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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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Alabama, USA
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It looks as if one of my posts did not go through over the weekend. Sorry I did not notice that and at least say 'here I is'. I have had my head stuck in a book, trying to finish one for book club tomorrow. I only got my copy Thursday afternoon after scrabble and it is not a quick read book. 'The Monuments Men' set in Europe with the allies as they recaptured Europe. Non fiction, well researched, lots of facts and dates and therefore a bit slow in places. Lots of storms through the area have made sitting and reading about the height of my endeavors.
As Heidi said, I was on my out the door for a second eye appointment today. I only had to wait 50 minuets to have this 10 minuet test done, but I was there 15 minuets early. Travel time, and waiting for the bus and all, over 3 hours sitting in my chair. I did get up and walk around some today, because I have learned staying in any location, even in bed, for too long makes me stiff.
We have been getting the best tasting, sweetest cantaloupe (melon of some kind) from the veggie man. I just had a slice for my 'sweet' after my bowl of soup. I made another pot of my soup, it is very good. I do love having a complete meal in one container.
June, so sorry to hear about your fall, that is not good at all. Take care until you hear results of tests, and sending wishes it's cause was something that they can remedy easily and quickly. Are you using a walking stick or even better, a walker, June? It might be good to have something to hold too if your leg gives way again?
Heidi, happy to read your ear is a tiny bit better. Hope it continues to improve and soon you are no longer a 'hard headed woman' with it full of concrete.
D or A, I did get a chuckle when I read that. I think that was the devil made you do that, but the angel sent good wishes hehehe.
I have finished my lunch while chatting with you and reading, so now it is time for a nap. I have a very busy, for me that is, week ahead. At least one thing to get me out and about every day, and much pap0erwork to get done for recertification. My apartment will also be inspected again next week, I need to clean the stove, the part UNDER the top. I did not even know the top came up the first time she was here hehehe. The drip bowls are in good shape though, they are still fairly new, so no scrubbing on them.
Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
02/Jun/15 4:52 AM
Mamacita 2
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Hello,..Happy Monday Evening here.
I have been on a continued celebration of sorts...I have been rediscovering foods from the past that I enjoyed and missed a, they are expensive, Two, they require work and I don't like to cook particularly, and 3, they are large portions so last a long time....well, I decided the heck with all of the above and I'd just do planned overs, as Tricia calls them , and the expense will not be too much since I'll eat many meals and will only have to cook for now...heating the next I've done bouillabaisse, lobster salad, steamed mussels and steak ....oh boy am I living large and eating high on the hog.... still not quite finished with the actual cooking, but the prep work is done. I'm tired and need to rest in between the cooking.
I have also been dealing with stove cleaning, medical appointments and test scheduling and reading, thus I've not been posting recently but have been reading. June, your fall sounded horrible and I'm glad you weren't alone when it first happened. Happy to hear that things are looking up a bit more now and hope you will soon be back to full health. Heidi, The same for you...glad there is some improvement, but hoping for more I'm sure you too much fun being full of concrete.Nora, glad you had a safe trip home. One's own bed is always welcomed after traveling. My best to Paul and Josh. I really enjoyed our visit, albeit far too brief.
Greetings to all who come here to read and post on hearing from you and miss you when we don't see more of you. Take care all...I care. Peace.
02/Jun/15 10:03 AM
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Hi, Everyone! Just a brief stop to say Hello, then off to bed, as the alarm is already set for too early.
Take care, Everyone! Will try to get back tomorrow. In the meantime, feel free to share the {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers, healing energy, and
02/Jun/15 3:55 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Oh well.... IH is back home. He was gone for a full week visiting his family in Wisconsin.
They celebrated his father's 91st birthday and his brother Jon's 65th birthday. Jon has had all the improvement I think he will ever have. He has no short-term memory any more, and remembers the distant past (20+ years) like it was yesterday. Literally. Every time Gil talks to him, he always says that he had lunch with both parents the day before, that his mother is getting over pneumonia, and that he's off home to Hawaii next week. He thinks he's working 2 jobs in Hawaii, and is getting bck together with his ex-wife. At least he isn't upset, or even aware, that he's living in a nursing home for Alzheimer's patients. I ''think'' he believes that he's in an alcoholic rehab facility drying out, a regular occurrence in his previous life.
02/Jun/15 4:22 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Yes, I AM a hard headed woman. And the head still feels full of concrete.
02/Jun/15 4:23 PM
Alabama, USA
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Today I got a lot done on my list of things to do this week. I have a couple more phone calls to make tomorrow, finish cleaning my refrigerator. Tanya will come next week and clean my stove and oven, cannot bend to reach the bqck corners of the oven.
today was book club, I had read more of the book than anyone, except Mary, who had a copy longer than I did. All the scrabbe group was there, plus Rufus, Stephanie and Jo. I saw Dave later today and mentioned book club to him, he said, OH that was today? Will have to phone him before next meeting. Mike said he washed clothes instead of coming to the meeting. So we will continue the discussion of the book next month, and start gathering copies of the book for august, I suggested 'the Dove Keepers'. Everyone talked a out how long this book was, at around 400 pages. For me, that is not a long book, I love long books. Once I get involved with the characters and the location, I just want ore and more. Have any of you ever read either of these two books we are reading. 'the Monuments Men' or ' The Dove Keepers'?
I was to tired to nap untill about 5 pm yesterday, fell asleep then with plans for a couple hours. I did not wake untill 7 hours later, at midnight. Good thing I had a coumputer, a book and TV to entertain myself in the wee hours of the morning, and no one here to be upset I was up and about, disturbing their sleep. I di get back to sleep for another sleep about 5 am, till 8 am. Weird hours, almost copied again today, as I fell asleep at 5 pm again. Phone woke me at 8:30, reminder of another doctors appointment, for Thursday.
It is now time I must have my dinner, more soup and some piece of fruit. Tanya was over to help with lunches downstairs today, she came up and prepared my lunch from my refrigerator, my 'planned overs' for me. Nice to have something done for me today
Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
03/Jun/15 12:30 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Nope, MizT. I haven't read either book. My tastes run towards older works, like P G Wodehouse, Agatha Christie, Baroness Orczy, Rafael Sabatini,Tolkein and similar. Lately I've been on a Wodehouse binge.
03/Jun/15 1:06 PM
Mamacita 2
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I haven't read either book but did see the movie of Monuments Men that I enjoyed a lot Tricia, I too like long books and become enraptured by great characters and what happens to them. I'm transported all over the place when I get a good book. I'm particular to mysteries and thrillers, but any genre that is well written and tells a good story makes me happy. While I have favorite authors, I do enjoy discovering new ones to me. Now tell me a bit a .bit about The Dove Keepers...I may be interested.
Hello to all, I'm okay...just trying to get over a bad headache today by relaxing.
Take care all...Be really good to yourselves because you're worth the attention. Peace. <3
03/Jun/15 1:44 PM
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Hi, Everyone, including Heidi, MizT, and Mama!
Heidi, so sorry your respite while IH was away has ended. Hopefully you got lots of what you wanted to do done and were able to sleep when you chose and for as long as you wanted while he was gone. It's good that his brother is comfortable living in the past and doesn't realize or get agitated by not living in the present.
MizT, get your sleep when you can! You're right that it's good that your schedule doesn't upset someone else's. I haven't read either of the books you mentioned. Seems I don't have as much reading time as my practice time expands.
Mama, I hope your headache has improved! Hubby and I seem to be passing a headache back and forth between us. Apparently, it's my turn again, so I'm off to bed.
Sending healing energy,
, prayers, positive thoughts, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for everyone!
03/Jun/15 3:47 PM
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I got the results of the X-rays. Nothing I was not aware of. Right knee not good but too soon for replacement. Scoliosis and degeneration of lower spine has caused the problem in the left leg when I twisted last week. It is improving and I can now walk about much better. I even went shopping by myself yesterday. I am on anti inflammatory for two weeks and then maybe a MRI and maybe a back injection. I would like to try some physio first. As ken says I am falling apart.
I have to get sorted as soon as possible as we are going to Galapagos and South America in three months time. I have ordered another walking stick and will get some new orthotics for my shoes.
Other than that I am very well.
04/Jun/15 5:36 AM
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Nice to see everyone posting. Hope you feel better soon Heidi and others that under the weather enjoy the spring weather. We are having some quite cold winter weather. Love my electric blanket and I think I will go back and get warm again. We do not have heating on in the house once we go to bed.
04/Jun/15 5:40 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I am doing worse today. My head is really aching, and the ear is hurting a lot. I can barely hear a thing any more. I'm just laying around feeling sorry for myself.
04/Jun/15 9:57 AM
Mamacita 2
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Heidi....Sometimes we need to hold a pity party for ourselves for a good while. As much as you have endured recently, you are entitled. Sending as many healing vibes as possible and hoping they are effective. Take care and do whatever helps.
04/Jun/15 10:14 AM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, what you told us today should also be shared with your doc. Remember, they do not know how bad it is getting if you don't tell them. Because medicare (and therefore other insurance follows along) docs must try the least invasive, therefore least expensive treatments first. When they do not work, then they can go on to the next step, IF the patient lets the doc know it has not worked. they just do not tell us all that, in hopes it will get better or the patient will not call back. Call, keep calling, be your own advocate, cause no one else is going to do that for you. Instead of being hard headed and trying to tough it out on your own, be hard headed in requiring them to give you the treatment you need and deserve. Would hate to see you loose your hearing because you were 'lying around feeling sorry for yourself.' Yes, as Mama said, it is OK to have a pitty party, but do not let this keep you from seeking treatment. Now I will hang up my nursey hat and continue with general chat
, and hope you can and do get the treatment you so obviously need.
Today was a wonderful spring day. Temps very moderate, low humidity, a nice breeze, not a storm in sight. I felt better than I have in weeks! Of course I get better most times just before time for pain doc, making it hard to get them to see how difficult it gets other days. I do keep letting them know, and they do try but nothing is working for long. IF we could only figure what to do to counteract the weather related stuff, I would be much better.
I had planned to have lunch with Jane on the first day of her 'southwest tour'. To many storms back to back and Sunday I was in bed with pain. I hate when I cannot do the things I want to do, that is bad enough, but now more and more I cannot do the things I NEED to do. I hope I can convey that to docs tomorrow in a way they can understand and treat.
I worked for 2 hours in the garden mid day today. My arms are a tiny bit darker from it too. Then I was back downstairs tonight. I just could not stay in my apartment, and it seems a few others could not either. I spent 3 hours down there, chatting in general with first one group then another. Being with others was good tonight, because we lost another resident and good friend today. RIP Myra.
04/Jun/15 12:24 PM
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MizT, condolences to you and the other residents on the passing of Myra. May she R.I.P.
June, I'm glad the X-rays didn't yield any surprises, and glad you are feeling better for now. Hopefully, you can get everything in order for your trip to the Galapagos! Take care and follow doctor's orders.
Heidi, we want you to take care of yourself and be your own advocate. MizT said it so well. I know you and all of us would be so thrilled to hear that you are feeling better and hearing better, as well! Take care, my friend!
Mama, I hope all is well with you and Jazz. You're right; we can allow Heidi a pity party if she promises to follow it up with a trip to a doctor.
MizT, I'm glad you finally had a beautiful spring day with comfortable temperatures and humidity. I hope you enjoyed it!
Time to head to bed and get some sleep before tomorrow's dentist appointment. Take care everyone, and share the daily supply of {{{{{HUGS}}}}},
, healing energy, prayers, and positive thoughts and vibes!
04/Jun/15 4:52 PM
Alabama, USA
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I am off to pain doc in a few, so time to send greetings to all and address a few comments.
June, I am glad you are better. What a lovely trip you have planned to Gallapagos Islands, that place is remarkable! I am envious of you going there. One of the nature channels, I think Nat Geo Wild, has a several part documentary it replays as a marathon occasionally. When I see it, I try to watch again, and I learn something new every time. So many things found only there, and so much is changing even with the limited human contact allowed now, it is remarkable. How long will you be there? Where will you visit in South America?
I love the sea diving Iguanas, that eat underwater algae. It is remarkable to see how these cold blooded animals adapted to diving into the cold water to find food that was plentiful. Amazing.
OK, I am off to get last minuet things done before leaving. Will most likely be a long wait, need to pack a lunch, at least a heavy snack for real, as it is too early to eat now, but will be too late by time I get out. Hugs to each of you, till later.
05/Jun/15 2:54 AM
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Greeting to Everyone! Hopefully, those who have been feeling less than 100% are approaching that as a goal!
Sending positive thoughts, healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, and
for all!
05/Jun/15 4:17 PM
qld, australia
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Gekko my friends.
Been way too long between my posts.
Cannot believe how time has flown since we went on our adventure. Bella has a new lease on life, Pete and I are pushing through a few pain barriers but enjoying living life on the road. Last two days Pete has been fishing and caught our dinner last night, a couple of good sized herring and a black brim. He even threw a few back in to grow up.
Heidi, please harass your medical carers.
June, worried about you too.
Luv and jugs to you all.
06/Jun/15 12:21 AM
Alabama, USA
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I wrote out a long vent about pain clinic yesterday, feel better for writing it. then I erased it to keep you from having to read. The short story is they did not give me anything for the pain I get with weather. The good part is we will try to get get one more back injection before my insurance changes, they must call insurance for authorization first. My co pay will increase tremendously after June. .
Enjoyed scrabble yesterday, the first game took forever. Our 'timekeeper' was falling down on the job, we did more talking than playing, and for first time ever, we got to a blocked board. there was NO PLACE to all another word, not just with the remaining letters we had, but with any letters. We al had points taken away. I had fewest, only 1, and was also winner of that game. Big surprise, Mary, our best player, was dead last, by a big margain. Second game was totally opposite, we all used every letter, even making good scores on the final words, there were still places left to attach words, and I was lowest score, Mary was highest. Funny how that happens.
A rep from my insurance co will be coming out Wednesday to answer my questions specific to two plans I am considering, plus let me know just how much drugs will be costing me. I still need to finish paperwork for re-certification meeting Tuesday, and house cleaning for next weeks inspection. A lot all at once, but by one step at a time I am getting it done.
HI to Julie, glad you could drop in at end of a busy day.
Good to see Broni again, I am so glad you are enjoying your travels. Nothing fresher then fish caught just before dinner I hope you enjoyed. who cleaned them? How did you cook them?
I need to go down and water plants, no rain recently. I had one of our residents tell me yesterday 2 plants looked like they were dying, she could not tell me which ones. I took a look at everything, yes, they are. It is expected, it was the violas, they usually die out about June, with the heat. I have other plants to put in those containers. I must remember to tell her that, she was so worried about them.
Hugs to each of you, with extras.
06/Jun/15 2:45 AM
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Hi, Everyone!
So glad to hear how well things are going for the three of you, Broni Especially good news about Bella! Continue to enjoy your travels and your freshly-caught dinners, when you're lucky enough to have them.
MizT, seems you have a lot on your plate for the next week or so! I hope you are able to accomplish everything you hope to, and hope you can get another back injection before changing insurance! I hope your insurance agent is actively searching for a good policy for you!
Sending lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts,
, and healing energy for all!
06/Jun/15 5:15 PM
Alabama, USA
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Have not heard from Heidi in almost 3 days now. I do hope she is improving.
Up for intermission, was having an unusual dream, and ended up in a bank that was closing, only one door opened so employees could exit. I was hunting a restroom, it is a good thing I could not find one , because it was a real need to go that woke me. hehehe
back to bed for me, sleepy time tea is almost finished. Hugs to each of you, with extras.
06/Jun/15 7:45 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I am feeling a little bit better today. I think the Cipro is helping.
We just got our internet/TV/phone back. Some idiot in the neighborhood was plowing too deep and destroyed the phone cables for the whole area. That kind of damage causes LOTS of beeaks, not just one from a person digging a hole before calling to locate buried lines. I was worried that we'd miss the Belmont Stakes in just over 2 hours (post time 6:50 EDT). If American Pharoah wins, we'll be watching racing history being made. He has post position 5, which is a good one. And in his last 3 races, he's beaten every horse in the field at least once.
07/Jun/15 6:40 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Forgot to change avatars for today.
07/Jun/15 6:41 AM
Magnolia, KY
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WE HAVE A NEW TRIPLE CROWN WINNER!!!! American Pharoah won the Belmont wire to wire, with no real urging! And widening the gap between the other horses steadily at the end of the 1 1/2 mile race!
He's the first Triple Crown winner in 37 years, and only the 12th ever. His great-great-grandpa Secretariat would be proud. Secretariat's breeder/owner Penny Chennery was there to cheer him on, as well. What a race!
07/Jun/15 9:31 AM
Alabama, USA
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HEIDI, so glad to see you post. How are you doing? Hope that ear and back are both better. Congrats to American Pharaoh, what a race that must have been. I am so glad the lines were repaired and you got to see it. That explains why you have been AWOL this week. Will the person plowing deep without calling to check for location of cables be held responsible for repairs? Or fined at all?
JULIE, I had to make a daily chore list for this coming week, still so much to do. Tanya will come clean my oven. Did I say that before?
I am keeping the same company for insurance, have been satisfied with service, and I had already narrowed choices down to 2 policies. One has no monthly premium, it is just a replacement for Medicare, but with more coverage than Medicare. the other does have a premium, and I must decide if I want to pay higher prices for deductibles over the year, or pay the monthly premium and have lower deductions. Will I need to use enough insurance coverage to equal my yearly premium? Or gamble I will not need a hospital stay, and lots of rehab, and specialists appointments, and take the zero premium.
He can help me estimate how soon I will go into the GAP and how long I will stay there, based on last years drug/medication usage. That will be same on either policy, but I do need to know so I can budget for this. It is not going to be pretty. Hope this was not more than you wanted to know hehehe.
I need to get to bed, just finished bedtime snack. Tomorrow is another busy day, I will be glad when this busy week is over. I just hope I continue to feel as good as I have last several (no rain) days.
07/Jun/15 2:22 PM
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Hi, Everyone!
It's good to see you posting, Heidi, and good to hear that you're feeling a bit better. We didn't see the race today, but everyone is talking about the results! Very exciting!
MIzT, I'm glad you have been feeling better this week. I wish the weather could stay warm and dry for a while for you.
I have been dragging lately - perhaps due to allergies? I have been hearing that this is going to be a bad year.
Sending healing energy,
, prayers, positive thoughts, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for each of you!
07/Jun/15 4:53 PM
Alabama, USA
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Today was another hot one, 91 degrees with a feels like of 94. Humidity was low, though, so not terrible. I was out in the garden again today, about hour and a half, watering the in ground plants. Plants were looking droopy because of the heat and so much sun.
Almost finished with my paperwork for Tuesday. I hope to get mileage figures for trips I drove, every little bit helps :) Might not be worth the hassle this year, but boy it added up quickly back when I drove to Montevallo, about 40 miles south, for my doc. Now I take bus to most appointments, yep, not worth the doing this year. So, I am finished, ready for the interview on Tuesday.
Good to see Julie, sorry to hear allergies may be getting you down. I wish you relief from them, not fun. I think my ear was allergies, it is almost cleared up now, thankfully. Hope yours are also soon gone.
I still have a lot to do tomorrow, so I am off to bed. Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
08/Jun/15 2:32 PM
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Hoping everyone has a good day/evening/night! Sending prayers,
, healing energy, positive thoughts, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
08/Jun/15 4:55 PM
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We had Laura here for dinner. I got a call this morning 'Grandma if we are coming to dinner could we please have Pizza? The lasagne I was making will do Ken and me several nights for dinner. I did send some home so it will save her father one nights cooking.
I went shopping on Saturday as I needed a new iron (mine was leaking water) and Aldi had them on special. I walked around the shops quite well with the aid of the walking stick. This week I will buy a back brace, especially for when we go away in three months.
Actually I now have a cold so I feel I cannot take a trick. So much I wont to get done.
Heidi, I do hope that you can get that ear fixed soon. If I was as bad as you are I know my Doc would get me an emergency appointment.
MizT, hope all your paperwork is sorted and the Temp. does not get too hot.
Julie, you are a Britton, always managing to post, no matter how busy and tired you must be.
08/Jun/15 8:45 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Last cipro today. The pressure in the head isn't as bad as it was,. The ear is still oozing brown goop, so the surgery will be necessary. But I think it'll be bearable until then. I'm tough, so didn't make a fuss about needing an emergency appointment.
09/Jun/15 12:29 PM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, when will you have the surgery to correct the ear problem? Do they have to have the infection pretty much cleared up to be able to do it? I hope it is soon, all those problems have to be dragging you down, physically. Good luck and sending best wishes for a great outcome, soon.
June, sorry to hear you have a cold. I hope you can find something to successfully treat the symptoms. I always used an OTC product that could reduce the duration and severity of a cold, Xycam spray. they have now discontinued the spray, replacing it with swab applied liquid. But since I stopped smoking, oh, 15 years ago, I have had only one cold. A touch of allergies on occasion, but no cold with upper respiratory infection, which is wonderful.
Perhaps my spell check is beginning to know me and my dyslexia. I just had a word with all the correct letters, but in a complete jumble, and the correct word was second choice to correct, YEAH!
Most busy day today. cleaned up the plant mess from my window indoor 'garden', vacuumed the living area. Went to wal-mart and had to walk till a cart was available. Trip was mainly to get a couple items, stuff to clean oven (Tanya's Job tomorrow), found personal care items I needed, found some flowers to replace the Viiolas that gave up the ghost this hot sunny week, got those planted, watered the plants that did not need water yesterday. They are needing closer checking, more water with the low humidity, strong, very warm breezes, and much hotter sun. Got fruit from veggie man, put away the groceries I bought 'while I was out'. Went downstairs for a program Shannon had, to get us to fill out a 'file of life' form. They had to be updated and checked off by Shannon, so easier to get as many people downstairs at one time as possible. By the time I did all that back was a big bother. Came home and to bed. Got up for pain meds, got it out of bottle, wrote it down as usual, but FORGOT TO TAKE IT! I wondered why pain was going up and up and up. Found it on my notebook where I write down meds, four bad hours later duh. Tricia, they work better if you actually swallow them hehehe. So that took about 5 hours out of my afternoon and evening, drats.
OH, did I tell you, I found a wind chime on the free table, from Myra's balcony. A cute sun catcher in shape of a lady bug, with chimes below. I hung it in the garden. The burlap wreath from her door was there, but did not think I was ready to see that on my door every day, too painful now, so someone else got that. Myra had given me a brightly colored caftan that was too big for her, and a nice pair of sandals she never wore, back a few months ago. I am accustomed to having them around, and even though they remind me of Myra, they always have, so I am more comfortable with that. Strange how things from a friend can affect us.
Time for bed, hugs to each of you.
09/Jun/15 2:38 PM
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Greetings to All!
June, I'm glad the walking is better, but sorry you must now deal with a cold. I'm sure you enjoyed having Laura for dinner!
MizT, what a busy day! It's no wonder you didn't get the pills inside you when you first took them out - much on your mind! Hopefully they will now insure a good night's sleep.
Heidi, I'm glad your ear is doing somewhat better. Was your Cipro a pill that you took? I had Ciprodex ear drops for my ear infection. Didn't help for a while, so was given an oral antibiotic for a week. That combined with the drops eventually got things straightened out. Unfortunately, yours sounds MUCH more resistant. Hopefully, you'll soon feel better!
Time to call it a night, so sending healing energy,
, positive thoughts, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}!
09/Jun/15 4:58 PM
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June, I hope you find some relief soon! One thing after another!
09/Jun/15 5:25 PM
Magnolia, KY
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The Cipro was pills. One of the strongest antibiotics out there. This was my second session with them. Both times it helped, but didn't cure. My appointment with the ENT surgeon is in 9 days. I'll be talking to him about the surgery (and scheduling it), and I plan to mention my history with bacteriophage treatments as well. I have always had resistance to antibiotics.
10/Jun/15 2:23 AM
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Thinking of everyone and sending healing energy, positive vibes, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
! Take care!
10/Jun/15 5:49 PM
Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends, another busy day today. We had a storm overnight, left me hurting for a bit, but not bad this time. More trouble with stepping wrong that was unkind to my back.
The storm blew a hanging container down to the ground, spilled the flowers and dirt, then rained heavily on the poor uprooted plants. I got everything back into the container and hanging again. It has a 'twin' on the other side of the shepherd's crook hanging thingy, they no longer look like twins. I do hope the damaged one perks up again soon. All hanging containers had too much water in the reservoir, were too heavy, had to empty those, too. I was out with flowers at 7:30 am, way early for me to be up and about, but not as hot that time of day.
I have decided on my insurance, now to phone Member services with my choice and let them know how I want payment handled. The agent tried gently talking me out of that added premium policy, until we went over co pay for all treatments and doctors I see, said yep, you might actually use enough of the benefits to 'get your money's worth' .
Tanya came and finished cleaning oven. she started yesterday, it was not coming off well in the 10 minuets it is advertised to work, so left it on overnight. I have the cleanest stove in the building now, She even cleaned the top of my refrigerator, too. just a bit of tidying before inspection, cleaning is all done now.
I am ready for a nap, have not had one this week. It will be good to stretch out back for a while, even if I do not sleep. Hugs to each of you, with extras/
11/Jun/15 6:48 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I just got back from driving the big tractor to the repair shop. It just needs a general servicing. I's so nice to be allowed to go back out into the sunshine. Sun and Cipro don't mix.
11/Jun/15 8:17 AM
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Hello, Fellow Sudokuaholics!
Thinking of Everyone! I hope all who have been less than 100% physically are on the mend. I hope Theresa's cataract surgery went well!
MizT, your kitchen will be sparkling for the inspection, thanks to Tanya! I hope the flowers in the hanging container that fell also have a good recovery! Hope the nap (or stretch) helped!
Hooray for Heidi, who was able to be out and about. I'm glad your tractor only needs a general servicing, not repairs from something IH did to it. Also hoping the ears are better. Take care!
Sending positive vibes, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy,
, and prayers for all!
11/Jun/15 3:12 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I got my truck started. IH had decided to ''help'' me, and shut the power windows 3 days ago. Only he left the key in the 'on' position. When I went to start it Tuesday night to go to the Cattlemen's meeting, my truck was dead. So we took IH's truck. (His driving scares the daylights out of me.) I have a dental appointment in 2 hours, so I charged up my jumper box last night, and once it was hooked up, the truck started immediately.
I am feeling a wee bit better each day. The fever has broken. The ear is still draining brown muck, I can hear nothing out of it, I still have earaches, but the head no longer feels like it's full of cement. It feels like it's full of oatmeal now, which is an improvement.
I hope the inspection goes smoothly and as uneventfully as you wish, MizT.
12/Jun/15 1:46 AM
Magnolia, KY
Supporting Member
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Here we go...... #6800
12/Jun/15 1:47 AM
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