Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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The last few days I have not been lucky enough to even see an elephant close up. Staff can zoom in and follow the elephants on screen as time allows, but the sanctuary has received 2 new elephants a bit over a week ago, and that always takes a lot of time, so not enough eyes on the cameras for us. this sanctuary is a wonderful place, no elephant, even the new ones, are forced to do anything. They are asked to do some few things, like exit the trailer they were transported in, but if it takes them an hour or two to decide to exit, the staff waits patiently for them. Positive behavior is rewarded, They are enticed with treats, but no behavior is ever punished. there are 2700 acres of land for the elephants to roam, swim, browse, graze. they are not trained to come to the barn for meals. If they are away from the barn at feeding time, their 'groceries' are delivered to their location. The elephants are not on display, other than the ele cameras. I have so enjoyed reading about each of the elephants, about how they run the place, and even after 2 weeks I have not read everything on this large website. take a peek if you have time.

Time for my breakfast, and to find something to do this dull rainy day. I had planned to grocery shop, but think I shall postpone that till tomorrow. I do not even see a large section of light rain today, long enough to get to grocery and home. I dislike driving in the rain, I do not have to drive in the rain, so I will wait.

Hugs to each of you, till later.
19/Nov/15 2:06 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We've got that same rain here, MizT. It's coming down in buckets. We got the horses trimmed, but nobody escaped total saturation. We work in the barn, but the rain even penetrates the raincoats just getting out there.
19/Nov/15 3:41 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hello everyone.
I hope you are all well and happy but I haven't read the posts. On my way out to the twin girls Christmas concert at school.
I picked up our holiday itinerary/flights etc and the terror plots have put a bit of a damper on my carefree holiday mood. Oh well, they wont stop us travelling. Gotta go
19/Nov/15 5:57 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I hope everyone is well or improving! I really need to find a way to visit here a bit earlier each day.

Suzy, so sorry to hear about skin cancer. I completely understand the way you feel, as I am still not satisfied with my nose, even after almost 1 1/2 years. (Family and friends say they don't see a problem, and they're not just saying that to make me feel good.) Prior to the procedure, I couldn't understand why they might consider sending me directly to a plastic surgeon immediately afterwards and have the plastic surgeon close. The alternative to removal, however, is not much to be desired. If it's BCC, my doctor says it's like an iceberg, with much or most of it growing under the skin. It can be a bit of a surprise when we patients see how much might need to be removed. It doesn't really matter. We need to trust, if we can.

MizT and Heidi, I hope the rain soon leaves your area and you get a peek at the sun soon.

Heidi, enjoy your IH-free days!

MizT, I will try to remember to enjoy the elephant camera site. I have only been there once, but wasn't able to see any of the elephants.

Nola, I'm glad you are determined to enjoy your travels to our shores in December. I hope you have a wonderful time! I imagine the girls' Christmas was wonderful!

Speaking of time, it's time for me to get some sleep. Sending lots of , positive thoughts, prayers, healing energy and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}!
19/Nov/15 7:49 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Nola, enjoy your trip. I think you have more chance of being killed by a cow than a terrorist. I read that somewhere and they showed the stats. Alie is travelling soon and I'm worried about a lot of things, just not terrorists.

Heidi, glad to hear you are feeling well.

MizT,mother elephant sanctuary sounds amazing!

Julie, I am having a plastic surgeon remove the skin cancers. One is definitely a BCC., the other hasn't been biopsied yet.
19/Nov/15 9:26 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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By the way this males 12. 9 BCCs, 2SCCs and 1TBD.
19/Nov/15 9:27 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Suzy, we may be tied for who has most skin cancers. I think I lost count at 12. My family was so careful of us growing up, no sun mid day. We were required to be in deep shade for about 4 hours mid day on vacations, could not go to the neighborhood pool during those times when at home. We were all fair skin, burned easily, and father did not want to hear our complaints if sunburned. I am thankful for that now, cannot imagine how much worse my count would be if we had been exposed to more sun. Good luck with your surgeries, I hope the results are better than you expect.

Julie, yesterday afternoon, I saw more elephants at one time than I have so far. there were 3 shown by each camera, at the same time. In one habitat, staff was bringing food to the fence line near the elephants, so they stood eagerly eating. It was so fun seeing them again. It had been days since I had seen them last.

Suzy, I do think the sanctuary is an amazing place. I just happened upon a link on FB and found them. I do wish I could afford to support them financially, some of their past lives have been so tragic, they deserve to live out their lives as free as possible for captive animals.

I woke today and was a bit disoriented, it was so dark, and I was sure the rain from yesterday was gone. Looked out the window and we have dense fog, it looks like night outside. Fog is a bit spooky looking for me.

Dern, forecast for weekend is for a light freeze. I must get the ferns inside, and no place to put them now since so many 0plants have been added to our lobby. Drats!

Well, even though it is morning, it is still early morn. I think I shall go back to bed for another hour or two. I must postpone grocery shopping again today, we have a birthday party early afternoon, and scrabble late afternoon, it is too foggy to drive this morning for another 3 hours or so. that leaves not enough time to get it done and to rest between events today. good thing I am not out of everything, still plenty to eat in freezer and pantry.

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.

19/Nov/15 11:33 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Yeah, Tanya is going to pick up the few things I most needed grocery. I will have something to eat and not have to shop, win win.

Nothing to see on the ele cam at the moment, but I think I missed 2 of the elephants in the pond earlier. Camera was focused on the empty pond, and the names of the 2 who most enjoy the water were listed. I think they finished their swim and wandered off, that is something they can do. No schedule for them. It would need someone on the cameras/computer all day to keep up with their movements.

I did go back to sleep this morning at 7 am, and slept for 4 more hours! I was still asleep when Tanya came, she found me without my glasses, still in my gown, asleep in my chair. I got up at 9 am for meds and something to drink, sat down in my chair, thinking I was up for the day and fell back sound asleep. Must have needed it.

Not sure if I shall go to the birthday party or not. they serve foods I should not eat, but will at least eat cake if i go down. No will power when it comes to birthday cake hehehe. They are bringing musicians with them to sign for us and to do some sing along, that would be good. We will see.

More hugs, till later.
20/Nov/15 6:05 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Good morning everyone - nice to see the usual crowd here this morning.
Nola - have a great trip, obviously overseas and I agree with Suzy - don't let the terrorists ruin your enjoyment for one second - that is their aim, to strike fear into our hearts.
Tricia - that elephant site sounds interesting, I might have a look.
Hello to Heidi - hope that rain clears soon. Heatwaves and bushfires across a lot of Australia this week. Our area has been spared the worst of it.
Love to all
20/Nov/15 1:50 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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MizT..... I just checked out the Elephant Sanctuary. Thank you! I got to see an old friend! I knew Winki many years ago when I worked at the zoo she came from.
I read the story about her past. They didn't get it quite right. We had horrible problems with the general public being able to get too near her, and torturing her with sharpened sticks. The elephant facilities were awful, and we all knew it. We'd been trying for years to get new facilities built, but the zoo belonged to the city and they didn't want to spend any money on a new, humane, elephant home. It wasn't until an unattended toddler squeezed through the bars and was stepped on, and killed, by an agitated Winkie that they finally agreed to build a larger, moated elephant yard and house. But that was too late for Winkie. The moronic public was screaming to have her destroyed, so she was snuck out of the zoo and sent to the sanctuary in the middle of the night. There wasn't a mean bone in her body, and she was treated gently by her keeper, Henry. I'm so glad this sanctuary is not open to the public. They can be, and often are, hideously cruel to animals in captivity. I saw too much of that at the zoo. WAY too much.
20/Nov/15 2:02 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, so glad you got to view an old friend on Nice to know the whole story about her. the staff said they often do not know everything about the history of the elephants. Were you working there when she left the zoo? Did you meet any of the founders of the sanctuary who come to escort the elephants?

I too am so glad no visitors are allowed. Even people who volunteer on work days a few times a year do not necessarily get to see an elephant. One volunteer told of his experience. They were painting fences when one of the elephants was seen approaching, on her way back to the barn. All the volunteers had to step back from the fence, and remain dead still and silent until she was well passed. They felt so lucky to be the only ones that day to see an elephant. I think watching the ele cam and seeing the videos posted both on and their YouTube page is wonderful way to view elephants.
20/Nov/15 2:12 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Yes, I was working there when she left the zoo. Though I didn't work with the elephants, I did get to bathe her once. That was a few days before she was moved to Tennessee.
20/Nov/15 3:30 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I worked the 8 am to 5 pm shift. She was moved at night, so I didn't get to meet anyone. We weren't told where the sanctuary was that she went to. The Director, who was really fond of Winkie, didn't want anyone knowing where she went for her protection.
20/Nov/15 3:33 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just dropping by to say hello - earlier than many nights, but the alarm is set for 5:30, so I had best get to bed!

Sending lots of prayers, positive thoughts, healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and

So sorry to have missed everyone!
20/Nov/15 5:53 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, how exciting that you got to bathe Winkie. I cannot imagine bathing an elephant, big job Did you find the sanctuary YouTube page? There are a lot of videos there, some of Winkie, you could see her again doing more interesting things than you routinely find on the ele cams. It is just luck if you find them doing cool stuff in real time. I think I said on Wednesday I was lucky enough to see 9 elephants at one time, 3 each on each of the 3 web cameras. That after days of seeing no one.

I got permission to being ferns into the building first floor for a couple of nights. It will actually be 3 nights, but staff will only be here one day to see them. Others will come into other areas also, I have done this before with no problems voiced. Staff and residents both enjoy the plants so much.

tomorrow I shall have to cut coleus, and bring in to root. Their containers are much too big to bring inside. Sometimes coleus last all winter and go back outside spring, sometimes they do not, but they are enjoyable when they do.

Lots to do today, so hugs to each of you till later.
21/Nov/15 6:03 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I am a little confused about their dates, though. Winkie left the Vilas Zoo in mid-1978. They state that she left in 2000. We were told that she probably went to a sanctuary in Oregon. She's in Tennessee now.
I'll look up the sanctuary on YouTube later.
21/Nov/15 8:40 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings to all! Hopefully, everyone has had a pleasant day/afternoon/evening/night depending on your location. It's off to bed for me, so sending the usual supply of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, prayers, positive thoughts, and !
21/Nov/15 6:20 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Hi Everyone...What a great read I've had seeing so many who were able to drop by....Sorry that I missed you but hope to catch up next time it happens.
Susie, sorry to hear about those demons of cancer that keep popping up, but be glad that they have thus far been successfully controlled or eradicated and you are here to tell us about them...Same goes for you Tricia...two of my favorite survivors of that horrid disease.
I have been too busy reading to look for the elephant cam, but am glad those of you watching it have found it fun. I think the other link provided might be more to my liking and seeing those amazing elephants.I'd rejoice if people were not so cruel and I too would love to support organizations that offer protection to animals at a high's so important.
Nola, glad you will not allow fear to stop you from enjoying life and Cynthia, thanks for once again reminding us that we must not fall for the goals of instilling the fears that all terrorize want us to have.
Heidi, I do hope that you and others are feeling much better and continue to feel good...I too am in that space for now.
Enjoy what's left of the weekend and each and every day we are blessed to have...May the sun shine upon us in abundance. Peace.
22/Nov/15 4:42 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, the Sanctuary in Tn did not open until 1995. If your Winkie left the zoo in 1978, she did not go to this sanctuary. Now I am really confused. Is that perhaps a typo on when she left the zoo?

I do not see any elephants on the ele cam today. Is it colder in Tennessee and they are happy in the barn? Or fewer staff weekends and no one is following them and pointing camera at them?

I brought a lot of plants into the building today, gave several to various residents to overwinter, too. Now forecast say 33 for a low tonight, but only a high of 43 tomorrow, when it is a lovely fall day today, temp of 68. That is going to be a big difference tomorrow. I am glad I got everything moved today and not out in the cold tomorrow. besides, I do not trust the forecast that much,with just one degree above freezing.

Hurt my back with the doing, but must wait for meds, think I will wait in bed.

Hugs for each of you, with extras, till later.
22/Nov/15 7:12 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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After Winkie left the zoo in '78, the zoo did get another Asian elephant. If I remember, she was named Winkie II. Since the Vilas Zoo no longer has elephants, this may be Winkie II. She was introduced as a just-under half grown youngster while I was there, and was housed in the new moated enclosure, safe from the public. She had toys there to keep from getting too bored, and Herbie (the elephant keeper... I don't know why I called him Henry) taught her a few commands to make trimming her nails, checking teeth and bathing her easier. This elephant had NO traumatic events that I know about. The more I think about it, the more I think that THIS is the elephant in Tennessee.
22/Nov/15 8:10 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm starting to think my memory is faulty when it comes to the elephants. As I said, I didn't work with them, so I may be a bit confused. The info on Winkie's history doesn't jibe with my memory.
22/Nov/15 8:38 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, that makes more sense, there being a second Winkie. Tomorrow I will check her age and see if that fits in better with what you remember.

It is getting colder and colder. I had a nice phone call this evening. One of our residents, Steffie, called to see if I was OK, make sure I was not sick, because she did not see the plants covered in the garden. Most people here do not know the difference in a frost where I can protect the plants with a covering, and a hard freeze, this time 8 hours below 32 degrees, where covering will not help. But it was very sweet of her to check on me, I think. AND I explained the difference to her, too.

We lost another resident today. Shannon called me looking for a phone number of a resident that was good friends with the deceased, it was not in her phone (mine is), so I learned about Jeanie's passing first thing. RIP Jeanie. They said it was a massive stroke, so fast she did not feel a thing. there are worse ways to go.

BTW, the half hour rest in bed, then meds did the trick with my back. I think it was just tired and not injured, to have recovered that quickly.

Bedtime here, more hugs.
22/Nov/15 3:12 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi & Good LATE Evening!

It's good to see so many posts in the last couple of days! My apologies for brief greetings - just much to do and so little time. As a partial explanation, the music I am learning for my lessons AND string 'orchestra' AND quartet are ALL very difficult for me. I don't remember ever having everything be so challenging all at once. Combine that with my slower fingers and attempts at near perfection, and you can probably sense my frustration. I immediately told everyone at quartet this week that I had to make a disclaimer. It was not that I hadn't practiced, but just that so much of what I am playing/attemptiing to play right now is very difficult. I keep trying to find easier fingerings, so the actual practicing I have done may not be of much help the next day, when I change the fingerings again. I'm still happy to be practicing and playing, but frustrated with my current lack of progress, though I've been reassured that it is common for students of all ages.

Take care, everyone! Feel free to share the , {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, positive thoughts, and prayers I'm sending!
22/Nov/15 6:04 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Apologies as I think it is about a week since I checked in. A busy week. The door now has three coats of varnish with one more to go. I have to do it when I know I will be home for at least 4 hours after I have put on the varnish and stay near the front of the house. I have to have the door open1
I played bowls on Tuesday and we won. Wednesday was a Harbour cruise with workmates , some from over 59 years ago. A hot day but lovely on the water. Sydney Harbour is beautiful on a bright sunny day. Thursday was shopping and Friday at 41*c was out to lunch and then resting under the AC when I got home. Saturday was 20*c. What a difference so I was able to give the door another coat.
22/Nov/15 9:50 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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We had presentation night at the Bowling Club tonight and the meal was Lasagne and later some pizza. I think there was too much capsicum an the pizza and it is going straight through.
I now have Belinda's dog Minnie. Belinda is in Adelaide for the week for the Pacific School games. She is manager of the boys softball.
22/Nov/15 9:59 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Another 'Christmas lunch' tomorrow. A lovely restaurant overlooking some water.
I have also been making sago plum puddings (3) for our Christmas lunch at the club on 15 Dec. I still have to make one more. I then have to make our own traditional Christmas pud.
I have read all your posts. Enjoy your peaceful time Heidi.
go easy shifting plants Tricia. Glad you are enjoying the elephants.
Julie, thank you for telling us about yourself and your striving for perfection. I do admire you for your efforts to learn a new musical instrument as you are getting older.(according to my notes you are about 10 years younger than me!)
I am off to bed. I may have to get up in the night to take the dog out!
Cheers to all, especially those I did not mention.
22/Nov/15 10:08 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hello everyone.
Just such a busy time that I can hardly keep up.
We have been to school concerts (more to come), had accreditation at work, helping Renae pack as they have their home up for sale, and usual work.
Greg is going to Taree soon to bring his Dad here for a break while Paul and I are away.
Paul is in Tasmania organizing slashing of his block for the upcoming fire season.
Gregs sister is doing well now after having a thyroid op and radiation. With such a big family, there is always something going on.
2 weeks tomorrow and we start our around the world trip. We will be in NY New Year and hope to make our way down to Philly after the 3rd Jan.
In NY 29TH -3rd. Our trip there is up to us and nothing planned so we can do whatever. Train, bus, drive depends on the weather, but count on us being in Philly 5th January.
Getting excited now.
Take care everyone!
22/Nov/15 11:06 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Julie, thanks for letting us know what is keeping you so very busy. I am glad you are still enjoying your lessons, but sad to hear you have hit a difficult patch now. Is it the music is so much more advanced than what you have previously played? Or just a plateau in the learning curve for you? I do wish for you continued pleasure and an easier go if it soon.

June, We have occasionally had temps of 105, that is somewhere near your 42C, so I know the need for resting in the AC room after being out. How high was your humidity the day of those temps? For us, humidity is usually very high, 90% or more with extreme heat, breathing is like being in a steam room, walking outside is like walking into a wet hot sponge. I did visit friends in the south west US during one of thier heat waves with highs of 110, but much lower humidity. That heat and low humidity tried to pull all the liquid from your body. It was very difficult to drink enough to keep hydrated. Neither very high or very low humidity is good with extreme heat. Which do you have? And how much does it cool down at night during your heat wave? I am so glad your temps dropped. that big a drop is unheard of here, our temps would stay high for days, then gradually drop to high 90's. If you have not noticed, I am a fan of weather, enjoy studying about it, try to keep up with what it is doing. So thanks for allowing me to ask about your weather.

Nola, how long will you be traveling? It seems from what you just wrote it is over a month? Perhaps even longer? I wish you good weather for driving to Philly, but some snow well before or after. Would be a shame to visit NY and not see it snow covered

I am so glad I moved plants yesterday. Weather forecasters missed, it was below freezing for about 3 hours last night. I have not yet gone down to see the plants, cause it is still cold out and I am moving slowly today. MUST be off to the grocery very soon, while it is as warm as it will be today. I will glance at plants then. Tonight forecast is for over 8 hours of below freezing temps, sad to see the plants go, but after all it is the latter part of November. Often the first killing freeze is in late October. Occasionally it is as late as January.

I hope I can manage to buy some more pansies while I am out today. I have 2 empty containers now, cause I dug up and potted some geraniums into smaller containers to bring inside.

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.

23/Nov/15 4:04 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The temperature is down to 24˚F/ -4.4˚C, and falling.I just fuinished walking around the farm and disconnecting all the water hydrants, to prevent frost damage. Gil will be home in about 14 hours. Oh, well. it was relaxing while it lasted.
23/Nov/15 2:24 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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MizT, June is a few hours north of me but the cooling was probably the same thing we had here. A Southerly wind came through which dropped temps 10C (18F?) in 6 minutes. It was down another 7 within 30 minutes total. Of course it took a little longer to cool the house with open doors and windows.
23/Nov/15 3:47 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Meant to say that heat can hang around here too and we dream about southerly changes. Unless there are fires, then we wish for no wind at all.
23/Nov/15 3:48 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just a quick hello! Sorry to have missed Mama, June, Nola, MizT, Heidi, and Suzy.

Heading to bed, as the alarm will wake me too soon. Sending lots of positive thoughts, prayers, healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
23/Nov/15 6:42 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Gil will be home any minute. Oh, well.
24/Nov/15 5:00 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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He's baaaaaaack.
24/Nov/15 7:05 AM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Heidi isn't the time alone wonderful. I am enjoying my time with only son 2 at home. The past couple of weeks have been very busy. My sister had an emergency spinal fusion and is now on the mend. Came home yesterday from rehab with partial use of her arms and hands so things are looking up. We are very busy at work with customers all wanting their deliveries before Christmas closure and as usual, the shipping cos. are delaying their arrivals - seems to happen every year no matter how well we plan ahead of time. Speaking to cranky people is not my forte - I feel like telling them all to get a life. Also trying to deal with an infestation of termites. Have had a quote for $3,500 so far - great time of year for this to happen. Enough of my crankiness, hope all are well. Cheers.
24/Nov/15 10:04 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

Heidi, I'm sorry your reprieve didn't last longer, but know you well enough to know you will survive his return.

Midge, I can understand how much you might enjoy having just your S#2 at home! I wish your customers could be more understanding and less demanding! Yikes on the termites - and the cost to deal with them. Hoping a more reasonably priced solution can be found - or is that a reasonable quote? Crossing fingers for better news!

Sending much , {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, prayers, and positive thoughts for everyone, whether I have mentioned you or not. Good Night.
24/Nov/15 6:24 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Busy busy morning so far, and will continue. I am taking a well earned break, 5 minuets only, before dressing for the Thanksgiving service and lunch.

So far this morning I have taken about a dozen potted plants back outside, swept up 3 areas where they had shed some leaves. Did you know sweeping is very much like the 'spot on the wall'? Once you start there is no stooping place.

I went down to kitchen to bed a nice serving tray for the chocolate chip brownies Tanya had made for us. the invitation to lunch asked, as usual, that residents bring a desert to share. Not everyone does, but if they did, we would have way to many deserts . Some purchase a nice desert, some bake, and some like me get a daughter or housekeeper to bake for them.

Weather forecast was off each of the last 3 nights. Our coldest night was forecast to be Saturday night, at my location it did not go below freezing. Last night was forecast to be just above, it was just below freezing. But it has warmed up quickly, a lovely fall day, air risp, sun warm, sky the bluest of blues.

Did I say I bought more pansies yesterday? Tanya and i went out after our shared lunch, I had made salmon patties and veg to go with, good. I found some ornamental Kale, ruffeled edged and 6 of the 9 plants are tinged with purple. We hope to put those into the ground out at the alley/parking lot garden spot, that and some pansies too. It is a nice sunny spot mid day, I hope they will do well there. I also yesterday planted 2 containers with yellow and mahogany pansies. they had previously contained petunias. I had the best time both yesterday afternoon and again this morning, being outside working when the temps were ideal for garden work, cool but not cold.

OK, time to press my pants and shawl, they do get wrinkled hanging, then get dressed. I hope my hair does better, it has not been behaving lately. Tanya diagnosed it as needing to strip all the residue of styling gel and hair spray. It feels better after that special shampoo, now to see if it will hold curl.

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.

25/Nov/15 3:55 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Lions Club meeting tonight. I got to present my treasurer's report on the fundraiser earlier this month. Everyone was very pleased that we almost doubled our treasury. We're starting to work on plans to provide free eye exams for children (and maybe adults) at the weekly free food and clothing bank we (this community) have. About 150 families are taken care of each week. (fresh fruit, veggies and meats are given out along with canned and boxed foods.) The aim is to have the equipment here during spring break so parents can bring all their kids along.
25/Nov/15 4:14 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Friends! Hello to MizT and Heidi!

You have been busy, MizT! I hope you enjoyed the Thanksgiving service and lunch!

Heidi, congrats on doubling the Lions club treasury. It's always a pleasure knowing you can fund charitable events! (We know that from our Woodturners club, as well!)

Sending lots of prayers, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}}, healing energy, and for each of you!
25/Nov/15 6:40 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, our local Lions a Club does a kids day out thing every January. They fingerprint kids, parents get to keep the card, and do preliminary eye exams. They really only identify whether or not the kids need a proper exam and glasses. Our national health covers the proper exam, but not glasses.

That's on top of the rides, food and entertainment. Alie was part of the entertainment a couple of times.
25/Nov/15 8:05 PM
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