Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I've decided to skip ''Holistic.'' I don't know what it means, and I don't want to know. That may seem extreme, but I followed the same strategy towards ''Gestalt'' and the Twist, and lived to tell the tale.
Calvin Trillin
30/Aug/12 1:19 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Motning All....
Went to the pulmonary specialist yesterday as a follow up to my discharge from all of the other doctors. This is a doctor I've had for years, but hadn't seen in a little over a year due to life. Well, after going through the account of my hospitalizationand treatment, he said (drum roll please...) that I no longer needed oxygen during the day and most likely didn't need to sleep with the mask....but he wouldn't stop that part of the treatment w/o testing...which starts more during the day started as I left his office...happy person here!
Hope the world is as bright for you as it is for me right now...Peace!
30/Aug/12 1:26 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Except for Nola and her sister Judy ((((( HUGS ))))), this is a good week! Congrats, Mamacita!!!
30/Aug/12 1:28 AM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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I had hoped to be signing the lease on apartment today, but it did not happen. All the paperwork is not back from the government agency. DRATS! Perhaps all this upheaval has a lot to do with my continuing tummy problems?

See Tricia, who is not good at waiting

Mama, wonderful news, that you are oxygen free daytime, I know you are very happy about that. congrats on the progress, dear friend.

Hugs to each of you, with extras
30/Aug/12 2:36 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Jeez... the government messes up and you suffer for it. Don't they know that they're supposed to work for us?
30/Aug/12 5:29 AM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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Heidi, I think someone forgot to tell them that :)
30/Aug/12 9:22 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I made some progress. I'm 40% done with moving the hay and stacking it in the barn.
30/Aug/12 9:57 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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to my darling daughter Chloe
I miss her so much right now
30/Aug/12 10:21 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi everyone.
What did you end up sending her Gail? cannot be much longer until you have the unit. B***er about the hold up.

Heidi..great news that Jack came home on his own, that you got some work done getting the hay in and you have a bit of time to yourself.

Mama...trilled to hear,you will be rid of the O2 eventually.During the day, at least is a start.

Theresa, Bean & Judy..hope your health issues improve now.
30/Aug/12 10:37 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I sent her a little metal heart-shaped trinket with the handwritten list and items Theresa mentioned, and called it a Box of Loving Thoughts, plus some of those straw choc-filled wafer thingies, she loves those and these one were posh! Also sent a box of 80! women's business for emergencies, plus some money to go toward dinner or whatever ♥
30/Aug/12 10:40 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I also wanted to send a series of two photos of her and me, taken many years ago, but 1. was unable to find the kind of frame I wanted to put it in (bought an alternative, but it wasn't right) and 2. couldn't find the darn photos! For years the frame she had bought me and put the photos in was sitting on the bookshelf, the we bought new shelves and they got put away somewhere safe I can't find them!
The photos were taken in the back yard of my sister's house, and two were taken in rapid succession. The first one looks to be us looking lovingly into each others face, then the second one reveals the true story. We were just about to check out each others teeth and it show us doing closed teeth open lip stares!
I wanted to get a frame where you could flip the photo to either one, I knew she would get a kick out of that...will have to keep looking!
30/Aug/12 10:47 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I put it all into a posting box I bought at the post office, it has Eeyore on the front :)
30/Aug/12 10:48 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Thank you all so much for wishing Judy well.

Went to get Gregs ute after being at the mechanics getting a new clutch installed and then they found the gear stick needed replacing. Go back today to pick it up,if that is fixed.

The girls had a lovely 5th birthday party and cake at kindy the following day.Had some rain earlier but the sun came out just in time.
30/Aug/12 10:56 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Gail. what is a box of 80??? I am trying to work it out and now think I have got it hehehe
Long time ago for me. Can you actually get that many now?
30/Aug/12 11:02 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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30/Aug/12 11:10 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I can get all of the rest of the hay moved tomorrow morning, before the rain from Isaac gets here. It'll be here tomorrow night. And hang around for days and days.
30/Aug/12 11:13 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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From the news we are getting in Australia,Isaac has caused such chaos. Unless you are going through it,it is hard to imagine the devastation of losing loved ones, home, power and all possessions.
And there is still the flooding that follows.
I hope Tricia will be OK.
30/Aug/12 12:35 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Aldi Nola ;-) When you have a household of women, buying them by the 80 is a necessity, not a choice!

I just popped in briefly before doing more(!) painting, I have just been 'friended' by my childhood bestie from 45 years ago! She found me via a page on Facebook which is for people who lived in the same town in outback Aus. I have searched for her by her maiden name so many times and even asked if anyone knew of her whereabouts on the town page, but never got any response. Today I had a friend request from someone I didn't know and had no mutual friends, and because the surname was different I didn't think anything of it, but accepted it just to see where it would go. She sent me a private message detailing our connection, and I had goosebumps up and down my spine, and started tearing up, just like I am doing again now at the thought of it ♥
She is on the other side of the globe and happened to be up in the middle of her night because she can't sleep, and we 'spoke' for ages about the last 45 years...
30/Aug/12 12:38 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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* Venting moment sorry *

Not Happy!!!!
Real Estate man was coming by this afternoon at 1.00pm.. Cancelled, now coming Sat at 11.00am..
Too late she cried, The house ready for showing off, done the quick clean and tidy.. I did not do the Groceries yesterday, thought I may as well do it at 1.00pm today....
I could have had a day wallowing away in my sick bed!! and the Groceries done yesterday!!
Now I have to be done and dusted on Saturday before 11.00am.. make morning tea and lunches for Peter and friend (installing Kitchen Cabinets at the house), going out to lunch with Cousin and Aunt. and the quick clean and tidy as well...
30/Aug/12 12:40 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I wish there was some way you could give your bug to the Real Estate man. He deserves it for making you get out of your sick bed for no reason. On Saturday, cough all over him.
30/Aug/12 1:13 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Tricia is far enough inland that she'll get a lot of rain, but that's it. Isaac'll be down to a tropical depression by the time it gets to MizT and to me.
30/Aug/12 1:15 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
Check out my page exciting and such a fluke to finally find a friend from so long ago.
Good to hear you are still painting to get it all finished in time. How is Hubby? I have never been to an Indian restaurant. Shows how culinary challenged we are in Bundaberg,even though I have lived in capital cities.

Rolanda..pity you could not have got a few things done and been allowed to rest up.Now you will be busy busy. As Heidi said, breathe all over him.
30/Aug/12 1:35 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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I am not here, when RE man is here.. Otherwise I would be spreading the 'bug'!!
Hubby will help and come with me to do the Grocery Shop when he is home at 6.00pm.
I am having a slack afternoon, and doing nothing.
Dinner is left over Spag Bols.
Tomorrow I have Dietician appt.
and Sat, other than the 'rush morning', will be relaxing with the Cousin and Aunt at a noice winery nearby for lunch.
I am just peeved with being 'stuffed about' because Chateau Rental is up for sale!! and has been since January, I just wish someone would buy it!

30/Aug/12 2:00 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all,
After wanting one for years, I finally got my steam cleaner and tried it out today. Exciting stuff, huh?

Hugs and thoughts to Nola and Judy What a bugger about Greg's ute! I'm glad the girls had a great birthday.

Mamacita, what fantastic news! It is so wonderful that you are improving so much!!

MizT, if it's not mixups with appointment times or water leaks, it's the government! You might be right about the tummy problems, mine gets upset when I'm stressed.

Happy Birthday Chloe! I hope she had a great one! The gift sounds perfect...

Rolanda, I had to smile a little at your vent (sorry). If I was going out for lunch hubby would be fending for himself! I guess I'm not a good wife...

My favourite restaurant locally is Indian. We didn't go there for a long time as from the outside it looked like a bit of a dive. We got a shock when we saw how nice it was inside. They've fixed up the outside a little lately.
30/Aug/12 6:54 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Rolanda do you not get a choice as to whether or not it is convenient for you for the RE people to show the house, especially as you seem to have to leave 'your home' for them to show it. What would have happened if you had had something special planned for Saturday.
Heidi so pleased to hear that Jack came back.
Gail, wish Chloe a happy birthday from me. Your gift sounded great.
Tricia, hope they get the paperwork for your new place sorted out soon.
I've forgotten everything else I wanted to comment on, just know that I am thinking of everyone of you and wish you all well.
30/Aug/12 7:09 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Brenda.. I would have said sorry inconvenient, how about such and such day and time.
Normally it would not worry me, I would go for a Walk, maybe go and visit my friend up the Road.
but because I am not feeling well...
We have said No once, I was in the middle of sorting out Mum's things, had stuff here, and I was getting stressed.
Peter does not want to be too picky with the RE Man coming thru..
we need to ask to extend our lease at least a month or so.. we do not expect any problems with that request.
the RE Man has been telling the 'prospective buyers' the place is not available till end Nov. (our lease expires 13th Oct).
30/Aug/12 7:42 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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That woman sent me another stupid email! I emphasise the stupid because I have no problems with emails, it is her choice of words that always rubs me the wrong way...
30/Aug/12 8:29 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Happy Birthday to Chloe - your little box of goodies sounds nice, Gail.
On your post on FB, you called Chloe something else, now I can't remember what it was, but it reminded me that once a teacher wrote our Chloe's name as Chole, so she often gets that from us all, as in - 'Chole, don't do that' etc. Hehehe!
30/Aug/12 9:17 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Nola - more big {{{hugs}}} coming your way!
30/Aug/12 9:18 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Happy birthday to Chloe. A good day to have a birthday as my Mum would have been 99 today.
So pleased Jack came back.
Nice to see you able to post today Nola. You Judy and the family are in my thoughts.
Good news from Mamacita as well. You just keep improving!!!
Tricia, hope you get to move real soon!
Yesterday I thought I had just about got the cold to go away, but in the night I started getting some congestion. A bit under the weather today but when Ken got home tonight and I tried to talk I had lost my voice. Rolanda I know how you are feeling at the moment.
Suzy and Cyn and all you others, see you here but too tired to comment. Will just send HUGS to you all.
30/Aug/12 10:51 PM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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Morning friends. the first rain from Isaac has arrived, a gentle sprinkle at the moment. Most of the Tropical Storm is in a tight circle just barely reaching into our state. This rain is from one of the outer bands. There is a tornado watch that comes within one county of us. I imagine we will be added later today. The north east quadrant of the TS is capable of spinning off short lived, weak tornadoes, not the big monsters, but if it hits YOU, it does damage.

My hips do not like the weather approaching. Back and hips woke me at 3AM this morning, and pain was not relieved with meds. It is now time for a repeat, hope this one works.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Chloe, hope it is the best. Congrats to Gail for producing such a fine young lady. Cake for each of you.

SUZY, whomever that woman is, a pox on her for sending stupid e-mails. You know how to use the delete button!

ROLANDA, hope you enjoy the day out, and thanks to Peter for assisting your poor sick little self do the grocery shop. Get well soon. So you now think to be in the new house by first of December?? Not nearly as long as it has been!!

Brenda, thanks, I also hope they get paperwork sorted soon. I know all of you are tiring of this saga. I sure am.

SUZY, OK, how do you like it, the steam cleaner? Is yours just for floors, or also for above floor surfaces? I had thought about one, looked into them, but never made the jump for one. I have a quilting buddy who has one and she loves it. Her's can convert to use above floors, for kitchen and bath cleaning, cleaning the grill and outdoor furniture, all kinds of neat uses.

HEIDI, good luck getting the hay in today before the rains start. How is Jack doing now? Has warm bacon won his love and trust? I have been thinking about something. You are out on the tractor working and no one home. Do you keep your cell phone with you, in case of some emergency? Let someone know you are going out to work and then when you are back inside? You are pretty isolated there, and if, heaven forbid, there was some accident with the tractor, no one would even know. Being alone here now, I think of things like that. Family has me call in when I am leaving home, and again when I return, so they know where to look if I do not turn up in a reasonable time.

Time to put on a pot of coffee, I shall post this and return later. Yippee, second pain med seems to be working, hips are complaining less loudly now. Must get phone and attach to me, cause meds making me dizzy. Another safety measure family likes for me, cell phone in pocket or clipped to my clothing at all times, but especially if I am dizzy.

OH, did I say in my apartment, there are 2 emergency pull cords, one in bedroom and one in bath. I think someone just summons paramedics, since staff cannot do anything medical for residents.

Hugs to each of you, with extras. Till later
30/Aug/12 10:56 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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MizT.... The farm adjoining my hay field is in tobacco. They are harvesting it this week, which has to be done by hand and is slow and labor intensive. If I have an accident, about a dozen workers will see it and come running. I am not as alone as it seems. And I do carry a cell phone for emergencies like that.
31/Aug/12 12:31 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Cyn, you are right, I did call her something else. All my kids kids have pet nicknames, several each actually. This time I called Chloe, 'ChloB', her name is shortened to Chlo, and her middle names starts with B, pronounced ChloBee :)
31/Aug/12 12:41 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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And the package hasn't got there yet :(
31/Aug/12 12:41 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Taking a break from hauling hay.
I just had a surprise. I was sitting here at my pooter, and the male Plum-headed parakeet gave me a wolf whistle!!! I hadn't been told that he knew how to imitate people.
31/Aug/12 4:29 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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All the hay is off the field. I just have to stack the final 8 in a hay barn. I needed to take a break and fill my tummy. I whipped up a pitcher of blue raspberry/grape-ade, and fried up a thick chuck eye steak. It's delightful on fresh french bread.
31/Aug/12 6:55 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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NOW the job is done. And the first sprinkles from Isaac have arrived. I just hope I have a chance to get the lawn mowed soon.
31/Aug/12 9:04 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Twill be another day of feeling blah.
Have Dietician appt this morning.

Tricia.. I am hoping, fingers crossed, that we are the House mid Nov.. Time will tell!!
31/Aug/12 10:48 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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My fingers are crossed, too, Rolanda.
31/Aug/12 12:37 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I was sitting around this evening, watching a video, and to my surprise IH walked in the door..... 24 hours early. He changed his plans and came back here for the night. So much for my vacation.
31/Aug/12 12:41 PM
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