Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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"Life is an opportunity, benefit from it. Life is a beauty, admire it. Life is a dream,realize it. Life is a challenge, meet it. Life is a duty, complete it. Life is a game,play it. Life is a promise, fulfill it. Life is sorrow, overcome it. Life is a song, sing it. Life is a struggle, accept it. Life is a tragedy, confront it. Life is an adventure,dare it. Life is luck, make it. Life is life, fight for it!"
Mother Theresa
19/Jul/11 12:04 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good maeN everyone!! I see I missed 5 pages in about 2 days. Been busy doing ffuts around here...
Heidi: So sorry about Coffee...2 dogs in one week, how horrible!! Hugs to you with extras!!! We have 2 cats (as I have mentioned before) Tigger who is 17 and Amber who is about 14...Amber seems to be a lot thinner recently...not sure if she's eating well. She is the smaller of the two cats.
June, Mama, TTT, CynB, Broni, Julie, MizT and anyone else, Love & Hugs to all with extras!!
19/Jul/11 2:12 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Had fun going to lunch & shopping with my friend Helen the other day. Went garage sale-ing with my pet-sitter Karen. I picked up a really nice antique barette for my hair for $0.75
(needs a bit of cleaning) and a Mr. Coffee Iced Tea Maker for $2.00. I had to look up the operating instructions for the tea maker on line, but I got it working and the iced tea was good.
19/Jul/11 2:16 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Can't think of anything else to say for now, so TTFN everyone.
19/Jul/11 2:17 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Great TOPP, Cyn! Thank you!

I found this quote that I wanted to share, since it's something we do a lot of here:

"A hug is like a boomerang - you get it back right away." ~ Bil Keane

19/Jul/11 3:12 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Oops, pardon my lack of manners, please! Good Evening, Everyone!

Great buys, Suzanne! It's always nice to return home with something you can use but didn't need to spend a lot of money for!
19/Jul/11 3:14 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Mama, I have always admired your writing skill! You turn a nice phrase!

Broni, thinking of Possum on his return trip! So sorry there is no improvement with his sister! Sounds like you have made a lot of progress on the boat sanding. Will you be looking for a different job if things have come to an end or at least nearing an end?

Suzy, I hope your day/days teaching go well!

Tami, thanks for the beverage and chocolate chip cookies! You are really reading those books quickly! (I looked for them at "Half Price Books" yesterday, but didn't find them there.)

Theresa, what a wild-weather night! Hopefully the person who was injured is improving! So glad to hear that your reaction to the meds has improved and you no longer feel like you're wearing cement boots!

Heidi, what a great idea to get a Gypsy Vanner filly! Will you breed them? How old would the filly need to be before breeding? I think it would be a great diversion for you! I love you you surround your self with beautiful animals & birds! BTW, didn't you plant an ever-flowering lilac last year? Has it flowered, or will it need another year to get over the transplant shock?

It sounds like many of us have eclectic styles of furnishings! It's nice to have furniture that allows you to be comfortable!

Mama, I think I need to add "Caleb's Crossing" to my list of books to read. Your description makes me think I would enjoy it!

Nola, we're always glad to see you, whether early in the morning or later! No need to adjust your lifestyle to fit the rest of us! I hope all is going as well as possible for your extended family!

Rolanda, Happy Birthday and a yummy cyber cake for S#2! I hope his first couple of days have gone well! I hope all is going well with your painting/sprucing up! Good luck!

Vicki, thinking of your hubby and hoping he is not in a great deal of pain as he waits for surgery to be scheduled! Congratulations to both of you on the new great nephew! So glad you got to enjoy a day or two as "empty nesters!" Enjoy the new oven when it is installed!

Cyn, thinking of you and sending warm {{{{HUGS}}}} as you face the anniversaries! Eventually it will get easier!

Nearly 1 a.m. here, so I need to head to bed. Positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and lots of for everyone! Good Night!
19/Jul/11 3:39 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Julie - I like the quote about the hug being like a boomerang and it reminded me of something that happened today. Col and I went to visit my Mum. There is a lady there (only about my age, not sure of her ailment, but not really typical dementia) who was in the other unit for a while but I never interacted with her because she was very protective of her personal space. Today, as I got up to leave, she saw me and it must have clicked that she had seen me before. She bustled over to me and showed me her jewellry, a necklace and a locket on a chain. I smiled and admired them. She stood back for a second, looked at me, and then proceeded to give me a huge hug, something she reserves mainly for the nursing staff. I was rather chuffed to be accepted into her little world!!
19/Jul/11 3:52 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Afternoon all! You wouldn't think my last class ends at 2.40pm based on the time I get home, and I'm only here for a few minutes as Alie has Hip Hop class today. I froze today! My first class was at the farm, we couldn't be outside because it was pouring rain! They have a room there, but it's basically a tin shed so was cold even with the heater the farm guy very thoughtfully put on for us. I was inside for the rest of the morning, but first half of lunch has playground duty and second half bus duty followed supervising a bunch of ratty students in an unheated gym. Got a little heater going on my icicle toes right now - hope to defrost them before we have to head out for dance... The lesson plans left for me are not lesson plans but workbooks! There should be pracs, nothing suggested or provided, there should be info on work they've covered before, nothing, there should be something for Year 9 Ag, nothing! Got some work to do tonight!

Broni, I hope the trip is going well for Poss - I did think about him today and send safe travels thoughts when the weather turned bad. The toughest part of a brain tumor for family must be that the person changes to someone else. Hugs, thoughts and wishes...

I can't remember whether I commented on all of the other things I'm thinking about so will wait until later when I have time to reread, hopefully,
19/Jul/11 4:06 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Hi Mum I am home!
Gekko my friends.
Love and hugs to you all.
My body hurts and am about to have a shower and wash the fibreglass off, boy it gets everywhere.
Thanks for all your good wishes for Poss, he just phoned and is stuck in traffic an accident down Cyn's way. Back after I get this itchy stuff off me.
19/Jul/11 4:28 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Broni broke the site!! Where was the accident? On Mt Cotton Rd, I'll bet. Nothing on the police site so mustn't be bad and we haven't heard sirens.
19/Jul/11 7:03 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all.

Cyn, I hate blah and sad days. We are here for you. It doesn't seem possible that it has been a year since your auntie's passing. Your memories will keep you strong. I love your TOPP.

Another warm day today, but on Thursday it is supposed to go up to 37C - I can only imagine what the feels-like temp will be.

Off to have a coffee outside before the heat of the day settles over us. Hugs to all.
19/Jul/11 8:14 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Coffee is ready, help yourselves. Temps here are in the mid 90's daily with feels like of 100's (35 and 38 in celsius)
19/Jul/11 8:30 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Cardiologist's office phoned - Tuesday, August 2nd is my first appointment. Thank goodness the waiting wasn't too long.

Tami, Florida weather sounds much too humid for my liking.
19/Jul/11 10:40 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good Maen all!
Theresa: I lived in Florida too, and the humidity IS brutal, but it's only for 2-3 months MAX!! June, July, and August...Loverly the rest of the year...
TTT: Thanks for the coffee, I've been up since 5!! Darrell had to go to work early today. He'll be home later this afternoon.
19/Jul/11 11:07 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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It's going to be hot here too! Winds are blowing, so I've had the a/c on for about 4 days straight!!!
Really wish I could open the windows, but there are rainclouds rolling in...
19/Jul/11 11:08 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm glad that you only have a week until the appointment with the cardiologist, Theresa. That's still a wait, but bearable.
20/Jul/11 1:58 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I keep telling everybody that I have 2 brown thumbs. I can raise animals but plants look at me, wither and die. That reblooming lilac shriveled up and died from my tender ministrations.
20/Jul/11 2:01 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends. A morning can get away quickly when one sleeps till ten o'clock. I had indigestion last night, just could not lie in bed till the wee hours. Made up by sleeping in.

Yesterday was a wonderful day, bright blue skies, low humidity, a good breeze. I did the sloshy thing and hung out, clothes dry in a couple hours!

Being awake last night gave me many extra hours to read my book. I sat at computer desk and propped the heavy book there, saved wear and tear on my hands.

Need to make another road trip today, time to buy more instant breakfast and milk, the base for Al's formula. He did try eating some the last 2 days. He found a bowl of corn in the fridge, saw him standing there with a spoon chowing down. Tried some canned pears, and something else. the pears did not do too well but he said that was the best corn he ever ate! I am so glad something tasted good to him. His tummy started hurting later, he is just not accustomed to food. OH, he did say occasionally he can tell there is a bit of saliva production, whew, bout time!

I have read all the posts, but have things to do today, so must wait till later to comment. I am thinking of all who need special thoughts and prayers, Poss, Theresa, Cyn, and of course, always June and her family. I know I left someone out by name, apologies.

Huge hugs with extras.
20/Jul/11 2:31 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Went to friends today to take her to massage appointment. She was having trouble breathing so she rang the specialist who suggested she go to hospital emergency. Friend proceeded to harvest all her crops on FB before we left. We sat in emergency for 4 hours before she saw a doctor. Her condition did deteriorate during that time. When they did see her it was all the best machines and doctors.
The fluid has built up in her lungs and some around her heart. They were hoping to start draining this evening.
I left home at 10am and not home till after 8.30pm so I am rather tired tonight.
20/Jul/11 4:12 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I typed the above post last night and just came in and realised I had not hit submit!
She did ring just after 11pm to say they had put the drain in. They will do procedures to make her comfortable but will not resuscitate.
20/Jul/11 4:20 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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JUNE, I am so sorry to hear of the long wait you had at hospital, and of the complications your friend is having. I am horrified it took so long for ER doctors to see someone with breathing difficulties, I do think that should be a priority.

Do you think she is telling you something by harvesting all her crops on FB before going to ER? I know this has to be so terribly difficult for you and for all her family. Huge gentle hugs to you. [[[[JUNE]]]].

20/Jul/11 4:36 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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June, huge hugs to you and your friend. I am so sorry to hear the latest news. Please know that you have friends all over the world thinking of you an wishing things could be different.
20/Jul/11 4:44 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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June, friend and Laura..... ((((( HUGS )))))
20/Jul/11 5:57 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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There has been a major change of plan around here. Robert will not be moving into the modular home after all. His second ex-wife had a major heart attack last month, then had a stroke a week ago. She lives alone (in Louisville) and shouldn't. Robert has decided to move in with her to care for her. They have remained good friends. Her doctors are warning her that she could have another big stroke any time, or another heart attack.

The house will not remain empty. I've told IH he can use it for his office, since he desperately needs a new one.
20/Jul/11 6:15 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Another quick drop in. I didn't get to come back yesterday. I was very tired so just played mindless games on that other page - no thinking required. I think I have most of my planning done, thank goodness this school has special booklets for most junior subjects. I have no idea what I'm going to do with my 3 Ag classes, but I know where to go for help - I just hope we have free periods at the same time today!
20/Jul/11 7:07 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, I will be thinking of you and friend all day today. Cyber hugs wending their way along the air waves.. Your last comment makes perfect sense, but is so hard to hear, I can't imagine what it was like as a mother to say

Thought, wishes and hugs to everyone, hopefully I will have some brain left when I get home tonight.. ♥
20/Jul/11 7:10 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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June and family ((HUGS)) You are in our thoughts all the time.
Theresa, pleased to hear that you don't have too long to wait for your appointment.
20/Jul/11 7:40 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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June, loving thoughts xoxo

20/Jul/11 7:41 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Heidi, there is every possibility that lilac was o
having one last hurrah before its time was due, plants do that.
20/Jul/11 7:42 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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What hurrah? It went steadily downhill as soon as it arrived here.
20/Jul/11 8:29 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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20/Jul/11 8:35 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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June - thoughts and prayers to you, friend and you family! And hugs!
20/Jul/11 9:21 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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(((JUNE))), (((Friend))), ((( Laura))) ♥♥♥
20/Jul/11 10:13 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Decluttering the W-I-Robes today.

Dinner guests this evening, my friend Sue and her #1 Child.
Her hubby and #2 went home on Monday.
Sue is still here, she will go with her brother on Friday to the Court Hearing,
for her brother to become the Administrator for their Mother (she is in a High Care Facility).
20/Jul/11 10:21 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Gekko, Everybody!

Cyn, I hope you had a nice visit with your Mum! How nice that the lady on your Mum's unit accepted you into her world!

Suzy, you had quite a day teaching! How awful that it was rainy and cold - and there aren't really any lesson plans to go from! Hopefully it will be better if you will be working additional days!

Broni, are you nearly finished working on the boat? It sounds like you have been working really hard. Being covered in fiberglass is certainly not fun!

Theresa, I'm glad you were able to get an appointment with the cardiologist quickly! You'll be able to tell him that you have started to quit smoking.

Heidi, you shouldn't blame yourself for the reblooming lilac's demise! Remember, it went through the shock of being transported and replanted. Was the nursery where you bought it reputable?

MizT, it's too bad that your tummy kept you from getting to bed last night, but good that you had a book to read and a place to prop it! Hurray for Al and trying to eat something. I'm sure you're right: his stomach is just not used to food, so he will need to take it easy, even when something tastes really good. I hope your shopping/road trip today went well! Remember to take it easy in the heat and stay hydrated!

June, so sorry to hear your friend had a difficult day, trouble breathing because of the fluid build-up and a long wait in the ER! I suppose that's way she stayed to harvest her crops - anticipating a long wait. {{{{HUGS}}}}} to you, your friend and to Laura!

Heidi, what a shame that Robert's ex-wife has major health issues. It's so nice of him to go to help care for her - and just when he was going to be able to move into the house. You're very kind to allow someone to move into the house and use it as an office! Does IH have ANY idea how lucky he is to have married you?

Rolanda, you are doing a great job getting ready for the house to be shown! All the best to your friend Sue and Child #1, and hope you will have/have had a lovely visit with you!

Thinking of all of you and sending cheerful, warm, pleasant, loving, positive thoughts to all of you! {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts and to all! Good Night!
20/Jul/11 2:28 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hmmm, had Rolanda broken the site? Well, it's working now!

May I please ask for a favor? I think I told you about our friend Jan who had a heart attack and open heart surgery in January. We just found out that her husband Paul had a horrible stroke and is on life supports. If you have a moment, please include them in your prayers! Thanks so much!
20/Jul/11 2:31 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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I lost a long post while trying to post it about the same time as Julie was posting... so I'll try once more.
Theresa, I'm glad you don't have much longer to wait in getting started with whatever treatment that will help you feel better.
Heidi, you may have brown thumbs, but your heart is golden. I agree with Julie...IH and Robert both are very fortunate to have you as wife and friend/employer. Good luck to Robert as he undertakes his care giving for his ex-wife...not many would take that on.
June, Words cannot begin to convey how much your love and patience while dealing with so much adversity continues to inspire me. They also don't begin to express my heartfelt sorrow at not being able to do more than send cyber hugs and words of encouragement to you, friend and the entire family, when I'd like nothing better than to relieve you of some of the physical chores and to hold you close and let you pour your sorrow out...I know I am not alone in this, but alas...I can only hope that you can feel HIS arms holding you in our wake... May Peace walk with you now and forever....
20/Jul/11 2:45 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Julie....Please consider it done. I do hope that God's plans are gentle to them both. Peace.
20/Jul/11 2:48 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Past my normal bedtime, but my 3 hour nap at 5 pm altered my normal schedule tonight. I just realized my last pill of the day is not setting well, Drats!

Al did the most needed errands today, as he was getting a tire for my vehicle. He knows I do not enjoy sitting around a tire store or automotive repair place, so he said I could stay home. He even brought me a chocolate bar.

Julie, of course I have time to remember your friends Jan and Paul. That is a terrible thing to happen. I do wish them well.

Heidi, if you have a brown thumb, how do you grow strawberries that produce all summer? Even with an ever bearing variety, not just anyone can accomplish that.

Mama is right, June, I too feel so bad that I cannot do more to help you and your friend. Sending cyber hugs is not the same as sitting beside you in the ER and holding your hand. Be assured if I were closer, that is where I would have been. During the rough times, just close your eyes and think of us all sending love to you, feel our hand holding yours.

20/Jul/11 4:02 PM
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