harry from bayswater melbourne

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   Dizzy Lizzy  From Melbourne-Australia
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G'day Harry
let me be the first to

you to this site
I hope you have as much fun as the rest of us do,
Hope to see you round the pages.

30/Oct/08 10:41 AM
harry  From bayswater melbourne
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30/Oct/08 10:46 AM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL    Supporting Member
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cool fall day here near Chicago but should be a little warmer for Halloween. I was able to enjoy a nature walk this morning. Enjoy your time on the site - Mary
30/Oct/08 11:43 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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to the wide wonderful world of Sudokuland!
Glad you could join in on the fun!
I envy your spring! Saw a few snow flakes this afternoon here in Michigan!
30/Oct/08 1:30 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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and welcome to Sudokuland Harry, hope you have as much fun in here as we all do.
30/Oct/08 2:22 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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to Harry.
Great to have you here with us.
What exactly do you need help with? Click on the blue 'Check out my page' next to everyone's name and you can go visit their pages.
30/Oct/08 4:15 PM
   Sophia  From Country Vic, Aust.
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Come in, take a load off and enjoy, great to have you here,drop in sometime if you feel like having a chat, cheers.
30/Oct/08 4:22 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi Harry to your own page in sudokuland.
Nice to have another Melbournite join the gang.
Plenty to do on the site...post often and let us get to know you as you get to know us...
Bye the way...I think we ALL need a lot of help on this site.... [I won't point my finger...will let you decide he he]
30/Oct/08 5:15 PM
harry  From bayswater melbourne
Check out my page
everybody for the warm welcome.GAIL Ihave no trouble to solve almost any Sudoku but I do not know how to do all those wonderful things you and the others do with the P.C. Before I become a member a lot of people would say HELLO to me and I did not know what to do.I am realy sorry for that because I was just runing away. Thx everybody
30/Oct/08 7:39 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Harry, my philosophy about computers is if I can do it, anyone can! As of a year ago, I had no idea how to even turn it on, had to ask my youngest child (13yo at that stage!). Now I am on it daily, and communicate with friends all over the globe. I used to be dead against computers and the net, now I am frantic if the net is 'down' for any reason!
In the forums section, there is a section called MEMBERS SPECIAL FEATURES – HELP AND INFORMATION, it may help.
30/Oct/08 8:45 PM
harry  From bayswater melbourne
Check out my page
Thx GAIL.At least some one helped you I have no one in my place but I wil be ok see you
30/Oct/08 8:51 PM
   Sophia  From Country Vic, Aust.
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that is correct harry
30/Oct/08 10:25 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hello Harry.
Have fun wont you.
31/Oct/08 1:49 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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to your own page, harry!
I too knew NOTHING about computers. "trial and error" is my motto! (mostly error, I'm afraid) If you get stuck and need help, just go to the 'easy' page and post your question. Help will be on the way! If you would like to post directly to someone's page, click on the blue "check out my page" next to their name or avatar.
Glad you've joined us
31/Oct/08 4:29 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Harry! Hope you have a great time working out how this all works!
31/Oct/08 5:59 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Harry! Welcome to your your page on the site. I'm sending you my traditional page warming gift, a double chocolate fudge beavertail pastry from Ottawa, Canada. Enjoy, and cheers!
31/Oct/08 6:11 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Harry - a West Aussie welcome to you! I hope you have fun on the site.
Leaving a six pack of your favourite beer to share with your visitors.
31/Oct/08 1:31 PM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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Dear Harry.
You are to your own page.
You are to my own page.
You are to visit my Egyptian Guest House any and every time you wish.
31/Oct/08 5:19 PM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Hope you have a blast here in Sudokuland.
01/Nov/08 2:00 AM
   Spooky Suzy  From Oz
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Harry, great to see you on my page! Come again some time!
01/Nov/08 4:49 PM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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A BIG to you Harry.
Enjoy the site.
01/Nov/08 9:11 PM
harry  From bayswater melbourne
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VIV for the big welcome.I will try to enjoy the site as much as every one else does.VIVA LA VIV and the PIES
02/Nov/08 2:50 PM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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Oh ty Harry. VIVA LA VIV !! I love that. He ehehe
But the PIES ? arghgghhg no, it's the CAT'S. If we are talking aussie rules that is.
But on second thoughts after the poor showing in the Grand Final maybe I should change teams.
Have a great day.
03/Nov/08 9:43 AM
   Dizzy Lizzy  From Melbourne-Australia
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Hia Harry
Hope you have had a wonderful cup day !!!
did you pick a winner???
I got a third in one of the sweeps at work. so got my money back.....
I like most types of music,
I work in an aged care facility,
so I end up listening to a lot of thirties and forties music,

04/Nov/08 7:30 PM
   Dizzy Lizzy  From Melbourne-Australia
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Hi Harry
Yes I do like Andre Rieu
and once again, a lot of this is due to the fact that the residents at work like him so much,
and often one of his dvd's will be playing....
so not much choice, but do enjoy his music....

05/Nov/08 9:06 PM
   Dizzy Lizzy  From Melbourne-Australia
Check out my page
Hia Harry
if your still around
and want to have a chat
click on the blue chatroom down below
06/Nov/08 8:05 AM
   Dizzy Lizzy  From Melbourne-Australia
Check out my page
hope you got to watch Andre Rieu
on dancing with the stars
dont normally watch it,
but had to, tonight....
09/Nov/08 8:21 PM
   fii  From NT
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Hi there Harry,

THanks for visiting my page. Though I do visit a lot of Aboriginal communities in the Top End and work with the people, I don't personally know the chooky dancers. However I wanted to share the video and the story to help people understand a little about the Aboriginal culture as a whole and their valueing of family and relationships and their use of dance as a communication. Great story about Lilian isn't it. You have a right to be proud.
10/Nov/08 7:17 AM
elly  From brabant
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Yes Harry, Brabant is a province in the Netherlands (aka Holland) and yes, I do know who Andre Rieu is. Everyone here knows who he is! As a matter of fact, I just watched a documentary about his visit to Australia. Seems he and the members of his orch. had a great time!
Hope his fans overthere did too!!
15/Nov/08 8:28 AM
   fii  From NT
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Hello Harry,

Thankyou for your very kind reply. I was touched. I'm one of many people in NT who are involved through their work with Aboriginal people in Health, Education and Comunity work.
It would be wonderful to think that we made a positive difference.

There is no denying the issues of poverty raised in government and media reports but sometimes so much money is thrown at the problems (eg Govt Intervention) but throun unwisely. So much has been spent at a TALK TALK level with people form canberra being paid big wages and really being too new to the situations to make a positive difference. Rather than interevention, it would have been better to call it a consultation.

I'm a teacher ... I would like to see the money directed into afterschool programs, building, maintaining and running swimmingpools, basketball courts, footyfields, gyms. Organising older members of the community to run hunting, art, story telling groups, hiring musicians and artists to build up community singing and to build on the artisitic skills of the people, to get big communnal veggie gardens growing, small industies happening, communities taking pride and responsibility to clean up and
maintain their towns and homes.

Despite the poverty (and everything that goes with it) there is a real beauty in the people I meet and work with. They teach me a lot- adults and children. My job takes me to new adventures every week. I'm very privilidged.

What do you do?
22/Nov/08 11:01 AM
   fii  From NT
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Harry, I'm a white Australian with Scottish Ancestry and I grew up in Victoria. As a teacher, I arrived in NT in 2001. I do spend a lot of time with Indigeous people up here and like to share some of the positive aspects of Indigenous cultures. I've been posting on the Suduko site since mid 2005. Some of my earlier postings referred to my Scottish heritage.
29/Nov/08 3:55 PM
   Sophia  From Country Vic, Aust.
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Harry, the person saying "say something" is not a person it is an advertisement for one of those little yellow jumping balls on the side of your screen. Thats what it says its not someone trying to talk to you, in regards to your microphone sorry but I cannot help I am not very technical, have a nice day
05/Dec/08 8:45 AM
   Dizzy Lizzy  From Melbourne-Australia
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Hi Harry yes am online now
do you have msn
09/Dec/08 8:47 PM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Harry! Just stopping by to wish you a
20/Dec/08 8:37 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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Harry, I have been to Australia, but it's been six years. I would love to come back again. When (not if, WHEN!)that happens I will surely let all my sudoku friends down under know!
20/Dec/08 9:43 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Harry, there is an ad on your page for a smilie site and when you scroll over the smilie, he says Hellooooo!
It used to creep me out to. There is no-one there.
21/Dec/08 8:11 PM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Harry! to Sudokuland! It is great to have you with us. There is a lot to do around here and more is added all the time! Please stop by for a visit sometime. My door is always open

Merry Christmas to you and your family.
21/Dec/08 9:40 PM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Harry! I see Gail answered your question about the "HELLO" and Sophia answered about the "SAY SOMETHING!" you are hearing. I don't know if you realize it or not, but if you become a Supporting Member you don't get the ads. Something you might want to consider if it really annoys you. Take care....
22/Dec/08 6:39 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Wishing you all the very best for the Festive Season

22/Dec/08 8:26 AM
   fii  From NT
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Hi there harry

Wishing you and your loved ones a wonderful Christmas this year

for your interest in Indigenous Australians .

I guess that while we swelter in Darwin you may well swelter in Melbourne too,
Whatever and where ever, may it be a lovely celebration for you.

Here’s the traditional

Juice of 7 large lemons
Grated rind of 5 large lemons
1 kg sugar
1.25 litres of water
25g citric acid
1.In a large pan, boil up sugar, water, grated peel and citric acid.
2.Take off and add juice, If preferred, this may be strained.
3.Bottle whilst still hot into clean, sterilised (in oven) bottles

Mix it with gin and soda if you want an alcoholic drink but I prefer it just with straight soda

May 2009 be a healthy, peaceful, joyful, hopeful, satisfying year for you
23/Dec/08 2:30 AM
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