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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
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Trouble is part of your life, and if you don't share it, you don't give the person who loves you enough chance to love you enough. (Dinah Shore)
I thought this applied to us all as we share our troubles and joys.
24/Oct/15 11:55 AM
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It was a nice cool day yesterday so I got some of the weeds out of the garden. There are lots there. Hopefully on Wednesday I will have a handyman come and do some big jobs. (he does some relief teaching so depends if he is called).
Local school has a fete today so may go down later and spend some money!
Pleased all the hay is in Heidi and you were not involved!
Pleased you had a nice visit with your sister Tricia. Get well Midge.
24/Oct/15 12:01 PM
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Hi, Everyone! I just have a minute to pop in and say Hello, then another long day tomorrow (full-day seminar). It looks like the month is going to end as busy as it started.
Sending along some positive thoughts,
, healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and prayers for all!
24/Oct/15 3:25 PM
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I went to the fete. Parked and had a fair walk and forgot my stick so I was very pleased when I got back to the car. I only bought an egg and bacon roll and a small apple juice. I only drank half the juice so put it in my bag. Threw the bag on the bed when I got home. I had not closed the bottle properly and now I have to wash my new wool doona and doona cover. Bummer!
25/Oct/15 2:44 AM
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Julie, you are always so busy. Please try and pace yourself.
25/Oct/15 2:45 AM
Alabama, USA
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Not much to write about today. I made some cream for dry skin, recipe from my BIL, who got it from a health care worker. I had used the two small jars he gave me a year ago, so decided to make some. It was not as difficult as I had imagined. I found some very small containers to use for Christmas gifts of the cream, and 4 larger jars for me and Joy.
Watered flowers Friday and went to a meeting for Unity Day (or was that Thursday?). Staff did a cute song and dance, too. Thursday the house cleaner came, I had cancelled for Tuesday while I was away, was surprised she could work me in on Thursday. Thursday afternoon I played scrabble. I won the first game, and was only 9 points from winning the second. We did a clothing swap. I had the night shirt that did not fit. Amazon refunded the cost of it, but told me NOT to return it, so gave it to Judy. Mary had a Flannel gown she did not wear because it was to hot, I got that. She had a pair of Birkenstock sandals she had on Wednesday when she had a fall, said she blames the shoes an d will not wear them again. To big for me, too wide for Lynn, not sure why they did not work for Judy, so those went to the free table. I also had a shirt and pants Tanya had given me, one that was too large for her, top was too small and pants were not knit, I would not wear even if they would zip, so gave those away also. Nice to give things to someone you know will wear them.
I have been cold today, house is warmer than usual, so not sure why. I went back to bed with heating pad and a rice sock, still cold, so I got up and had hot soup and hot coffee, at last I got almost warm again.
Heidi, when did you get diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? I must have missed that, sorry to hear it, not fun at all. Hope you get better soon.
June, how terrible the juice you saved spilled on your bed and means washing everything. Hope they came out of the wash in good condition.
Julie, good to see you drop in, even if only for a minute. It is good to know you are still going and going, like the energizer bunny.
Other posts are a page back, and I cannot remember anything else. Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
25/Oct/15 6:40 AM
Alabama, USA
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Boy, the bots can now read my posts before they are posted hehehe. I mentioned a flannel gown, ads for 3 flannel gowns, see it as my post comes up. Weird.
25/Oct/15 6:42 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Back from the funeral. It was really beautiful because both preachers who helf the service truly loved and respected Archie. .. and it came through. They were both in tears.
I wore a lew outfit to the funeral... 3 piece black with silver highlights... and got a lot of compliments over it. One person told IH that he'd better watch out, he was gonna try to steal me away from him. I think I'll keep that outfit.
MizT..... I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome about a year after I came down with that nasty case of Mono.
25/Oct/15 7:31 AM
Magnolia, KY
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helf? HELD
25/Oct/15 7:32 AM
Magnolia, KY
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lew? NEW
25/Oct/15 7:32 AM
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Hi, Everyone! Taking a few minutes before heading to bed. Tomorrow morning is platelet donation, so a very early start.
How nice to see how many posts came in while I didn't have time to visit! Sending {{{HUGS}}} to June, Midge, Mama, MizT, and Heidi, and anyone I may have missed!
Prayers for those who can use them, even if for something relatively minor, positive thoughts, healing energy,
, and {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}!
25/Oct/15 3:49 PM
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June, what a great and appropriate TOPP! So sorry to hear that the apple juice spilled. Hopefully the donna and cover came clean and as good as new!
Midge, wishing you speedy and complete recovery!
Heidi, I hope all the hay is in and hope your tooth and ear are both improving. The same goes for your back!
MizT, sounds like the visit to your sister was fast but fun! How nice that the skin cream for dry skin you made can also be used for Christmas gifts!
Heidi, please take care - and enjoy every opportunity you have for wearing the new outfit! It's always nice to get a compliment, especially if it helps IH to see how very lucky he is.
And now, off to bed! Good night, everyone!
25/Oct/15 3:58 PM
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For Heidi -heifers/?cs=203
25/Oct/15 6:42 PM
Alabama, USA
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Suzy, thanks for the link, I took a look. Rare indeed, and they look healthy in the photo.
Julie, yes, the dry skin cream was made to share. Joy had used the last of hers, and asked for more. My BIL had given me 3 jars about a year ago, and I sent one to Joy then. the others will be a little something for my Scrabble buddies, and for a couple of our staff that I think might enjoy it. I had intended to make it for some time, but never made a trip to pharmacy for the ingredients. One day looked for them on amazon and ordered, so much easier. Did I say I have enjoyed having Amazon Prime?
today I hope to work on the flowers in my window. some of them are looking a bit sad, and I will just take cuttings and start them again. I want to get this done this week, so I can put my clear lights in the window, among the plants.
we loose daylight savings time next weekend, and I find the lights are so comforting in the early dark.
Also must find my recipe for the broccoli cheese soup, and shop for ingredients. I will start making it Wednesday, many steps, so I need to do a few ahead of time. Our Fall Festival is Friday, soup must be downstairs by 10:30. I have made it once before, it all sold out quickly, and the workers were scraping the containers with a spatula so they could get a taste hehehe. I hope to make more this time.
That is all for today, hugs to each of you, with extras.
26/Oct/15 12:13 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Great story, Suzy!! Thanks for sharing it. I've seen triplets in dairy cows before, but never in a beef breed. We have a couple sets of twins each year, and once two sets of twins in one day. I wouldn't want to have triplets. The calves would have to be supplemented. Even IF mama can count to three.
26/Oct/15 10:20 AM
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Just a quick hello and huge supply of {{{{HUGS}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers,
, and healing energy for all!
26/Oct/15 4:08 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I injured the muscle below my shoulder blade a few days ago (moving brush) and I still cannot use my left arm. I've GOT to stop doing these things! The weird part is that the only way to stop it hurting is to lay on it.
27/Oct/15 5:59 AM
Alabama, USA
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Yea, I got the potted plants cleaned up yesterday. I removed half my kitchen trash can full of dead stuff, then soaked them in water. they had got so matted water was just running down the sides when I watered. I found a couple drops of soap in the water breaks up that surface tension, allowing water to penetrate. I hope that and some fertalizer will revitalize the plants.
I got to the grocery today. there were NO onions in the produce section and I needed onions for the soup. Was dreading having to make a second stop in the rain today. When the checker asked if I found everything OK today, I told her, everything but onions. she apologized, she was to have restocked them but was called to run a register. she asked if I really needed them, told her about making soup for Fall Festival, so she got someone to go get me onions. That has never happened at Aldis before.
the change in weather has attacked me, achy all over. I was waiting for time to repeat pain meds, just have, so now for a bit of a nap, to get toasty warm and see if that will help. We need the rain, but I do not need the achies. It has rained a nice slow steady rain since last night, so good for the garden.
Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
27/Oct/15 8:27 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Let's hear a cheer for Aldi's!!!!!!
27/Oct/15 1:17 PM
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Greetings to all!
I agree with Heidi; way to go, Aldi's!
Heidi, I hope your arm is better tomorrow!
MizT, I hope you sleep well and feel better tomorrow!
Having some computer connection issues, so I'll call it a night. Sending prayers, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, and
27/Oct/15 4:17 PM
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I understand the ache all over Tricia. I played bowls today. We were playing pairs which meant that you stood the whole time (about three hours) and there was a couple of light showers of rain. I had trouble holding the bowl and I was aching because of the weather so I pulled out of the game before we had finished. I was then OK once I could sit down and the rain stopped.
I am pleased that you got your onions. I have always found Aldi quite helpful.
27/Oct/15 11:07 PM
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Heidi, I do hope that your shoulder is feeling better. I know it is hard when you have a farm but you really need to be careful of what you try to do. you must look after yourself so that you are there for your animals when they need you.
Julie, thanks for your blessings. I just wish that sometimes you just had time to relax!
27/Oct/15 11:12 PM
Alabama, USA
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Today I cooked onions. The soup is better if the onions are caramelized. That is a slow process, cannot do too many at a time either. I caramelized two pans of onions, Tanya said she could smell them when she got off the elevator in our building. The onions will hold nicely in the fridge now that they are cooked. I will do the remainder of the soup on Thursday morning.
It is still raining, day 2. Most of the time it is a nice slow drizzle, but occasionally a bigger burst of rain. I noticed all the containers had water absorbing granules that had expanded and worked their way to the top. A slow rain like this is so good for the plants.
Time for a nap now, be back soon. Hugs to each of you till then.
28/Oct/15 6:43 AM
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Hello, Everyone!
June, what a shame that you had to pull out of the game. I am quite sure I could not stand for 3 hours! Dealing with rain must only make thinks worse! What a relief that you felt better once you could sit down and no longer have rain to contend with!
June, thanks for your concern. I do get a chance to relax, especially when I stop by here or on Facebook. I also have learned that when my shoulders or hands get too achey, it's time to take a break from practicing, instead of continuing. Today I did paperwork updating for our woodturners club while taking a break from practicing. I also took time to play with our D and SIL's dog, as we are 'puppy-sitting' this week.
MizT, I hope you are feeling better today. I'm glad you were able to get onions. I'm sure they smelled wonderful and will contribute much to the soup! We have been having rain off and on since afternoon. It was raining pretty heavily a little bit ago when hubby took the dog out for her evening walk. It didn't last long - just long enough to pee and come right back inside. I'm not sure which of them disliked the rain more, but my guess is that it was pretty much equal.
Sending lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts,
, and healing energy for all who have posted recently as well as those we don't hear from very often.
28/Oct/15 1:49 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Shoulder still hurting. Debbie was rubbing some icy-hot on it yesterday, and told me there was a bad bruise in the middle of the sore area. Considering it happened a week ago, it must be a humdinger.
29/Oct/15 3:37 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I am FREQUENTLY accused of driving with a lead foot. I have just found out it's not my fault. Debbie's car is in the repair shop, and she needed a vehicle for several days. So I lent her my truck. (I have the RV as backup) Debbie is a careful driver who sticks to the speed limit. Much to her surprise, as soon as she got behind the wheel of my truck, she turned into a speed demon... driving around 15 mph over the speed limit!!! She claims that my truck just wants to go fast. And she loves it! Thunder (my Tundra) and I are a bad influence.
29/Oct/15 5:49 PM
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Greetings! I should be in bed, so just dropping be to say Hello.
Heidi, I hope your shoulder improved each day! Take care!
Sending much
, healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, and prayers for everyone!
29/Oct/15 6:20 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Actually, my shoulder is getting worse. I may visit the ER soon.
30/Oct/15 7:35 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi everyone.
It was lovely to read all the posts and catch up with what you are doing.
Heidi..sorry to hear of your health problems. is good that you are so socially active within the home and family.
Suzy....the calves look really big for newborn.
June...I have the walking stick now. Just getting used to using it around home and it takes a lot of the impact off the knee. So, it should work well on our travels. is your busy life going?
Midge...lovely to see you posting too. Take care!
30/Oct/15 9:37 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Our internet was off for about 4 days, and before that, I did a 9 week, online Dementia course. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was free from Tasmania Uni and open world wide with roughly 35,000 participants. This gave me 27hrs of external learning.
All good here.
30/Oct/15 9:43 AM
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Hello everyone. Quick visit - all ok here, 1 son off to Phuket tomorrow, daughter back from Cairns today and I am stuck at work while we have beautiful 27 degree weather!!! Planted a few tomato plants, repotted my lemon tree (in pot because I wanted to take it with me when we move but we have been in the same house for 42 years) and seeded portulacas. Wish I was home cause it takes me a long time to do anything and I am constantly behind. Hope all are getting better, cheers for now.
30/Oct/15 10:48 AM
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Hi, Everyone!
Nola, you are so often busy, but get so much done! Good for you, and good for planning ahead for your holiday in a few months!
Midge, I wish you could be at home more as well, and could be doing the things you want to be doing. Safe travels to your son (& also your hubby, if I remember correctly), and welcome back to your daughter. I hope you can soon enjoy the pleasant weather!
Heidi, I'm so sorry to hear that your shoulder is getting worse. Good luck if you go to the ER, or if you don't. Hopefully yu will soon feel better!
30/Oct/15 5:27 PM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Julie, I am not as busy as most, after reading what you all do. Greg gets a bit done at home like housework, mowing and maintenance. As our electricity bill was quite high last summer he went though the house and put in LED light globes both in the house and sheds. It would be great if it made a difference on last summers bill but I doubt it. We were also advised to put the freezer on a timer to stay off at night, when the solar system can't help.
Recently, we have had some welcome rain which filled a new tank. This rain was needed by the farmers and to lessen the bushfires threats.
Local sugar cane harvests have been delayed, giving Paul a little bit more work.
I really missed emails and the net, even for a few days. Most of my contact with Renae are emails as we both work different shifts.
Catch you all again soon. I must get to bed now.
31/Oct/15 2:30 AM
Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends. The soup turned out very tasty. I had more trouble warming it today than anticipated. A cream based soup just does not warm quickly over high heat, would scorch it and after the time I have put into this, do not want to ruin it last thing. We put half in the crock pot, hoping it would warm in the 2 hours, was not warm enough. I did another large bowl of it in the microwave, even there it took 30 something minuets to get it hot. The last bit still in the soup pot was warmed on the stove, stirring constantly. Put the crock pot soup in the pot to finish warming. We got it downstairs hot, hope they could keep it hot during the serving time. I had my bowl of soup last night, for dinner. I had to taste test it, didn't I?
Heidi, what happened to your shoulder? I have forgotten how you hurt it. I do hope it is better by now. Do let us know, we care. I do know what you mean about a vehicle that just liked to go fast. Once, Al and I drove the same make and model of minivan, just two different colors. Mine wanted to go fast, he was always telling me he saw me speeding. He never drove over speed limit, until one day he had to drive mine. He agreed, that vehicle just drove better about 10 miles over the speed limit of our back country roads, I think it was 45 MPH. Minivan liked 55 to 60 MPH.
Nola, I am glad the walking stick is working out well for you. Is yours the kind I call the hiking stick, about shoulder height, or the curved handle walking cane, which is shorter at about waist height and held at the top, on the curved handle? I use the cane type. When out with sister last week, she commented that I was not using the cane, just had it hung over my arm, and getting along nicely without it.
Today could not 'get along nicely' without my cane. Hip is complaining loudly. I have taken pain meds, rubbed on the topical anti inflammatory med, sat with heat on hip, went to bed for a while, so far only partial relief. Perhaps I should try ice next, brrrr. I did not make it downstairs to work at the Fall Festival, or even to just look around. They have a silent auction I was interested in, and a jewelry sale. One of our residents who passed away this year donated her jewelry to the Residents Association, and I did want to take a look at that. Tanya is working in my place today, plus she did the lunch pickup for today. She has been here since 8:30. We changed my bed, loaded up the dirty clothes and took to her car, so she would not forget them when she leaves this afternoon. We were taking a break, sitting in the living room, and she said to me, Mom there will not be enough room for the lunches I pick up, with the laundry in the trunk. OOOPS, so we went down and brought the laundry basket and pillow case full of dirty laundry back up to apartment. We will have to take them back down when she is ready to leave this afternoon. Not good planning, eh?
Nola, what caused the delay of sugar cane harvest? I know very little about growing
31/Oct/15 4:43 AM
Alabama, USA
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Nola, what caused the delay of sugar cane harvest? I know very little about growing and harvesting sugar cane, except it is hard, hot work.
Midge, I am envious of you, planting flowers and vegetables when our growing season is winding down. We have not had first frost at my local yet, there have been years we had first frost mid October, others when we did not get frost till February. So I still have flowers blooming, begonias enjoying the cooler temps, a few geraniums, of course the mums and the pansies. The grape vine has gone dormant, the ivey is still going strong and the Boston Ferns are spectacular. I am watching forecast for frost, the ferns will have to be brought in, unless it is only one cold night then back to a week or more of warm. I can cover things for one or two cold nights. those ferns will have to be divided come spring, and I have NO idea how I shall manage that, they are HUGE.
OH, Halloween Party yesterday was fun. for me, the highlight of the day was when Loraine got out of her power chair and walked a few steps, announcing that this month was the first time she was able to walk since 2005. We are so very proud of her working so hard to regain use of those legs.
that is enough for today, hugs to each of you, with extras.
31/Oct/15 4:44 AM
Mamacita 2
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Hi All,
I've been hit with a medical reaction to meds my doctor used to try to increase my circulation has left me weak and not posting much...Good to see Midge and Nola's post along with the others. More as I feel better.
31/Oct/15 10:18 AM
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Hi to all, and wishing you a Happy Halloween!
Nola, I hope the LED globes/light bulbs make a difference on your electricity bill. I hadn't thought of letting the freezer take a break during the night hours because your solar charging system is also taking a break.
MizT, Mama, and Heidi, I hope all of you feel better soon!
Healing energy, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, and
, are on their way to each of you!
Happy Halloween to Everyone!
31/Oct/15 5:23 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Severe head cold. I think I'm dying, and afraid that I'm not.
01/Nov/15 4:29 AM
Magnolia, KY
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01/Nov/15 4:30 AM
Magnolia, KY
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This was his final race. H's now retiring to Coolmore Stud in Lexington, KY to produce more little Pharoahs. Hopefully spelled properly.
01/Nov/15 2:16 PM
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