Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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"Our earthly loss is always a heavenly gain
Although our hearts hurt and mourn in humanly pain
The fact still remains the same
That Heaven Has Gained more Love
To sprinkle down from above"

Antonio Talbert
29/Jul/11 5:01 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
I can't think of anything interesting or distracting to post so will leave for my work day saying that I wish we were all in a room together right now. More love and thoughts headed your way June. Please give Ken and Laura a hug from me. You'll get 2 back then.
29/Jul/11 7:30 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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This was given to me on my Facebook page by Suzanne from Seattle's, and with her permission, I am posting it here.

A Parable of Immortality.
I am standing upon the seashore. A ship at my side spreads her white sails to the morning breeze and starts for the blue ocean. She is an object of beauty and strength, and I stand and watch until at last she hangs like a speck of white cloud just where the sea and sky come down to mingle with each other. Then someone at my side says, " There she goes! " Gone where? Gone from my sight . . . that is all. She is just as large in mast and hull and spar as she was when she left my side and just as able to bear her load of living freight to the place of destination. Her diminished size is in me, not in her. And just at the moment when someone at my side says, " There she goes! " there are other eyes watching her coming . . . and other voices ready to take up the glad shout . . . " Here she comes! " ~Henry Van Dyke
29/Jul/11 7:48 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Morning all
MizT - I loved the idea of a pink avatar and have changed mine accordingly.
June - I'm glad you have a good support group around you and that you managed a few hours sleep. How nice of the neighbour who brought in the soup. I would imagine the last thing you would think about at a time like this would be preparing food.
29/Jul/11 8:41 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Good Morning all!

June, my love to you, Ken, Laura, Belinda and your son. Please know that I am thinking of you all in your time of sadness.

Why smile in our sadness?
It's because we remember family gatherings past,
With shared food and laughter
And fun which long after
Bring memories certain to last.

Why relief in our sadness?
It's because there's release, release from the fear and the pain.
For no-one can harm them
Or keep them uncertain,
And nothing can hurt them again.

Why tears in our sadness?
It's because we feel loss and forever that feeling will stay.
But we'll cherish our memories
And we'll smile in remembering
And our smiling will keep tears at bay.
29/Jul/11 8:57 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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GAIL. I love the parable, how perfect. I hope there were many waiting for Sharon, all saying "Here she comes".

CynB, Love your pink avatar, very nice.

Victoria, nice poem, thank you for sharing it with us today.

SUZY, I too wish we were all in a room together. but we are here, in this cyber place, and can come together here.

TAMI, I liked your poem too, it says so much.

Hugs to each of you with special ones for June and family.
29/Jul/11 9:46 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Good Night friends, bed time for me. I hope all of you will come back to the site and contunue on with our usual chatting. June asked if EASY page could continue as usual, I think she would want us to also. It gives her a place to come and read and escape for a bit.

Hugs to each of you, with extras.
29/Jul/11 1:08 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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BEAUTIFUL SENTIMENTS AND WE ALL HOLD JUNE AND FAMILY CLOSE, BUT I THINK IF WE CAN MUSTER THE STRENGTH TO MOVE FORWARD, OUR LIVING AS USUAL WILL ALLOW JUNE A PLACE TO COME WITH OUT FOCUSING ON THE NOW THAT She is going through but one she must Miz T suggest in her post, an escape is what's called for each and every one...heavy hearts make sweet memories come to mind very quickly...May peace walk with all of us.... and please know..I'm not shouting but simply didn't realize that the caps key was down until I had started typing and didn't feel up to correcting things...take care one and all...I care...Goodnight!
29/Jul/11 1:50 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I'm home early! I taught 5 periods straight, than asked for an early mark from last period so I could come home to Alie. She's really sick, hubby took her to the doc this morning, he'd volunteered to call because I was going to be in class by the time the doc's office opened and, although I'd said I would take her at 2.30, he took her in at 9.30 - wonderful hubby! She has antibiotics and another 'tonsillitis' mention on her record so she may eventually get rid of them. They're huge when she's well, when she's sick they're ginormous!! She also seems to have something on her chest, but I've only woken her enough to give her a thick shake to help soothe her throat so don't know all of the details of the visit yet..
29/Jul/11 2:41 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Daily anecdote: I had my year 9 ferals down the farm today. They wanted to work on the farm rather than go into the classroom because it is such a beautiful day. I thought that sounded like a great idea so I agreed to it. (in the classroom some of them can be completely uncontrollable). 4 girls did some work, the others just messed around, including painting posts with pink hair wax...

The opportunity arose to check out the baby chickens, I invited the kids who were behaving and the others missed out! Karma! Love it!
29/Jul/11 3:05 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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A second anecdote: I had 3 students in my class continue to play games on their mobile phones (which are banned from the school) after multiple requests to either put them away of give them to me. I sent them out of the room and told them to sit outside the science staff room. As they left the room, they were spotted by the acting head teacher who also saw the phones. When he challenged them they put them in their pockets and said 'we don't have phones'. I wrote them up, (why do they still call it that when it's all computerised?) and referred them to him, at his request, and he has now referred them to the deputy! More Karma!
29/Jul/11 3:09 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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A third anecdote: Some kids were giving me a hard time in class. I said, come on guys, I'm having a bad day, I've lost a friend and my daughter is sick, please give me a break. Not only did they pull their heads in, but they asked me if I was okay.. I would have looked a bit upset, but who knew there was compassion inside any one of them?
29/Jul/11 3:11 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I have loved reading all of the poems and thoughts, a wonderful outpouring of love that helps maintain my faith in human nature when surrounded by the most selfish people on the planet - teenagers!

June, I don't have any inspiring poems, just continued thoughts and wishes and cyber hugs!
29/Jul/11 3:13 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Suzy - what a good way of dealing with those kids - letting them know that you have bad days! I'm pleased they reacted well and behaved a bit better!
Mama and MizT - I so agree with you that we need to keep chatting here on SA. Whilst we are all feeling for June and her family, our chatting about everyday things and a little bit of humour might be a welcome momentary diversion for June.
That said - June, you have been in my thoughts today as you start to deal with the aftermath, arrangements and loss. Big hugs from me - I wish I could do more.
29/Jul/11 4:17 PM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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#1 and the girl have spent most of today frantically trying to organise a visa for her to stay in Australia. Whew, she now has a 28 day extention.
I need to supply a few things - e.g. a letter saying we are providing free board and food and also proof that we have $3k in the bank.
At least we have 28 days to organise it all now.
29/Jul/11 4:25 PM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Good luck with the open house tomorrow. I hope someone falls in love with it and offers lots of money!
29/Jul/11 4:26 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Victoria, I have fallen in love with Rolanda's house, unfortunately I live in the UK and it would be a long commute each day for my husband for work.
Pleased to hear that S#1's girl has had an extention to her visa. Hope all goes well in getting her another visa and hopefully one which will allow her to work. What would be the point of her degree if she cannot use it in the country she obtained it.
29/Jul/11 5:21 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Vicki, I'm so glad she got the extension. I hope the 'crats get their act together and get everything sorted in that time!

Brenda, I want Rolanda's house too..
29/Jul/11 6:06 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Please girls stop fighting over my house.. just put the offer in to buy!!!
First come first served...
29/Jul/11 6:12 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Afternoon everyone.

Been out all day with MIL.
Not long home.
It is Cup o'Tea time.
29/Jul/11 6:13 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Continued (((hugs))) and ♥ to June and Family
29/Jul/11 6:15 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Victoria, glad girl is able to stay a wee bit longer.
29/Jul/11 6:16 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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If you would like the link for the Sale of the House on the Web.. let me know and I will PM you.
29/Jul/11 6:17 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
Check out my page ed-brother/2242453.aspx

This woman came from the area I am teaching in, and if anything it has deteriorated over the years. The thing about this school is that the teachers are supportive. I don't see the back biting or politics that I experienced in other schools, though as a casual you are kind of sheltered from it so maybe it's there.
29/Jul/11 8:26 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Thank you . I have loved all the support, poems etc. Also I do like knowing what everyone else is doing, even those feral kids.
Today we went and bought plots around a tree (which has been removed) to put Sharon (and Steve), Belinda and our ashes. We were fortunate that we could get them with my parents and Grandmother. I hope it is a long time before I am there! Tomorrow we see the undertaker and Minister. He did see Sharon on Wednesday and was able to talk and get a bit of an idea what she wanted (she was on a fair amount of morphine) We are probably looking at Thursday for the service.
29/Jul/11 9:30 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I am fairly tired tonight. Washed the sheets so have a nice clean bed. This should be a good post (6666)
29/Jul/11 9:31 PM
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Hope you get some sleep tonight, June. That is where I'm heading now. Goodnight.
29/Jul/11 9:39 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Sleep well, June
29/Jul/11 10:28 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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June, thank you for sharing your beautiful resting place plans with us. Sharon will make the place lovely for the day, long away, when you all join her ♥

Sleep well dear friend, you have earned the rest xoxo
29/Jul/11 10:39 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all.

Took the kids to their karate lesson last evening - they were so adorable!

Child psychologist has given a preliminary "potential" diagnosis. Would prefer not to discuss it here at this time, but feel free to PM me.

I'm still sorting through boxes - I have maybe half a dozen to go. Right now I'm spending most of my time cleaning up my craft stuff.

Off to have another coffee outside before the rain hits. Monday is quitting day and I'm getting nervous.
29/Jul/11 10:39 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good Maen everyone! Hot here yesterday, same supposed to be for today.
Going to the doctor's this morning (follow-up on my cholesterol/meds).
Using my NEW laptop Darrell got me. We are sending my old one to my mom. She could use it, my dad is ALWAYS on his computer.
Got to get my act in gear, so I'll come by later
Love & Hugs to all with extras for June & her family...TTFN
29/Jul/11 11:50 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Hi all, shopping with Bryana today. She has to get everything before she leaves for uni. She will be too far away(7 1/2 hour drive) to drop anything off that she is missing. She has been going crazy trying to figure out which courses to take.(driving the rest of us crazy as well!) Got to go.
June, keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.♥
30/Jul/11 12:49 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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VICKI and Rolanda. like you, wishing Rolanda good luck on the open house, but please tell, what is not to love in her house? Great gardens, ready to move in house, lovely built in's, just the ticket. Hope you are flooded with offers, Rolanda and Peter.

Vicki, so glad the girl has an extension. Hope all goes well to become permanent visa.

Suzanne, wishing you a good report from your doc. Enjoy the new laptop and how nice you can send old one to your Mom.

Stella, seems like a huge shopping day for you. Hope you make good progress getting Bryanna fitted out.

30/Jul/11 1:27 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Support for Theresa and quit day. Can we all offer hints for her quitting? I know she has to figure what will work for her, but we might give her ideas to try.

Theresa, congrats on the emptying of boxes. You are making progress, way to go! Do not let the quit day make you nervous. I have confidence you can do this. Just have a plan what to do if you get a craving. I had menthol lozenges and dumdums, a small lollipop with a rolled paper stick. After the candy was gone (no biting allowed, they last longer), I would chew on the stick hehehe. Also kept my hands busy, with embroidery. If your hands are busy, can't pick up a ciggy!! My embroidery went everywhere!
30/Jul/11 1:42 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I did the same thing with Tootsie Roll Pops. They last longer than Dum Dums, and you have the rolled paper stick to suck on and chew afterwards. Just make sure that you have NO cigarettes in the house when you decide to stop, Theresa. Will power can do just so much. Also, when you quit, try to get a little more exercise. Your metabolism will change when you quit, and you will gain weight unless you compensate. I learned that the hard way. I quit smoking right after I broke my leg the first time. In a short period, I went from size 12 to size 18. (Then when I got the Mono, I went up to size 22.... it almost makes me want to smoke again.) It's better to prevent the weight gain than to try to lose it.
30/Jul/11 3:11 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hi All,
Suzy, Isn't Karma wonderful??? Love the updates you have did good girl! Keep it going....One thing, being tossed in the fire and being able to make it, bodes well for you when dealing with feral kids in the future. Difficult students won't stand much chance of upsetting you...they will just be another annoyance to get past....You are a winner! As Tami says often, you are smarter than the kids....

Theresa, I used straws a lot...and walked whenever the urge to smoke hit, even in bad must have worked because I didn't gain any weight, water also helped. Changing places where you used to enjoy a smoke helps too...find another good spot to knit or write or read. Try not to think about the day as so important that it makes you nervous...just remember that you win with every hour that passes w/o a cigarette. If you do happen to fall back...just know that you only need start over gets easier the longer you can stay away! It has been said that the poison is out of the system within three or four days....and if you do pick up a cigarette after that period, you can tell because you get dizzy again...not a pleasant feeling....think about that and it helps ease the way, plus, you smell better...not just inhaling, but your body, hair and breath will be sweeter....I never knew that I smelled so stinky when I smoked...uggg. After the nicotine is no longer driving you, the habits formed must be broken...that's why you need to keep busy...keep some of the boxes and cleaning things to do after Yes, you will join the others who have successfully quit....we are the proof that it can be done...and that you can too.

June, So glad you were able to get a little sleep...its so important to eat and sleep as much as you can to retain your strength...I know, easier said than done. The final resting place sounds very tranquil and it has to lend itself to know the you all will once again be united in a lovely spot when God says its time. Until then, know that the sun will once again smile on you and yours. Hugs my friend and God's peace. ♥
30/Jul/11 5:03 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Dearest June.
I had a few pages to catch up on and was so sad to read of your families loss. I find it hard to express something meaningful that may help you at this time, so I will just say,how truly sorry I am.
30/Jul/11 5:58 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Gooday all.
Theresa, I made my quit day when I had finished the last smoke in the packet after the required time with champix. I found the online help wonderful,but I don't know if you are using an aid or going cold turkey.
30/Jul/11 6:12 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Good Morning my friends.
Spent the morning down at the boat, another set back but at least I realise that worrying about it is not going to change anything, why is it so hard to take you own advice?
Spent a lovely afternoon and evening with my cousin Maz and my friend Teresa. They both send their condolences June.
Good to see you Nola, what has been happening?
30/Jul/11 6:41 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Nola, I am going on the patch. My doctor has changed his mind about the champix - there are certain side effects he's not terribly comfortable with right now as far as I am concerned. I think he wants to see how the cardiologist feels about champix.

Good suggestions friends, but I can't do the lollipop thing because I am a diabetic ... straws I can do. I also found more boxes in the basement to go through. I think for every box I go through, another appears in the basement. Darn those box elves.
30/Jul/11 6:55 AM
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