Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Suzy  From Oz
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It is easier to be wise for others than for ourselves.
Francois De La Rochefoucauld
28/Sep/11 5:17 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Suzy, one thing crossed my mind when you said the date of the Melbourne Christmas party was free so far, and that you shouldn't have said that out loud. BOOK IT IN ON THE CALENDAR so that everyone knows it is not an available date.
28/Sep/11 7:46 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Sorry for being rude...
Good morning everyone.
I had a lay in this morning, my head hurt and I'd been awake through the night being too hot. This cold is getting me down now, Cold sore is getting bigger even though I am treating it, so all in all I am feeling a bit under par.
20th November is when we leave Florida to come home, so that definitely means I cannot go to the party.
Heidi, if you have to have surgery to help with the pain then you are going to have to get help. As someone else said you help other people so please think of yourself and ask for some help yourself.
28/Sep/11 7:53 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Cyn the pooter and TV are being unassembled the Thursday before we move.. as both boys are not here to do this for us, friend D is coming to do this, take the equipment with him, and will set it up again once we have moved.
Peter organised over the weekend, to have the telephone/internet connected for when we move into the Rental.
and organised a Hire Removalist Truck, and some mates to come and help move us. MIL is on lunch duties.. and I will the one stressed out!!
28/Sep/11 8:17 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Brenda, hope you feel better real soon ♥
28/Sep/11 8:18 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.
Julie, how exciting that you went to Ireland. Can't wait to hear about it. Hope you post pictures. As for my part of the summary. Hubby broke his finger playing softball. There is some tendon damage but he does not need surgery. Attended a really boring parent meeting at Mitchell's high school. Nothing else for me to report.
28/Sep/11 8:52 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Rolanda - remembered another tale of woe. That night I was referring to was the Sunday night by Mon morning, settlement had been deferred until Tuesday. We had a truck full of furniture and faced another days fees. Fortunately the owners of this place let us put everything in the garage (luckily double) until settlement on the Tuesday. Mon night was spent in a plush Hotel in the City!
28/Sep/11 8:53 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Hi Tami - I'll skip coffee thanks, at 9pm it will keep me awake all night and I may be unsettled as it is. Lachlan's plane leaves in an hour or so and will arrive at 7am - woo Hoo!
28/Sep/11 8:56 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Lachlan's trip has gone over so quickly, hope he has enjoyed every minute of it.
28/Sep/11 8:59 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Good Morning friends. Grey outside today, cloudy, cooler but oh so damp. I want the crisp dry fall weather with bright blue skies, please.

My summary for Julie. Had a boil on my back, went a second time to urgent care as it came back. Was sent to a surgeon who did NOT cut on me, but gave me 2 antibiotic shots and 3 kinds of pills, plus more pills to prevent thrush. Back is looking much better I am told. slept the day away when I got home Monday and again yesterday. Al is the same, beginning more cooperative now which is very good.

Thanks for the coffee Tami, I need it.

Rolanda, good luck at planning meals from what is on hand. Moving is such a chore. How nice MIL will be providing lunch during the move, that will be a big help.

CynB, get better soon!

Time to start my day, hugs to each ofyou, with extras.

28/Sep/11 11:34 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Good morning, everybody. Cool day with a few showers expected.
I need to take Challenger on a drive with the surrey today. I'll just have to carry a raincoat in case.
29/Sep/11 1:04 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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We have a wonderful day here, temperature of 24c. and they are supposed to last until next week.
29/Sep/11 1:12 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Fell asleep after my last post, and just woke up, so no drive today. I HAVE to work him tomorrow. And clean up the surrey for the parade.
29/Sep/11 5:50 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Afternoon, Friends! I will start reading on page 219 and see how far I can get before interruptions.

Theresa, what a great TOPP on page 219! I hope all is well with you, hubby, D, SIL and grandies! Keeping all of you in my thoughts!

Heidi, it seems like a good idea to have both Challenger and Buddy cleared for the parade! I hope you are taking care of your back and getting plenty of sleep! I'm sure the finches are enjoying their new home by now!

Vicki, have a wonderful time away! What a good plan to see your various family members before going away! You sound very organized!

Suzanne, it sounds like your weather has finally improved! I hope you will soon have your new glasses! (Hubby's broke a month ago while we were at our D's. (Of course, there were no frames that would fit the current lenses.) Thank goodness for FAX, so his ophthalmologist could send his new prescription!

Suzy, Alie really nailed both performances! Well done! (Sorry the report card from school wasn't quite as glowing.) As for her being able to tell you every note that wasn't quite perfect, our D's would do the same after a performance. One even sat down with a copy of the sheet music and a pencil and marked everything she felt she should have done better!

MizT, I'm thinking positive thoughts that Al can be accepted for a clinical trial that will produce positive results! Take care of yourself! I hope the thrush has improved!

Viv, I've been thinking about you and your back! Seems like it's about time for the MRI and consult with the new doctor! Hoping something can be found that will help improve your situation!

Tami, I hope school is going well for you and the Beasties! How nice that you had a chance for a sleep-in!

Theresa, I hope you are feeling better and you all had fun at the fair!

Rolanda, has the weather improved! It's too bad you and friends had to abandon plans for a picnic lunch in the park, though I'm sure you all had a wonderful time at your house!
29/Sep/11 6:10 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Just a quick check in . On my way it sis-in-law for dinner. Tonight starts Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year. It is the year 5772, in case anyone is interested. My family will be coming here tomorrow night. There is no school tomorrow. I don't know if I will get back later. Hope everyone has a great day/night.
29/Sep/11 7:41 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Happy New Year to you, and your family Tami!
29/Sep/11 7:53 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Good Morning my Friends.
Managed to get the lawns mowed this morning before the rain comes today.
Julie, the only news I have is that I am going down to Melbourne for a week in November to catch up with my brother and cousins and go to the Sudoku Chrissy Party there.
Still nothing much on the job front but things are going to be busy over the next couple of months. My brother is coming up after Christmas to help me finish off the house (painting, skirting boards etc)
Bella, loves having me at home!
Happy New Year Tami and family!
29/Sep/11 9:22 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Rain should hit us in under an hour Cyn and Vicki.
Off to throw myself under the shower.
Love and Hugs to you all.
29/Sep/11 9:27 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Broni - didn't know what you were talking about until I looked at the radar - where did that come from??
Lachlan arrived home this morning - haven't spoken to him yet.
29/Sep/11 10:00 AM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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Morning all.
More rain here too Broni.
Still plowing through my Avon orders writing them into the docket book.
Should have submitted them online last night but have not got the energy lately.
I have to get it done today thats for sure.
29/Sep/11 10:04 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Tami and family!
29/Sep/11 10:58 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I just sat IH down and had a serious discussion with him about the back surgery. He wants to come in and talk to the doctor with me on Dec. 7th. I told him that it's important for him to know what's going on. I also asked him if he thought he could take care of the critters then, or if I need to hire someone to stay in the house and care for both me and the animals. He wants to think about it.
29/Sep/11 11:02 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Thinking about it... I think that's a good thing.

Happy New Year to the Troublemakers!! And anyone else celebrating..

It's very overcast here, but the radar says no rain coming.

I'm off to Wollongong tonight for Alie's band competition. Unfortunately they might make it through tonight as 2 out of 3 apparently will. Kind of annoying when we are already all booked up! Alie was very negative about it until after band rehearsal yesterday. She got over her blas - bummer. Queen of the World is moving to Sydney at the end of October so I'm not sure what will happen then..
29/Sep/11 11:10 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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TTT and co :)

Heidi, well done having the discussion with IH, I wish you both well
29/Sep/11 11:16 AM
   vdV  From Melbourne
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Good morning all.
29/Sep/11 11:17 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Oops - should have ended the question to Rolanda at the end of my last post with a question mark.

Now to page 220, Gail's TOPP, and the list of those attending the gathering! Sounds like fun!

Cyn, thinking of Lachlan and his Japan adventures. I'm sure he's having a wonderful, memory-making time! I hope his parents and sister enjoyed their wilderness adventure!

June, I see that you continue to be busy. I'm so glad you will be able to make the trip to Cambodia; hope you can find lots of "me" time for rest and relaxation! You and your family are in my thoughts! What a thoughtful honor from Sharon's school! Another reminder of how many people she touched! We know how proud you are of your daughters!

Hurray for a visit from Bean! We miss you when you are too busy to post!

Judy, we're also glad to see you here! I'm glad you were able to do the luncheon/gathering at the winery! Sounds fun!

Tami, congrats to Dylan, his team and his coaches! It sounds like the coaches have the same goals as you do! I hope Dylan has a great season!

MizT, I hope the walker will help to give you added mobility! It can be very frustrating to need to sit down immediately - and have no place to sit! You are getting a lot done to make it possible for family members to stay over (and hopefully help)! What a feeling of accomplishment that must be! Remember to take care of yourself, as well as Al! {{{{HUGS}}}}

Tami, I hope your hubby is feeling OK with his broken finger! Has he found there are things he can't do? I'm not surprised that he thinks he'll be able to play in his baseball game, but wonder if he's being realistic.

Theresa, hopefully you have recovered from all of the walking at the fair! Your grandies sound fearless! No more children's rides for them! I hope the car repairs were done promptly and economically! Sorry to hear what your Sis-I-L reported on your inlaws! How was the visit on the weekend?
29/Sep/11 11:47 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Morning, vdV! I suppose I've missed you! I hope all is going well with your writing!
29/Sep/11 11:49 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Anyone else notice we only see vdV when he's procrastinating???
29/Sep/11 11:51 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hi All...Just got my computer to open for me after dealing with a techie for over an hour...a good part of that time was spent trying to get me to spend more money for more service which I hope not to need. It was time and money well spent though, he found more virus' and I found that the protection I thought I had was not present so must invest in another system tonight...sigh...the hacker didn't tell anyone where to send the money, but I do wish he had had it sent to me...I could use it about My summary for Julie....too much drama has taken place in my life this month...I'm looking forward to October!!!!
Happy New Year Tami and family, and to any others who celebrate. Shalom!
29/Sep/11 11:52 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Well had my shower, got a phone call and have been out for a job interview..not bad for a mornings work!
Cyn, the forecasters have been promising rain for weeks no wonder you had no idea.
29/Sep/11 11:59 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
Check out my page are spot on... lol.
MizT, so glad the meds seem to be working and you are able to sleep and feel a bit better...Hugs and continued healing to you and Al.
Heidi, hope all works out with getting the help needed so that you can feel free to take care of yourself.
June...glad you are finally getting to a place where you can have the needed time for you!! Enjoy your trip.
Broni...things will look up job wise soon I hope, but meanwhile enjoy the fun times with your brother and Bella....and of course the party...wish I could be there too, but I hope to have Skype by then and if I learn how, I may join you that way...we'll see.
So much to say, but craft has set in so until next time. be good to yourselves and each other...Peace!
29/Sep/11 12:00 PM
   vdV  From Melbourne
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Me procrastinating, never:)
29/Sep/11 12:19 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Wow!! Two fly bys in a short time!!!
29/Sep/11 12:30 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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29/Sep/11 12:31 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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On to page 221. I see I missed Talk Like a Pirate Day! Heidi, you did a great job of making your quote appropriate for the occasion!

Vicki, I'm so sorry to hear about S#2's injuries! Yike! That could have been very serious! Aren't you glad it happened while you were home, rather than when you were on holiday? How far did the ambulance need to come? It's shocking that it took 1.5 hours! I hope he heals well and quickly! Enjoy your time away!

Brenda, how nice that you & Richard will be able to make the trip to Florida! I think you're right - you should have more than 2 weeks available to do a visit to Australia correctly! Maybe next year!

Rolanda, I'm glad to hear that the BBQ was a success, even if the weather didn't cooperate!

Oh, June, we all understand what a dreadful time this has been for you! It's unthinkable to have 3 funerals in such quick succession! You REALLY need your time away! I hope it does wonders for you and you get LOTS of rest & relaxation! {{{HUGS}}}

Cyn, I wish you luck with your art classes! I understand completely, as I'm also unsure about the wisdom of my choice to try to learn to play the cello. It's just something you need to do, give it "the old college try," and see what develops! I know you can do it! It's something you owe yourself now that you can!

Gail, welcome home to Chloe! She made her decision and stuck by it. I hope the storms didn't cause any damage!

Cyn, I'm glad you finally had a call from Lachlan! Of course, the girls complained of boredom! I'm sure the retail therapy will help.
29/Sep/11 1:28 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Another long nap today. Something, probably antibiotics, have given me a tummy problem. Lets see, I am taking antibiotics, and to counteract the thrush they cause, another pill. NOW cause of them I am taking 2 pills for the tummy. See just why I hate to take meds??

Heidi, it is good you talked to hubby about your possibility of surgery. With his track record, I do think I would at least have a back up plan, someone who you could hire if his care of critters or care of you is not up to par, if he just wanders away or does another IH kind of thing.

Al had a phone call from one of his oldest friends. This friend has moved away, but they always kept in phone contact. Friend phoned me first, asked just what he should say. I told him to just be himself, and say all the things he would say if Al were not sick. Then, Al did not want to take the call. MEN! But I handed him the phone, told him friend knew he could not say much, but there was nothing wrong with his ears! I saw Al giggling, smiling, alughing, even though he did not say a lot. I do think he enjoyed hearing from his friend.

OK, time for bed here. I really meant to reply to more posts, but seem to have forgotten. One track mind at the moment.

Hugs to each of you, with extras. Till tomorrow.

29/Sep/11 2:00 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I have made it to page 222, but I'm afraid I won't get much further tonight.

So Broni got the TOPP! BTW, what have you told us about yourself lately, Broni? I hope all is well!

Suzanne, enjoy your trip to Florida and your birthday while there!

Gail, thanks for the update on Chloe's travels! She really filled her time while away, so it makes sense that she felt it was time to return home! Too bad she couldn't spend more time with the after-school group, as I think you said she enjoyed that.

Rolanda, it's good that your Mum's nose is healing and the doc is being cautious in letting it heal.

June, I'm sorry for the loss at bowls and that the weather didn't cooperate! Hopefully the hives will soon heal and be gone! Seems like your plate is too full! Feel free to share your burdens with us! We're good listeners, even if we can't actually be there with you in person.

Tami, I'm glad the phone call was merely a butt dial from Mitchell and nothing serious! It's much better that you can tease him about it, rather than worry about him.

Heidi, I hope you are feeling better! What wonderful news about all of the baby budgies!

Mamacita, what a great comment you posted on page 222. You say what we think far better than we can! Thank you! I'm also glad that you were able to reconnect with your former DIL!

Viv, I'm so sorry I missed your birthday while we were away! I hope you had a wonderful day!

Suzy, what a horrible non-life that 17-year-old boy has had! I suspect he needs far more help and intervention than he will be able to receive. Wishing him all the luck and goodness he deserves!

Broni, so glad the dentist didn't try to do everything at once! I hadn't really noticed your mumbling until you mentioned it.

June, so sorry to hear that the hives got worse! I hope you are soon able to find some relief!

Rolanda, I hope you found the paper for packing! Congrats on finding a rental! Bigger congrats on your son's accomplishments!
29/Sep/11 2:08 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Wishing Tami and her family and Bobbie and Bernie a Happy New Year! Thinking of all of you!

In case anyone else is celebrating the New Year, !
29/Sep/11 2:14 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I am quickly losing energy, so will call it a night. Positive thoughts, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for everyone, whether you feel like you need them or not! Good Night!
29/Sep/11 2:16 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Dang! look like I just missed you Julie.
Hey Julie, I will take all on offer thanks.
29/Sep/11 2:21 PM
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