Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Judy, you should go back and watch the video of cars and teddy bears. It is called "Cycles" and is funny, not as creepy as the sheep.

I have never read the clan of the cave bear series but I am going to soon. It sounds interesting.
30/Jun/11 11:07 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I thought the sheep was one of the least creepy.
30/Jun/11 11:09 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Heidi...I see why you are drooling over the cycle...It's sweet! I saw a couple of scooters that I liked...but will stick to what I have and stay out of trouble.
Tami, Hope you do read the Clan series...I highly recommend them and believe you'd enjoy them.
Rola, sorry its come so soon for you...but think of it as getting more space at home and a new holiday destination, not as 'my child is leaving the nest and going so far away'.... ' , but I do understand the feeling.
30/Jun/11 11:15 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, the bike is really cool looking. I don't dare show the picture to my husband. He keeps saying he wants a bike and I keep saying "over my dead body." We compromised, he has a 4-legged "Harley."
30/Jun/11 11:20 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Mama, I am happy he is moving out,
Empty Nesters :) Yay
but to Melbourne - soo far!! :(
As you say, Holiday Destination, and a great excuse to visit with the 'Melbournesudokuists' :)

His last home cooked meal is in the Crockpot. The boy has put a bottle of bubbly in the fridge to have with the meal this evening.
30/Jun/11 11:28 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Meanwhile, keep busy Rolanda, so the tears do not start, back to the decluttering..
The Sewing Room has to be empty by this evening.
Hubby is wanting to patch walls etc.. in readiness for the painting weekend which will start tomorrow eve.
30/Jun/11 11:30 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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{{{{{HUGS}}}}} Rolanda
30/Jun/11 11:45 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Well good for you and Peter...I guess I should have added a happy face...always mixed emotions but we raise them to move forward so that we can once again regain our time to ourselves...yea....empty nest time to celebrate!!!! Rola and Peter will once again be able to do what they want....well almost...S#2 is still home, and often those who have left come Enjoy the upside deal with the down side...that's life!
30/Jun/11 11:49 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Mama, it is #2 boy that is leaving tomorrow. #1 left a couple of years ago, he is living with his Girlfriend.
30/Jun/11 11:54 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning all
Heidi - cute bike and love the colour! Still wouldn't tempt me but I am a self-admitted wimp when it comes to motorbikes.
Rolanda - yes, being empty-nesters will be great once you're used to it and Melbourne seems far away but I've met son#2 (and #1 as it goes) and that boy will do well, I know. Cheap airfares will lessen the distance.
Have a good day all - {{{hugs}}} to June and friend, MizT and Al, Theresa and D, Nola and sister, and anyone else needing them.
30/Jun/11 12:06 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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And then it's only a hop, skip and a jump to get here..
30/Jun/11 1:25 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'd have the luck of Amelia Earhart.
30/Jun/11 2:05 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Stopping in on my way to bed tonight. Today wasnot an easy day. I am very glad I did not have to wait as long as usual at the doc, but stilled got me hurting. I picked up refills of pain meds and another I was out of, picked me a lunch (1:30 pm, easier than coming home and making something)picked up stuff to make formula, and home by 2:30. In bed for nap by 3. I had a three hour nap!

Mamo was "perfect" nothing new. MRI showed no real change in my back since 2009, first MRI. So it showed nothing that should be making my back hurt like it does. After scratching his head, and asking questions, decided he needs to send me to orthopedic doc. Was too late when I got up to call for appointment, must do tomorrow. I also much have a CAT scan. He wants to make sure there is nothing in abdomen causing back pain. As I said, he gave me more pain pills, which I am appreciative of when it is really hurting, but I hate taking them! They leave me so groggy and uncoordinated.CAT scan office has already phoned to make appointment, while I was asleep, hubby just took a number. I must call them tomorrow also.

OK, I am sleepy now, off to bed and hope the long nap does not interfere with tonight.

I will comment on all I read tomorrow, just too sleepy now.

June lots of thoughts and prayers for your friend. I have heard of giving chemo and sometimes radiation to reduce cancer pain in terminal patients. I do hope it can help her tremendously. As was said, I think tired is better than being in pain, having the pressure you talked about. Huge hugs to you and friend and your families.

Hugs for each of you with extras. <3
30/Jun/11 2:33 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Well I'm sure mixed up Rola... I knew Boy#1 was with a girlfriend, but thought he was still home until after this move, not just close by. So its #2 moving to Melbourne...I think I've got it now ...ah...that's what ya get when ya skim post trying to catch up...just enjoy being with man I know he's still there....LoL!
30/Jun/11 3:22 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just checking in -quite late tonight! Gekko, my friends!

Heidi, I hope the water turn-on went well and no problems found! Avoid that motorcycle, please! We care about you!

Brenda, the new car looks like a winner!

Theresa, thinking positive thoughts for your D!

Suzy, so glad the day of teaching went well! Please let Alie know we are thinking of her! Happy Birthday, Alie! Hope you had a yummy cake! I'm sure the musical was a resounding success!
30/Jun/11 4:02 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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June, you are an amazing, thoughtful and wonderful woman! I'm proud to call you my friend! In addition to all you do for family and friends, you go out of your way to do more for children of your friends - like the special dinner for Leah and her boyfriend! I hope your friend's chemo tomorrow goes well! Keeping you and yours in my positive thoughts and prayers! {{{{HUGS}}}}

Heidi, enjoy your new guineas! Reaction to your comment about the motorcycle: Priceless! Suggestions for you to comment on various expensive possible purchases at somewhat regular intervals could produce some hilarious moments! (Can't be done too frequently, as they may lose their ability to get a reaction.)

Heidi, I hope you get all of the plumbing issues taken care of before cold weather returns.

Theresa, I'm glad the temperatures have cooled a bit! Hopefully you'll have a day without rain.

Rolanda, the count-down happened so quickly! Just keep reminding yourself that food will disappear less quickly and dirty dishes will be less likely to be left where they were used, instead of in/near the sink.

I thought of other comments to make as I read, but they are eluding me now, so I think I'll call it a night. Good Night, Everyone! Please share these positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers and ! I hope to "see" everyone tomorrow!
30/Jun/11 4:42 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Mamacita - you might be confusing Rolanda's 2 boys with Vicki's 2 boys - one of which was living at home with his girlfriend until she went back to Japan recently. I always get a bit confused as the boys are similar ages - I think Vicki's are younger by not by much.
30/Jun/11 5:26 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Tricia.. I found it...
If you remember upteen ( well a few ) years ago, I emailed you a picture of the Quilt Wall Hanging I made
and there was one block, we didn't know the name of.. :)
it is called 'Royal Cross'!!
30/Jun/11 6:27 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.
Rolanda, hope dinner goes well tonight and remember, he is only a plane ride away. And it does give you a good excuse to visit Sudoku friends.
Heidi, let me know if you need me to make a call. I have a neighbor who rides motorcycles, he could call for me and would sound more realistic.
30/Jun/11 8:59 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Don't remember much else. Time to get dressed and deal with my 4 wittle kiddies. We took a field trip yesterday. We walked two buildings over, same campus, and got breakfast. Summer school is fun. It is very laid back. See you all later.
30/Jun/11 9:00 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Today went well. After Chemo we went to a large shopping centre to get some medical rebates, lunch and a bit of shopping. As long as we did not have to walk too far it was not a problem.
i think I may be wanted tomorrow to help sort and dispose of a lot of Uni text books. As a lot will be on computing I am sure they are well out of date. I was actually hoping to catch up on some of my own ironing!
30/Jun/11 10:25 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Julie, I enjoy having visitors and having Leah for dinner was a very welcome diversion for me. Something I need at the moment. Leah leaves for home tomorrow.
One more day and then school holidays for two weeks. Laura will be spending lots of days with her friends and I guess Belinda and I will have her the other days.
30/Jun/11 10:34 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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June..... ((((( HUGS )))))
I wish medical marijuana was easily available to cancer patients worldwide. It's really supposed to help with the pain.
01/Jul/11 12:05 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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That's what I have read Heidi.

Loving thoughts to you all June, this has got to be so tough, I cannot imagine ♥
01/Jul/11 12:45 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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June, my thoughts are still with you and your family. I know it must be hard, but keep coming in here as we are all here to support you.
01/Jul/11 2:49 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Good Afternoon One and All.
Beautiful day in my neighborhood and I have been lucky enough to have been enjoying great weather for several days...good way to head into a holiday period. Here there are always big doings to celebrate the July 4th birthday of the country, since Philadelphia is where it all started way back many have had fun in the sun w/o extreme heat this year.
CynB, I sure thank you for giving me some fudge room...not sure if I had the two different sets of guys in transition mixed up or not, but sure will think of it as a good possibility...LOL.
Hope all have a great day, healing vibes, prayers, shoulders, applause, congratulations and good wishes are all in a basket waiting to be shared with whomever is in need. Never worry, Hugs and love are there holding everything together, just waiting until needed. May peace go with you all as you do whatever will be done on this day/night!
01/Jul/11 2:50 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Feeling blah and headachey today - not enough sleep??? This video sort of describes how I'm feeling.
01/Jul/11 4:12 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Feel better soon, Theresa. Thoughts, prayers and wishes that your daughter does not have to do this surgery again!
01/Jul/11 5:54 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Thanks MizT, we'll take all the help we can get. Good luck with the scan and the ortho doctor. Life isn't much fun if you have to be in a fog from meds.
01/Jul/11 6:03 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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It's raining and we really need the rain so I shouldn't complain but I am stuck in house with 3 boys.
01/Jul/11 6:41 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Someone is going to accuse me of breaking the site, but I didn't do it. I promise. I have been a good girl all day.
01/Jul/11 8:26 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Hmmmmm... I just went down to the Bunk House to check the progress of the plumbing job. They got a bunch done, but they also had a good time drinking beer. There were a half dozen empty cans in the sink.
01/Jul/11 8:27 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Tami.... it was less than 2 hours since the previous post. Nuttin' was broken.
01/Jul/11 8:28 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, you snuck in right behind me.
It has been a long boring day with plenty of rain, and short slightly non-rainy periods scattered throughout.
01/Jul/11 8:58 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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What purchase have you told IH about today? I am still willing to call your house if you need me to.
01/Jul/11 8:58 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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June and Friend, Theresa and Daughter, Tricia and Al, Judy and sister.... ((HUGS)) and ♥♥♥
01/Jul/11 10:37 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Thank you all for the healing wishes for my daughter. Although I think I am still in disbelief, we will get through this.

It was a beautiful coolish day today - very refreshing. When hubby got home from work we went for a drive to our favourite chip stand - very enjoyable indeed.
01/Jul/11 11:15 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Tomorrow will be a busy day here. We'll be baling Timothy hay and storing it in the haylofts. The "square" bales are labor intensive, but needed for feeding horses in stalls and any cows put up in the sick pen. After that, we'll go back to doing big rolls for cows and horses in the pasture.
01/Jul/11 11:21 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening, Everyone! I hope you all have had/are having a great day!

Since reading the first review of the Clan series, I have had it on my reading list, but still haven't read it. Based on recommendations here, I think I should get off my butt and get to the library.

Heidi, the Hondas look very sleek and streamlined! My guess is that because of that, they would be targeted by police to check for speeding, which could be a good thing! As a teen, I always thought it would be great fun to have and ride a motorcycle, but age and experience suggest otherwise (to me).

MizT, so sorry you had a long, rough day at the doctor/getting the MRI done! I hope today has gone better and you were able to get appointments made! Sending positive thoughts and {{{HUGS}}} your way for you and Al!

June, I hope the chemo does what they hope for it to do and without too many side effects for your friend! Know that we are here with you and for you as you deal with what has been sent your way! I sure wish all of the researchers would come up with some way to stop cancer in its tracks, if not completely cure it!

Rolanda, your comment about the Royal Cross quilt pattern sent me to Mr. Google. What fun to see the pattern!

Theresa, I hope you felt better as the day progressed. I would like to prescribe more restful sleep and less worry for you, my dear! Barring that, I'm sending plenty of positive thoughts and prayers for you and for your D! Hoping the surgery will not need to be repeated!

Nola, thinking of you, your sister, and your hubby and sending positive thoughts and prayers for all of you!

Heidi, I hope the presence of empty beer cans doesn't suggest substandard workmanship! I hope you have excellent weather tomorrow and get all of the work done that you have planned!

This has been a slow day here. I guess everyone has a life - or maybe too much ffuts to do. I need to check on the yrdnual, as the cat vomited on our bed. We really need to get another mattress pad and sheet set so we don't have to stay up half the night when this happens!

Thinking of all of you and sending positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and ! Hang in there! Good Night and sleep tight!
01/Jul/11 2:41 PM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Hi everyone, I'm back again. Finally finished dealing with the End of the Financial Year. Whew!
I've been reading but haven't had much time to comment.
June, Nola, Theresa and MizT.
Rolanda, I can understand your mixed feelings. I haven't had to face that yet. Are you downsizing or having a sea/tree change?
01/Jul/11 2:42 PM
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