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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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Alabama, USA
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Thanksgiving lunch was good here at EP. The service before was nice also. One funny, I saw the back of this gentleman sitting at next table, dressed in a suit and tie, wondered who that was. When our director asked who was at Thanksgiving lunch for first time, he raised his hand. Hummm, did another new resident move it that I had not yet met? He later turned around toward our table, and it was Dave! Had never seen him in a suit and tie, and indeed he was the only one so dressed today hehehe. It threw me off him raising his hand for this being his first Thanksgiving meal with us, then I remembered, he was living at EP last year, but just past his knee surgery, and he did not come down to lunch with us last year.
The sweets table groaned under the weight of all the deserts. So many that each plate held two different deserts and even then there were leftovers. So much good food, I came home and had a nice nap in my chair. Later when I went down to water all the containers, there were no residents at activities, first floor was very quite. I think most everyone went home for a nap after all that good food
My sweet potatoes are baked, a good start on my contribution to Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow. I want to finish that and make soup for my lunches for the next week. So easy to get all my good veggies when in a bowl of soup.
Weather looks lovely again today, sunny, temps warmer than norm. I should schedule in some time outside while this weather holds, really enjoyed being outside so much yesterday. I have plans to plant some pansies and ornamental Kale in the ground tomorrow. Well, oversee the planting, still to difficult for me to get down to plant in the ground. Tanya is to come over and do the planting for me.
Another funny. Monday we had no hot water in building 2. When talking with one of the residents, of course that subject came up. Susan said she had a sink full of dirty dishes awaiting hot water to be restored. I said Tanya had heated water in the kettle to wash up our dishes after our shared lunch. Susan asked, 'Where can I get one of those?' A Kettle?? 'No, a Tanya!' hehehe
Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
26/Nov/15 3:13 AM
Magnolia, KY
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The shoulder is killing me. After Thanksgiving, I WILL go to the doctor. Promise.
26/Nov/15 1:47 PM
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I feel your pain Heidi. I have so many aches and pains I ignore new ones. Met my friends for coffee last weekend and they were all over it. What's wrong, what happened.. And they wouldn't let it go. I lied and said I was going this week. I went to the doc, but not about my shoulder. Hubby didn't even notice until I told him what my coffee mates did.
26/Nov/15 6:48 PM
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Just a quick Hello to Everyone!
Mitt, so glad the Thanksgiving serving and lunch were a success!
Heidi, I hope the doctor can provide some relief.
Suzy, sounds like you need to revisit the doctor and share all of your concerns.
Time to head to bed, so here are today's {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts,
, healing energy, and prayers!
26/Nov/15 7:17 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Pumpkin pie is in the oven
, and once it comes out, the turkey goes in
. Sides will be stuffing, mashed red skinned potatoes, gravy, steamed broccoli and cranberry relish. I won't have to cook anything tomorrow. Which is good, because I think I'll be heading to the ER tonight or tomorrow. The shoulder is now getting worse by the hour. The pain is worse than the back.
27/Nov/15 4:55 AM
Magnolia, KY
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The turkey is stuffed and in the oven.
27/Nov/15 6:08 AM
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Good morning everyone. Hope you've all had a great Holiday. :)
27/Nov/15 9:12 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Tryptophan coma starting......
27/Nov/15 10:43 AM
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Happy Thanksgiving topsiders.
27/Nov/15 2:03 PM
Alabama, USA
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What a lovely day today was. I did not get a final count at lunch, but I think about 22. It is a good thing that Greg and Jody have a long dining area, can put up an extra table, plus another in the living area. Don't think I mentioned this year, but G and J live in a dome house, actually 2 domes connected by a foyer.
We had 3 littles present today. Vincent, my great nephew, is now 2, and chattering away, but not everyone can understand him yet. I wish I had more time to be with him. My sis, V's grandma, asked me if I could understand him yet. I started paying attention, yep, I could make out sentences. Sis remembered that I most usually could understand this first chatter of little ones I am around about a month before family can understand them. I predict V will be talking in paragraphs understandable to all by early January. It was amusing watching him with the 2 others. He has grown up with adults, not around children, and did not understand the concept of sharing. Once when he was told he must share, he stopped, looked around the room, spied his older brother's rubic cube and said, 'I will get this' That was the first of his sentences I understood today hehehe.
So very much food, plenty of leftovers to share. Jody had found 'take away' Styrofoam plates at the dollar store, so we each were invited to make a plate or two for tomorrow. No way any of it needed tonight. I came home, sat in my recliner and again fell fast asleep for a couple of hours.
yesterday afternoon, I had about 6 hours of unrelieved pain, nothing I tried worked. Asked my sis who also has fibromyalgia if she had hurt yesterday, she had and at the same time as me. No idea of the cause, no weather change, no drop in pressure, none of the things we usually associate with our aches and pains.
Posting this before I loose it, more later.
27/Nov/15 4:19 PM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I hope you can get to the doc and they can find a cause and more important, some relief from that shoulder pain. Do let us know how it goes, please.
Judy, Suzy, thanksgiving was a total success for my family. thank you for the good wishes for us.
Tomorrow is forecast for another great autumn day. Temps are higher than usual, and I am enjoying every one of them. In fact of the next 10 days, 8 are forecast to stay unseasonably warm. If Tanya and I both are recovered from today, we hope to plant some pansies and ornamental kale. I am so glad I took plants in over last weekend, if forecast holds, we get at least 2 extra weeks of enjoying the blooms of begonias, and geraniums mixed in with pansies and mums.
Time to try the bed, I did not think I would be sleepy so soon after the long afternoon nap, but eyes are getting heavy once again. Hope each of you has a wonderful day/night. Hugs to each of you with extras.
27/Nov/15 4:27 PM
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Hi, Heidi, Judy, Suzy, and MizT! Hello to all our other Sudokuaholic Friends!
Judy and Suzy, thank you for your Thanksgiving wishes!
Heidi, your Thanksgiving dinner sounds wonderful! Unfortunately, it seems your shoulder has paid a price for all your preparations. I hope you can get in to see a doctor/ER soon, and a diagnosis that provides some quick relief is forthcoming!
MizT, what a wonderful gathering you had with many relatives & friends and enough good food to have an additional meal or two tomorrow!
We went to a restaurant with D#2, SIL, and his mom (visiting from Texas). It was a good meal, with no cleanup afterwards, but no leftovers. It's a small price to pay.
Cyber {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers, healing energy, and
are coming your way! Good Night!
27/Nov/15 7:02 PM
Mamacita 2
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Happy Black Friday to the topsiders...for everyone else...this is a crazy day and it use to be worse in a way...the official start to Christmas shopping, stores said everything was being discounted to an extremely low price right after Thanksgiving (not always a true fact) and many went shopping to get the bargains... this ended up in chaos far too often and now they have supposedly made changes for the better...Since I never took part, I'll watch and see if it's any real difference.
I have finished my shopping for the kids....this year it's time to add some great new books for all and I had a great time selecting those that I think will be enjoyed..sure hope so anyway. No toys are on my list anymore...yay!!!
Thanks for the good wishes for Thanksgiving...but they didn't work out quite as I'd hoped for me...a sinus infection made me feel crappy so I stayed away from the family fun and frolic and ate leftovers...however, I was provided with lots of goodies that will be enjoyed tonight as well as phone calls and get well calls so all not lost. I'm just aware that my COPD has entered a new stage and is causing me to feel crappy. I'm not going to let in stop me completely without a good fight to enjoy as much as I can so it can just take a seat..Lol.
Glad to hear that the holidays were enjoyed here and that those of you who are on the other side of the world continue to live and reach out to the set an example for all. Heidi...good luck and reduced pain for that shoulder...Hard to even think how badly it hurts when you compare it to your back.... Tricia, glad the weather is helping you avoid the demise of the flowers for awhile longer..wonderful. Julie, I've often thought it was smart for those with smaller families to get together at a great restaurant on holidays...but was discouraged since it meant others had to work...did the wait staff seem resigned? okay? or in any way show that they wanted to be home with their families? I know they really couldn't show deep feelings but wondered if wishfulness was on display.'s okay to acknowledge your pain even when you have so much, when, like you, you are not allowing it to control you...Hang in there girl...and I hope you have time in between to notice an occasional let up of those pains.
Well, ladies, I've just about run out of thinks to talk about since so little of real interest is going on, so I'll send you my best and pray each of you have a great day/night where you hang your hat. Peace.
28/Nov/15 1:57 AM
Alabama, USA
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Very warm and sunny day today. We did get the area planted as I wanted. I just hope it gets enough morning sun for the plants to hang in there. I did notice that by noon, the sun had already dipped behind the building behind us. Urban gardening can be tough.
When Tanya did grocery shopping earlier, we were not sure we would be going to my nephew's house for dinner Thanksgiving, so she had bought a duck in case she needed to do a Thanksgiving dinner. She brought it today, roast duck with veggies, and it was yummy. My fridge may be a bit noisy now, it has chicken soup, a turkey carcus for boiling and making soup and now leftover duck. Cluck, Quack, squawk hehehe.
HEIDI, today at scrabble, Mary had made 196 points with her first 2 words. No way we could catch up with her after that! I was tempted to toss the board calling earthquake hehehe.
I have plants left over, will do another container tomorrow, but I had done enough digging in the dirt for today. I am still tired, did not know being a supervisor could be so tiring hehehe.
I wonder if the elephants in the sanctuary got extra treats for Thanksgiving??
Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
28/Nov/15 10:32 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I am impressed, MizT! THAT is a phenomenal score. Yep, a flashback to the earthquake episode. For those who don't know the story, I was playing Scrabble once with my late friend Helene, and I scored 176 points on one word (including the 50 extra points I got after Helene challenged my word and lost). Suddenly, Helene picked up the board, threw it across the room and shouted ''EARTHQUAKE!!!''. I think it particularly flustered her because she used to teach English.
28/Nov/15 2:16 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Haven't been to the Doc or ER yet. The shoulder wasn't as bad today.
28/Nov/15 2:17 PM
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Greetings and 'Happy Black Friday' to all. We celebrated and saved money by staying at home today.
Mama, at dinner yesterday, when we tried to ease the workload a bit for our servers (such as gathering plates or glasses we were finished with) our server said, 'Please, I want to keep my job.' It was partially in a joking manner, but he seemed intent on truly serving us. The wait staff we were directly involved with seemed truly glad to be working. We tried to make their work pleasant and tipped them well. We ate early enough that they probably were able to gather with their families for a late dinner.
Mitt, you certainly do a lot to help make your building homey for the other residents! Mary sounds like a formidable opponent for Scrabble!
Heidi, I hope your shoulder has decided to improve so that a doctor appointment isn't necessary. Otherwise, I hope you will be able to get in to see a doctor, if that is what's necessary.
Time to head to bed, so I wish the very best wonderful day for everyone and send healing energy,
, positive thoughts, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for each of you!
28/Nov/15 6:52 PM
Magnolia, KY
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A wat day here. No improvement to the shoulder. I plan on heading to the ER tomorrow.
29/Nov/15 4:39 PM
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I am pleased to hear that Heidi. it has ben too long getting better so you need to find out just what the problem is. sorry that it will cost you to find out.
Sounds like you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving day. Sorry that your sinus infection spoilt the day for you Mamacita. Not something you need for the start of winter.
I finally finished varnishing the door. I had four oats. We ordered a security screen door on Friday. That means we can leave the door open to get a cool breeze when needed.
We have slate in the entrance and it needs resealing. I got down and scrubbed some with a scrubbing brush and sugar soap but my knees were not happy so Ken is doing the rest now. I have also been painting some of the skirting boards that were missed before. They are mission brown (a 70's colour) and need four coats of undercoat/paint to make them white. Once again onto my knees. Very hard for me to get down and even harder to get up. today I am feeling the effects!
I have been shopping this morning. a bit more Christmas shopping achieved. I also have our main Christmas pudding boiling away.
green rubbish out tomorrow so must away and get into the garden and fill the green bin. Pull out the pansies as the hot weather has burnt them up.
29/Nov/15 5:08 PM
qld, australia
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Thought of you Heidi when I read this.
Advice from An Old Farmer
Your fences need to be horse-high, pig-tight and bull-strong.
Keep skunks and bankers at a distance.
Life is simpler when you plow around the stump.
A bumble bee is considerably faster than a John Deere tractor.
Words that soak into your ears are whispered… not yelled.
Meanness don’t jes’ happen overnight.
Forgive your enemies; it messes up their heads.
Do not corner something that you know is meaner than you.
It don’t take a very big person to carry a grudge.
You cannot unsay a cruel word.
Every path has a few puddles.
When you wallow with pigs, expect to get dirty.
The best sermons are lived, not preached.
Most of the stuff people worry about ain’t never gonna happen anyway.
Don’t judge folks by their relatives.
Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
Live a good, honorable life… Then when you get older and think back, you’ll enjoy it a second time.
Don ‘t interfere with somethin’ that ain’t bothering you none.
Timing has a lot to do with the outcome of a Rain dance.
If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin’.
Sometimes you get, and sometimes you get got.
The biggest troublemaker you’ll probably ever have to deal with, watches you from the mirror every mornin’.
Always drink upstream from the herd.
Good judgment comes from experience, and a lotta that comes from bad judgment.
Lettin’ the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier than puttin’ it back in.
If you get to thinkin’ you’re a person of some influence, try orderin’ somebody else’s dog around..
Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.
Don’t pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he’ll just kill you.
Most times, it just gets down to common sense.
29/Nov/15 6:32 PM
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Greetings, All!
Heidi, I am also glad you will be checking into your shoulder. You have dealt with too much pain for too long. Crossing fingers that it is nothing major and you will soon be feeling better.
June, you do SO much work to keep your house in tip-top shape! I'm sure your new front door is wonderful. And what a great idea to have a screen door to allow cool breezes in. I can't imagine getting down on hands and knees to scrub the entry way slate; I would not be able to do that. I hope the painting of the skirting boards can be done without too much additional knee pain! With luck, your work in the garden won't involve being on your knees! On top of everything, you're getting Christmas shopping done. Amazing! When I think of what I get accomplished in a day, I am in awe at what you do in comparison!
Broni, I enjoyed the 'Advice from an Old Farmer.' Are you back at home for a bit? I hope all of your travels are enjoyable!
It's time to head to bed. Sending healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts,
, and prayers!
29/Nov/15 7:24 PM
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Oh! Julie, I am pleased that you cannot see my house. I am a hoarder and at the moment there is stuff everywhere that needs sorting and chucking. I have 4 bedrooms and in only one have I finished painting. There are places behind furniture that need doing and have been like that for quite a few years!
I have told all that I have done today but not the amount of time I have rested between jobs.
I am amazed at all you achieve with your cello, woodwork, blood donations and up early and late to bed!
Broni, love all that advice. All of it so true.
I had a coffee this morning when I was shopping so I expect I will not get a good nights sleep!
I would love a nice soaking bath but I know I would have trouble getting in and even more difficult getting out! Will settle for rubbing in some Voltarin.
29/Nov/15 9:22 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Back from the hospital. They pumped me full of painkillers and anti-inflammitories. They're calling it a bad muscle strain.
Off to bed.
30/Nov/15 10:17 AM
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June, I must admit to keeping too many things that I should have parted with long ago, including some boxes that have not been opened since moving to our last house 20 years ago. I don't think I'm a full-blown hoarder, but certainly have tendencies. I blame it on growing up in a large family with a very tight budget. Everything was 'precious' and used until well past its prime. When hubby vacuums, it's only what can be done without moving anything, but I've learned to accept that because he has more time to do it than I do. Oh, well.
Heidi, I'm so happy to read that you have been to the hospital and received some painkillers and anti-inflammatories! Now, let's hope they soon get to work and give you some relief! Take care!
Hello to all I haven't mentioned. It's time to call it a night. Sending lots of healing energy, prayers, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
30/Nov/15 7:11 PM
qld, australia
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Gekko my friends,
Strange how the more time you have the less time you have.
Will be back home in a couple of days for a month or so. Need to sort out some of Pete's problems.
Bella and I are good, just getting older.. So much better than the alternative! Hehe!
Have popped in from time to time to read.
Sending luv and jugs to all.
30/Nov/15 11:14 PM
Alabama, USA
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Well, I have made a start. The tree is set up on the table behind my sofa. the lights work, after Tanya made a trip for an extension cord. I know I had lights lit last year, but no idea where that extension cord went. I have the box of ornaments down, can take my time removing them, ohhing and ahhing, remembering where I got them and when, and enjoying them all over again. I have some new ones this year, from the free table, residents who have moved into nursing homes or have passed, just one ornament to remember them by. From our most recent resident who passed away I have a 'man in the moon' ornament, love it.
Did I mention I had plants left after Tanya and I put some in the ground on Friday? Those now reside in two pots in the island in the parking lot. they get the most sun there, hope they do well.
Did bit of Christmas shopping yesterday. Bought wrapping paper and ribbon, name tags, some shirts for Tanya, she went through the clothing department and loaded up my buggy with things she liked, I chose a few and checked out while she picked up the few grocery items, at least I know I have correct size, colors, etc
I had one major surprise, one of the shirts rang up at $1, WOW. I asked if that was correct, she scanned it again, yep, so I got a real bargain on that. I did not get boxes to put things in. I thought I had stored boxes at Tanya's, but none came back in my box. Oh well, I shall make a list and go for boxes and bags another day.
Heidi, I do hope the pain meds and anti inflammatory drugs help. Will your pain management not be upset that you are taking other pain meds? Mine gets real picky, I am supposed to have them OK any script for pain before I get it filled.
Broni, I do hope you enjoy your time back home and all problems can be sorted easily and quickly. Your time comment is so true, it is similar to space. the more space you have to keep things, the more things you will have. the more time you have, more things to do will soon fill it too
Tanya and I ate lunch out yesterday. Mr Wang's Oriental Restaurant. I do wish I could find an Oriental restaurant that did not put sugar into their sauces, I do not like syrup on my entree. One owner told me they had to do that to get Americans to eat there. I have been tempted to ask 'what are you having for lunch? Can I have some of that?'
Back to my tree decorating. Today I am decorating my tree while I have the AC running, go figure. We do have 3 days this week when it shall be a bit cooler at nights, it might start to feel like December. I was sitting outside today in a thin short sleeved top, and very comfortable.
Hugs to each of you, with extras.
01/Dec/15 7:03 AM
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Just a quick Hello and Good Night!
{{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, healing energy, prayers, and
for all!
01/Dec/15 6:41 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Slept round the clock. Still sleepy, so am going back to bed. I suspect the meds I'm on are the culprit, but the sleep is probably helping me mend. The pain is losing the battle.
02/Dec/15 4:55 PM
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Hello and Good Night! I have another early morning tomorrow.
Sending prayers, positive thoughts,
, healing energy, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for everyone!
02/Dec/15 5:27 PM
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Mamacita, I love your books for Xmas plan this year. My girls would love that. Next year I'll have to ask them what books they are looking for! Sorry about your infection keeping you away from the celebrations.
MizT, I laughed at your earthquake thought. It would have spoiled your fun though, because most of the fun of games is time with friends or family and that might have ended. What a great way to pick Tanya's clothes!
Julie, I lived in the States for 10 years and never once went to the Black Friday sales. My SIL on the other hand did all of her shopping on that one day. I blame it on the working mum thing.
I'm scared I'll lose this if I try to scroll back again so, hello everyone! Midnight here..
02/Dec/15 11:54 PM
Alabama, USA
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Suzi, our scrabble game is a friendly game. Some residents do not want to play with us because we allow ourselves the use of the dictionary during the game. They call it 'cheating', we call it learning new words. Even the rule book states the use of the dictionary during the game can be useful, it just needs to be agreed to by all players. One of our players had insisted on a timer, since one player would often take too long. she gave it up as a bad job. But I have noticed that our two games still take the same amount of time to finish, even without the timer. We do at times get distracted by the conversation going on, and you are right, the fun of it al is in the talk as well as the game. Looking forward to another game tomorrow.
We have had a cold front come through, the tail end of the front that brought snow storms further north, way further north I should say. this has done a number on my fibro. Both my sisters are complaining of this weather hurt also, something about weather really does affect fibro.
I am off to pain clinic today once again, and will try once again for something more to take for such a flare as this. Wish me luck, but do not hold your breath.
I am so lucky, the rain has passed, and I can go to doc in my chair, down the sidewalk one block. Saves me from having to sit in their most uncomfortable chairs in waiting room. Hugs to each of you, with extras.
03/Dec/15 1:27 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi all,
I had a page or 2 of reading to catch up on, and it was nice to read how you are all going.
Good to see Broni back (almost back anyway)and Cyn.
Are you going away again Broni?
Today was my last working day before Paul and my holiday. Pauls travel cards were (what they called) 'Compromised'. No money taken but a bit of work at the bank to sort the problem which is now fixed. They wanted to send new cards in 10 days...we leave in 5.
Gregs Dad is spending a few weeks in Bundy with him. They arrived here tonight from Taree after the car overheated and stopped x3 times on windy hills with no where to pull over.. Not a very safe trip. Problem might be a cut off valve, as it had plenty of water and radiator is fine.
Renae is moving house 21st Dec and they have a holiday on the Great Barrier Reef starting 10 days prior. Full agenda here as our renter also wants to move Dec 13th. Aren't Paul and I lucky to miss all this excitement and WORK.
Take care all.
03/Dec/15 4:14 AM
Alabama, USA
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I am at a loss for words. San Bernardino is in my thoughts and prayers tonight.
03/Dec/15 3:24 PM
Alabama, USA
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At last someone listened to me at the pain center. I got the prednisone I have been asking for, and just one tablet has made a world of difference. the nurse practitioner I saw said 'I do not usually prescribe steroids for a one tablet as needed dose, but I can give you a script for a dose pack, decreasing number of tablets a day. the only thing is, we could not do another hip injection right away if you are taking that, both have steroids. It is your choice, orally or the injection' Well, she can write the script any way she wants, and I can take it any way I choose
. I think she knew that, cause she said if later I was still needing the hip injection, give them a call and she could get that scheduled. It takes days and sometimes weeks to get the hip injection scheduled, I was in massive pain NOW, it was an easy decision.
The rain stopped just before I was to leave today, so I could drive myself in the power chair, yeah. No sunshine today, though, and much cooler weather, but it should stay just above freezing, I HOPE, tonight. No way I can go move or cover plants tonight.
I did feel well enough this afternoon to help some with our Christmas Decorations for the public areas. We have a couple dozen bows that are used on the outfoor railings at the drive way entrance, with green garland draped between the bows. all the bows needed 'fluffing up, they were just packed into boxes and smushed for the last 11 months. Several of us worked on that while we had a guest singer singing Christmas Carols with/for us. she has a wonderful voice, is a talented guitarist, can change the key to get the songs into a lower key most of us can reach. Not sure what happens to range in voice as we get older, I once could sing anything from high soprano to alto, no longer, on the high notes I loose my voice.
time for my bedtime snack, and then to bed. At least I shall be able to rest in bed with the pain in hip almost gone, that will be better even if the steroids keep me awake tonight. It is soooo nice to not hurt as I did this morning!
Hugs to everyone, till later.
03/Dec/15 3:43 PM
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Hello, Everyone!
I almost gave up getting to this page today - took about 9 or 10 attempts to get it open. I really don't go to the Easy Sudoku page much any more. Does anyone know if there are also troubles getting to that page, or is it just this page? Very frustrating!
Busy day today with multiple hours of string orchestra & lesson after an hour or so practicing at home. I had to drive, as hubby had a meeting to go to. Luckily the snow was mostly stopped by mid morning & what had fallen melted on the streets.
Radio reports on the shooting in San Bernadino doing most of my drive home tonight. What is this world coming to? Prayers for all those affected by shootings in the past month and even the entire year!
Broni, I hope you enjoy the month or so at home and hope Pete (& you & Bella) get everything done that you want to accomplish during the time at home!
Hello to Suzi, Nola, MizT, Heidi, Cyn, June, Mama, Judy, and all others I may have forgotten!
Heading to bed, so here is the today/tonight supply of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, positive thoughts, prayers, and
03/Dec/15 7:41 PM
Alabama, USA
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Woke to sun and still feeling so much better today. what a difference one little pill can make!
Or maybe it is the sun and that the front has moved on? With fibro, you never know.
I am trying to wrap a few gifts. Oh how I remember once I could stand and wrap gifts for hours. Not that many gifts, though we did buy a nd wrap a lot of 'stocking stuffer' type things, and wrapped those as fancy as the good stuff, so the recipient could not tell. Now it is wrap one, rest, go back and put ribbon on it, and walk away again. Sometimes to rest, sometimes just a different activity. I miss my sewing/crafts room, I could leave all kinds of stuff on my 8 foot long counter (bench?).
Julie, sorry you have had trouble accessing this page.
My coffee is ready, so sending hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
04/Dec/15 2:57 AM
Alabama, USA
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Attention friends!!
HAS ANYONE ELSE been having trouble getting to this page? I can create us a new page to see if that would help, if you would like. Please let me know.
04/Dec/15 2:58 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I haven't had any trouble, but it sounds like others have.
I've had some scary side effects from the anti-inflammitories, so I stopped taking them. The pharmacy had given me a list of the side effects in categories of: serious, mild, stop taking and get emergency help immediately. I had one from the stop taking, and 2 from get emergency help immediately categories,. Not fun.
04/Dec/15 7:05 AM
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Just a quick hello from here.
MizT, after complaining about difficulty getting to the page last night, I was able to get in on the first try tonight. I just can't figure out why there's a difference. Is your back what keeps you from being able to stand for a length of time to wrap presents? (That's what causes problems for me when I must stand for a time.)
Seems like I better get some shopping done - and writing a Christmas letter - and doing the Christmas cards, etc.
Heidi, even though the anti-inflammatories seemed to help somewhat, that's really scary that they actually list the various levels of side effects. Definitely NOT good that you had 1 for 'stop taking' and 2 for 'get emergency help immediately.' I do hope you feel better soon!
I'm off to bed, so sending lots of
, prayers, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and healing energy.
04/Dec/15 5:40 PM
Magnolia, KY
Supporting Member
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The drugs are slowly leaving my system. The level of shoulder pain is about 50% what it was, but I still feel logy. And my tongue is still numb.
05/Dec/15 2:08 AM
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