Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just a quick visit tonight, so a brief Hello! Sending lots of healing energy, positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and !
22/Mar/15 4:54 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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So sorry I didn't check the numbers! Here's a quote for almost TOPP:

Treat the Earth well.
It was not given to you by your parents,
It was loaned to you by your children.
We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors,
we borrow it from our children.
-Ancient Indian Proverb
22/Mar/15 4:57 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Happy Sunday All. I jinxed my team and they lost!!! Thanks for your condolences on the loss Heidi...Now I really wish 'Nova' didn't set records like being #1 seed to lose in the first round Sigh!!! Oh well, Georgetown is another team I like and Kentucky of course...I'm still gonna enjoy the games. sorry to hear that Tanya is going through so much stress after she has been working so hard to be helpful...I do hope things ease up soon and am happy that you and the social worker were able to see that no matter what, she'll be able to get her necessary meds until she can get the financial stuff worked out. Your health is also affected by the stress from worrying so this is really not good. The weather being in transition is also working against many things going on..sending some extra prayers, vibes and anything else positive to help you two turn the corner from all of this and you are rested and feeling lots better once more.
Cyn...been viewing all of the great pictures and am so happy all had a wonderful had lots of smiling faces to enjoy. Julie...loved the almost topp...we do need to do better in keeping our promise to take better care of our earth...maybe then we would not be having such foul weather from climate changes and using up finite resources like water the way we have been.
We must do better or we will cease to be at all.
Still have some things I need to do on another site so I'm off for now..take care and know that I care. Peace.
23/Mar/15 7:53 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Gekko my friends.
Only about a week before we head off on the big adventure.
Have posted a group shot from the Sudoku met up on my page.
Hope you are all well.
Luv and jugs.
23/Mar/15 12:29 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Kentucky and Louisville both made it to the Sweet 16. So did IH's team Wisconsin.
I wish Duke hadn't made it. Just about every KY fan hates Duke after the Final Four game in '92, where Duke played REALLY dirty, and beat KY in the last second. The player who scored that final 3 pointer (Christian Laetner) is still afraid to enter the state of Kentucky. He's still getting death threats after 23 years for all the cheap shots he threw!
The next game isn't until Thursday evening. Kentucky faces West Virginia @ 9:45 pm and Wisconsin faces North Carolina @ 7:47 pm. Louiville plays on Friday night @ 7:37 against North Carolina State, who beat Mama's team Villanova.
23/Mar/15 3:13 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Yeah, I slept the last two nights! Not enough, not all at once, but I did get enough that I can function. Moving the med up till 6 pm did not work, it was around 2 am again before I went to sleep, and out of bed by 7 am, bummer.

Drizzle, rain, clouds Sunday, today is forecast to be partly cloudy, with slight chance of rain.

Heidi, good luck to Kentucky to go all the way, but do not think they need my good wishes. So funny about Gil at the auction. I was not a bit surprised you had to pay for those train tickets.

Broni, love your look as a blond (photos on TOS)! Hope you are able to get off on your trip as planned. Do you have a general plan for the trip, or just drift in the wind, stay till you are ready to move on again? Looking forward to photos as you go. Plans to visit Sudoku friends as you travel near them?

Mama, there is one more hurdle for daughter to get through, then things should settle down for her. She is waiting a reply in the mail, and some of these things take time. Same for me, I am at a stand still till I get return mail, 5 to 7 days they say, bummer. If that is business days, only 3 in, perhaps I hear something by end of this week. NO idea on others. It is hard to wait. I want one month under all the new rules for me, so I can see just how far my SS $$$ will go. Continue to enjoy the games, Mama. I began to loose interest in basket ball when their uniforms began to look like knee length full skirts, I did enjoy the older shorter uniforms and the fine male bodies that wore them. Bad Tricia!!

Julie, so much truth in your TOPP. I read a report from NASA, from satellite photos, they surmise California only has one years water left, not good!

I need breakfast, then a shower and make a call to the surgeon once again. He said earlier that he would take a look again if I thought it was needed. It is needed now.

Hugs to each of you with extras, till later.
24/Mar/15 12:12 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Thanks Broni for posting that photo!
24/Mar/15 12:45 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Hi Everyone...
Feeling really low at the moment...Just back from the vet's with Jazz and a very large, cancerous mass was found in his tummy. He had me up all night, but now seems to be okay...Between the bad news and lack of sleep, I feel the need to crash, yet am wound up like a time bomb...Thought if I share my feelings, they will have a chance to purge themselves a bit as the rawness wears off bit by bit. The vet couldn't give a time frame other than perhaps six months to a year as likely...but we did discuss red flags to help guide the decision making since I've ruled out surgery at 13 years old. While I knew the seizures were doing him in , I didn't think he'd have to fight other stuff too...So sad to have this now, yet I knew it was coming...okay...just needed to get that off of my chest for now...I'm going to try and take a nap...that might help.

Glad you folks are good listeners.
24/Mar/15 4:56 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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(((( HUGS )))) Mama. I know you will do what's best for Jazz. I'm so sorry that both of you are going through this.
24/Mar/15 6:03 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Oh Mama, as if Jaz and you have not been through enough already. Wishing you both happy and pain free times together.
Happy, healing vibes winging across the pond.
24/Mar/15 7:00 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Big hugs to you Mama - the only thing wrong with having and loving a pet is that they don't have the same life span as we do - and we have to lose them.
Here's hoping you and Jazz get to spend some good quality time together before a decision has to be made.
24/Mar/15 8:38 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Have just taken Mo to the airport - she'll be winging her way to Singapore this morning, spending the night with her son and grandies there tonight before heading on to London and eventually home to France.
She was a wonderful house guest and possesses a great sense of humour, we had a ball!!
24/Mar/15 8:41 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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MAMA, huge hugs coming your way. So very sorry to hear about Jazz. You come and vent, cry, share whatever you need as the two of you spend his last days together. I hope he has many pain free days before the end.

Could you take photos of Jazz now, before it becomes obvious what is happening to him, to comfort you later and as a guide to see what changes he is going through? Think happy thoughts of all you two have shared, and nap well.
24/Mar/15 3:12 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I phoned the surgeon's this morning, the nurse had me come on in. the painful 'thickenings' I felt are 'normal' and he could offer nothing else to do, just time and heat. but incidentally, he found a stitch that had not dissolved, and clipped the knot and removed that. BIG OUCH for something that should not hurt. Now I am wondering, was that what was causing the pain? Only time will tell, but so far, MUCH better today since the removal of the suture material.

I remember having a similar problem back when I had a cut and stitch Basal Cell removal. that time there were about 4 or 5 pieces that had not dissolved that poked and hurt. That doc kept telling me via phone they would work their way out, or I could get them out with tweezers (nope could not SEE them where they were)but weeks later I got an appointment, they had not worked their way out, and incision got better after removal.

Cross fingers that the doc today accidentally found my problem. I have had two naps since I returned, something I had not done in a long while. Bedtime now, and I am actually sleepy!

OOOPS, almost forgot, I must be up early for pain clinic appointment, injection into shoulder. Between the two, I am hopeful things will start to be much better. It is spring, and the garden is calling me!

Hugs to each of you, with a basket of extras for Mama and Jazz and still enough to share.
24/Mar/15 3:27 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hi all.
WOW Tricia, I hope the stitch removal gives you lots of relief. Enjoy the warmer weather where you can get out into the garden.
Mama...I only just went back and read the posts.
Oh is so upsetting to lose our precious pets who go through so much with and for us. Thinking of you!
24/Mar/15 4:10 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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My brother is doing better now that it has been a few days post op. Tubes are out and he is sitting walking and eating.
They took his prostate, appendix and bladder, and still waiting for pathology tests. Originally it was contained but maybe they saw something during the op, to do the extra precautions.
Today, I had a tooth removed, but it wasn't the one that I thought was causing the problem. In a day or 2, I will know if 2 teeth were causing problems. The dentist thought it might have been nerve pain travelling. I wanted to get all of this sorted before traveling.
24/Mar/15 4:21 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings from here to there!

June, you manage to find time to do so much in preparation for guests! I'm sure everyone had a wonderful visit! All you wonderful Down-Under Gals (& Guys) do such a great job of making visitors feel welcomed!

Mama, thinking of you and Jazz. I think today was Jazz's visit to the vet, and Wednesday is your doctor visit. I hope you don't get the snow we had today in between those appointments. Forecasters began by predicting 2 to 4 inches, then upgraded to 3 to 6 inches of the white stuff. (NO, not fluffy, but heavy this time.) We ended up with about 6 inches, and would have been more, if it had been light and fluffy. Hopefully we will get up out of the twenty degree markings tomorrow.

Cyn, you certainly had a wonderful turn-out for the guests! I hope you will be able to post a picture or two here.

MizT, I hope things are getting better for Tanya. Seems like a LOT of work for her and you, as her helper. Enjoy your haircut, and hopefully better sleep with adjusting the timing of your medication! I hope the stress will soon be reduced and you both feel better!

Mama, sorry about the Villanova loss. Hubby has been watching a bit of the basketball, but I have been working on taxes for most waking hours of the last 3 days. We need to get info the our accountant prior to our upcoming appointment!

MizT, I hope your doctor can work out why you continue to have so much discomfort since your biopsy!

Mama, my thoughts and prayers are with you and Jazz! Certainly not the information you had hoped to hear. I'm glad your vet shared information with you. When we lost our 19-year-old cat, our vet kept telling us she would let us know when she was ready. We were actually taking her in for another round of fluids and laser treatment when we talked about how unhappy our kitty was - just nothing to enjoy, including food, and often not able to get up and to the litter box, etc., etc. By the time we reached the vet's office, we realized that she had, indeed, let us know that it was time. I'm so glad your vet feels you may have 5 months to a year to share with Jazz! May you both share many more pleasant times together!

Broni, I saw photo on the other site of a blonde you. VERY attractive and becoming! Are you counting down the days to the start of your adventure?

MizT, I hope that suture removal makes a huge difference in your recovery. Sometimes they can really pull, especially when they don't dissolve, as planned! I also hope the injection at the pain clinic tomorrow makes a huge difference!

Cyn, thanks for the update on Mo! It sure seems like her visit flew by!

Nola, will be keeping your brother in my thoughts and prayers. So glad to hear that he is doing better a few days into his post-op! Hopefully all of the 'naughty' cells have been removed and he can be on the road to recovery. OUCH about your tooth removal. Sure hope it gives you relief and the problem is resolved! Do you think another will need to be
24/Mar/15 5:06 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Another too-long post, so here's the rest:

Nola, will be keeping your brother in my thoughts and prayers. So glad to hear that he is doing better a few days into his post-op! Hopefully all of the 'naughty' cells have been removed and he can be on the road to recovery. OUCH about your tooth removal. Sure hope it gives you relief and the problem is resolved! Do you think another will need to be removed? Do you have a follow-up appointment? I can certainly understand your wanting to be in tip-top shape before traveling.

Hopefully, I can finish getting everything together tomorrow to get our taxes to the accountant! Haven't had a moment to practice in 2 days, and was supposed to record 3 songs in the 2 weeks between lessons. (Cello teacher was away last week.) Hubby will visit the plastic surgeon tomorrow & finally be done with the 'turban' wrapped round his head & ear for protection. He will have quite a few sutures to be removed, it seems, though we don't know for sure, as it's been covered since last Tuesday.

I think I had more to say, but falling asleep, so it's time to get some rest before revisiting the taxes tomorrow. Sending lots of healing energy, positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and to each of you!
24/Mar/15 5:16 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi everyone. Sorry I have not been around for a while but I usually am on the other site. I use my tablet more than my laptop and haven't figured out how to get to here from the tablet, yet. It doesn't affect much as most of you are on the other site but I do miss the few that aren't there. I have been busy with school. I teach 7 class periods, with no planning. The money is great but at times I do need the break. I have 135 students so that is a lot of papers to grade. Currently on spring break so I have some free time.
25/Mar/15 6:21 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I am not going to have time to read all that I missed but here is an update on my life. Mitchell is about to graduate high school. He was accepted at his first (only) choice college. In August he will be starting at Florida Gulf Coast University and was accepted into the honors program. His two best friends are also going there so the three of them put in to room together. Dorms are either 3 or 4 bedroom with a common living area. They will have their own bedrooms. FGCU is about 2 hours from our house. Long enough that we won't visit often but close enough for easy visits. Both of his friends have cars and will bring him home, if needed.

Dylan is about to leave middle school. He will start high school in the fall and will already have 7 high school credits. He will start dual enrollment classes in the middle of 10th grade. Dual enrollment is paid for by the county. In other words, free college classes He is still playing baseball and is hoping to play in high school. For those of you who met my sons. Dylan is 14 and bigger than Mitchell. He is 6 feet tall already and still growing. He may be the younger brother, but he is not the little brother any longer.
25/Mar/15 6:28 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Nola, so glad your brother is doing better. I do not know about Oz, or about here in USA now, but for years here, any time the abdomen was opened, appendix came out. I asked a surgeon why once, since I had to explain the surgical consent forms that patients signed. He answered that on more than one occasion, he (and other surgeons) had done abdominal surgery and left the appendix alone, only to have to take patient back into surgery during the recovery period to remove the appendix. I do hope that is all it was with your brother, an incidental appendectomy. Sending thoughts, prayers and a bushel of wishes that the pathology returns as you expect, with no surprises. Huge hugs to you. I do hope for you that the dentist got the tooth that was causing your pain.

Julie, between the stitch removal and the shoulder injection today, I have had almost NO breast pain, yeah! I even did a bit in the garden today, checked all the watering soaker hoses and connections. I found only one connection that would not turn off as I wanted, might can repair that later. found that the spray nozzle I had on the hose is missing, and so are 2 and a half bags of pine bark mulch, now no one here has use for that! it was not locked away, but against the building in a well lit parking area. DRATS. Tanya brought a pretty rose colored lantana, we put it into a container where it will get full sun. I think the colors again this year are from white to darkest reds, and a bit of purple to go with. It is subject to change. the Star Gazer lilly bulbs i planted just 2 weeks ago are poking heads through. there are violets in bloom in garden, and hundereds, maybe thousands of tiny 2 leaved violets up from seed. I hope to transfer some to an area that is bare. the pot I planted with cuttings of Wandering Jew is filling out already, they are really growing, yeah. Tanya took out some brush we cut back when the trellis was installed. I had asked someone to do that, she wanted to help, but she did not follow through. she is also volunteered to water every Tuesday in the protected shade garden, but I must now check behind her to see if she did, oh bother.

More than enough for now, I feel a nap coming on. I will finish reading later. Hugs to each of you, special hugs to Mama and Jazz, Nola and her brother, and to anyone else who needs them. Till later.

25/Mar/15 9:34 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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GREAT to hear from you, Tami!!! And congrats to Mitchell getting in to his first choice college!

25/Mar/15 12:33 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings! It has been a long day, with another planned for tomorrow. No sutures were removed from hubby's ear, as it is still quite swollen and has some fluid, so doc will wait another week. At least the huge dressing and 'turban' around his head to hold it in place is gone!

MizT, so sorry that pine bark mulch and the spray nozzle from the hose are not to be found. Good news that some of the bulbs and violets are already peeking up out of the ground!

How nice to see Tami and hear Mitchell's great news! Things sound great for Dylan for next year. Wow, seven classes and no preparation period - a very busy year for you, Tami! All the best to you and your family, including your parents!

Heidi, how are the birds doing? And is it one more week before the foal is due? I think you also still have some calves due this spring. I hope you are taking good care of yourself and some of the back pain has somewhat subsided.

Sending positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, and for each of you!
25/Mar/15 5:34 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Just letting you know I am busy showing Sue around Sydney. Yesterday we met Kate and saw her new home on the Hawkesbury River. A nice home but only accessible by boat. I have posted a couple of photos on my page.
26/Mar/15 1:55 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Today's a better day for me..hope you all can say the same. My visit with my doctor was very good for both of us. I was reassured of the positives of improved health and she was rewarded by being able to help in getting me back on track.
I have allowed the state of Jazz's health to be determined by his actions...I won't dwell on the facts of his illness, since no matter what, death would separate us at some when it happens, it will happen...but we've got a lot of living yet to do...and your loving concern helped me know this...I thank you and Jazz barks his thanks.
Another helpful thing was to write down at least 5 things he enjoys doing, when he is unable to do 3 of them regularly, I will know it is time to act...he and I will be guided by that.
All of these things have allowed me to appreciate my life and all who have been a part of my daily living. Not only have I been blessed greatly, I have been able to watch those who have embraced me with love, advice,courage and concern help strengthen me both inwardly and outwardly.
It is such a wonderful thing to have a place where one can reveal his/her inner feelings and know that there will be support waiting and hugs and understanding for the choices made, even if there may be disagreement among the well wishes...This is another benefit of people needing people to realize the gift that life has presented me with. My cup really runs over. Peace.
26/Mar/15 6:14 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hi everyone.
Really beautiful post Mamacita. I am pleased you have some good results from your Dr.Also, thats a great plan you have for Jazz and you can probably do some of the things he loves doing to make his life enjoyable.
Thanks Tricia for the info on the appendix. I didn't know that.
Tami..gosh time flies.Your young men are a credit to you and hubby with such good academic results.
As I am not on facebook, its good to see you visit.
June & Cyn...enjoy the time with Sue, you are great hosts.
Heidi...How is Whimsey going?
Julie..hoping for a quick recovery for your hubby.
26/Mar/15 8:02 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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My mouth is still quite sore so I am unsure which tooth was causing the problem. The ibuprofen takes away most of the ache thank goodness.
Our eldest grandson turns 13yrs today. My avatar shows him at about 8-9yrs old.
The kitchen is in desperate need of some attention, so I will catch up another time.
26/Mar/15 8:08 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Nola, tooth problems are not fun. Hope it feels better soon. You are one of the reasons I forced myself to come back here. I will try to read/post more often but unfortunately I don't always have time.
26/Mar/15 9:16 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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(((( HUGS )))) to Nola. I hope the tooth pain ends VERY quickly.

I'm 99% convinced that Whimsey has lost her foal. I am NOT happy. We have a live foal guarantee, but that particular stallion (Custi Bok) is no longer able to breed. I'm gonna have to get hold of Dennis and see what he has to say.
26/Mar/15 10:59 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The alternator went out on IH's truck, so he has mine again. All of my feed is in it, and there are some critters here that want to eat. He should be back here by 9 pm.... 1 hour from now.
26/Mar/15 11:01 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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OH NO HEIDI, not only have you lost the opportunity to have a colt from the stallion of choice, you have lost an entire breeding season. I am so sorry. Is it worth having the vet check for pregnancy to confirm your suspicions? Are you certain, veterinary confirmation, that she was really pregnant to start with. Gosh, I wish things had turned out better, hope against hope that she will still deliver a healthy colt, but not holding my breath. You know your mare. Drats on Gil having your animals food away leaving you with hungry animals. Is it about time for Gil to open that coin purse and purchase another truck?

Nola, like I said, not sure what is the norm now, but the reason I have no appendix is 'incidental appendectomy' when I had a cyst on ovary. I even wrote up consent forms for C sections with incidental appendectomy. Hope the tooth pain is still there, glad the ibuprofen helps. Crossing fingers he got the correct and only tooth causing problems.

Mama, what q sweet ost. I do hope you always feel comfortable coming here to share with us. there is no right decision on when a beloved pet should be helped across the rainbow bridge, it is something for the owner and the pet to decide. I say that because if the owner (not you) has unrealistic expectations for the pet, said pet willl still go when it is his time. You know Jazz better than anyone, You will know when it is time. I think your guidelines are just perfect for the two if you. Huge hugs, so glad things are better on all fronts for you now. I wish you more: more time to spend with Jazz, more understanding, more comfort for the both of you, just more.

Mama I can say today is better for me, thank you for that wish. Best day since surgery! I am tired, but cause I was able to DO some things today, and without hurting so very much for the doing. Now just to get more sleep tonight and all will be perfect. Amazing what removing one little stitch can do.

I had a friend today say, I knew there had to be something wrong. I did not realize she knew me so well.

26/Mar/15 12:59 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Tami, I missed reading your post earlier. Congrats to both of your sons. I smiled at the younger brother no longer being the little brother. Is Mitchell now fearful Dylan will pay back all the 'big brother' tricks and such?? Congrats to both boys on their academician success, I know you are rightfully proud of them. You mentioned something about the money being better in conjunction with your having 7 teaching periods. Do you get extra compensation for every period with no planning session? I do hope so.

June, enjoy your guest, and I shall look for your photos. are there pixs on TOS? Or here? I hope both of you have a great visit.

I might get to meet Jane! she will be driving through Birmingham the very first day of her southwest tour, wants to make an ambitious number of miles that day and if she is on schedule, will make a late lunch stop here. We are both looking forward to a first meeting.

Saw Dave for a few minuets today, and we had a bit of a chat. He accused me of taking him to seriously (we are now facebook friends). Could not be further from the truth, he is just not yet accustomed to my unusual sense of humor. Gee, I thought he could 'see' people better than that. This could be fun!

On a bit of a steroid high, but I am going to enjoy it, the reduction in pain is worth the let down I will get later. One of the scrabble players today said, oh, this should be fun today, and it really was hehehe. Mary and I kept swapping lead first game, but she won by 6 points, because she got the last letters (I play right after Mary), giving her more to work with those last rounds than I had. My excuse and I gonna stick to it.

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
26/Mar/15 1:25 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! Just a brief visit tonight!

Mama, what a wonderful post! What a great way you have decided upon to know when it is Jazz's time! You obviously share such a wonderful relationship! Also, great news from your doctor visit!

Nola, I hope your mouth will soon feel better and hope the tooth that was removed was the one that was causes the problem! Happy Birthday to your grandson!

Heidi, I hope you're wrong about Whimsey! That would be such a disappointment! Hopefully IH got home with your truck AND helped to bring in the feed for your hungry animals!

MizT, I'm so glad you're feeling better! Hope that continues!

June, your visit sounds wonderful! Enjoy your guests as much as possible!

Tami, we're alway glad for a visit, even if brief.

Time to get some sleep. Sending positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, and !
26/Mar/15 6:14 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Hi everyone,
Nola, happy 13th birthday to your grandson - it's always hard to believe when they hit the teenage years. How did that happen??
Heidi - sorry about the breeding going wrong. Must be so disappointing.
June, I just went and looked at your photos. Would love to have seen Kate's place on the Hawkesbury - maybe one day - but I have seen a lot of her pics during the construction.
Hi also to Tami, Julie, Mama and MizT
27/Mar/15 1:33 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends,

HI back to CynB, good to see you drop in. I do not think I have seen Kate's photos, they are on TOS or on EASY? Do not think we are FB friends. The comments about her house are making me want to hunt the photos.

Hidie, How is Whimsey? Still hoping against hope she will yet have a colt, but know it is hardly possible now, so sad. when will she be ready to bread if she is not pregnant now. Do you think she never got pregnant at all? Or perhaps lost it early?

Julie, hello to you, good to see you also, but once again, not a word about your dayWould love to hear what is keeping you busy these days. Do you still have the grand pup? Time to practice cello today? any closer to finding one you want to buy?

It has been another great day in Alabama. The forecast rain never came, the temps were mild with a breeze from the nearby rain making for a pleasant day in the sun. I actually did a tiny bit in the garden, removed old dead vines and twigs in the one sunny part of the garden, gazed at hundreds of blooming violets, and checking out an unknown count of tiny 2 leaved violets that came up from seed. I want them to GROW, all over the garden, to become a living mulch, a ground cover, under the perennials. Remember that was my plan last year, when the grounds keepers came in with round up and killed them all. I talked to one of the men on the crew this week, to make sure they not only did not use roundup, but did not MOW that area next week with first mowing.

I also watered inside containers, checked and watered outside containers that needed it. the Stargazer Asiatic lilies are really popping up, another one each day it seems. Back inside I found 3 lovely vases of flowers that had some fading flowers. changed water, sorted out the good from the dead, made 3 new arrangements, they look so much better. These had been given to us by a wholesale florist, they came in with 3 big 5 gallon buckets of flowers a week ago! Was able to work about 2 hours today, last week could not have done most any of the things I did today, yeah!

Took a nap, then back outside after dark, well just outside the door really, to turn on the sp0rinklers in the shade garden. I found NO evidence that the young lady who promised to water Tuesday night had done so, and she is not answering her phone, so I gave them a soaking.

It has been one of the best pain free days I have had in forever. I have really been able to reduce the meds I take today, yeah. Part is the steroids from shoulder injection, some does go systemic and for me a little goes a long way. Some may be from the new fibro meds. whatever it is, I am enjoying these days, because they are so rare.

Now if I could only get to sleeping more. OH I was sleeping so good today today at 10:30 am, after not falling to sleep in bed till 4 am, when the emergency sound came over speakers just outside my open bedroom door. Used for fire or other emergency warnings, and occasionally for a b
27/Mar/15 2:18 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
Check out my page
Used for fire or other emergency warnings, and occasionally for a building wide announcement. Since some of the residents sent a petition to our staff, and also the Board of Directors of the Episcopal Place Foundation that funds our extras, about non residents parking in out lot, we get 'will the owner of . . .' messages asking them to move auto from lot. It is helping a bit to provide better parking for residents, while staff is here. Now we must put up with the noise of the announcements. We will take the noise. Some of our very limited mobility residents have had to park even a couple of blocks away, when coming in from late trips out, like, oh, for dialysis, while able bodied visitors, caregivers and sitters are taking our parking places. .
27/Mar/15 2:25 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Morning everyone... Well my well being has been short lived....I have just received one of those dreaded late night calls that are reserved for the dying....This time it's my only sister...
My niece and nephew are at the emergency trauma center where they have learned that she has a perforated abdomen, and may not make it through the night. She has been going downhill for several months now, but until now, it was something treatable...this isn't at her age too likely to
respond to much.She is scheduled for hospice care as soon as possible, hopefully it can happen at home if she is strong enough to make it there...When it pours. My sister has had a long and good life, but the death of her daughter, two years ago really has affected her to a point of not really enjoying life as much and in a way, I think she may welcome death as a release from this world as it is now.
I'm okay in a way...but am really sad and missing her vibrancy all ready...I know we all have to experience this journey...but it hurts so deeply! Again I turn to you guys for the strength that I know is there. I welcome your hugs and they do once more ...Thank You for being you. Peace.
27/Mar/15 4:11 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Oh. My. God.
I don't know what to say, Mamacita. I wish I could be there to give you a shoulder to cry on, and a needed hug.
27/Mar/15 5:37 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just a quick visit. I see Mama's post above where I'm typing. I wish I could think of something to say that could soothe the way your words do for us! I am so sorry to hear of your sister's turn for the worse. For now, the hospital is where she needs to be until hospice can be worked out. Does she have someone at home to be with her if she has home hospice? I pray for the best for her, for you, and for her family. May she be free from pain and able to enjoy some visits from family and friends in the next days and weeks. May she be ready when the time comes, but not before, for her journey to be with her daughter again. Sending warm and caring thoughts to you, and through you to her. Prayers for an easy time in the next days and weeks. Lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and coming your way,
27/Mar/15 5:37 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
Check out my page
Heidi, you typed faster than I did.

I'm off to bed. Our quintet meets tomorrow. I have been spending quite a bit of time practicing the cello, but even more time working on taxes. I really would like to get things to the accountant tomorrow, if possible!

Sending lots of , prayers, positive thoughts, healing energy, and {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} for everyone!
27/Mar/15 5:40 PM
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