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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
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Magnolia, KY
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for everybody who needs or wants them.
to all in need, as well.
02/Apr/15 4:39 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I spent yesterday in bed with a killer sinus headache.
02/Apr/15 4:41 AM
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Everyone! Just past 10:30, and we've been gone since 10:30 this morning. Lots to do, errands to run, cello lesson, pick up pizzas and pop for a quick 'dinner' before a meeting, go to the meeting, and finally home. Other things can wait until tomorrow. Just thought it would be nice to say hello and good night before heading to bed. Take care, everyone, and have a good day/afternoon/evening/night!
Feel better if you haven't been feeling well, especially Heidi.
Hope your doctor appointment went well, MizT, and the bus ride was quick and convenient!
Don't want to forget the usual complement of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers,
, healing energy, and positive thoughts & vibes for each of you!
02/Apr/15 2:37 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Good morning all,
A very wet Good Friday morning here. We plan to have a quiet relaxing Easter - will probably only see my daughter and her family. My son, his girlfriend and two older girls have gone camping and looking for Black Opals at Lightning Ridge, a few hundred kms SW just over the NSW border. Hope they enjoy it. It will be an experience for the girls.
03/Apr/15 9:30 AM
Magnolia, KY
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We've been dealing with thunderstorms all day today, as well as several power outages.
03/Apr/15 2:26 PM
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Hi, Everyone! Happy Easter to all who celebrate!
Cyn, I hope your son & friends enjoy camping and find some Black Opals! Happy Easter to you and your family. Enjoy having your D and her family with you to celebrate.
Heidi, I hope the sun finds you tomorrow and helps to dry things out a bit. I expect the same goes for Tricia.
Time to head to bed. Sending lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts and vibes, prayers, healing energy, and
03/Apr/15 6:34 PM
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And also, a Hoppy Easter!
03/Apr/15 6:35 PM
qld, australia
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Gekko my Friends.
Slow internet and not good reception but I am finally slowing down so I really don't mind. Still funny to realise there is no rush. In a beautiful, pristine spot just out of Batemans Bay and will not be leaving until after the Easter madness goes away.
03/Apr/15 9:17 PM
Mamacita 2
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Hi all, Just a short visit to check on everyone. Things are okay here...We are planning to be together for Easter, other than that, nothing much going on. Things that need to be done have been presented to those needing to complete the now we turn our thoughts to how we want to do the memorial service and to come together in remembrance. Most of the creative stuff will come from my niece and the basic information from the keeper of family Jazz is hanging in and seems to be okay, so all in all, life seems to be moving forward.
Weather is typical Easter weather...breezy, milder than winter, yet not feeling like spring yet, cloudy and intermittent rain other words, normal early spring that makes one wonder when are we going to get the good stuff...soon I hope, but feel good that the worst is mostly behind us for awhile any way.
Here is wishing much joy for all who are celebrating Easter or Passover...May the time spent with family and friends be filled with love...May the food be delicious and satisfying to your souls and may your spirits be refreshed with desire to treat all well...starting with yourselves. Wishing you peace and well-being.
04/Apr/15 7:32 AM
Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends, looks like I missed a day posting, OOOPS.
I liked the nurse practitioner I saw Wednesday, We had a good time with our appointment. found out she was born at the hospital where I worked, during the time I was working. I could have changed the diaper of my health care professional
As she was leaving she said, she was jealous of Dr. Eudy (the rheumatologist) cause I would be seeing him next visit and not her.
From the half pint of blood they drew 3 weeks ago, all was normal except the ANA antibodies. that means there is inflammation somewhere, but NOT one of the big auto immune diseases. they sent me to lab for a thyroid test, and will be starting another medication, after I can have an eye exam, this medication in high doses over long periods can cause problems, but would be rare at the dosage I will take. AND the eye docs can catch it very early too, so adding an every 6 month eye exam to my medical team.
the other new medicine I am on seems to have helped tremendously!! We will see just how good tonight, as Heidie's t storms make it our way. the line of storms run at a sharp diagonal across the lower USA, so Heidi gets them before I do by a whole day, even though she is only 5 hours north of me. Usually a storm puts me to bed, but so far so good.
I have been working outside some every day. Yesterday we went shopping again, picked up my order from Lowes, mulch, shepherds crooks for hanging baskets, and new hanging containers. I also bought a rake, and a pot of peppermint. One of my friends asked for mint in the garden last year. Found out today she wanted Spearmint instead of Peppermint, I guess I remembered wrong. I looked at both, peppermint said it would tolerate more shade than the spearmint, so that is what I bought. It smells sooo good.
I found some single zinnias, in yellow and white and a couple of pink ones. they are not the ones I remember from many years ago, but very similar. I got those planted. the first lilies I put out are all up, the first to emerge are tall already. the second batch of them have one peeking through, the others will follow soon.
Something is pushing my impatiens out of the soil every night. they are planted in a huge container built into a bench, well actually 2 benches. I think a chipmunk or vole has taken up resident.
Mama, good to see you post. I am glad that your family will be together for Easter. I know it will be a bitter sweet occasion as the 'first of the firsts' without your sister. I know how difficult that first holiday can be, especially so soon after your loved one passed. Al died just before thanksgiving, about a week, and I remember. I hope you all do enjoy being together.
I sat outside tonight. Mama, it was 80 at 7 pm! One of my friends was waiting for a friend to pick her up, she was going to Passover tonight. I did not want her waiting outside the building by herself, especially when the friend was late arriving. the weather is just wond
04/Apr/15 12:10 PM
Alabama, USA
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the weather is just wonderful, everything in bloom, unseasonably warm. A record for this day was set just 100 miles south of me.
OK, beginning to ache, fan is blowing m-on me, need to turn that off, find me some dinner, and see if it is medication time again.
I hope to be able to get here tomorrow, and comment on all the posts I have missed, but another busy day planned. I am taking advantage of these good days I am having, I never know how long they will last. Hugs to each of you with extras.
04/Apr/15 12:11 PM
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We are having a cool wet Easter. I had neighbours in for Dinner Thursday night. An enjoyable evening. I cooked a rich beef stew and put it in large ramekins with a puff pastry lid. Yesterday, being cool and wet, just became a lazy day with not much done. we were to have a big day at the bowling club today but had to be cancelled due to the rain. We are going to someone's home tonight for a BBQ. Ken ran out of black ink for his printer so we went to the local shopping centre, along with a few thousand other people. Took a while to get a car space. Out local shopping centre is one of the biggest in Sydney with 16 picture theatres, a 10 pin bowling alley, a full sized ice skating rink as well as lots of shops. Just the place to go on a wet day. It is only 16*c which is cool for Sydney at this time of the year. I was going to sit out in the sunroom and iron but it is warmer in the house and I have found other things to do.
04/Apr/15 4:43 PM
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Broni, Batemans Bay is a lovely place to be. I hope the rain has not reached down there yet.
Mamacita, enjoy having the family together this Easter. Easter is a sad time but also one to rejoice. I do hope that you can all feel that about your sister.
Tricia, a lovely long post. I do hope the aches keep away.
Happy Easter to all who celebrate this event and blessing to those celebrating Passover.
04/Apr/15 4:48 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Yes, Happy Easter to all - enjoy whatever you do.
June - our weather up here is cooler and wet, then muggy in between. Ugghhh!
The campers came back home this afternoon, they nearly got washed out last night, so are home to sleep in their own beds tonight. So no black opals this time!
04/Apr/15 5:03 PM
Magnolia, KY
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We spent another day with thunderstorms.
The creek and ponds are full, and IH seeded and harrowed a couple of pastures a day before all this rain hit, so the ryegrass he planted should shoot right up.
Tomorrow is the Final Four game with Kentucky facing Wisconsin. I don't think Kentucky will win this one. Wisconsin has been playing consistently better. But if they DO pull it off, the Championship game is Monday evening. Then basketball will be done until late next Fall.
04/Apr/15 5:12 PM
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Hi, Folks!
So good to see you visited, Broni! I'm glad you're beginning to get used to being more relaxed.
Mama, I'm glad you will be together as family for Easter. I hope you can all support each other as you think of your sister and plan for her memorial service.
MizT, what a good long post! How fun that your nurse practitioner was born where you once worked, and at a time that coincided with your working there. So glad to hear of good news from your past blood work! And you got so much done in the garden. I'm so glad you're feeling well enough to enjoy your accomplishments!
June, I'm sorry the festivities at the bowling club were rained out! I hope the BBQ with friends wasn't rained out, as well!
Cyn, I'm glad the campers are home safely, even though they didn't get any black opals.
Heidi, thinking positive thoughts for Kentucky in their Final Four meet-up! I hope you're feeling well, in spite of the thunderstorms!
I'm about to fall asleep, so will send positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers,
, and healing energy for all!
04/Apr/15 5:57 PM
Magnolia, KY
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IH has broken his truck again. Same thing. He keeps driving off the shoulder and he busted the ball joint keeping the wheel on. Third time in a year. He never learns.
05/Apr/15 4:12 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Just noticed my favorite cow off by herself. I went out to check, only to discover her 2 month old heifer calf (a keeper!) was dead. Doll was guarding her. It looks like she was hit by lightning yesterday.
05/Apr/15 5:58 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Something tells me that today is NOT a good day. Which means Kentucky will lose tonight.
05/Apr/15 5:59 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I went out to photograph the dead heifer (government requires it for reimbursement of calf losses) and one of the cows deeply resented me getting near the dead calf. In other words, she attacked as I approached. I ended up warding her off 3 times by yelling, waving my arms and lunging towards her. It was the last thing she expected, so it stopped her charge each time, until I was able to make it to the tree line. I'm heading back out there to bury the calf now. But I'm taking my gun as a noisemaker. That cow is NOT the mother, but she's getting ready to calve any time now. We had a bull calf born yesterday, and are expecting 6-10 cows to calve soon.
05/Apr/15 8:20 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Kentucky DID lose. Oh well. I just have to hope Wisconsin thrashes Duke on Monday night. Duke is hated in the state of Kentucky.... kinda like the Evil Empire.
05/Apr/15 1:28 PM
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Just a brief visit to say Hello!
Heidi, what can we say about IH? So sorry to hear about the heifer calf. What a great mother to guard her baby. And the cow that is about to calve was apparently helping to protect them, their space, and her own space. Not the best day for you - or the Kentucky basketball team. Definitely not your (or their) day!
Sending positive thoughts, healing energy, prayers,
, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for everyone!
05/Apr/15 3:07 PM
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Happy Easter and Happy Passover to all who celebrate.
05/Apr/15 3:07 PM
Alabama, USA
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June, Julie, I must report the new medication for fibro is working. It is not perfect, I was up and down every hour or 2 until about 5 am, with aches waking me some of the time. but then slept soundly from 5 till 9 am. After the morning dose of meds, I was ready for the day, and it was a long and busy day too! MUCH improvement from the previous t storms
where it took 2 or 3 days to recover.
I went out to the garden by 11 am, filled the hanging pots with potting soil and water boogers, getting them ready to plant. made my list of needed plants for containers I had. Checked to see if Kim had watered the shade garden the night before, she had not, bummer. Checked on the ferns and gave them a good watering. had to rescue one of them from being attacked by a bicycle. Someone locked their bicycle to the post adjacent to one of the ferns, and the wind was moving the fern fronds with great speed, whipping them into the bicycle. NOT good, it will bruise and even break off fronds. But I suppose I should say I rescued the bicycle from being attacked by the ferns hehehe. I need to find owner of the bike, and ask that they move the bicycle down one post, away from the ferns.
Two gentlemen asked me if I knew where the transportation meeting was being held, and how could they get into the building. Residents are not supposed to let anyone in unless we know them, but I said I would check to see if there was a meeting and be right back. YEP, they were meeting at the huge poker playing table in the kitchen, so I went back and let them in. Later while I was working on pots, one of them came onto back patio to make/take a phone call. then he could not get back into building. So I did my 2 good deeds today!
good deeds came back to me later in the day. I went first to aldi's for a ham for lunch tomorrow, and a few other things, including a sharp narrow bladed shovel and a clematis vine, pink. . then to wal mart for plants. they had a mark down sale, and I bought a buggy full of annuals, for sun and shade. Found 2 containers, 20 inch, in a pretty blue color, at half price so I got those for the back garden where I have the shepherds crooks and hanging pots. that area has NO COLOR after the azaleas flower in early spring, so these will add a pop of color after I plant them up, even if only with ferns, very shady there. A middle aged man was talking to me about his dog, he checked out just after me. As I got to car trying to unload the flowers, he came up and siad, 'if you will take care of Cee Cee, I will load those for you'. OH thank you, yes, as by then I was running on fumes!!
05/Apr/15 4:23 PM
Alabama, USA
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HAPPY EASTER and Happy Passover, Tami. The girls and I will put together a light lunch and share. I phoned to invite Dave to join us, but got no answer. I had seen his auto in lot earlier, but cannot see it now, he may have left for the weekend.
Heidi, how did the basket ball game turn out? (ooops, found out later, sympathies that your team lost) I did not see the results. Hope Kentucky pulled it off, or at least gave a good accounting for themselves. good that the grass will be up soon. I thought rye grass was planted as a winter grass. Perhaps a different kind of rye? I know I planted winter rye when my Bermuda was young and had not covered well, the rye always popped up in less than a week. I think I remember seeing spring green in Kentucky as we drove through once, and was told it was Kentucky Rye Grass?? it was the prettiest shade of green, looked thick enough you could just fall into it and the color alone would support you.
OH MY WORD, Heidi, lightning killed a calf? Wasn't that calf one you had planned to keep for your herd? so sorry you lost a calf, weather can get them no matter what.
Third time this calendar year? third time in 4 months? OR third time in the past 12 months? Either way, it is far to often for Gil to be breaking his truck. Of course you have to let him drive yours till it is repaired, and he has no thought about getting it back to you when you need to use it. Just when I think nothing Gil does would surprise me, he does.
OH, my friend Caudelle was taken out via ambulance this morning. Yesterday she had been having trouble getting her groceries unloaded, she really should not have gone to groceries. I saw her when she left, and she was hurting enough to be forgetfu, and had trouble getting to the car. I tried to convince her to stay home, but she had plans for Sunday, needed to shop for food to take. she had a fall about a week ago, and her neck has bothered her ever since. they did a CAT SCAN Wednesday, but have not got results yet. I saw her from my window, struggling to get groceries attached to her walker, and went down to help. I got her settled into her chair, with a pain pill and water, and put away what needed to be in fridge. she must have gotten worse over night, and called 911. No way to find out where she is or how she is, those privacy act rules, will not let us know what is going on. I hate that. I know her daughter is in Michigan, her closest contact here is a friend of her son who died just before Caudelle moved into EP. I hope she phoned Willie to know where she was being taken.
Cyn, too bad the campers had so much rain, I imagine they were happy to be home in their own beds, safe and dry.
I am ready to go back to bed now, intermission over. Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later. Hope no one is out in the rain!
05/Apr/15 4:58 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I can't believe how short a memory IH has.
I've told him and told him that if he's going to use my truck, he HAS to treat it with more respect than he does his own. He just wanted to use my truck for driving over the pastures, seeding grass seed. I gave him a very firm and loud ''NO''. The last time he broke the front end of his truck, he borrowed mine, drove it over the fields, broke my front end, then rented a car while both trucks were being repaired, and refused to let me drive the rental. He nearly lost his life over that one. Yet he wanted to do it all over again. He's doing the job with the right piece of equipment now.... a tractor. When he gets back inside, he's going to get an ear full.
06/Apr/15 8:01 AM
Magnolia, KY
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He claims to have no memory of that past incident. His reasoning for wanting to use my truck for that job? ''I needed to get the seeding done''. When I reminded him that he promised to treat my truck kinder than he treated his, he replied ''the ground is very soft after all the rain.'' .... meaning it would get hung up in the mud. He's been told that my truck is no longer at his disposal.
06/Apr/15 9:44 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Time to fix beef stroganoff for supper.
06/Apr/15 9:45 AM
Alabama, USA
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A lovely day here today weather wise, and a lovely time with both daughters for lunch. Joy was asked to bring something for desert, and a suggestion of either strawberries or chocolate. she bought both! Tanya dipped the strawberries in the melted bakers chocolate, put a dab of whipped cream, then a couple of the chocolate straws and the strawberries on a plate. It looked as if it came from a nice restaurant
. Tasted very good too!
I sat outside talking to Mary, one of the scrabble players, for about an hour after the girls left. the sun had gone behind clouds, it was a tiny bit damp and windy, I got chilled. I turned on my heat 'for a few minuets' to take away the damp chill, but fell asleep in my chair once i got warm and comfy. It was a nice nap too. We never got the forecast rain, not that we needed any.
the memory garden still has not been watered. I may have to fire my volunteer for criminal neglect of plants
It is going to take a long time for Loraine to recover enough to take her job back. Since I am not going to get up at 4:30 to turn on the sprinklers, and did not get down to turn them on tonight (so we do not water the guests coming into building, sprinklers spray on the sidewalk, unfortunately), I will be draging a garden hole around to water by hand tomorrow. You just cannot get good help these days, it seems.
Did I tell you how excited I got yesterday when I was trying to 'stir up' that mess the brick layers made with my good soil in the new garden I created last year, when I, with first hoefull of dirt I moved, I disturbed two long, fat earthworms? means I have good healthy garden soil there, yeah!
did not hear anything from Caudelle. I did text our social worker, Shannon, that Caudelle had left via ambulance, so perhaps she(Shannon) checked on her (Caudelle). Even she is not supposed to tell us information about our friends because of privacy laws, but will on occasion be able to say that she is OK. I will check with her tomorrow.
I put in a request for maintenance on my power chair, for a squeak. It now needs more, the arm that holds the joystick for 'driving' it is again loose and almost fell off. I have it in a sling of black electricians tape. I heard last year that my insurance pays for maintenance on anything it purchases for it's clients, hope that is still true this year, must remember to phone them tomorrow and find out. either way it has to be done, just hope it is not at my expense.
Heidy, good onya, for letting Gil know he cannot mistreat your truck. that man just does not think. Of course you use a tractor to seed the pastures, DUH! I know that much.
hugs to each of you, hope the DUGs are just recovering from the holiday, and Julie, Tami and Mama are still enjoying their day with family. Till next time
06/Apr/15 1:21 PM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Once again, on one of the rare occasions that I write a long post, I have lost it.
I wished Broni a great time, Mizt glad meds are working, Heidi a post about the lightning strike.
My brother is back in hospital but they think they have got the problem under control this time.
Gregs brother passed away unexpectedly on Easter Sunday at the age of, I think he was 56yrs.
He lived with his parents all his life as he had brain damage. Just such a shock, as we thought it would be Gregs Dad at 84yrs, that would go next.
Greg has gone to Taree, I stayed here to look after Renaes animals while they are on the Gold Coast, and for my work.
Take care
06/Apr/15 2:32 PM
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Hello and {{HUGS}} to all! I only have a few minutes to visit.
Nola, I have just read your comment above as I started to type. Too bad that your brother is back in the hospital, but good news if they have, indeed, controlled the problem. Condolences to you, Greg, and family on the unexpected passing of Greg's brother. May fond memories be with everyone!
Heading to bed for an early alarm in the morning. Feel free to share {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, healing energy, positive thoughts, and
06/Apr/15 5:04 PM
Alabama, USA
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Nola, so sorry to hear of Greg's brother's passing. those unexpected deaths really are a shock to everyone. So sad it was on a Holiday also, a Holiday death seems somehow to keep the death anniversary more on your mind. I know I put this badly, but I think you know what I mean.
I am glad there was a bit of good news from your brother. I join Julie in hoping that they indeed do have the problem under control now. Huge Hugs to the entire expended families, both sides. If things get hard for you, think of your Sudoku family gathering around to comfort you, hold your hand .
07/Apr/15 3:08 AM
Alabama, USA
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I had a lot of plants I wanted to get into containers or the ground today. Looked at the weather site, and a big rain was headed our way. Well, I could at least plant the containers I got ready Saturday, so today is not a total loss. I hurried downstairs, gathered the 6 hanging pots under our roofed back patio, just before the rain started. I was able to plant up 6 containers, they look nice now, but in a couple of weeks will really begin to fill out and be spectacular. I think I told you before, because we have such a long growing season, I buy the amaller plants, usually in a 6 pack. more plants for the $$$ that way, and I enjoy watching them grow. I have found here, if I buy full grown plants, they will not last the entire season, will be at their peak by end of June, and look seedy the remainder of the summer. these small plants will grow up nicely and look good much longer, and I can afford lots more!!
Had 4 impatiens plants left over, put those out with the bench containers. YEAH, the moth balls seem to have been enough to discourage the varmint who lived there, no more plants pushed out of the soil.
I found someone to dig my hole for the knock out rose I am putting out back. Elmo, our bus driver is going to dig it for me. You need a $50 hole for a $10 plant hehehe. He is accustomed to digging, he did for his wife before she passed.
A nice anecdote he tells. they were looking to buy a house. Came for a first look at the home they did buy and lived in for 25 years. the first thing she did was get her shovel out of the trunk of the car, go into the back yard and dig a hole! she said, I am not buying a house that had all the top soil scraped away and sold!! she found deep rich black soil and said, OK we are buying this, lets go see what the inside looks like. hehehe. About 2 years later, Elmo was talking to a neighbor about what she had done, neighbor said, oh, it should have very nice soil, as that was once the barnyard. there is nothing like the soil found in a barnyard! and theirs was about 18 inches deep.
Did I tell you about taking the hoe to the alley garden, to see how deep the clay was over my good soil? I dug in, and first thing, uncovered two long fat earthworms. YES!!! (with the appropriate fist, hand motion) I nailed it, perfect soil if the worms have moved in!!! Elmo's wife would have understood
Now a bit of a nap, to get warm. the damp air, and walking out in a sprinkle to hang the containers once planted, I am chilled. Will help the fibro if I can get really warm again. I will NOT turn on the heat as I did yesterday, just my heating pad and my fibro blanket should suffice.
Hugs to each of you, till later.
07/Apr/15 3:29 AM
Mamacita 2
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Hello All...Trica..have a great rest from all your hard work. Hoping the fibro blankie warms you well as you rest up. Happy earthworms to ya...I don't do that much yard work and don't like to happen on them, but can appreciate your joy at having enriched the soil for your plants...way to go.
Heidi, sorry your team couldn't complete their unbeaten ways and win as expected, and sorrier yet that their supporters acted up about the loss and damaged the city with their anger. I don't know what gets into fans that they feel the need to act ugly when their sports teams lose. No team can or should be expected to win all of the time..smh! Sorry Gil has messed up his truck again, but glad to see that you won't allow him to do the same to yours again....another head
Nola, glad to learn that your brother may well be on the mean after this hospitalization, but am sorry for the unexpected death you and Greg have experienced.As has been said, sudden death is much more shocking to deal with. Hope your FIL will be able to handle this with his frail health.Julie, wishing you good practice time and rest...been good to see you are still able to focus on the joy the music brings, in spite of a heavy schedule that often makes it hard to squeeze practice time in to your satisfaction.
Hoping Broni is having a well deserved blast as she travels on. I do hope she will add pictures along the way.
My Easter was well spent and we had a wonderful gathering and felt the joy of those no longer with us physically among our fun. Nothing got done as far as planning...but it will come together when we need it to.
Oh, Heidi...had lots of news of foul weather doing lots of damage in Ky...hopefully nothing else has happened weather wise since you lost the calf...what a bummer that was. Hope by now, things are drying up a bit.Weather here has been sunny and mild, albeit a bit seems that spring may have finally sprung...sure hope so.
Shout out to all not mentioned by name, yet held in thought. Have a great day/night where you hang your hats...Peace.
07/Apr/15 8:59 AM
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Greetings to all! Nice, newsy posts from MizT and Mama!
MizT, you have accomplished a lot today. Certainly hope you were able to get fully warmed and can look forward to a good night's sleep!
Mama, I'm glad there was a nice gathering for Easter. As you said, the planning for a memorial service will happen when the time is right. It was probably best that the special day was not spent planning.
Time to call it quits for tonight. My thoughts are with everyone, especially those who have been ill or busy or elsewhere occupied. Feel free to share the positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, and
07/Apr/15 4:43 PM
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I have Laura this week. We saw the SpongeBob movie today. I have never been a fan of SpongeBob and my opinion did not change today. Laura enjoyed it.
Hugs to everyone.
07/Apr/15 8:02 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Oh well. We're in mourning here today. Wisconsin lost to the Evil Empire.... oops, I mean Duke.
A long night of thunderstorms kept the dogs upset, so they kept me up. We get 4 or 5 more nights of this, too. I'm already feeling like a zombie. I don't need more.
08/Apr/15 1:38 AM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I just looked at the weather site, yes, another storm headed your way. Perhaps this one will be over and done before bed time. It is getting very dark here, as the tail end of your storm is approaching us here. I want ours done and dusted before 7 tonight. another chance to go to the theater, and at a price that cannot be beat, FREE, yeah!
I was out at the area where I have the most containers growing. It is a strange combination of flowers, not often seen together, cause part of it gets ample sun, part is in heavy shade, but with containers I can move them around as needed to keep everyone happy. One of our new residents, Ken was sitting nearby, and he did not look too well. I was asking him if he was OK, he said Dave was coming to take him to the ER at St Vincents, just down the street. Later, after being away in the back garden where I have stored all the plants till they get a home, I was back with a newly planted up pot, and Dave came back. Said Ken was being looked after, so he came on home, and key would phone if he needed transport home, or to let Fave know if he was being admitted. Anyhow, Dave sat down to chat a bit, as I finished up my gardening. We had not chatted 10 minuets before we were joined by a resident, just come to 'chaperone' I imagine. Happens every time! last week we happened to both be in the elevator lobby same time, and sat to chat a while, my neighbor came to join us. It is really amusing, to have residents think we need a chaperone to talk at all hehehe. I could understand if this happened occasionally, just coincidence, but EVERY TIME? And always someone from a certain group of people here?? It is like being in kindergarten again. OH OH, Tricia is talking to a BOY hehehe.
I think I shall try for a bit of a nap, before going out for tonight.
Mama, do not read this sentence
, but I turned over a LOT more earthworms today trying to mix my good dirt with the top layer of clay. Now I am not talking acres like Heidi has at her farm, this is in an area about 5 feet by 5 feet hehehe, I have already worked 2 days at it, but I must go slowly, so as not to undo all the good of my back injection and the good of the new medication. but I am having soooo much fun, it is wonderful to be able to do any work in the garden. I now have the area turned over a good 12 to 15 inches deep, next will be to rake and break up the clumps of red clay. LOVED the dozen or so earth worms I saw today. I know takes all kinds, right?
I was taking envitory today, I have dianthus, and wave petunias in white, pink, lavender and dark dark red, a dozen of those and they cover a huge area each, and a homestead purple verbena, all to go in thr little garden at the back alley.
there is a town south of the Montevallo, Clanton area, named Verbena, and these purple verbena naturalized everywhere. They were seen in the median of the 4 lane highway even. I always loved them. these I bought are that variety, will be perennial an
08/Apr/15 7:27 AM
Alabama, USA
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these I bought are that variety, will be perennial and I hope take a good hold and spread. I will be planting them adjacent to the knock out rose (pink) think those and the perennial white daisies will make a wonderful backbone for adding a few annuals for many years to come!
June, I understand your view of Spongebob, also not a fan. I am glad Laura enjoyed the movie though. How old is she now? she will soon be outgrowing the cartoon movies won't she?
HI JULIE! You do need to tell us what is keeping you so busy these days. We love your posts mentioning every post, our 'Cliffs Notes' of Sudoku Land hehehe, but do need to hear about your little corner of the world occasionally.
MAMA, I did have a good rest yesterday, warmed up nicely, and did sleep last night, best sleep since the whole surgery/new meds/cortisone upset I had. It is so good to fall asleep without having to take some kind of sleep aide, just a better grade of sleep! Thank you for your wishes, they did come true. As Julie said, it was perhaps best not to spend your Easter Day together planning a memorial service. there is time to do that, and it will all come about and be perfect. So happy you had your family with you for Easter.
BRONI, I am enjoying hearing about your travels. would be better if I had a good map, not up on my Australian geography once you leave the big cities. I too am looking forward to any photos you can post. Australia is a beautiful and varied place, I so enjoy seeing it though others' eyes.
Hugs to each of you, with extras, till next time.
08/Apr/15 7:28 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Thunder and rain an and off all day today. We got nearly 6 inches of rain last night, according to merasuring devices!!! That's insane. And it'll keep raining and thundering on and off through Friday.
Is it chaperoning, or just nosiness, MizT?
08/Apr/15 10:23 AM
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