Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Christmas today was wonderful. We played dirty santa, or take away. Everyone I think went home with something they wanted or could use. I was given instructions which to pick, when my first opened gift was taken from me. 'the perfect scard, hard to describe, plus some cash, cause sis said she bought it so inexpensively she added the difference to our suggested, not go over, price. both fit perfectly and were the correct colors hehehe. An old family friend, who was so close when we all had small children we called her our other sister, or a close connection, not a relation, came with her husband. The same Sylvia IEdna ny sister and I drove 2 hours to have lunch with back in the fall. Was so wonderful to see her and her husband again. she brought me an adult coloring book, one we had chatted about on FB, 'just because'. sis wrapped me a calendar she re-gifted, cause it had local wildflower photos, and some storage containers from her set that she did not use, one serving sized.

The funnest thing of all was watching two year old Vincent open the gift I took him. His older brother, age 16 was helping him, but I asked him to let Vincent try all by himself. He would pull paper from one end, then turn it around and pull paper from the other. 'OHHHH' when he saw the box, needed only a bit of help figuring how to get into box, and a surprise on his face to see colored tissue next. He studied it a bit, then pulled first one sheet then the other out, and the huge smile and giggle when he saw the stuffed Beanie Boo Baby racoon was priceless! I think his dad got a photo of that, but all cameras missed when he got the toy out, gave it a huge hug, said 'meow' and squeezed it to his chest as he turned a full circle. So it seems Racoon will be named Meow hehehe. He went home for a nap, and took the racoon with him to bed. Littlies make
Christmas so fun!

I think my week of activity and the cold front coming through caught up with me. I was so tired, I climbed into bed at 8 pm, had a bit of a rest until 10 pm. After a snack and bedtime meds and checking in here, it is time to get back to bed. Huge hugs to each of you, with extras.
20/Dec/15 4:29 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings to all! It's time to call it a night, so I'm sending along the usual prayers, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, and for each of you!
20/Dec/15 6:56 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Loving Nola's travel diary!
20/Dec/15 8:15 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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FINALLY got to see the movie. Gil tried hard to get me to pay for it, but he couldn't trick me. It was a must-see for any Star Wars fan. But I won't give anything away.
21/Dec/15 9:28 AM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Suzy - same sort of thing happened to me when I was in an electric wheelchair for a few months. People would stare and look away and speak to my hubby as if I was totally incompetent. Thought it was embarrassing at first but then realised they were uncomfortable because of their curiosity. Genuine people don't care what you look like - I feel sorry for those people who look away, they are the ones missing out. MizT sounds like you had a wonderful day - littlies are so much fun this time of year. One great year was when we were cash-strapped and bought a rusty old full size trampoline and hubby spent weeks stripping it and rejuvenating it at his parents' place. Christmas eve he and a friend (with black hair and moustache) assembled it and my three boys snuck out and saw them and were certain it was Santa. No sleep that night! Am very behind in Christmas prep and now have to spend the day before in hospital having a transfusion. At east we will finish work today so I will have a bit of time. Went to see a couple of old 'rockers' on Friday night - Brian Cadd (Twilights/Axiom) and Glenn Shorrock (Little River Band) - they were fantastic. A couple in our group sat like Easter Island statues whist the rest of us were having fun and singing along. What grumps! Glad you enjoyed Star Wars Heidi - did Gil enjoy it too? Hope your back eases and you get some relief from pain. Cheers to everyone for now.
21/Dec/15 10:42 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The ankle is back to screaming at me. And I'm back on the cane. We have a major weather change starting any time now,and I suspect that's a contributing factor.
21/Dec/15 12:42 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just a quick hello and glance at the page. I must have missed posts from Nola that Suzy mentioned.

Midge, going your transfusion goes well and helps! Feel better soon! As for Christmas, I have sent 4 Christmas cards, have no letters done, sent checks in the cards to our children, & hubby started putting up the Christmas tree today - only because D and SIL will be with us for Christmas.

Heidi, hopefully the weather change is done quickly or weather returns to what it was before when you were beginning to feel a bit better. So glad you were able to get Gil to pay for the movie!

Heading to bed, so sending the usual {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, , prayers, and healing energy!
21/Dec/15 8:33 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Nola's travel diary comes via Email.
We celebrated tonight. It is Ken's birthday and we had our Christmas with Laura, her father and other grandmother and also Belinda.
Tomorrow we leave to travel north to have Christmas with our son and our grandsons. We will be with their other grandparents.
We will come home late boxing day as it is about a 9 hour drive.
21/Dec/15 9:21 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Sorry I do not have time to comment but I do want to wish every one of you a very happy and peaceful Christmas.
21/Dec/15 9:22 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It's now raining lightly. It's supposed to continue every day until January 3rd, then it's supposed to turn to snow. No wonder my ankle is killing me. I think I'll take some more pain pills.
22/Dec/15 3:48 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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From My House and Heart to your Houses During This Holiday Season
May the Christmas spirit of peace, love and joy be yours for not only the days leading to and fro the celebrated date but for those days well beyond the ones we measure with time and place...into the eons so to speak.
May our prayers be thoughtful and thankful as we recognize that we are given many important life lessons from both the joys and challenges that we experience. May longevity be filled with peace and acknowledgement that we have met our challenges faithfully and executed them in a positive manner as best we could and were rewarded with helping to add a smile or touch of joy by thought, word or deed, and were well pleased with the same.
May whatever time is granted to us, is used well and we serve mankind following the golden rule as we reach out in comfort to those who are a part of the human family. While we do so, please remember those furry animals all cuddly and sweet no more or less than the burdens of beast...all of God's creatures, need and should have care... and don't stop there! Our earth also is in dire need...may we remember to extend our efforts there.
These thoughts and reminders are offered here in the hopes that all that is good and bright will aid us in doing what we can as we walk this earth together into the new year. May good health and good fortune follow all of us and those we love as we wend our way in this beautiful thing called life together.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
22/Dec/15 4:10 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Mamacita, what beautiful words.
22/Dec/15 5:11 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Some excitement here yesterday but with a happy ending. For a while I thought I might miss Xmas at home for the first time ever.

A few times since my surgery last week I found myself slurring my words. We didn't think much of it because it happens when I'm tired or stressed. Yesterday I started slurring and instead of getting better, it got worse. Because of my history, we decided I should go to the hospital to get checked out. Although I didn't have an MRI to confirm it, impossible at this time of year in a hospital that doesn't have a machine. I would have had to be transported to a place that has one. They think I had a small stroke. I had to go off my blood thinner to have my BCCs removed. That is the probable cause.

I'm home now, still slurring a little, but a lot better than yesterday! Home for the holidays!
22/Dec/15 10:18 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzu.... you are seriously scaring me.
22/Dec/15 11:29 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Suzy, so glad the docs think it was a 'little one'. Hope you get your speech back to normal soonest. Well DUH, it had not clicked with me that your being off the blood thinners for the surgery would cause this. I know that, but just did not think about it. So sorry the being off the thinners gave you this result. Something that had to be done, though. One of those situations, dammed if you do, dammed if you don't. Thoughts, wishes and prayers for a speedy and complete recovery for both the surgery and slurring.

HEIDI, so glad you will have help taking down the tree. We have the weather change that you have, but just rain. No freezing weather forecast so far, for the next week. Flowers in the garden did fine, except for the one that was run over. Long story but a car illegally parked all weekend took up a big part of the drive where it makes a 90 degree turn. turning wide to miss the parked car, the moving car caught the container with it's bumper, tumped it over into the drive way. someone picked up the container and put it back to the green strip between drive and parking spaces, but left the upside down, roots up, blooms down soil ball in the drive. Next car passing ran over it!! I saw part of this from my window, hurried down to see if anything could be saved. Lost several plants, but the majority were still attached to their roots, and after a bit of intensive care, perhaps they will survive. Might make them bloom more profusely. Plants do that if they are endangered. quick, bloom, make seed, reproduce fore we die!! Time will tell.
22/Dec/15 2:20 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Asking for thoughts, prayers and all good wishes for my friend Dave. He found out around midnight last night his 29 yo grandson was killed in a terrible auto crash early Sunday Morning in California. First Mary's son last week, then Dave's grandson, so tragic at any time, but more so at Christmas.

We had 2 musical programs today. Mary was down for the first, but had to leave as we were singing 'White Christmas' It was too difficult when it got to the part ...'just like the ones I used to know', too many memories. As soon as program was over, I went up and sat with her a while, we chatted about anything that came to mind, from serious to calming, to funny. I had a great slice of red velvet cake our mutual friend Ramona had made and sent up to her, just to have something to offer her guests. Ramona is so thoughtful.

Almost time for sleeping pill and bed, have a few things to do before, so off the computer. Hugs to each of you, with extras, till tomorrow.
22/Dec/15 2:33 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Poor Dave, and his family. There's no way they will have a truly Happy Christmas this year.
My hugs to Mary, Dave and everybody who needs estra this time of year.
22/Dec/15 2:42 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Thoughts and wishes to Dave and his family. <3
22/Dec/15 3:16 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I just got in trouble! Hubby did a run for garbage bags and while he was gone, I cleaned the toilets. They needed it and I wasn't going to ask him to do it because he's not the maid. He came home, asked me how I was feeling and when I said I was good, he said 'so I don't have to tell you off for cleaning the toilets?' I didn't think he'd notice because if you notice the toilet needs cleaning, don't you clean it? I thought he'd not noticed they were dirty.
22/Dec/15 3:54 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings to all!

So sorry to hear about Dave's grandson! This will be a difficult holiday for Mary and her family and Dave and his family.

Suzy, please take care of yourself. We care!

Wonderful thoughts in your post, Mama!

You certainly keep busy, MizT. I hope you continue to feel well and have the energy!

Heidi, I wish the weather would improve so that your ankle, shoulder, and back would feel better.

Time for bed, so I'm sending the usual {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers, healing energy, and !
22/Dec/15 7:34 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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This evening is a clothing givaway for the needy, to take place after the weekly food bank. We serve ~ 150 families. I'm dropping off 18 sweaters which no longer fit me, but are in like-new condition. There is a major need for sweaters this time of year. The 4 sweaters I dropped off last week were a popular hit. Some of these are favorites that I was hanging onto in case I would lose weight. But these people need them more than I do.
23/Dec/15 1:23 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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OK.... sweaters delivered.

I just got the strangest email. It said '' Life is short. Have an affair.''
Jeez..... who wants to add complications to their lives?
23/Dec/15 7:52 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Tomorrow is supposed to be ''interesting'', to put it mildly. Weather forecasters are calling for a tornado outbreak in the evening, after an afternoon of thunderstorms. I think I'd prefer a snowstorm.
23/Dec/15 8:31 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Be safe Heidi! You've made 18 people warmer and therefore happier.... That email? Weird.

Julie, wishing you a wonderful holiday. I hope it is a peaceful one with family and friends...

23/Dec/15 9:40 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends, another busy day today, but part was very enjoyable. We had the Christmas service and lunch, sponsored by the nearby Baptist church. they have done this lunch for residents for more than 7 years, noone present today could say just how long. For some of the residents, this will be the only traditional holiday meal they eat. It was yummy, too. a nice brocolli cheese casserole, Italian flat green beans, dressing, sweet potato casserole and rolls. there was a huge table of deserts again, too. I did not make anything for desert this time, spent time with both Dave and Mary instead. There was enough mine was not missed.

I saw Dave as soon as I went down stairs today, happily surprised he came down for lunch. He thanked me for the card I slipped under his door, I asked if he had someone to sit with today, and we sat together for lunch. It was a fun time, chatting and eating. I complained halfheartedly that there was never enough cranberry sauce, those tiny flutted white paper cups with maybe a tablespoon of cranberry sauce. So when it was passed, Dave said yes for cranberry sauce, and handed it over to me. when they offered seconds, he made sure I got his and mine both again, he does not care for cranberry sauce. We spent so much time chatting that I forgot to eat it with my meal, and he said I had to eat it after he went to the trouble to make sure I had enough. so I ate cranberry sauce by itself. hehehe. then he teased that they were cranberry shooters, and the last one I managed to get from the cup to mouth like a shooter. whole table laughed . Lunch was a bit of distraction for him, was good to see him smile.

My shoes I had wanted for Saturday's and today's parties came this afternoon. someone had put the zip code wrong, they wound up in Pensecola FL, then MOntgomery Ala. I got notice that apartment number did not exist, well perhaps not for the wrong zip, but you know, the address said plain as day, BIRMINGHAM, AL. Noone even looked at the city name, just that incorrect zip. Not sure if it was me or somone at the company that entered the wrong zip. Love both pair of them though. Of course they were crocs, just a slimmer lighter style. One pair silver, and one navy. At least I can have them for Christmas Day.

Heidi, stay safe. Wishing no tornadoes for you. I have not seen tornado warnings in our forecast so far, just T storms. but then I have not looked today.

Because I had to walk a long distance in the doctor's building today, no transport for my chair, I arrived out of breath, hurting bad, BP up, as it does when I am in pain, and pulse rate also elevated. Now he is testing for everything, another cat scan, sending for records from the last cardiac workup. I have to take BP and heart rate several times a day until follow up appointment in 3 weeks. It is already coming down. I shall look at newest meds to see if any of them could cause this.

I am ready for my dinner, hugs to each of you, with extras, till l
23/Dec/15 11:55 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, Everyone!

Wishing all a very Merry Christmas! Life is busy, but fine. Have weeded out a lot of mail, papers, etc. and lightening the load, so to speak. Shopped for some groceries today. No time to practice, so hope to fit in some tomorrow.

Heidi, I hope the weather improves, as well as ankle, shoulder, and back.

MizT, take it easy tomorrow and feel better. Enjoy the new shoes.

Suzy, I hope you are healing and feeling better. Get lots of rest and let the others do the heavy work!

Hoping everyone is well and/or feeling better. Take care. Sending healing energy, prayers, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and !
23/Dec/15 8:38 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Back from running my final errands before Christmas. I hit Feeder's Supply for food and toys for the birds, and toys for the dogs... I got auto insurance paid... did LOTS of grocery shopping.... some banking, including cash gifts for some nice neighborhood kids.... gassed up my truck.... and went to pay the electric bill which IH handed me, while panicking that they were going to cut it off if it wasn't paid today ((only to find out once I got there that he paid it last week)). Now I get to unload all the groceries and put them away. Just taking a brief break first.. Also, while at Feeder's Supply, I noticed that they had 2 lonely Budgies for sale. So the employees wouldn't have worry about feeding them over the holiday weekend, and the birds wouldn't get lonely in the store,I brought them home with me. Both are boys. One's the wild green color, the other's an olive pied.
24/Dec/15 5:03 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We are now under TORNADO WATCH until 9 pm EST. That means conditions are right for a tornado to form, but one hasn't been sighted YET.
24/Dec/15 6:50 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Wishing all my friends a very Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays.
I am glad we are home for Christmas, we will be sharing a Turkey dinner that Pete is cooking with my BIL Steve and Teresa who is working Christmas day, not forgetting the two dogs and two cats!
Pete has finished doing the repairs on the caravan and should be back home this afternoon so I a running the spa for his sore aching bones.
Love and hugs to you all and a big sloppy lick from Bella.
24/Dec/15 2:58 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Hi everyone. We have a nice. Motel and a god drive to get here. Only one snag was the 5 km in 1 hour as we drove through a country town with traffic lights. My son and family joined us for a fish and chip lunch today and we will have Christmas with them tomorrow. We are near the ocean and the river mouth and the weather is warm but quite nice.
I would like to wish you all a. Wonderful Christmas with loving thoughts for those like Dave and Mary and others missing their love ones.
24/Dec/15 4:12 PM
   Jerry  From Washougal/Toledo, WA
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I wish for everyone a very Merry Christmas, filled with laughter and cheer, spent with those nearest and dear. I hope you can make the kind of memories I am remembering. God Bless...
24/Dec/15 5:57 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! Sending lots of and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for everyone, as well as wishes for a wonderful and joyful Christmas. Take care, try to stay - or get - healthy. Sending healing energy, positive thoughts, and prayers. Enjoy your family, friends, and animals!
24/Dec/15 6:26 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Welcome to the page, Jerry, and Merry Christmas to you and your family.
24/Dec/15 6:27 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Thank you Jerry for the warm wishes. Come back and chat with us again, we are a friendly group

Merry Christmas to the dugs and Merry Christmas Eve to topsiders. Hope all of you are enjoying your day, however you spend it.

I am baking sweet potatoes for the pot luck lunch for residents who will be alone here for Christmas. Some have no family near, some celebrated with family early or will later. One of our residents last year saw the need, tried to reserve the Johnson's commons for Christmas, but found it was reserved a year in advance by one resident, she had for many many years. So Betty reserved the room for THIS Christmas, and held last years pot luck in the smaller community room, without a full kitchen. Betty passed away the first of this year, from complications of COPD and flu, so in her memory, several of us are hosting the Second Annual Pot luck dinner. EP donated the left over turkey and dressing from Tuesday's christmas lunch, one of our staff made us a pot of greens, a resident's family donated 2 hams, and the sides and deserts will be brought by residents.

My girls are coming for brunch, and will be going down with me to help serve and clean up from the lunch. So, the reason for more sweet potato casserole.

Timer is going off, time to check the 'taters, and get a few small gifts to close friends here ready to deliver. Hope your day is as fun filled as mine is and will be tomorrow, too.

Happy Holidays if you prefer and Happy New Year to all!
25/Dec/15 5:22 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Suzy, hope you are getting better. AND I think you should have asked hubby to clean toilets. True, he is not the maid, but neither are you. And you have doctors orders for not doing such things. Most men I know do not think like we do, but more 'it is dirty, I will get around to that later if someone else does not do it' Most would do the chore if asked.

Heidi, I have not looked at weather news, I hope no tornadoes touched down anywhere near you. We were under a watch yesterday afternoon. My weather alert to my phone did not advise me. I need to see what is going on there. But we had a t storm going on, I heard thunder while waiting outside Lynn's door. We watched the rain approaching, and the lightning from her 7th floor apartment. It was a narrow(east to west, moving south west to north east) long band of a storm, passed us quickly.

Dave traded my soup for a Bloody Mary for me, while we visited a bit. I think I had the best of the bargain hehehe.

Time to finish my cooking, then perhaps a nice nap. today both BP and heart rate were back to normal, hope it remains so. I do not need another cardiac workup, had 5 in 7 years, and all show no problems.
25/Dec/15 6:17 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Merry Christmas to you all. Santa woke us at about 4 am as he noisily drove through the motel. I think it was the garbage truck! I hope you will all have a joyous Christmas Day.
25/Dec/15 7:14 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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25/Dec/15 7:32 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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I hope you all have a beautiful day Merry Christmas.
25/Dec/15 3:51 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Merry Xmas everyone
25/Dec/15 5:22 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Merry Christmas to all. May the day be peaceful and happy! (Darn, I can't get the smilies to work.) Think happy and bright thoughts!
25/Dec/15 5:33 PM
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