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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A
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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Alabama, USA
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this should do it! a new page for a new day, here topside,
05/Jun/10 11:54 PM
Magnolia, KY
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all. I slept 'round the clock again. I don't get much done by sleeping so much.
06/Jun/10 1:04 AM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, did your latest round of sleepiness start about the time you finished your last antibiotics??
06/Jun/10 3:49 AM
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Why do cats think they should be fed in the early hours of the morning?
Also finished the puzzles so will go back to bed!
06/Jun/10 4:36 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Yes, it did, MizT.
06/Jun/10 4:46 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Sad news. Jackie... the cousin's daughter who jumped from the bridge last week... passed away this morning. She leaves behind 3 children.
06/Jun/10 4:48 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Sorry everyone is having trouble opening the "more" on my post. If I remembered what I wrote I would repost it. I think I described one of my students as being a "PITA" and translated the next post. I am helping Mitchell with some research. I will try to come back later.
06/Jun/10 4:49 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Heidi, keeping your family in my thoughts at this time. I only hope for the best for the kids.
06/Jun/10 4:50 AM
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Heidi, so sad for her family, but Jackie is at peace.
06/Jun/10 4:54 AM
Magnolia, KY
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That's how i look at it, June. Jackie must have been in deep trouble emotionally to do something so drastic. Her pain and trauma are over now. It's weird, but she's the last person I would have ever guessed suffered from depression. She was so outgoing and effervescent.
06/Jun/10 4:59 AM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, like you, I think that does not sound like the usual symptoms for depression. Thoughts and prayers for Jackie's children and Gil's whole family. I do hope her children get the help they need to come to understanding and acceptance of this tragic event.
RIP Jackie.
06/Jun/10 7:07 AM
Small Town Canada
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Heidi, sorry about Jackie, but she is at rest. Unfortunately it only leaves more questions for friends and family left behind. I suspect that family and friends are inwardly feeling guilty wondering what they could have done to help. But we all know if someone is determined to commit suicide, there's nothing anyone can do. My thoughts will be with the family.
06/Jun/10 7:35 AM
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Hello, Sudoku Friends! Just checking in here - soon to be time for food flinging.
Hi, June, V Viv, Broni, MizTricia, Heidi, Tami the T and Theresa. I apologize if I missed anyone.
June and Broni, I see you also experienced difficulty with Tami's post. Well, she isn't called Tami the Troublemaker for nothing!
Actually, I think the site somehow coded things incorrectly. We're all just imagining what Tami said in her lost words.
Broni, about your lost brekky. I'm not sure if you just got busy and never got around to eating it - or if you ate it, then lost it. The rest of your post sounds positive - an easy day in the sunshine reading 16 chapters of Dracula.
I hope the rain has slowed or taken a break for those who were getting so much, Viv!
MizT, you're really doing well with your 2-handed typing! How are the exercises going? Besides the sloshy thing and hanging out, you also mentioned gnikooc, so hope that didn't involve too much chopping and preparation.
Heidi, so glad you got another good sleep! If I remember correctly, you moved 45 huge bales of hay into the new barn the other day. If it was hot and humid, that could also have contributed to your exhaustion!
June, our cats eat whenever they please. We have a battery-operated "automatic" feeder that dispenses about 1/4 cup of food at 3 different intervals, so there's usually a little something for them when they get hungry. In addition, there are 2 bowls that I add to when necessary. There's not much worse than a cat waking you up to tell you he/she is hungry. (Well, maybe the cat who wants fresh running water for a drink if you happen to get up during the night for a pit stop.)
Heidi, condolences to all of Jackie's family! What a loss for them, especially when there were no tell-tale signs of depression. I hope all who can benefit will receive help in understanding what happened. Did anyone find a note? Perhaps there were medical problems she hadn't shared with anyone? Apparently she saw no other way to deal with whatever was bothering her. Rest in peace, Jackie! Peace and forgiveness to all of her family members!
Theresa, you have a good insight into what the family may be dealing with. My thoughts, prayers, and positive vibes are with her family as well!
I hope to pop in again later.
06/Jun/10 8:24 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Good morning all.
RIP Jackie. And condolences to her family. How sad for her children.
06/Jun/10 9:36 AM
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All the family are off to celebrate MIL's 96 birthday. Unfortunately she has not recovered enough from the gastric she had the other day to join us. She stated that she still wanted all of us to go. I will think of you all, especially all that were there that day with Vici. (At the Rugby Club)
06/Jun/10 9:43 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Julie, nothing major was lost in the missing post. I think I had described the field day at my school. I did not intentionally cause trouble, this time.
06/Jun/10 10:15 AM
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Julie, there was dry food available for the cat to eat but that is not what she wanted. If I do not get up she either scratches the door jams or the furniture as she has learnt that gets me out of bed!
06/Jun/10 10:18 AM
Small Town Canada
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Julie, when I make a pit stop, I also have 3 cats who want me to turn the tap on in the sink for a drink. Never mind they get fresh water a couple of times a day in their bowl ... I guess for them it's just not the same.
I just went outside at 8:30 PM to check on the catfood for the outside cats. My hubby had built them a feeding station. I peeked in the opening and came eye to eye with a raccoon. It wasn't fully grown but it also wasn't a tiny baby. I talked to it for a while, but he kept backing away from me so I left. The last thing I need is a pet raccoon (plus it's against the law to own one). But what a cutie!!!
My daughter had a friend whose brother committed suicide about five years ago. My daughter's friend has never gotten over it and always wondered why she didn't know something was wrong. She is coping now, but there's always this nagging little doubt.
06/Jun/10 10:49 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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You never know why someone takes their life. It is a question that can never truly be answered.
06/Jun/10 11:24 AM
Magnolia, KY
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In this case, it's extra hard on Jackie's parents. Her younger sister was killed in a car accident a few years ago. The trauma over that broke up Dave and Janey's marriage. Now Jackie's suicide is really going to tear them up. They only have one child left, a daughter named Heidi.
06/Jun/10 11:26 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Tami... it can be answered. I suffer from severe clinical depression myself, and have come close to suicide many times. The misery, and emotional load can be overwhelming. So overwhelming that doing something drastic to end it once and for all can be very appealing. It becomes like a back up plan if nothing else works. Or a prize to strive for.
06/Jun/10 11:35 AM
Small Town Canada
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You know of course Heidi that we all worry about you. All you have to do is talk to us or send one of us a message and we'll be there for you, even if only by email or phone. If you want my phone number or email address, please just send me a personal message. You have people who care about you.
06/Jun/10 11:53 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Theresa... my animals really help me a lot. Besides giving me so much pleasure, I also am responsible for them. I can't let them down.
I'm getting the 2 new girls tomorrow at 2:15 in the afternoon. I'm meeting the head of our Rescue group at a truck stop on the interstate.
06/Jun/10 12:04 PM
Small Town Canada
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Heidi, it's good to have a purpose in life ... a lot of four legged friends depend on you. Seriously though, if ever you should want to get in touch with me, let me know. We are only on this earth a short time and I feel everyone should do their part to help their fellow human beings. Sometimes just having someone to talk to that you don't know all that well can really help.
06/Jun/10 12:20 PM
Vivacious Viv
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Hi everyone.
Sad news Heidi. RIP Jackie.
Theresa, my sentiments exactly. It is good to have a purpose in life and Heidi's animals are very important to her.
I wholeheartedly agree about helping fellow human beings, in my case at the moment it is my gf who is going through an awful time but I am doing what I can to help her.
Many people talk to me that I do not know that well and they just want someone to listen to them. If they go away happier after talking to me at least I have done something, even though it may be a small thing.
06/Jun/10 12:36 PM
Vivacious Viv
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Just putting some more photos on my page.
06/Jun/10 12:39 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Heidi, you know that a lot of people (and animals) care about you including two little boys in Florida.
06/Jun/10 12:41 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Viv, just looked at your photos. Nice pictures on your page.
06/Jun/10 12:51 PM
Vivacious Viv
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Thank you Tami. The ones you commented on were not the latest. They are all there now.
That is my son Ethan by the way.
06/Jun/10 1:19 PM
Small Town Canada
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Well, I've done about all the damage I can do for today. It's almost midnight, so I'm off to bed.
06/Jun/10 1:49 PM
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Hi, CynB, June, Tami, Theresa, Heidi, and V Viv!
June, so sorry your MIL wasn't able to join the family for her birthday celebration. I hope she feels better soon. Sending positive Sudoku vibes!
Tami, my comment about your trouble-making was done with tongue planted firmly in cheek!
Theresa, it's reassuring to hear your cats like their water REALLY fresh as well. You have a great hubby to build a feeding station for the feral cats. Not so sure about the raccoon. There was one in our neighborhood that used to come and eat from our bird feeder, initially during the night, but got bolder and would come near dusk. Stepping outside and making a racket didn't phase it. It held its ground and bared its teeth. Luckily he/she doesn't come around so far this year.
Heidi, thank you for shedding some light on the suicide situation, though I'm so sorry that your insight comes from personal experience! Sending positive vibes for Jackie's parents, especially. Someone needs to be available for her 3 children, and it doesn't sound like her husband was very responsible. (Not that this will bring her parents back together.)
Heidi, I wholeheartedly second what Theresa and Viv said! We all care about you a lot. We are as close as a phone call or an email. Geographically, I may be the closest to you. Besides your animals who rely on you, always remember that you have your SA friends!
Viv, I'm about to head to your page to look at pictures.
But first, Good Night, Theresa! It's almost midnight here now.
06/Jun/10 2:58 PM
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I have been off and seen some of Viv's new pictures. Thanks for sharing them, Viv!
As it's nearing 12:30 a.m., I think I shall head toward slumberland. Enjoy the rest of your afternoon & evening, DUGs. Good Night to all of the Topsiders! Sleep well!
06/Jun/10 3:21 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Not staying, and haven't read all, but did see your post Heidi about Jackie.
May she RIP
06/Jun/10 5:45 PM
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Some nice photos Viv.
We had a nice lunch then went back to the house, had some cake and sang "Happy Birthday"
06/Jun/10 6:33 PM
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Laura had her Lobster Mornay and now Belinda is teaching her to eat oysters Kirkpatrick.I really do not need a grand daughter with such expensive tastes!
I had sizzling Mongolian beef. Tonight we just had a toasted sandwich.
06/Jun/10 6:37 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Nothing wrong with good toasty.
We had lamb koftas, but only three of us were here to eat it. One kid didn't want it so she made herself mac cheese, and the other two and their partners didn't come home for Sunday dinner tonight. Their loss!
06/Jun/10 8:13 PM
Vivacious Viv
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Bit naughty here tonight as far as food goes.
We had KFC. We usually only eat this on Ethan's birthday, as he loves it.
But today he came second in his bodyboard final so it was a bit of a treat for him.
I will shortly put a pic on my page of his trophy.
Need an early night here so off to bed shortly.
06/Jun/10 8:46 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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We had toasties for dinner as well after a big lunch, including dessert, at my sisters today.
That Laura is a cracker with her expensive food tastes!
I have a granddaughter (Madeline) who declares that she was 'born NOT to eat tomatoes' - no amount of pleading, cajoling or forcing will induce her to have them. I keep telling her that she doesn't know what she is missing. I love them!
06/Jun/10 9:09 PM
Alabama, USA
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Lost a post, and it was so amusing and informative, too. No time to re-do, I am off to shower. Hugs to all. Know I did read and think of you this morning. Mire later.
06/Jun/10 11:25 PM
Magnolia, KY
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CynB.... Has she been tempted by pizza? That contains some tomato.
07/Jun/10 12:40 AM
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