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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Magnolia, KY
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Of course I buy my favorite candy, MizT. There's always plenty left over, if not all, so I might as well have what I like.
BTW.... If you don't want to have candy around to hand out, you can always hand out bags of nuts, or pieces of fruit.
01/Nov/10 12:12 PM
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Afternoon all,
Hi Rena! Loved the socks!
I've put up a photo of this year's Jack O Lantern
Hugs to sickies and their caretakers...
01/Nov/10 1:00 PM
Small Town Canada
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Love the Jack O Lantern, Suzy. Who's the artist?
01/Nov/10 1:09 PM
Perth W Aust
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Morning all
Happy Halloween to those that celebrate the occasion.
01/Nov/10 1:46 PM
Perth W Aust
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Tricia and Al.. continued Hugs and ♥♥♥
01/Nov/10 1:46 PM
Perth W Aust
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We had a great night Saturday Evening, the party went well.
The weather was perfect, no wind, not too cold.
Party started around 6.30pm and ended around 1.30am when the last of the guests went home.
Twas in bed by 2.00am.
Big tidy/clean up yesterday, my house back to law and order.
The Patio still has the balloons and streamers, Happy Birthday banner up.
The Hired Help, WONDERFUL, she did such a great job, she served, she cleared up, she washed up, she sorted the leftovers and placed in the fridge.
I did not have to do anything, did not have to step in that kitchen all evening long..
Well worth the $$ paid, and the 6 1/2 hours she worked.
01/Nov/10 1:54 PM
Perth W Aust
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Today, on my Agenda, rest, doing nothing day, recharge the batteries .. am a tad tired !!
01/Nov/10 1:57 PM
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Good maEn everyone!
Hugs & get well wishes to those who need them. We got our trick-or-treaters on Saturday night. Big stink here in Utah about Halloween falling on Sunday. My friend Janet said there are a few states that do that...mostly southern states. Took down the indoor Halloween decor today. Wore me out!! Not much else happening here. TTFN everyone!! Have a good week.
01/Nov/10 2:13 PM
Fernlands Qld
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Hi all.
Rolanda, I'm glad the party went well. It sounds like your hired help was well worth the money paid.
Broni, I saw the Beach Boys in Concert (probably 30 years ago) and I think Brian Wilson was on stage for maybe 1 or 2 songs of the whole concert. It sounded like a great line up and I'm sure it was a great concert.
We had 6 Halloween visitors last night (including 1 current neighbour and 2 ex-neighbours). Not much left in the way of Freddos or Smarties - I'm thinking #1 and his chocoholic girl and #2 ate them all.
MizT, I'm continuing to send my best wishes, prayers and positive vibes for you and Al.
01/Nov/10 3:06 PM
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Hi, Everyone! It's later than I'd like it to be and I still have a bunch of ffuts that MUST get done today, so this will be relatively brief.
Hi, Suzy, Nola, June, Tami, MizTricia, Heidi, Theresa, CynB, Broni, and all those I've missed since I haven't even looked at page 411.
Suzy, so glad you now have a music store nearby. It can get frustrating without one! Sorry you had another intermission, but at least the TV was able to lull you back to sleep! By now you may have let us know if you got to the racetrack and into the news footage. (I'm still reading page 410.) I hope the coffee making went well! I hope you were able to find yummy candy for Halloween. I know it's over and done with, as ours is even finished.
Nola, I'm glad Greg arrived safely in Taree. Just thinking of his niece hosting a BBQ when she was 5 days overdue. Hopefully, that was enough to send her into labor. Hoping she has now given birth to a healthy little someone!
June, thanks for letting us know that a bad reaction to chemo seems to go with chemo doing its job (seems sort of like Heidi's epidurals). You have some great advice that you shared with MizT for Al. All the little bits of information and advice your friend has gathered with the experience will hopefully help Al with his chemo.
Tami, I hope you are feeling better! Congrats to Dylan & his baseball team and Good Effort to Mitchell and his team! I hope they will also have the experience of winning, though much can be learned from a loss, as well.
MizT, it seems like you have already found some ways to help Al deal with his symptoms; good for you! I hope your new flowers do well and the frost didn't kill off too many of those left from summer! Hang in there, Al! You can do it! We're all giving you as much support as possible!
Heidi, I can't wait to see who you masqueraded as today! Very clever! I hope you were able to get the stock trailer cleaned out and put away. No wonder you didn't get to it yesterday - not what you want to be doing when you felt the way you did! Your dinner sounded good, so I'm glad you were feeling better by then!
Theresa, I hope your grandies enjoyed Halloween! I hope you didn't get any snow for the holiday! That's quite a recipe for calmness from Dr. Oz. Well, I guess it makes sense, though my first interpretation of it was a bit different.
CynB, I hope you were able to get your mobile phone situation sorted out. Sure seems like you shouldn't be having problems so soon! Happy Birthday
to Lachlan! I hope he had a terrific day and is closer to getting his laptop.
Broni, it's too bad Brian Wilson didn't show for the concert. I'm glad the concert went well, though!
I need to get some ffuts done, but will get back if possible.
Just to let you all know, my access to computer in the coming week will be spotty. It's going to be one of those crazy weeks for us! I will visit with you as much as possible.
IN case I don't get back later, plea
01/Nov/10 3:14 PM
Fernlands Qld
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I had a busy weekend. At church we celebrate St Jude's day (I go to St Jude's) with a bbq. You guessed it - I was in charge of the bbq preparation. I spend Saturday morning buying and picking up the pre-ordered food. I then had to get the place set up/food in fridge/blow up balloons and everything else (not on my own as I had a helper). We then sorted out that we had everything we needed and were ok with all arrangments for Sunday. I got home had lunch, put my feet up for an hour and then went to see one of my work colleagues get married. Hubby and I left there and were on our way to get a coffee when we got a phone call so we turned around, picked up the ute from home and collected an extra bbq. Finally got a terrible cup of coffee(luke warm) and headed home at 7pm.
Early to bed as I dozed off in front of the tv before 8:30.
Church first and then into setting up and having everything sorted for the bbq lunch for 60. Plenty of food, salad and drinks followed by cheesecake, apple strudle, ice cream, custard, lollies and coffee/tea. Clean up and home at 3pm. Whew!! Feet up for an hour, took the dog to the off-leash park and then home for a bit before we met our previous neighbours down the street for dinner. Home at 8pm and straight to bed.
Thank goodness it only comes once a year. I'm still not certain why/how I became the convenor of St Judes Day and I'm not sure how to get out of it. After 4 years in charge I think I've done my part but I'm not sure that others will agree with me.
01/Nov/10 3:33 PM
Alabama, USA
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JULIE< JULIE, come back!! We do not know what to do in case you do not make it back! Once again, you ran out of paper before you ran out of words
Victoria, that was one over filled weekend! I am glad you survived. It seems to be very hard to give up a job once you have proved to do it so well.
Suzanne, here in the Birmingham Metro area, always a big controversy when Halloween is on Sunday, and they always act as if this is the very first time that has ever happened hehehe. There are actually fewer and fewer trick or treaters on the streets going house to house. merchants offer treats for children in the afternoon, before dark, in many shopping areas. churches have " truck or treat" where members park in the church parking lot with a trunk or back of a truck or SUV open to serve out treats to children, again, keeping them in well lighted areas off the streets and out of the neighborhoods.
OK, I am off to bed, tired today. Hugs to all with extras.
01/Nov/10 3:59 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Heidi, what do you mean by no-one knows how much men suffer? We ALL know how much, they make sure of it!
01/Nov/10 4:02 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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I felt fine before I read your post Vicki, now I am plum tuckered out!
01/Nov/10 4:07 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Plea what Julie?!
Glad the concert was good Broni, was it cold?
Rolanda, the hired help thingy was a stroke of genius. Lovely that you got to enjoy the evening as well as the birthday boy...I assume he had a good time...
01/Nov/10 4:09 PM
qld, australia
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Hi All, not much to say today been yuck for the last two days, my own fault for eating take away food at the concert...will I ever learn?
Gail was a pretty mild night but was rugged up. Hope Mr Gail has more success with buzzclick tomorrow.
Luv and Hugs to you all.
01/Nov/10 4:26 PM
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Afternoon all,
I don't know where the design came from. Hubby came home with a photo on his phone and used that as a template.
Victoria, stop doing such a good job and they'll give it to someone else! What a busy weekend. I hope you got a few minutes to yourself.
I think it's sad that the halloween traditions are changing. Even before we left we were being told only wrapped and sealed candy, and people were even taking theirs to be xrayed before they let the kids have it. It's a shame that a few bad apples can ruin it for everyone. I never had a problem with the kids coming to the door, it was fun!
01/Nov/10 4:35 PM
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Rolanda, I'm glad the party was a success. What a great business to start up - helping out at parties! They must have had a few of their own and knew there was a market for it.
Broni, sorry you feel yuck! It's hard to resist though.
Maybe she means 'plead', let's plead with her to return!
01/Nov/10 4:42 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Heidi - Melbourne Cup here tomorrow - just thought you might like a look at the field! n&meetingdate=20101102&race=7
01/Nov/10 6:03 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Gail.... What I meant was that men think we don't understand, that they are far worse than we've ever been. I'd like to see a man go through labor. I would laugh myself sick.
Back to bed. It's 5 am.
01/Nov/10 8:08 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Vicki, I would need a two day nap after all the work you did for the bbq. I am glad that all went well.
Glad to hear that everyone had a good Halloween. We had lots of kids and a few teens. One group of 5 teen boys (13 or 14) came up and were very polite. They also asked if they could take a picture with Rachel. One of the mom's sent the kids on a scavenger hunt and they were working in groups. One of the items was a dog in costume. They showed me the list and I said OK. Two of the boys got down to Rachel's level and another boy took the picture. They were having fun and were not causing trouble. I was sitting in the driveway at the time but it started to rain, lightly, so I put Rachel inside and I went in with her.
01/Nov/10 9:24 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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An old saying- 'If it were up to men to give birth, we would have died out centuries ago'!
01/Nov/10 10:40 PM
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Rain, rain go away, come again after the morning show and the melbourne cup!
01/Nov/10 10:47 PM
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Raining lightly here. We have a big day with mixed bowls and the Melbourne cup. A lot of time to fill in if we cannot bowl.(and we have bought all the food to cater for lunch)
We both went up to the farm today (1 1/2 hours drive each way), fed the animals and finally got the toilet unblocked). I will go back this afternoon and take Laura with me and bring her back for Physical Culture tomorrow.
02/Nov/10 12:56 AM
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I was tired so went to bed early and I have had 4 hours sleep. Ken has just gone so I guess I will have to listen to the radio for the next 1/2 hour. His lullaby music, although it is not music!
{{{Hugs}}} to all.
02/Nov/10 12:59 AM
Magnolia, KY
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PLEASE send that rain here! We need it desperately. That one storm was not enough.
02/Nov/10 1:49 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Suzy... when I look at that link, it says "service unavailable".
Thanks for trying. I'll try to find it myself.
02/Nov/10 1:53 AM
Small Town Canada
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Sinuses all stuffed up. Am I getting a cold? No, no, no, I refuse to.
Cold day, wind chill of minus 5C when I got up this morning. So I did my morning chores and crawled back into bed under my cozy comforter. I am waiting for what's called Indian Summer ... I hope it wasn't that one day last week when it was so nice and warm out.
We had one item stolen last night that we were using as part of our Halloween decorations. It was a Corinthian/Greek style horned helmet that my hubby had made many years ago. It has no value except for sentimental. He used actual horns from a farm cow that had been de-horned. He is not happy, but what can he do.
Well, off to get some ffuts done. I've dug out our winter clothing, except for the boots which we don't need just yet. Sigh ...............
02/Nov/10 5:02 AM
Small Town Canada
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Heidi, when is your Thanksgiving? In my mind, that's always when I start the Christmas stuff. I ran over to the store a little while ago and they are busy putting up the Christmas stuff. I wanted to shout BAH HUMBUG, it's too early!
02/Nov/10 5:30 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Thanksgiving this year is Thursday, November 25th. It always falls on a Thursday. Why, I don't know.
02/Nov/10 5:35 AM
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Morning all,
It is pouring rain here. I dropped down to the racecourse and it looks good. There are a bunch of people all dressed up. They have set up in a marquis that is meant to be for a major sponsor during the races. Since there won't be any local races I'm not sure what they are going to do now. Apparently they don't either as they've never had this happen on a major race day.
02/Nov/10 7:12 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Gooday all.
Thinking of you Al & MizT.
I will watch the Melbourne cup on TV all by myself today.I have a few sweep horses but unless I go into work, I wont know who they are.
Nieces baby is still not born. (He)is about 9 days overdue,so he can't be much longer now.Greg is hoping to see him so he had better hurry up.
Gotta go, the dog wants out.
Good luck to anyone having a bet or sweep.
02/Nov/10 7:53 AM
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Morning Nola - your poor Niece! Mine were early and felt 3 weeks late!
02/Nov/10 8:10 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Suzy, both of mine were early also.
It is a beautiful day here but we also need some rain.I have a few sprinklers on to water, especially the lychee.
02/Nov/10 8:47 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Mornin' all!
Yep, I had one who was 7 days late, but felt like 7 weeks. I pleaded with the Doctor to induce me, which he finally agreed to. It annoys me that years later when it became her turn to have kids, they were both born early!!
Speaking of which, her oldest Lachlan is 12 today. Chloe and I just rang to wish him HB but he's a man of few words these days - I do hate puberty and he's just starting - shooting up like a bean, fighting with his parents, knows it all - just the usual things.
Going to my sis's place to watch the race this afternoon and have a glass of bubbly and a few snacks. Put a trifecta on yesterday because I couldn't go into a TAB with Chloe today.
02/Nov/10 9:08 AM
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Pet injuries! I have a blood blister on my bottom lip from Baby and a scrach on my top lip from Nomnom who didn't enjoy his trip to get a microchip.
02/Nov/10 11:18 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Mitchell was 5 days late and it felt like 5 weeks. Dylan was much nicer to me, he was 8 days early. He was born the day before Thanksgiving getting me out of working Black Friday. Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving and it used to be the start of the Christmas season. It is still one of the busiest shopping days of the season.
02/Nov/10 11:24 AM
Perth W Aust
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Morning everyone..
No rain here, we do however need it desperately.. Today Predicted temp 33C (already 26C it is only 8.25am)
Babies. 1 on due date, the other 2 days late.
Melb Cup.. don't even know what time it is running, noonish Perth Time I think or thereabouts.. will watch it no doubt. Afterall it is The Race that stops the nation !
02/Nov/10 11:26 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Heidi, here is the reason Thanksgiving is on a Thursday.
If you want to know "Why Thursday?"...It wasn't until the third year of the Civil War, on October 3, 1863, that Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national Thanksgiving. After the war, in 1865, the last Thursday in November was proclaimed the national Thanksgiving day.
But in 1951, because of public outcry, the US Congress named the fourth Thursday of November as the official Thanksgiving Day, and it has remained ever since.
02/Nov/10 11:26 AM
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Good maEn everyone!
MizT: They do the "trunk or treat" here too!! What a stupid idea! I always enjoy seeing the kids in my neighborhood dressed up! The neighbors behind me didn't come by this year, not sure why!??
Suzy: Sorry about the pet injuries!! OWIE!! Hope you feel better soon.
Hello to Nola, Theresa, Heidi, June, Gail, TTT, and anyone else I missed.
Love & hugs to all. Time for dinner. TTFN
02/Nov/10 11:26 AM
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