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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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'Everyday, think as you wake up, today I am fortunate to be alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it. I am going to use all my energies to develop myself, to expand my heart out to others; to achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings. I am going to have kind thoughts towards others, I am not going to get angry or think badly about others. I am going to benefit others as much as I can.' ~ Dalai Lama
16/Mar/15 5:14 PM
Alabama, USA
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There is a big yellow ball up in the sky, I think I remember it is called a sun. It has been absent for so long, I was not sure for a bit
Welcome back sun!
Today will be almost summer temps, I found a short sleeved T and Capri pants to wear today. My sis and BIL are coming over to install the large bamboo trellis he built for us last summer, from bamboo he grows. It is a good time to get this done, because the ground is the softest I have seen it after this rain we have had . . OOOPS, they are here, more later.
Well, that did not post, so it is later now. I hope to have photos up on the EP page of facebook, when my sister can send them and staff can post to the page. for those on FB, I will share to my page once photos are up.
A much too busy afternoon here, first a party downstairs, then the resident's association meeting I need to attend, and Tanya is coming to slice and package that ham I got yesterday. I must transform myself from the gardener back to someone at least clean and neat, so I am off.
Hugs to each of you, with extras.
17/Mar/15 4:55 AM
Alabama, USA
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Julie, lovely TOPP today, thanks. It is something we should all try to practice.
Have not read other posts, but must run, maybe later tonight.
17/Mar/15 4:57 AM
Magnolia, KY
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My epidural has been postponed again. I need to find different health insurance, something that has a premium that isn't 1/4 of my monthly income. I need something AFFORDABLE!!!
17/Mar/15 7:52 AM
Mamacita 2
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Happy Monday night from your place wherever that may be...Have been really busy...I think the improved weather and just plain need has finally gotten me to move into spring with energy to spare...thanks to an extended period using prednisone and having an energy overload. My doctor feels that this is more helpful than continuing to suffer sinus infections. It's low level and may be needed for some time, but since I'm feeling so very much better I wont complain.
I think I mentioned getting gifted a new smart TV...well that meant that things had to change somewhat...and that opened a can of worms that has resulted in a cleaning out of my garage...long overdue, replacing bathroom exhaust fans, recycling old tv and donating stuff to charity...still lots that needs to go out, but at least I've made a start...YAY!!!
I know there was something I wanted to comment on on the other page, but I forgot to check before this post so it will have to wait or I'll lose this and I don't want to do that. Welcome back to those busy folk like Julie and June who never fail to amaze me with their I've had just a taste of it and don't think I'd ever be able to keep up with either of them...Glad to know we have them able to post a bit as they fly Okay...I'm going to close off for now..My daughter just came in and I want to spend some time with her...More later. Peace.
17/Mar/15 11:37 AM
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Hi, Everyone! The alarm is set for an early wake-up, so I'm off to bed. I'll try to get back tomorrow! Sending lots of
, positive thoughts, prayers, healing energy, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for everyone!
17/Mar/15 2:56 PM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hello everyone,
I have been so busy since before christmas with work and home issues that I couldn't attempt to explain all that has gone on.
It has been an emotional time with a family member needing 24/7 care and now on the road to recovery.
I wish you all health and happiness in you daily lives as I know you do for me.
17/Mar/15 9:39 PM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Check out my page wonderful that you have a new kidney and can begin a life without the dialysis in your daily routine. It would be a life changing event to go from that to other problems but with hopefully less interference.
Broni...have you left yet on your trip.
Cyn..thanks for the invite. I would have loved to attend but I wouldn't have been able to. reading about your interesting life, the skunk episode intrigued my son.Our gun laws are just so different. Are any cows still due to give birth?
Mama..try to keep an hour or 2 free on May 22nd or 23rd and maybe we might be able to catch up for a coffee.
17/Mar/15 9:54 PM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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I am trying to arrange a much needed get away to the US. It wont be for long and I didn't want anything really involved by locking us into organized be there/be here, time frames. There is still a few issues up in the air but I will let you know after April if all goes well.
It would be 4 days in LA, 4 in NY and the then do our own thing. Son and Son-in-law coming with me??
17/Mar/15 10:02 PM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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MizT...I am pleased that you are doing OK and starting to enjoy the warmer days in the garden. Winter seems to be a bad time for you pain wise.
Julie as usual, busy but makes a great effort to keep in touch.
I hope to catch up again sooner, rather than later.
17/Mar/15 10:08 PM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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My brother in Gosford, has just had his bladder removed due to cancer. Still in intensive care but he is doing OK. They think it was still contained to that organ and got it early enough.
His son that lives in Florida, is here now but must get back for work and leaves Aust. on Thursday.
17/Mar/15 10:20 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Sorry to hear about your problems, Nola. Especially about your brother. I hope they got all the cancer.
My father-in-law had surgery on Friday to have a lymph node under his arm removed. It is the same arm that had to have a finger amputated a few years ago for cancer. They did find cancer in the lymph node, but think they caught it really early before it spread. Doc is an excellent diagnostician (he worked for the State Diagnostic Lab for years) and can spot something wrong at it's earliest stage.
18/Mar/15 2:33 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Off to the farm store for bedding and horse feed. Whimsey is getting close. The foal is due in about 2 weeks.
18/Mar/15 3:15 AM
Mamacita 2
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Welcome back after your time away Nola...and you come with good news...wonderbar. Happy to hear that your brother is on the mend and do hope the doctors were early and thorough enough to get all of the cancer.What part of Florida does his son live in? Just curious. Sorry to hear that you wouldn't have been able to meet up with CynB and the gang since it had to be a fun day, but elated to know that you are trying to get to the U.S and the time is birthday is on the 23rd...I have plenty of time usually so let me know how things work out for you and would hope that we can meet for something to go along with the coffee.
Heidi...hope your F.I.l is recovering from his surgery too. Keeping you in my thoughts as you prepare to welcome the peahens and a new foal into your furry and winged family. Hope Whimsey has an easy time of it and the weather is welcoming too. Take care of your back...pretty important since the epidural has been pushed back again.
Life seems to be getting a tad easier here with the spring weather starting to come in slowly...just hope we don't have any more unusual weather problems for a while...the ground is still really soft after all of the moisture we've had.Oh well, we caqn only hope ...Mother will do her thing no matter what we may hope for.
Take care all...know that I care. Peace.
18/Mar/15 7:25 AM
qld, australia
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Gekko my friends.
Yes, I am still here just very busy as Pete hopes we can get away in just over a week. I have been spending a lot of time trying to get the books up to date for my friend.
Bella and I are both well and going for a walk each morning.
Looking forward to the gathering this Saturday, although they may get a shock that I am now blonde!(too much grey)
Take care my friends.
18/Mar/15 8:26 AM
Alabama, USA
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Broni, blond would be a good color for you, hlpe you enjoy it.
Heidi, sorry to hear about the postponement of the epidural. Hope you get the insurance settled soonest. Exciting news about the new foal due so soon, hope all goes well.
Mama, enjoy the good times while taking low dose cortisone. Yes, there are times when it is needed, so glad your doc has prescribed this for you.
Nola, so sorry for all the illness in family that has been keeping you so busy. Sending wishes that everyone is soon so much better.
Vent to follow: I got blamed for something I did not do
I was downstairs tonight, about dusk, to water the front garden under the bridge between buildings. It does not get rain falling there. someone asked me if I had remembered to turn off the water in the back garden. NOPE, cause I did not turn it on. they told me it was flooded in the garden. OH DEAR. I got to thinking. Earlier in the day I saw the hose that I pull over the wall to water the daisy flower bed was up over the wall. that is where bricklayers were working, and bricklayers need water. I did not think anything about it at the time, but that hose is connected to a 4 outlet manifold, and according to what is turned on or off, it could water 3 different areas in garden with soaker hoses or that garden hose could be turned on. No one checked that manifold, did not know it was there, did not see (or care) that the water was coming out the soaker hoses. As a result, the soaker hoses were on for most of the day, and the garden is flooded. Ground was already saturated from all the rain last week, and it is forecast to rain again starting tomorrow. Residents will have no place to let their dogs out to exercise or to go potty without getting wet. And rumors will abound that I flooded the garden, oh bother.
Time for bed, need to get to sleep while pain is at it's lowest. that stupid breast, if it were not for it . . . Well, I probably would feel something else hehehe. Like I told the new rheumatologist, it is sometime like an onion, peel away the most hurty pain, and underneath is something hurting a bit less that was hiding there.
Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
18/Mar/15 3:08 PM
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I am here before 11 p.m. Well, just barely. We have had lots going on, including several days here with the grand puppy while D had to be away. SIL is away from home too many hours to leave the dog crated. Occasionally a friend who dog sits can take the dog during the day, but we usually have her when it's over-night or more often several days at a time. We enjoy her, and I think she like to be with us. She's very smart and well-trained. When we told her it was 'night-night' time, she went into her crate right away and waited for us to bring her a Milk Bone. We found out that is different from what D and SIL say or do, but she knew exactly what we wanted her to do, and she did it!
I have had quite a bit of cello practicing and am still looking for an inexpensive cello to purchase, rather than continuing to rent. It has been a good reason to do some review as I get used to the size of stretches between notes.
No practicing today, though. Left the house around 7:30 a.m. to get to the dermatology office. Hubby had a MOHS procedure to eliminate a BCC on the top of his ear. Doc said after the second removal of tissue that she thought she had it all. Nope. After the freezing, dyeing, checking slide under microscope, she was back for more. Then, off to the plastic surgeon. This practice automatically sends patients with nose or ear procedures to plastic surgeon for closing. He thought it would just be a flap or graft, but wound area was more extensive than anticipated & required a long incision and some 'gathering' at the top of the ear to close. (Gathering is my terminology, not his, but seems to be the best way to name what he was demonstrating.) It also required general anesthesia, instead of the light 'twilight' sleep they used last year for reconstructing my nose after BCC removal. He now has a HUGE dressing over his ear and multiple layers of gauze around his head.
MizT, I'm so glad the sun has found you again! You have been busy, as usual! I hope the trellis your BIL made went into the ground easily. I hope your busy days don't increase pain levels! It's always good to hear that you have had a good day, and especially when you have been able to get outside among the plants!
Mama, you have also been busy! I hope that means that pain and other physical concerns have eased! Hurray for improved weather! Spring can make such a difference after a long and snowy winter! So glad to hear that the low dose of prednisone is contributing to feeling better. Congratulations on the smart TV, cleaned out garage, replaced bathroom exhaust fans, donations to charity, etc., etc. Being able to do the necessary physical activity, as well as purging things you no longer need must be adding to your increased energy! I hope you enjoyed your D's visit! Peace to you and all of your family!
Nola, how nice to see you here, and get caught up with your newsy posts! Seems that you, too, have been very busy! It goes without saying that when
18/Mar/15 3:39 PM
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Aw, I was afraid that post might be too long. Luckily, I copied it before hitting 'Submit Comment.' Here's the rest, starting with the continuation of the comment to Nola:
It goes without saying that when you are busy at home, you will also be busy at work. Round-the-clock care of a loved one can be so draining! It's good to hear that there has been some improvement! How exciting that you might be able to make a visit to the U.S., even if it must be shorter and less extensive than you might hope for it to be. So sorry to hear that your brother required a surgical removal of his bladder due to cancer! Very reassuring that they feel that they were able to get all of it I hope he has an excellent recovery! I hope you know how much we care and share in your concerns! You are missed when you are unable to post, and we look forward to your posts when you are able to make them! Take care of yourself, as well as your family members!
Heidi, that's awful that the epidural has needed to be rescheduled again! Medical insurance seems to have a way of running our lives. Would 'Obamacare' be of any help to you in your situation? (Please understand that I thought long and hard before including that last sentence, as I know it can be a sore point for many people. It is not intended to offend you in any way.) I hope your FIL makes a quick and complete recovery after his surgery! I know he is not a young man, and any surgery is major surgery after a certain age. All the best to him! Exciting news that Whimsey's foal will soon be making an appearance - possibly quite close to Easter, if I have counted correctly on my fingers and toes. Please take care of yourself and your back.
Nola, it's too bad you weren't able to find time to join a Sudoku gathering near you. Hopefully, you'll be able to meet another Sudokuaholic when you are in the U.S.!
Broni, are you getting more excited as the departure date nears? I know you're trying to help your friend get her books straight before you leave. Are you still counting down days at work, or are you now completely finished with that? Wonderful news that you and Bella are both well and enjoying daily morning walks! Can't wait to see a photo of the new blonde Broni! Perhaps someone will post a photo from the upcoming gathering. We will anxiously look forward to posts as you travel around the continent! It might be a great way for us in the U.S. to learn more about Aussie geography!
Well, about 40 minutes have passed since I began this long post. I think it's time for me to go check on my 'patient.' I'm thinking he may have fallen asleep in the chair while watching TV.
Sending a huge supply of healing energy, positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
for all who might benefit from them!
18/Mar/15 3:41 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Out to the barn to take care of Whimsey. Starting today, she's being confined to her stall at night, and being separated from the other horses by day.
18/Mar/15 3:53 PM
Magnolia, KY
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And it's time to change avatars to Whimsey's sub-teen (10 months old) picture.
18/Mar/15 4:01 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Good morning all - 1 day to go, Mo arrives tomorrow afternoon, much to do today.
Nola - you seem to have had a busy time lately and I hope your US trip goes ahead without any hitches. I'm pleased the Docs think they got it all and your bro is on the mend.
I'm sorry that you can't make it to the gathering but at least you know you were very welcome.
19/Mar/15 9:21 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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MizT - just make sure some key people know it wasn't you who left the water on - chinese whispers will do the rest.
Julie, I always mean to tell you that my grandie, Madeline, started learning the violin probably 4-5 years ago, and progressed through the viola, cello and now she plays the double bass in the school orchestra, as well as an inter-school orchestra - her mother had to get a different car to enable the bass to be transported around!! She had to decide between all her extra-curricular activities - orchestra, ballet, tap and scouting. She dropped ballet. But now she has a job at McDonalds, like her brother, and may have to drop something else.
19/Mar/15 9:28 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Have a great time at the gathering for Mo, CynB.
19/Mar/15 11:07 AM
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Just a quick check in here, then off to bed.
MizT, I don't know how I missed your post last night. I know it was not there when I posted, so must have been floating around in the ether and landed at the same time as my posts. What a bother about the water. Good advice from CynB. Just be sure a few of the residents who talk to many others know it wasn't your fault and let them spread the word.
Wyn, I remembered that Madeline was playing the cello, but had forgotten that she worked her way through violin and viola. Does she enjoy playing the double bass? At least it's the same clef as the cello. She must have some innate musical talent. What a busy girl she must be with music, dance, and scouts, and now a job. Is she already old enough to be working? Where has the time gone? Enjoy your visit with Mo. {{{HUGS}}} to all the Sudoku friends!
I'm not sure if Tami visits this page any more, but in case she does, Happy Birthday to your Mom! We miss you!
Time to head to bed. Sending lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}},
, healing energy, positive thoughts, and prayers for all!
19/Mar/15 7:08 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Julie - yes, Madeline is 14 and you can start working (out of school hours) at 14. McDonalds hire the young ones, they like to get them before they have learnt bad habits working elsewhere. I don't eat their food but admire them as employers.
Hayley, although nearly 15, is yet to find a job - but is trying very hard to get one.
19/Mar/15 10:04 PM
Alabama, USA
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I read all the posts, and am letting you know all is OK, just very busy today.
More later, feeling better today so I must do some things I have put off till later. One is a hair cut, hope she can work me in!
Hugs to each of you with extras.
20/Mar/15 4:06 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I am REALLY enjoying March Madness, aka the NCAA Basketball Tournament. The games today were some of the best I've ever seen. And yes, Kentucky won it's game today. They're now 35-0, and favored to go the whole way. With 16 games tomorrow, 8 games on Saturday and 8 games on Sunday, I might not be on here much for a few days.
20/Mar/15 4:47 PM
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Cyn, it doesn't seem possible that Madeline is 14 and Hayley is almost 15. Your grandchildren are growing so quickly! Wishing Hayley luck in her job search.
Hi, MizT! I'm glad you're feeling better today. Fingers crossed that you were able to get a hair cut. Please don't over-do.
Heidi, keeping fingers crossed for Kentucky to go all the way in the tournament! They have quite a record this year! I hope all is going well with the calving, the adjustment of Duke to his new surroundings, not overworking your back. By the way, the information you posted a few days ago about the way you chose Rede and Duke was most informative. I had never considered why the length of the animal was so important. I love how we learn things on this page.
Off to bed for me. Take care, everyone! Sending positive thoughts, healing energy, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
20/Mar/15 6:42 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Spent the day watching basketball. Then went to a dinner and auction to raise money for helping Haiti. I'd donated some necklaces that went very high, and bought a few things. IH had a fit that I was bidding so high, but I told him that the point was to raise money for a good cause, not to get items for a ''steal''. There were a few cakes that went for $200 each!!! He told me that the only item he wanted were 2 tickets for the Dinner Train ride. He said that HE was going to be in charge of the bidding for them. I read the tickets, and they said nothing about a dinner. They were just for a scenic train ride. So I told IH so. But he wouldn't listen. Once the bidding started for the train tickets, IH acted stunned and lost. He kept asking me ''What do I do?'' and ''Should I bid again?'' I kept telling him that HE wanted to be in charge of bidding on that auction, so he was on his own.He ended up winning (but didn't know it, and half the room had to yell to him that he'd won before he realized it. THEN he read the tickets and found they weren't for the dinner train.
Tomorrow is the UK Extension Expo, which fortunately ends before the KY vs Cincinnati game at 2:40 pm EDT. I've donated a bunch of necklaces to be sold there to aid the cause in Haiti. IH keeps getting mad at me for donating necklaces instead of selling them myself, but my way helps more people.
21/Mar/15 4:34 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Oh yeah. I ended up paying for the train tickets.
21/Mar/15 4:35 PM
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Hello, Everyone!
Heidi, IH certainly provides interesting stories! I hope he enjoys the train ride that he insisted on bidding on, and you had to pay for! He still doesn't understand bidding and PAYING FOR your winnings! Oh, well! it's a good thing you were there! Good for you for donating the necklaces you make and bidding on items!
Must be a busy day for everyone. I'm headed to bed. Good Night, Everyone! Please share all of the {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy,
, positive thoughts, and prayers!
21/Mar/15 6:05 PM
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Good evening. I have been busy. Sue's bedroom and bathroom are ready, the back yard is cleared and Ken cut the grass. The kitchen just needs the dishwasher and other dishes put away in the morning. The lounge dinning room are OK but the sunroom where we will be is still a mess. I will get up early and pack everything away. Like sewing machines, clothes on the airer, boxes etc.
Like always I find things to do when I know quests are coming. Like painting rooms (not this time). Actually this time I decided to get some large plastic containers and take the wedding dresses and other things out of those vacuum bags and store in the containers. It has made one area much tidier.
most of the food is prepared for tomorrow. I made some large sausage rolls (they are in the freezer), chicken drumsticks marinating and some bought cheese triangles. I have cheese, dips and biscuits and a pavlova for sweets. Alfred is bringing a fruit tray. Unfortunately several people cannot come so there will only be 10 of us instead of the usual 16-18. Should still be a good day and I have the large sunroom if it is showery.
21/Mar/15 9:32 PM
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Heidi,Love your story about IH and the auction. He is definitely one of those highly intelligent people with absolutely no common sense.
Nice to see Cyn back with us. I am sure you had a lovely gathering today. Is Mo staying with you?
Loving thoughts to everyone else. I am tired so will make it an earlier night and get up and do those other jobs in the morning.
21/Mar/15 9:38 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Highly intelligent? Gil? I think of him more as an idiot savant. Very good at one thing, and one thing only.
22/Mar/15 5:07 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Just 4 minutes to go in the UCLA-Alabama game. I've been rooting for Alabama, but it looks like UCLA is going to get the win. I think they got mad, then fired up, when all the sports ''experts'' said that they didn't belong in the tournament.
22/Mar/15 5:10 AM
Mamacita 2
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Hello all...Good day here after a snowy welcome to spring. We had about four inches, but the warm up has allowed much of it to have melted. No trouble getting around today, but yesterday was really bad...Now if we can only hold onto the warming trend, things will be good.
Jazz will see the vet again on Monday...he is slowing down a lot, but otherwise seems ok for now. The seizures have really messed him up recently, but I'm keeping my fingures crossed that he will continue to have lots of good days...he seems happy most of the time and continues to steal shoes and hid them under the table rather than chewing them...and I go back to the doctor on Wednesday for a follow up. Thus far, all seems much improved and I have nothing to complain about for a is good.
June, glad things are almost ready for your meet up and know all will have a great time. Hope the weather is good too. Julie...loved the recent newsy post you have found time to write...and very good to hear that you've been able to get lots of cello practice in. It will be interesting to learn all that goes into buying a cello vs renting one other than size, I would think. Is there a certain pianos that has the best reputation? What about tonal qualities? I'm thinking along the lines of the Stradivarius violin one might hope the questions make sense to you.
As June said, it's great to have Cynthia back on a fairly regular basis. Now if our other friends who have not yet been able to get back,were here, how great it would be. No worries about pushing too hard to do so, life is what it is, and changes must come, but they are missed a lot.
Tricia, hope your busy time will allow enough rest and down time that you aren't caught up in too much pain time robbing you of enjoyment.You know, some things can only be put off so long before we find how they bug Hope you were able to get the hair cut...that always helps me to feel better about letting other things go a bit.
Heidi...happy that you are enjoying March madness so much. While I too have been watching your Wildcats and find that they may well go all the heart in this year's tournament goes to my Villanova Wildcats...They too are quite good and have only lost a couple of games going into the tournament. They were #1 seed from my area. I do believe they will give your guys a run for the title. These two teams meet for the championship and we came out on top that time...looks like a possible rematch. May the best team win.
Oh, I must agree that the 'gil' stories are such fun to read... There are times when we might think the elevator will not always travel to the top...but then again, its because he pushes the stop button too soon...smh and lol about the auction story.
Well that's a wrap from here for now..Happy weekend to you and yours...May your joys be greater than the challenges you face and may all find the joy of living to be a great gift. Peace
22/Mar/15 6:44 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Morning all!
Yes, June, Mo is staying with us. And yesterday Mr & Mrs Cee collected Sue and her sister from their hotel and brought them down here for the gathering. There were 20 of us and it went really well, with the last ones leaving at 9pm (it started at 11.30am). We laughed, have to when Mo is around, chatted, ate, laughed some more.
Sue was looking forward to getting there today.
You may have to rely on getting photos from yesterday from someone else (Broni?). I took a few on my phone but Maddy took lots for me - on her own camera, now I have to wait until she downloads them and brings me copies!!
22/Mar/15 8:59 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Kentucky is now 36-0
March 26th, we face the winner of tomorrow's Maryland/ West Virginia game. I pity both teams that may have to face the Kentucky Wildcats.
It's interesting that Kentucky, Villanova and Arizona (at halftime right now against Wisconsin... only a 1 point difference) are all nicknamed the Wildcats.
I enjoy relating Gil stories. They help me blow off steam, and give a lot of laughs to a lot of people. I really enjoy it when I have witnesses to his behavior! I sometimes worry that people think I'm making some of this stuff up. My neighbor George does the funniest Gil imitations I've ever seen, mainly because he can get all the exagerated arm flailings down perfectly.
22/Mar/15 9:31 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Sorry that Villanova got knocked off, Mamacita. First #1 seed to fall.
I made an oops on the earlier (9:31) post. Arizona was at halftime, but against Ohio State, not Wisconsin. I confused Gil's alma mater with his father's alma mater. Arizona won.
22/Mar/15 3:36 PM
Alabama, USA
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It is late, I have been absent a couple of days. Tanya was very stressed out, so much to do since her father died, to get her finances back in order. Her uncle is executor of the estate, but keeps demanding that Tanya do this, go there, send this, fill out that and get in mail today, fax that, call me at ----, on and on and on. She was also having a bad problem with her shoulder, had to get her to urgent care while we knew she still had insurance. It looked for a bit her health insurance would lapse before it could all be settled, and she was in a panic. her meds are terribly expensive, going off them would cause such bed withdrawal symptoms she would be hospitalized, no choice, but after 2 days with me, her and a social worker on it, that part at least is resolved, her meds will be covered, whew!!!
I did work in a hair cut on Thursday, and a pedicure on Friday. she did not have a block of time big enough to do both same day. the shop is downstairs, so not a problem going twice.
I got to bed early last night, fell asleep quickly and woke 2 hours later with all over body hurt. We had had weather go through, I had totally over done, never did get comfortable enough to sleep again. I read, watched TV, just laid in bed from midnight on. I did get a little nap in my chair this afternoon, maybe 2 hours. Over doing with Daughter, getting my own finances in order, starting a new medication which can keep some people awake, yep, had to be me :(. MUCH better this afternoon, and now if I can just sleep tonight all will be well. Leaving off that med tonight, then will try a different time to take it, not at bedtime.
My breast incision is still letting me know it is there, in spades by evening. Dealing with Tanya kept me from phoning doc as I said I would, it is on my Monday list.
No time to read more, did not finish, but thought about each of you as I saw your names scroll by, I can read once I have some sleep!!
Hugs and all that, till later.
22/Mar/15 4:06 PM
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