Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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Midge  From Melbourne
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Hello all. Just to let you know I am back and slowly coming good. Had a kidney transplant on 1/1/15 and with complications later, ended up having a fair bit of my large intestine removed and now have a stoma. Life is a b**** sometimes but I am here and now at home doing the learning to walk again etc. routine. Will come back in the next few days to read everyone's new. Cheers.
10/Mar/15 12:22 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Oh Midge, as I was reading that you'd had the kidney transplant I was delighted only to read on about your complications. Sometimes what life throws at you is so unfair. I do hope that you are on the road to recovery now. You'll be in my thoughts.
10/Mar/15 12:58 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Solved my Paypal problems and am now the proud owner, but awaiting delivery, of a Magnetic Lambswool Underlay. This is exciting to us because we've had one for years and when changing the sheets a couple of weeks ago we decided that old one was looking decidedly scruffy and we weren't sure that it had any good effects on us, so we tossed it!
Turns out it was VERY effective and now we are walking around with aches and pains in every part of our bodies. Should be delivered by the 17th - then bliss!
10/Mar/15 1:03 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Congratulations on getting the transplant, Midge! That was SO important. But I am so sorry to hear about the complications. It's about time that you had some good luck in your life. My fingers are crossed that you'll get a huge share VERY soon.
10/Mar/15 1:12 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! I need to head to bed, as we have another early alarm in the morning. Hope to read tomorrow. Thinking of all of you & sending lots of , positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and healing energy!
10/Mar/15 5:02 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Midge, I also am so glad you got the kidney transplant, but so sorry about the complications. I do hope you are making good progress in the 'learning to walk again' therapy. I know what that is like, had it after a bout of pneumonia and reactions to medications. I wish for you therapists as kind and knowledgeable as those I had, who can make the process if not enjoyable, at least with moments of lightness with a grin or two. Wishing you the best of outcomes from your therapy, and hope when the dust settles, you find life easier.

Julie, Hi to you, and hope you get time to read and post again soon. You have been one busy woman. Please tell us what has kept you so busy.

CynB, not sure what it is you ordered but hope it arrives as promised and helps as much as you anticipate. Having a comfy bed is so important, makes a big difference in the day. Now, did you write the PayPal passwords in your secret list in your secret place? If not, go do it NOW hehehe.

Hope I did not miss much from the previous page, no time to check back. I am awaiting Tanya's arrival, she is driving me to a new doctor for appointment early today. Not the time or date I would have chosen, but it took me 4 months to get appointment, I could not be picky. Rheumatologist, to see if he has any ideas to help with all the aches I have, something for the days my normal routine is not working. Wish me luck, cross fingers, and hope that I like this doc as much as I did my surgeon.

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
10/Mar/15 11:43 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Evening all...a mild, foggy evening with lots of rain that is helping to clear away the remaining snow thankfully.
Midge, so good to see that although you have suffered from complications, the kidney transplant has taken place and the complications are now being worked on to once again help you to enjoy the gift of life. While unpleasant going through this trauma
, your strength and perseverance has sustained you and helped you become a survivor...good onya.
As Tricia as said so well, I too hope you are blessed with great therapist who can lighten your load in reaching the goal of walking once again...I know you will do your best.
Having lots of trouble reading while trying to think of all I'd like to say...I can hardly see what I think I will stop for now and come back later if possible. Have a good day/night where ever you are. Peace.
11/Mar/15 11:16 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Just back from the Cattlemen's meeting. I'm SO tired of the mud, and we have 4 more days of rain coming! Even our old gravel driveway is 3 inches deep in mud!
11/Mar/15 12:20 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Good morning again - today is my Art group day. I have joined a group that does watercolour every Wednesday afternoon for 3 hours. We have a tutor and I have been going since late 2013. I am improving but still not ready to show my work. Others seem to like it. I intend to frame one piece each for my grandies for their birthdays this year. They will be the first to receive any art work from me.
Speaking of my grandies - The oldest 4 are all in High School now, aged 16,15,14 & 13. Lachlan works at McDonalds on weekends, owns a car and is learning to drive, can't get a licence until 17 here. Madeline also works at McDonalds, has given up ballet, but not tap or double bass.
Andrew's girls are much happier now - things changed slightly so that they are always together and their parents have shared custody. Emily in particular is much happier having a better relationship with her Mum, who can still cause trouble at the drop of a hat but finally gave Emily the place she deserves in her heart - and for that I am thankful.
11/Mar/15 12:21 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That is wonderful news for Emily, CynB. I hope it isn't just an act on her mum's part. She in particular needs unconditional love, since she's been so wounded in the past.
11/Mar/15 4:31 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Heidi - her mother had an epiphany when Em hit puberty and she found out that I had been the one to tell her the facts of life and get her prepared. It was as if the penny dropped - oh, my goodness, what have I done. I don't think it will happen again. Em is 13 and in High School, the dynamic has changed.
The other news is that after a few false starts and some weird women over the past 5 years, their father is now settled with a lovely woman in her 30's, with no kids, who is trying very hard to be the 'nice stepmother'(slow and steady wins the race). They are hoping by the end of this year to be moved in together. Marriage? I don't know.
11/Mar/15 7:21 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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That all sounds wonderful Cynthia. I do hope it all just gets better and better.
Bought some plants for the refurbished garden. A bit of work to do before they get planted. Just realised Sue will be here in about 1 1/2 weeks so I had better get moving so she does not think I am one of those hoarders like you see on Buried Alive.
just bought another watch on Ebay. My very old two faced watch played up last time we were overseas and I do like to have a watch that shows Sydney time as well as the time where we are. This one cost about $12 and will come from Hong Kong.
11/Mar/15 8:17 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I've never heard of a two faced watch, June. Does it have a face on each side, or are they side-by-side?
12/Mar/15 3:44 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Heidi, the one I have now, which was given to Ken about 18 years ago, is one watch with two faces, each face about 1 cm square and they are one below the other. Each face has it's own battery so it can be less expensive these days to buy a new watch on line than have the batteries replaced.. I did put new batteries in the one I have 18 months ago and they are still working.
12/Mar/15 7:10 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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We had a big storm go through last night. Boy was it noisy, with lots of lightening and thunder right overhead. Saved me watering the garden today, and also the neighbour's who is away. hair cut today and some shopping. Since the ground is nice and wet I might get my plants in later today. Dianthus, red salvia and celosia.
12/Mar/15 7:16 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Dental appointment tomorrow morning... just a cleaning, for a change... then a quiet day.
12/Mar/15 2:12 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Been too busy the last 2 days, not enough rest time, and being up and about, well gravity does a number on my incision.

I do like the rheumatologist, he is very thorough, kind, listens well, and asks the right questions. One of the few doctors lately that actually touched me, checking out each joint that has hurt (almost all of them). He is running tests to see if there is some inflammatory problem, since cortisone helps me so much. so that is testing for all the auto immune diseases, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and some I have forgotten. the vampire (really a very nice technician, I liked her too) took 6 or 7 tubes of blood. So very glad I only needed one stick to collect all of them , and not one each. I go back in 3 weeks to get results and see what he plans for me.

I do NOT like his front office people. they have a policy if you are more than 15 minuets late for appointment, you must reschedule. Tuesday it was raining buckets, Tanya was a bit late getting here, cause she got caught in an onlookers delay, a terrible auto accident, one car caught on fire, she thinks with at least one fatality. As we left here going to the doc, we could not get onto the highway that is quickest route to that office, that is where the accident was, and the 3 southbound lane highway was still a parking lot. So we had to go a much longer detour on city streets, and so had everyone else who could get off that highway, so streets were stop and go bumper to bumper. I phoned the office to tell them what was happening, that we were on the way, and we would be there. she asked rather sharply 'where are you now?' No excuse taken for being late, it seems, and we got there barely within the 15 minuets past my appointment time, by 9 15, but we had been aiming at 8:30 to have time to get paperwork done. If not for that extra time, I would have been turned away, after a horrible trip trying to get there, late through no fault of my own, aaaaaaaaaagggggggh.

We came home and Tanya did straighten and clear clutter for me, it was my scheduled day for housekeeping. Then I needed to go to pharmacy, so we went back for that, and picked up lunch to go. Everyone else was doing take away, cause it was still raining, the line for the drive through was around the building and half again. We went inside, and that line was also long. Just my day to have to wait and wait on others I imagine. We had a quick lunch, then I had to be downstairs for a 'housekeeping meeting'. Everyone who has the subsidized cleaning lady had to be there. Mary is no longer working this program, we shall have a new cleaning lady, and the new schedule will start NEXT month. They will try to work in a day this month if needed. Meeting was not over till after 3:30, so I had a long day. that was Tuesday.
12/Mar/15 5:05 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I tried sleeping in today, after being unable to sleep till the wee hours. Just hurting enough from being upright all day to keep me awake. I did make it in bed or recliner till 10 o'clock. I did some cleaning, then played scrabble, then we had an entertainment, an Irish Dance School brought most of her students to dance for us, celebrating St Patrick's Day. The cutest ones of all were 2 sisters, ages 7 and 9 ( most of the other award winning dancers, were 12 to 15. those little girls were beginners, and so cute. One of the routines they did they only learned last week. I did not see any mistakes, not sure what their teacher saw. I spoke with them afterward, and each of them gave me a huge hug, too.

so two very busy days and now when I need to get to sleep to recover, cannot sleep, and not even comfy in bed to just lie there, bummer.

Tomorrow I need to go to pain clinic office, they still have not phoned me with appointment for shoulder injection, and it has been almost a week.

I am enjoying wearing the new silver filigree ring I bought. It arrived yesterday, and although not the size I normally buy, it fits perfectly. this one is larger than expected, usually when ordering from a photo, they are a bit smaller than they appear, not this one. I am very pleased with it. Wish I could take a photo, bummer, current cell phone does not have camera.

OK, I am going back to bed, see if I can get some rest. Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.

12/Mar/15 5:18 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just popping in to say hello and hoping tomorrow will be the day I find time to read & comment! {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, etc. to all!
12/Mar/15 6:22 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Another grey, humid, warm day today. I turned on AC to dry out the apartment, it was like a sauna.

I see the Bradford pears across the street are opening their buds, but not so pretty this year. the buds got nipped by one of our really cold spells, the last one I imagine, that 17 degrees, and the edges of the opening blooms are tinged brown. I hope as they open further, there will be enough white to show up pretty.

I looked at the 10 day forecast, no temps below 40 for the next 10 days, so I have moved a few plants outside. Putting them all one spot, so if we do get a frost, I can easily cover them. We might get one more, but if it is not a deep freeze like we just had, covering will do fine. If it is a really bad freeze, I will have to bring them back inside, so not taking out more than I can handle in that event

HI JULIE, glad you are popping in for a fast visit. Hope you soon can stay a bit and tell us about your busy life.

Heidi, hope the dental appointment went well.

June, Happy for your good rain, even if it ws noisy. Your flower choice sounds pretty. I love salvia, espically the red. Tried growing it in one bed here last summer, not enough sun. I might put some into a container this year.

OH, I will have more space for containers, where we get the most sun. We have lantana in a long narrow bed in the parking lot, and one large plant is diseased. Tim, our director, agreed to let grounds people dig that one up, and instead of replacing (it sends limbs into the parking space adjacent, I get complaints about that) I can take that space for more big containers. I think I got him with this when I told him it would not cost his budget anything eheheh. I got some $$4 from residents association to use for flowers and containers, whatever I need. I am happily planning what I can do with that, and with what I can donate, I hope we will have a colorful garden this year.

Feeling better this morning, hope it lasts all day.

Just ordered a lilac colored trench coat/rain coat. I took a good look at the white plastic jacket I was using, it is stained, dingy, yuck. I will keep it for a work jacket if I am outside in the rain, and this new long coat for trips out on rainy days. I really like colorful rain-wear, it brightens a yuck kind of day.

Hugs to each of you, with extras.
13/Mar/15 3:31 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Easy dental appointment. Now I'm off to pick up dog food.
13/Mar/15 9:15 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Quiet old day here - and I have nothing to report on this Friday the 13th!! It's the weekend now, Col's home from work and that means a spot of tidying up preparing for our visitor, Mo due to arrive on Friday, and for our gathering next Saturday.
Nola, if you call in here and are interested in coming on saturday, let me know and I'll email details.
13/Mar/15 8:03 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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CynB, I think you had a Lot to report on today! Mo is coming to visit, and you have things to do to get ready, that is big news! I wish all of you great success with the get together. Have you med Mo before?

After a late spring day yesterday, temp wise, it will be much cooler today. We are already at our high for today, which was last night's low, and swill stay the same all day, with mist and fog and clouds, YUCK. Tomorrow temps will be 20 something degrees higher again, like yesterday was.

With this week of rain we have had and that is continuing, I need the new raincoat I ordered yesterday. Oh well, it is a nice one, and will probably last me the rest of my life, so I shall get plenty of days to wear it.

Yesterday was best day since surgery, pain levels down considerably. I moved a few plants to the garden areas and watered those under the overhang, plus those inside at elevator lobby. I am ready to dig in the dirt.

I think I mentioned I had turned on AC because of the humidity yesterday. The unit started making a terrible noise. I was watching a documentary on TV, about the plane crash into a neighborhood just 2 months after 9?111, so the first thing I did was look OUTSIDE for the noise, was it a plane flying too low? when I found it was the AC unit, I turned it off, waited a good while before turning it on again. It seemed OK, ran for about 30 minuets, and the noise started again. So I turned it off again and called maintenance. Of course it took the unit some while to make the noise for him to hear, and at first just a baby noise, compared to what I had heard, but it did get louder and louder. So Tim E. had to take it apart, found it was NOT the compressor, but some vibration of the coils because of an accumulation of dust, dirt and hair. He said it looked like cat hair, 'but you do not even have a cat, do you?' So while he had it apart, he did a good cleaning for all the accumulated dirt, dust, mold and mildew, and now it is putting out some COLD air. should be good for this season, I HOPE.

I have not received the paperwork I requested from SS, so I need to be back on the phone with them again today, bummer. I need to get this settled, a lot of things need to be done before I find out if this 'raise' will give me any disposable income.

I did get appointment for shoulder injections after I phoned and phoned until a real live person answered, but not until the 24th of March, bummer. Pharmacy delivered only one of the two scripts I turned in, had to phone them about that. Some days it is 'why me?' when all these annoying things happen in a row.

Hugs to each of you, and looking for posts from some of our missing friends , check in when you can. You know who you are.

14/Mar/15 12:19 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Cooler day yesterday so I planted the dianthus. I still have to do some work on the other bed and get all the rubbish off the lawn. I have washed the sheets but still have to wash the doona or the spare bed. Remove Laura's toys from the back bathroom and give that room a wipe around. I will then know where Sue will stay will be clean. Much clearing of the sun room as that is where we will all gather on Sunday 22 March. It may be a smaller gathering as some cannot come and others I have not been able to contact.
Ken is no help as he keeps going to play bowls.
This morning he has to drive over an hour away to present the U/14 baseball trophy that is named in his honour.
14/Mar/15 7:19 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I had been invited to a chili supper tonight. I was told by IH that it was a social event. I was planning on going, until.... IH borrowed my truck all day, making it impossible to go to the pharmacy for a meds pick up until an hour before the event took place. I was given a rush job by IH to drive him to the event early, immediately upon him returning my truck, so I was planning on dropping him off, picking up my meds at the pharmacy, rushing home, changing my clothes, then being back at the event in time for the meal. Then I had an hour wait at the pharmacy... IH told me that instead of being a social event, it was a Republican Party Rally (I'm a Democrat)... my clothes were muddy... and they had oversold tickets. I walked in the door as-is, and IH decided they needed my seat for others. So I got to go home and enjoy a microwave pizza. I think I won. I didn't want to listen to several hours of political speeches.
14/Mar/15 10:29 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, Everyone! Just heard this on the news:
'Up to 65 (degrees F) now. This is the warmest we have been since October 28. That's 18.3 *C. Most of the snow has melted, but many water ways are still frozen, as we've only had a handful of days above freezing.

I hope to get back later, read, and post some comments.
14/Mar/15 1:08 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Kentucky is now 33-0, and we're facing the winner of the Arkansas/Georgia game tomorrow for the SEC tournament championship. After that, we're the #1 seed for the big NCAA tournament, starting this upcoming week. It's halftime at the Arkansas.Georgia game, and Arkansas has had the lead the whole first half.

I just finished feeding hay to the cows. I can't believe the mud out there after the thaw and many days of rain! It was a nightmare trying to find a dry-ish spot to put the rolls so the cows wouldn't have to stand knee deep (or deeper) in mud. I would MUCH rather deal with snow and ice than mud. And I said so while plowing snow!
15/Mar/15 7:31 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, hope the rains are coming to an end for you, so the mud can dry a bit. Do you have to reseed the grass in pasture where the cows have made a mud ring around the hay rings? Such confusion about the chilli supper out, but it seems it worked out well for you. Hope you enjoyed the pizza and the solitude as you ate it.

Julie, that same statement, or similar was made on our news about the Midwest, highest temps since last October. I hope there is not flooding once the rivers and lakes thaw.

Kentucky is indeed doing well in basketball. Who won the game today? And was that the team you wanted to see play Kentucky for the SEC championship?

I started the new medicine last night, so far, so good. I do think it has already helped the nerve pain in the breast, and that was the most achey place at the moment.

Warmer again today, the huge pear tree here in our back garden is opening buds, I see camellias blooming, and hundreds of tiny violet plants coming up from last years seed. Spring is on it's way!

Tanya came Friday to volunteer helping with the lunches that we can order here. she rode with staff to learn how to pick up from the location, and helped sort them into bags, one for each resident. she said her only problem with all of this was learning all the residents by name, as she marked off who picked up their lunch, from the master list. She will be volunteering once a week doing this, I think it will be good for her.
Did I tell you about that before? It seems so familiar as I type it, but I read my last 2 posts and did not see it mentioned. OH well.

time for dinner now, I have planned over chicken fajitas, home made. Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
15/Mar/15 11:32 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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June, I am sure that everything will be looking great before your guests arrive. Glad you got part of the flowers planted and so much done inside with cleaning. Too bad Ken is not around to help, but a nice honor to have a trophy named after him, guess he had to go present it
15/Mar/15 11:34 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Kentucky will be facing Arkansas at 1 pm EDT, for the SEC Championship. I don't see any trouble for Kentucky. They seem to have forgotten how to lose. They've tried a few times, and just can't seem to lose a game.
15/Mar/15 1:51 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings! Another long day, as we went to see my sister (2.5 hours away) to get haircuts. Hubby is scheduled for a MOHS procedure to remove BCC on the top of his ear this week, and we wanted to get a shorter haircut to keep hair away from the area. We'll see if they decided to shave the side of his head prior to the procedure, but thought we'd at least try to avoid the need.

Still haven't found the time to read & comment, but hoping it will happen soon. Sending a large supply of positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, and for everyone!
15/Mar/15 6:49 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Julie, still very busy as usual. I do hope the removal of the BCC goes smoothly.
Another busy day for me. Visitors this afternoon and I made scones. Then at the club tonight for two months worth of birthdays and I made the 'birthday cake' for that. It rained so I did not get much done outside but I was a bit sore from the work I did on Saturday.
I would have loved to have gone to Melbourne to join in the fun and meet Mo. I did look at the trains. It is a 11 hour journey each way. Sitting in a train two nights in a row is not my idea of fun. I did it a few times when I was 22 and go to work straight off the train when I got back. The things one can do when they are young.
I did win a meat tray tonight. We do win a few but then we do buy lots of raffle tickets at the club.
Must go and get some sleep. Lots to do tomorrow.
16/Mar/15 1:07 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I don't know who has a busier life.... Julie or June!

I wish your hubby much luck this week. I hope the procedure is uneventful, and the results ideal.

Wise decision not going for that long train ride, June.

I just looked out the window, and was shocked! Our grass has turned green!!!!! And the sun is shining! And it's 60˚F outside! I was plowing snow just a week ago!!!!!!!!

I wish I could go out there right now, but for 2 things. The SEC Championship game is going on, and my gout is killing me. At least Kentucky is winning, as usual.
16/Mar/15 4:23 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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And Kentucky won AGAIN.
16/Mar/15 6:25 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I was just a baaaaad girl. It's that time of year again. I just ordered 10 peachicks for delivery in June. Poor Cotton-Eyed Joe is all alone and needs peafowl companionship.Predators, and severe weather, over the years, have gotten my other outdoor birds This is an assortment of India Blue, Black Shouldered, Purple, Pied and White birds. I've requested, if possible, more Black Shouldered than any others. C-E Joe is a variety called a White Eyed. There is a white spot in the center of the ''eye'' in most of the tail feathers, and he has white wings.
16/Mar/15 7:57 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Peachicks, I'd love to see a photo of them when they arrive, Heidi. Over the years, you have given me a love of birds that I never had. Every time I call in at the pet shop for dog food for Jewel, I always stop and admire whatever birds they have there, especially the gouldian finches. But peacocks are so spectacular, it's always a lovely surprise to come across a peacock.
June, was there a reason why you couldn't get a plane down and back today - obviously there must have been? I must have missed that post. Sorry you missed getting there today and will miss Saturday's gathering up here. Wish I had heaps of spare room here, then I could have offered you a bed for the night or two. Alas, only one spare bedroom, only 1 queen size bed (always available should you ever be heading uo this way).
16/Mar/15 9:00 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Problem of getting to and from airports Cynthia, plus costs. We are doing two overseas trips this year. Also timing with Sue coming here next week. I am very behind in my getting rid of rubbish, partly due to having a broken arm. I have filled my rubbish bins this morning and my neighbours. There is still a big pile of weeds for the green bin next week.
16/Mar/15 9:23 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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June... don't worry. Sue is not coming to do a garden inspection. She's coming to meet you and the rest of the great group of Aussies in Sudokuland. She will understand piles of rubbish. I bet she's seen them before in her life.
16/Mar/15 10:13 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We had a celebratory dinner of beef stroganoff and steamed asparagus tonight. Kentucky got the top #1 seed. Wisconsin (home state, and Alma Mater of both of us) also got a #1 seed after winning the Big 10 Tournament today. Louisville made it in as a #4 seed and Ohio State (FIL's Alma Mater) made it into the Big Dance as a #10 seed.

Avatar has been changed for St Patty's Day, though I have no Irish blood, that I know of.
16/Mar/15 1:46 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings to All! It's so nice to see familiar names on the page, some of which I haven't seen for a bit.

I hope the 'luck of the Irish' will be with all of you!

Sending positive thoughts, healing energy, prayers, , and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}!
16/Mar/15 5:11 PM
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