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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A
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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Tami the Troublemaker
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My hubby went out early and bought me flowers the kids made me a card and put a sudoku puzzle on it. I don't really want anything, I have all I need. I have 2 healthy kids, a husband and a bunch of wonderful friends. I still get the joy of talking to both my parents whenever I want to. There might be "things" I need but I still feel blessed. To have all my wonderful cyber friends is part of the reason I do feel so blessed. Thank you to all of you and I hope I will get to meet each of you at some time.
10/May/10 7:33 AM
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Good Mother's Day afternoon, Everyone!
Since my last post, Hello to Heidi, MizTricia, CynB, Gail, Mamacita, Suzy, Theresa, Brenda and Nola! Hello to others who will post yet today (now Monday for the Aussies).
Heidi, I'm glad you have been getting plenty of sleep. Hopefully, that helps a lot!
Good news to both Heidi and MizT that they are able to take less pain medication and can rely more on aspirin or Tylenol during the day. Keep it up, girls!
V Viv, continuing to think of you today and especially tomorrow for the service. You did extremely well by Edgar and should have no regrets. He is in a better place. Hugs! {{{{{{Viv and family}}}}}}
CynB, keeping your Auntie Vi in prayers and positive thoughts! Sounds like she has a great attitude - realistic, but not resigned.
Gail, your impromptu lunch sounds wonderful! How nice that most of the family could be together! Very thoughtful D#1 and her partner!
Mamacita, though we love your posts, we're concerned about your lack of sleep. Is there anything we can do? If it persists, please follow nurse MizT's advice and consult with your doctor. Your Mother's Day tribute sounds wonderful. I haven't been to fb in over 2 weeks, but will see if I can get there today and find it.
Suzy, thanks for letting me that Mother's Day is the same for you down under. Brenda, thanks for letting me know that you celebrate on a different (and rotating each year) day in the UK.
I'll try to remember that Aussie Father's Day is in September. How about in UK?
Theresa, I hope weather improved and you were able to enjoy a ride with your MIL!
Nola, love your new avatar! Sounds like you had a lovely day!
Off to do some ffuts, including the sloshy machine and the hot spinny machine.
10/May/10 7:47 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Just had a nice chat with Heidi on Skype. Her face is not that swollen. I saw her lovebirds in the background.
10/May/10 7:55 AM
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Suzy, I agree that your avatar is perfectly appropriate, especially when I think about your schedule! Hope your Mother's Day was delightful!
Hello, Tami! So glad the brunch went well! Heidi, I think you're right - it was just the right amount of Bloody Mary's! (Just so you don't drink them before leaving for school in the morning, Tami! )
Wonderful sentiments, Tami! I, too, hope to meet all the wonderful friends on this page some day. Just haven't figured out how that's going to happen. Congrats on the TOPP of page 200! Thanks, also, for the update on Heidi! I think her oral surgery is in a few days!
10/May/10 8:01 AM
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I'm back. One home sick, the others off to face the day.
Julie, I wouldn't try to remember when Aussie father's day is if I were you - the only reason I remember is that hubby's birthday is in October and it's a real pain trying to come up with 2 celebrations so close to each other!
10/May/10 8:48 AM
Stevenage UK
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Uk father's day is in June, 9 months before next year's mothers day
10/May/10 9:01 AM
Perth W Aust
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Morning everyone. I hope all the mother's had a great day yesterday.
For Mother's Day, the kids made afternoon tea yesterday.
Boy #1 and his girl picked up Oma/Mum on their way here (and brought her home again)
Boy #2 bought me some flowers.
Later in the afternoon the Girl's parents popped in as well.
10/May/10 11:00 AM
Perth W Aust
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Viv.. my condolences to you and the family. RIP Edgar ♥
CynB.. thoughts and prayers to Aunt Viv. ♥
Heidi.. thoughts and prayers to Doc. ♥
Thoughts and prayers to anyone else that is in need ♥
10/May/10 11:01 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Hi all! Back at Golden Arches for my fix for the day. Sounds like everyone had a lovely Mother's Day. Mamacita - what a lovely thing your son did with the photos - I hope I can get to see them when I have proper internet access again. Not really going near FB at the moment.
Heidi - hope all goes well with your oral surgery.
Viv - you and yours are still in my thoughts.
Hello to everyone else Rolanda, Gail, Nola, Julie, Suzy, Brenda (laughing about the 9 month difference between father's day and mothers day in the UK), Tami - miss you all. I didn't realise how often I come to SA until I couldn't! Suzy and Gail - thanks for the texts yesterday - didn't feel so much out of the loop!
10/May/10 11:47 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Hubby and I are off to see Aunty Vi soon. Will be able to report on her progress better tomorrow. My cousin Linda went to see her yesterday afternoon and said she was in great spirits and taking it all in her stride. I think she'll stay that way until it's too hard - we'll know then that there's not long to go! She is the matriarch of the family and an inspiration to us all!
10/May/10 11:52 AM
Perth W Aust
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Hey Zusy, at least there is a fair gap between Father's Day and your (and mine) hubby's birthday,
For me.. Mother's Day can be as close as 3 days before my birthday or as far as 8 days..
I am lucky (more surprised actually) if I get a present for both occasions.
10/May/10 11:56 AM
Vivacious Viv
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Hi CynB. Thank you, and everyone else for the condolences on the passing of my FIL.
I appreciate it.
An absolutely beautiful day here and it looks like the same tomorrow for his funeral.
Good to hear your Aunty Vi is in great spirits CynB.
Hugs and kisses to anyone who needs them today.
10/May/10 12:31 PM
Magnolia, KY
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MizT... You were looking for movie suggestions. I prefer the older movies, and just watched "The Ghost And Mrs. Muir". It's a wonderful love story and a real tear jerker.
10/May/10 12:33 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Then there is "The Princess Bride". It has everything. I'm presently reading the book it was based on. It's a lot of fun and as good as the movie, if not better.
10/May/10 12:47 PM
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Cyn, great to see you! Can't wait until your connection is working again.
Rolanda, if I were younger I think I'd be throwing a tantrum about that - at least flowers on one and a gift on the other!
If I can get Ebob off the lounge I'm going to watch New Moon while I dlof and use the hot slidy thing. It could be a battle!
10/May/10 12:47 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Is Ebob the sick one, Suzy?
10/May/10 12:58 PM
Perth W Aust
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I got flowers from #2 boy, because his father sent him to get some, after I said something !!!
10/May/10 1:19 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Tell him that you'll remember this when HIS birthday comes along.
10/May/10 1:56 PM
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Heidi, yes Ebob is the sick one. Another cold...
Rolanda, oooohhhh, it would be hitting the fan here! I don't want big, expensive gifts, but I do want the thought that goes with a little thing.
10/May/10 2:01 PM
Alabama, USA
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Good night friends, it is bedtime here and I am ready. Hubby and I had to cook dinner, almost out of prepared meals. Well, I had leftover veg, so only needed to make the grilled pork chops with rosemary. Some of my home grown rosemary, extra good!
Heidi, thanks for the movie suggestions, I will see if those are available.
To sleepy to remember what else I read, so off to bed. Catch you in the morning. Hugs to all.
10/May/10 2:17 PM
Mamacita 2
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Its almost 1 a.m here, and I'm starting to get a bit sleepy, but not too much....I'm fine and the reason for no sleep is a simple one... medication! Steroids! The weather has turned my alleriges into a sinus infection that requires I use these so as to avoid antibiotics as much as possible. I do this early on before the infection gets too deeply situated. I have been doing this for years with the doc's instructions and blessings and have managed to stay out of hospitals where I might become REALLY sick. .This system works for me, and I dont always lose so much sleep. This will pass, and my normal bad sleeping habits will return soon enough. So ladies, stop I said, I'm okay. I did however manage 5 hrs after my last post, but woke too late to get to church...just as well since I'm still contagious and don't want to infect others, My daughter and s.i.l suprised me by stopping by to help me out with the dog walking chores among other things...a really great gift for the day. I continue to count my blessings!
To those who wish to see the Mother's Day tribute on FB...I'll have my son fix it to my profile photo section and it will be easy to will join the one he did for Sully.
I trust the day was good for most by the way the post sound, and I know you will be kind enough to overlook my poor manners in not greeting you as I started this long note regarding my not sleeping...I wanted to relieve your stress and knew you would rather I get right to the story...and I'm sticking with it lol.
Have a blessed week. hugs, thoughts and prayers For all.
Viv and family...As you say so long to Edgar I would hope you can reflect on this: He knows now what we still must learn...and He is at peace. Knowledge is bliss, so don't for all that he taught you and the love that is continues for always and a day. Peace walks with you. Hugs, thoughts and good memories foe ever!
Cyn, a gentle hug and a stong show of continued love will sustain you all as you ease the transition for Aunty Vi...I know how strong the bond is, and hope you all heed the last lessons that are being given to you as a wonderful gift. Many can say that they learned how to live from a loved one, but it is really a strong person who can teach you how to die. I speak from experience, my dear Mother taught us that lesson, and I think it sank in forever, and the love it was wrapped in made it so much easier for all...that is the same wish I hold for you and yours...Peace to all.
Hugs and love and good night!
10/May/10 3:28 PM
Looking like Suzy
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A visit to Aunty Vi has shown that she is a wonderful, positive lady who is going to live every minute. She still has to go to the oncologist for further information and treatment, and in the meantime is going to be her usual self and do her usual stuff. She is going to live to be 95. After that she'd be getting old.
A tough phone call OS to notify family still to go, but it will be easier after seeing Aunty Vi and having her cheer us up.
10/May/10 4:12 PM
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Wow Cyn! Not only did you sound like me, you even managed to borrow my avatar...
10/May/10 4:14 PM
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Mamacita, thank you for your explanation - I was worried!
Julie, we were going to a fancy dress party with a horror theme. Ebob was Bloody Mary (well, she was a murdered and someone told her she had to be Bloody Mary once we got to the party) and Ally was an Evil Fairy. I wish I'd googled that before I agreed to it!
10/May/10 4:21 PM
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*murderer (wish I wasn't allergic to adhesive! Then I might be able to type better! A bandage is annoying. Tami, even the hypoallergenic stuff)
10/May/10 4:22 PM
Qld, Australia
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Hi my friends, have read and caught up.
Let my put this simply, I care about all of you.
10/May/10 4:43 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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♥ What Dag said
10/May/10 4:51 PM
Perth W Aust
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♥ What Broni and Gail said ♥
10/May/10 6:46 PM
Vivacious Viv
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Hello to everyone.
About to go to bed here and try to get some sleep.
The family had a viewing at the funeral home today. MIL did not go.
I went but was in and out quickly.
I tucked an envelope under Ed's jacket that had a copy of his eulogy in it and a couple of photos.
I will dearly miss this man but we will remember him tomorrow.
Nite all.
10/May/10 10:01 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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In my heart Viv ♥
10/May/10 10:07 PM
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I had a lovely Mother's Day yesterday. Although I did spend the morning cleaning up at my Daughter's place as all the family (MIL, SisIL and her family) would be there. An old farm house with lots of animals and very hard to keep clean and tidy!! We all had a great day and so Pleased that MIL was able to be there with us (about 1 1/2 hours car trip for her)
On his last trip overseas Ken got me a tiny video camera so that was my gift! Small enough to fit in my pocket!
10/May/10 10:41 PM
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Viv, loving thoughts. I have sent you a message.
10/May/10 10:43 PM
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Went to use the slidey thing the other day and blew a fuze. That is the second time it had happened, and although a good excuse not to use it I did think it might be safer to replace it. Ken was given a gift voucher 12 months ago so today it was put to good use. Although the voucher was for Ken I did tell I would be very plaesed to see him use the slidey as much as he liked.
He replied that he did use it occasionally (when he needs something I have not ironed for him!)
Nearing bed time. Thoughts for all my SA friends. What would I do without you all.
10/May/10 10:50 PM
Alabama, USA
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Mama, good to hear that steroids are what's causing the sleeplessness, I am well acquainted with that. Sorry you are having to take them. Get well soon.
Suzy, thanks for forwarding Cyn's message today. I was confused for a bit, bad habit of only looking at avatars.
Cyn, I would agree, after 95, one is old. Love that attitude.
This early morning it is unseasonably cool again. a low of 50 (10C)this morning. headed for a high of 74 ( 23 C), will be a lovely day in the neighborhood. Al got the grass cut, all but the front, which grows slower. He said he wiuld finish today, I am hopeful. I am happy that is done for another 10-14 days! He really hates cutting grass, reason I have always done it, just easier, and that way it gets done when I think it needs it.
I had a restless night, kept waking every couple of hours. Pain meds did not work as well, or something, but never got awake enough to go repeat them.
Time for coffee, catch you later.
10/May/10 11:02 PM
Alabama, USA
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June, your message did not come up till I posted mine, glad to see you. I agree, safer to replace the slidy thing, and yes, Ken should use it often, it was his gift hehehe.
10/May/10 11:06 PM
Magnolia, KY
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What Broni, Gail and Rolanda said.
11/May/10 12:16 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I have a Vet appointment in 3 1/2 hours for Rain.
Her incontinence has gotten out of control... she's no longer just dripping and leaving small puddles. It's like Niagara Falls. Too much to keep on top of. I can no longer cope with it, and it makes me feel guilty. If the Vet can't come up with a miracle, I don't see any other option.
11/May/10 12:26 AM
Magnolia, KY
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The Dentist's office just called. They had a cancelation at 9 am, and offered to move me up from 3 pm. I jumped at it. The sooner the better.
11/May/10 12:43 AM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, is your dentist appointment tomorrow? I think I remember the dentist is not in on Monday?
I hope something can be done for Rain, poor old thing. It would not be much of a life for her to keep her outside in a pen, and that is only alternative I could see for her if vet medicine does not work. they have meds for people incontinence, perhaps for doggies? . You know what you can handle, do not feel guilty. You have done and are doing everything in your power to help her.
11/May/10 1:17 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Yes, Dental appointment is tomorrow. I'm looking forward to getting all this abscess out, but it's gonna hurt like H3LL for a while, due to bone being chiseled out, and my mouth will be full of sutures.
11/May/10 1:52 AM
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