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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A
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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Tami the Troublemaker
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Hi all. Dinner was great. Mom is almost ready to admit that I am the better cook even though my hubby is the one who manned the grill. As she said, nothing fancy but all was delicious. My dad says he can never remember having a bad meal at my place. While my parents were here, I called Heidi by skype. We had a nice chat. Dylan loves talking to Heidi. Mom and dad got in on it also. Mom, the boys and I met Heidi last year at Fionafest.
01/Jun/10 9:43 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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That TOPP was not planned.
I am having my van looked at wednesday by my insurance company. If anyone remembers, about 19 months my van was vandalized and 6 of the 8 windows had to be replaced. I have noticed some scratches on the van and finally realized it is the inside panel of the sliding door scraping the paint. When they took to door panel off, I don't think it was replace correctly. Luckily all repairs a gauranteed for as long as I own the car. They will look at it wednesday and I will find out if it is covered or not.
01/Jun/10 9:47 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Good luck Tami.
Sounds like a lot of us are having discussions with insurance companies at the moment...CARS!
01/Jun/10 9:52 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Thanks for reminding me. I need to insure my new barn.
01/Jun/10 11:30 AM
Magnolia, KY
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The 2 new canaries will probably be shipped tomorrow. That means getting them late Wednesday night.
01/Jun/10 11:35 AM
Alabama, USA
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Oh dear, I lost comments I was making when I turned the page, and for the life of me cannot remember what I wrote. don't you hate when that happens?
Heidie's 5 hour naps are contagious. Today I had a 4 hour nap. Well, did not sleep well last night. At night, I seen to be able to be pain free but lie awake for hours, but I sleep just fine when the meds wear off about daylight. This morning at 9:30, Screech kitty decided she wanted out, sat beside my bed and talked to me till I got up. Most insistent cat. One morning I ignored her, she meowed nonstop for 45 min.
One more day till appointment, think hubbie is counting the hours.
my computer has been on and off again today as even more pop up thunder storms have strolled by. Emphasis on thunder, mostly heard off at a distance.
night all, till tomorrow.
Well, Miss Screach is wanting ut again. I thought she was out, I guess she cane in when hubby escaped to his office after evening news.
01/Jun/10 1:36 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Good afternoon all.
Heidi - pleased your barn is finished and the sun-room will be started within a few days. I love the idea of the name on the barn etc - should look great. Oh yes - glad you remembered to insure it!
Can't remember anything other than what is on this page - glad your father is doing better these days, Tami.
Well my car is at the repairers - how long until I get it back? Anyone care to guess? Hubby says 3 weeks - I say I'll go crazy by then.
Love you all - Ciao!
01/Jun/10 1:36 PM
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Hi, Everybody! I'm back for a few minutes.
WOW, Heidi, your patio is 2 feet thick! That took a lot of concrete! For sure, you shouldn't need to worry about footings then.
Tami, I'm glad the dinner went well and your parents enjoyed it. Good luck with finding out what is causing the scrapes on your van, though it certainly sounds like you diagnosed the problem! I hope repairs can be made quickly and competently!
Gail's right - a lot of cars in for repairs and a lot of insurance dealings lately! Good luck to all involved in that process! Heidi, it's a good thing you realized that you'll need to insure your new barn! Do you need to also consider the value of its contents - or potential contents?
MIzT, I'm glad you got your nap. I can relate to lying in bed awake for what seems like ages. I did it last night, too, but got up about 7 to get ready and head off to water aerobics class. I had hoped to get a nap today, but wasn't in the cards for me. Early class tomorrow, as well, then lots of ffuts and gninaelc to do about the house, so probably no nap tomorrow. I better get off the pooter soon and try for some sleep. At least we don't have a Miss Screech meowing nonstop! I hope you sleep well tonight and have a good doctor appointment tomorrow - or is it Wednesday?
Sending positive vibes that all cars needing repairs get done quickly! Also sending positive vibes for all not feeling well or in need of some healing. Prayers that decisions can be made for those elderly parents who need to consider relocating to some sort of assisted living/care.
Good Night, Everyone!
01/Jun/10 2:15 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I am worried that I didn't get big enough letters. The ones i ordered are 14 inches /35.56 cm high.
01/Jun/10 2:17 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Dogs are eating, and I'm off to bed as soon as they're done. I have IH's cousin coming by tomorrow morning for a lesson in driving a tractor.
01/Jun/10 2:21 PM
Magnolia, KY
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01/Jun/10 3:04 PM
Small Town Canada
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Good night Heidi ... and good luck with the tractor lesson tomorrow. You were mentioning your letters for the barn might not be big enough - how far is the barn from the roadway?
01/Jun/10 3:10 PM
Magnolia, KY
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A furlong (1/8 mile).
01/Jun/10 3:12 PM
Fernlands Qld
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Hi everyone. I disappeared yesterday because the computer guy was back and took the server off line again. It's been busy today. I've read but don't remember much.
Cyn - 3 weeks!!! Noooooooooo!!!! I wouldn't last 3 days without my car. Will the insurance company cough up for a hire car?
Gotta go and get some more work done.
At least I don't have to go out tonight. I should be able to get the dog out for a walk when I get home. He'll enjoy that.
01/Jun/10 3:48 PM
Small Town Canada
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I hear thunder way off in the east ... hopefully they are getting rain in Quebec to help with the forest fires. We are under a smog alert because of the fires. At least one reserve has had to be evacuated.
Gotta go and get some work done in case I have to turn off the computer.
To all those people with car troubles:
01/Jun/10 3:57 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Vicki - no hire car because that was an optional extra that we didn't take - fools that we are.
01/Jun/10 4:09 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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We took the option for windscreen damage because, where we live there are quarries on the main arterial road to get back into Capalaba, therefore big semis and I have already had a broken windscreen from that.
01/Jun/10 4:12 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Cyn, I didn't realise it was an optional extra...was not happy, Jan!
01/Jun/10 4:31 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Nor did we, Gail. We only have the windscreen one because we asked about it.
I know, I know - always read the fine print!!
01/Jun/10 5:02 PM
Vivacious Viv
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Hi everyone.
Busy day today here.
All my Avon arrived this morning so after I had been to Cafe 66 I came home and started packing it. Then I had to go with the gf at 2pm for the school run. Had a coffee with her when we returned at her place and got home about 4.30pm.
I have finished packing it all up and it is now surrounding me out here in the sunroom.
I have the tea on and have made a banana cakey dessert.
Hope you are not too long without your wheels CynB.
John was not feeling too crash hot th is morning and I just sent him a text and he is still the same.
He said he will have an early night maybe that will help him.
01/Jun/10 5:52 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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I hope John is ok in the morning, Viv.
Cyn, fine print is too small to read!
01/Jun/10 6:08 PM
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Evening all!
If not insurance companies, mechanics at least - another $195 today, bringing the total to $490 in a week... Fricka fracka
01/Jun/10 6:25 PM
Vivacious Viv
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Hi Suzy
Unfortunately the mechanics pay is crap.
(Hubby is one).
What they earn per hour and what the business charges the customer for hourly labour is incredible.
Think I might hit the sack now.
Nite all.
01/Jun/10 9:58 PM
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'Nite Viv. Just slept for over an hour in the chair in front of the TV. Not a good idea when I want a good nights sleep.
We also have my car booked in for repairs. We were backed into while waiting for petrol on 1 April. Very little damage to a side door (you can hardly see it) but will still cost $400 to fix. Have the money from the offender and will take 3 days later this month. Back 11 years ago when my mother was dying in hospital we had an accident and it took 3 months for my car to be fixed as a part was not available. Mum was an hours drive away and I had to rely on other people to take me to the hospital.
01/Jun/10 11:00 PM
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The birthday parcel arrived safely for my Grandson's 8th birthday. Spoke to him (and his brother) on the phone tonight.
Pleased the shed is finished Heidi. I have a lovely big sun room and it is quite an asset as quite a few people here will agree.(at least 5 of my SA friends have been here). Enjoy yours when it is finished Heidi.
01/Jun/10 11:06 PM
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I hope Canada gets the rain where it is needed. We all hate fires!
I have forgotten all I have read on previous pages but you have all been in my thoughts.
01/Jun/10 11:10 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Leisurely morning here. No IH. Don hasn't shown up for his tractor driving lesson (The phone co. people arrived as he was leaving, to install his phone, DSL and TV services. They're having to bury the lines, as well.)
01/Jun/10 11:35 PM
Alabama, USA
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good morning friends. good sleep last night, got my 8 hours. Just Tylenol fore going to bed and that took it down to manageable pain level.
JULIE Wednesday is appointment day. ONE MORE DAY, and I am shouting with joy.
More t-storms forecast, could anyone use some of this rain??
Tractor driving lessons sound like fun, Heidi. Enjoy. ahhh, postponed cause of phone installations, but do tell us how it goes, later.
Viv, I agree, mechanics who work for a hourly wage at a shop are underpaid. Here, most shops pay their help by the job, job pays --- hours wage, no matter what complications encountered. Also, some jobs routinely take longer, others always take less. If you are bosses cousin or drinking buddy, guess which jobs you always get???
Viv, all packaged and ready to deliver? you work fast !
Time for breakfast here, and go get hand elevated. woke to less swelling, but it is back already. Catch you later.
02/Jun/10 12:29 AM
Vibrant Vici
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Oh my! I've been transported to another world!
Hi everyone...been MIL on facebook. Sure is good to see all the familiar avatars here.
Just wanted to pop in to leave a
for Nola.
I think of you all often and am so glad I can keep up with most on fb.
I've been side-lined with a nasty, sore knee and am trying to lie low, but my garden is in desperate need of me. Put in a 600 square foot deer fenced (8 foot) enclosure with raised veggie garden beds the past couple of months. Now I need to finish the watering system as our rains are about over. Hoping to be up to it soon.
Sending love and hugs to my SA pals.
02/Jun/10 12:42 AM
Vibrant Vici
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Oops! That's suppose to be MIA - hehehe! MIL? Missing in lettuce??? Missing in limbo?
02/Jun/10 12:44 AM
Vibrant Vici
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Cuz I'm not a Mother-in-Law, that's for sure!
02/Jun/10 12:44 AM
Magnolia, KY
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The "missing in limbo" occurred to me first. Great minds think alike? Or is that damaged minds think alike?
Don left the workmen to their own devices, after showing them where everything was (including the 3 buried water lines they have to cross), then came over here for the lesson. That tractor is really easy to drive, anyways. All of the controls are in the same places as those in a manual transmission car. He just needed me to teach him how to work the front end loader, the three point hitch, the PTO (power take-off) and the 4WD. When I last saw him, he was tooling down the road on his new tractor, taking it home.
02/Jun/10 1:07 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Today has all the earmarks of an "interesting" day. To continue from my previous post, Don was heading down the road on his tractor...... 20 minutes later, my phone rang. It was Don. The tractor broke down 3 miles from his farm. So I drove over there to check it out. It's acting like it's not getting fuel to the engine. (A couple of days ago, IH filled it up, but used all the fuel at the very bottom of the tank. Apparently, he got water and/or debris in the fuel lines!) So I drove to the home of a mechanic friend, talked to him... he agreed with my diagnosis and agreed to fix it. So I drove back to the tractor and Don, and towed them to the mechanic's place.
02/Jun/10 2:13 AM
Alabama, USA
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IH strikes again! never pump the last dregs of gasoline tank. Glad you could rescue him. No more "interesting" things today, one is enough.
VICI, good to see you. sorry to hear about the sore knee, hope it is soon better!
02/Jun/10 2:45 AM
Stevenage UK
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Nola, hope you have a great day. Try not to work to hard
02/Jun/10 2:54 AM
Stevenage UK
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Heidi, if I were you I would be wishing for a dull day when nothing happens, you do get more than your fair share of problems.
02/Jun/10 2:56 AM
Magnolia, KY
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After my last post, Robert and I went into town for some supplies (fence panels, feed, etc.) We got back and Robert started to work on knocking more of the brick wall down. The sledge hammer handle snapped. So Robert is heading back to town for another sledge hammer, while I work at mowing the lawn. I'm taking a short hydration break right now.
02/Jun/10 3:40 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Brenda.... my goal in life is to be bored! It sounds so idyllic. Today was supposed to be a relatively quiet day, but the Fates (and IH) intervened.
02/Jun/10 4:49 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Thanks everyone for the lovely birthday wishes.I get such a thrill reading them.
02/Jun/10 5:11 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Prac is going well,and now that I have most of the performance criteria signed off, it is becoming a little boring watching the RN or EEN give meds which I am not allowed to do yet.3 days to go then back to my usual job.I have missed them a lot.
I hope those with car troubles get back on the road quickly.We sure rely on cars computers electricity etc. The phone is the only one I could do without.I would be happy just to have a mobile that accepts incoming calls only then I wouldn't have to pay the $30 line fee each month.Pity I need it for the computer though.
02/Jun/10 5:27 AM
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