Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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Heidi, hope you have had the epidural by now.
After many phone calls to our Base Hospital I have finally found out my appt. for my MRI is 7am on my birthday, 21st Sept.
That is the only place that can do it here and it is a fairly long walk to the medical imaging dept.
13/Sep/11 3:43 PM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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I should say the long walk is from the front desk. I just have to hope the disabled park is free when I get there.
I must go out and get on with this Avon order packing. I just cannot be bothered today and came in for a break and did the Easy and Medium puzzles.
13/Sep/11 3:44 PM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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Theresa hope the non smoking is continuing along okay for you and that you have got over the cravings.
Are you feeling better June?
13/Sep/11 3:45 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good After-Midnight, Everyone!

So sorry I missed you last night, Nola!

Broni, missed you, too! I hope you had a great birthday!

Cyn, will be thinking of Lachlan on his cultural exchange! Sounds like a great program! He will be safe! What a wonderful learning experience!

All the best to your friend's daughter, Rolanda!

Theresa, so sorry you have been having trouble posting! I hope that is all the trouble you are having! Hope the cravings stay away!

Tami, I hope you're enjoying your "growing up in ____" group as much as I'm enjoying mine. Today, someone started a thread about schools/education/what they would change. Some VERY thoughtful answers, giving kudos to "tough" teachers, thinking kids and parents need to be more respectful and responsible and willing to do the work. I was really impressed, as it has really become a blue-collar, low income area. Another thread asked what you would give your child from your childhood. Most responses were along the lines of - more time with their grandparents, getting to go berry picking and find where the good berries were, etc.

Dear Dizzy Lizzy, I'm sorry to hear that your birthday wasn't all that we'd hoped it would be. Luckily the misfortunes at work didn't follow you home!

Mamacita, Heidi, Theresa, Brenda, MIzTricia and Gail, I also agree that there is just too much emphasis on what happened 10 years ago. Who has thought of something WONDERFUL that happened 10 years ago and reminded all of us of that? (I'm sure SOMETHING good happened in 2001!)

MizT, let Al know that you will be reporting to us each day on how well he is following doctor's orders! Pushing a chain is NO fun! We would like to encourage him! All the best to both of you!

WONDERFUL news, Rolanda! The house is sold! Too bad S#1 has other plans for moving day. I hope it all goes well! Hmm, what am I doing on Oct. 15?

Hoping to get to bed in the next 15 minutes or so (by 1:00 a.m.), so Good Night! Sending lots of positive thoughts, prayers, and {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} for everyone! Stay well or at least get well!
13/Sep/11 3:46 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good to see you here, V Viv! I'm glad you now have an appointment for the MRI! I hope there will be a place nearby for you to park - and comfortable accommodations to transport you from check-in to your appointment!
13/Sep/11 3:49 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Rolanda - wonderful news that the finance has been approved. All systems go now! Now the fun starts, but I know how organised you are, you're probably 3/4 packed already!
Viv and Heidi - hoping you both get relief for your backs sooner rather than later. Well, Heidi's is soon, hope it works better than last time. Viv, fingers crossed for cancellations to help you get this sorted.
Hi Julie - seems I missed you again, as usual.
13/Sep/11 4:13 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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I agree with what Mama said about days and hours of 9/11 film every year, more so this year. I didn't watch any of it. I saw most of it first hand at the time and can still remember my disbelief and that of the commentator (CNN, I think) when the first building collapsed. However, like Gail said her daughter at 11 was too young to comprehend, my grandchildren were babies or not born - these young people need to know what happened. They need to know what religious zealots are capable of, and what hatred can do if left unchecked! (Sorry, my 2c worth there)
13/Sep/11 4:18 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Went to see the film 'The Help' today. Has anyone else seen it? I loved it - it was sad and funny and awful!
13/Sep/11 4:28 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Cyn yes, am 3/4 packed, did that before the house went on the market.
now comes the hard part.. find a Rental to live in.
13/Sep/11 6:24 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, as usual. Grab a mug, pull up a chair and relax a bit.

Rolanda, good news on the house being sold. I would come and help you but the trip would take a little too long. Hope all goes well with the packing and moving.

Viv, glad you have the MRI scheduled. Hope they can find out what is wrong and give you some relief.

Heidi, count down to epidural. Hope it is a really bad one.

I don't remember much else that I have read but know that all of you are in my thoughts.
13/Sep/11 8:16 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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See you all later. I hope to be back tonight. I have open house at Mitchell's school. Get to meet all his teachers. Not sure what time I will be home. I will try to stop in for a visit.
13/Sep/11 8:58 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Congratulations Rolanda, Work ahead of you, moving to a rental, but Oh, to soon start your new house, how exciting!

Viv, hope the MRI goes well and tells docs just what they need to know. Can you get a wheel chair from front desk to MRI? At the diagnostic center in the hospital complex where we go, that is an option.

Speaking of wheelchairs, we will need TWO on Thursday to get Al and I to the ENT clinic. It is a long way (via sky walk and inside building) from parking to the clinic area. They do have valet parking and wheelchair transport available, I do not know the cost, but we will have to pay. My doctor has ordered me a rolling walker with a seat and basket, for those times I just have to sit NOW from hip and leg pain. It will not arrive fore Thursday I fear.

Julie, I made a really WONDERFUL quilt in 2001, does that count?? I remember a silly thing I did. the quilt top in progress was hanging on the quilt wall, just off the living room and our TV. I folded the quilt back on itself, right sides together, because I did not want the evil vibes from that moment being sewn into my quilt!

Time for coffee, and to get started on this another day. A cool start, it is 57 this morning, but humid. Will warm nicely today though a good day.

Hugs to each of you, till later.
13/Sep/11 9:58 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Forgot to say, Tomorrow AM I must be up and out very early for the gall bladder test. (neighbor will come wake Al and do dressing change and feeding)

Thursday we will be up and out early again for the ENT clinic visit. I might be AWOL most of those days.
13/Sep/11 10:01 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all.

Congratulations Rolanda!
13/Sep/11 11:13 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good Maen everyone! Just popping in quickly to say hi.
Hope everyone has a great day, will try to check in later.
Love & Hugs to all, TTFN
13/Sep/11 11:38 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Julie: Good things about 2001:

1. D got married in PEI, so we all had a vacation at the same time.

2. I got a much needed job outside of the home.

You're right, lots of good things happened that year as well. Those are just 2 that came to mind immediately.
13/Sep/11 11:54 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Viv, hope the MRI pinpoints the problem ASAP.

Heidi, here's hoping the epidural is totally awful!!!!!

Cyn, Lachlan will be fine. Sounds like a good learning experience. It is difficult to let go though .....

Good luck to MizT and Al. Sounds like you have some wonderful neighbours.
13/Sep/11 11:58 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Tomorrow I go to the Heart Institute for pre-procedure blood work and an ECG. Then later this week they will call me up to arrange a pre-procedure interview. It is about an hour drive one way. I am really getting nervous, so I will be glad when it's all over. I think once this procedure is finished I will have an easier time with not smoking. My life seems to have a fair number of stresses lately and that's when I really want a ciggie. BUT I AM DETERMINED.

D has gone for some pre-hip replacement stuff today prior to her surgery on Oct 20. She is in so much pain she is back on morphine. Poor kid.
14/Sep/11 2:13 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Viv..... here hospitals provide wheelchairs for your use if you need one. If the walk to the MRT is too far, ask them for a wheelchair.
14/Sep/11 3:33 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'll be leaving for the epidural in 24 hours. I'm a little nervous because I want it to be a REALLY bad one.
14/Sep/11 3:38 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Good Afternoon All....Beautiful day here and all is well. Went to doctor's and now must have a ton of blood work done to tell them that I'm in pretty good shape for an old lady. The pains I suffer generally are tolerable. My respiratory problems are doing well and the itches are now under control.
The drama of my trip has receded and life is good.
What happened was that I lost my wallet the first night at the music fest in Detroit, Michigan. It hadn't been pushed down far enough in my pocketbook after coming from a store and fell out as I was riding my scooter back to the hotel. I didn't miss it for hours. Of course I had credit cards and all of my ID in there, but not too much money...that was in another part of the pocketbook. After missing it and cancelling my credit cards,etc. I didn't sleep too well, but was determined to enjoy myself.
The next day we went to a museum and I banged my leg up pretty well...big bruise and lots of early pain..but kept pushing on. We were out most of the day, but on my return to my room, someone called to say they had found my wallet and everything was in tact and they turned it over to the desk in the hotel the next day. My hotel key was also in the wallet. They followed through to be sure I got it from the desk....sadly, I didn't get to meet or reward my benefactor...but I have praised her actions to many. Detroit is pictured to be, dirty,crime ridden, and full of highly distressed folks who will do anything to tourist...sorta the same picture painted of areas in Philadelphia...but they fail to note that good things are happening there and good,honest folks live everywhere. I was very happy. We even got to see the president give his Labor Day speech since it was just a few doors away from our hotel and were entertained by Aretha Franklin...great show too. Travel home was difficult because we returned during major storms and flooding from Hurricane Katia..and then I found Jazz really sick and had to take him to the hospital were they admitted him....he has since returned home with a special diet,and eats 4 times a day...keeps me busy messing with him... He had gotten an infection and was really in distress...but I'm glad he's rebounding nicely. Thankfully, all in now under control... I don't remember having so much drama in my life all at once that came from seemingly no where and hope not to go through it again, even though I know it could have been much worse.
Hope all of you too will experience joy greater than your challenges and the challenges fade quickly. For those in pain, I do hope you all fine long lasting relief. Peace all.
14/Sep/11 4:09 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Mama!!! That's too much drama and stress in a short time. I'm glad everything has turned out all right.
Have you considered giving Jazz access to food full time? I now give my dogs their food free choice, and they seem to stay healthier. Tho' 2 of them are on the plump side now (Mason and Willow).
14/Sep/11 4:45 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Robert will be accompanying me to the epidural tomorrow, since I'm not supposed to drive myself home. IH will be out of town. I can't blame him for not being available for this one, since it isn't a regularly scheduled procedure.
14/Sep/11 4:50 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Just a reminder..... International Talk Like A Pirate Day is Sept. 19th. Be ye ready. Arrrrr.
14/Sep/11 4:52 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Morning all.
Hope the epidural works very well Heidi.
Congratulations Rolanda on selling the home.
MizT & Al..continued well wishes for you both at this busy stressful time.
Mama..glad to hear that at least your health problems are under control.Poor Jazz,,get better.
Theresa..I wish your D could get something for the pain before the hip replacement.Just doesn't seem like enough is done to help her.
Hope you have good news to tell us after your procedures.
Judy had wonderful news after the PET scan. Cancer all gone,but she will continue the chemo for the full course just in case. Talk about happy. Thanks to you guys for all your prayers and well wishes.
Must fly...catch you later.
14/Sep/11 5:06 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Oh Mama, you need a holiday after your holiday to recuperate. Glad all turned out well. How old is Jazz? I think you told me once but I have forgotten. Once we fully retire I would like to get a dog. I am thinking of maybe fostering instead, or even helping raise puppies that will be going into the Guide Dog program.

Nola, good news for Judy - what a burden has been lifted!
14/Sep/11 5:19 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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What wonderful news about sister Judy! May she continue cancer free!!!
14/Sep/11 6:55 AM
   Vicki  From NW Brisbane
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Good morning all!
Al and MizT, Theresa and her daughter, Viv, and Heidi's epidural (hope it's a really bad one). I hope all the upcoming procedures are successful.

Rolanda, congratulations on the sale of your house. Good luck with finding a rental - they are in short supply in Brisbane and I imagine Perth is much the same. When you go visit the real estate agents show them your house on the web. They can then see that you are the sort of tenants that they want - it helps if there are a few people wanting to rent a house. It's a bit like a reference.

Broni and Liz I'm sorry I missed your birthdays but hope you had a wonderful time.

Cyn, Lachlan will be fine. If all the Japanese people are like Aki's family he will be in good hands. Just remember he is going to be south of the affected area.

Suzy, I hope you are ok. I haven't see you on here for a few days.

Gotta run, work calls so it's shower time and then I'm outa here.
14/Sep/11 7:01 AM
   Vicki  From NW Brisbane
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Nola, great news about your sister Judy.
14/Sep/11 7:02 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning all
Nola - what wonderful news about Judy!
Mama - that was an eventful time but amongst them there were positives, getting your wallet back, seeing the president and seeing Aretha Franklin!
MizT and Al, Theresa and D, Heidi and Viv - big hugs and a hope for better days - soon!
14/Sep/11 8:21 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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NOLA, wonderful news that your sister is now cancer free! YEAH!!!

Mama, what Heidi said, too much drama, but you came through like a trooper that you are. Get well soon to Jazz, I know what your fur baby means to you!

Vicki, what a good idea for Rolanda about showing rental agents their former home!

Theresa, hope your pre procedure tests and interview go well. Refresh my memory, was it an arterogram or something else heart related?? I think you would be very good at fostering animals, and that is so needed.

Heidi, I am glad Robert can go with you to your epidural.

Al got a hair cut today, I could not stand that long dirty mess another day.

Neighbor lady who is LPN came over today to see what I do for Al at 9 am, so she can do it tomorrow while I am gone. she said that trach strap that holds it in place is going to be changed TOMORROW. Good. Al was a bit nervous about me doing it, kept putting it off. Miss A worked in a nursing home and has changed many of them, he will be in good hands.

14/Sep/11 10:22 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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MizT, it's called angioplasty.

Veggie stir fry for supper -- yum! Lots of veggies thrown in the frying pan - celery, green pepper, zuccini, onion, snow peas, tomato, mushroom, green beans. Our neighbour keeps me supplied with tomatoes because they have too many.
14/Sep/11 10:39 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Just stopping in for a minute to say goodnight. It has been a long day. Left the house at 7:30 am and returned at 8:30 pm. Picked Mitchell up at school and took him to dinner. Then went back to his school for open house. 10 minutes per class and 5 minutes between. I like his teachers and think he will have a good year.

I will be back in the morning with coffee, see you all then.
14/Sep/11 11:15 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Good Night friends. Tami, I will be sure NOt to check in for coffee, I go to this test without food or drink. I must be there at 6:30 am, but with no coffee? That is cruel and unusual punishment.

Catch you sometime tomorrow. Hugs to each of you, with extras where needed.
14/Sep/11 1:18 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Good luck tomorrow morning, MizT. At least they're getting you done really early so you don't have to fast 'til noon.
14/Sep/11 2:00 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Gekko, one and all! I'm very late tonight. (We had another meeting. I know, so what else is new?) Well, since you asked, I'll tell you. After MANY years of saying that I wish I could play the cello, I have contacted D#2's former teacher, who has become a friend, and asked her what she thinks. She's all for it. She says I probably will need a 7/8 size cello, as my hands are quite small. She told me that one of her students has just moved from a 7/8 size to a full-size cello, so contacted the family, as she wasn't sure if they owned or rented. She said it was a nice-sounding instrument. She has emailed me the information tonight as to the dealer where it was returned. I will call first thing in the morning to see if it's available and if it's a rental or sale instrument. I'm hoping the music will be a bit of a stress reducer for me, though, as my acupuncturist reminded me, I'm a perfectionist, so will need to set realistic goals. If I really get into practicing regularly, it may impact how much time I have to visit all of my wonderful friends here, and that is a major consideration for me!

Oh, dear, Cyn, we missed each other by about 30 minutes yesterday/last night! Cyn, I find myself agreeing with you that those who didn't experience 9/11 first-hand need to find out what transpired and that religious zealots/fanatics are just that - zealots and fanatics! It's like the need to educate people about the Holocaust. Lest they forget. (And now, so many years have past that there are so many fewer people who actually experienced it.)

Cyn, we've talked about going to see "The Help," but haven't done it yet. Thanks for the recommendation!

Viv, I hope the MRI goes well and provides some information that will be of help to the doctor in alleviating your pain!

MizT, absolutely, your wonderful quilt you made in 2001 counts as something positive that should be remembered! (I can understand your wanting to keep the evil vibes out of it! That's not really so silly!)

MizT, I hope the gall bladder test goes well! So sorry that you must be up so early and fast (and no coffee) before it!

Theresa, thanks for sharing some really good things that happened to you and your family in 2001!

Heidi, I hope you have one humdinger of an awful epidural! So glad that Robert will be accompanying you! (I'm thinking that will be more pleasant than going with someone else.)

Theresa, will be thinking of you tomorrow when you go to the Heart Institute for pre-procedure blood work and an ECG. I'm hoping all goes well, and getting that much done might reduce some of your stress! Thinking of your daughter and hoping she can get some pain relief!

Mamacita, you really weren't kidding us when you mentioned the drama of your trip! I would have to say that "All's well that ends well!" You certainly got off to a rocky start, but you kept a positive attitude and were rewarded by things turning out well! So sad to hear that poor Jazz was n
14/Sep/11 5:16 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Oops, I ran over tonight.

Mamacita, so sad to hear that poor Jazz was not doing well, but is hopefully on the mend now! Heidi's suggestion is the way we feed our cat (formerly cats) - the day's amount of dry food set out once a day, and she's able to eat it when she's interested in eating. For her, it's much better than having to gobble the food down. I hope all of the drama will soon be a distant memory! However, you absolutely had some positive experiences as well!

Nola, what absolutely WONDERFUL news that your sister is now cancer-free! What happy news for her and you and your family!

Vicki, what a brilliant idea for Rolanda. She and Peter can show possible rental agents photos of their house so the agents can see that they have been homeowners and RESPONSIBLE!

Theresa, your veggie stir fry sounds yummy!

Tami, what a long day! The good news is that it Mitchell has some good teachers for the coming year!

{{{{{HUGS}}}}}, , positive thoughts, prayers, and even more for all of you!

Good luck, MizT!

Horrible epidural to Heidi!

Better health for everyone!
14/Sep/11 5:18 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Another OOPS! I think I forgot to choose "General Chat" as the Comment Type for my first comment. I think I need to go to bed!
14/Sep/11 5:19 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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(HUGS) and ♥ to
Al and Tricia
Theresa and D
Nola's sister Judy - wonderful news
Mama.. too much drama, glad you are ok.
14/Sep/11 7:26 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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wonders of modern technology..

viewing 'live cam' (updated every 30 secs) from on board the Cruise Ship, my sister and her hubby are on... The boat just left Fremantle Harbour.
Noice Sunset...
14/Sep/11 7:33 PM
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