Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   June  From Epping.NSW
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Take a huge piece of paper and write a list of things you've always wanted to do in giant, unhibited handwritting - it will unlock your dreams.
15/Jun/11 10:48 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hope that paper is big enough June. {hugs}
It may not feel like it right now, but discussing arrangements is the kindest most loving thing you can do for each other. It will help you both when you need it most.
15/Jun/11 11:58 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good Maen everyone! Thank you everyone for the good wishes on my mom & dad's anniversary. Mom's shoulder gettimg better...
June: good to see you & hugs to you.
Nice day here in Utah...Allergies acting up. My eye area & some areas of my face VERY itchy...Not doing anything different to my skin. Could be STRESS??!! LOL!!
Got a lot to do today, signing off for now.
Take care all. TTFN
16/Jun/11 12:00 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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June, what Gail said! I was thinking same as I read your post. Huge Hugs to you and your friend.

I have read the last page of comments, but since most are back a page, cannot refresh my memory and I sure did not remember them all! I am on my first cup of coffee, my back is hurting, and i am still sleepy, good enough reasons?

I must hurry through my morning, and be ready to go and wait at doctors office. Hugs to each of you, with extras.
16/Jun/11 12:32 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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June, I believe what Gail said is true - a difficult task but better shared now.

MizT, waiting at doctor's offices - I like to call it "hurry up and wait". Thoughts and hugs flying their way to you.

Humid day here today - high of 29C and risk of thunderstorm this aft. Probably around the time I pick up the youngest grandie from the bus. Oldest has her 3 hour appointment today with the psychologist and D is working.

It's amazing the things that stress can do to us, Suzanne. You certainly seem to have a lot of those right now. Take care of yourself, young lady!
16/Jun/11 2:07 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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I hear baby bird sounds coming from the robin's nest in the cedar tree in our back yard.
16/Jun/11 3:36 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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June, I'm here to help the chorus sing that same tune...difficult task are made easier when given the light of day by all who are involved. Hugs and my shoulder are always here when needed.
MizT ...I can't keep my old bones crossed but know that I am wishing and sending healing vibes to you and Al. You too Heidi and Theresa and Suzanne.
Hugs to all who are stressed today with the hopes that you are soon given the blessing of freedom from that which you can not help by worry alone...let it go and enjoy the freedom you deserve. Peace.
16/Jun/11 3:36 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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In light of some of the recent post, my heart was heavy with how a certain disease has taken such a toll on many of our friends and family..I then went to easy where Jim had posted this gem:
What Cancer Cannot Do

Cancer is so limited:
It cannot cripple love
It cannot shatter hope
It cannot corrode faith
It cannot destroy peace
It cannot kill friendships
It cannot suppress memories
It cannot silence courage
It cannot invade the soul
It cannot steal eternal life
It cannot conquer the spirit.

16/Jun/11 3:45 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I had a miserable night with the thunderstorms. The dogs freaked, especially Hollie (which means that she's feeling back to normal) and were all over me. We got a lot of rain, too.

I did my good deed for the day. I hooked up a trailer and took Robert to the auto junk yard to get his stuff out of his smashed truck. He had a big aluminum tool box full of tools and a lot of other stuff in the bed. We also got his registration papers and license plate. I'd seen pictures of the truck, but they didn't come close to reality. I have no idea why Robert is still alive.
16/Jun/11 3:51 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Mama.... That is PERFECT.
16/Jun/11 3:52 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Mama, beautiful sentiment. Thank you for sharing.

I have been thinking a lot recently about what could be. A friend of ours called yesterday to say that her father had passed on. He had had a stroke a week earlier and was not doing well. This is the third friend of mine that has lost a parent within the last few weeks. They say it comes in threes, I hope it is over.
16/Jun/11 7:24 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I think Heidi broke the site this time. I also think I scared all my friends away.
16/Jun/11 9:03 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Home from looking after the youngest. She is always even-tempered. If she is tired or not feeling well she will whine, but that's about it.

On Friday we are helping my future brother-in-law move. He has to be out of his apartment by the 18th. I have a feeling I may be sore on Saturday. The wedding is getting close.

Time to make my supper and possibly watch the hockey game at 8:00 - it's the final game to decide who wins the Stanley Cup. It's bound to be a good game. Go Canucks go!
16/Jun/11 9:28 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I love you people :)
16/Jun/11 9:55 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I got a phone call that interrupted my nap. It was from the realtor. We're closing on the new property on Friday (2 days from now). He'll call me tomorrow to let me know the time and place.
16/Jun/11 9:57 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Congrats, Heidi. Hope you will post pictures soon.
16/Jun/11 10:40 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It's nothing fancy, Tami.

I just got an unpleasant surprise. IH is home. He wasn't supposed to be back until mid-day tomorrow.
16/Jun/11 10:49 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I hope you told him the wonderful news about your closing. I know that it is nothing fancy, but it would still be nice to see your new purchase.
16/Jun/11 10:55 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Big Vent, scroll on by if your day is already full of complaints and griping.

I hate doctors waiting rooms! I phoned to see how late he was running, they said an hour, so I waited an hour past my appointment to go, they had signed me in. Still waited 2 hours to see him.

He wants am MRI of my back, we talked about how hard that was gonna be, lying on my back without moving for half an hour. He suggested I take my pain pills and muscle relaxer fore going. DUH!

He really did not address any of the other pain, except to give me more pain pills. I am tired of pills! I am tired of hurting! I am broke, doc, so fix me please.

16/Jun/11 11:50 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Welcome to my world, MizT. I've been going through this with my back for 36 years. I am tired of pills and hurting, too.
16/Jun/11 12:14 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I just added 2 photos (taken by the realtor) of the modular home I just bought. It's small, tho' in good condition, and has 3 bedrooms and 2 baths.
16/Jun/11 12:29 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Heidi..There are folks on earth who are known to be angels working for the good of are the first one that I have met...and its such an honor to know someone who shares as much of herself as you ..Thanks!
16/Jun/11 12:48 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Sorry you have had such a bad day MizT... Rest easy for awhile and let the calming feeling take your mind away from this visit. As tired as you are of the pills( and I do Understand the feeling)just remember that they help you get past the a dopey, sleepy way yes...but that is only because your body wouldn't get what it needed any other are just too use to doing...again I understand because I have walked in your shoes..also remember that while pain is...well a's also a reminder that you can still feel so are a living member who walks among pain...are you sure that's ALWAYS the answer? Take the pills and deal...we'll get you past this barrier in time..hang tough are made of that good stuff that will see you through this stinking period...healing, pain free vibes being sent your way! peace!
16/Jun/11 1:01 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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You are making me blush, Mama.
16/Jun/11 1:52 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Off to bed. I have to get up in 7 hours to go to my doctor's appointment. The ear is still draining a LOT, and giving me a few twinges of pain. I hope he can do something to help.
16/Jun/11 1:55 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Gekko and Good Evening! So glad I made it before midnight tonight!

Thinking of Everyone tonight!

and {{{{HUGS}}}} to June and friend! A very difficult time!

Brenda, what a pleasure it will be when your new bedroom furniture is finally correct and finished!

Broni, I hope all is going well at the new job!

Rolanda, at least you have a couple of weeks before your S relocates! All the best to your family!

Suzy, I hope as Dimmi matures, she will become more secure when she doesn't see any of you around her! Dana's new BF sounds like a better match than previous one.

Having trouble staying awake & remembering what I wanted to say! That doesn't mean that I have nothing to say or don't care!
16/Jun/11 2:44 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Julie, he is much better. We have watched him flirt with her since she was 14, which was a worry because he was 20. Now she is 18 and he is 24. Compared to her previous boyfriends he is a prize - it's all about comparisons these days, though he can drive us mad too.
16/Jun/11 3:05 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Suzy - my father met my mother when she was 14, he was 21. She went to high school with his youngest sister. When she was 17 and he was 24, he asked permission to take her out and the rest is history.
16/Jun/11 3:30 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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It was 1939 - manners were in vogue then.
16/Jun/11 3:33 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Great TOPP, June! Seems like a good idea!

Discussing arrangements, while difficult, will ease pain later, as you won't have to wonder if your decisions are the right ones. {{HUGS}} We're all here for you when you need us, though we wish we could be there!

Suzanne, good news that your Mom's shoulder is getting better! I hope your stress is soon reduced!

Heidi, I hope Robert's father is showing improvement! How about you? With the amount of drainage you're having, the pain must have been intense.

Theresa, I hope your grandie's appointment yields promising results!

Mamacita, I hope your itchies are improving and you are more comfortable and able to sleep! I hope your day with Angelique went well! You have such a way with words! We're SO glad to have you back here posting regularly!

Heidi, though I'm sorry you had to deal with anxious dogs during a stormy night, it's such good news to hear that Hollie has improved so much! Wow! A very quick closing! The pictures look great!

MizT, I'm so sorry you had such a difficult and unrewarding day! We know you will do whatever you have to do, but that doesn't mean you have to be happy about it. Thinking positive thoughts for a pain-free day, hopefully soon! I hope Al's PET scan goes well!

Mama, I feel the same way about so many of my SA friends! They are all so selfless and caring! The list includes you, my dear, as well as Heidi . . . and June . . . and MizT . . . and so many others! I think each of my SA friends rises to every occasion and does whatever they can to ease the troubles of those around them!

Suzy, no matter how wonderful a young man is, he is rarely good enough for our daughters. (I also speak from experience.)

Nearly 1 a.m. here, and we have another early morning and busy day, so I need to think about getting to bed.

Positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers and for everyone and those they love! Good Night!
16/Jun/11 3:42 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Hehe! Julie broke the site this time.
Oops! Good Afternoon/Evening my friends.
Well, what do they say another day another dollar. Have I ever mentioned how painful accountants can be! Present company excluded if any here are!
Small time gripe compared to my friends here.
Think Gail hit the nail on the head, I love you guys
16/Jun/11 5:28 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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You have to see this! We all need a laugh.
It is short for those of you on internet allowances.
It's call "Dog trying to get a stranger(statue) to throw a stick for him.
16/Jun/11 5:33 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I haven't been good about posting today, but I have been reading...

June, I think your post is the one that has stopped me posting properly today. The thought of Sharon worrying about not going home really got to me and I didn't know what to day. Love and hugs to both of you and all my thoughts and wishes!! It feels inadequate.

Brenda, you should ask the owner of the company to come and install the last bit - maybe they'll get it right then!

Theresa, it's standard here to rain just as the kids have to wait for a bus or get on one. When they were in Primary school and I met them at the bus stop, I used to take an umbrella as insurance against rain! I wish I could hear the baby bird sounds. Lovely!

Mamacita, thank you for your post - I needed that! You are good at saying or finding what is needed.

Heidi, I wonder why closings don't happen as quickly here. I know we have a waiting period for allowed changes of mind, but not sure about the rest of the time.

MizT, grrrrr. Why didn't she say 3 hours late when you called, or even 2 hours! Nurses would be better suited to pain management than doctors I think. Much more in tune with quality of life issues than doctors. Shame they can't do the referring etc. Hugs to you!

Broni, I limit the number of videos I watch every month because of the dreaded allowance and that one was SOOO worth being included in my list! Thank you!

16/Jun/11 6:52 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all.

Heidi - the modular home looks great! Good luck with your appointment today for your ear!

MizT, I too hate taking pills, but unfortunately they are a necessary evil for me. I try to remember that they are hopefully a means to an end.

Off to have a coffee outside. I will be back later .....
16/Jun/11 8:15 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Coffee is ready. Help yourself.

{{{{{HUGS}}}}} going to all who need them. Even if I don't mention anyone by name, you are all in my thoughts.

See you all later. Picked up another student. Now have 4 students in 3 different classes, all in one room. This is an interesting summer.
16/Jun/11 9:02 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Off to the ear specialist.

BTW... thanks for the great comments on the photos. Robert's current apartment was unfurnished, so he has furniture for the house. This was a fast closing because financing didn't have to be arranged. I had the cash for it. The owners had already moved out, and with the slow housing market, the inspectors were able to check it out quickly.

Catch you later.
16/Jun/11 9:55 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Hope the ear specialist can sort out the ear draining for so long Heidi.
16/Jun/11 10:19 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, good luck at the doc office today. Hope that ear is all better and well on the road to recovery when you come home.

Not a good night here, awake more than asleep. I was sleeping nicely this morning, when the cat started mewing, wanting back outside. Took me a bit to wrap my head around that, cause I had let the cat out in the wee hours. then dawned on me, hubby must have gone out to office and let her in. Yep, that was it.

I am going to make coffee, Tami's is all cold by now, and then perhaps try for a nap in a bit. I really did not sleep much. Later friends.
16/Jun/11 11:47 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm back.... and everything's looking good. The ear doc says that the ear is doing better, but he's putting me on another round of antibiotics and ear drops to make sure that we get 100% of the infection. While in town, I looked at some storage sheds for the new place. I found a nice metal one, 10' x 14', for under $600. Since there's no garage or basement with the house, a shed is needed. I'll probably pick it up next week.
17/Jun/11 12:08 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Sleepless nights make for not-so-good days, MizT. Better luck tonight.

Glad the ear is progressing well, even if slowly, Heidi.

30C here today and it's very humid. I am staying inside as much as possible. Even though the air conditioner hasn't been installed yet, it's cooler in the house. Tomorrow is supposed to be the same, with a 30% chance of showers. That will be a very hot day to help someone move. Yikes!
17/Jun/11 2:28 AM
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