Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Be yourself. Everybody else is already taken.

16/Dec/15 3:56 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Something strange happened last night at dinner. Gil took a forkful of food, and his hand started shaking so badly that all the food flew off the fork in several directions. I've noticed that his hands have been shaking, but this is the worst I've seen. I told him that he needs to get that checked out by a doctor in case he's developing Parkinson's, and he poo pooed it. He doesn't see anything wrong with his hands shaking.
16/Dec/15 4:01 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I can't get anything other than page 192 tonight, so just thought I'd send some positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, , and prayers to be shared. Good Night.
16/Dec/15 7:52 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I should have known you would buy a real tree. but your talking about walking around the store to buy it threw me off. Most trees are sold on lots here, big box stores do sell them, but outside, in the garden shop area. I was thinking about INSIDE the store. Happy you have it up in the stand now. Perhaps you can work on lights 8 minuets at a time, stopping BEFORE back complains, take a rest, them get another 8 minuets in . I have done this with projects before, but my limit was less than 15 minuets. I could type at computer for 14 minuets without hurting, about 3 times a day. Many years ago.

Now I know I must stop whatever I am doing at first sign of pain. If I do that, I can get back to activity after half hour to an hour or so. If I keep going, cannot get back to working on anything for a day or two. I am hard headed, but I did at last learn.

Am I saying Heidi is hard headed? You bettcha!! hehehe

Must get off here and finish my breakfast. Caudelle is coming down for me to help her with hair. Her last shampoo and set did not last, and today she flies out to her daughter's for Christmas. She would like it to look good for her 2 hour layover in Chicago she said hehehe. Caudelle will have a white christmas. Here, it is still highs of 70's for another 3 days, will be a chilly 55 for a high on Saturday, after a near freeze Friday night. I will be covering plants again, because that near can be just above or just below freezing.
17/Dec/15 2:00 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Here they have the trees semi-inside. In the garden shop section. I also had to go into the store itself to look for poinsettias. They can't take the cold outside. Just a little more walking than I can handle right now. I'm now down to only 5 minutes before the pain hits.
I need to do a little grocery shopping right now, and will have to take the wheelchair again.

Yes, I am hard-headed, and proud of it. It's the only way to get things done and retain some independence.
17/Dec/15 2:08 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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YEAH, my appointment went very well. Service starts two weeks from today and will be weekly. I am thrilled.
17/Dec/15 4:00 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Good Morning...or rather Good afternoon from here...I've been busy doing much of nothing really...a little shopping and lots of reading and looking about for some unknown....ah life.
I'm not in any real pain, but just off- kilter a bit and not sure what is going on...nothing most likely except age changes. One thing I know for sure...this too will pass as does all things good or evil.
Sounds as if the holiday preparation is on and going well for all. The pains seem to be not as bad for us and life is to be enjoyed as best we can...wonderbar.
Suzy, I will love to hear that all has gone well with you and that you are fully on the mend. Tricia...seems I've missed something...what was your appointment about? The cleaning folk that you and Tanya were getting ready for or something else? Whatever...glad it went well and will be available soon. do wonders in spite of yourself...hope Gil takes a thought or two of that which keeps you going and gets a look-see at what is causing his shakes...but won't hold my breath
Time to go and find something I want to eat and start to trim my little tree...Reina has finished her part and now mine comes into I'm off to be sure to finish by Christmas...a little bit at a time. Peace to all.
17/Dec/15 4:34 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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What appointment? I missed something. Glad whatever it was went well.

Now, as to the animal cruelty case down the road.:

OK... I'm getting facts now. They THINK there were 102 animals in the house. All the people involved are still working on combining and comparing records, so it may be more. There were animals not just in the house but in the crawl space under it, cats inside the walls of the house, and a bunch of cats in the freezer. The Vet had to put down 3 cats and 10 dogs on the spot because of severe illnesses and wounds. The number having to be put down because of illness and injury WILL be climbing, according to the Vet (the same Vet I use... a great guy!). The county attourney has filed 60 counts of animal cruelty so far, and says the number will end up being over 100 charges.
Now for the bad news. In this county, animal cruelty is only a misdemeanor. Even if she's found guilty of 100 counts of animal cruelty, the MAXIMUM penilty she can get is 12 months in jail.
The woman thought she was helping all these animals but had no resources, no training and no ability to care for any of them. Hoarding is a mental illness, yes, but once it involves living creatures, and they die because of it, it should be considered a more serious crime than just a misdemeanor, in my opinion.
17/Dec/15 4:38 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Hi Mamacita!!! You posted while I was typing. Glad to hear that you've got no serious pains. They sure put a damper on the holiday festivities.
17/Dec/15 4:41 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I did not say anything was wrong with being hard headed, just that you were. I agree, sometimes we have to be to have any quality of life. five minuets is not long before the pain sets in, bummer. How long a rest before you can recover? Sending wishes,thoughts and prayers and even a bit of fairy dust with hopes the pain gets better soon. Is there a possibility of a cancelation at your pain doc's office so you might get in sooner? It does not hurt to ask.

If you can, remember my scrabble playing buddy Mary in thoughts and prayers. Her son Hayden, age 57, was found dead on bathroom floor of his home this morning. funeral will be Friday. Our Scrabble player's Christmas lunch date tomorrow and scrabble game is of course canceled. She is still in shock and of course devastated. He would take her out to lunch, take her grocery shopping and her money was never any good when he was with her. I know she will miss his support as well as his company. Parents should not have to bury their children, no matter the age of that child.
17/Dec/15 12:19 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Oh my god. Poor Mary! Parents should NEVER have to bury their children. And it's harder to adjust to when it's sudden like this. Please give Mary an extra hug from me, Tricia.
17/Dec/15 12:35 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Tricia...I agree that patents shouldn't have to bury their children regardless of age...yet such is life as we know it, where we have no control over my very deepest condolences to Mary and her extended family in their loss. May the Dove of Peace comfort them. I also hope you extend the peace I send to all who feel Mary's pain at your place.
Heidi, I agree that the poor woman thought she was doing a good thing, and there must be a way to prevent those who are untrained and have no means. from hoarding animals and killing them with love...but I don't think jail is the answer...not sure of what should be done in the way of protection, however. I also hope your pain is soon controlled to allow you to enjoy the holidays. the Topp.
17/Dec/15 2:37 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

Great TOPP, Heidi!

So sad to hear about the animal hoarding. You're right: the woman probably started out trying to help animals, but it soon got out of hand. If she couldn't afford food and health care for them, it's sure she didn't get them spayed and neutered, which increased the number of animals dependent on her. So sad!

So sorry to hear about Mary's son, MizT! I hope Caudelle has a safe and uneventful flights for her trip. Take care and pace yourself, as you so wisely do. Wishing for good health and pain-free days.

Mama, I hope you are feeling better and pain-free as we head into the next week!

Heidi, same advice for pacing yourself, especially with all you do both inside and outside. I hope all goes well. Take care and hoping for those meds to do their work!

Safe travels to Nola!

I hope Broni is enjoying her time at home!

Suzy, I hope your healing will be quick and pain-free!

Speaking of time, I must head to bed, as the alarm is set for zero dark thirty. Sending lots of healing energy, positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and !
17/Dec/15 4:22 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hooray, I was finally able to get to the 'Update details' page and choose a more appropriate avatar. We aren't likely to get a Christmas tree up this year, so this will have to do.
17/Dec/15 4:25 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hi all

Thoughts, wishes and warm hugs for Mary. So young.

Heidi, hope your tree is moving along and your pain levels improve, though I think you have to wait for 1-11 for that?

As you can see, I'm home. Bed rest though. Not that it's helping. One of the grafts is bleeding which means it will probably fail. Sigh. If you're on the other page you may have seen a photo. I'm supposed to be able to walk around tomorrow, but still take things easy.
17/Dec/15 5:02 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Photo up on this page
17/Dec/15 5:26 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Heartfelt, and gentle (((((hugs ))))), Suzy.
17/Dec/15 6:13 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Poor Mary. My heart goes out to her. Also very hard when Christmas is so near.
Very busy week. Tuesday was our Bowls Christmas party. We had about 50 people. I cooked the Christmas puddings, three large chickens and calved them the night before. I had also organised a competition over the last 9 weeks and had bought all the prizes for that. The big thing is the entertainment. That gets left up to me to organise. A small skit (which two of us read), then a funny poem and I organised the 'Midget dancers'. I was not able to get them all together to practice which would have made it much better. Everyone had a laugh which was the main thing. I was absolutely exhausted when it was finished. Then then went out to dinner with Ken's bridge group.
The good thing on the day was that my son and family called in on their way north. We will be joining them for Christmas this year. (It took them over 9 hours to get to their destination)
18/Dec/15 1:56 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Food shopping this morning. We will get Laura this afternoon and have a prawn and chicken night tonight. I have to make the seafood sauce for the prawns. Over 90 people will be there.
Suzy, just take it easy and let your face heal.
Heidi, I am just working my shoulder back into working order but I am sure it was nowhere as painful as you have, and along with your ankle as well. I am like Tricia and know when to stop and rest and I am then able to continue.
Our new security mesh door was installed today. We are so pleased and now the whole entrance looks good and is safe.
18/Dec/15 2:03 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I had my hair cut today and a cup of coffee at 11am so now I am awake at 2am.
Mamacita, sorry that you feel 'yuk' (my expression). Hope that you soon feel energetic again and that you are able to enjoy your Christmas.
I still have a few gifts to buy and Ken having a birthday next week makes it even harder. Ken, Belinda and Laura are the ones I still have to buy for. I do have a few small gifts for them so far but need a main gift. Lacking ideas.
18/Dec/15 2:09 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm an old pro at pacing myself between and during chores. IH is under the impression that I do NOTHING here because he always sees me during my breaks, and very rarely when I'm doing anything productive. Of course, with my back so fragile right now, if anyone blinks, they can miss me working.

June.... You amaze me with your efforts for your Bowls Christmas party!!!!! Is there anything you CAN'T do????
18/Dec/15 7:20 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I will certainly give Mary a hug for you. If you would like to leave a condolence message, online, you can go to A reminder, his name is Hayden James.

I guess I should say, Heidi has played scrabble with Mary and the group, or watched us play, or helped me so much we won hehehe at least twice when she visited me, so Heidi knows Mary.

I went up and visited her a bit this morning, we just sat and quietly talked. Her family is coming in from all parts, another son is flying in from Hawaii, a daughter and family are driving up from from central Florida, and a third of her children is flying in also. We live just 10 minuets from airport and many will drop by to give mom a hug even before settling into their hotels. I took up some sandwich fixings on a tray so she had something to offer if anyone was hungry. Lucky I had just been to grocery yesterday, and had bought a spiral cut ham and pretty baby lettuces. Borrowed a pretty tray from the EP kitchen, cause I did away with such when I downsized. Nice the residents and staff save the pretty 'one use fake glass' trays from things brought in for parties here.

Tanya will drive Lin, Judy and I to the visitation and funeral tomorrow. Lin really needs to be dropped off at door, someone to get her walker and portable oxygen in and out of the car. I could have driven but am not able to do those things for her, and Tanya can. I am so thankful to have a daughter who can see the needs of us older generation and volunteer so readily.

Today has been busy and no end in site so far. Next is baking the sweet potatoes for our Christmas at my sister's on Saturday. I can put the casserole together tomorrow afternoon, after the services. You know you are busy when your to do list is no longer listed by days, but by hour. So glad I had so much already finished, so I could spend time with Mary today.

OH, I must remember to check weather again, make sure it will not freeze tonight, and send a request that the ferns be brought in tomorrow night. I am off to do that now while I am thinking about it.

18/Dec/15 9:05 AM
Midge  From Melbourne
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So sorry to read how much pain you are having Heidi, Suzy, MizT and Mamacita. This time of year always tends to push us to our limits no matter how well we plan ahead. Poor Mary - a horrible time for her. Safe travels to you Nola - Paris is wonderful. Last time we were there we stayed in Chantilly - absolutely beautiful. Hope to get back there one day. Spent last weekend in Sydney and hubby and I drove down the coast road back to Ferntree Gully. I have picked out a couple of places I would love to stay longer (especially the surf beaches). Today is getting hot (37C) and tomorrow will be 41C. Brought Truman to work with me today as he is getting old and the heat knocks him around. The poor old dog thought I was taking him to the vet and wouldn't come inside for a while. Since then he has knocked over his water bowl twice and thankfully the boys took him to the beach with them to set up the caravan for their holidays. Cheers for now.
18/Dec/15 1:29 PM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Agree with animal hoarding being a mental illness but I cannot understand how nobody notices until it gets critical for the poor animals. How sad some of them didn't survive. Through 'Oscar's Law' we have had a victory. A horrible puppy farm has been closed and they have 3 months to re-home all of the dogs under veterinary supervision. So at least we hope the dogs are cared for properly at last.
18/Dec/15 1:34 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just a quick hello and sending healing energy, prayers, , positive thoughts, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}!
18/Dec/15 5:02 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The ankle and shoulder are responding to the meds my doctor put me on. At least THAT's improving. The back is making up for it, tho'. But I'd rather have pain in one place than three places.
18/Dec/15 5:05 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Today's weather forecast was to be cold and sunny. We're having snow flurries!!!!
19/Dec/15 6:34 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Tonight Gil and I are going to see the new Star Wars movie. I think this will be only the 3rd time I'll be seeing a movie with him. The reason? The previous 2 times he's fallen asleep during the movie and started snoring. Loudly.
19/Dec/15 6:37 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I agree, Midge, animal hording is a mental illness. As you said, I do not understand how a case can be so bad before anything is done. It seems neighbors, if there are any, would notice, or in some cases at the pet or feed store, someone would notice the tremendous amount of pet food they were buying. Yes, there are people who legitimately buy large amounts, like Heidi, but if Heidi was visited by authorities to see check conditions, I think she would understand the need. OF course she would pass with flying colors, her puppies have her well trained

The service for Mary's son was very nice and very well attended. Mary seemed to be holding up ok, being her gracious self still. she promised me she would phone when all the family leaves and she is home alone, that is when she will need us here at EP. WE had another resident go with us, last minuet. Saw nmy neighbor Ramona, who said she wished she had known we were going, we talked her to go 'as is'. She thought she was too flashy in her red sweater for Christmas, but we talked her into it. Ramona is always dressed to go out, every day, and she was happy to see at least 4 other women wearing red jackets or sweaters. We told her, red is the new black hehehe. Tanya waas such a help. Lynn made it into the chapel, at the back, and could go no further. We had to ask people to give us room to get her to the only chair back there, and she sat the entire visitation and service. Tanya even got staff to get her some water. Lynn just cannot walk far at all now. she so regretted that she could not get to talk with Mary, but Mary told me to let Lynn know she was not expected to fight the crowds to get down the aisle to Mary sitting at the front of the chapel. If I had thought, we could have borrowed a wheelchair from here for her, and plowed our way through the crowds.

Time for another party downstairs, more later.

19/Dec/15 6:49 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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So much for that plan. Gil went out to run errands and didn't get back in time for the movie.
19/Dec/15 11:20 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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He was supposed to treat me. I should have seen this coming.
19/Dec/15 2:01 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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So now I'm banned from driving, by hubby and Dana. We need 2 cars to pick up the kids so I drove over. When I got there I was slurring. So now I'm not allowed to drive. :(. I bet they hide my keys!
19/Dec/15 4:39 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings to all!

Suzy, please take care of yourself! Sending extra healing energy and positive thoughts and prayers your way!

Heidi, I'm so sorry Gil stood you up. There was a possibility that he would actually take you to the movie, so, of course, you hoped for the best. At least you didn't need to suffer through the embarrassment of sitting beside him as he snored through the movie. I'm glad your ankle and shoulder are improving; sure would be nice if your back would do the same!

MizT, I'm glad there was a good turn-out for the wake and funeral of Mary's son. You're quite right that it will be after everyone has gone home that she will need the support of her friends at EP. Keeping her in my thoughts.

Heading to bed now. I hope everyone knows you are in my thoughts, even if I neglect to mention you by name. Sending an extra supply of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, , healing energy, positive thoughts, and prayers for all!
19/Dec/15 5:41 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Midge, thank you for the wished for improved pain. Must have worked . Seriously, my pain levels are such I can now do more, enjoy doing it, and sleep well at night. I have had 2 weeks of doing multiple chores and fun activities each day, where just before that 2 weeks, it was one or none a day. I am enjoying every minute of this, too. Yesterday I was up early for shower and shampoo and 'fixin' my hair, then out to attend services for my friend's son, home for a brief rest, Downstairs for a Karaoke party, then cover all the tender plants with layers of blankets. Used half a package of clothes pins to hold them in place, too. After dinner I made the toping for the sweet potato casserole, too. I am beginning to sound like Julie or June, all I can get done in a day. slept well, woke to another cold beautiful day today.

Heidi, Oh dear, I hope you only had flurries. this is the tail end of the winter storm that made it's way across the USA, forget it's name. It is what brought us forecast of freezing temps. I am glad your pain in shoulders and ankle are improved. It is much easier to deal with chronic back pain if that is the only pain ya have at a time. More than one, it does not just add up, I think it multiplies the pain levels. On days like, the '1-10' pain scale does not begin to say how much you are really hurting.

Of course Gil managed to skip out on movie, if he was paying. He got ya again. Just cannot depend on him for doodly squat. Go with a friend, or just go alone, no snoring to contend with that way.

Suzy, just how long were you under anesthesia for the grafts? It is going to take 6 weeks to recover from the anesthesia, according to the doc (cannot spell that anesthesia doc word) who put me to sleep once, and you having had the stroke,so perhaps longer. I would say it is too soon to drive, and if they have to hide the keys, so be it. this might not be forever thing, address it again after 6 weeks. Hugs to you, sweetie, I know it is hard loosing privileges.

Off to finish my list of to do before leaving for my sisters. MERRY CHRISTMAS to all, see, today is my Christmas party/dinner with family, and that is what means Christmas to me!

20/Dec/15 1:14 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I usually either go to movies by myself, or wait for them to come out on DVD.

Yeah,.... only flurries, lasting for about half an hour. This should be al lof our snow for the rest of 2015.
20/Dec/15 3:38 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Now he's promising me that we'll go to the matinee tomorrow afternoon. I'll believe it when it happens.
20/Dec/15 8:59 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The Christmas tree is FINALLY decorated. I played Christmas carols on iTunes while I worked, and Gil laid on the couch watching. He raved about the results, and told me how great an evening it was, listening to the music and seeing the tree light up. He was a BIG help. Not.
20/Dec/15 3:26 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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My tree is kind of decorated. Dana and the kids did it.

I just went over town with hubby. Caught a bunch of people staring and quickly looking away when I saw them. It was weird.
20/Dec/15 3:53 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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'Memories of Christmas's past'

I gave up on having help to put up my tree with first husband. It was best to just get it done myself, and not have those great expectations of a Normal Rockwell Christmas with family gathered around the tree, all the lights working perfectly, and everyone putting the ornaments on in the perfect place, while singing carols and sipping cocoa. Instead it was arguing, blaming (If you had stored the lights better . . . You have 4 red ornaments in a group. . . change bulbs in the string, the greens are in a cluster) and doing the thing some people do (If I do a lousy job I will not be asked again). Children who would rather be with friends and resentful if I insisted they stay home. OK, I could not change their behavior, I could change my reaction to it, I would not set myself up for failure if I did not expect this of them, so I made the changes. Played my music, took my time, took breaks for coffee and cookies all by myself, and had a tree that passed my expectations.

He did help with one decorating chore though. It was something HE wanted, and it could be done to his level of perfection. We had green garland and red velvet bows for the 9 branch wrought iron chandelier. He took down the globes that were used the rest of the year, leaving only the 'candles' with flame bulbs, wired the garland and bows on, and made it 'perfect'. It did look rather nice, but I tried to be absent the day he did it hehehe.

So Heidi, you were one step ahead, Gil at least raved about how nice it looked, and stayed to listen to the music with you. Yes, I know you needed help, would have been so nice if he had, but you did not really expect him to help did you? Might need to hire someone to help you take it down, if back is not improved when it needs to come down.
20/Dec/15 4:05 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Debbie will help me take it down.

((((( HUGS ))))) Suzy. I won't turn away from you. I care.
20/Dec/15 4:19 PM
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