Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   June  From Epping.NSW
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We had an interesting day chasing trains and driving over the dales. Very barren with lots of drystone walls and some sheep and lambs. There was a cold wind blowing and it was about 10*C.
We then visited Fountain Abbey. It was robbed and ruined when Henry V111 changed to CofE so that he could get a divorce! It was a very. Large Abbey and I will post some photos when I get home. We leave here tomorrow and in four days will be on the plane home.
Heidi, please see to that ear ASAP.
I have read and thought of you all.
22/May/15 6:41 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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to All!

Busy day ahead and early morning, so I'm off to bed. Hubby has been busy with work. I have been busy with practicing. A number of annual doctor visits have been scheduled. What are the chances that June will be a slower and quieter month?

Mama, so glad you have help with your container garden and can enjoy the colors, textures, and shapes!

June, definitely a busy day, so hoping tomorrow is more restful. I can't believe your holiday is nearing its end!

Heidi, I understand your need to be at the house to supervise the workmen, especially since IH has removed himself from the process and responsibility. Hopefully you can get some appointments made ASAP!

Sending the usual supply of good wishes, prayers, and positive thoughts for all.
22/May/15 5:12 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Thinking of everyone today and hoping those not feeling well - will soon feel better! I hope those who are traveling are having a wonderful and memorable time! Take care, Everyone! Happy Memorial Day weekend to those in the U.S. Remember the reason for the special day. {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and for Everyone!
23/May/15 4:21 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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See you later for lunch
23/May/15 5:03 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Happy happy day Mamacita!
23/May/15 5:05 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Mizt..I hope you have a great time on holidays and the best part is, that your ear has improved so you can enjoy yourself.
Midge..Have you heard from your son in Peru? Bit of a worry ah!
Suzy..what happens now with the polyp? must be really looking forward to the eye surgery. Hope you and hubby have a speedy recovery.
Heidi..your ear and back are constantly troubling you.Hope you can get some relief after treatment or pain meds.
June..glad to hear you are enjoying your trip also. The time goes so fast that before we know it, we will be back home again.
Broni..Kalgoolie ah! Awesome!

23/May/15 5:41 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Yesterday, we caught the hop-on hop-off bus around Philly central.
The day was glorious and later windy. Plenty of pix of the local sights where we were typical tourists, in awe of places that we have only seen in movies. Here is much cleaner and prettier than NY, with lovely trees and parks.
I had started a diary of the holiday, now trying to recollect each day after not being able to use the computer. My body clock is still mixed up.
Hope to catch up again soon
23/May/15 5:52 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Many hugs to you too!
Phew, the recital is over!
23/May/15 5:55 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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24/May/15 5:52 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Hello friends,

Home from a wonderful trip, enjoyed immensely. Yesterday I was just tired, today hurting and meds not working, spent most of day in bed, but not able to sleep it off.

I will post more later, just wanted you to know I am home safely.


24/May/15 7:50 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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The end of a great birthday weekend has come, but I continue to rejoice and celebrate. Thanks to all who shared such lovely birthday greetings.. Know that you are appreciated.
Due to missed communications, Nola and I didn't get to meet each other for lunch on Saturday as planned...however, we were able to have a great visit today. Nola, and her son Paul and SIL Josh, drove to my home and got to meet my whole Philly family. We had a lovely time aInd I only wish we had been able to do more to add to their visit. . Perhaps one day I will be able to travel to Austrailia and see them in their home setting. Never say They were great fun; We enjoyed getting to know them a little more.
25/May/15 12:11 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just dropping by to say Hello! Sorry I have missed visits in the last day or so. Just too much going on, including graduation of my niece. Tomorrow would have been her parents (my sister and BIL) 25th wedding anniversary, except that he passed about 3 weeks ago. So bittersweet.

Happy Birthday, Mamacita! I hope you had a wonderful day!

Time to say Good Night, so sending all the {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, positive thoughts, prayers, and that I can for everyone.
25/May/15 5:15 PM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Belated happy birthday Mamacita. Glad you enjoyed your weekend and visit from Nola - it is always nice to meet someone in person. How is your baby Jazz keeping? Son no.1 contacted me today from Peru - he is back in Lima resting up with a strained knee and catching up on our football news and Game of Thrones. Couldn't understand why I was so worried - he only told me he would contact us when he arrived in Lima before he went trekking - 3 weeks ago!!! He sets off somewhere else tomorrow - so only 3 more weeks before he is home. Hubby and no. 3 son still in China - hands clapping.. no. 2 son is doing the cooking and spoiling me. Daughter has uni exams looming so have barely seen her - called into the bar where she works part-time on Sat. night in Melbourne (about 35mins drive) - was good to meet her 'regulars' - they too spoil her. Glad you had a lovely time MizT - a change of scenery is good for the heart. Hope your garden survived well in your absence. Nola and June you sound like you are both having a wonderful time. Suzy - where are you? Heidi hope your health is on the improve and IH is behaving himself. Had another 4 hr infusion today and fingers crossed won't need any more for a while. Took them only 5 attempts to cannulise me - it has taken many more goes than that before. Theresa - hope you keep well and can have the surgery as planned. Cataracts are very unpleasant and sooner gone the better. Next Saturday is the Remembrance Service for donors families and donor recipients and the next day I am going to a 90th birthday -really looking forward to it - an ex-neighbour who hasn't changed at all with time - a lovely lady. Will be busy and my last free weekend too!! Still have the caravan to clean and have my son take it to be repaired - think I may have to take some time off work soon as I don't feel like doing anything by the time I get home at night. Take care everyone and best wishes.
25/May/15 5:24 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Midge, the garden was well cared for while I was gone. I went out to water on Friday, and everything was nice and wet from Tanya watering on Thursday. Thanks for asking.

Did any of you who are on TOS see photos my sister put up? She got a really nice storm shot, her son who is really interested in weather commented and reposted her 'amazing shot' of the storm. We were out riding through the national seashore preserve part of Santa Rosa Island when we saw the storm over the mainland. Not too concerned, as often they stay on mainland, so we were walking outside the restrooms there, enjoying the cool breeze, watching the birds and the waves on the bay, when lightning and thunder were a bit too close, so we cut short our trip and returned to the condo. We would have just beet the rain if sister had not missed the turn into our condo, once again. We were parked very close to the covered entry, thanks to my handicap sticker, so did not really get wet. It was fun sitting on our balcony and watching the storm circle around and go out to sea.

MAMA, so sorry I missed your birthday, I hope you had a wonderful day, and that you enjoyed your visit with Nola, too.

Midge, so glad you heard from your son. Male persons do not seem to realize that wives or mothers worry when they do not check in as agreed. I do hope he will check in again during the remainder of his trip, but would not hold my breath. I do hope you can take a few days off work to do some of the things you need to do.

JULIE, how sad your BIL passed away just before his daughter's graduation. I am glad you were there to share her graduation with her and her mom.

Heidi, are you up and about? Or has the ear and back pain got you in bed again. I hope you are able to contact doc as you had planned and get some relief from that ear.

My ear was good while in Florida, started bothering me again after being home a day. It must be allergies causing the swelling and trapping of fluid, bummer. I see my doc Wednesday, routine visit, so will have him take a look. I imagine he will send me to an ENT specialist, bummer. but he tried once, the urgent care doc tried, and it still is a bother, I think it might be time for specialist.

When I got in Thursday evening, two if my scrabble friends were still in the game room, after the weekly game. I got to chat with them a bit, so did not really miss seeing them for a whole week.

I am going out to do a few things in the garden. Tanya and I bought 5 bags of mulch, I had bought landscape cloth before my trip, I am going to dress up the island that has the lantana, see if I can keep weeds out of that. Usually they are 3 bags for $10, a nice sale and I got 5 for that price.

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
26/May/15 2:22 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just stopping in for a quick Hello!

Hi, Midge! Thanks for your newsy post. What a relief it mst have been to finally hear from Son #1! Enjoy being spoiled by Son #2 while Hubby & Son #3 are away. Good luck to your D on her Uni exams!

Welcome back, MizT. I'm glad you mentioned the connection between allergies and ears. I don't recall ever having an ear infection before, but I just can't seem to get this one cleared up. Some days it seems as if it is trying to travel to the other ear.

Maybe time I return to the Dr., if I can fit it in between hubby's visits. (He's scheduled for cataract surgery in a bit over a week (third time on the same eye) and just had a biopsy of a questionable spot on his cheek. He should be healing by the time we get the results of the biopsy. It's a good thing we hadn't planned on attending the national wood-turning seminar the end of June. Plus, it looks like we may be puppy-sitting then. I guess everything works out in the long run.

Bed is calling my name, so I'm off. Sending healing energy, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, and for everyone!
26/May/15 4:49 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Almost two months into our trip and have no idea when time has gone.
Hope to get most of my comments done soon, upload of pics may take a bit longer due to internet allowance.
We are in a beautiful place that is free camping. Have a Pelican and dozens of black swans with their babies. Staying for a couple of nights, life is good.
Luv and Jugs to you all.
26/May/15 9:43 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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We are home but cannot read any comments as we had 15 minutes to change planes in KL. We made it but not our luggage and my glasses are in my case.
26/May/15 9:58 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Welcome home, June! Hopefully your things will find their way home, too.
27/May/15 2:44 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'll becalling my Doc's office in about half an hour, once they're back from lunch break. My head is getting worse steadily.
27/May/15 2:46 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I have an appointment with my Doctor at 2:30 on Friday. I expect to be referred to the ear, nose and throat surgeon. She told me before that surgery under general anesthesia is the next step.
27/May/15 6:31 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, Broni! Your location sounds wonderful! Enjoy every day!

June, welcome home! I hope your luggage will arrive home soon!

Heidi, I'm glad you'll be seeing the doctor. Hopefully, you'll soon be feeling much better!

Sending lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, healing energy, prayers, and for everyone!
27/May/15 4:47 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Luggage arrived after lunch yesterday. Put my washing in the machine but missed a tissue! I will hang it on the line today and hope much of the tissue shakes off. Hair appointment today and dentist on Monday for the bit of filling that came out while we were away.
Not feeling quite as 'floaty' today. Sleeping the right times which is good after the 24 hour flight home.
Heidi, I do hope that you get to the ENT specialist soonest. Those problems have to be fixed properly.
28/May/15 6:16 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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So glad to hear you're feeling more yourself today, June, and that your luggage has found its way home. Hopefully the laundered tissue will free itself from the clothing it attached itself to and shakes right off! (It seems like some brands of tissue do that better than others, so hoping this is one of the easier brands to deal with.)

It looks like time for bed here, so I'll say Good Night. Sending prayers, positive thoughts, healing energy, , and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for all!
28/May/15 5:02 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, good luck with your appointment on Friday. I do hope they can find something to ease your head and ear pain. It has been a long haul for you, and if surgery can do it, then it is time for that step. Wishing you great doctors and a good outcome whatever they decide.

My doc yesterday told me my ear canal looked 'raw' and continue the ear drops, since it was 'better but not resolved yet'. If it continues I get to see a ENT specialist and Medicare wants me to have a hearing test, too. Yes I have trouble hearing, but not sure I can afford hearing aids until the dust settles on my new financial situation. Why does Medicare do a screening for hearing loss, and ask your PCP to send you to an audiologist, if they are not going to pay for hearing aids?

I had pages of questionnaires to fill out, screening for depression (so funny, the answers that would get you sent to a mental health provider were marked with an asterisk) screening for fall risk, and maybe one other. OH, if you could prepare your own meals, if you could get out of bed without assistance, dress your self, did you drive or have other transportation, I forget all the questions on this. Trying to fill this out while nurse was asking questions about medications and a bunch of other things on her computer was not easy.

Not too happy with the eye doc, I waited and waited for doc after the technician did all the tests for color, acuity, pressure. i was there waiting for an hour and half, too long. Then after I saw the doc who said I had very healthy eyes, NO sign of diabetes, macular degeneration or other problems, but for the test I needed for taking paqunil, I would have to go to the eye foundation hospital, a few blocks away for a 'picture' of the layer of my eye that could possibly be damaged by the new medication I was taking. Now I TOLD the receptionist why I needed to see the doc. I do think I should have been informed then that I would need to be seen at the hospital, could have had the entire procedure done there, not in two visits, bummer. I do hope I do not have another 3 hour appointment there, come Monday.
29/May/15 12:02 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Site very slow to respond, will try again later. Sending hugs to each of you, with extras.
29/May/15 12:03 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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An awful day. When I was carrying out the laundry I hurt my back and pinched the sciatic nerve big time. Ken had to drive me to the hairdresser where I sat in agony while she cut my hair. When I went to get back in the car my leg gave way and I fell in the gutter. Ken lifted me up but I could not use my leg and fell back in the gutter again. I could not walk about for the rest of the day. I fell again in the bathroom. I felt my leg just buckle under me and felt sure something would brake. Ken had just gone out so I had to pull myself along the floor before I could get back on the bed. luckily I only injured my little toe. I took some of Ken's Panadol/codine tablets and it has felt better since I had dinner. Hope things are better tomorrow!
29/May/15 12:50 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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So sorry the eye doc was not helpful, MizT.

June, how frightening. I'm glad Ken was there to help - most of the time. Luckily you didn't have a major injury when you fell and he wasn't home. I hope this can be taken care of quickly. Will be thinking of you!

Sending healing energy, positive thoughts, , prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for each of you. Take care!
29/May/15 5:21 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Still alive. Appointment in 4 hours.
30/May/15 12:43 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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My Doc is putting me back on Cypro. The appointment with the ENT surgeon is on June 18th.
30/May/15 5:58 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

Heidi, I hope the Cypro will help. Good luck until June 18!

Sending positive thoughts, healing energy, prayers, , and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for all!
30/May/15 5:42 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Heidi, sorry that you have to wait so long for ENT. Surely it is urgent enough for an emergency appointment.
I have been doing a lot of sleeping. That was due to the strong meds but I am back on my own meds now. A few aches but the pain has gone. Still being very careful when walking about as the leg still tends to want to give away at times.
We will go and se Belinda tomorrow.
we had lamb cutlets and vegies for dinner. I did enjoy all the meals while we were away but it is nice to have some plain cooked food now we are home.
30/May/15 8:32 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi all.
I am back in Aust, and as much as I had a great time on holidays, it is so enjoyable to be home again.
Getting homesick, has always been a problem for me.
31/May/15 9:10 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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I hope the new med helps you Heidi, as you wait for the appointment. Surgery must be your next option,which is not great but sounds inevitable.
Welcome home June.
We are also looking forward to our usual meals,as
we had too many takeaways.
Mama and her family were the perfect hosts. It was awesome meeting all them, especially Angelique who is so polite and a great artist.
She will go far!
31/May/15 9:25 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

Heidi, I hope you're getting some relief with the meds!

MizT, I hope you're feeling well and rested and your garden is growing!

June, I'm glad you're feeling less pain. Hopefully you'll be able to regain confidence in your leg supporting you. Enjoy your visit to see Belinda, and enjoy being back home!

Nola, welcome home and welcome back here! I'm so glad you were able to meet up with Mama! Did you get to see and do everything you had hoped for?

It's time for me to get some rest. Sending a large supply of prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, , and healing energy for Everyone!
31/May/15 5:02 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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No improvement yet, except the ear isn't draining as much. The head still feels like it's filled with concrete.
01/Jun/15 6:39 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings to everyone! Still hoping for improvement for all who are not feeling up to par.

Sending healing energy, , positive thoughts, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to each of you!
01/Jun/15 3:20 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Busy medical day. Doc, then X-rays on back, nips and knees. Will get results of those tomorrow. Then I got the filling replaced in my tooth that I lost when away. New young dentist and he was surprised when I said I did not want an injection.
Heidi, I wish you could get your problems sorted as quickly. I am still walking very hesitantly but much better than a couple of days ago. Steps are my problem when the leg often feels week.
Where is MizT, miss her long friendly posts.
01/Jun/15 11:07 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Glad to hear that you're doing better, June!

I'll give MizT a phone call later this morning to check on her.
01/Jun/15 11:36 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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MizT and I have been texting. She was just leaving for her eye appointment. She'll check in when she gets back.
02/Jun/15 2:20 AM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Sorry - Can't help myself - Heidi, not to make light of your head feeling ''like it's filled with concrete''. But are you a hard headed woman?

Seriously, though I do wish you relief and recovery. It's long overdue.
02/Jun/15 3:47 AM
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