Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   Julie  From IL, USA
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Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense. ~ Emerson
11/Dec/15 5:23 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings & Salutations!

Another meeting tonight and early morning tomorrow, so no time to read. Luckily, I noticed the number before posting and realized it was time for a TOPP.

Sending prayers, positive thoughts, , healing energy, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for everyone.

It may be nearing the time for Nola to begin her trip, so sending thoughts for a safe journey and wonderful adventures!
11/Dec/15 5:26 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Hooray! the internet is working properly again. About 1/2 hour ago everything that I have been unable to do started working. I do not have to wait 2 minutes for each Sudoku page to load!.
great top Julie.
Heidi, I do hope that you get some relief for your shoulder very soon.
11/Dec/15 8:53 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzy.... Your courage inspires me. You are AWESOME! Just like Midge!!!
12/Dec/15 12:30 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I am so glad moist heat is working to help the shoulder. Do you have a rice sock? I know you saw one of mine when we camped at Oak Mountain. It is moist heat, it is portable. You can make one with just a white cotton woman's sock and rice. fill the foot part, tie in a knot, pull the cuff part back over the filled sock. If you can figure how to put some long strings on it, could tie it to shoulder for portable heat. that might give you relief while you have to be up and about. I also think you can buy a hot/cold pack that is fitted for shoulder. My sister had one she used to ice her shoulder after surgery and for pain relief. Mr google might help you find one

BTW, did you find out why you could not reach the GP before?

I am so tired today, think today is going to be a rest kind of day. Tanya and I finished the cleaning, straightening yesterday before 11 am. I got a brief rest back in bed, then up to start to get dressed and do hair for the party at 2. After party we played scrabble. Then Mary and I found other residents in Commons when we checked for mail and packages. We stayed down there till 8 pm! So I was socializing from 2-8, just that much time in my power chair is tiring. I was home and in bed by 9 pm hehehe. Long but very good day, enjoyed being with friends and some serious laughs.

cloudy and much warmer than usual once again. Yes, December has always had some days this warm, but not in a bunch with no cold spells in between. Here at my location we have not yet had a killing frost. Begonias, a summer annual, are blooming profusely. Geraniums have slowed some, but still an occasional bloom pops open. the pansies are coming along, how I wish I had a camera to send photos. I have planted pansies at 3 different times, the first ones now fill the container with a plethora of blooms. the middle planting are beginning to keep blooms showing, but still have some growing room. the last, just a week later in planting, have that one bloom, just from the nursery look, but we have a long growing season for pansies, now till the heat of summer burns them out. I do not buy the expensive full grown plants, we do not have the budget for that, but instead the little 6 packs, or occasionally the larger plants in a 12 pack. I enjoy watching them grow and turn int those beautiful full containers.

In the walled garden, the Camelias, and I did find out they are a type of camelia, sue something, the ones 25 feet tall, are in final days of bloom, but they have been covered with pink blooms. The Huge Holly is so heavy with berries, the tops of the trees (yep, tree sized) from my window look solid red! I took a few yesterday from over the wall at the back alley, and gave to a friend Thelma who was collecting the evergreen used for table decorations at the party. she was going to make an arrangement of greenery, I thought the berries and slick shiny holly leaves would add to her conifer branches.

OK, enough for today, hugs to each
12/Dec/15 1:27 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I missed some posts. I will read and reply to the rest later.

Suzy, good luck with your self injections. I feel confident you can do them. I would come do them for you if it was a bit closer Do let us know about the skin cancer removal when it happens, we all do care so much.

OH forgot to say, I am scheduled to be squished Monday. Good thing, as yesterday I found another very sore spot in same breast, when rubbing pain relief cream onto ribs under breast. Feels a bit too similar to last year. If you can spare a thought or prayer that this mammogram comes out clear, I could use it now.
12/Dec/15 1:35 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Just 66 hours until my doctor's appointment. I REALLY hope she can give me some relief for the shoulder. I don't think she can do anything for the ankle. It's probably primarily arthritis from all the injuries to it previously..
12/Dec/15 10:38 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Tomorrow Pandora goes to the trainer to be trained to drive.
12/Dec/15 3:20 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Magnolia is having too much excitement today. Police and animal rescue people have swarmed into town. They've arrested a couple that had over 70 dogs and cats in their home. A tent was set up outside with Vets working on the animals for HOURS, and animal control prople from 7 counties arrived to deal with all the poor animals. That's all the information I have so far. I did drive past on my way out to dinner, and it was chaos there.
12/Dec/15 3:30 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

I caught up on some posts, but can't 'turn the page' and also can't change my avatar. I'm not going to take any chance - just post quickly and cross my fingers.

I hope all who have pain issues soon experience relief!

Thinking of everyone and hoping each of you is feeling reasonably well. Sending positive thoughts, healing energy, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and for all!
12/Dec/15 6:24 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Hi Everyone....I'm back for a few minutes to check in. I have just finished reading a great book and have started another, both by Pearl Buck. I have been intending to read these for some time and just getting around to them...I'm SOOOOO glad I have. They are simply great and I could kick myself for waiting so long.Besides reading, I've finished my shopping and am delighted with my gift selections...I just hope those I give them to are also delighted with the choices made.
Reina has gotten my outside lights up and it's beginning to look like Christmas, but twith the temps feeling like the beginning of Fall rather than winter. We have often had lots of snow by this time of year...but this warmth is scary to me since I think that it will mean that when it does get cold and snowy...we are going to catch it...Lol.I hope I'm wrong.
Seems as if this is a time when many of us are feeling lots of back and legs are becoming increasingly bothersome and I'll be having a long talk with my doctor about it, but I do think I need to invest in a new sleeping situation. I currently have a sleep system of a programmable know,sleep by the numbers thingy, and while it was really great for a long time, it's old now so needs to be replaced...The problem for me right now is that the system I want isn't in my budget right now...sigh...oh well, I hope some changes will come with the new year. As for the rest of you who are suffering from the challenges of pain and discomfort, I hope you will soon find healing,pain-free comfort soon.
Looking forward to seeing Nola and Paul in just a couple of more weeks and hope Paul finds his wnow elsewhere...
Time to check some other things and then get back to my book...Take care all and be good to know you are worth it. High fives to all of you. Peace.
13/Dec/15 9:30 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi friends,
Apologies for my long absence from the site.
Many of you are having health problems so I will just say that I wish you improve soon, Midge, Heidi,June,Suzy,& MizT.
13/Dec/15 1:36 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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MizT, I'm going to borrow your sock idea! 3 days til removal.

Heidi, I'm happy the animals are being rescued, but not that they needed rescuing.

Last night was my nieces surprise 21st birthday party. It was great. Mostly the seeing family bit.
13/Dec/15 1:36 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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13/Dec/15 1:40 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Paul and I are in Paris now after 3 days in Germany. WOW. We are in awe of everything and even the train ride to here, was a thrill. The Eiffel Tower is much bigger than I thought it would be. Yesterday, we stayed on the tour bus to see what sights there were, and today we will get off at different points.
Neither of us have adjusted to the time difference and are waking Aust time.
There is plenty of Police presence but security is much less than I thought it would be.Didn't even have customs check from Germany to France.
I have written a daily diary and will email to those on my list. Paul is yet to see snow close up Mama! He did take heaps of pix of snow covered mountains from the plane though.

Take care
13/Dec/15 1:57 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hi Nola! Thank you! I'm green! I'd love to be travelling! Especially to Paris. I saw a little bit of Germany in '88. It was beautiful...

Alie went tubing in the snow today, the first time she remembers seeing it,and is going sledding tomorrow.
13/Dec/15 5:33 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

MULTIPLE tries to get on the page tonight. Finally was able to open page 192, but impossible to open page 193 for some reason.

Sending lots of , prayers, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and healing energy for everyone.
13/Dec/15 6:36 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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checking in during intermission to say I am feeling so much better nooooooow. Hours of as close to pain free as I can get, low enough means I can ignore it and do all the holiday fun things offered here, plus preparation for them and all the extras of the season. sleeping soooo much better now, and that makes a world of difference. I can also go longer periods without meds, which is wonderful! Staying to busy to get here to read as often as i like. time to get back to bed and sleep, hugs to each of you,
13/Dec/15 9:30 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I got Pandora up in the barn!!!! I decided to make one, and only one, try to catch her. If that didn't work, Anita would have to do it. So I hobbled out to the barn, called Pandora's name, and she trotted right up to me, by herself, from the pasture. She's in a stall now waiting to be picked up. IH couldn't figure out why I'm sending her out to be trained. I explained to him that this is my way of being optimistic about feeling better. I hope to get back to driving my horses. If I gave up on them, I'd be giving up on myself.
14/Dec/15 5:43 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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And Pandora has left to be trained for driving AND riding! Maybe I'll get back in the saddle again.
My wheelchair is now home as well. Thank goodness. I need to get a Christmas tree after my doctor's appointment tomorrow, and I dreaded walking through the store looking at trees. I can now glide through.
14/Dec/15 6:50 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Just 13 hours until my appointment. I REALLY hope my GP can do something for the pain in the shoulder. The ankle that I sprained is another story.
14/Dec/15 2:31 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hooray! I got onto the page in one try tonight! I sure wish I could figure out why it works some days and not others.

MizT, what wonderful news! I hope your reduced pain and improved sleep last a REALLY LONG time!

Heidi, congratulations on getting Pandora in the barn with 1 try! It's great that she will come when called! I hope your appointment provides lots of answers and relief! Hoping your shoulder and ankle improve quickly!

Sending lots of prayers, healing energy, positive thoughts, , and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}!
14/Dec/15 7:19 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm off to my doctor's appointment. My fingers are crossed that she can help with the pain.
15/Dec/15 2:35 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Back from seeing the doc. I got another shot, and was put on 2 more meds. One is prednisone and the other is Zanaflex. And I've been told to take it very easy with my shoulder, which she realizes is nearly impossible.
I used the wheelchair to go into Lowe's to get a tree and a couple of large pointsettias. I had the employees do all the lifting and loading for me. I'll have Gil do the unloading for me here.
15/Dec/15 6:40 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I do hope the shot helps a LOT. Does the prednisone keep you awake? If it does, put on a video and stay in bed anyway, please. TRY to protect the shoulder as much as you can, or surgery might be in your future. You know you do not have time for that

I just saw your former post about animal control, police and the poor 70 pets found. did you hear any more about them? Are they going to be adoptable? Or are they too ill and feral? I wish I knew why people do this, and why they must get 70 animals before authorities intervene.

Today I was as busy as Julie! up early to shower and dress for my bus ride at 9:30 for appointment at 10 am for mammogram. Home at 11:15, to see our director escorting a resident to a chair in the lobby, then leave her alone. Humm, what is going on? I turned around to check it out, before I got there heard another staff member calling paramedics. Resident was all alone, so I went over to find her shaking all over and most upset. I asked if she would like me to hold her hand till the medics arrived, and got her to take slower deeper breaths. Shortly our Services coordinator walked up, she always is in attendance with residents when medics are called, if she is on duty. Medics arrived, she was transported, and I don't even know her name.

Came to apartment to change into cooler top, the day had turned sunny and warm. Back down for the soup lunch fundraiser, sat with 4 friends while we are, yummy home cooked chicken stew. The staff cooked and served soup, salad, crackers , cornbread, and iced tea for $5, as a fund raiser for EP's donation to United Way. good food!
15/Dec/15 12:21 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Back to apartment, met Tanya on the way with her soup and salad, she came up to eat at my table. I tried to rest, not easy when she is here, but got a few minuets in my recliner with feet up. Back downstairs at 2 PM for the Dirty Santa party, such fun! Last year there was one gift that went through about 7 hands, This year there were 4 heheh. there were 33 playing the game. I was near the lst, could have taken any one of the 4 coveted gifts, but knew they would be taken from me. In our game, no retiring a gift after taken away 3 times, no limit of how many times it can be taken. We laughed and laughed, wonderful time!

I counted it up, was in my power chair for over 5 hours today, that alone is reson for me being tired. I fekll asleep soon after getting home, but it was a wonderful day and just so glad I was able to DO all of it. Two weeks ago that woud not have happened, could have done only one activity instead of 3.

Thank you Julie, I also hope the sleep and reduced pain lasts and lasts, but I am enjoying while it does.

HEIDI, what kind of tree did you buy? Will Gil assemble it for you?

I need to run some coloring pages I printed out down to the game room. then have a bit of supper. If I sit still to long now, I might fall asleep again and it is too near bedtime for another nap.

Hugs to each of you, with extras
15/Dec/15 12:31 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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MizT, hope your pain reduced and energy increased time lasts and lasts!

Heidi, hope your pain gets better and better.

I was watering my plants today when the connector failed. I got very wet, but didn't change my clothes because... Cool.

Waiting to hear what time I have to be at the hospital for my ninth anaesthetic. I'm half hoping they forget me and leave me off the list. Though that would be a waste of all those shots.
15/Dec/15 2:26 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Assemble a live Douglas Fir?
15/Dec/15 3:11 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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They didn't leave me off the list!
15/Dec/15 3:15 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Can't help myself - - - Heidi, a semi skilled arborist with appropriate tools could make that a requirement...
15/Dec/15 4:59 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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I refuse to cut one of the many at my place.. Of course most are too big to be Christmas trees except at a municipal center. Where they are I get to enjoy them year 'round...
15/Dec/15 5:03 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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While shopping, today, I forgot the 'key ingredient' for the signature desert for Christmas dinner. Another trip to town. RATS!
15/Dec/15 5:10 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I hate it when that happens DorA
15/Dec/15 5:57 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, Everyone!

Heidi, I'm glad your trip to the doctor produced some results. PLEASE rest your shoulder as much as possible! Do you suppose the shot and meds will help reduce pain in your ankle, as well? Enjoy your tree and poinsettias!

MizT, such good news that you are continuing to be able to keep active and relatively pain free. Enjoy! I hope you get a great night's sleep tonight after all your activity!

Suzy, keeping fingers crossed and sending prayers that all goes well tomorrow! (Of course, they didn't forget to put your name on the list.) Take care!

DorA, welcome back to the page! It has been a while since you have commented. It''s nice to have large trees that are 'in residence,' not just seasonal additions! So sorry you forgot the 'key ingredient' while shopping. I hope you were able to get it and proceed with the special dessert for Christmas dinner - if it's something that needed to be made now.

It's time to head to bed, so sending healing energy, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, and for everyone!
15/Dec/15 6:19 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I always buy real trees each year. These aren't ''wild'' trees, but farmed crops which help support agriculture. After the holidays, they come in helpful by placing them in gullies to slow down errosion.

Yes, I hope the shot and meds will help the ankle as well. Maybe it's imagination or wishful thinking, but the ankle already is hurting less. I can limp for 50 feet, without a cane, with minimal discomfort tonight!!! That beats the 10 feet of last night! I'm not being foolish, tho'. I have a cane with me in case of a problem.
15/Dec/15 7:17 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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And yes, the prednisone is keeping me awake.
15/Dec/15 7:18 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I've taken a step back. All the problems with the shoulder and ankle got the back upset. Even with methadone, I can only remain on my feet for 10 minutes at a time before the pain hits BIG TIME. And the soonest I can get in for an epidural is my next appointment on January 11, 4 weeks from yesterday. It's going to be a VERY quiet Christmas. I'm glad I got a smaller-than-normal tree this year. It'll take less time to decorate. I learned a LONG time ago that Gil's help is worthless. The only time I had him help me with theater when I was laid up, he couldn't figure out how to set it up. It kept falling over and smashing ornaments. I'd had major abdominal surgery 2 weeks earlier, and I had to re-install it in the stand to save the rest of my ornaments. I really believe he intentionally does the worst job he can possibly do so he never has to do it again. NOT the actions of a responsible adult.
16/Dec/15 6:22 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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''theater''???? I hate autocorrect. It should say ''the tree''.
16/Dec/15 6:24 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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OK... the tree is set up in the living room (a no-dog zone) but no lights or decorations on it yet. MAYBE lights tomorrow.
16/Dec/15 11:55 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Early morning tomorrow. I have to get up at 8am to move the horses from one pasture to another so George and Bobby can do some repairs on the fence around the horse pasture. Moving them should only take 15 minutes, but I don't know if my back can take 15 minutes of walking. This should be interesting. Not. At least I can go back to bed for a couple hours after the horses have been moved.
16/Dec/15 3:55 PM
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