things. Birmingham is right on the 'freeze line', so it could be just a cold rain, the freezing rain a few miles north of us, or it could be up to an inch of ice, with slick roads, trees down, possible power outages. Power outage is what worries me, as we cannot have any alternative heat source here: no kerosine or propane heaters, no open flame, not even a candle. The only good thing is we are just 3 blocks from a large hospital complex, and if we are on the same circuit which some say we are, we would benefit as hospital is a high priority for repair and restore electricity. Good vibes, prayers and wishes that power stays on welcome.

Scrabble today, I was low score on the first game, won by a close margin the second. Just as there were no more letters to draw, Lyn and I were tied, but I had more letters, with higher values, and was lucky to find excellent places for them. I beat her by 30 points, from a tie that late in the game.

Lots of high calorie snacks today. Lyn brought Godiva chocolates to share. 'None of these can go back home with me', and Judy brought a pecan pie from the bakery. She did not bring forks, so my contribution was to ride down to my apartment only 3 doors down the hall, and bring 4 forks hehehe.

At last this afternoon, I found a combination that has so far kept the major pains away, keeping the breast, shoulder and arm extra warm. My shower has always left it feeling better, so after shower today about 1 pm, I wrapped up in my terry cloth robe, and climbed in bed under my 'magic' blanket. Pain gone! when I dressed, I got my heated rice sock on my shoulder, and put my warmest shawl, double thick, over arm, breast and shoulder. Did not feel even a twinge till about 20 minuets fore the second meds, so that was from 1 to 6 30. Longest pain free period since I had to go back to my regular pain medication, when the surgeon ordered meds ran out.

there is a play tonight, starts in 35 minuets, at 8 pm, later than usual. I wanted to go, but it has been raining, and I cannot find anyone who can go. I do not think getting wet, then sitting in damp clothing would be good for what ails me, so I am not going.

Dave usually goes, I checked with him when I saw him downstairs, but he has been sick for about 5 weeks, not flu or pneumonia, but the 'yuck' as docs call it. A very tough cold virus that lasts and lasts. Of course he did not go to doc till about 4 weeks into this, when it settled into his eyes and he was having vision problems. He still looked under the weather today, said he was going home to curl up in a ball and ignore the cold and the world. That sounds so like what Al did, I called it climbing int
05/Mar/15 12:37 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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That sounds so like what Al did, I called it climbing into his cave, keeping everyone and everything away, to live or die on his own :(

Time to hold down my recliner again, meds working again, yeah. This extra warm thing is helping. I sure wish I had the Bair Hugger like I had day of surgery, still hope to find something similar made for home use.

Hugs to each of you, with as many extras as you want, till later.
05/Mar/15 12:40 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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By mid-day today, all of the snow had melted, thanks to the warm temps and the rain. Now we have at least 3 inches of snow on the ground, with ice underneath, and the snow is coming down HEAVILY! I can't wait until this winter is over.

BooBoo has laid her first egg!!! She's being very protective of it, and doesn't like me coming near the nest box. I will leave the box completely alone now that I know that she's started laying.
05/Mar/15 2:37 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! I need to find some time to get caught up here. I hope everyone is well! Sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, , healing energy, and prayers for each of you!

Wonderful news about BooBoo, Heidi!
05/Mar/15 6:07 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I am up for intermission. Checking weather, it looks like Heidi is getting a LOT of snow. Mama is a bit like me, right at a line of rain, mixed (freezing rain, sleet and snow) with snow close above that. Not sure of her zip code, so she could be having any of the three at the moment, headed for snow later tonight, brrrr.

We are still above freezing, but temp has dropped 30 degrees since dark, and still going down. We are at 46 now.

Computer is slow, and typing is not comfy, will close for now. Stay tuned for later weather bullitens for USA
05/Mar/15 7:38 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm up for my 6 am intermission. I haven't been outside, yet, so haven't measured the snow, but it looks like 8-10 inches so far.... and still snowing heavily. The temperature is 21˚F, and falling.
I'm praying that this doesn't mess up the KY Beef Expo. The cattle will be arriving there tomorrow afternoon and evening. With only 4 bulls young enough for me to consider (I can't get a mature bull because he'll fight with my darling Rede) I need all of them to show up. I hope the weather scares away other bidders, though. The prices could be VERY high, otherwise.
05/Mar/15 10:25 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Just got back in after feeding hay to the cows and horses. The snow is still coming down heavy, and the wind is blowing, so the snow is drifting. I'd say we have about a foot of snow so far, with much deeper drifts. The road out front has NOT been plowed or salted, and it's a state highway, not a back road. It looks like nobody is going anywhere today.
06/Mar/15 2:24 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I talked to the show superintendant for tomorrow's Red Angus show, to make sure that everything was on schedule. The show has been delayed until noon tomorrow, to allow cattle to arrive tomorrow morning instead of today. Some arrived before the snowstorm. And the superintendent now knows that I'm looking to purchase a bull. He knows me well and will go out of his way to accomodate me, including arranging the bull sale in the order I want, if I ask. I've gone over the bulls in the catalogs as thoroughly as possible without seeing them. Three bulls fit my need for improving weaning weights in calves, and two of those will be good bulls to breed to first calf heifers (that I'm keeping from this year's crop). The third would be OK, but not outstanding for heifers. But he would give me the biggest increase in weaning weights. Decisions will be made tomorrow apon seeing the bulls and talking with their breeders.
06/Mar/15 10:05 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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apon = upon
06/Mar/15 10:06 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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In so many places, roads were not pre treated because most everywhere this started with rain. the rain would have washed away the chemicals. then it snowed so fast, the conditions kinda got away from them.

Did you see on the news, Interstate 65 in KY was blocked when 18 wheeler trucks could not make it up a hill. People were stranded in their autos for 18 hours, starting at 10:30 PM! I heard one woman say in an audio bit 'we had two bottles of water and one packet of peanut butter crackers' Not much for Breakfast and lunch for at 2 people, eh?

Here the sidewalks are clear, it is just berry berry cold, wind chill into the teens. I should be able to make it to pain clinic in the morning, just hope the staff there can make it in.

I am so tired of this continuing breast pain. Not sure what is going on, but more than ready for it to be over and done. I am wondering if it is just nerves that were traumatized, trying to function once again, but who knows. As mama tells us, this too shall pass. I am just cheering it on to the finish line hehehe.

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
06/Mar/15 10:14 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I have been out watering and some much needed pruning. The garden has really got away from me. On Monday I have someone coming to dig out some really overgrown beds. I hope he turns up this time! I would really like to get some looking better before Sue arrives as she is a gardener.
06/Mar/15 11:12 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Last night some of us going to South America in September got together. I was asked to bring a sweet. Looked up S. American dessert and came up with a Tres Leches cake. It was a sponge with 1 tin of condensed milk, 1 tin of evaporated milk and 1/2 cup of heavy cream mixed together and poured over the cake. It was then topped with whipped cream. I thought it would be very heavy and sweet but it turned out very nice. I tried to get some star fruit to decorate but none available so I got Kiwi fruit, and using one of Laura's old play dough cutters I cut the Kiwi fruit into stars and added 1/2 a strawberry.
06/Mar/15 11:19 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I do feel for all of you with the snow and the cold. I do know that most of you have houses and clothes to suit.
Tricia, I do hope the pain in the breast goes away. Is it where they did the biopsy?
Heidi, I do hope that you get the bull that you want. I know how important it is to have the right bull for breading.
06/Mar/15 11:23 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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June, yes, breast pain is from the biopsy. this was not a little 'punch' biopsy, but a surgical biopsy, where he made a 2 inch incision, fairly deep, and took out a 'core' of tissue that long and diameter of a quarter. It is right above the incision that is hurting.
06/Mar/15 2:05 PM
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