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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A
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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Perth W Aust
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Twill be thinking of you Heidi.. eeeekkkkk Dentist !!
Good luck with the apicoectomy tomorrow. ♥
11/May/10 10:05 AM
Perth W Aust
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Viv.. thoughts and prayers today.. ♥
11/May/10 10:05 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Good luck to you today aint gonna be pretty...
11/May/10 10:20 AM
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Back again. I'm having a really exciting day! Three on the line, one in the swishy thing...
MizT, I have tried buying frozen veges for the reasons you mentioned but hubby hates them. They sit there until they expire!! You must have needed the nap to sleep for that long. It's probably better safe than sorry with your cast, but I know what you mean about doctors wanting that payment and not wanting to give advice over the phone - grrr. Although I miss seeing the posts on SA8, if they are having fun don't close it on my account...
11/May/10 10:23 AM
Perth W Aust
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I dont like frozen veggie either.. except for the peas and the corn.
11/May/10 10:30 AM
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Theresa, I still have that same problem with doctors not believing me! I told them about the skin cancer I had cut out above my eye 2 years before they could see it.
Happy Birthday Rolandas Great Niece!!
Tami, your schedule sounds like my schedule... we get Wednesday nights off though. Ebob is supposed to be in 2 places on Tuesday nights...
11/May/10 10:48 AM
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Sigh, better get back to it....
11/May/10 10:57 AM
Perth W Aust
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Been there, done that.. two places at once.
When the cherubs were playing hockey at the same time, at different fields.. drop one off, race off to drop the other off, watch a game, when finished and race off to pick up the other one. Hubby in those days used to work Saturday mornings.
Even when #1 boy games started in the afternoon, Hubby was supposed to do the afternoon runs, but sometimes he didn't because ........ grrr..
anyhoo, I would take the younger one to his game (with older boy in tow), we'd eat lunch quickly in the car, then race off to older boy game, usually on the other side of town.
11/May/10 11:09 AM
Magnolia, KY
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My schedule involves 4 legged kids instead of 2, but they still keep me busy.
The downstairs carpet is still wet, and getting a strong moldy aroma. Since I'm dealing with the barn and addition to the house, I'd put IH in charge of damp and mold control, and handling the whole project. He was told a week ago to call professionals in. He waited until Saturday afternoon and put in a call. Nobody was in. He hasn't tried again. It's now becoming a health hazard. I've started putting down my foot. He's now been told that he has to remove the carpet himself NOW if he doesn't get someone else to do it. He said he didn't know how to. I handed him my box cutter, with a fresh blade in it, and told him to get busy. I don't need this.
11/May/10 12:09 PM
Qld, Australia
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Good Afternoon my friends.
Way to go Heidi!
11/May/10 12:47 PM
Fernlands Qld
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Hello everyone!
The beach was lovely but all good things must come to an end. I'm back at work and it always takes a day or so to catch up (and sort out) whats been left.
Viv, I'm sorry to hear about Edgar. I know it was just a matter of time. Hugs to you and your family at this sad time.
CynB, Your Aunt Vi sounds wonderful. She has the spunk to help see her through this bad time.
Heidi, how is Doc now? I read about the fluid build up but I was wondering how he is going now.
Hi MizT, Broni, Gail, June, Nola, Brenda, Julie (and everyone else I've missed).
11/May/10 1:09 PM
Fernlands Qld
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Hi Rolanda and Suzy -I think my mind is going. Too much sun and sand?
11/May/10 1:10 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Doc has been having a rough time recently. He developed an infection, and has been in some pain. He also had an episode of cardiac arrest when they were working with the infection. They've decided to put in a pacemaker to prevent any more of that. He's just started feeling a bit better today. I figure that he's bound to have setbacks at his age. I just hope that he doesn't have too many.
11/May/10 1:16 PM
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Good Evening! It looks like we have been a chatty group today!
11/May/10 1:31 PM
Magnolia, KY
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all. I've got an early day tomorrow. I leave for the Dentist's in 8 1/2 hours. Wish me luck?
11/May/10 1:34 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Hi all - just my daily drop-in from Macca's. Word is, from our phone call to Telstra today that we will 'definately' be connected on Friday. And that they will give us 3 months free for the whole bundle (phone, internet and Foxtel @ $198/month). We have the conversation number so they can't renege. That is what we have learned through this ordeal - record time. date and person spoken to and conversation number!!
I can't wait to be back online at home this Macca's WiFi is great to have but very slow - about 1-2 mins to load an SA page.
Miss you all, thinking of you Viv - how nice of John to come to the funeral, welcome back from your holiday Vicki, thanks Suzy for your excellent reporting of our phone conversation yesterday - and it was lovely to talk to you, Heldi - best wishes for your op, Hi to Suzanne, Gail, MizT, Rolanda, theresa, June, Tami, Nola, Broni, brenda - oh, I know I've missed someone important!! Cheers and Ciao for now! xxx
11/May/10 1:53 PM
Fernlands Qld
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Heidi, good luck with the dentist tomorrow.
#1 son and I are going for a check up on Friday so we can have beautiful smiles.
#2 son had a check up last week and when he went to pay they took some of the bonus from our health fund. He didn't pay anything but I was going to use the bonus towards a new pair of specs.
11/May/10 2:03 PM
Alabama, USA
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THERESA, I have a container that is 14 inch diameter and 12 inch tall. It has one wave petunia in it, been planted only 3 and a half weeks, and it has filled the container. Being 18 inches, I might put 2, but not more than that, if they are the wave. they can get 2 feet across each, they really spread.
OK, I have to get to bed, over did somehow with the hand today, and pain pill is making me sleepy now. Still doing pain pills only at night, usually one, occasionally repeat it if I cannot sleep. BIG improvement.
Hugs, will read rest of 201 tomorrow, have not even turned the page to 202 yet, till tomorrow.
11/May/10 2:37 PM
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Hello to Suzy, Brenda, Rolanda, CynB, Vivacious Viv, Heidi, MizTricia, Mamacita, Broni, Gail, June, Suzanne, Theresa and anyone I have missed.
Suzy and Brenda, thank you for letting me know when Aussie and UK Father's Day celebration is. I will try to remember, but it's unlikely to happen.
Mamacita, thank you so much for the explanation of your lack of sleep. It's not that we like your difficulty sleeping. We're just glad that it isn't something more serious causing the difficulty!
CynB, I'm glad the visit to Auntie Vi went well! Good luck with the phone calls!
Broni, Gail, Rolanda and Heidi - what you all said!
June - wongerful gift for Ken! At least he knows how to use it - not saying that he will use it a lot.
Heidi, I hope the vet can come up with a solution for Rain! Positive vibes for Rain, the vet and you! You have done what you could and given her more time. Hugs as you face the inevitable! {{{{{{Heidi}}}}}}
GROSS-OUT WARNING: We are over-due for getting our (daughters') 2 cats to the vet. The older one (nearly 15) threw up twice on our bed yesterday, so about 6 loads of laundry. She just did it again tonight. We will have the cleanest sheets and blankets in the area.
Heidi, we will be thinking of you tomorrow as you have your dentist appointment. Sending along positive SA vibes for all to go smoothly and not too much pain!
Suzanne, how nice that Doc is attempting to be on his way home! Darn volcano! Is it likely that this will be his last tour of duty to the Middle East? (crossing fingers, toes, elbows, knees and anything else I can think of)
I'm so glad I have kept reading and see that there is hope that clearing up a urinary tract infection and a different medication for the incontinence may give Rain a new lease on life. (chuckling here about several comments that Rain's name may have foreshadowed her difficulties)
Theresa, I would have never been able to endure a 12-hour car ride. I know you mentioned having lunch and dinner, so at least 2 stops. Hopefully there were a few more, as for "pit stops" or stretching of the legs. I'm so glad your MIL enjoyed it!
Theresa, your idea for raised areas of flowers (buckets could be a good solution) sounds perfect for not having to bend over so far to tend to them. Yes, our MizT had many great ideas up her sleeves!
MizT, good luck with your doctor appointment and getting some relief and less numbness for your thumb!
Rolanda, thinking of you and your Mum as she has her Aged Care Assessment appointment!
I apologize to everyone. I had forgotten in about 10 days without computer access that I had left a message here about my MIL. Found it last night when I was trying to get caught up on pages I had missed. I had commented yesterday (or the day before) on SA8, thinking I hadn't mentioned it here. The following is condensed from page 184:
For about 6 weeks, my knees have been more achey and stiff - kind of like they were towards the end of phys
11/May/10 2:49 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Yes, I am yelling, she might not hear me if I talk normally!
11/May/10 3:11 PM
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Good Night, Heidi and MizT. I've missed you both!
On the subject of frozen vegetables - we can deal with pretty much any of them when microwaved - except beans. They just don't "translate" well.
Suzy and Rolanda, yep, been there & done that with activities of 2 children. Many a meal was eaten in the car. Saturdays were pretty much - leave by 7:45 for the trip, various lessons and group activities over the course of the day, hubby sold pizza and canned soft drinks in the lobby as fund raiser, most Saturdays left by 5 pm. Was well worth it and many friendships developed for children AND parents.
Heidi, I hope IH has removed all the wet carpet from the basement and started disinfecting - or hired someone to do it!
Victoria, so glad you & Kevin had a lovely time at the beach! Too bad you had to come back to work! (Of course, we missed you!)
Heidi, I hadn't realized Doc's setbacks. BTW, MIL had a pacemaker put in in 1983 or 1984. It "took a licking and kept on ticking." (For the DUGs, that's a reference to a VERY old - maybe 50 years old - advertisement for Timex watches.)
Cyn, I hope you truly are credited for 3 free months!
Heidi, I hope all goes well at the dentist!
Vicky, I'm glad you and 1 son will be having dazzling smiles. Too bad the dentist took some of the bonus from your health fund when your other son was there!
MizT, I didn't realize 1 wave petunia plant could get up to 2 feet across. Are they drought resistant? Good luck at the doc tomorrow!
11/May/10 3:17 PM
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OOPS! Thanks for yelling, Gail! OMG, I lost most of my last comment about 2 comments ago. Let's try again:
For about 6 weeks, my knees have been more achey and stiff - kind of like they were towards the end of physical therapy in late January. Not much time to exercise or ice them - and no chance to call the doctor's office to discuss. The incision has finally healed.
MIL was in and out of ER and hospital, even moved from one hospital to another. Daily, sometimes twice daily, trips (usually at least an hour drive each way) to see her/take care of things, etc. We just sort of "functioned" in a bit of a daze. The day after hubby signed paperwork for hospice care, arrangements were made for her transport back to the nursing floor of her assisted living home. We planned to meet her in the hospital, then follow her "home" and get her settled in. A hospice representative went into her hospital room to let her know that she would be able to leave soon, but she had died in her sleep. She had let us know some of her wishes. We arranged to have a visitation at a funeral home near where she lived, then visitation & funeral Mass the next morning in the chapel of her assisted living home. (She had lived there 7 1/2 year & most residents aren't very mobile.) Then transport to Ohio for another visitation, service and burial next to her first husband. (Second husband had Alzheimers, died about 5 years ago and is buried by one of his previous wives.
The morning of the first visitation, hubby woke up early with a 103 fever, pain radiating up his arm, difficulty breathing. Paramedics ruled out heart & stroke, then took him to the ER. While there he remembered that one of our cats (indoor only) had bit him the day before. He had a serious infection and was admitted to the hospital for about 36 hours of IV antibiotic and close observation. He missed both visitations and the Mass in IL. There were a few days before events in Ohio, so he was recovered for that. We returned home for a few days, then went to visit daughter, SIL and grandies as planned.
11/May/10 3:36 PM
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Well past midnight here and an early morning get-up, so I'm off to the Land of Nod. Good Night, Everyone! Thinking of all of you as you do what must be done. Sudoku vibes and hugs for all!
11/May/10 3:39 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Thank you Julie (said very quietly and politely)
And thank you for reposting that, I knew when I read it on SA8 that it rang bells, but started thinking I must be going nutsier than I already am for you to be saying that you hadn't wanted to bother us.
Nothing is ever a bother, can't remember who said it, but our compassion grows as needed ♥
11/May/10 3:41 PM
Fernlands Qld
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We are having really heavy rain at the moment. The lightening has moved on but the rain is pelting down. I have to go home soon.
I might wait until the rain dies off a bit.
Meeting to go to tonight! Boo! Hiss! I want to stay home and watch Survivor. Kevin is at work, so I have to go by myself.
Have a good evening everyone!
11/May/10 4:09 PM
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Gail, I think it was Tami who said those wise words.
Julie, I don't know how you keep up with all of your stuff on the very small amount of sleep you seem to get. Sending hugs and SA vibes...
Rolanda hasn't posted her mum update in here! The hide! Lucky I'm on both pages! YOO HOO, ROLANDA!!!
Vicky, good luck driving in the rain - I hate it myself. I don't watch Survivor, but I miss lots of TV shows that I would like to watch driving the 'angels' where they have to be...
11/May/10 6:25 PM
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A young friend on facebook is doing research for a drama project and posted the following question...
Im doing some research for drama and i have question for all my lovely facebook friends when you are on the internet or msn do you sometimes feel you take on another persona or people you know act completlety different online?
Raise your hand (you know what I mean) if you got a shock when you met me and saw what I really look like...
11/May/10 7:31 PM
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Vicki, forgot to say welcome back! I hope you had a fabulous time... and are not finding the old grind too much now.
11/May/10 8:05 PM
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A quick post tonight. Elev days ago I had a clot burst in my eye. No problem and it was almost back to normal but yesterday the eye started to get sore and very red. I did wash it with a special solution but it just got worse. Found out my Doc. is on holidays and had to go to a Medical centre to get some medication. The whole eye and socket is sore and VERY red so i am keeping away from the computer. Hopefully it will feel better tomorrow and I acn spend more time here. love you all.
11/May/10 8:40 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Oh June, that sounds terrible! Get better very soon.
Suzy, scared the beejeebers out of me!
11/May/10 8:43 PM
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LOL Gail!
June, I hope you get some relief soon - though by the time you see that I have posted that you will have! Sending vibes...
Rolanda, I'm sorry! I understand you are busy with your Mum tonight - or at least I do now that I know you are...
11/May/10 8:50 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm off in 15 minutes. I'll let you know how I'm doing as soon as possible, tho' I may just come home and immediately go to sleep. I didn't get much last night.
11/May/10 9:44 PM
Small Town Canada
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Thanks for the info, MizT. I didn't realize one wave petunia would grow so big! The weekend of May 22 is traditionally when we do our plants in this area. There's frost on the ground again this morning, but today is supposed to be a nice day.
June, hope your eye is better soon.
Julie, sending warm thoughts your way ... you've had a rough time.
Good luck at the dentist, Heidi.
I have my annual physical in about 2 hours, so have to start thinking about jumping in the shower. TTFN.
11/May/10 9:45 PM
Magnolia, KY
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BTW... IH NOW denies that there is a problem with the carpet downstairs. It miraculously went from moldy, damp health hazard to dry and just fine. Funny how that happens once he's told to remove it! In other words, he's not going to do a
11/May/10 9:52 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Best wishes Heidi
11/May/10 10:05 PM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, close the door to his office and walk away! About all you can do for now. Good luck at the dentist and get well soon. You are probably in the office now, it is 9:00 Am your time.
11/May/10 11:00 PM
Alabama, USA
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Theresa, usually by May 22, My containers, started from small plants, are big and lush. not so this spring, it has been cool, and I was later finding plants to get started.
Well, hope you all understood, close door to GIL's office and Heidi is at dentists office. To many offices, sorry.
11/May/10 11:07 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I understood, MizT. Unfortunately, we have a full finished basement, besides IH's office downstairs.
I'm back, and I'm sore. Very sore. Even though the Apico technique has improved drastically since I had my last one. No chisel, and a much smaller incision, but they still had to remove some bone. I've been told that I may even have bruising and swelling around my eye! I'm gonna grab another ice pack (the one they gave me has already melted), a pain pill, and go to bed.
12/May/10 2:22 AM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, good to know you are home. Hope you get to sleep, best way to get through the first bad hours.
12/May/10 2:36 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hello everyone.
Sending get well wishes to Heidi,Julie,June and MizT.
Viv,I was thinking of you yesterday but didn't post.
The wave petunias must be a beaut sight.I don't think I have seen them here, might have a look on the net.
Heidi,I hope that by clearing up the infection,it will make a big difference to Rain's problem.
12/May/10 3:17 AM
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