Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, All!

Hi, Heidi! I hope you get over your cold soon, and hope your shoulder is better! Congrats to American Pharoah!

Happy Halloween!

Sending cheerful & positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, and
01/Nov/15 5:21 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Sorry, I wasn't watching numbers. Here's a TOPP for today.

Life isn't fair, but it's still good. Life is too short-- enjoy it. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present and the future. It's OK to let your children see you cry.
Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about. If a relationship has to be secret, you shouldn't be in it.
Take a deep breath, it calms the mind. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. It's never too late to be happy. But it's all up to you and no one else. When it comes time to go after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer. Burn the nice candles, use the nice sheets, wear the nice lingerie, wear the nice clothes. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
Over prepare, then go with the flow. No one is in charge of your happiness but you. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: 'In five years will this matter?' Always choose life. Forgive but don't forget. Time heals almost everything. Give time, time. However good or bad a situation is, it will change. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
If we all threw our problems in a pile and we saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back. Envy is a waste of time. Accept what you already have, not what you need. Yield. Friends are the family we choose. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.*
~ Regina Brett (I think)
01/Nov/15 5:23 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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What a wonderful meaningful top Julie.
Last Friday I had someone come and clear out some of the rubbish in the garden. lots of fishbone fern and other weeds that had gone passed my ability to remove. looks so much better. (Still more to do!) Raining at the moment and still more to come. Will make more weeds grow but will help the garden.
We are getting our new front door tomorrow. It includes a whole new frame and side panel. The old door will fit on our store room which needs a new door. Luckily they are the same size.
01/Nov/15 8:42 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Heidi, please do something about your health. You have got yourself so run down that you are catching some bad bugs! We do worry about you.
We have our big race on Tuesday. Those living in the City of Melbourne get the day off work. Other states have Melbourne Cup parties. People who do not bet at other times will often bet on the Melb. Cup and lots of places run 'sweeps'. You put in your money and pick your horse out of a dish. All the money goes back into the prise money. At the bowling club we will have $1, $2 and $5 dollar sweeps.
We are expecting about 40 bowlers in the morning but will have about 85 there for lunch.
01/Nov/15 8:49 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I put my balloon out on Friday night and got a lot of young callers while the parents stood near the road. I often do not get any trick or treaters so I had just bought some butterscotch sweets as they were wrapped. One 5-6 year old boy asked what sort of lollies they were and when I said butterscotch he answered that 'he did not like those'. He then missed out altogether as I did not have anything else that was wrapped.
01/Nov/15 8:52 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi all,
MizT..the walking stick I have, is collapsible so it will fit into a small bag when not needed. It would be my luck to leave it on a bus or plane, because I am not used to carrying one.
The sugar cane harvest is called The crushing season. The delay was caused by the heavy rain, and then the trucks cannot get into the fields because they get bogged. How did your soup taste?
02/Nov/15 12:31 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Julie..what a lovely TOPP. Life would be perfect if we could apply it all the time.
June...enjoy the Melbourne Cup day at bowling. Do all lollies have to be wrapped now?
Mama & Heidi...both of you are having a bad run health wise. Sending you GET WELL wishes and hoping you both improve quickly.
Midge...hope your son has a great holiday.

Catch you all another day.
02/Nov/15 12:43 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just a brief visit to say hello to everyone!

Today we went to a concert given by a 17-year-old student of my cello teacher. She played very well - will be starting college next year, so good preparation for college auditions she will be doing between January and March.Then we went to dinner with my cello teacher/friend. Time now to be thinking about getting some sleep.

June, I'm glad you are getting some help to deal with all of the overgrowth in your garden. Hopefully you'll be able to enjoy the garden more!

Nola, my cello teacher showed me her collapsible cane while we were out today. It folds small enough to fit in her purse (about 8 to 10 inches long, I think, and come with a cloth carrying bag. My cane (not collapsible) has an attached cord that I can put around my wrist.

Please help yourselves to as much of the prayers, healing energy, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and as you can use! Good Night!
02/Nov/15 6:43 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Happy Monday here....not many like to say that about Mondays b/c of the return to work....but we all know that there is work to be done every Monday...Lol. Yes, feeling a tad silly today...and that's a good thing. Still a little lightheaded, but it seems to be fading somewhat....but I've not quite gotten to where I'd hope to be.
Nola...I haven't really been 'sick'...just a little under the weather and not up to par...I say this because my experience with illness and death for a couple of years after my car accident in 2012 left me with a real knowledge of what it means to be 'sick'...and aches and pains while miserably uncomfortable are not the same. I'm not sure others will agree or not since everything is subjective, but that's my take on the matter. I do appreciate the comfort of knowing others care enough about each of us thought that they are so thoughtful with the prayers for well being...again I say really does help.
Julie, I was happy to read that you and hubby had a fun evening and nice dinner afterwards instead of just running around taking care of things that include meets and record keeping...those things while important and often enjoyable need a more relaxed balance like your described evening...June, I felt the same way when reading that you'd gotten help with the weed pulling...another chore that I loved to do...NOT.
BTW ladies...the collapsible canes or those that are easily carried are great...I must look into getting one. I have an old wooden one I keep in the house and a beautiful 'dressy' one that I carry...and have problems with remembering to grab when leaving and/or having it falling all over when I know...not knowing what to do with it...and no, it doesn't have anything but its curved top to hang onto...sigh. It was a gift from my sister and I don't want to lose I'll look around...perhaps one of you can send me the name of the company that makes your and I can find it online...I enjoyed the Topp Julie...and found two of my deepest beliefs there...the one about friends being family and keeping my problems when I've seen are the rest.
I'm off to play and to keep this a happy day as best I can...May all of you find the blessings showering down and share them with others...Peace.
03/Nov/15 5:11 AM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Good morning everyone!

I haven't been here for a very long time - they are keeping me busy! I'm still doing my piano lessons (very slow going, he must get SO frustrated with me).

I've been persuaded to join the church choir - a friend wanted to join, but she needed 'back-up' so I was roped in! I've also started working in the church bookshop, which is very large - Rob says I can buy as many books I as want, as long as I get rid of the equivalent number from our shelf ... ! Not really a problem, I have books that I got when I was at Uni - most of them are totally useless now ... !

I've also been working on my Dollhouse miniatures (one twelfth-scale) I got a few things finished recently - things that I'd put on hold for ... it CAN'T be 15 years!! (OMG it has!) :O

Oh, and then my son got married! The wedding was at Montsalvat, in Eltham. Great fun - they're a bit weird, but he tells me I am too! (Moi! weird?) It was a BEAUTIFUL day - couldn't have been nicer! :D

Can't think of anything else to tell you ... Hope you are all happy and healthy - love to you all!

03/Nov/15 10:23 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Great hearing from you, Judy!!! Life sounds pretty good for you right now.

I finally think that I MIGHT live.
03/Nov/15 12:02 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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A Woman has just won the Melbourne Cup., the 1st one ever.
Go Ladies.
03/Nov/15 3:10 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends, not much going on here. I do not think I have been further out my apartment than the trash room at the end of the hall. Nothing wrong, just not exactly right, if you know what I mean. Perhaps the time change going off daylight savings time?

I did get my fairy lights in my window, that helps cheer me when days end so early now. It has also been raining, cloudy, damp, and I could not get warm. House was warm enough, it was just me, so spent a lot of time under covers, either in bed or under a fluffy throw in my recliner.

Tanya brought me 2 ore shirts and a pair of knit pants today, when she returned my clean laundry. I must either reduce the number of shirts in my cloest or buy more of the new hangers. I have run out, and hate when shirts fall off the old ones. I think reducing number of shirts once again is in order. I have been donating shirts trying to keep a constant number, not adding to them. I saw one of the residents wearing one I donated. Always loved that shirt, but now too big, sleeveless too which I no longer wear. so glad to see someone getting use from it.

I did make chicken soup this morning, with lots of veggies in it. I do enjoy having soup for lunch, easy to heat up and good nutrition without a lot of work, once it is made. Usually a pot of soup will last me q week, and I put part of it in freezer after 2 or 3 days, to keep it fresh.

Canceled an eye appointment today, I had a check up just 6 months ago, no need for another so soon, and one already set up for 6 months from now. We are checking for eye changes from a medication, checking if cataracts a re yet ready to be removed, and for glasses. I hope to get al that done with one appointment in 6 months, instead only part at a time.

Judy, glad you could drop in. sounds as if you are staying super busy, glad you found time for us. Come visit again when you can.

Mama, hope your side effects from medication soon clears up. Light headed is not good, be extra careful not to fall bedause of it, please.

Heidi, glad you are now going to live, or at least want to live. A head cold is no fun. feel better friend.

June, sounds like a lot of people will be out to bowls to celebrate the races, hope it was/is an enjoyable day.

Hope I did not forget anyone. My eyes are getting heavy, so I am off to bed. Hugs to each of you, with extras, till tomorrow.

03/Nov/15 3:59 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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No time to read. Had a long day (about 5 hours driving) to visit Sis & BIL and get hair cuts. Need to be up early for a long day ahead. Hoping all are well. Also, hope to read tomorrow!

Sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, , prayers, and healing energy for each of you!
03/Nov/15 7:36 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Nola! Just looked it up. Prince of Penzance was a 101-1 longshot, and his jockey Michelle Payne was the first woman to ever win it! What a great year worldwide for horse racing!!!!!
04/Nov/15 7:50 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Since corn is being harvested right now, I decided to change my avatar. I voted today (various state races, such as Governor), and now I'm heading back to bed.
04/Nov/15 7:53 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! Another busy day with tomorrow looking even more busy, so I need to get some sleep. Sending positive thoughts, prayers, haling energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and for everyone!
04/Nov/15 4:15 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hi all!
I'm sorry I'm so slack these days.

I have officially started 'the change'. I've been expecting it for years, since I had my oven removed. My SIL is 6 or 7 years younger than me and she started within a year of losing her oven. This is probably why I have to go into every store twice to get everything I need.

I have officially been diagnosed with PTSD. I always suspected it, but it's now official. I wish knowing that was the end instead of the beginning.

Heidi, have you heard of the Melbourne Cup? Here it's called the race that stops the nation, and it pretty much does. Even people who don't follow racing follow the cup. This year a female jockey won for the first time ever. She basically said the chauvinists who said it couldn't be done could get stuffed. A 'nice' way of saying eff off. Her horse was 100 to 1 probably because she was the jockey. Wish I'd put some money on her.

June and Nola, I use a walking stick sometimes. Usually day 2 of a big weekend. For me it's my hips. Doc says bursitis. Of course I'm not allowed to take anti-inflammatories.

05/Nov/15 12:00 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Julie, that's an amazing TOPP.

Mamacita, although there is a difference between the illness associated with an accident and general aches and pains we have all the time, the latter still suck and deserve thoughts and wishes. I think of you even when I don't post.

Judy, congratulations on your sons wedding! I've just started going through my books to get rid of most. I read on my iPad mostly these days because I don't need my glasses. I need new ones before I go back to books.

Heidi, I see you found out about the cup without me.
05/Nov/15 12:13 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Suzy, I did appreciate your discussion of the Melbourne Cup. I had heard of it before, since I correspond with aussies other than this group, but had never heard it called the race that stops the nation. Very happy for the female jockey who won, and yes, wish I had put $10 on her to win hehehe.

Tonight is the dress rehersal over at the theater next door. I want to go, if I can scrape up enough energy to get dressed and get downstairs to go with the group. It is one of the nicest perks of living here, free admission about every 2 months or more often to really great local theater. Our activities director will be in tonight's production. Jan is such a vivacious person, and love watching her act.

Still enjoying my lights in the window. It is just cheery now that dark comes earlier by the clock. Days are getting shorter enough without the change of clocks, and it always bothers me a bit, takes a while to get out of the dumps. Example, here it is 11:00, and I am still in my robe. I should get in the shower and dressed, but why??

Is anyone else having trouble getting here? I can get to the site, but to a page that is NOT SA page. It took about 5 tries before this page would open correctly for me, bummer. If I am absent for a while, that will probably be the reason. this has happened the last week or so, getting more difficult each day to get here.

Hummm, I cannot remember what I read, so I am off for now, will read it all again next visit. Hugs to each of you, with extras.

05/Nov/15 4:00 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I have no problem getting here, other than sleeping most of the time. But that's not the fault of the page.

Great seeing you here, Suzy!!!!! We DO care about you, and wish the best for you.
05/Nov/15 9:47 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi everyone.
MizT..I also had trouble getting here a day or 2 ago. I could get the Sudoku puzzle up, but not be able to get into the forum. Nothing like lights to brighten the mood.
Judy..nice to see you visiting and to hear your sons wedding was great. You must have patience doing a miniature dolls house.
Heidi and Suzy..wasn't it good to see a woman win the cup! A few, won a lot of money with those odds. Suzy...getting through menopause can be difficult and to add to that you have PTSD. I hope you soon feel on top of everything again.
Mama...the cane that June and I have was from e-bay for about 10 Australian dollars. was the bowls melb cup day?
Julie..wishing you the same, as you always wish for us.
I am off to work shortly so will catch you another day
05/Nov/15 1:22 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just time to stop in and say Hello! I WILL soon read & make comments. Thought it would be tonight, but I had to go to my cello lesson alone today, and the video recorder stopped after about 4 minutes (of a 60-minute lesson). I've spent about 3 hours at the cello and computer trying to remember everything we did and write down detailed notes. It is NOT going well.

I need to get up and moving in the morning! The blood bank called on Tuesday. There's a young leukemia patient in desperate need of white blood cells, and I was a potential donor. There goes about 3 or more hours tomorrow, but for a good cause! Please send the anonymous patient some prayers.

Suzy, it's good to see you were here! I hope all's well!

Sending LOTS of , {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, positive thoughts, and prayers for all.
05/Nov/15 5:55 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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That goes for all of when Well I'm so happy to see some of our friends have joined us recently...always lovely to be able to catch up with them....and Judy, the wedding sounds like it did leave wonderful memories with you...How special is that? Glad you are still working with the miniatures...they are absolutely fascinating....keep it going. Rob's attitude about books..wish I had someone point that out to me a long time ago...Lol. Nice to be involved in things after not being sure we could once again be live it up Girl...we're happy to see you whenever. That goes for all of post when we can and enjoy when others can and we just read. We've all been there.
Nola, thanks for letting me know where you got your folding cane...but since I've never been on eBay...I'd be like a lamb being led to slaughter.
Enjoy your lights know you have company in not liking the darkness to come as early...but since we can't change that, smart folks like you let their own lights shine...Like your busy -ness Julie, not the problems reconstructing all of the practice work you did but your blood donations are so helpful to many ...and certainly appreciated I 'm sure. Prayers for all of the recipients who benefit from folks like you. friend...not quite sure of what PTSD is that is your plight...but am sure sorry that you have to deal with it since I have some slight idea of what you mean. I understand and fully agree that aches and pains do indeed suck...BIG TIME,...I was simply trying to reassure that it was a more temporary feeling and not as severe enough to really stopping things. Glad to know though that it helps to keep others thinking about me....among other things...Lol.
Okay folks, life is life...sometimes good and sometimes rife with setbacks...but let us enjoy it as best we can and keep reaching for the gold. Peace.
06/Nov/15 3:11 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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I see that part of my post didn't make the cut...I was simply stating that I was so happy seeing and hearing from all of you and that none of us are able or feel up to posting we just do it when we can and enjoy that which others share...not sure of what else I may have mind is a sieve anymore.Peace.
06/Nov/15 3:16 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends. I woke today to grey skies and damp yucky but warm day. Far warmer than we have had in November. I wanted to open windows, but humidity is 90%, and I do not like that sticky clammy feeling humidity brings, so windows closed and AC on to occasionally send in some dryer air.

Residents of EP were treated to a fun night last night. It was Dress Rehearsal next door at the theater for the play 'Calendar Girls'. there were more who turned out for this treat than usual, both residents here and others, friends of cast members who were invited. I was having a bit of problem hearing, thought it was just because I forgot to put hearing aides back in after getting ready, but at intermission I heard many of our group saying they were having problems also. I hope it was something they could remedy before opening night tonight. Tanya came to join us last night, and I was not the only one who invited a guest. Sue's sister came with her, and new resident, can't remember her name, invited a friend. It was a lovely warm night out, even at 10:30 when we were walking (or motoring) home. Lovely night in all, so fortunate we get to do this and at no cost, can't beat that.

I have a new neighbor, but I have not yet seen her. I have seen her BIL and her sister, bringing up small things from their auto. I also saw two dogs on leash come in, I hope they belong to the sister. We are allowed one pet here, and it would be hard for her to have to give one up. She seems to like house plants, they put 6 new plants, 3 huge tree sized, into out elevator lobby. I was told by staff that is temporary, some will go into her apartment and some will be donated for use in public areas here. I did remind staff that we need room here on second floor lobby for the huge ferns that belong to EP, the ones at the front entrance. They are Boston ferns, and will not over winter outside. You might remember me talking about moving them inside last year. I am keeping a weather watch for frost or freezing temp warnings, to be sure to bring them inside again. None in the 10 day forecast, so it seems they will stay outside later this year than last year.

Happy to see Mama, Julie, Nola, Heidi, Suzy, Judy and June posting. Heidi, hope the extra sleep is helping you feel better, hope you get your health problems sorted soon. Mama, I have never ordered anything from eBay either, was totally lost when I visited the site, but I have taken ti like a fish to water.

Speaking of Amazon, Lynn phoned me yesterday, she could not access her Amazon account, and knowing how often I have used mine, she asked if I had a phone number for them. Nope, but let me look at the site, usually there is a 'contact me' section somewhere. Could not find if there was, so I asked Mr google . He found the answer first try. I will have to find out today at scrabble if customer service was able to help her get back to her account. I need to contact them myself. I want to start ordering
06/Nov/15 4:01 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Almost got the post all on one page, but here is the remainder. . . .

I want to start ordering Christmas Gifts, need to know their return policy on things ordered now but for Christmas.

OK, time to start my day. Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
06/Nov/15 4:02 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Nice to see Judy and Suzy posting with all their news.
It has been a busy, but wet, week. Our new front door was installed on Monday and then a whole day at the bowling club for the Melbourne cup. Too wet to play bowls but played a card game which gives 'bowls results', winning teams for prises etc. Then had lunch and prises for the best hats and watched the race and collected our sweep winnings if you were lucky. My horses are all still running. Ken got the winner in one of his sweeps. (In a sweep you put in your money and pick a horse out of a hat.)
I have then been preparing the door and frame for staining. Today I will sand back all the filled holes and if it is fine I will start applying the varnish.
06/Nov/15 5:43 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I bought my first walking/hiking stick in Malaysia several years ago. It has a curved handle rather than the straight up hiking stick and has a spring in the tip. It pushes up into itself till it is about 14 inches long. I bought my second one on Ebay and sent the details to Nola. They come from Hong Kong.
06/Nov/15 5:49 AM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Well greetings to everyone who stopped to chat!
Heidi, I have been told to get out and do things and I'm doing my best! The Book Shop is tempting, but I have so many things I haven't read and I'm VERY slow! I don't remember if you've read any of Terry Pratchett's books? I think you might enjoy them ... if you don't mind a bit of weirdness! :D
06/Nov/15 5:23 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! It's a pleasure to see so many posting!

Hi, Judy! I wish I could find more time for reading. It seems like our lives are busier than ever.

When I have more time, I'll tell you about the comedy of errors that turned a 2-hour white blood cell donation into an almost 9-hour ordeal. (No, I wasn't hooked up to a machine that long. The actual procedure actually took about 2 hours, once it was started. Then, before I left, I was asked if I could come back on Monday for another donation. Maybe I'm crazy, but I assume all the glitches have been taken care of and it will go more smoothly, so I said Yes.)

Heading to bed, so sending along an ample supply of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, positive thoughts, prayers, and !
06/Nov/15 5:44 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The cold is doing better, finally. But the shoulder is steadily worse. I'm gonna have to get it checked out.
07/Nov/15 3:39 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I received flowers today, just because it is Friday . Tanya brought Salmon and the makings for coleslaw for our lunch today, along with a huge armful of cut flowers. Some of everything in it: orange sunflowers, some kind of berry, carnations and mini carnations, day lilies, golden rod, and I cannot remember what else. I did not have a vase large enough to put them into without crowding, so I have two bouquets. One on the dining table and one on the sofa table. cheers up another cloudy day, with rain forecast for this afternoon, continuing for the next several days. A nice time to have flowers to cheer me.
07/Nov/15 4:49 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I hope everyone is well or at least improving!

Judy, I'm glad to hear you are continuing with piano lessons! You should be proud of yourself! I'm sure your family - and your teacher - are also proud of you. I like the idea of being able to buy as many new books as you like, as long as one leaves the house for every one brought in! A real incentive to get them read, then shared with others!

Suzy, how nice to see you have visited here, as well! I'm sorry to hear about the diagnosis of PTSD. At least you know, and perhaps symptoms will be easier to deal with because of knowing. Take care of yourself, please!

Heidi, I hope you will also take care of yourself. We are pleased that your cold is getting better, but concerned about your shoulder (especially added to your back problems). I'm so glad you are able to sleep, which should be of some help!

Nola, Mama, and MizT (and any others interested), my cello teacher just purchased a folding cane for me like the one she uses. She said it was less expensive from Amazon than she had seen at any of our chain stores (Walgreens, CVS, etc.) It comes with a fabric bag, which could be returned to your purse when not in use. Since I don't use a cane all the time, I think I would be tempted to hang it from my purse or put the drawstring handles on my wrist while sitting at a destination, so as not to forget it. The fact that it collapses and has its own bag also makes it possible to just put away in my purse when taking a break from walking. Besides not forgetting the take my cane with me when I get up and leave, another advantage is that I don't need to find someplace to stand or hang the cane when not in use. One disadvantage is that the handle is not padded.

MizT, I like your idea of hanging fairy lights this time of year when the darkness descends on us so early. It seems like my body really relies on bright lights this time of year to help me stay alert. I'm glad you were able to attend the play!

June, it sounds like a fun day at the bowls club on race day! How do you like your new front door?

Well, it must be the witching hour, as my eyelids are drooping. Take care, Everyone, and feel free to share these {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts, , and healing energy. Oh, and some too, to help brighten our days!
07/Nov/15 7:41 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Julie, I love my new front door but tonight I am very sore after filling all the small nail and screw holes, sanding back and then applying the first coat of varnish. Up and down a couple of steps of the ladder and then on a footstool for the lower parts. I will sand it back in a couple of days before it gets the second coat. I still have to cut in around the three glass panels. The old doorframe was removed so that it is more than just doing the door and side panel.
I tend to forget I am getting older when I take on these jobs.
07/Nov/15 9:28 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Another grey day, with rain and autumn leaves falling. The sidewalks are a cluttered mess. I turned on my fairy lights first thing this morning, need something cheerful on a day like today. It is still warmer than usual for November. We always have a day or two if warm weather, what is unusual is how many days in a row it is above average, and not the first cold day in between. Today and tomorrow will be cooler, what with the rain, but 60's for a high is not cold November weather by a long shot.

I need to go to pharmacy and to pick up milk in it's various forms at Aldis. Wish I had a new raincoat, have been looking for one, actually ordered one once but had to return it, buttons were too large for the button holes and far too many buttons to want to replace them all.

June, I am not surprised to hear you are sore from all the ups and downs yesterday while staining your new front door. It does sound lovely. when you say side panels, are those glass panel side lights? I like a door with side lights, adds more light to the entrance way. I hope you recover quickly from the over work. You may be older now, but you still get these things done.

Julie, I am happy for you, getting the folding cane. You are right, it is too easy to leave a cane when you are not accustomed to always having one, or if you are distracted. I hope you enjoy using it. It was very nice of your cello teacher to order it for you.

I lost a very nice hand carved one that way. I left it at the check out counter when we made a stop for petrol and soft drinks, I was in charge of getting the drinks. My hands were full, it was not but a few steps to the car, I made it fine without cane. I hope whomever 'found' it enjoys using it as much as I did. Mine now is an ugly metal thing, printed in a hounds tooth check pattern, looks very masculine. It is also adjustable for height, one tube slips up into the other, with stops to adjust at one inch increments. It was given to me, I would not have chosen one like this. Perhaps that is something to put on my Santa wish list.

Breakfast is finished, well perhaps another c up of coffee first, then off to start my day. Hugs to each of you, with extras.

08/Nov/15 3:31 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It's a cool day today. Possible frost tonight. I'm off to Elizabethtown (1/2 hour north) to Barnes and Noble Book Store. A dear friend is having a book signing for his latest & greatest book. He's referring to it as his life's work. I have to get a signed copy.
This evening is our annual Lions Club fundraiser. I have to be there to take money, and I feel bad that I haven't been able to work harder on it over the past 1-2 weeks.
08/Nov/15 4:25 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, Fellow Sudokuaholics!

June, your new door has developed into quite a project for you. I'm glad you can take a couple of days to rest and recover before the next coat of varnish. I'm sure it will be beautiful when it is finished, and certainly worth the effort and sore muscles!

MizT, it sounds like you have a couple of items to put on your list for Santa, if he can take VERY specific requests. A new raincoat and a just-right feminine cane might be good suggestions.

Heidi, I hope you enjoyed the book signing! How wonderful to have a very special friend who is an author, apparently several times over! If I were you, I wouldn't worry too much about not being able to work harder on the Lions Club fundraiser. You have done far more than your share other years. I hope it goes well!

It's time to head to bed here. May each of you have a wonderful day! Sending , healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, and positive thoughts.
08/Nov/15 6:45 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
Check out my page
It ended up being a fairly successful event. We didn't make as much as last year, but we made a decent proffit.... hopefully enough to cover our expenses for the next year.
09/Nov/15 4:33 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
Check out my page
Hi, Friends!

Congratulations, Heidi & your Lions Club friends! It's always good to be able to cover the annual expenses before incurring them!

Sending healing energy, , positive thoughts, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for all!
09/Nov/15 6:34 PM
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