HalT from S Carolina

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Achilles  From The Trojan Wars
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Not too good mate. That bugger Paris stuck an arrow there.
24/Jan/14 8:58 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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- A day late - Hal. Claiming seniority, are you? One day & a few years?
25/Jan/14 5:36 PM
   Dorthea  From San Francisco    Supporting Member
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I'll make that trip in April, but it will be 84.
26/Jan/14 1:23 PM
   Plum  From SW Michigan, USA
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Sounds like you've started what should be a lucky year. Hope you enjoy every minute of it. Happy belated birthday.
26/Jan/14 3:47 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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A very belated happy birthday wish to you Hal. You certainly are fit, energetic and spry for someone your age. I know, you're just getting yourself ready for the 80 year-old marathon, right?
28/Jan/14 9:26 AM
Judy  From San Diego    Supporting Member
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for the wishes, Hal! Uh ... a few years less than you, old fella!
18/Feb/14 4:00 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Hal - I didn't stay around when I posted my comment earlier this morning.
Things are going very well here, thank you. We've had a lot of dry weather so the lawns are looking pretty neglected. Unusual for Albany as we usually have a bit of summer drizzle down here on the south coast.
How is everything over your way? Going well, I hope.
21/Feb/14 4:40 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hal - Thank you for the birthday wishes for my grandson. He had a lovely barbecue party at the beach with some of his school friends.
09/Mar/14 10:59 PM
Joyce  From Flower City
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Hi, Hal - thanks for the personal welcome. Guess it was a good idea to have included the 'from' part of my name then, to prevent further confusion for you. Over the last few months since I started actually reading the posts I believe wacky is a perfect descriptive word for this site.... I'm enjoying the chatter when I have time to linger longer than doing the puzzles.
13/Apr/14 11:53 AM
   Sacky  From Tasmania
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It was a pleasure to give you a trip down memory lane, Hal. Jane is a wonderful traveling companion and we had terrific time.
19/Apr/14 7:51 AM
Judy  From San Diego
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Thanks for your good wishes! The biggest fire that is still burning is about 1.5 miles away, but it is not threatening us at the moment. Maybe, after tomorrow, we can breathe a sigh of relief.
16/May/14 1:47 PM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Happy Anniversary, HalT! Fifty Three years is a long time! I hope you and B. have a wonderful day together with many more happy years ahead!
03/Jun/14 6:43 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Hal & Barbara, These are Barbara for keeping you all these years.
03/Jun/14 12:10 PM
   Sacky  From Tasmania
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Your photos are terrific, Hal. Thanks for sharing them>
18/Jul/14 4:47 PM
   Amelia  From Medowie    Supporting Member
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Great photos Hal,enjoyed them no end.
19/Jul/14 7:32 PM
   Amelia  From Medowie    Supporting Member
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Lol Hal, yes I suppose it is a new year the start of the 52 nd year. Thank you .
22/Oct/14 2:09 PM
Hitoshi  From Japan
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Thank you very much for your comment. I found the photograph of Space Needle on your Gallery. So far, I worked for American company at Seattle. I have a longing for them.
22/Nov/14 11:55 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Hal. I just want to wish you and all your loved ones a happy festive season. Merry Christmas, and Peace.
24/Dec/14 1:14 AM
   Sue  From ok    Supporting Member
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24/Dec/14 3:47 PM
   Sue  From ok    Supporting Member
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Happy New Year, Hal to you and your family
01/Jan/15 2:54 AM
   Sue  From ok    Supporting Member
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Hal, Thanks for the info. I went to the place where we bought the tires, they do rotations and this for free. hot to love a small town.
07/Jan/15 3:24 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Hal - thanks for visiting my gallery and viewing my latest photos and for your comments. I appreciate comments from someone who takes such lovely photos himself.
Hope all is well with you and Barbara and a
07/Jan/15 8:40 PM
   Pam  From CT
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Thank you for the birthday wishes Hal! Mug has been mailed to Sandra. I've asked her to let you know if it arrived in good condition. It is insured so there is recourse if it arrives broken.
09/Feb/15 1:39 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Yes, I did have a very nice day, Hal. Thank you very much for the birthday wishes.
14/Feb/15 7:48 PM
Judy  From San Diego
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for the birthday wishes, Hal! What a nice way to start my day yesterday!
17/Feb/15 2:12 AM
Mads  From New Zealand
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Thank you for your message, Hal. I tend to retreat into myself at this time of year as my husband died seven years ago after a short illness starting just before Christmas and ending on February 3rd. I am emerging from my black hole and heading over to the UK to see my brother and his family in April. I am looking forward to the visit apart from being separated from my adorable little grandchildren for a few weeks, I will miss their 'big huggies' as I see them every week. I drive down to my younger daughter's house about 100k away once a week to see her twin girls and see my elder daughter and her small son at the weekends as she lives in Dunedin too. My son, his wife and two children live in Tauranga which is in the North Island so I don't see them as often as I would like. Potted history of Mads Like Ouima, I am able to look back and be thankful for a long and happy marriage, and be glad for the life I still have
17/Feb/15 1:06 PM
PeeBee  From Perth WA
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Thanks Hal. I've been doing the puzzles for about 8 years and occasionaly read comments. Also particularly like some of Kate's photo's as I grew up on that side of Sydney and know her patch quite well. Also travelled or lived in most parts of Australia but all my photos succumbed to the dreaded Mastotermes darwiniensis (Northern Territory white-ant that eats just about anything).
Hope your weather gets better; sitting around 28-32 Centigrade (77F) here in West Oz.
Cheers, Pete
27/Feb/15 4:38 PM
PeeBee  From Perth WA
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Hi Hal,
We have mistletoe in Australia as well. Yours is probably spread the same way: sticky seeds on birds beak/faces, rubbed of on another plant's branch. Then grows roots into cambium layer of host.
Dodders work the same way, except they attach to roots. This on is interesting due to attaching to a wide range of hosts per plant ('hemi' parasite = around)
Cheers, PB
ps, love your cover pics, do you live there?
16/Mar/15 1:56 PM
   Scarby  From Hanover, Ontario, Can
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Thanks for the greeting. How is the weather in SC
Lots of golf courses there. Cold here in Ontario right now. Temperature is around 4degrees C or 40F. Waitting for warmer weather to get the clubs out.
27/Apr/15 5:32 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Great photos, Hal. Thanks for sharing them.
07/May/15 2:08 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Congratulations on 54 years of Wedded Bliss!!
Well done Hal and Barbara.
04/Jun/15 2:14 PM
   Wombat  From Canberra
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to the two new chicks. It is too early for new chicks, but it is moving into the mating season
22/Jul/15 10:34 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Great photo's Hal
22/Dec/15 1:56 PM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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23/Dec/15 4:14 PM
Cathy  From southern Ontario
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Safe travels, Hal, and Merry Christmas!
24/Dec/15 2:25 AM
   Jerry  From Washougal/Toledo, WA
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Merry Christmas, Hal
24/Dec/15 6:17 PM
Judy  From San Diego
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so much for your wishes, Hal! It is always nice to be remembered. It doesn't MATTER how old I am ... I will NEVER be as old as you are, my dear! Have a wonderful trip! What a dream come true! Don't ride the tortoises and get arrested! Judy
18/Feb/16 2:57 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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I am so envious! I was in Guayaquil in December on the way from Machu Picchu to Galapagos. Would love to go back. Loved finally seeing the Inca ruins in person. Enjoy yourself!
24/Feb/16 4:51 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Hal, I hope you had a wonderful time on your cruise.
28/Feb/16 3:03 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Thanks for sharing your latest holiday photos, Hal. They are really great.
13/Mar/16 1:03 PM
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