Kate from TX

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You can take the girl out of Texas but not the Texas out of the girl and ultimately not the girl out of Texas.
Indian Blanket
new hairdo by Lovey

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   mymare  From Naperville, IL
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I didn't think deer (marigolds) - but I have seen deer in our neighborhood before - I guess they live on the golf course that's on the other side of the train tracks. I just couldn't believe that my flowers were all gone
Have a good day - I'ts a great day here - air off for for third day Mary
22/Jun/07 4:36 AM
Fishing Guy  From Kent, OH, USA
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Hi Kate
We have a constant joke at work about crappie/crappy. I always say crappie, It's much more sophiticated a sound, they deserve it. They are a great fish and give a great fillet.
Hutto is a small town and it's great you know about it. I'll mention you the next time I write my brother-in-law. His son pitches for a little league team that are highly rated in the nation.
26/Jun/07 9:33 PM
Fishing Guy  From Kent, OH, USA
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Kate I forgot the avatar question. I found one on a post in sudoku land and downloaded it to my computer. I resized it to 50 x 50 pixel and was able to use it on my sight.
26/Jun/07 9:36 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Kate - I came back to read your new labels & found the new picture of Gabi. She is SO cute! Could you add her age to your pic? All your family are great looking & seem to have lots of personality! Is Monster your dog or Peyton's? He's adorable - guess that could go for either the human OR the dog!! It's nice to be able to see pictures of so many people on the site now. Only problem is getting around to visit everybody takes a lot of time. I'll be looking for you on Easy now that I know you better! Have a fun visit with Gabi - know you can't wait!
26/Jun/07 11:48 PM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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From: Los Angles
Hi K A T E
Many thanks of your wishes for my trip to LA.Infact this is a visit to my Son's family and to see my grandson Kevin .They live in Corona CA.
Have a nice time.
28/Jun/07 6:52 AM
Mr.ED  From Minnesota
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Hello Katie,
I've been out...golf, horseshoes, some wallyball.
It's been just too nice to be inside, even to solve sudoku puzzles. I know that's almost high treason to the site, but....Oh well. I except the punishment.
What's up on your end?
28/Jun/07 12:58 PM
Mr.ED  From Minnesota
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Hi Kate,
Hope you have a great trip.
I was in Texas once. Down around Brownsville. Arlington I believe. I was the only one in a western hat. I asked people if any thing was going on and was told that nothing was happening 'cause all the winter Texans had gone home. Bummer. No place to dance. All this country dance experience and no one to dance with. Oh well. Visited Madamoras and Progressso and that was about it. I'm sure I mangled the spelling on those towns. Any way I didn't bring my clubs so no golfing. Just took my camera for a walk as I do around here. Time for bed
29/Jun/07 1:27 PM
Fishing Guy  From Kent, OH, USA
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Hi Kate Thanks for the visit. I'm visiting relatives in Florida this week. We are heading to Cypress gardens today. We may be down in your area in the next few of years.

My nephews team is really good and highly ranked in the nation.

29/Jun/07 10:10 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Kate, and thank you for stopping in to visit. Yes, Ruthie Foster is coming and performing here, but it is at the Ottawa Blues Festival (not the Folk Festival which is in August), the second largest blues festival in North America. I have been a supporter and volunteer at this festival for over 10 years, although this year I have not volunteered, but will only go as a fan. The festival runs for ten days here and is a big draw for prople from all over the world. Cheers, and thanks again.
30/Jun/07 5:22 AM
Mr.ED  From Minnesota
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That would be Harlengen not Arlington. That's most likely spelled wrong too.
30/Jun/07 6:30 AM
   Jane  From St. Simons Island, GA
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Hi, Kate! Thanks for the info on the raspberry chipotle sauce! I am the same way about Georgia-made products. In fact, when we visit someone out-of-state, I always bring a basket of Georgia food items (pecans, peach preserves, Vidalia onion salad dressing, etc.) I even designed gift cards with a Georgia peach on them. I think it's very important to promote local industry!
30/Jun/07 11:03 PM
   Tami  From Florida
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Hi Kate. Sorry it took so long to visit. I brought some fresh squeezed Florida orange juice. Gabi is an absolute cutie pie. I have cousins in Austin. Where in Texas are you?
01/Jul/07 11:20 AM
   Tami  From Florida
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Kate, for the ice cream. My boys (all 3 including hubby) will love it. The boys do keep me busy. They are 100% boys. The older one just got a cast off his arm. I am sure that there will be more boo-boos coming. Visit anytime and let me know when you need some more OJ. I usually post on the medium page. My older son usually does the easy.
02/Jul/07 12:57 AM
   Rola  From Perth    Supporting Member
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.. Kate ..
03/Jul/07 12:52 PM
   Linda  From Minnesota    Supporting Member
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tomorrow Kate. I will leave you with a bottle of our Kinda Snockered Winery Private Reserve Peach Chardonnay, and a Shiraz. Have a great day and enjoy! Cheers sent at 9:53 p.m. on July 2nd
03/Jul/07 12:53 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Kate! Hope you have a great day. Gabi is adorable! May your day be full of laughter and joy!
03/Jul/07 10:56 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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The Paintjam videos are so amazing! Perfect for the 4th! Thanks!
05/Jul/07 12:18 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Lady Liberty by Donn is wonderful...thank you! Gabi is an absolute doll. Hope you enjoyed your birthday to the max, and continue to celebrate as we enjoy the country's birthday.
05/Jul/07 1:34 AM
   Max  From Saratoga, NY
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Thank you for visiting my page.
06/Jul/07 4:02 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Kate. Sounds like you had a great time. I think someone is just a little proud as punch of Gabi. She's adorable. Thank you for the Paintjam Video, they blow me away!
I have brought you some home gifts. A bottle of bubbly, a plate of nibblies and an invitation to drop into my page when you're feeling up to visiting again. Take a stroll around the garden, find a seat in the shade and meet my family. Love to see you there.
01/Aug/07 4:12 PM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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You should send that picture of your daughter on the ''Rocking Whale'' for posting on the puzzle.
Great pics - glad you stopped by. The recipe for the Pie is on Pg of the Recipe File.
02/Aug/07 12:39 PM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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PS - did you try the Licorice Ice Cream at Tillamook, or the French Silk Chocolate? The Chocolate Peanut Butter, Carmel Fudge is delish!
02/Aug/07 12:41 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Kate, Glad you had a great trip and returned safely. That little Gabi is now a big girl....and growing more adorable by the minute. That expression is priceless! She's almost a year old now isn't she?
02/Aug/07 4:25 PM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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Sounds like you had a great time visiting. I get up that way once a year to a convention. Spent some time in Texas in 1962/3 while my husband was stationed at Ft. Hood. Visted Houston, Dallas, Ft. Worth, Austin, San Antonio, El Paso - went over to Shreveport and drove through Midland/Odessa - swore I'd never go back and haven't. Too much humidity for my taste & couldn't stand the bugs (they were Texas size), however I did take a liking to DP. Guess it was because we were so near to Waco (lived in Gatesville). I really enjoy So. Oregon.
03/Aug/07 4:45 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Kate, Thanks for your interesting fact about the Texan who wrote Mr. Bo Jangles...did he write both the music and lyrics? Is he still writing music?
I always enjoy learning little known tidbits of information.
I have never traveled to Texas, even though I have family there...perhaps one day. As you said, all roads lead there. After I asked about Gabi's age, I did realize she didn't look as if she had reached that all important first year just yet...keep enjoying that great smile she is soooo cute.
04/Aug/07 2:13 AM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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KATE: I've been lucky to have done some traveling, but nothing like my mother has. She is 85 and still works as a travel agent (started at 60). She has been to around 150 countries, many of them several times - and is still traveling. She asked me one day, if I wanted to go on an African Safari and added that she would pay for it. You can guess my answer. That was my present for several birthdays and Christmases. It was a wonderful experience - the group was all travel agents except myself and one other daughter. This had never been at the top of my list of places to go. I had just returned from NZ about 9 months earlier - which was near the top of my list & I hope to return to the South Island. The people were just as friendly in NZ as they were in Scotland. I figured it was their Scottish ancestory beaming through.

Do you travel in a motor home? Where I am currently living, there is RV parking with hookups. You need to see more of Oregon, this area is entirely different than the Willamette Valley.
09/Aug/07 2:15 PM
   jamie  From aggieland texas    Supporting Member
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Kate - thanks for the info. I will have to look at it. Three or four years ago, I read about one somewhere and decided it sounded sort of neat. I happened to mention my thought one evening at a family dinner, and our son-in-law ran with it. It took almost three years, but he found one in Corpus Christi. He was my Christmas present from the family last year. He is about six feet tall, and he weighs about 4000 pounds (solid concrete).
So far one person has brought him something to wear - a little old lady brought him a straw had a couple of weeks ago. She has had about six brain operations, and she 'loves' to drive by and see what he is wearing! She had the had lying around and thought he could use it.
I have invited the cheerleaders and/or Student Council at school to dress him up for the start of school week after next. We will see what happens.
We have just started looking at things to do around him, but I want to put a large gravel bed around him and then decide what plants to use. We looked at several different types of 'jungly-looking' grasses the other day, but the nursery also had a pretty nice looking banana tree. Most of that is probably down the road next spring and summer.
He has been a lot of fun. Thanks for asking.
By the way, I assume that cutie (the little cutie, of course!) is your daughter?
15/Aug/07 1:17 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Kate. I'm overdue for a return visit to you. The photos of Gabi are great to see, and it is nice to see that you have a video on your page that I assume you captured? Hope all is well with you and yours! Cheers!
18/Aug/07 9:03 AM
Christina  From San Antonio, Texas
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Hi Kate,
I have been to Wimberley, pretty town. That water is close, right below my apt. But it is just muddy water. If you have any idea where SAC is, I live about a mile to the NW. I live in the Beacon Heights neigborhood, near Blanco and Woodlawn. I am more afraid of derailing trains (the last derailment was a block away) then flooding rains.

Let's pray Mean Dean stays to the south and doesn't hit TX head on.
18/Aug/07 10:04 PM
appy  From india
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hello Kate..well looks like you've been here for quite sometimes..I dont visit the site too often nowadays and so I missed on you..It was nice chatting with you..I invite you to have a look at the picture in my page..
24/Sep/07 6:02 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne
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Hi Kate.
Great to meet and chat with you. I've got a lot to learn about this site. Had just written a screed and got distracted by your great photo's. Should have submitted my epilogue b4 because I then lost the lot when I tried to exit your photo album. Now I can't remember what it was that I had said / intended on saying etc.... Duh!!
Thank you for your visit. I'm going to have to look up bluebonnets and in return I leave you a bunch of Pink Heath - our state flower here in the beautiful state of Victoria. A drop of vino ALWAYS goes down well - especially when it has been handpicked by you. I can leave you some lovely home made ginger beer for when you need something non alcoholic. Just be careful taking the top of - builds up a bit of pressure in there at times.

hope to meet up in the chat room again but will put the timer on next time to remind me that I have another life ...... could easily spend far toooooo much time in there. [was meant to be making a cake for my 17 yo sons birthday the next day - was still up at midnight baking!! Needn't have bothered because Gail popped in and left a cake !]

02/Oct/07 10:33 AM
Peter  From Melbourne
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Hey Kate

HAHA yeah it took me a while to realize what was meant by the numbers people were posting on the comments because I had no idea some people were so fast!(2 mins omg thats like wow hehe)

Thanks again for the warm welcome, will stop by now n again, depending how Uni treats me :).

Kind regards
Peter :)
22/Oct/07 4:57 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Gday Kate, just popping to see how you're doing.
I hope this note finds you and yours well.
30/Oct/07 7:20 PM
   Cazablanka  From Melbourne
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Hi Kate, thanks for dropping by. I am a single mother from Currum Downs which is about one and a half hour drive from Melbourne. I have three boys 19, 9 and 6. I really wish I had some one to teach my youngest to read. He has Auditory Processing problems and is really struggling. I work part time on the front counter at child protection. We have a Jack Russell dog named Popsy. My oldest child has moved in with the girlfriends family which I was not too happy about at the time but have gotten used to it. I don't get out much cause of the kids so chatting helps me have a bit of adult conversation. So thats my life story.
20/Nov/07 4:43 PM
   Cazablanka  From Melbourne
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Oh i forgot to say your family looks loverly.
20/Nov/07 4:44 PM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA
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happy Thanksgiving, Kate!
22/Nov/07 7:37 AM
   Becky  From Ohio
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Kate, just stopping by to wish you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving.
22/Nov/07 2:13 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Wishing you and your family a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving! Hope your day reminds you of all of the wonderful things we have for which to be thankful!
23/Nov/07 12:47 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Kate, wishing you and your loved ones a very Happy Thanksgiving.
23/Nov/07 9:15 AM
   Kate  From TX
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Haaa! I am going to turn my own page! wheeeeee!
26/Nov/07 9:30 AM
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