HalT from S Carolina

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   Sacky  From Tasmania
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thank for checking my pics HalT. I did cheat a bit with dog in the mirror. I saw a photo similar a while ago. I was surprised how well it worked
13/Feb/13 2:00 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Well, Hal, Sacky's started a new page for you!!

Thank you for the birthday greetings - much appreciated! (Share them with Barbara!!)
14/Feb/13 4:22 PM
   Sacky  From Tasmania
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Hi Hal. Thanks for your commentary on my page, this morning. It was such a glorious morning and the birds were in such high spirits I just had to enjoy them.
03/Apr/13 4:46 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Hal - thanks for checking out my latest photos. I think I'd rather be up closer and see Antarctica as ground level. it was an amazing trip, though.
04/Apr/13 7:48 PM
   Sacky  From Tasmania
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Hello Hal, thanks for dropping by. I had a bit of time to fill in the other day and those monkeys provide great entertainment.
07/Apr/13 7:05 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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There was a meet down Texas way,
At least some folks do say,
With Jamie, Hal, Karen and Sue,
Quite a mixture in the stew.

Well Karen brought her axe I'm told,
Jamie had a peace symbol, he was bold,
But Sue and Hal, they brought their mates,
In hopes that in the meeting thing would abate.

There were also some children there,
So folks please don't despair,
No blood was shed, no one had a gun,
Instead the bunch just had some fun.

Well Sudoku folks just seem that way,
They have great fun on every day,
Just meeting friends is always nice,
After all, they've already broken the ice.

On Sudoku.com.au
20/Apr/13 6:43 AM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Happy Anniversary to HalT and St Barbara.

Just for you two.


04/Jun/13 12:38 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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Hal and St. Barbara!
May you have many, many more!

I send extra congratulations to St. B for her AWESOME endurance. What a woman!
04/Jun/13 12:48 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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Happy Anniversary, Halt & Barbara! Way to gooooo!
04/Jun/13 1:23 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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A very happy 52nd Wedding Anniversary to you and Barbara, Hal!
May you have many, many more years of marital bliss to follow.
04/Jun/13 1:03 PM
Sandra Blume  From Mexico
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I think that is a moth, not a butterfly but I can't quite remember all the differences...
11/Jun/13 6:35 AM
   Plum  From SW Michigan, USA
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Aloha. Love your travelogue. Glad you're having so much fun. Remember to take some time to relax with a mai tai.
13/Jul/13 12:15 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Have just enjoyed more of your photos, HalT! Looking forward to the Hawaiian ones, too!!
18/Jul/13 2:44 PM
youkidme  From southern highlands    Supporting Member
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Thanks for the photos of Hawaii, I enjoyed them - it is almost as good as going there, but not so tiring!
20/Jul/13 5:24 PM
   Sacky  From Tasmania    Supporting Member
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If the photos are anything to go by, you must have had a wonderful time.
22/Jul/13 9:19 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Great photos (of course!!), HalT!
22/Jul/13 11:32 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Hal, Thank you for the Birthday greeting.
I always enjoy hearing from special Sudoku friends.
25/Jul/13 3:03 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Hal - thanks for visiting my gallery and viewing my latest holiday photos and for your comments. It was a wonderful experience and I was with a good group of people. Lots of memories and photos to last me a lifetime.
20/Aug/13 3:06 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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As usual, some lovely holiday photos in your gallery. You must have had a great time by the looks of it.
20/Aug/13 3:16 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Wonderful photos, HalT!!!!
24/Aug/13 11:57 AM
   Sacky  From Tasmania    Supporting Member
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What a beautiful country Iceland is. You saw some magnificent scenery, Hal. Thanks for sharing.
24/Aug/13 7:08 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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This is copy & paste message about the Sudoku Easy Jigsaw Problems:
They went wild after one of Gath's changes. If you go back in the beginning (15th May 2005) & check the photos in the archives you'll find that the only jigsaw is the torso in the black jumper with the white coffee cup, you'll find that photo as the jigsaw on every Easy Sudoku page up till the 12th of January this year. I did comment on this earlier this year, but I'm usually commenting when no one's around!!!
I'd say the photos we're getting are the ones from the Easy pages that don't have a home any more! And the off sized ones are possibly the very early reward photos for finishing the Sudoku!
So I think we just have to accept that the Easy Sudoku jigsaw is going to too big or very small, more frequently than being a good size!!
27/Aug/13 9:07 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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I finally got around to viewing your latest photos and they are amazing. Thank you for sharing them with us.
Where's the next trip to?
23/Sep/13 11:55 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Hal!
Thanks for the visit to my gallery - love your comments!!!
26/Sep/13 8:45 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Here are some of the responses I made to your comments!!
I'm very pleased about that HalT - wouldn't want my photos damaged!! (Sea sickness)
I agree Hal, but it's only getting worse not better!! Modern stuff getting in the way)
It's for the non English/Scottish speakers - the Scots believe they'll understand the signs if there are 2 or more of them!! (Sorry to any Scotsman who wanders in!!) (Gaol signs)
That's exactly what I thought - you'd think they'd be open 24 hours a day every day!!!! (tourist info)
Hogmanay occurs once every year - at New Year (just in case you didn't already know that!)
26/Sep/13 8:51 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Thanks again Hal!!
26/Sep/13 8:52 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Got some more comments on comments, HalT!!
Garbage truck: Yes Hal - another case of the new getting in the way of the old!!
Odd building: I wonder if it could have been a barn, animal/s below fodder above!
Maybe now it's granny's flat!
East Abbey St: Sure did Hal - walked along it to get to the ruined Abbey & back along it to the car!!
Green lions: Yawning or roaring!! Good one, Hal!
27/Sep/13 7:07 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Thanks HalT!!!
27/Sep/13 7:07 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Hal, glad you like the surface, Harry just bought me one. We will be trying it out this next week.
01/Oct/13 1:56 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Good shot with today's photo find, Hal!!!
26/Oct/13 5:31 PM
   Doug W  From Adelaide
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Hi Hal, with regards your comment on my page about the water level being low in the Hoover Dam, it was not your imagination.

http://www.weather.com/news/science/environment/drought-lake-powell-lake-mead-climat e-change-20130818
05/Dec/13 3:09 PM
   Doug W  From Adelaide
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Hmmm, why has that space appeared in that link?

Oh well, you will just have to edit the blank space out of the word 'climate' when you copy it across.
05/Dec/13 3:11 PM
   Sacky  From Tasmania    Supporting Member
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Hi Halt, I thought you were saying the picture was wacky!
07/Dec/13 10:33 AM
   Sacky  From Tasmania    Supporting Member
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I can live with both!
07/Dec/13 10:34 AM
   Karen  From Texas
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My darling man, how in the world did you get so sick? You would think those adult beverages would, at least, knock the nasties out.

Hope you get well soon. If memory serves me, when the coughing starts and never ends, that is when you really know, you on the road to recovery....or was it death I was wishing for at the time.
14/Dec/13 2:18 AM
Wow_Axel  From Pugetopolis
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Yep. Pugetopolis where the water all flows into greater Puget Sound. Used to be really nice here before 4 million others arrived.
15/Dec/13 3:46 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hal, Merry Christmas to you and all those you care for, and have a peaceful and prosperous 2014!
22/Dec/13 7:36 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Wishing you a wonderful day with family and friends
23/Dec/13 5:40 AM
   Amelia  From Medowie    Supporting Member
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Hal and Barbara,wishing you and your family a happy and healthy 2014.
23/Dec/13 6:20 AM
   Sacky  From Tasmania    Supporting Member
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Thanks Hal. The Wattlebird carried on like this everyday for more than a month. Very entertaining to watch. They're so used to me that they carry on as though I'm not there.
16/Jan/14 10:58 AM
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